[gtkmm] Removed Notebook::pages() and Table::children().

commit 12da5044702f102ebd431b770edbd5cf53b33c76
Author: Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>
Date:   Wed Jul 14 10:13:32 2010 +0200

    Removed Notebook::pages() and Table::children().
    	* gtk/src/gtk_signals.defs: GtkNotebook: Change the parameter for the
        switch_page signal.
    	* gtk/src/notebook.[hg|ccg]: Remove the pages() method, PageList and
    	* gtk/src/table.[hg|ccg]: Remove the children() method and Child.
        This is unavoidable now that the C struct fields are no longer available.
        To bring this API back someone would need to add iterating API to
        GtkNotebook and GtkTable.

 ChangeLog                |   14 ++
 gtk/src/gtk_signals.defs |    2 +-
 gtk/src/notebook.ccg     |  318 ----------------------------------------------
 gtk/src/notebook.hg      |  273 +---------------------------------------
 gtk/src/table.ccg        |   88 +-------------
 gtk/src/table.hg         |   78 +-----------
 6 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 755 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 9977b1f..774c942 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+2010-07-14  Murray Cumming  <murrayc murrayc com>
+	Removed Notebook::pages() and Table::children().
+	* gtk/src/gtk_signals.defs: GtkNotebook: Change the parameter for the
+    switch_page signal.
+	* gtk/src/notebook.[hg|ccg]: Remove the pages() method, PageList and
+    PageList::iterator.
+	* gtk/src/table.[hg|ccg]: Remove the children() method and Child.
+    This is unavoidable now that the C struct fields are no longer available.
+    To bring this API back someone would need to add iterating API to
+    GtkNotebook and GtkTable.
 2010-07-14  Murray Cumming  <murrayc murrayc com>>
diff --git a/gtk/src/gtk_signals.defs b/gtk/src/gtk_signals.defs
index ddb42b3..41e6dbf 100644
--- a/gtk/src/gtk_signals.defs
+++ b/gtk/src/gtk_signals.defs
@@ -25124,7 +25124,7 @@
   (return-type "void")
   (when "last")
-    '("GtkNotebookPage*" "p0")
+    '("GtkWidget*" "p0")
     '("guint" "p1")
diff --git a/gtk/src/notebook.ccg b/gtk/src/notebook.ccg
index 1a71243..83ca1d3 100644
--- a/gtk/src/notebook.ccg
+++ b/gtk/src/notebook.ccg
@@ -53,323 +53,6 @@ static void SignalProxy_WindowCreation_gtk_callback_destroy(void* data)
 namespace Gtk
-namespace Notebook_Helpers
-/**** Gtk::Notebook_Helpers::PageIterator **********************************/
-bool PageIterator::equal(const PageIterator& other) const
-  return (node_ == other.node_);
-PageIterator::operator bool() const
-  return (node_ != 0);
-PageIterator& PageIterator::operator++()
-  g_return_val_if_fail(node_ != 0, *this);
-  node_ = node_->next;
-  return *this;
-const PageIterator PageIterator::operator++(int)
-  const PageIterator tmp (*this);
-  ++*this;
-  return tmp;
-PageIterator& PageIterator::operator--()
-  node_ = (node_) ? node_->prev : g_list_last(parent_->gobj()->children);
-  return *this;
-const PageIterator PageIterator::operator--(int)
-  const PageIterator tmp (*this);
-  --*this;
-  return tmp;
-***** Page Properties
-int Page::get_page_num() const
-  return g_list_position(parent_->gobj()->children, node_);
-Widget* Page::get_child() const
-  return parent_->get_nth_page(get_page_num());
-Widget* Page::get_tab_label() const
-  return parent_->get_tab_label(*get_child());
-void Page::set_tab_label(Widget& tab_label)
-  parent_->set_tab_label(*get_child(), tab_label);
-void Page::set_tab_label_text(const Glib::ustring& tab_text)
-  parent_->set_tab_label_text(*get_child(), tab_text);
-Glib::ustring Page::get_tab_label_text() const
-  return parent_->get_tab_label_text(*get_child());
-Widget* Page::get_menu_label() const
-  return parent_->get_menu_label(*get_child());
-void Page::set_menu_label(Widget& menu_label)
-  parent_->set_menu_label(*get_child(), menu_label);
-void Page::set_menu_label_text(const Glib::ustring& menu_text)
-  parent_->set_menu_label_text(*get_child(), menu_text);
-Glib::ustring Page::get_menu_label_text() const
-  return parent_->get_menu_label_text(*get_child());
-***** List properties
-  gparent_ (0)
-PageList::PageList(GtkNotebook* gparent)
-  gparent_ (gparent)
-PageList::PageList(const PageList& src)
-  gparent_ (src.gparent_)
-PageList& PageList::operator=(const PageList& src)
-  gparent_ = src.gparent_;
-  return *this;
-PageList::size_type PageList::max_size() const
-  return G_MAXINT;
-bool PageList::empty() const
-  return (gparent_->children == 0);
-PageList::size_type PageList::size() const
-  return g_list_length(gparent_->children);
-PageList::value_type PageList::front() const
-  return *begin();
-PageList::value_type PageList::back() const
-  return *--end();
-PageList::value_type PageList::operator[](size_type index) const
-  GList *const node = g_list_nth(gparent_->children, index);
-  g_assert(node != 0);
-  return *iterator(Glib::wrap(gparent_), node);
-PageList::iterator PageList::insert(PageList::iterator position, const Element& elem)
-  // Get the iterator index, or -1 for end().
-  const int index = (position) ? position->get_page_num() : -1;
-  // Give item to GTK+.
-  gtk_notebook_insert_page_menu(gparent_,
-                                Glib::unwrap(elem.child_),
-                                Glib::unwrap(elem.tab_),
-                                Glib::unwrap(elem.menu_),
-                                index);
-  // Return an iterator pointing to the inserted element.
-  return --position;
-void PageList::erase(PageList::iterator start, PageList::iterator stop)
-  while(start != stop)
-    start = erase(start);
-PageList::iterator PageList::erase(PageList::iterator position)
-  iterator next (position);
-  if(position)
-  {
-    ++next;
-    gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(gparent_), position->get_child()->gobj());
-  }
-  return next;
-void PageList::remove(const_reference child)
-//  g_return_if_fail(child.parent_ != 0);
-  gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(gparent_), child.get_child()->gobj());
-void PageList::remove(Widget& widget)
-  gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(gparent_), widget.gobj());
-void PageList::reorder(PageList::iterator position, PageList::iterator page)
-  gtk_notebook_reorder_child(gparent(), page->get_child()->gobj(), position->get_page_num());
-PageList::iterator PageList::find(int num)
-  if (num < 0)
-    return end();
-  iterator i = begin();
-  std::advance(i, num);
-  return i;
-PageList::iterator PageList::find(const_reference c)
-  iterator i = begin();
-  while (i != end() && ((*i).get_child() != c.get_child()))
-    ++i;
-  return i;
-PageList::iterator PageList::find(Widget& widget)
-  iterator i = begin();
-  while (i != end() && ((*i).get_child() != &widget))
-    ++i;
-  return i;
-PageList::iterator PageList::find(GtkNotebookPage* page)
-  GList* node = gparent_->children;
-  while(node && node->data != page)
-    node = node->next;
-  return (node) ? iterator(Glib::wrap(gparent_), node) : end();
-void PageList::clear()
-  erase(begin(), end());
-PageList::iterator PageList::begin_() const
-  return iterator(Glib::wrap(gparent_), gparent_->children);
-PageList::iterator PageList::end_() const
-  return iterator(Glib::wrap(gparent_), 0);
-Element::Element(Widget* child, Widget* tab, Widget* menu)
-  child_  (child),
-  tab_    (tab),
-  menu_   (menu)
-Element::Element(Widget& child, Widget& tab, Widget& menu)
-  child_  (&child),
-  tab_    (&tab),
-  menu_   (&menu)
-Element::Element(Widget& child)
-  child_  (&child),
-  tab_    (0),
-  menu_   (0)
-TabElem::TabElem(Widget& child, Widget& tab)
-  Element(&child, &tab, 0)
-TabElem::TabElem(Widget& child, const Glib::ustring& label, bool mnemonic)
-  Element(&child, manage(new Label(label, mnemonic)), 0)
-MenuElem::MenuElem(Widget& child, Widget& menu)
-  Element(&child, 0, &menu)
-} /* namespace Notebook_Helpers */
-Notebook::PageList::iterator Notebook::get_current()
-  return pages().find(get_current_page());
-Notebook::PageList& Notebook::pages()
-  pages_proxy_ = PageList(gobj());
-  return pages_proxy_;
-const Notebook::PageList& Notebook::pages() const
-  pages_proxy_ = PageList(const_cast<GtkNotebook*>(gobj()));
-  return pages_proxy_;
-/*Widget* Notebook::get_current_page()
-  return get_nth_page(get_current_page_num());
 int Notebook::prepend_page(Widget& child, const Glib::ustring& tab_label, bool use_mnemonic)
   Label* pLabel = Gtk::manage( new Label(tab_label, use_mnemonic) );
@@ -440,4 +123,3 @@ void Notebook::set_window_creation_hook(const SlotWindowCreation& slot)
 } //namespace Gtk
diff --git a/gtk/src/notebook.hg b/gtk/src/notebook.hg
index b3e8c09..6b34e60 100644
--- a/gtk/src/notebook.hg
+++ b/gtk/src/notebook.hg
@@ -20,265 +20,23 @@ _CONFIGINCLUDE(gtkmmconfig.h)
 #include <gtkmm/container.h>
 #include <gtkmm/label.h>
-//#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
 #include <glibmm/helperlist.h>
 #m4 _CONVERSION(guint,PositionType,`$2($3)')
-//Allow us to set the struct fields.
-//TODO: We probably need to remove the STL-style children() API.
-#m4 _POP()
-extern "C"
-  typedef struct _GtkNotebookPage GtkNotebookPage;
 namespace Gtk
 _WRAP_ENUM(NotebookTab, GtkNotebookTab)
-class Notebook;
-namespace Notebook_Helpers
-***** Elem classes
-class Page;
-/* Since the data stored in GtkNotebook's GList is inaccessible
- * the iterator "PageIterator" has to hold a pointer to the Notebook
- * that owns the list. "Page" (the value_type of "PageList")
- * inherits "PageIterator" privately and uses Notebook-API-functions
- * to retrieve and manipulate data.
- *
- * Note that PageIterator uses g_list_* functions just to step through
- * the children and test for iterator equality instead of simply using
- * the child index number. This is done because even if you use a
- * child index number, you would still have to use g_list_length() to
- * retrieve the number of elements.  And using an element index results
- * in iterators not staying valid on insertion/removal. This would only
- * lead to fragile and unexpected behaviour.
- * (Thanks for this explanation, Daniel!)
- */
-class PageIterator
-  typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
-  typedef size_t size_type;
-  typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
-  typedef Page        value_type;
-  typedef const Page* pointer;
-  typedef const Page& reference;
-  PageIterator(Gtk::Notebook* parent, GList* node) : node_(node), parent_(parent) {}
-  PageIterator()                                   : node_(0),    parent_(0)      {}
-  bool equal(const PageIterator& other) const;
-  operator bool() const;
-  PageIterator&      operator++();
-  const PageIterator operator++(int);
-  PageIterator&      operator--();
-  const PageIterator operator--(int);
-  inline reference operator*()  const;
-  inline pointer   operator->() const;
-  GList*         node_;
-  Gtk::Notebook* parent_;
-  friend class Gtk::Notebook_Helpers::Page;
-/** @relates Gtk::Notebook_Helpers::PageIterator */
-inline bool operator==(const PageIterator& lhs, const PageIterator& rhs)
-  { return lhs.equal(rhs); }
-/** @relates Gtk::Notebook_Helpers::PageIterator */
-inline bool operator!=(const PageIterator& lhs, const PageIterator& rhs)
-  { return !lhs.equal(rhs); }
-// Page is the output class
-class Page : public PageIterator
-  Page();
-  Page& operator=(const Page&);
-  int get_page_num() const;
-  Widget* get_child() const;
-  Widget* get_tab_label() const;
-  void set_tab_label(Widget& tab_label);
-  void set_tab_label_text(const Glib::ustring& tab_text);
-  Glib::ustring get_tab_label_text() const;
-  Widget* get_menu_label() const;
-  void set_menu_label(Widget& menu_label);
-  void set_menu_label_text(const Glib::ustring& menu_text);
-  Glib::ustring get_menu_label_text() const;
-// Element is the input class
-class PageList;
-class Element
-  Element(Widget* child, Widget* tab, Widget* menu);
-  Element(Widget& child, Widget& tab, Widget& menu);
-  explicit Element(Widget& child);
-  friend class PageList;
-  Widget* child_;
-  Widget* tab_;
-  Widget* menu_;
-// Just a widget without a tab
-typedef Element WidgetElem;
-struct TabElem : public Element
-  TabElem(Widget& child, Widget& tab);
-  TabElem(Widget& child, const Glib::ustring& label, bool mnemonic = false);
-struct MenuElem : public Element
-  MenuElem(Widget& child, Widget& menu);
-***** List properties
-/** An STL-style container for pages in a Gtk::Notebook.
- *
- */
-class PageList
-  PageList();
-  explicit PageList(GtkNotebook* gparent);
-  PageList(const PageList& src);
-  PageList& operator=(const PageList& src);
-  typedef Page  value_type;
-  typedef Page& reference;
-  typedef const Page& const_reference;
-  typedef PageIterator iterator;
-  typedef Glib::List_ConstIterator<iterator> const_iterator;
-  typedef Glib::List_ReverseIterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
-  typedef Glib::List_ConstIterator<reverse_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
-  typedef const Element element_type;
-  typedef size_t difference_type;
-  typedef size_t size_type;
-  inline GtkNotebook* gparent()
-    { return gparent_; }
-  inline const GtkNotebook* gparent() const
-    { return gparent_; }
-  size_type size() const;
-  size_type max_size() const;
-  bool empty() const;
-  inline iterator begin()
-    { return begin_(); }
-  inline iterator end()
-    { return end_(); }
-  inline const_iterator begin() const
-    { return const_iterator(begin_()); }
-  inline const_iterator end() const
-    { return const_iterator(end_()); }
-  inline reverse_iterator rbegin()
-    { return reverse_iterator(end_()); }
-  inline reverse_iterator rend()
-    { return reverse_iterator(begin_()); }
-  inline const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
-    { return const_reverse_iterator(reverse_iterator(end_())); }
-  inline const_reverse_iterator rend() const
-    { return const_reverse_iterator(reverse_iterator(begin_())); }
-  value_type front() const;
-  value_type back() const;
-  value_type operator[](size_type l) const;
-  iterator insert(iterator position, element_type& e); //custom-implemented.
-  template <class InputIterator>
-  inline void insert(iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
-  {
-    for(;first != last; ++first)
-      position = insert(position, *first);
-  }
-  inline void push_front(element_type& e)
-    { insert(begin(), e); }
-  inline void push_back(element_type& e)
-    { insert(end(), e); }
-  void erase(iterator start, iterator stop);
-  iterator erase(iterator);
-  void remove(const_reference child);
-  void remove(Widget& w);
-  void reorder(iterator loc, iterator page); // Non-standard
-  iterator find(int num);
-  iterator find(const_reference c);
-  iterator find(Widget& w);
-  iterator find(GtkNotebookPage* t);
-  inline void pop_front()
-    { erase(begin()); }
-  inline void pop_back()
-    { erase(--end()); }
-  void clear();
-  iterator begin_() const;
-  iterator end_() const;
-  GtkNotebook* gparent_;
-} // Notebook_Helpers
 /** Container which shows one of its children at a time, in tabbed windows.
  * The Gtk::Notebook widget is a Gtk::Container whose children are pages that
  * can be switched between using tab labels along one edge.
- * You can use the PageList returned by pages() as any normal STL container
- * to manipulate the pages.
- *
  * A Notebook widget looks like this:
  * @image html notebook1.png
@@ -291,7 +49,6 @@ class Notebook : public Container
   _IGNORE(gtk_notebook_set_homogeneous_tabs, gtk_notebook_set_tab_border, gtk_notebook_set_tab_hborder, gtk_notebook_set_tab_vborder)
-  typedef Notebook_Helpers::PageList PageList;
@@ -391,12 +148,7 @@ public:
   _WRAP_METHOD(Widget* get_action_widget(PackType pack_type = PACK_START), gtk_notebook_get_action_widget)
   _WRAP_METHOD(void set_action_widget(Widget* widget, PackType pack_type = PACK_START), gtk_notebook_set_action_widget)
-  PageList::iterator get_current();
-  PageList& pages();
-  const PageList& pages() const;
-  _WRAP_SIGNAL(void switch_page(GtkNotebookPage* page, guint page_num), "switch_page")
+  _WRAP_SIGNAL(void switch_page(Widget* page, guint page_num), "switch_page")
   _WRAP_SIGNAL(void page_reordered(Widget* page, guint page_num), "page_reordered", no_default_handler)
   _WRAP_SIGNAL(void page_removed(Widget* page, guint page_num), "page_removed", no_default_handler)
   _WRAP_SIGNAL(void page_added(Widget* page, guint page_num), "page_added", no_default_handler)
@@ -423,33 +175,10 @@ public:
   _WRAP_PROPERTY("homogeneous", bool)
   //TODO: Wrap the child properties, such as tab-fill and tab-expand.
-  mutable PageList pages_proxy_;
-namespace Notebook_Helpers
-/**** PageIterator **************************************************/
-PageIterator::reference PageIterator::operator*() const
-  return static_cast<const Page&>(*this);
-PageIterator::pointer PageIterator::operator->() const
-  return static_cast<const Page*>(this);
-} // namespace Notebook_Helpers
diff --git a/gtk/src/table.ccg b/gtk/src/table.ccg
index 2aa6d8f..3b37403 100644
--- a/gtk/src/table.ccg
+++ b/gtk/src/table.ccg
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // -*- c++ -*-
 /* $Id: table.ccg,v 1.1 2003/01/21 13:40:40 murrayc Exp $ */
  * Copyright 1998-2002 The gtkmm Development Team
@@ -25,96 +25,10 @@
 namespace Gtk
-namespace Table_Helpers
-Widget* Child::get_widget() const
-  return Glib::wrap(gobj()->widget);
-guint16 Child::get_left_attach() const
-  return gobj()->left_attach;
-guint16 Child::get_right_attach() const
-  return gobj()->right_attach;
-guint16 Child::get_top_attach() const
-  return gobj()->top_attach;
-guint16 Child::get_bottom_attach() const
-  return gobj()->bottom_attach;
-guint16 Child::get_xpadding() const
-  return gobj()->xpadding;
-guint16 Child::get_ypadding() const
-  return gobj()->ypadding;
-bool Child::get_xexpand() const
-  return (bool)gobj()->xexpand;
-bool Child::get_yexpand() const
-  return (bool)gobj()->yexpand;
-bool Child::get_xshrink() const
-  return (bool)gobj()->xshrink;
-bool Child::get_yshrink() const
-  return (bool)gobj()->yshrink;
-bool Child::get_xfill() const
-  return (bool)gobj()->xfill;
-bool Child::get_yfill() const
-  return (bool)gobj()->yfill;
-} //namespace Table_Helpers
 void Table::set_spacings(guint spacing)
-Table::TableList& Table::children()
-  children_proxy_ = TableList(gobj());
-  return children_proxy_;
-const Table::TableList& Table::children() const
-  children_proxy_ = TableList(const_cast<GtkTable*>(gobj()));
-  return children_proxy_;
 } /* namespace Gtk */
diff --git a/gtk/src/table.hg b/gtk/src/table.hg
index 6f7d98f..0f6f48f 100644
--- a/gtk/src/table.hg
+++ b/gtk/src/table.hg
@@ -20,78 +20,13 @@
 #include <glibmm/helperlist.h>
 #include <gtkmm/container.h>
 #include <gtkmm/enums.h>
-#include <gtk/gtk.h> /* for GtkTableChild */
-//Allow us to set the struct fields.
-//TODO: We probably need to remove the STL-style children() API.
-#m4 _POP()
 namespace Gtk
-class Table;
-namespace Table_Helpers
-class Child : protected _GtkTableChild
-  Child& operator=(const Child&); //Not implemented.
-  Child(const Child&); //Not implemented.
-  inline _GtkTableChild* gobj() {return (this);}
-  inline const _GtkTableChild* gobj() const {return (this);}
-  Widget* get_widget() const;
-  //TODO: Which of the GtkTableChild's fields are public API?
-  //Maybe we should remove some of these get()s or add some set()s.
-  //If get_widget() is the only accessor, then we should probably make
-  //the STL-style Table list contain Widgets instead of Childs.
-  guint16 get_left_attach() const;
-  guint16 get_right_attach() const;
-  guint16 get_top_attach() const;
-  guint16 get_bottom_attach() const;
-  guint16 get_xpadding() const;
-  guint16 get_ypadding() const;
-  bool get_xexpand() const;
-  bool get_yexpand() const;
-  bool get_xshrink() const;
-  bool get_yshrink() const;
-  bool get_xfill() const;
-  bool get_yfill() const;
-  inline GtkTable* parent()
-    { return GTK_TABLE(gtk_widget_get_parent(gobj()->widget)); }
-  friend class Dummy_; // silence the compiler (Child has only private ctors)
-#m4 include(list.m4)
-  GP_LIST(TableList,Table,GtkTable,Child,children)
-  //The standard iterator, instead of List_Cpp_Iterator,
-  //only works because Child is derived from _GtkTableChild.
-  GP_LIST_ELEM(Widget)
-} // namespace Table_Helpers
 /** Pack widgets in regular patterns.
  * @ingroup Widgets
  * @ingroup Containers
@@ -166,24 +101,13 @@ public:
   _WRAP_METHOD(void set_homogeneous(bool homogeneous = true), gtk_table_set_homogeneous)
   _WRAP_METHOD(bool get_homogeneous() const, gtk_table_get_homogeneous)
-  _WRAP_METHOD(void get_size(guint& rows, guint& columns) const, gtk_table_get_size)
-  typedef Table_Helpers::TableList TableList;
-  TableList& children();
-  const TableList& children() const;
+  _WRAP_METHOD(void get_size(guint& rows, guint& columns) const, gtk_table_get_size)
   _WRAP_PROPERTY("n-rows", guint)
   _WRAP_PROPERTY("n-columns", guint)
   _WRAP_PROPERTY("column-spacing", guint)
   _WRAP_PROPERTY("row-spacing", guint)
-  mutable TableList children_proxy_;
 } // namespace Gtk

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