[tracker/rss-enclosures] increasing coherency by putting the template near the functions that fill them

commit 3b70a89d2c487d05975e782b9d2cc589dfcec6db
Author: Akos PASZTORY <ext-akos pasztory nokia com>
Date:   Mon Apr 26 10:08:34 2010 +0300

    increasing coherency by putting the template near the functions that fill them

 utils/data-generators/cc/generate                  |    4 -
 utils/data-generators/cc/mfo.py                    |   36 +++--
 utils/data-generators/cc/mto.py                    |   39 +++--
 utils/data-generators/cc/ncal.py                   |   90 +++++++----
 utils/data-generators/cc/nco.py                    |   63 ++++----
 utils/data-generators/cc/nfo.py                    |   78 +++++----
 utils/data-generators/cc/nmm.py                    |  115 +++++++++-----
 utils/data-generators/cc/nmo.py                    |  171 ++++++++++++--------
 .../cc/template/mfo_FeedChannel.tmpl               |    7 -
 .../cc/template/mfo_FeedMessage.tmpl               |    7 -
 .../cc/template/mto_TransferElement.tmpl           |    6 -
 .../cc/template/mto_UploadTransfer.tmpl            |    6 -
 utils/data-generators/cc/template/ncal_Alarm.tmpl  |    7 -
 .../data-generators/cc/template/ncal_Calendar.tmpl |    1 -
 utils/data-generators/cc/template/ncal_Event.tmpl  |   20 ---
 utils/data-generators/cc/template/ncal_Todo.tmpl   |   14 --
 .../cc/template/nco_EmailAddress.tmpl              |    2 -
 .../cc/template/nco_PersonContact.tmpl             |    8 -
 .../cc/template/nco_PhoneNumber.tmpl               |    2 -
 .../cc/template/nco_PostalAddress.tmpl             |    6 -
 .../cc/template/nfo_PlainTextDocument.tmpl         |   12 --
 .../cc/template/nfo_SoftwareApplication.tmpl       |   10 --
 .../cc/template/nfo_SoftwareCategory.tmpl          |    3 -
 .../cc/template/nfo_WebHistory.tmpl                |    7 -
 utils/data-generators/cc/template/nmm_Artist.tmpl  |    2 -
 .../cc/template/nmm_MusicAlbum.tmpl                |    3 -
 .../cc/template/nmm_MusicPiece.tmpl                |   22 ---
 utils/data-generators/cc/template/nmm_Photo.tmpl   |   18 --
 utils/data-generators/cc/template/nmm_Video.tmpl   |   14 --
 utils/data-generators/cc/template/nmo_Call.tmpl    |   11 --
 .../cc/template/nmo_CommunicationChannel.tmpl      |    6 -
 utils/data-generators/cc/template/nmo_Email.tmpl   |   14 --
 .../data-generators/cc/template/nmo_IMMessage.tmpl |   14 --
 .../cc/template/nmo_MailAccount.tmpl               |    4 -
 .../cc/template/nmo_MailFolder.tmpl                |    3 -
 .../cc/template/nmo_SMSMessage.tmpl                |   15 --
 .../cc/template/tracker_Volume.tmpl                |    1 -
 utils/data-generators/cc/tools.py                  |   27 +---
 utils/data-generators/cc/tracker.py                |   10 +-
 39 files changed, 353 insertions(+), 525 deletions(-)
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/cc/generate b/utils/data-generators/cc/generate
index 8b02617..de87599 100755
--- a/utils/data-generators/cc/generate
+++ b/utils/data-generators/cc/generate
@@ -64,10 +64,6 @@ tools.addType( 'mfo#FeedMessage', 81 )
 tools.addType( 'mto#TransferElement', 90 )
 tools.addType( 'mto#UploadTransfer', 91 )
-# first load all templates
-templates_count = tools.loadTemplates()
-print "Loaded", templates_count, "templates"
 print "Generating Contacts",
 count_contacts = config.getint('counts','contacts')
 for contact in xrange(1, count_contacts+1):
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/cc/mfo.py b/utils/data-generators/cc/mfo.py
index d4a9636..a26ed76 100644
--- a/utils/data-generators/cc/mfo.py
+++ b/utils/data-generators/cc/mfo.py
@@ -3,22 +3,33 @@
 import tools
+mfo_FeedChannel = '''
+<%(feed_channel_uri)s> a mfo:FeedChannel ;
+  nie:title       "%(feed_channel_title)s" ;
+  nie:relatedTo   <%(feed_channel_uri)s> ;
+  nie:description "%(feed_channel_description)s" ;
+  nie:links       <%(feed_channel_uri)s> ;
+  mfo:image       "" ;
+  mfo:type        <http://www.tracker-project.org/temp/mfo#rssatom> .
 def generateFeedChannel(index):
   me = 'mfo#FeedChannel'
   feed_channel_uri         = 'http://feed%d.feed.com/feed%d.rss' % (index % 1000, index)
   feed_channel_title       = 'Feed %d' % index
   feed_channel_description = 'Description %d' % (index % 1000)
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, feed_channel_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  channel = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, channel % locals())
+  tools.addItem( me, feed_channel_uri, mfo_FeedChannel % locals() );
+mfo_FeedMessage = '''
+<%(feed_message_uri)s> a mfo:FeedMessage ;
+  nie:title                "%(feed_message_title)s" ;
+  nie:relatedTo            <%(feed_message_uri)s> ;
+  nie:description          "%(feed_message_description)s" ;
+  nie:links                <%(feed_message_uri)s> ;
+  nie:comment              "%(feed_message_comment)s" ;
+  nmo:communicationChannel <%(feed_message_channel)s> .
 def generateFeedMessage(index):
   me = 'mfo#FeedMessage'
   feed_message_uri         = 'http://feed%d.feed.com/message%d.html' % (index % 1000, index)
@@ -27,11 +38,4 @@ def generateFeedMessage(index):
   feed_message_comment     = 'Comment %d' % index
   feed_message_channel     = tools.getLastUri( 'mfo#FeedChannel' )
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, feed_message_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  message = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, message % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, feed_message_uri, mfo_FeedMessage % locals() )
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/cc/mto.py b/utils/data-generators/cc/mto.py
index 5e97ebc..c6a8a67 100644
--- a/utils/data-generators/cc/mto.py
+++ b/utils/data-generators/cc/mto.py
@@ -3,31 +3,40 @@
 import tools
+mto_TransferElement = '''
+<%(transfer_uri)s> a mto:TransferElement ;
+  mto:source        <%(transfer_source)s> ;
+  mto:destination   <%(transfer_destination)s> ;
+  mto:startedTime   "%(transfer_started)s" ;
+  mto:completedTime "%(transfer_completed)s" ;
+  mto:state         <%(transfer_state)s> .
 def generateTransferElement(index):
   me = 'mto#TransferElement'
   transfer_uri         = 'http://www.sopranolive.org/contexts/tracker/generated_unique_id/%d' % (index % 1000)
   transfer_source      = tools.getRandomUri( 'nmm#Photo' )
   transfer_destination = 'http://www.uploadsite%d.com/item%d' % (index % 100, index )
-  transfer_started     = tools.getDateNowString()
-  transfer_completed   = tools.getDateNowString()
+  transfer_started     = tools.now
+  transfer_completed   = tools.now
   transfer_state       = 'http://www.tracker-project.org/temp/mto#state-done'
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, transfer_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  data = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, data % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, transfer_uri, mto_TransferElement % locals() )
+mto_UploadTransfer = '''
+<%(upload_uri)s> a mto:UploadTransfer ;
+  mto:transferState  <%(upload_state)s> ;
+  mto:method         <%(upload_method)s> ;
+  mto:created        "%(upload_created)s" ;
+  mto:account        "%(upload_account)s" .
 def generateUploadTransfer(index):
   me = 'mto#UploadTransfer'
   upload_uri     = 'mtransfer://%d' % index
   upload_state   = 'http://www.tracker-project.org/temp/mto#state-done'
   upload_method  = 'http://www.tracker-project.org/temp/mto#transfer-method-web'
-  upload_created = tools.getDateNowString()
+  upload_created = tools.now
   upload_account = ('picasa', 'flickr', 'facebook', 'youtube')[ index % 4 ]
   # add some random transfers
@@ -35,10 +44,4 @@ def generateUploadTransfer(index):
   for index in xrange (1, 2 + (index % 10)):
     upload_transfers += 'mto:transferList <%s> ;\n' % tools.getRandomUri( 'mto#TransferElement' )
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, upload_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  data = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, data % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, upload_uri, mto_UploadTransfer % locals() )
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/cc/ncal.py b/utils/data-generators/cc/ncal.py
index d3e50e8..05cba08 100644
--- a/utils/data-generators/cc/ncal.py
+++ b/utils/data-generators/cc/ncal.py
@@ -3,6 +3,15 @@
 import tools
+ncal_Alarm = '''
+<%(alarm_uri)s> a ncal:Alarm;
+    ncal:action      ncal:emailAction;
+    ncal:repeat      "%(alarm_repeat)s";
+    ncal:duration    "%(alarm_duration)s";
+    ncal:trigger [ a ncal:Trigger; ncal:triggerDateTime "%(alarm_trigger_date)s" ];
+    ncal:summary     "%(alarm_subject)s";
+    ncal:description "%(alarm_description)s" .
 def generateAlarm(index):
   me = 'ncal#Alarm'
   alarm_uri          = 'urn:x-ical:alarm%d' % index
@@ -12,31 +21,42 @@ def generateAlarm(index):
   alarm_subject      = 'Subject %d' % index
   alarm_description  = 'Description %d' % index
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, alarm_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  alarm = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, alarm % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, alarm_uri, ncal_Alarm % locals() )
+ncal_Calendar = '''
+<%(calendar_uri)s> a ncal:Calendar .
 def generateCalendar(index):
   me = 'ncal#Calendar'
   calendar_uri = 'urn:x-ical:calendar%d' % index
   # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, calendar_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  calendar = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, calendar % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, calendar_uri, ncal_Calendar % locals() )
+ncal_Event = '''
+<%(event_uri)s> a ncal:Event, nie:DataObject;
+  ncal:uid      "%(event_uid)s";
+  ncal:dtstart [ a ncal:NcalDateTime;
+    ncal:dateTime "%(event_start)s";
+    ncal:ncalTimezone <urn:x-ical:timezone:Europe/Helsinki> ];
+  ncal:dtend [ a ncal:NcalDateTime;
+    ncal:dateTime "%(event_end)s";
+    ncal:ncalTimezone <urn:x-ical:timezone:Europe/Helsinki> ];
+  ncal:transp        ncal:opaqueTransparency;
+  ncal:summary       "%(event_summary)s";
+  ncal:class         ncal:publicClassification;
+  ncal:eventStatus   ncal:;
+  ncal:priority      0;
+  ncal:dtstamp       "%(event_created)s";
+  ncal:created       "%(event_created)s";
+  ncal:lastModified  "%(event_modified)s";
+  ncal:sequence       0;
+  ncal:url            <%(event_uri)s>;
+  ncal:hasAlarm       <%(alarm_uri)s> ;
+  nie:isLogicalPartOf <%(calendar_uri)s> .
 def generateEvent(index):
   me = 'ncal#Event'
   event_uri      = 'urn:x-ical:%d' % index
@@ -44,36 +64,38 @@ def generateEvent(index):
   event_start    = '%d-%02d-%02dT09:00:00Z' % (2010 + (index % 5), (index % 12) + 1, (index % 25) + 1)
   event_end      = '%d-%02d-%02dT17:00:00Z' % (2010 + (index % 5), (index % 12) + 1, (index % 25) + 1)
   event_summary  = 'Event %d' % index
-  event_created  = tools.getDateNowString()
+  event_created  = tools.now
   event_modified = event_created
   alarm_uri      = tools.getLastUri( 'ncal#Alarm' )
   calendar_uri   = tools.getRandomUri( 'ncal#Calendar' )
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, event_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  event = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, event % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, event_uri, ncal_Event % locals() )
+ncal_Todo = '''
+<%(todo_uri)s> a ncal:Todo, nie:DataObject;
+  ncal:uid           "%(todo_uid)s";
+  ncal:percentComplete 0;
+  ncal:summary       "%(todo_summary)s";
+  ncal:class         ncal:publicClassification;
+  ncal:todoStatus    ncal:;
+  ncal:priority      0;
+  ncal:dtstamp       "%(todo_created)s";
+  ncal:created       "%(todo_created)s";
+  ncal:lastModified  "%(todo_modified)s";
+  ncal:sequence       0;
+  ncal:url            <%(todo_uri)s>;
+  ncal:hasAlarm       <%(alarm_uri)s> ;
+  nie:isLogicalPartOf <%(calendar_uri)s> .
 def generateTodo(index):
   me = 'ncal#Todo'
   todo_uri      = 'urn:todo::%d' % index
   todo_uid      = '%d' % index
   todo_summary  = 'Todo %d' % index
-  todo_created  = tools.getDateNowString()
+  todo_created  = tools.now
   todo_modified = todo_created
   alarm_uri     = tools.getRandomUri( 'ncal#Alarm' )
   calendar_uri  = tools.getRandomUri( 'ncal#Calendar' )
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, todo_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  todo = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, todo % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, todo_uri, ncal_Todo % locals() )
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/cc/nco.py b/utils/data-generators/cc/nco.py
index f67b5b9..6e2cd29 100644
--- a/utils/data-generators/cc/nco.py
+++ b/utils/data-generators/cc/nco.py
@@ -3,37 +3,38 @@
 import tools
+nco_EmailAddress = '''
+<%(email_address_uri)s> a nco:EmailAddress;
+    nco:emailAddress "%(email_address)s".
 def generateEmailAddress(index):
   me = 'nco#EmailAddress'
   email_address = 'given%d family%d domain%d com' % (index % 1000,index % 1000,index % 1000)
   email_address_uri = 'mailto:' + email_address
-  # save the uri
-  tools.addUri( me, email_address_uri )
-  # substitute into template
-  email = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, email % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, email_address_uri, nco_EmailAddress % locals() )
+nco_PhoneNumber = '''
+<%(phonenumber_uri)s> a nco:CellPhoneNumber;
+    nco:phoneNumber "%(phonenumber)s".
 def generatePhoneNumber(index):
   me = 'nco#PhoneNumber'
   phonenumber = '+%d-555-%08d' %(index, index)
   phonenumber_uri = 'tel:' + phonenumber
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, phonenumber_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  pn = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, pn % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, phonenumber_uri, nco_PhoneNumber % locals() )
+nco_PostalAddress = '''
+<%(postal_address_uri)s> a nco:PostalAddress;
+    nco:country "%(postal_address_country)s" ;
+    nco:region "%(postal_address_region)s" ;
+    nco:postalcode "%(postal_address_postal_code)s" ;
+    nco:locality "%(postal_address_city)s" ;
+    nco:streetAddress "%(postal_address_street)s" .
 def generatePostalAddress(index):
   me = 'nco#PostalAddress'
   postal_address_uri         = 'urn:pa:%d' % index
@@ -43,16 +44,19 @@ def generatePostalAddress(index):
   postal_address_city        = 'City %d' % (index % 1000)
   postal_address_street      = 'Demo Street %d' % (index % 100)
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, postal_address_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  pa = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, pa % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, postal_address_uri, nco_PostalAddress % locals() )
+nco_PersonContact = '''
+<%(contact_uri)s> a nco:PersonContact;
+    nco:fullname         "%(contact_name_given)s %(contact_name_family)s";
+    nco:nameGiven        "%(contact_name_given)s";
+    nco:nameFamily       "%(contact_name_family)s";
+    nco:birthDate        "%(contact_birth_date)s";
+    nco:hasEmailAddress   %(email_address_uri)s;
+    nco:hasPhoneNumber    %(phonenumber_uri)s;
+    nco:hasPostalAddress  %(postal_address_uri)s .
 def generatePersonContact(index):
   me = 'nco#PersonContact'
   contact_uri         = 'urn:uid:%d' % index
@@ -63,11 +67,4 @@ def generatePersonContact(index):
   phonenumber_uri     = '<%s>' % tools.getLastUri( 'nco#PhoneNumber' )
   postal_address_uri  = '<%s>' % tools.getLastUri( 'nco#PostalAddress' )
-  # save the uri
-  tools.addUri( me, contact_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  pc = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, pc % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, contact_uri, nco_PersonContact % locals() )
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/cc/nfo.py b/utils/data-generators/cc/nfo.py
index 1d9bb81..e353dce 100644
--- a/utils/data-generators/cc/nfo.py
+++ b/utils/data-generators/cc/nfo.py
@@ -4,6 +4,20 @@ import tools
 import gen_data as gen
+nfo_PlainTextDocument = '''
+<%(plaintext_document_uri)s> a nfo:PlainTextDocument, nfo:FileDataObject;
+    nie:byteSize           "%(plaintext_document_size)s" ;
+    nie:dataSource         <%(plaintext_document_datasource)s> ;
+    nie:url                "%(plaintext_document_url)s" ;
+    nfo:belongsToContainer <%(plaintext_document_container)s> ;
+    nie:mimeType           "%(plaintext_document_mime)s" ;
+    nie:plainTextContent   "%(plaintext_document_content)s" ;
+    nie:isStoredAs         <%(plaintext_document_stored_as)s> ;
+    nfo:fileLastAccessed   "%(plaintext_document_last_accessed)s" ;
+    nfo:fileLastModified   "%(plaintext_document_last_modified)s" ;
+    nfo:fileSize           "%(plaintext_document_size)s" ;
+    nfo:fileName           "%(plaintext_document_filename)s" .
 def generatePlainTextDocument(index):
   me = 'nfo#PlainTextDocument'
   plaintext_document_datasource    = tools.getRandomUri( 'tracker#Volume' )
@@ -18,31 +32,33 @@ def generatePlainTextDocument(index):
   plaintext_document_last_modified ='%d-%02d-%02dT01:01:01Z' % (2000 + (index % 10), (index % 12) + 1, (index % 25) + 1)
   plaintext_document_size          = '%d' % (1 + (index % 1000000))
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, plaintext_document_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  doc = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, doc % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, plaintext_document_uri, nfo_PlainTextDocument % locals() )
+nfo_SoftwareCategory = '''
+<%(application_category_uri)s> a nfo:SoftwareCategory;
+  nie:title "%(application_category_title)s" .
 def generateSoftwareCategory(index):
   me = 'nfo#SoftwareCategory'
   application_category_uri   = 'urn:software-category:%d' % index
   application_category_title = 'Category %d' % (index % 1000)
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, application_category_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  category = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, category % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, application_category_uri, nfo_SoftwareCategory % locals() )
+nfo_SoftwareApplication = '''
+<%(application_uri)s> a nfo:SoftwareApplication, nfo:FileDataObject;
+    nie:title            "%(application_title)s";
+    nie:url              "%(application_url)s";
+    nie:dataSource       <%(application_datasource)s>;
+    nie:isStoredAs       <%(application_url)s>;
+    nie:isLogicalPartOf  <%(application_part_of)s>;
+    nfo:fileName         "%(application_filename)s";
+    nfo:fileLastModified "%(application_last_modified)s";
+    nfo:softwareIcon     <%(application_icon)s>;
+    nfo:softwareCmdLine  "%(application_cmdline)s" .
 def generateSoftwareApplication(index):
   me = 'nfo#SoftwareApplication'
   application_cmdline       = 'app%d' % index
@@ -55,33 +71,27 @@ def generateSoftwareApplication(index):
   application_last_modified = '%d-%02d-%02dT01:01:01Z' % (2000 + (index % 10), (index % 12) + 1, (index % 25) + 1)
   application_icon          = 'urn:theme-icon:Icon-%d' % index
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, application_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  app = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, app % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, application_uri, nfo_SoftwareApplication % locals() )
+nfo_WebHistory = '''
+<%(webhistory_uri)s> a nfo:WebHistory ;
+  nie:title                   "%(webhistory_title)s" ;
+  nie:informationElementDate  "%(webhistory_date)s" ;
+  nie:contentCreated          "%(webhistory_created)s" ;
+  nie:contentLastModified     "%(webhistory_modified)s" ;
+  nie:usageCounter            "%(webhistory_counter)s" ;
+  nfo:uri                     "%(webhistory_url)s" .
 def generateWebHistory(index):
   me = 'nfo#WebHistory'
   webhistory_uri       = 'urn:webhistory:%d' % index
   webhistory_title     = 'Web history %d' % (index % 1000)
-  webhistory_date      = tools.getDateNowString()
+  webhistory_date      = tools.now
   webhistory_created   = webhistory_date
   webhistory_modified  = webhistory_date
   webhistory_counter   = '%d' % (index % 10)
   webhistory_url       = 'http://www.%d.com/' % index
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, webhistory_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  data = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, data % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, webhistory_uri, nfo_WebHistory % locals() )
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/cc/nmm.py b/utils/data-generators/cc/nmm.py
index f517115..31202be 100644
--- a/utils/data-generators/cc/nmm.py
+++ b/utils/data-generators/cc/nmm.py
@@ -1,8 +1,27 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import tools
+nmm_Photo = '''
+<%(photo_uri)s> a nie:DataObject, nfo:FileDataObject, nfo:Media, nfo:Visual, nfo:Image, nmm:Photo ;
+    nie:url              "%(photo_url)s";
+    nie:byteSize         "%(photo_size)s";
+    nie:contentCreated   "%(photo_date)s";
+    nie:mimeType         "image/jpeg";
+    nfo:width            "100";
+    nfo:height           "100";
+    nfo:fileLastModified "%(photo_date)s";
+    nfo:fileLastAccessed "%(photo_date)s";
+    nfo:fileSize         "%(photo_size)s";
+    nfo:fileName         "%(photo_filename)s" ;
+    nmm:camera           "%(photo_camera)s";
+    nmm:exposureTime     "%(photo_exposure)s";
+    nmm:fnumber          "%(photo_fnumber)s";
+    nmm:focalLength      "%(photo_focal_length)s";
+    nmm:flash            <http://www.tracker-project.org/temp/nmm#flash-off> ;
+    nmm:meteringMode     <http://www.tracker-project.org/temp/nmm#meteringMode-pattern> ;
+    nmm:whiteBalance     <http://www.tracker-project.org/temp/nmm#whiteBalance-auto> .
 def generatePhoto(index):
   me = 'nmm#Photo'
   photo_uri          = 'urn:photo:%d' % index
@@ -18,16 +37,25 @@ def generatePhoto(index):
   photo_focal_length = '%d.0' % (1 + (index % 500))
   photo_date         = '%d-%02d-%02dT01:01:01Z' % (2000 + (index % 10), (index % 12) + 1, (index % 25) + 1)
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, photo_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  photo = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, photo % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, photo_uri, nmm_Photo % locals() )
+nmm_Video = '''
+<%(video_uri)s> a nie:DataObject, nfo:FileDataObject, nfo:Media, nfo:Visual, nfo:Video, nmm:Video ;
+    nie:url              "%(video_url)s";
+    nie:byteSize         "%(video_size)s";
+    nie:contentCreated   "%(video_date)s";
+    nie:mimeType         "video/x-msvideo";
+    nfo:width            "100";
+    nfo:height           "100";
+    nfo:fileLastModified "%(video_date)s";
+    nfo:fileLastAccessed "%(video_date)s";
+    nfo:fileSize         "%(video_size)s";
+    nfo:fileName         "%(video_filename)s" ;
+    nfo:sampleRate       "%(video_samplerate)s" ;
+    nfo:duration         "%(video_duration)s" ;
+    nao:hasTag           [a nao:Tag ; nao:prefLabel "%(video_tag)s"] .
 def generateVideo(index):
   me = 'nmm#Video'
   video_uri          = 'urn:video:%d' % index
@@ -39,46 +67,58 @@ def generateVideo(index):
   video_duration     = str(index)
   video_tag          = 'TEST%d' % index
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, video_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  video = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, video % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, video_uri, nmm_Video % locals() )
+nmm_Artist = '''
+<%(artist_uri)s> a nmm:Artist ;
+    nmm:artistName "%(artist_name)s" .
 def generateArtist(index):
   me = 'nmm#Artist'
   artist_uri  = 'urn:artist:%d' % index
   artist_name = 'Artist %d' % (index % 1000)
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, artist_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  artist = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, artist % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, artist_uri, nmm_Artist % locals() )
+nmm_MusicAlbum = '''
+<%(album_uri)s> a nmm:MusicAlbum ;
+    nie:title        "%(album_name)s" ;
+    nmm:albumTitle   "%(album_name)s" .
 def generateAlbum(index):
   me = 'nmm#MusicAlbum'
   album_uri  = 'urn:album:%d' % index
   album_name = 'Album %d' % (index % 1000)
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, album_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  album = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, album % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, album_uri, nmm_MusicAlbum % locals() )
+nmm_MusicPiece = '''
+<%(music_piece_uri)s> a nmm:MusicPiece, nfo:FileDataObject, nfo:Audio;
+    nie:byteSize               "%(music_piece_size)s" ;
+    nie:url                    "%(music_piece_url)s" ;
+    nfo:belongsToContainer     <%(music_piece_container)s> ;
+    nie:title                  "%(music_piece_title)s" ;
+    nie:mimeType               "%(music_piece_mime)s" ;
+    nie:informationElementDate "%(music_piece_date)s" ;
+    nie:isLogicalPartOf        <%(music_piece_album)s> ;
+    nco:contributor            <%(music_piece_artist)s> ;
+    nfo:fileLastAccessed       "%(music_piece_last_accessed)s" ;
+    nfo:fileSize               "%(music_piece_size)s" ;
+    nfo:fileName               "%(music_piece_filename)s" ;
+    nfo:fileLastModified       "%(music_piece_last_modified)s" ;
+    nfo:codec                  "%(music_piece_codec)s" ;
+    nfo:averageBitrate         "%(music_piece_bitrate)s" ;
+    nfo:genre                  "%(music_piece_genre)s" ;
+    nfo:channels               "%(music_piece_channels)s" ;
+    nfo:sampleRate             "%(music_piece_sample_rate)s" ;
+    nmm:musicAlbum             <%(music_piece_album)s> ;
+    nmm:performer              <%(music_piece_artist)s> ;
+    nmm:length                 "%(music_piece_length)s" ;
+    nmm:trackNumber            "%(music_piece_track)s" .
 def generateMusicPiece(index):
   me = 'nmm#MusicPiece'
   music_piece_uri           = 'urn:music:%d' % index
@@ -101,11 +141,4 @@ def generateMusicPiece(index):
   music_piece_length        = '%d' % (1 + (index % 1000))
   music_piece_track         = '%d' % (1 + (index % 100))
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, music_piece_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  mp = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, mp % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, music_piece_uri, nmm_MusicPiece % locals() )
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/cc/nmo.py b/utils/data-generators/cc/nmo.py
index dec1e5a..8f3dbb1 100644
--- a/utils/data-generators/cc/nmo.py
+++ b/utils/data-generators/cc/nmo.py
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ import tools
 import gen_data as gen
+nmo_MailAccount = '''
+<%(account_uri)s> a nmo:MailAccount ;
+    nmo:accountName "%(account_name)s" ;
+    nmo:fromAddress %(account_from_address_uri)s ;
+    nmo:signature   "%(account_signature)s" .
 def generateMailAccount(index):
   me = 'nmo#MailAccount'
   account_uri              = 'qmf://groove.nokia.com/accounts#%d' % index
@@ -11,33 +17,39 @@ def generateMailAccount(index):
   account_name             = 'Account %d' % (index % 1000)
   account_signature        = 'Signature %d' % (index % 1000)
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, account_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  account = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, account % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, account_uri, nmo_MailAccount % locals() )
+nmo_MailFolder = '''
+<%(mailfolder_uri)s> a nmo:MailFolder ;
+    nie:relatedTo  %(mailfolder_account)s ;
+    nmo:folderName "%(mailfolder_name)s" .
 def generateMailFolder(index):
   me = 'nmo#MailFolder'
   mailfolder_uri     = 'qmf://groove.nokia.com/folder#%d' % index
   mailfolder_account = '<%s>' % tools.getRandomUri( 'nmo#MailAccount' )
   mailfolder_name    = 'Folder %d' % (index % 1000)
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, mailfolder_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  folder = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, folder % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, mailfolder_uri, nmo_MailFolder % locals() )
+nmo_Email = '''
+<%(email_uri)s> a nmo:Email ;
+    nie:mimeType         "%(email_mime)s" ;
+    nie:relatedTo        <%(email_account)s> ;
+    nie:isStoredAs       <%(email_stored_as)s> ;
+    nie:isLogicalPartOf  <%(email_folder)s> ;
+    nie:contentSize      "%(email_size)s" ;
+    nie:plainTextContent "%(email_content)s" ;
+    nmo:recipient        <%(email_recipient)s> ;
+    nmo:messageId        "%(email_id)s" ;
+    nmo:messageSubject   "%(email_subject)s" ;
+    nmo:receivedDate     "%(email_received)s" ;
+    nmo:sender           <%(email_sender)s> ;
+    nmo:from             <%(email_sender)s> ;
+    nmo:sentDate         "%(email_sent)s" .
 def generateEmail(index):
   me = 'nmo#Email'
   email_uri       = 'qmf://groove.nokia.com/email%d' % index
@@ -54,109 +66,128 @@ def generateEmail(index):
   email_sent      = '%d-%02d-%02dT01:01:02Z' % (2000 + (index % 10), (index % 12) + 1, (index % 25) + 1)
   email_content   = gen.create_text(2,30)
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, email_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  email = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, email % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, email_uri, nmo_Email % locals() )
+nmo_CommunicationChannel = '''
+<%(channel_uri)s> a nmo:CommunicationChannel;
+  nie:subject                "%(channel_subject)s";
+  nie:informationElementDate "%(channel_date)s";
+  nie:contentLastModified    "%(channel_modified)s";
+  nmo:lastMessageDate        "%(channel_last_message)s";
+  nmo:hasParticipant         <%(channel_participiant)s> .
 def generateCommunicationChannel(index):
   me = 'nmo#CommunicationChannel'
   channel_uri          = 'urn:channel:%d' % index
   channel_subject      = '/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Account/gabble/jabber/dut_40localhost0'
-  channel_date         = tools.getDateNowString()
+  channel_date         = tools.now
   channel_modified     = channel_date
   channel_last_message = channel_date
   channel_participiant = tools.getRandomUri( 'nco#PersonContact' )
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, channel_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  channel = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, channel % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, channel_uri, nmo_CommunicationChannel % locals() )
+nmo_IMMessage = '''
+<%(immessage_uri)s> a nmo:IMMessage;
+  nie:plainTextContent       "%(immessage_content)s" ;
+  nie:informationElementDate "%(immessage_date)s" ;
+  nie:contentLastModified    "%(immessage_modified)s" ;
+  nie:plainTextContent       "%(immessage_content)s" ;
+  nmo:from                   <%(immessage_from)s> ;
+  nmo:to                     <%(immessage_to)s> ;
+  nmo:isDraft                "%(immessage_draft)s" ;
+  nmo:isRead                 "%(immessage_read)s" ;
+  nmo:isSent                 "%(immessage_sent)s" ;
+  nmo:messageId              "%(immessage_message_id)s" ;
+  nmo:receivedDate           "%(immessage_received)s" ;
+  nmo:sentDate               "%(immessage_sent_date)s" ;
+  nmo:communicationChannel   <%(immessage_channel_uri)s> .
 def generateIMMessage(index):
   me = 'nmo#IMMessage'
   immessage_uri         = 'urn:immessage:%d' % index
   immessage_content     = 'Lorem IM Ipsum %d' % index
-  immessage_date        = tools.getDateNowString()
-  immessage_modified    = tools.getDateNowString()
+  immessage_date        = tools.now
+  immessage_modified    = tools.now
   immessage_from        = tools.getRandomUri( 'nco#PersonContact' )
   immessage_to          = tools.getRandomUri( 'nco#PersonContact' )
   immessage_draft       = ('false', 'true')[index % 2]
   immessage_read        = ('false', 'true')[index % 2]
   immessage_sent        = 'true'
   immessage_message_id  = '%d' % index
-  immessage_received    = tools.getDateNowString()
-  immessage_sent_date   = tools.getDateNowString()
+  immessage_received    = tools.now
+  immessage_sent_date   = tools.now
   immessage_channel_uri = tools.getRandomUri( 'nmo#CommunicationChannel' )
   immessage_content     = gen.create_text( 1, 2 )
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, immessage_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  imm = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, imm % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, immessage_uri, nmo_IMMessage % locals() )
+nmo_SMSMessage = '''
+<%(smsmessage_uri)s> a nmo:SMSMessage;
+  nmo:smsId                  "%(smsmessage_id)s" ;
+  nie:plainTextContent       "%(smsmessage_content)s";
+  nie:informationElementDate "%(smsmessage_date)s";
+  nie:contentLastModified    "%(smsmessage_modified)s";
+  nie:plainTextContent       "%(smsmessage_content)s" ;
+  nmo:from                   <%(smsmessage_from)s>  ;
+  nmo:to                     <%(smsmessage_to)s>  ;
+  nmo:isDraft                "%(smsmessage_draft)s" ;
+  nmo:isRead                 "%(smsmessage_read)s" ;
+  nmo:isSent                 "%(smsmessage_sent)s" ;
+  nmo:messageId              "%(smsmessage_message_id)s" ;
+  nmo:receivedDate           "%(smsmessage_received)s" ;
+  nmo:sentDate               "%(smsmessage_sent_date)s" ;
+  nmo:communicationChannel   <%(smsmessage_channel_uri)s> .
 def generateSMSMessage(index):
   me = 'nmo#SMSMessage'
   smsmessage_uri         = 'urn:sms:%d' % index
   smsmessage_id          = '%d' % index
   smsmessage_content     = 'Lorem SMS Ipsum %d' % index
-  smsmessage_date        = tools.getDateNowString()
-  smsmessage_modified    = tools.getDateNowString()
+  smsmessage_date        = tools.now
+  smsmessage_modified    = tools.now
   smsmessage_from        = tools.getRandomUri( 'nco#PersonContact' )
   smsmessage_to          = tools.getRandomUri( 'nco#PersonContact' )
   smsmessage_draft       = ('false', 'true')[index % 2]
   smsmessage_read        = ('false', 'true')[index % 2]
   smsmessage_sent        = 'true'
   smsmessage_message_id  = '%d' % index
-  smsmessage_received    = tools.getDateNowString()
-  smsmessage_sent_date   = tools.getDateNowString()
+  smsmessage_received    = tools.now
+  smsmessage_sent_date   = tools.now
   smsmessage_channel_uri = tools.getRandomUri( 'nmo#CommunicationChannel' )
   smsmessage_content     = gen.create_text( 1, 5 )
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, smsmessage_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  sms = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, sms % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, smsmessage_uri, nmo_SMSMessage % locals() )
+nmo_Call = '''
+<%(call_uri)s> a nmo:Call;
+  nie:subject                "%(call_subject)s";
+  nie:informationElementDate "%(call_date)s";
+  nie:contentLastModified    "%(call_modified)s";
+  nmo:from                   <%(call_from)s>  ;
+  nmo:to                     <%(call_to)s>  ;
+  nmo:isRead                 "%(call_read)s" ;
+  nmo:isSent                 "%(call_sent)s" ;
+  nmo:receivedDate           "%(call_received)s" ;
+  nmo:sentDate               "%(call_sent_date)s" ;
+  nmo:duration               "%(call_duration)s" .
 def generateCall(index):
   me = 'nmo#Call'
   call_uri         = 'urn:call:%d' % index
   call_subject     = 'Subject %d' % index
-  call_date        = tools.getDateNowString()
-  call_modified    = tools.getDateNowString()
+  call_date        = tools.now
+  call_modified    = tools.now
   call_from        = tools.getRandomUri( 'nco#PersonContact' )
   call_to          = tools.getRandomUri( 'nco#PersonContact' )
   call_read        = 'true'
   call_sent        = 'true'
-  call_received    = tools.getDateNowString()
-  call_sent_date   = tools.getDateNowString()
+  call_received    = tools.now
+  call_sent_date   = tools.now
   call_duration    = '%d' % ( 10 + (index % 3600) )
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, call_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  call = tools.getTemplate( me )
-  # save the result
-  tools.addResult( me, call % locals() )
+  tools.addItem( me, call_uri, nmo_Call % locals() )
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/cc/tools.py b/utils/data-generators/cc/tools.py
index 8ae0623..049f813 100644
--- a/utils/data-generators/cc/tools.py
+++ b/utils/data-generators/cc/tools.py
@@ -6,46 +6,28 @@ import datetime
 import ontology_prefixes
-template_filenames = {}
 output_filenames = {}
-templates = {}
 last_uris = {}
 result = {}
 now = datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
 def addType(name, order):
-  template = 'template/' + name.replace( '#', '_') + '.tmpl'
   output   = 'ttl/%03d-' % order + name.replace( '#', '_') + '.ttl'
-  template_filenames[name] = template
   output_filenames[name] = output
-  templates[name] = ''
   result[name] = []
   last_uris[name] = []
-def addResult(type, data):
-  result[type].append(data)
-def addUri(type, uri):
-  last_uris[type].append( uri )
+def addItem(itemtype, uri, content):
+  last_uris[itemtype].append( uri )
+  result[itemtype].append( content )
 def getLastUri(type):
   return last_uris[type][-1]
 def getRandomUri(type):
   return random.choice(last_uris[type])
-  #return last_uris[type][ int(random.random() * len(last_uris[type]) ) ]
-def loadTemplates ():
-  for ontology, filename in template_filenames.items():
-    content = ''.join( open(filename).readlines() )
-    templates[ontology] = content
-  return len(templates)
-def getTemplate(type):
-  return templates[type]
 def saveResult ():
   for ontology, content in result.items():
@@ -55,6 +37,3 @@ def saveResult ():
     for it in content:
       output.write( it )
-def getDateNowString():
-  return now
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/cc/tracker.py b/utils/data-generators/cc/tracker.py
index eab3854..89e90e3 100644
--- a/utils/data-generators/cc/tracker.py
+++ b/utils/data-generators/cc/tracker.py
@@ -3,13 +3,11 @@
 import tools
+tracker_Volume = '''
+<%(datasource_uri)s> a tracker:Volume .
 def generateVolume(index):
   me = 'tracker#Volume'
   datasource_uri  = 'urn:nepomuk:datasource:%d' % index
-  # save the last uri
-  tools.addUri( me, datasource_uri )
-  # subsitute into template
-  volume = tools.getTemplate( 'tracker#Volume' )
-  tools.addResult(me, volume % locals())
+  tools.addItem( me, datasource_uri, tracker_Volume % locals() )

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