[meld] Extract preference-related code into its own file

commit ba51438ba13335483711e41cef5c4bc2deaec227
Author: Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com>
Date:   Tue Apr 6 06:24:02 2010 +1000

    Extract preference-related code into its own file
    This commit simply moves all preference and preference-dialog code from
    meldapp.py to the newly-created meldprefs.py.

 meld/meldapp.py     |  295 +------------------------------------------------
 meld/preferences.py |  306 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 309 insertions(+), 292 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meld/meldapp.py b/meld/meldapp.py
index 148461e..6f01a47 100644
--- a/meld/meldapp.py
+++ b/meld/meldapp.py
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ except ImportError:
 # project
 import paths
-from util import prefs
 from ui import gnomeglade
 import misc
 from ui import notebooklabel
@@ -42,6 +41,7 @@ import filediff
 import filemerge
 import vcview
 import dirdiff
+import preferences
 import task
 import vc
@@ -93,195 +93,6 @@ class NewDocDialog(gnomeglade.Component):
-# ListWidget
-class ListWidget(gnomeglade.Component):
-    def __init__(self, columns, prefs, key):
-        gnomeglade.Component.__init__(self, paths.ui_dir("meldapp.glade"), "listwidget")
-        self.prefs = prefs
-        self.key = key
-        self.treeview.set_model( gtk.ListStore( *[c[1] for c in columns] ) )
-        view = self.treeview
-        def addTextCol(label, colnum):
-            model = view.get_model()
-            rentext = gtk.CellRendererText()
-            rentext.props.editable = 1
-            def change_text(ren, path, text):
-                model[path][colnum] = text
-                self._update_filter_string()
-            rentext.connect("edited", change_text)
-            column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(label, rentext, text=colnum)
-            view.append_column(column)
-        def addToggleCol(label, colnum):
-            model = view.get_model()
-            rentoggle = gtk.CellRendererToggle()
-            def change_toggle(ren, path):
-                model[path][colnum] = not ren.get_active()
-                self._update_filter_string()
-            rentoggle.connect("toggled", change_toggle)
-            column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(label, rentoggle, active=colnum)
-            view.append_column(column)
-        for c,i in zip( columns, range(len(columns))):
-            if c[1] == type(""):
-                addTextCol(c[0], i)
-            elif c[1] == type(0):
-                addToggleCol( c[0], 1)
-        view.get_selection().connect('changed', self._update_sensitivity)
-        view.get_model().connect('row-inserted', self._update_sensitivity)
-        view.get_model().connect('rows-reordered', self._update_sensitivity)
-        self._update_sensitivity()
-        self._update_filter_model()
-    def _update_sensitivity(self, *args):
-        (model, it, path) = self._get_selected()
-        if not it:
-            self.item_delete.set_sensitive(False)
-            self.item_up.set_sensitive(False)
-            self.item_down.set_sensitive(False)
-        else:
-            self.item_delete.set_sensitive(True)
-            self.item_up.set_sensitive(path > 0)
-            self.item_down.set_sensitive(path < len(model) - 1)
-    def on_item_new_clicked(self, button):
-        model = self.treeview.get_model()
-        model.append([_("label"), 0, _("pattern")])
-        self._update_filter_string()
-    def _get_selected(self):
-        (model, it) = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
-        if it:
-            path = model.get_path(it)[0]
-        else:
-            path = None
-        return (model, it, path)
-    def on_item_delete_clicked(self, button):
-        (model, it, path) = self._get_selected()
-        model.remove(it)
-        self._update_filter_string()
-    def on_item_up_clicked(self, button):
-        (model, it, path) = self._get_selected()
-        model.swap(it, model.get_iter(path - 1))
-        self._update_filter_string()
-    def on_item_down_clicked(self, button):
-        (model, it, path) = self._get_selected()
-        model.swap(it, model.get_iter(path + 1))
-        self._update_filter_string()
-    def on_items_revert_clicked(self, button):
-        setattr( self.prefs, self.key, self.prefs.get_default(self.key) )
-        self._update_filter_model()
-    def _update_filter_string(self):
-        model = self.treeview.get_model()
-        pref = []
-        for row in model:
-            pref.append("%s\t%s\t%s" % (row[0], row[1], row[2]))
-        setattr( self.prefs, self.key, "\n".join(pref) )
-    def _update_filter_model(self):
-        model = self.treeview.get_model()
-        model.clear()
-        for filtstring in getattr( self.prefs, self.key).split("\n"):
-            filt = misc.ListItem(filtstring)
-            model.append([filt.name, filt.active, filt.value])
-# PreferencesDialog
-class PreferencesDialog(gnomeglade.Component):
-    editor_radio_values = {"internal":0, "gnome":1, "custom":2}
-    def __init__(self, parentapp):
-        gnomeglade.Component.__init__(self, paths.ui_dir("meldapp.glade"), "preferencesdialog")
-        self.widget.set_transient_for(parentapp.widget)
-        self.prefs = parentapp.prefs
-        # editor
-        self.map_widgets_into_lists( ["editor_command"] )
-        if self.prefs.use_custom_font:
-            self.radiobutton_custom_font.set_active(1)
-        else:
-            self.radiobutton_gnome_font.set_active(1)
-        self.fontpicker.set_font_name( self.prefs.custom_font )
-        self.spinbutton_tabsize.set_value( self.prefs.tab_size )
-        if srcviewer:
-            self.checkbutton_spaces_instead_of_tabs.set_active( self.prefs.spaces_instead_of_tabs )
-            self.checkbutton_show_line_numbers.set_active( self.prefs.show_line_numbers )
-            self.checkbutton_use_syntax_highlighting.set_active( self.prefs.use_syntax_highlighting )
-        else:
-            self.checkbutton_spaces_instead_of_tabs.set_sensitive(False)
-            self.checkbutton_show_line_numbers.set_sensitive(False)
-            self.checkbutton_use_syntax_highlighting.set_sensitive(False)
-            if gtk.pygtk_version >= (2, 12, 0):
-                no_sourceview_text = _("Only available if you have gnome-python-desktop installed")
-                self.checkbutton_spaces_instead_of_tabs.set_tooltip_text(no_sourceview_text)
-                self.checkbutton_show_line_numbers.set_tooltip_text(no_sourceview_text)
-                self.checkbutton_use_syntax_highlighting.set_tooltip_text(no_sourceview_text)
-        self.option_wrap_lines.set_history( self.prefs.edit_wrap_lines )
-        self.checkbutton_supply_newline.set_active( self.prefs.supply_newline )
-        self.editor_command[ self.editor_radio_values.get(self.prefs.edit_command_type, "internal") ].set_active(1)
-        self.gnome_default_editor_label.set_text( "(%s)" % " ".join(self.prefs.get_gnome_editor_command([])) )
-        self.custom_edit_command_entry.set_text( " ".join(self.prefs.get_custom_editor_command([])) )
-        # file filters
-        cols = [ (_("Name"), type("")), (_("Active"), type(0)), (_("Pattern"), type("")) ]
-        self.filefilter = ListWidget( cols, self.prefs, "filters")
-        self.file_filters_tab.pack_start(self.filefilter.widget)
-        self.checkbutton_ignore_symlinks.set_active( self.prefs.ignore_symlinks)
-        # text filters
-        cols = [ (_("Name"), type("")), (_("Active"), type(0)), (_("Regex"), type("")) ]
-        self.textfilter = ListWidget( cols, self.prefs, "regexes")
-        self.text_filters_tab.pack_start(self.textfilter.widget)
-        self.checkbutton_ignore_blank_lines.set_active( self.prefs.ignore_blank_lines )
-        # encoding
-        self.entry_text_codecs.set_text( self.prefs.text_codecs )
-    #
-    # editor
-    #
-    def on_fontpicker_font_set(self, picker):
-        self.prefs.custom_font = picker.get_font_name()
-    def on_radiobutton_font_toggled(self, radio):
-        if radio.get_active():
-            custom = radio == self.radiobutton_custom_font
-            self.fontpicker.set_sensitive(custom)
-            self.prefs.use_custom_font = custom
-    def on_spinbutton_tabsize_changed(self, spin):
-        self.prefs.tab_size = int(spin.get_value())
-    def on_checkbutton_spaces_instead_of_tabs_toggled(self, check):
-        self.prefs.spaces_instead_of_tabs = check.get_active()
-    def on_option_wrap_lines_changed(self, option):
-        self.prefs.edit_wrap_lines = option.get_history()
-    def on_checkbutton_supply_newline_toggled(self, check):
-        self.prefs.supply_newline = check.get_active()
-    def on_checkbutton_show_line_numbers_toggled(self, check):
-        self.prefs.show_line_numbers = check.get_active()
-    def on_checkbutton_use_syntax_highlighting_toggled(self, check):
-        self.prefs.use_syntax_highlighting = check.get_active()
-    def on_editor_command_toggled(self, radio):
-        if radio.get_active():
-            idx = self.editor_command.index(radio)
-            for k,v in self.editor_radio_values.items():
-                if v == idx:
-                    self.prefs.edit_command_type = k
-                    break
-    #
-    # filters
-    #
-    def on_checkbutton_ignore_symlinks_toggled(self, check):
-        self.prefs.ignore_symlinks = check.get_active()
-    def on_checkbutton_ignore_blank_lines_toggled(self, check):
-        self.prefs.ignore_blank_lines = check.get_active()
-    #
-    # Save text entry values into preferences
-    #
-    def on_response(self, dialog, arg):
-        if arg==gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE:
-            self.prefs.text_codecs = self.entry_text_codecs.props.text
-            self.prefs.edit_command_custom = self.custom_edit_command_entry.props.text
-        self.widget.destroy()
@@ -304,106 +115,6 @@ class MeldStatusBar(object):
         self.doc_status.push(1, status)
-# MeldPreferences
-class MeldPreferences(prefs.Preferences):
-    defaults = {
-        "window_size_x": prefs.Value(prefs.INT, 600),
-        "window_size_y": prefs.Value(prefs.INT, 600),
-        "use_custom_font": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL,0),
-        "custom_font": prefs.Value(prefs.STRING,"monospace, 14"),
-        "tab_size": prefs.Value(prefs.INT, 4),
-        "spaces_instead_of_tabs": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, False),
-        "show_line_numbers": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, 0),
-        "use_syntax_highlighting": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, 0),
-        "edit_wrap_lines" : prefs.Value(prefs.INT, 0),
-        "edit_command_type" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "internal"), #internal, gnome, custom
-        "edit_command_custom" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "gedit"),
-        "supply_newline": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, False),
-        "text_codecs": prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "utf8 latin1"),
-        "ignore_symlinks": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL,0),
-        "vc_console_visible": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, 0),
-        "color_delete_bg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "DarkSeaGreen1"),
-        "color_delete_fg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "Red"),
-        "color_replace_bg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "#ddeeff"),
-        "color_replace_fg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "Black"),
-        "color_conflict_bg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "Pink"),
-        "color_conflict_fg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "Black"),
-        "color_inline_bg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "LightSteelBlue2"),
-        "color_inline_fg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "Red"),
-        "color_edited_bg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "gray90"),
-        "color_edited_fg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "Black"),
-        "filters" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING,
-            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
-            _("Backups\t1\t#*# .#* ~* *~ *.{orig,bak,swp}\n") + \
-            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
-            _("Version Control\t1\t%s\n") % misc.shell_escape(' '.join(vc.get_plugins_metadata())) + \
-            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
-            _("Binaries\t1\t*.{pyc,a,obj,o,so,la,lib,dll}\n") + \
-            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
-            _("Media\t0\t*.{jpg,gif,png,wav,mp3,ogg,xcf,xpm}")),
-            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
-        "regexes" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, _("CVS keywords\t0\t\$\\w+(:[^\\n$]+)?\$\n") + \
-            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
-            _("C++ comment\t0\t//.*\n") + \
-            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
-            _("C comment\t0\t/\*.*?\*/\n") + \
-            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
-            _("All whitespace\t0\t[ \\t\\r\\f\\v]*\n") + \
-            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
-            _("Leading whitespace\t0\t^[ \\t\\r\\f\\v]*\n") + \
-            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
-            _("Script comment\t0\t#.*")),
-        "ignore_blank_lines" : prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, False),
-        "toolbar_visible" : prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, True),
-        "statusbar_visible" : prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, True)
-    }
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(MeldPreferences, self).__init__("/apps/meld", self.defaults)
-    def get_current_font(self):
-        if self.use_custom_font:
-            return self.custom_font
-        else:
-            if not hasattr(self, "_gconf"):
-                return "Monospace 10"
-            return self._gconf.get_string('/desktop/gnome/interface/monospace_font_name') or "Monospace 10"
-    def get_toolbar_style(self):
-        if not hasattr(self, "_gconf"):
-            return gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH
-        style = self._gconf.get_string('/desktop/gnome/interface/toolbar_style') or "both"
-        style = {"both":gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH, "text":gtk.TOOLBAR_TEXT,
-                 "icon":gtk.TOOLBAR_ICONS, "icons":gtk.TOOLBAR_ICONS,
-                 "both_horiz":gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ,
-                 "both-horiz":gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ
-                 }[style]
-        return style
-    def get_gnome_editor_command(self, files):
-        if not hasattr(self, "_gconf"):
-            return []
-        argv = []
-        editor = self._gconf.get_string('/desktop/gnome/applications/editor/exec') or "gedit"
-        if self._gconf.get_bool("/desktop/gnome/applications/editor/needs_term"):
-            texec = self._gconf.get_string("/desktop/gnome/applications/terminal/exec")
-            if texec:
-                argv.append(texec)
-                targ = self._gconf.get_string("/desktop/gnome/applications/terminal/exec_arg")
-                if targ:
-                    argv.append(targ)
-            argv.append( "%s %s" % (editor, " ".join( [f.replace(" ","\\ ") for f in files]) ) )
-        else:
-            argv = [editor] + files
-        return argv
-    def get_custom_editor_command(self, files):
-        return self.edit_command_custom.split() + files
@@ -422,7 +133,7 @@ class MeldApp(gnomeglade.Component):
         if getattr(gobject, "pygobject_version", ()) >= (2, 16, 0):
         gnomeglade.Component.__init__(self, gladefile, "meldapp")
-        self.prefs = MeldPreferences()
+        self.prefs = preferences.MeldPreferences()
         actions = (
             ("FileMenu", None, _("_File")),
@@ -704,7 +415,7 @@ class MeldApp(gnomeglade.Component):
     # Toolbar and menu items (settings)
     def on_menu_preferences_activate(self, item):
-        PreferencesDialog(self)
+        preferences.PreferencesDialog(self)
     def on_action_fullscreen_toggled(self, widget):
         is_full = self.widget.window.get_state() & gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN
diff --git a/meld/preferences.py b/meld/preferences.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7716d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meld/preferences.py
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+### Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Stephen Kennedy <stevek gnome org>
+### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+### (at your option) any later version.
+### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+### GNU General Public License for more details.
+### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from gettext import gettext as _
+import gtk
+from ui import gnomeglade
+import misc
+import paths
+from util import prefs
+import vc
+from util.sourceviewer import srcviewer
+class ListWidget(gnomeglade.Component):
+    def __init__(self, columns, prefs, key):
+        gnomeglade.Component.__init__(self, paths.ui_dir("meldapp.glade"), "listwidget")
+        self.prefs = prefs
+        self.key = key
+        self.treeview.set_model( gtk.ListStore( *[c[1] for c in columns] ) )
+        view = self.treeview
+        def addTextCol(label, colnum):
+            model = view.get_model()
+            rentext = gtk.CellRendererText()
+            rentext.props.editable = 1
+            def change_text(ren, path, text):
+                model[path][colnum] = text
+                self._update_filter_string()
+            rentext.connect("edited", change_text)
+            column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(label, rentext, text=colnum)
+            view.append_column(column)
+        def addToggleCol(label, colnum):
+            model = view.get_model()
+            rentoggle = gtk.CellRendererToggle()
+            def change_toggle(ren, path):
+                model[path][colnum] = not ren.get_active()
+                self._update_filter_string()
+            rentoggle.connect("toggled", change_toggle)
+            column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(label, rentoggle, active=colnum)
+            view.append_column(column)
+        for c,i in zip( columns, range(len(columns))):
+            if c[1] == type(""):
+                addTextCol(c[0], i)
+            elif c[1] == type(0):
+                addToggleCol( c[0], 1)
+        view.get_selection().connect('changed', self._update_sensitivity)
+        view.get_model().connect('row-inserted', self._update_sensitivity)
+        view.get_model().connect('rows-reordered', self._update_sensitivity)
+        self._update_sensitivity()
+        self._update_filter_model()
+    def _update_sensitivity(self, *args):
+        (model, it, path) = self._get_selected()
+        if not it:
+            self.item_delete.set_sensitive(False)
+            self.item_up.set_sensitive(False)
+            self.item_down.set_sensitive(False)
+        else:
+            self.item_delete.set_sensitive(True)
+            self.item_up.set_sensitive(path > 0)
+            self.item_down.set_sensitive(path < len(model) - 1)
+    def on_item_new_clicked(self, button):
+        model = self.treeview.get_model()
+        model.append([_("label"), 0, _("pattern")])
+        self._update_filter_string()
+    def _get_selected(self):
+        (model, it) = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
+        if it:
+            path = model.get_path(it)[0]
+        else:
+            path = None
+        return (model, it, path)
+    def on_item_delete_clicked(self, button):
+        (model, it, path) = self._get_selected()
+        model.remove(it)
+        self._update_filter_string()
+    def on_item_up_clicked(self, button):
+        (model, it, path) = self._get_selected()
+        model.swap(it, model.get_iter(path - 1))
+        self._update_filter_string()
+    def on_item_down_clicked(self, button):
+        (model, it, path) = self._get_selected()
+        model.swap(it, model.get_iter(path + 1))
+        self._update_filter_string()
+    def on_items_revert_clicked(self, button):
+        setattr( self.prefs, self.key, self.prefs.get_default(self.key) )
+        self._update_filter_model()
+    def _update_filter_string(self):
+        model = self.treeview.get_model()
+        pref = []
+        for row in model:
+            pref.append("%s\t%s\t%s" % (row[0], row[1], row[2]))
+        setattr( self.prefs, self.key, "\n".join(pref) )
+    def _update_filter_model(self):
+        model = self.treeview.get_model()
+        model.clear()
+        for filtstring in getattr( self.prefs, self.key).split("\n"):
+            filt = misc.ListItem(filtstring)
+            model.append([filt.name, filt.active, filt.value])
+class PreferencesDialog(gnomeglade.Component):
+    editor_radio_values = {"internal":0, "gnome":1, "custom":2}
+    def __init__(self, parentapp):
+        gnomeglade.Component.__init__(self, paths.ui_dir("meldapp.glade"), "preferencesdialog")
+        self.widget.set_transient_for(parentapp.widget)
+        self.prefs = parentapp.prefs
+        # editor
+        self.map_widgets_into_lists( ["editor_command"] )
+        if self.prefs.use_custom_font:
+            self.radiobutton_custom_font.set_active(1)
+        else:
+            self.radiobutton_gnome_font.set_active(1)
+        self.fontpicker.set_font_name( self.prefs.custom_font )
+        self.spinbutton_tabsize.set_value( self.prefs.tab_size )
+        if srcviewer:
+            self.checkbutton_spaces_instead_of_tabs.set_active( self.prefs.spaces_instead_of_tabs )
+            self.checkbutton_show_line_numbers.set_active( self.prefs.show_line_numbers )
+            self.checkbutton_use_syntax_highlighting.set_active( self.prefs.use_syntax_highlighting )
+        else:
+            self.checkbutton_spaces_instead_of_tabs.set_sensitive(False)
+            self.checkbutton_show_line_numbers.set_sensitive(False)
+            self.checkbutton_use_syntax_highlighting.set_sensitive(False)
+            if gtk.pygtk_version >= (2, 12, 0):
+                no_sourceview_text = _("Only available if you have gnome-python-desktop installed")
+                self.checkbutton_spaces_instead_of_tabs.set_tooltip_text(no_sourceview_text)
+                self.checkbutton_show_line_numbers.set_tooltip_text(no_sourceview_text)
+                self.checkbutton_use_syntax_highlighting.set_tooltip_text(no_sourceview_text)
+        self.option_wrap_lines.set_history( self.prefs.edit_wrap_lines )
+        self.checkbutton_supply_newline.set_active( self.prefs.supply_newline )
+        self.editor_command[ self.editor_radio_values.get(self.prefs.edit_command_type, "internal") ].set_active(1)
+        self.gnome_default_editor_label.set_text( "(%s)" % " ".join(self.prefs.get_gnome_editor_command([])) )
+        self.custom_edit_command_entry.set_text( " ".join(self.prefs.get_custom_editor_command([])) )
+        # file filters
+        cols = [ (_("Name"), type("")), (_("Active"), type(0)), (_("Pattern"), type("")) ]
+        self.filefilter = ListWidget( cols, self.prefs, "filters")
+        self.file_filters_tab.pack_start(self.filefilter.widget)
+        self.checkbutton_ignore_symlinks.set_active( self.prefs.ignore_symlinks)
+        # text filters
+        cols = [ (_("Name"), type("")), (_("Active"), type(0)), (_("Regex"), type("")) ]
+        self.textfilter = ListWidget( cols, self.prefs, "regexes")
+        self.text_filters_tab.pack_start(self.textfilter.widget)
+        self.checkbutton_ignore_blank_lines.set_active( self.prefs.ignore_blank_lines )
+        # encoding
+        self.entry_text_codecs.set_text( self.prefs.text_codecs )
+    #
+    # editor
+    #
+    def on_fontpicker_font_set(self, picker):
+        self.prefs.custom_font = picker.get_font_name()
+    def on_radiobutton_font_toggled(self, radio):
+        if radio.get_active():
+            custom = radio == self.radiobutton_custom_font
+            self.fontpicker.set_sensitive(custom)
+            self.prefs.use_custom_font = custom
+    def on_spinbutton_tabsize_changed(self, spin):
+        self.prefs.tab_size = int(spin.get_value())
+    def on_checkbutton_spaces_instead_of_tabs_toggled(self, check):
+        self.prefs.spaces_instead_of_tabs = check.get_active()
+    def on_option_wrap_lines_changed(self, option):
+        self.prefs.edit_wrap_lines = option.get_history()
+    def on_checkbutton_supply_newline_toggled(self, check):
+        self.prefs.supply_newline = check.get_active()
+    def on_checkbutton_show_line_numbers_toggled(self, check):
+        self.prefs.show_line_numbers = check.get_active()
+    def on_checkbutton_use_syntax_highlighting_toggled(self, check):
+        self.prefs.use_syntax_highlighting = check.get_active()
+    def on_editor_command_toggled(self, radio):
+        if radio.get_active():
+            idx = self.editor_command.index(radio)
+            for k,v in self.editor_radio_values.items():
+                if v == idx:
+                    self.prefs.edit_command_type = k
+                    break
+    #
+    # filters
+    #
+    def on_checkbutton_ignore_symlinks_toggled(self, check):
+        self.prefs.ignore_symlinks = check.get_active()
+    def on_checkbutton_ignore_blank_lines_toggled(self, check):
+        self.prefs.ignore_blank_lines = check.get_active()
+    #
+    # Save text entry values into preferences
+    #
+    def on_response(self, dialog, arg):
+        if arg==gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE:
+            self.prefs.text_codecs = self.entry_text_codecs.props.text
+            self.prefs.edit_command_custom = self.custom_edit_command_entry.props.text
+        self.widget.destroy()
+class MeldPreferences(prefs.Preferences):
+    defaults = {
+        "window_size_x": prefs.Value(prefs.INT, 600),
+        "window_size_y": prefs.Value(prefs.INT, 600),
+        "use_custom_font": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL,0),
+        "custom_font": prefs.Value(prefs.STRING,"monospace, 14"),
+        "tab_size": prefs.Value(prefs.INT, 4),
+        "spaces_instead_of_tabs": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, False),
+        "show_line_numbers": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, 0),
+        "use_syntax_highlighting": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, 0),
+        "edit_wrap_lines" : prefs.Value(prefs.INT, 0),
+        "edit_command_type" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "internal"), #internal, gnome, custom
+        "edit_command_custom" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "gedit"),
+        "supply_newline": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, False),
+        "text_codecs": prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "utf8 latin1"),
+        "ignore_symlinks": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL,0),
+        "vc_console_visible": prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, 0),
+        "color_delete_bg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "DarkSeaGreen1"),
+        "color_delete_fg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "Red"),
+        "color_replace_bg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "#ddeeff"),
+        "color_replace_fg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "Black"),
+        "color_conflict_bg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "Pink"),
+        "color_conflict_fg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "Black"),
+        "color_inline_bg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "LightSteelBlue2"),
+        "color_inline_fg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "Red"),
+        "color_edited_bg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "gray90"),
+        "color_edited_fg" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, "Black"),
+        "filters" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING,
+            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
+            _("Backups\t1\t#*# .#* ~* *~ *.{orig,bak,swp}\n") + \
+            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
+            _("Version Control\t1\t%s\n") % misc.shell_escape(' '.join(vc.get_plugins_metadata())) + \
+            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
+            _("Binaries\t1\t*.{pyc,a,obj,o,so,la,lib,dll}\n") + \
+            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
+            _("Media\t0\t*.{jpg,gif,png,wav,mp3,ogg,xcf,xpm}")),
+            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
+        "regexes" : prefs.Value(prefs.STRING, _("CVS keywords\t0\t\$\\w+(:[^\\n$]+)?\$\n") + \
+            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
+            _("C++ comment\t0\t//.*\n") + \
+            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
+            _("C comment\t0\t/\*.*?\*/\n") + \
+            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
+            _("All whitespace\t0\t[ \\t\\r\\f\\v]*\n") + \
+            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
+            _("Leading whitespace\t0\t^[ \\t\\r\\f\\v]*\n") + \
+            #TRANSLATORS: translate this string ONLY to the first "\t", leave it and the following parts intact
+            _("Script comment\t0\t#.*")),
+        "ignore_blank_lines" : prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, False),
+        "toolbar_visible" : prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, True),
+        "statusbar_visible" : prefs.Value(prefs.BOOL, True)
+    }
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(MeldPreferences, self).__init__("/apps/meld", self.defaults)
+    def get_current_font(self):
+        if self.use_custom_font:
+            return self.custom_font
+        else:
+            if not hasattr(self, "_gconf"):
+                return "Monospace 10"
+            return self._gconf.get_string('/desktop/gnome/interface/monospace_font_name') or "Monospace 10"
+    def get_toolbar_style(self):
+        if not hasattr(self, "_gconf"):
+            return gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH
+        style = self._gconf.get_string('/desktop/gnome/interface/toolbar_style') or "both"
+        style = {"both":gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH, "text":gtk.TOOLBAR_TEXT,
+                 "icon":gtk.TOOLBAR_ICONS, "icons":gtk.TOOLBAR_ICONS,
+                 "both_horiz":gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ,
+                 "both-horiz":gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ
+                 }[style]
+        return style
+    def get_gnome_editor_command(self, files):
+        if not hasattr(self, "_gconf"):
+            return []
+        argv = []
+        editor = self._gconf.get_string('/desktop/gnome/applications/editor/exec') or "gedit"
+        if self._gconf.get_bool("/desktop/gnome/applications/editor/needs_term"):
+            texec = self._gconf.get_string("/desktop/gnome/applications/terminal/exec")
+            if texec:
+                argv.append(texec)
+                targ = self._gconf.get_string("/desktop/gnome/applications/terminal/exec_arg")
+                if targ:
+                    argv.append(targ)
+            argv.append( "%s %s" % (editor, " ".join( [f.replace(" ","\\ ") for f in files]) ) )
+        else:
+            argv = [editor] + files
+        return argv
+    def get_custom_editor_command(self, files):
+        return self.edit_command_custom.split() + files

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