[banshee] [bundle] bockbuild and the bundle profiles moved

commit 09ef0b33824d2eb14d257fbe61dfb22305af2894
Author: Aaron Bockover <abockover novell com>
Date:   Fri Mar 26 13:10:24 2010 -0400

    [bundle] bockbuild and the bundle profiles moved
    This awesome bundle stuff is not Banshee specific and is useful for other
    projects. For instance, I build MonoDevelop trunk with its own profile and
    run it on OS X this way.
    I have moved the entire bundle history from Banshee to my github:
    Clone it from there, it'll be required to build Banshee bundles.

 build/bundle/TODO                                  |   11 -
 build/bundle/bockbuild/darwinprofile.py            |  106 -------
 build/bundle/bockbuild/environment.py              |   62 ----
 build/bundle/bockbuild/package.py                  |  230 --------------
 build/bundle/bockbuild/profile.py                  |  119 -------
 build/bundle/bockbuild/unixprofile.py              |   32 --
 build/bundle/bockbuild/util.py                     |   83 -----
 build/bundle/packages.py                           |   85 -----
 build/bundle/packages/atk.py                       |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/autoconf.py                  |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/automake.py                  |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/banshee.py                   |   25 --
 build/bundle/packages/cairo.py                     |   24 --
 build/bundle/packages/flac.py                      |   12 -
 build/bundle/packages/fontconfig.py                |    6 -
 build/bundle/packages/freetype.py                  |    3 -
 build/bundle/packages/gconf-dummy.py               |    9 -
 build/bundle/packages/gettext.py                   |    5 -
 build/bundle/packages/glib.py                      |   44 ---
 build/bundle/packages/gst-plugins-bad.py           |    9 -
 build/bundle/packages/gst-plugins-base.py          |   22 --
 build/bundle/packages/gst-plugins-good.py          |   24 --
 build/bundle/packages/gst-plugins-ugly.py          |    9 -
 build/bundle/packages/gstreamer.py                 |    3 -
 build/bundle/packages/gtk+.py                      |   30 --
 build/bundle/packages/gtk-quartz-engine.py         |   11 -
 build/bundle/packages/gtk-sharp.py                 |   33 --
 build/bundle/packages/hicolor-icon-theme.py        |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/icon-naming-utils.py         |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/ige-mac-integration.py       |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/intltool.py                  |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/libiconv.py                  |    7 -
 build/bundle/packages/libjpeg.py                   |    6 -
 build/bundle/packages/libogg.py                    |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/liboil.py                    |    8 -
 build/bundle/packages/libpng.py                    |    3 -
 build/bundle/packages/libproxy.py                  |    3 -
 build/bundle/packages/librsvg.py                   |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/libsoup.py                   |    5 -
 build/bundle/packages/libtheora.py                 |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/libtool.py                   |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/libvorbis.py                 |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/libxml2.py                   |    6 -
 build/bundle/packages/moblin-icon-theme.py         |   22 --
 build/bundle/packages/mono-addins.py               |    4 -
 build/bundle/packages/mono.py                      |   28 --
 build/bundle/packages/monobjc.py                   |   61 ----
 build/bundle/packages/murrine.py                   |   14 -
 build/bundle/packages/ndesk-dbus-glib.py           |    3 -
 build/bundle/packages/ndesk-dbus.py                |    3 -
 build/bundle/packages/pango.py                     |   31 --
 .../packages/patches/mono-runtime-relocation.patch |   70 -----
 build/bundle/packages/patches/monobjc/Makefile     |   30 --
 .../packages/patches/monobjc/PkgConfigGenerator.cs |   39 ---
 .../monobjc/nant-disable-native-enable-debug.patch |   29 --
 .../monobjc/remove-executable-path-dllimport.patch |   61 ----
 build/bundle/packages/patches/murrine-osx.patch    |   43 ---
 build/bundle/packages/pixman.py                    |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/pkg-config.py                |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/speex.py                     |    1 -
 build/bundle/packages/sqlite.py                    |    3 -
 build/bundle/packages/taglib-sharp.py              |    4 -
 build/bundle/packages/taglib.py                    |    3 -
 build/bundle/packages/tango-icon-theme.py          |    4 -
 build/bundle/packages/wavpack.py                   |    3 -
 build/bundle/profile.darwin.py                     |   68 ----
 build/bundle/profile.linux.py                      |   16 -
 build/bundle/profile.mingw-cross.py                |   46 ---
 build/bundle/skeleton.darwin/Contents/Info.plist   |   28 --
 .../Contents/Resources/Banshee.icns                |  Bin 165218 -> 0 bytes
 .../skeleton.darwin/Contents/Resources/bin/gmcs    |    2 -
 .../Contents/Resources/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc           |  325 --------------------
 .../Contents/Resources/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc.key.mac   |  120 -------
 build/bundle/solitary/AssemblyItem.cs              |  175 -----------
 build/bundle/solitary/DataItem.cs                  |   40 ---
 build/bundle/solitary/Entry.cs                     |   91 ------
 build/bundle/solitary/Item.cs                      |  168 ----------
 build/bundle/solitary/Makefile                     |   23 --
 build/bundle/solitary/NativeLibraryItem.cs         |  117 -------
 build/bundle/solitary/PathExtensions.cs            |   53 ----
 build/bundle/solitary/ProcessTools.cs              |  109 -------
 build/bundle/solitary/Solitary.cs                  |  173 -----------
 build/bundle/solitary/SymlinkItem.cs               |   68 ----
 83 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 3127 deletions(-)

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