[totem] Add helper macro for registering plugins

commit f4e9632fc807adc931932652240e07d8fb2e45d5
Author: Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net>
Date:   Wed Jun 16 17:53:39 2010 +0100

    Add helper macro for registering plugins

 src/plugins/totem-plugin.h |  328 +++++---------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 293 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/plugins/totem-plugin.h b/src/plugins/totem-plugin.h
index 840213c..d71be3d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/totem-plugin.h
+++ b/src/plugins/totem-plugin.h
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
 /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-
- * heavily based on code from Rhythmbox and Gedit
+ * Plugin engine for Totem, heavily based on the code from Rhythmbox,
+ * which is based heavily on the code from totem.
  * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Paolo Maggi
- * Copyright (C) 2007 Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net>
+ *               2006 James Livingston  <jrl ids org au>
+ *               2007 Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -28,303 +30,43 @@
 #ifndef __TOTEM_PLUGIN_H__
 #define __TOTEM_PLUGIN_H__
-#include <glib-object.h>
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include "totem.h"
+#include <libpeas/peas-extension-base.h>
+#include <libpeas/peas-object-module.h>
+#include <libpeas/peas-activatable.h>
- * Type checking and casting macros
- */
-#define TOTEM_TYPE_PLUGIN              (totem_plugin_get_type())
-#define TOTEM_PLUGIN(obj)              (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), TOTEM_TYPE_PLUGIN, TotemPlugin))
-#define TOTEM_PLUGIN_CONST(obj)        (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), TOTEM_TYPE_PLUGIN, TotemPlugin const))
-#define TOTEM_PLUGIN_CLASS(klass)      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), TOTEM_TYPE_PLUGIN, TotemPluginClass))
- * TotemPlugin:
- *
- * All the fields in the #TotemPlugin structure are private and should never be accessed directly.
- **/
-typedef struct {
-	GObject parent;
-} TotemPlugin;
- * TotemPluginActivationFunc:
- * @plugin: the #TotemPlugin
- * @totem: a #TotemObject
- * @error: a #GError
- *
- * Called when the user has requested @plugin be activated, this function should be used to initialise
- * any resources the plugin needs, and attach itself to the Totem UI.
- *
- * If an error is encountered while setting up the plugin, @error should be set, and the function
- * should return %FALSE. Totem will then not mark the plugin as activated, and will ensure it's not loaded
- * again unless explicitly asked for by the user.
- *
- * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise
- **/
-typedef gboolean	(*TotemPluginActivationFunc)		(TotemPlugin *plugin, TotemObject *totem,
-								 GError **error);
- * TotemPluginDeactivationFunc:
- * @plugin: the #TotemPlugin
- * @totem: a #TotemObject
- *
- * Called when the user has requested @plugin be deactivated, this function should destroy all resources
- * created during the plugin's lifetime, especially those created in the activation function.
- *
- * It should be possible to activate and deactivate the plugin multiple times sequentially in a single Totem
- * session without memory or resource leaks, or errors.
- **/
-typedef void		(*TotemPluginDeactivationFunc)		(TotemPlugin *plugin, TotemObject *totem);
- * TotemPluginWidgetFunc:
- * @plugin: the #TotemPlugin
- *
- * Called when the configuration dialogue for the plugin needs to be built, this function should return
- * a complete window which will be shown by the Totem code. The widget needs to be capable of hiding itself
- * when configuration is complete.
- *
- * If your plugin is not configurable, do not define this function.
- *
- * Return value: a #GtkWidget
- **/
-typedef GtkWidget *	(*TotemPluginWidgetFunc)		(TotemPlugin *plugin);
-typedef gboolean	(*TotemPluginBooleanFunc)		(TotemPlugin *plugin);
- * TotemPluginClass:
- * @parent_class: the parent class
- * @activate: function called when activating a plugin using totem_plugin_activate().
- * It must be set by inheriting classes, and should return %TRUE if it successfully created/got handles to
- * the resources needed by the plugin. If it returns %FALSE, loading the plugin is abandoned.
- * @deactivate: function called when deactivating a plugin using totem_plugin_deactivate();
- * It must be set by inheriting classes, and should free/unref any resources the plugin used.
- * @create_configure_dialog: function called when configuring a plugin using totem_plugin_create_configure_dialog().
- * If non-%NULL, it should create and return the plugin's configuration dialog. If %NULL, the plugin is not
- * configurable.
- *
- * The class structure for the #TotemPlParser type.
- **/
-typedef struct {
-	GObjectClass parent_class;
-	/* Virtual public methods */
-	TotemPluginActivationFunc	activate;
-	TotemPluginDeactivationFunc	deactivate;
-	TotemPluginWidgetFunc		create_configure_dialog;
-	/*< private >*/
-	/* Plugins should not override this, it's handled automatically by
-	   the TotemPluginClass */
-	TotemPluginBooleanFunc		is_configurable;
-} TotemPluginClass;
- * TotemPluginError:
- * @TOTEM_PLUGIN_ERROR_ACTIVATION: there was an error activating the plugin
- *
- * Error codes returned by #TotemPlugin operations.
- **/
-typedef enum {
-} TotemPluginError;
-typedef struct TotemPluginPrivate	TotemPluginPrivate;
-GType totem_plugin_error_get_type	(void);
-GQuark totem_plugin_error_quark 	(void);
-#define TOTEM_TYPE_PLUGIN_ERROR		(totem_remote_command_get_type())
-#define TOTEM_PLUGIN_ERROR		(totem_plugin_error_quark ())
- * Public methods
- */
-GType 		 totem_plugin_get_type 		(void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-gboolean	 totem_plugin_activate		(TotemPlugin *plugin,
-						 TotemObject *totem,
-						 GError **error);
-void 		 totem_plugin_deactivate	(TotemPlugin *plugin,
-						 TotemObject *totem);
-gboolean	 totem_plugin_is_configurable	(TotemPlugin *plugin);
-GtkWidget	*totem_plugin_create_configure_dialog
-						(TotemPlugin *plugin);
-char *		 totem_plugin_find_file		(TotemPlugin *plugin,
-						 const char *file);
-GtkBuilder *     totem_plugin_load_interface    (TotemPlugin *plugin,
-						 const char *name,
-						 gboolean fatal,
-						 GtkWindow *parent,
-						 gpointer user_data);
-GList *          totem_get_plugin_paths            (void);
- * @PluginName: the plugin's name in camelcase
- * @plugin_name: the plugin's name in lowercase, with underscores
- *
- * Registers a new Totem plugin type. A plugin is, at its core, just a class which is
- * instantiated and activated on the user's request. This macro registers that class.
- **/
-#define TOTEM_PLUGIN_REGISTER(PluginName, plugin_name)				\
-	TOTEM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_EXTENDED(PluginName, plugin_name, {})
- * @PluginName: the plugin's name in camelcase
- * @plugin_name: the plugin's name in lowercase, with underscores
- * @_C_: extra code to call in the module type registration function
- *
- * Registers a new Totem plugin type with custom code in the module type registration
- * function. See TOTEM_PLUGIN_REGISTER() for more information about the registration
- * process.
- *
- * A variable named @our_info is available with the module's #GTypeInfo information.
- * @plugin_module_type is the plugin's #GTypeModule.
- * @<replaceable>plugin_name</replaceable>_type is the plugin's newly-registered #GType
- * (where <replaceable>plugin_name</replaceable> is the plugin name passed to the
- **/
-#define TOTEM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_EXTENDED(PluginName, plugin_name, _C_)		\
-#define _TOTEM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_EXTENDED_BEGIN(PluginName, plugin_name)		\
-										\
-static GType plugin_name##_type = 0;						\
-static GTypeModule *plugin_module_type = NULL;					\
-										\
-GType										\
-plugin_name##_get_type (void)							\
-{										\
-	return plugin_name##_type;						\
-}										\
-										\
-static void     plugin_name##_init              (PluginName        *self);	\
-static void     plugin_name##_class_init        (PluginName##Class *klass);	\
-static gpointer plugin_name##_parent_class = NULL;				\
-static void     plugin_name##_class_intern_init (gpointer klass)		\
-{										\
-	plugin_name##_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		\
-	plugin_name##_class_init ((PluginName##Class *) klass);			\
-}										\
-										\
-G_MODULE_EXPORT GType								\
-register_totem_plugin (GTypeModule *module)					\
-{										\
-	const GTypeInfo our_info =						\
+#define TOTEM_PLUGIN_REGISTER(TYPE_NAME, TypeName, type_name)			\
+	static void impl_activate (PeasActivatable *plugin, GObject *totem);	\
+	static void impl_deactivate (PeasActivatable *plugin, GObject *totem);	\
+	G_MODULE_EXPORT void peas_register_types (PeasObjectModule *module);	\
+	static void peas_activatable_iface_init (PeasActivatableInterface *iface); \
+					type_name,				\
+					0,					\
+								       peas_activatable_iface_init)) \
+	static void								\
+	peas_activatable_iface_init (PeasActivatableInterface *iface)		\
 	{									\
-		sizeof (PluginName##Class),					\
-		NULL, /* base_init */						\
-		NULL, /* base_finalize */					\
-		(GClassInitFunc) plugin_name##_class_intern_init,		\
-		NULL,								\
-		NULL, /* class_data */						\
-		sizeof (PluginName),						\
-		0, /* n_preallocs */						\
-		(GInstanceInitFunc) plugin_name##_init,				\
-		NULL								\
-	};									\
-										\
-	/* Initialise the i18n stuff */						\
-	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");			\
-										\
-	plugin_module_type = module;						\
-	plugin_name##_type = g_type_module_register_type (module,		\
-					    TOTEM_TYPE_PLUGIN,			\
-					    #PluginName,			\
-					    &our_info,				\
-					    0);					\
-	{ /* custom code follows */
-#define _TOTEM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_EXTENDED_END(plugin_name)			\
-		/* following custom code */					\
+		iface->activate = impl_activate;				\
+		iface->deactivate = impl_deactivate;				\
 	}									\
-	return plugin_name##_type;						\
- * @type_name: the type's name in lowercase, with underscores
- *
- * Calls the type registration function for a type inside a plugin module previously
- * defined with TOTEM_PLUGIN_DEFINE_TYPE().
- **/
-#define TOTEM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_TYPE(type_name)					\
-	type_name##_register_type (plugin_module_type)
- * @TypeName: the type name in camelcase
- * @type_name: the type name in lowercase, with underscores
- * @TYPE_PARENT: the type's parent name in uppercase, with underscores
- *
- * Registers a type to be used inside a Totem plugin, but not the plugin's itself;
- * use TOTEM_PLUGIN_REGISTER() for that.
- **/
-#define TOTEM_PLUGIN_DEFINE_TYPE(TypeName, type_name, TYPE_PARENT)		\
-static void type_name##_init (TypeName *self); 					\
-static void type_name##_class_init (TypeName##Class *klass); 			\
-static gpointer type_name##_parent_class = ((void *)0); 			\
-static GType type_name##_type_id = 0;						\
-										\
-static void 									\
-type_name##_class_intern_init (gpointer klass) 					\
-{ 										\
-	type_name##_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		\
-	type_name##_class_init ((TypeName##Class*) klass); 			\
-}										\
-										\
-										\
-GType 										\
-type_name##_get_type (void)							\
-{										\
-	g_assert (type_name##_type_id != 0);					\
-										\
-	return type_name##_type_id;						\
-}										\
-										\
-GType 										\
-type_name##_register_type (GTypeModule *module) 				\
-{ 										\
-										\
-	const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { 					\
-		sizeof (TypeName##Class), 					\
-		(GBaseInitFunc) ((void *)0), 					\
-		(GBaseFinalizeFunc) ((void *)0), 				\
-		(GClassInitFunc) type_name##_class_intern_init, 		\
-		(GClassFinalizeFunc) ((void *)0), 				\
-		((void *)0), 							\
-		sizeof (TypeName), 						\
-		0, 								\
-		(GInstanceInitFunc) type_name##_init,				\
-		((void *)0) 							\
-	}; 									\
-	type_name##_type_id = 							\
-		g_type_module_register_type (module, 				\
-					     TYPE_PARENT, 			\
-					     #TypeName,				\
-					     &g_define_type_info, 		\
-					     (GTypeFlags) 0); 			\
-										\
-	return type_name##_type_id;						\
+	static void								\
+	type_name##_class_finalize (TypeName##Class *klass)		\
+	{									\
+	}									\
+	G_MODULE_EXPORT void							\
+	peas_register_types (PeasObjectModule *module)				\
+	{									\
+		type_name##_register_type (G_TYPE_MODULE (module));		\
+		peas_object_module_register_extension_type (module,		\
+							    TYPE_NAME);		\
+	}
 #endif  /* __TOTEM_PLUGIN_H__ */

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