[tracker/tracker-0.8] functional-tests: added test cases for backup-restore feature

commit b318538df372c4a51652edc575a8bed23decfae8
Author: Amit Jain <ext-amit 1 jain nokia com>
Date:   Wed May 5 11:50:01 2010 +0100

    functional-tests: added test cases for backup-restore feature

 tests/functional-tests/Makefile.am          |    1 +
 tests/functional-tests/backup-restore-tc.py |  477 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/functional-tests/tests.xml            |   70 +++-
 3 files changed, 529 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/Makefile.am b/tests/functional-tests/Makefile.am
index 52b1d7e..374eb93 100644
--- a/tests/functional-tests/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/Makefile.am
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ config_SCRIPTS =			\
 	07-graph.py			\
 	08-unique-insertions.py		\
 	09-concurrent-query.py		\
+	backup-restore-tc.py		\
 	bootup-tc.py			\
 	configuration.py		\
 	metadata_extraction_tc.py	\
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/backup-restore-tc.py b/tests/functional-tests/backup-restore-tc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae2e3ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/backup-restore-tc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+# Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia <ivan frade nokia com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+import sys,os,dbus
+import unittest
+import time
+import random
+import commands
+import signal
+import string
+import configuration
+from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
+import gobject
+TRACKER = 'org.freedesktop.Tracker1'                                                     
+TRACKER_OBJ = '/org/freedesktop/Tracker1/Resources'                                      
+RESOURCES_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Resources"                                   
+BACKUP1 = 'org.freedesktop.Tracker1'                                            
+BACKUP = "/org/freedesktop/Tracker1/Backup"                                            
+BACKUP_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Backup"
+target = configuration.check_target()
+if target == configuration.MAEMO6_HW:
+    """target is device """
+    BACKUP_1 = configuration.URL_PREFIX+configuration.MYDOCS + "test_backup_1"
+    BACKUP_2 = configuration.URL_PREFIX+configuration.MYDOCS + "test_backup_2"
+    BACKUP_INVALID = configuration.URL_PREFIX+configuration.URL_PREFIX + '/a/b/c'
+    BACKUP_JPG = configuration.URL_PREFIX+configuration.MYDOCS + "test_backup.jpg"
+elif target == configuration.DESKTOP:                                      
+    """target is DESKTOP """                                               
+    BACKUP_1 = os.path.expanduser("~") + '/' + "test_backup_1"       
+    BACKUP_2 = os.path.expanduser("~") + '/' + "test_backup_2"  
+    BACKUP_INVALID = configuration.URL_PREFIX + '/a/b/c'
+    BACKUP_JPG = os.path.expanduser("~") + '/' + "test_backup.jpg"  
+database = "/home/user/.cache/tracker/"
+class TestHelper (unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):                                                                 
+                bus = dbus.SessionBus()                                                  
+                tracker = bus.get_object(TRACKER, TRACKER_OBJ)                           
+                self.resources = dbus.Interface (tracker, dbus_interface=RESOURCES_IFACE)
+                backup_obj = bus.get_object(TRACKER,BACKUP)                                  
+                self.backup = dbus.Interface (backup_obj,dbus_interface = BACKUP_IFACE)  
+	def db_backup(self,backup_file) :
+		self.backup.Save(backup_file,timeout=5000)
+	def db_restore(self,backup_file):
+		return  self.backup.Restore(backup_file,timeout=5000)
+        def sparql_update(self,query):
+                self.resources.SparqlUpdate(query,timeout=5000)
+        def query(self,query):
+                return self.resources.SparqlQuery(query,timeout=5000)
+	def dict(self,list_name):
+	      dd={}                                                           
+              for a1 in list_name :                                                   
+                key,value = a1.split('=')                                     
+                if key in dd :                                                
+                   vlist = dd [key]                                           
+                   if value not in list_name  :                                   
+                        vlist.append(value)                                   
+                else :                                                        
+                    dd[key]=[value]                                            
+	      return dd
+        def kill_store(self):
+            for pid in commands.getoutput("ps -ef| grep /usr/lib/tracker/tracker-store | awk '{print $1}'").split() :
+                try:
+                   print "Killing tracker process"
+                   print pid
+                   os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
+                except OSError, e:
+                   if not e.errno == 3 : raise e
+class backup(TestHelper):
+	""" Check statistics before and after back/restore. """
+	def test_backup_01(self):
+	      """
+		 1.Insert contact
+		 2.Check tracker-stats.
+		 3.Take backup.
+                 4.Delete contact.
+		 5.Restore the file.
+		 6.Check tracker-stats.
+		 7.Compare the statistics. 
+	         Expected:tracker-stats should not be changed after restore.
+	      """
+	      insert_sparql = "INSERT { <%s> a nco:Contact } "                           
+	      INSERT = insert_sparql %(urn)                                              
+	      self.resources.SparqlUpdate(INSERT) 
+	      result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats ')
+	      stats1 = result.split('\n')
+	      stats1.remove('Statistics:')
+	      dd1 = self.dict(stats1)	
+	      self.db_backup(BACKUP_1)
+	      delete_sparql = "DELETE { <%s> a nco:Contact } "      
+	      delete = delete_sparql %(urn)                         
+              self.sparql_update(delete)
+	      try :
+                 self.db_restore(BACKUP_1)
+	      except :
+		  print "Restore is not successful"
+              result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats')
+	      stats2 = result.split('\n')
+	      stats2.remove('Statistics:')
+	      dd2 = self.dict(stats2)
+	      diff = [key for key, value in dd1.iteritems() if value != dd2[key]]
+	      self.assert_(len(diff) == 0 , "Folling Statistics are changed %s" %diff)
+	""" Check if the database is restored successfully """	      
+	def test_backup_02(self):
+	      """
+	      1.Take backup of db.
+	      2.Insert a contact.
+	      3.Restore the db.
+	      4.Search for the contact inserted. 
+	      Expected:Contact should not be listed in tracker search.	
+	      self.backup.Save(BACKUP_1)
+	      """
+	      self.db_backup(BACKUP_1)
+              urn = 'urn:uuid:' + `random.randint(0, sys.maxint)`
+	      insert_sparql = "INSERT { <%s> a nco:Contact } "
+	      insert = insert_sparql %(urn)
+	      self.sparql_update(insert)
+	      result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact')
+	      stats1 = result.split()
+	      try :
+                 self.db_restore(BACKUP_1)
+	      except :
+ 		 print "Restore is not scuccessful"
+              result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact ')
+              stats2 = result.split()          
+	      self.assert_(int (stats2[2]) ==int (stats1[2] )-1 , "Database is not restored successfully ")
+	""" Checking backup and restore functionality """ 
+	def test_backup_03(self):
+	      """
+	       	1.Insert a contact.
+		2.Take backup of db.
+	        3.Delete the contact.
+		4.Restore the db.
+		5.Search for contact inserted in first step.
+		Expected:Tracker search should list the contact name
+	      """
+              urn = 'urn:uuid:'+`random.randint(0, sys.maxint)`
+	      insert_sparql = "INSERT { <%s> a nco:Contact } "
+	      INSERT = insert_sparql %(urn)  
+	      self.resources.SparqlUpdate(INSERT)
+	      self.db_backup(BACKUP_1)
+	      delete_sparql = "DELETE { <%s> a nco:Contact } "
+              delete = delete_sparql %(urn)
+	      self.sparql_update(delete)
+	      try :
+                 self.db_restore(BACKUP_1)
+	      except :
+		 print "Restore is not scuccessful"
+	      query_sparql = "SElECT ?c WHERE {?c a nco:Contact .FILTER (REGEX(?c, '%s' )) }"
+	      query = query_sparql %(urn)
+	      result = self.query(query)
+	      self.assert_(result[0][0].find(urn)!= -1 , "Restore is not successful" )
+	"""Corrupt the backup file """
+	def test_backup_04(self):
+	      """
+	      1.Take backup of db.
+	      2.Corrupt the backup file
+	      3.Restore the db.
+	      Expected:Tracker should behave normally.	
+	      """
+	      self.backup.Save(BACKUP_1)
+	      commands.getoutput('cp /home/user/MyDocs/testing/Images/metadata.jpg file')
+	      try :
+                 self.db_restore(BACKUP_1)
+	      except :
+		 self.assert_(True,"Restore is not scuccessful")
+	"""Take backup in a file with invalid path """
+	def test_backup_05(self):
+	      """
+	      1.Take backup of db to a invalid path.
+	      2.Restore the db.
+	      Expected:Backup should not be taken and tracker should behave normally.	
+	      """
+	      try :
+		self.db_backup(BACKUP_INVALID)
+	      except :
+		print "Not able to take backup"
+                self.assert_(True,'Backup is successful')
+	"""Restore a file with invalid path """
+	def test_backup_06(self):
+	      """
+	      1.Take backup of db.
+	      2.Restore the db from an invalid path.
+	      Expected: Restore should not happend .Tracker should behave normally.	
+	      """
+	      self.db_backup(BACKUP_1)
+	      try :
+		self.db_restore(BACKUP_INVALID)
+	      except :
+		print " Restore is not succssful "
+		self.assert_(True,'Restore is successful')
+	""" Check if the database is restored successfully """	      
+	def test_backup_07(self):
+	      """
+	      1.Insert a contact.
+	      2.Take backup of db.
+	      3.Delete contact.
+	      4.Delete the database
+	      5.Restore the db.
+	      6.Search for the contact inserted. 
+	      Expected:Contact should be listed in tracker search.	
+	      """
+	      urn = 'urn:uuid:'+`random.randint(0, sys.maxint)`
+	      insert_sparql = "INSERT { <%s> a nco:Contact } "
+	      insert = insert_sparql %(urn)
+	      self.sparql_update(insert)
+	      result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact')
+	      stats1 = result.split()
+	      self.db_backup(BACKUP_1)
+	      delete_sparql = "DELETE { <%s> a nco:Contact } "               
+              delete = delete_sparql %(urn)                                  
+              self.sparql_update(delete)
+	      print ("Deleting the database")
+	      commands.getoutput('rm -rf ' + database)
+	      try :
+                 self.db_restore(BACKUP_1)
+	      except :
+		 print "Restore is not scuccessful"
+	      query_sparql = "SElECT ?c WHERE {?c a nco:Contact .FILTER (REGEX(?c, '%s' )) }"
+              query = query_sparql %(urn)                                                                                 
+              result = self.query(query)                                                     
+              self.assert_(result[0][0].find(urn)!= -1 , "Restore is not successful" ) 
+	""" Check if the database is restored successfully """	      
+	def test_backup_08(self):
+	      """
+	      1.Insert a contact.
+	      2.Take backup of db.
+	      3.Delete the contact.
+	      4.Kill tracker-store process.
+	      5.Delete the databse.
+	      6.Restore the db.
+	      7.Search for the contact inserted. 
+	      Expected:Contact should be listed in tracker search.	
+	      """
+	      urn = 'urn:uuid:'+ `random.randint(0, sys.maxint)	`
+	      insert_sparql = "INSERT { <%s> a nco:Contact } "
+	      insert = insert_sparql %(urn)
+	      self.sparql_update(insert)
+	      result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact')
+	      stats1 = result.split()
+	      self.backup.Save(BACKUP_1)
+	      delete_sparql = "DELETE { <%s> a nco:Contact } "                               
+              delete = delete_sparql %(urn)                                                  
+              self.sparql_update(delete)                                                     
+	      print "Killing tracker store"
+	      self.kill_store() 
+	      print "Deleting the database"
+	      commands.getoutput('rm -rf ' + database )
+	      try :
+                 self.db_restore(BACKUP_1)
+	      except :
+		 print "Restore is not scuccessful"
+              result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact ')
+	      query_sparql = "SElECT ?c WHERE {?c a nco:Contact .FILTER (REGEX(?c, '%s' )) }"
+              query = query_sparql %(urn)                                                    
+              result = self.query(query)                                                     
+              self.assert_(result[0][0].find(urn)!=-1 , "Restore is not successful" ) 
+	def test_backup_09(self):
+	      """
+	      1.Insert a contact.
+	      2.Take backup of db.
+	      3.Corrupt the databse.
+	      4.Restore the db.
+	      5.Search for the contact inserted. 
+	      Expected:Contact should be listed in tracker search.	
+	      """
+	      urn = 'urn:uuid:'+`random.randint(0, sys.maxint)`
+	      insert_sparql = "INSERT { <%s> a nco:Contact } "
+	      insert = insert_sparql %(urn)
+	      self.sparql_update(insert)
+	      result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact')
+	      stats1 = result.split()
+	      self.backup.Save(BACKUP_1)
+              delete_sparql = "DELETE { <%s> a nco:Contact } "                                                            
+              delete = delete_sparql %(urn)                                                                               
+              self.sparql_update(delete)  	
+	      print ("Corrupting the database")
+	      commands.getoutput('cp  ' + configuration.TEST_DATA_IMAGES +'test-image-1.jpg' + ' ' + database +'meta.db' )
+	      try :
+                 self.db_restore(BACKUP_1)
+	      except :
+		 print "Restore is not scuccessful"
+	      print "querying for the contact"
+	      query_sparql = "SElECT ?c WHERE {?c a nco:Contact .FILTER (REGEX(?c, '%s' )) }"
+              query = query_sparql %(urn)                                             
+              result = self.query(query)                                                     
+	      self.assert_(result[0][0].find(urn)!=-1 , "Restore is not successful" )
+	def test_backup_10(self):
+	      """
+	      1.Insert a contact.
+	      2.Take backup of db.
+	      3.Kill tracker-store process.
+	      4.Corrupt the databse.
+	      5.Restore the db.
+	      6.Search for the contact inserted. 
+	      Expected:Contact should be listed in tracker search.	
+	      """
+	      urn = random.randint(0, sys.maxint)	
+	      insert_sparql = "INSERT { <%s> a nco:Contact } "
+	      insert = insert_sparql %(urn)
+	      self.sparql_update(insert)
+	      result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact')
+	      stats1 = result.split()
+	      self.backup.Save(BACKUP_1)
+	      delete_sparql = "DELETE { <%s> a nco:Contact } "                                                            
+              delete = delete_sparql %(urn)                                                                               
+              self.sparql_update(delete)  
+	      self.kill_store() 
+	      print ("corrupting the database")
+	      commands.getoutput('cp  ' + configuration.TEST_DATA_IMAGES +'test-image-1.jpg' + ' ' + database +'meta.db' )
+	      try :
+                 self.db_restore(BACKUP_1)
+	      except :
+		 print "Restore is not scuccessful"
+              result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact ')
+	      query_sparql = "SElECT ?c WHERE {?c a nco:Contact .FILTER (REGEX(?c, '%s' )) }"
+              query = query_sparql %(urn)                                                    
+              result = self.query(query)                                                     
+	      self.assert_(result[0][0].find(urn)!=-1 , "Restore is not successful")
+	def test_backup_11(self):
+	      """
+	      1.Insert a contact.
+	      2.Take backup of db in .jpg format.
+	      3.Restore the db.
+	      4.Search for the contact inserted. 
+	      Expected:Contact should be listed in tracker search.	
+	      """
+	      urn = random.randint(0, sys.maxint)	
+	      insert_sparql = "INSERT { <%s> a nco:Contact } "
+	      insert = insert_sparql %(urn)
+	      self.sparql_update(insert)
+	      result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact')
+	      stats1 = result.split()
+	      self.backup.Save(BACKUP_JPG)
+	      delete_sparql = "DELETE { <%s> a nco:Contact } "                                                            
+              delete = delete_sparql %(urn)                                                                               
+              self.sparql_update(delete)  
+	      try :
+                 self.db_restore(BACKUP_1)
+	      except :
+		 print "Restore is not scuccessful"
+              result = commands.getoutput('tracker-stats | grep nco:Contact ')
+	      query_sparql = "SElECT ?c WHERE {?c a nco:Contact .FILTER (REGEX(?c, '%s' )) }"
+              query = query_sparql %(urn)                                                    
+              result = self.query(query)                                                     
+	      self.assert_(result[0][0].find(urn)!=-1 , "Restore is not successful") 
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+        unittest.main()                      
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/tests.xml b/tests/functional-tests/tests.xml
index 79afc98..d929399 100644
--- a/tests/functional-tests/tests.xml
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/tests.xml
@@ -302,6 +302,57 @@
+    <set name="_usr_share_tracker-tests_backup-restore-tc.py">
+      <description>tracker:backup-restore-tc.py</description>
+      <case name="backup-restore-tc.py-backup.test_backup_01">
+        <description>tracker:backup-restore-tc.py:backup.test_backup_01</description>
+        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/backup-restore-tc.py backup.test_backup_01</step>
+      </case>
+      <case name="backup-restore-tc.py-backup.test_backup_02">
+        <description>tracker:backup-restore-tc.py:backup.test_backup_02</description>
+        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/backup-restore-tc.py backup.test_backup_02</step>
+      </case>
+      <case name="backup-restore-tc.py-backup.test_backup_03">
+        <description>tracker:backup-restore-tc.py:backup.test_backup_03</description>
+        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/backup-restore-tc.py backup.test_backup_03</step>
+      </case>
+      <case name="backup-restore-tc.py-backup.test_backup_04">
+        <description>tracker:backup-restore-tc.py:backup.test_backup_04</description>
+        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/backup-restore-tc.py backup.test_backup_04</step>
+      </case>
+      <case name="backup-restore-tc.py-backup.test_backup_05">
+        <description>tracker:backup-restore-tc.py:backup.test_backup_05</description>
+        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/backup-restore-tc.py backup.test_backup_05</step>
+      </case>
+      <case name="backup-restore-tc.py-backup.test_backup_06">
+        <description>tracker:backup-restore-tc.py:backup.test_backup_06</description>
+        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/backup-restore-tc.py backup.test_backup_06</step>
+      </case>
+      <case name="backup-restore-tc.py-backup.test_backup_07">
+        <description>tracker:backup-restore-tc.py:backup.test_backup_07</description>
+        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/backup-restore-tc.py backup.test_backup_07</step>
+      </case>
+      <case name="backup-restore-tc.py-backup.test_backup_08">
+        <description>tracker:backup-restore-tc.py:backup.test_backup_08</description>
+        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/backup-restore-tc.py backup.test_backup_08</step>
+      </case>
+      <case name="backup-restore-tc.py-backup.test_backup_09">
+        <description>tracker:backup-restore-tc.py:backup.test_backup_09</description>
+        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/backup-restore-tc.py backup.test_backup_09</step>
+      </case>
+      <case name="backup-restore-tc.py-backup.test_backup_10">
+        <description>tracker:backup-restore-tc.py:backup.test_backup_10</description>
+        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/backup-restore-tc.py backup.test_backup_10</step>
+      </case>
+      <case name="backup-restore-tc.py-backup.test_backup_11">
+        <description>tracker:backup-restore-tc.py:backup.test_backup_11</description>
+        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/backup-restore-tc.py backup.test_backup_11</step>
+      </case>
+      <environments>
+        <scratchbox>true</scratchbox>
+        <hardware>true</hardware>
+      </environments>
+    </set>
     <set name="_usr_share_tracker-tests_02-metacontacts.py">
       <case name="02-metacontacts.py-TestMetacontacts.test_metacontact_merge">
@@ -442,25 +493,6 @@
     <set name="_usr_share_tracker-tests_performance-tc.py">
-      <case name="performance-tc.py-rtcom.test_rtcom_02">
-        <description>tracker:performance-tc.py:rtcom.test_rtcom_02</description>
-        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/performance-tc.py rtcom.test_rtcom_02</step>
-      </case>
-      <case name="performance-tc.py-rtcom.test_rtcom_03">
-        <description>tracker:performance-tc.py:rtcom.test_rtcom_03</description>
-        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/performance-tc.py rtcom.test_rtcom_03</step>
-      </case>
-      <environments>
-        <scratchbox>true</scratchbox>
-        <hardware>true</hardware>
-      </environments>
-    </set>
-    <set name="_usr_share_tracker-tests_01-writeback.py">
-      <description>tracker:01-writeback.py</description>
-      <case name="01-writeback.py-TestInsertion.test_simple_insertion">
-        <description>tracker:01-writeback.py:TestInsertion.test_simple_insertion</description>
-        <step>/usr/share/tracker-tests/01-writeback.py TestInsertion.test_simple_insertion</step>
-      </case>

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