[ease/video: 5/5] [video] Add VideoActor play/pause controls.
- From: Nate Stedman <natesm src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [ease/video: 5/5] [video] Add VideoActor play/pause controls.
- Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 12:56:12 +0000 (UTC)
commit 999bc79a7a733019783b0fe8beb28687ccdcdffa
Author: Nate Stedman <natesm gmail com>
Date: Thu Jul 29 08:55:41 2010 -0400
[video] Add VideoActor play/pause controls.
data/svg-sources/video-play-button-inkscape.svg | 257 +++++++++++++++++++++++
data/svg/video-play-button.svg | 256 ++++++++++++++++++++++
ease-core/ease-actor.vala | 16 ++
ease-core/ease-video-actor.vala | 161 ++++++++++++++-
ease-core/ease-video-element.vala | 4 +
5 files changed, 691 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
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diff --git a/ease-core/ease-actor.vala b/ease-core/ease-actor.vala
index 7b9a068..a7311e4 100644
--- a/ease-core/ease-actor.vala
+++ b/ease-core/ease-actor.vala
@@ -91,6 +91,22 @@ public abstract class Ease.Actor : Clutter.Group
+ * Automatically resizes an actor to fit within this Actor's bounds.
+ *
+ * @param actor The actor to automatically scale.
+ */
+ public void autosize(Clutter.Actor actor)
+ {
+ contents.notify["width"].connect(() => {
+ actor.width = width;
+ });
+ contents.notify["height"].connect(() => {
+ actor.height = height;
+ });
+ }
+ /**
* Rereads the Actor's { link Element} to position it properly.
* Used after reverting an action.
diff --git a/ease-core/ease-video-actor.vala b/ease-core/ease-video-actor.vala
index 344764c..6582831 100644
--- a/ease-core/ease-video-actor.vala
+++ b/ease-core/ease-video-actor.vala
@@ -34,7 +34,53 @@ public class Ease.VideoActor : Actor, Clutter.Media
* The "play" button in a presentation.
- private Clutter.CairoTexture play_button;
+ private Clutter.Texture action_button;
+ /**
+ * The textured overlayed on the video when it is not playing.
+ */
+ private Clutter.CairoTexture gloss;
+ /**
+ * The path to the "play" button svg.
+ */
+ private const string PLAY_PATH =
+ Path.build_filename("svg", "video-play-button.svg");
+ /**
+ * A group to contain the video actor and the play button.
+ */
+ private Clutter.Group group;
+ /**
+ * The amount of time it takes for the button to fade out.
+ */
+ private const int BUTTON_TIME = 500;
+ /**
+ * Easing for the button fadeout.
+ */
+ private const int ALPHA_OPACITY = Clutter.AnimationMode.LINEAR;
+ /**
+ * Easing for the button scale out.
+ */
+ private const int ALPHA_SCALE = Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_IN_BACK;
+ /**
+ * Easing for the button scale in.
+ */
+ private const int ALPHA_SCALE_IN = Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_BACK;
+ /**
+ * Start alarm.
+ */
+ private Clutter.Timeline timeline;
+ /**
+ * Fade in alarm.
+ */
+ private Clutter.Timeline timeline_in;
* Instantiates a new VideoActor from an Element.
@@ -53,11 +99,48 @@ public class Ease.VideoActor : Actor, Clutter.Media
video = new ClutterGst.VideoTexture();
+ group = new Clutter.Group();
+ group.add_actor(video);
// play the video if it's in the presentation
if (c == ActorContext.PRESENTATION)
- video.set_playing(true);
+ if (e.play_auto)
+ {
+ video.set_playing(true);
+ video.reactive = true;
+ create_paused_ui(e, false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // get a video frame to display (dimmed maybe?)
+ video.set_playing(true);
+ video.set_playing(false);
+ create_paused_ui(e, true);
+ }
+ // show the pause ui when the video is paused
+ video.button_press_event.connect((a, event) => {
+ video.reactive = false;
+ video.set_playing(false);
+ // set overlay scale and alpha to 0
+ action_button.scale_x = 1;
+ action_button.scale_y = 1;
+ // create an alarm
+ timeline_in = new Clutter.Timeline(BUTTON_TIME);
+ timeline_in.completed.connect(() => {
+ action_button.reactive = true;
+ });
+ timeline_in.start();
+ // do the animations
+ gloss.animate(ALPHA_OPACITY, BUTTON_TIME, "opacity", 255);
+ action_button.animate(ALPHA_OPACITY, BUTTON_TIME,
+ "opacity", 255);
+ return true;
+ });
@@ -66,13 +149,85 @@ public class Ease.VideoActor : Actor, Clutter.Media
- contents = video;
+ contents = group;
contents.width = e.width;
contents.height = e.height;
x = e.x;
y = e.y;
+ autosize(video);
+ }
+ private void create_paused_ui(VideoElement e, bool active)
+ {
+ // create the glossy overlay
+ gloss = new Clutter.CairoTexture((int)e.width, (int)e.height);
+ gloss.set_surface_size((int)e.width, (int)e.height);
+ gloss.opacity = 100;
+ var cr = gloss.create();
+ // draw the upper, light triangle
+ cr.save();
+ cr.move_to(0, 0);
+ cr.line_to(e.width, 0);
+ cr.line_to(0, e.height);
+ cr.close_path();
+ cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
+ cr.fill();
+ cr.restore();
+ // draw the lower, dark triangle
+ cr.move_to(e.width, e.height);
+ cr.line_to(e.width, 0);
+ cr.line_to(0, e.height);
+ cr.close_path();
+ cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
+ cr.fill();
+ // create the action button
+ action_button = new Clutter.Texture.from_file(data_path(PLAY_PATH));
+ // set the position of the button
+ action_button.anchor_gravity = Clutter.Gravity.CENTER;
+ action_button.x = e.width / 2;
+ action_button.y = e.height / 2;
+ // add the actors
+ group.add_actor(gloss);
+ group.add_actor(action_button);
+ // allow the button to be clicked
+ action_button.button_press_event.connect((a, event) => {
+ action_button.reactive = false;
+ video.reactive = true;
+ timeline = new Clutter.Timeline(BUTTON_TIME);
+ timeline.completed.connect(() => {
+ video.set_playing(true);
+ video.reactive = true;
+ });
+ timeline.start();
+ gloss.animate(ALPHA_OPACITY, BUTTON_TIME / 2, "opacity", 0);
+ action_button.animate(ALPHA_OPACITY, BUTTON_TIME,
+ "opacity", 0);
+ action_button.animate(ALPHA_SCALE, BUTTON_TIME,
+ "scale-x", 0);
+ action_button.animate(ALPHA_SCALE, BUTTON_TIME,
+ "scale-y", 0);
+ return true;
+ });
+ // if requested, show the new actors
+ if (!active)
+ {
+ action_button.opacity = 0;
+ gloss.opacity = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ action_button.reactive = true;
+ }
public double get_audio_volume()
diff --git a/ease-core/ease-video-element.vala b/ease-core/ease-video-element.vala
index b6c5dbb..465b85f 100644
--- a/ease-core/ease-video-element.vala
+++ b/ease-core/ease-video-element.vala
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
public class Ease.VideoElement : MediaElement
+ /**
+ * If the video should begin playing automatically, or display a play
+ * button.
+ */
public bool play_auto { get; set; default = false; }
public VideoElement()
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