[pitivi] Revert "smartvideoscale: Use videoscale add-border property instead of smartvideoscale"

commit 7b9e1417099bd2ecb4bcd20c1ca61c0c5026b634
Author: Edward Hervey <bilboed bilboed com>
Date:   Fri Jul 30 10:25:32 2010 +0200

    Revert "smartvideoscale: Use videoscale add-border property instead of smartvideoscale"
    This reverts commit 6a6af3e213cf60d462458f7ce3f8a141cf42f50c.
    It wasn't the proper commit to be used

 pitivi/elements/smartscale.py |   79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pitivi/elements/smartscale.py b/pitivi/elements/smartscale.py
index 32da20a..f30f186 100644
--- a/pitivi/elements/smartscale.py
+++ b/pitivi/elements/smartscale.py
@@ -49,14 +49,15 @@ class SmartVideoScale(gst.Bin):
         # future, or ask the user which method he wants to use
         # FIXME : Instead of having the set_caps() method, use proper caps negotiation
         self.videoscale.props.method = 1
-        self.videoscale.props.add_borders = True
+        self.videobox = gst.element_factory_make("videobox", "smart-videobox")
+        self.videobox.props.border_alpha = 0.0
         self.capsfilter = gst.element_factory_make("capsfilter", "smart-capsfilter")
-        self.add(self.videoscale, self.capsfilter)
-        gst.element_link_many(self.videoscale, self.capsfilter)
+        self.add(self.videoscale, self.capsfilter, self.videobox)
+        gst.element_link_many(self.videoscale, self.capsfilter, self.videobox)
         self._sinkpad = gst.GhostPad("sink", self.videoscale.get_pad("sink"))
-        self._srcpad = gst.GhostPad("src", self.capsfilter.get_pad("src"))
+        self._srcpad = gst.GhostPad("src", self.videobox.get_pad("src"))
@@ -80,20 +81,18 @@ class SmartVideoScale(gst.Bin):
     def set_caps(self, caps):
         """ set the outgoing caps, because gst.BaseTransform is full of CRACK ! """
         self.widthout, self.heightout, self.parout, self.darout = self._getValuesFromCaps(caps, True)
-        self.caps_copy = gst.Caps(caps)
-        del self.caps_copy[0]["format"]
-        del self.caps_copy[0]["framerate"]
     def _sinkSetCaps(self, unused_pad, caps):
         self.log("caps:%s" % caps.to_string())
         self.widthin, self.heightin, self.parin, self.darin = self._getValuesFromCaps(caps)
-        return True
+        res = self.videoscale.get_pad("sink").set_caps(caps)
+        return res
     def _srcSetCaps(self, unused_pad, caps):
         self.log("caps:%s" % caps.to_string())
         self.widthout, self.heightout, self.parout, self.darout = self._getValuesFromCaps(caps)
-        res = self.capsfilter.get_pad("src").set_caps(caps)
+        res = self.videobox.get_pad("src").set_caps(caps)
         if res:
             self.capsout = caps
@@ -135,15 +134,67 @@ class SmartVideoScale(gst.Bin):
         return (width, height, par, dar)
     def _computeAndSetValues(self):
-        """ Calculate the new values to set on capsfilter. """
-        if self.widthout == -1 or self.heightout == -1:
+        """ Calculate the new values to set on capsfilter and videobox. """
+        if self.widthin == -1 or self.heightin == -1 or self.widthout == -1 or self.heightout == -1:
             # FIXME : should we reset videobox/capsfilter properties here ?
-            self.error("We don't have output caps, we can't fix values for videoscale")
+            self.error("We don't have input and output caps, we can't calculate videobox values")
+        self.log("incoming width/height/PAR/DAR : %d/%d/%r/%r" % (self.widthin, self.heightin,
+                                                                  self.parin, self.darin))
+        self.log("outgoing width/height/PAR/DAR : %d/%d/%r/%r" % (self.widthout, self.heightout,
+                                                                  self.parout, self.darout))
+        # for core <= 0.10.22 we always set caps != any, see 574805 for the
+        # details
+        if self.darin == self.darout and gst.version() >= (0, 10, 23):
+            self.log("We have same input and output caps, resetting capsfilter and videobox settings")
+            # same DAR, set inputcaps on capsfilter, reset videobox values
+            astr = "width=%d,height=%d" % (self.widthout, self.heightout)
+            caps = gst.caps_from_string("video/x-raw-yuv,%s;video/x-raw-rgb,%s" % (astr, astr))
+            left = 0
+            right = 0
+            top = 0
+            bottom = 0
+        else:
+            par = self.parout
+            dar = self.darin
+            if float(self.darin) > float(self.darout):
+                self.log("incoming DAR is greater that ougoing DAR. Adding top/bottom borders")
+                # width, PAR stays the same as output
+                # calculate newheight = (PAR * widthout) / DAR
+                newheight = (par.num * self.widthout * dar.denom) / (par.denom * dar.num)
+                self.log("newheight should be %d" % newheight)
+                extra = self.heightout - newheight
+                top = extra / 2
+                bottom = extra - top # compensate for odd extra
+                left = right = 0
+                # calculate filter caps
+                astr = "width=%d,height=%d" % (self.widthout, newheight)
+            else:
+                self.log("incoming DAR is smaller than outgoing DAR. Adding left/right borders")
+                # height, PAR stays the same as output
+                # calculate newwidth = (DAR * heightout) / PAR
+                newwidth = (dar.num * self.heightout * par.denom) / (dar.denom * par.num)
+                self.log("newwidth should be %d" % newwidth)
+                extra = self.widthout - newwidth
+                left = extra / 2
+                right = extra - left # compensate for odd extra
+                top = bottom = 0
+                # calculate filter caps
+                astr = "width=%d,height=%d" % (newwidth, self.heightout)
+            caps = gst.caps_from_string("video/x-raw-yuv,%s;video/x-raw-rgb,%s" % (astr, astr))
         # set properties on elements
-        self.debug("Settings filter caps %s" % self.caps_copy.to_string())
-        self.capsfilter.props.caps = self.caps_copy
+        self.debug("About to set left/right/top/bottom : %d/%d/%d/%d" % (-left, -right, -top, -bottom))
+        self.videobox.props.left = -left
+        self.videobox.props.right = -right
+        self.videobox.props.top = -top
+        self.videobox.props.bottom = -bottom
+        self.debug("Settings filter caps %s" % caps.to_string())
+        self.capsfilter.props.caps = caps

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