[gbrainy] New logic games + minor fixes in reading games.xml

commit 1cb2f61f8dac2fb848e21cd98ead67c8afd13407
Author: Jordi Mas <jmas softcatala org>
Date:   Tue Jun 22 22:16:44 2010 +0200

    New logic games + minor fixes in reading games.xml

 data/Makefile.am                             |   11 ++-
 data/game-graphics/family.svg                |  162 ----------------------
 data/game-graphics/father_son.svg            |  129 ++++++++++++++++++
 data/game-graphics/money.svg                 |  186 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 data/game-graphics/tennis.svg                |   13 ++
 data/games.xml                               |  120 ++++++++++++++++-
 src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs |    4 +-
 src/Core/Main/Xml/GameXml.cs                 |   36 ++++--
 8 files changed, 477 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/Makefile.am b/data/Makefile.am
index 70b4e5d..c3b7bd6 100644
--- a/data/Makefile.am
+++ b/data/Makefile.am
@@ -45,7 +45,12 @@ analogies_DATA = \
 	verbal_analogies.xml \
 	games.xml \
 	game-graphics/clock.svg \
-	game-graphics/family.svg
+	game-graphics/family.svg \
+	game-graphics/password.svg \
+	game-graphics/tennis.svg \
+	game-graphics/father_son.svg \
+	game-graphics/money.svg 
 	@-$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(hicolordir)/scalable/apps
@@ -61,6 +66,10 @@ install-data-local:
 	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/games.xml $(DESTDIR)$(images)/games.xml
 	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/game-graphics/clock.svg $(DESTDIR)$(images)/clock.svg
 	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/game-graphics/family.svg $(DESTDIR)$(images)/family.svg
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/game-graphics/password.svg $(DESTDIR)$(images)/password.svg
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/game-graphics/tennis.svg $(DESTDIR)$(images)/tennis.svg
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/game-graphics/father_son.svg $(DESTDIR)$(images)/father_son.svg
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/game-graphics/money.svg $(DESTDIR)$(images)/money.svg
 gtk_update_icon_cache = gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t $(datadir)/icons/hicolor
diff --git a/data/game-graphics/father_son.svg b/data/game-graphics/father_son.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56be701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/game-graphics/father_son.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
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+          <cc:Agent>
+            <dc:title>Lumen Design Studio</dc:title>
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+            <dc:title>Lumen Design Studio</dc:title>
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diff --git a/data/game-graphics/money.svg b/data/game-graphics/money.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bfd176
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+++ b/data/game-graphics/money.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
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 			* Answer regular expression + patterns
 		<_name>Clock Rotation</_name>
-			int num = random.Next (5) * 10;
+			int num = (1 + random.Next (5)) * 10;
 			int rslt = (2 * 360) + (num * 6);
 		<_rationale>Every hour rotates 360 degrees.</_rationale>
@@ -25,20 +24,125 @@
 		<_question>How many degrees rotates the minute hand of a clock in 2 hours [num] minutes?</_question>
+	<game>
+		<_name>Brothers and sisters</_name>
+		<type>Logic</type>
+		<difficulty>All</difficulty>
+		<svg file = "family.svg" x = "0.15" y = "0.25" width = "0.625" height = "0.5"/>
+		<variant>
+			<variables>
+				int people = 40;
+				int brothers = 10 + random.Next (8);
+				int sisters = 12 + random.Next (8);
+				int both = 5 + random.Next (5);
+				int brothers_only = (brothers - both);
+				int sisters_only = (sisters - both);
+				int rslt = people - brothers_only - sisters_only - both;
+			</variables>
+			<_question>Out of [people] people, [brothers] have brothers, [sisters] have sisters and [both] have both. How many people have neither brothers nor sisters?</_question>
+			<answer>[rslt]</answer>
+			<_rationale>[brothers_only] people have brothers only, [sisters_only] sisters only and [both] have sisters and brothers.</_rationale>
+		</variant>
+	</game>
-		<_name>Family relations</_name>
+		<_name>Age</_name>
-		<svg file = "family.svg" x = "0.25" y = "0.25" width = "0.5" height = "0.5"/>
+		<svg file = "father_son.svg" x = "0.2" y = "0.25" width = "0.6" height = "0.4"/>
+		<!--- http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/58577.html -->
-			<_question>A boy has as many brothers as he has sisters. Each brother has twice as many sisters as brothers. How many brothers and sisters the family has in total?</_question>
-			<answer>7</answer>
-			<_rationale>He has three brothers and four sisters.</_rationale>
+			<variables>
+				int father = 46;
+				int difference = 2 + random.Next (8);
+				int son = (father - difference) / 2;
+			</variables>
+			<_question>John's is 46 years old. His son is [difference] years older than twice John's age. How old is John's son?</_question>
+			<answer>[son]</answer>
-			<_question>John's age is nowadays 5 times his son's age. 4 years ago John was 9 times older than his son. What's is John's age nowadays?</_question>
+			<variables>
+				int [] proportions = new int [] {3,4,5};
+				int [] years = new int [] {12, 16, 18};
+				int idx = random.Next (years.Length);
+				int ago = years [idx];
+				int proportion = proportions [idx];
+			</variables>
+			<_question>John's age is nowadays 2 times his son's age. [ago] years ago, John was [proportion] times older than his son. How old is John's son nowadays?</_question>
+			<_rationale>[ago] years ago, John's age minus [ago] was equal to [proportion] times his son age minus [ago].</_rationale>
+	</game>
+	<game>
+		<_name>Password</_name>
+		<type>Logic</type>
+		<difficulty>All</difficulty>
+		<svg file = "password.svg" x = "0.2" y = "0.25" width = "0.6" height = "0.3"/>
+		<variant>
+			<variables>
+				int digits = 4 + random.Next (3);
+				int rslt = (int) Math.Pow (10, digits);
+			</variables>
+			<_question>A file is protected by a password formed by a [digits] digit number (ranging from 0 to 9). How many different passwords can you have?</_question>
+			<answer>[rslt]</answer>
+			<_rationale>Every digit has 10 possibilities. The total number of possibilities is 10 at the power of [digits].</_rationale>
+		</variant>
+		<variant>
+			<variables>
+				int digits = 2 + random.Next (2);
+				int rslt = (int) Math.Pow (8, digits);
+			</variables>
+			<_question>A file is protected by a password formed by a [digits] digit octal number (ranging from 0 to 7). How many different passwords can you have?</_question>
+			<answer>[rslt]</answer>
+			<_rationale>Every digit has 8 possibilities. The total number of possibilities is 8 at the power of [digits].</_rationale>
+		</variant>
+	</game>
+	<game>
+		<_name>Tennis game</_name>
+		<type>Logic</type>
+		<difficulty>All</difficulty>
+		<svg file = "tennis.svg" x = "0.25" y = "0.25" width = "0.5" height = "0.5"/>
+		<variant>
+			<variables>
+				int games = 5 + random.Next (5);
+				int rslt = (int) Math.Pow (2, games);
+			</variables>
+			<_question>There are [games] tennis games played simultaneous. How many different forecast are possible?</_question>
+			<answer>[rslt]</answer>
+			<_rationale>Every game is an independent event with 2 possible results. The total number of possibilities is 2 at the power of [games].</_rationale>
+		</variant>
+		<variant>
+			<variables>
+				int players = 32 + (random.Next (16) * 2);
+				int rslt = players -1;
+			</variables>
+			<_question>How many matches does it take to determine the winner of a tennis tournament that starts with [players] players?</_question>
+			<_rationale>In every match you eliminate one player, you need the total number of games minus 1 to find out the winner..</_rationale>
+			<answer>[rslt]</answer>
+		</variant>
+	</game>
+	<game>
+		<_name>Bank interest</_name>
+		<type>Logic</type>
+		<difficulty>All</difficulty>
+		<svg file = "money.svg" x = "0.25" y = "0.25" width = "0.5" height = "0.5"/>
+		<variant>
+			<variables>
+				int years = 2;
+				double interest = 0.10;
+				int [] money_options = new int [] {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600};
+				int money = money_options [random.Next (money_options.Length)];
+				double rslt =  money * (Math.Pow (1 + interest, years));
+			</variables>
+			<_question>You have [money] monetary units in your bank account at 10% compound interest annually. How much money will you have at end of 2 years?</_question>
+			<answer>[rslt]</answer>
+			<_rationale>Compound interest is paid on the original amount and on the accumulated past interest.</_rationale>
+		</variant>
diff --git a/src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs b/src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs
index 4dd721d..3c12c70 100644
--- a/src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs
+++ b/src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs
@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ namespace gbrainy.Clients.Classical
 				"Anna Barber\u00e0 Mar\u00e9",
 				"Carme Cabal Sard\u00e0",
 				"Jordi Mas i Hernandez",
-				"Openclipart.org"
+				"Felipe Menegaz",
+				"Openclipart.org",
 			string [] documenters = new string [] {
diff --git a/src/Core/Main/Xml/GameXml.cs b/src/Core/Main/Xml/GameXml.cs
index 69c9788..d5f045a 100644
--- a/src/Core/Main/Xml/GameXml.cs
+++ b/src/Core/Main/Xml/GameXml.cs
@@ -98,30 +98,33 @@ namespace gbrainy.Core.Main
 			variants = game.Variants.Count > 0;
 			if (variants && game.Variants[current.Variant].Question != null)
-				question = Catalog.GetString (game.Variants[current.Variant].Question);
+				question = CatalogGetString (game.Variants[current.Variant].Question);
-				question = Catalog.GetString (game.Question);
+				question = CatalogGetString (game.Question);
 			if (variants && game.Variants[current.Variant].Answer != null)
-				answer = Catalog.GetString (game.Variants[current.Variant].Answer);
+				answer = CatalogGetString (game.Variants[current.Variant].Answer);
-				answer = Catalog.GetString (game.Answer);
+				answer = CatalogGetString (game.Answer);
 			if (variants && game.Variants[current.Variant].Rationale != null)
-				rationale = Catalog.GetString (game.Variants[current.Variant].Rationale);
+				rationale = CatalogGetString (game.Variants[current.Variant].Rationale);
-				rationale = Catalog.GetString (game.Rationale);
+				rationale = CatalogGetString (game.Rationale);
 			if (variants && game.Variants[current.Variant].Variables != null)
 				variables = game.Variants[current.Variant].Variables;
 				variables = game.Variables;
-			// Evaluate code
-			EvaluateVariables (variables);
-			question = ReplaceVariables (question);
-			answer = ReplaceVariables (answer);
-			rationale = ReplaceVariables (rationale);
+			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (variables) == false)
+			{
+				// Evaluate code
+				EvaluateVariables (variables);
+				question = ReplaceVariables (question);
+				answer = ReplaceVariables (answer);
+				rationale = ReplaceVariables (rationale);
+			}
 			right_answer = answer;
@@ -169,6 +172,15 @@ namespace gbrainy.Core.Main
+		// Protect from calling with null (exception)
+		string CatalogGetString (string str)
+		{
+			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (str))
+				return str;
+			return Catalog.GetString (str);
+		}
 			Code evaluation functions
@@ -284,7 +296,7 @@ namespace gbrainy.Core.Main
 		static string ReplaceVariables (string str)
-			const string exp = "\\[[a-z]+\\]+";
+			const string exp = "\\[[a-z_]+\\]+";
 			string eval, var, vars, var_value;
 			Regex regex;
 			Match match;

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