[vino/3] remove GConf from server

commit 49beffe6ce88c78bde7cb69d47c9a83a57395909
Author: Ryan Lortie <desrt desrt ca>
Date:   Mon Jul 5 00:08:13 2010 -0400

    remove GConf from server

 server/Makefile.am          |    2 -
 server/vino-background.c    |   64 ----
 server/vino-background.h    |   36 --
 server/vino-dbus-error.h    |    2 -
 server/vino-dbus-listener.c |    4 -
 server/vino-dbus-listener.h |    8 -
 server/vino-prefs.c         |  781 ++++---------------------------------------
 server/vino-server.c        |   69 ++--
 8 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 866 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server/Makefile.am b/server/Makefile.am
index da3a203..c8eb0cc 100644
--- a/server/Makefile.am
+++ b/server/Makefile.am
@@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ vino_server_SOURCES = \
 	vino-dbus-listener.h \
 	vino-dbus-error.c \
 	vino-dbus-error.h \
-	vino-background.c \
-	vino-background.h \
 	vino-upnp.h \
 	vino-upnp.c \
diff --git a/server/vino-dbus-error.h b/server/vino-dbus-error.h
index b967150..44aefb4 100644
--- a/server/vino-dbus-error.h
+++ b/server/vino-dbus-error.h
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
 #ifndef __VINO_DBUS_ERROR_H__
 #define __VINO_DBUS_ERROR_H__
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
 typedef enum
diff --git a/server/vino-dbus-listener.c b/server/vino-dbus-listener.c
index 81df2c8..74777ed 100644
--- a/server/vino-dbus-listener.c
+++ b/server/vino-dbus-listener.c
@@ -40,10 +40,6 @@
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib-bindings.h>
 #include "vino-dbus-error.h"
diff --git a/server/vino-dbus-listener.h b/server/vino-dbus-listener.h
index 1e0d467..e3250ca 100644
--- a/server/vino-dbus-listener.h
+++ b/server/vino-dbus-listener.h
@@ -60,14 +60,6 @@ GType              vino_dbus_listener_get_type   (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
 VinoDBusListener * vino_dbus_listener_new        (VinoServer       *server);
 VinoServer        *vino_dbus_listener_get_server (VinoDBusListener *listener);
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-DBusGConnection *vino_dbus_get_connection   (void);
 gboolean        vino_dbus_request_name     (void);
diff --git a/server/vino-prefs.c b/server/vino-prefs.c
index 0304154..87cc7cc 100644
--- a/server/vino-prefs.c
+++ b/server/vino-prefs.c
@@ -20,7 +20,11 @@
  *      Mark McLoughlin <mark skynet ie>
-#include <config.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "vino-prefs.h"
 #include <string.h>
 #include <glib/gstdio.h>
 #include <signal.h>
@@ -31,465 +35,28 @@
 #include "vino-util.h"
 #include "vino-mdns.h"
 #include "vino-status-icon.h"
-#include "vino-background.h"
-#define VINO_PREFS_DIR                    "/desktop/gnome/remote_access"
-#define VINO_PREFS_ENABLED                VINO_PREFS_DIR "/enabled"
-#define VINO_PREFS_PROMPT_ENABLED         VINO_PREFS_DIR "/prompt_enabled"
-#define VINO_PREFS_VIEW_ONLY              VINO_PREFS_DIR "/view_only"
-#define VINO_PREFS_LOCAL_ONLY             VINO_PREFS_DIR "/local_only"
-#define VINO_PREFS_NETWORK_INTERFACE      VINO_PREFS_DIR "/network_interface"
-#define VINO_PREFS_USE_ALTERNATIVE_PORT   VINO_PREFS_DIR "/use_alternative_port"
-#define VINO_PREFS_ALTERNATIVE_PORT       VINO_PREFS_DIR "/alternative_port"
-#define VINO_PREFS_REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION     VINO_PREFS_DIR "/require_encryption"
-#define VINO_PREFS_VNC_PASSWORD           VINO_PREFS_DIR "/vnc_password"
-#define VINO_PREFS_LOCK_SCREEN            VINO_PREFS_DIR "/lock_screen_on_disconnect"
-#define VINO_PREFS_ICON_VISIBILITY        VINO_PREFS_DIR "/icon_visibility"
-#define VINO_PREFS_DISABLE_BACKGROUND     VINO_PREFS_DIR "/disable_background"
-#define VINO_PREFS_USE_UPNP               VINO_PREFS_DIR "/use_upnp"
-#define VINO_PREFS_DISABLE_XDAMAGE        VINO_PREFS_DIR "/disable_xdamage"
-#define VINO_N_LISTENERS                  14
 #define VINO_PREFS_LOCKFILE               "vino-server.lock"
-static GConfClient *vino_client  = NULL;
-static GSList      *vino_servers = NULL;
-static guint        vino_listeners [VINO_N_LISTENERS] = { 0, };
-static gboolean        vino_enabled              = FALSE;
-static gboolean        vino_prompt_enabled       = FALSE;
-static gboolean        vino_view_only            = FALSE;
-static char           *vino_network_interface    = NULL;
-static gboolean        vino_require_encryption   = FALSE;
-static VinoAuthMethod  vino_auth_methods         = VINO_AUTH_VNC;
-static char           *vino_vnc_password         = NULL;
-static gboolean        vino_use_alternative_port = FALSE;
-static int             vino_alternative_port     = VINO_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT;
-static gboolean        vino_lock_screen          = FALSE;
-static gboolean        vino_disable_background   = FALSE;
-static gboolean        vino_use_upnp             = TRUE;
-static gboolean        vino_disable_xdamage      = FALSE;
-static VinoStatusIconVisibility vino_icon_visibility = VINO_STATUS_ICON_VISIBILITY_CLIENT;
-static void
-vino_prefs_enabled_changed (GConfClient *client,
-			    guint        cnxn_id,
-			    GConfEntry  *entry)
-  gboolean  enabled;
-  GSList   *l;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_BOOL)
-    return;
-  enabled = gconf_value_get_bool (entry->value) != FALSE;
-  if (vino_enabled == enabled)
-    return;
-  vino_enabled = enabled;
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Access enabled changed: %s\n", vino_enabled ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  if (vino_enabled)
-    vino_mdns_start (vino_network_interface);
-  else
-    vino_mdns_stop ();
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_on_hold (l->data, !enabled);
-static void
-vino_prefs_prompt_enabled_changed (GConfClient *client,
-				   guint        cnxn_id,
-				   GConfEntry  *entry)
-  gboolean  prompt_enabled;
-  GSList   *l;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_BOOL)
-    return;
-  prompt_enabled = gconf_value_get_bool (entry->value) != FALSE;
-  if (vino_prompt_enabled == prompt_enabled)
-    return;
-  vino_prompt_enabled = prompt_enabled;
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Prompt enabled changed: %s\n", vino_prompt_enabled ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_prompt_enabled (l->data, prompt_enabled);
-static void
-vino_prefs_view_only_changed (GConfClient *client,
-			      guint        cnxn_id,
-			      GConfEntry  *entry)
-  gboolean  view_only;
-  GSList   *l;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_BOOL)
-    return;
-  view_only = gconf_value_get_bool (entry->value) != FALSE;
-  if (vino_view_only == view_only)
-    return;
-  vino_view_only = view_only;
-  dprintf (PREFS, "View only changed: %s\n", vino_view_only ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_view_only (l->data, view_only);
-static void
-vino_prefs_network_interface_changed (GConfClient *client,
-                                      guint        cnxn_id,
-                                      GConfEntry  *entry)
-  const char *network_interface;
-  GSList     *l;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_STRING)
-    return;
-  network_interface = gconf_value_get_string (entry->value);
-  if (!network_interface && !vino_network_interface)
-    return;
-  if (network_interface && vino_network_interface &&
-      !strcmp (network_interface, vino_network_interface))
-    return;
-  if (vino_network_interface)
-    g_free (vino_network_interface);
-  vino_network_interface = g_strdup (network_interface);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Network Interface for bind() changed: %s\n",
-       vino_network_interface ? vino_network_interface : "(null)");
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_network_interface (l->data, network_interface);
-static void
-vino_prefs_require_encryption_changed (GConfClient *client,
-				       guint        cnxn_id,
-				       GConfEntry  *entry)
-  gboolean  require_encryption;
-  GSList   *l;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_BOOL)
-    return;
-  require_encryption = gconf_value_get_bool (entry->value) != FALSE;
-  if (vino_require_encryption == require_encryption)
-    return;
-  vino_require_encryption = require_encryption;
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Require encryption changed: %s\n", vino_require_encryption ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_require_encryption (l->data, require_encryption);
-static VinoAuthMethod
-vino_prefs_translate_auth_methods_list (GSList   *auth_methods_list,
-					gboolean  value_list)
-  VinoAuthMethod  retval = VINO_AUTH_INVALID;
-  GSList         *l;
-  for (l = auth_methods_list; l; l = l->next)
-    {
-      const char *method;
-      if (value_list)
-	method = gconf_value_get_string (l->data);
-      else
-	method = l->data;
-      dprintf (PREFS, " %s", method);
-      if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (method, "none"))
-	retval |= VINO_AUTH_NONE;
-      else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (method, "vnc"))
-	retval |= VINO_AUTH_VNC;
-    }
-  return retval != VINO_AUTH_INVALID ? retval : VINO_AUTH_NONE;
-static void
-vino_prefs_authentication_methods_changed (GConfClient *client,
-					   guint        cnxn_id,
-					   GConfEntry  *entry)
-  VinoAuthMethod  auth_methods;
-  GSList         *auth_methods_list;
-  GSList         *l;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_LIST ||
-      gconf_value_get_list_type (entry->value) != GCONF_VALUE_STRING)
-    return;
-  auth_methods_list = gconf_value_get_list (entry->value);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Authentication methods changed:");
-  auth_methods = vino_prefs_translate_auth_methods_list (auth_methods_list, TRUE);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "\n");
-  if (vino_auth_methods == auth_methods)
-    return;
-  vino_auth_methods = auth_methods;
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_auth_methods (l->data, auth_methods);
-static void
-vino_prefs_vnc_password_changed (GConfClient *client,
-				 guint        cnxn_id,
-				 GConfEntry  *entry)
-  const char *vnc_password;
-  GSList     *l;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_STRING)
-    return;
-  vnc_password = gconf_value_get_string (entry->value);
-  if (!vnc_password && !vino_vnc_password)
-    return;
-  if (vnc_password && vino_vnc_password &&
-      !strcmp (vnc_password, vino_vnc_password))
-    return;
-  if (vino_vnc_password)
-    g_free (vino_vnc_password);
-  vino_vnc_password = g_strdup (vnc_password);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Encoded password changed: %s\n",
-	   vino_vnc_password ? vino_vnc_password : "(null)");
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_vnc_password (l->data, vnc_password);
+static GSettings *background_settings = NULL;
+static GSettings *vino_settings       = NULL;
 static void
-vino_prefs_restart_mdns (VinoServer *server, gpointer data)
+vino_prefs_restart_mdns (VinoServer *server,
+                         gpointer    data)
   vino_mdns_stop ();
   vino_mdns_add_service ("_rfb._tcp", vino_server_get_port (server));
-  vino_mdns_start (vino_network_interface);
+  vino_mdns_start (vino_server_get_network_interface (server));
-static void
-vino_prefs_use_alternative_port_changed (GConfClient *client,
-                                         guint        cnxn_id,
-                                         GConfEntry  *entry)
-  gboolean  enabled;
-  GSList   *l;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_BOOL)
-    return;
-  enabled = gconf_value_get_bool (entry->value) != FALSE;
-  if (vino_use_alternative_port == enabled)
-    return;
-  vino_use_alternative_port = enabled;
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Use alternative port changed: %s\n",
-           vino_use_alternative_port ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_use_alternative_port (l->data, vino_use_alternative_port);
-static void
-vino_prefs_alternative_port_changed (GConfClient *client,
-                                     guint        cnxn_id,
-                                     GConfEntry  *entry)
-  GSList *l;
-  int     port;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_INT)
-    return;
-  port = gconf_value_get_int (entry->value);
-  if (vino_alternative_port == port || !VINO_SERVER_VALID_PORT (port))
-    return;
-  vino_alternative_port = port;
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Alternative port changed: %d\n", vino_alternative_port);
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_alternative_port (l->data, vino_alternative_port);
-static void
-vino_prefs_lock_screen_changed (GConfClient *client,
-			        guint	    cnxn_id,
-			        GConfEntry  *entry)
-  gboolean  lock_screen;
-  GSList   *l;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_BOOL)
-    return;
-  lock_screen = gconf_value_get_bool (entry->value) != FALSE;
-  if (vino_lock_screen == lock_screen)
-    return;
-  vino_lock_screen = lock_screen;
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Lock Screen changed: %s\n", vino_lock_screen ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_lock_screen (l->data, lock_screen);
-static VinoStatusIconVisibility
-vino_prefs_icon_visibility_from_string (const char *value)
-  VinoStatusIconVisibility ret_value = VINO_STATUS_ICON_VISIBILITY_INVALID;
-  if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (value, "always"))
-  else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (value, "client"))
-  else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (value, "never"))
-  return ret_value;
-static void
-vino_prefs_icon_visibility_changed (GConfClient *client,
-				    guint	 cnxn_id,
-				    GConfEntry  *entry)
-  const gchar  *entry_str;
-  GSList *l;
-  VinoStatusIconVisibility visibility;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_STRING)
-    return;
-  entry_str = gconf_value_get_string (entry->value);
-  visibility = vino_prefs_icon_visibility_from_string (entry_str);
-  if (visibility == vino_icon_visibility)
-    return;
-  vino_icon_visibility = visibility;
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Icon visibility changed: %s\n", entry_str);
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    {
-      VinoStatusIcon *icon;
-      icon = vino_server_get_status_icon (l->data);
-      vino_status_icon_set_visibility (icon, visibility);
-    }
-static void
-vino_prefs_disable_background_changed (GConfClient *client,
-                                       guint       cnxn_id,
-                                       GConfEntry  *entry)
-  gboolean  disable_background;
-  GSList   *l;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_BOOL)
-    return;
-  disable_background = gconf_value_get_bool (entry->value) != FALSE;
-  if (vino_disable_background == disable_background)
-    return;
-  vino_disable_background = disable_background;
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Disable background changed: %s\n", vino_disable_background ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_disable_background (l->data, disable_background);
-static void
-vino_prefs_use_upnp_changed (GConfClient *client,
-                             guint       cnxn_id,
-                             GConfEntry  *entry)
+static gboolean
+get_inverted_boolean (GValue   *value,
+                      GVariant *variant,
+                      gpointer  user_data)
-  gboolean  use_upnp;
-  GSList   *l;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_BOOL)
-    return;
-  use_upnp = gconf_value_get_bool (entry->value) != FALSE;
-  if (vino_use_upnp == use_upnp)
-    return;
-  vino_use_upnp = use_upnp;
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Use UPNP changed: %s\n", vino_use_upnp ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_use_upnp (l->data, use_upnp);
-static void
-vino_prefs_disable_xdamage_changed (GConfClient *client,
-                                    guint       cnxn_id,
-                                    GConfEntry  *entry)
-  gboolean  disable_xdamage;
-  GSList   *l;
-  if (!entry->value || entry->value->type != GCONF_VALUE_BOOL)
-    return;
-  disable_xdamage = gconf_value_get_bool (entry->value) != FALSE;
-  if (vino_disable_xdamage == disable_xdamage)
-    return;
-  vino_disable_xdamage = disable_xdamage;
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Disable XDamage: %s\n", vino_disable_xdamage ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    vino_server_set_disable_xdamage (l->data, disable_xdamage);
+  g_value_set_boolean (value, !g_variant_get_boolean (variant));
+  return TRUE;
@@ -498,41 +65,59 @@ vino_prefs_create_server (GdkScreen *screen)
   VinoServer     *server;
   VinoStatusIcon *icon;
+  /* Start the server 'on-hold' until all the settings are in, then go. */
   server = g_object_new (VINO_TYPE_SERVER,
-			 "prompt-enabled",       vino_prompt_enabled,
-			 "view-only",            vino_view_only,
-			 "network-interface",    vino_network_interface,
-			 "use-alternative-port", vino_use_alternative_port,
-			 "alternative-port",     vino_alternative_port,
-			 "auth-methods",         vino_auth_methods,
-			 "require-encryption",   vino_require_encryption,
-			 "vnc-password",         vino_vnc_password,
-			 "on-hold",              !vino_enabled,
-			 "screen",               screen,
-			 "lock-screen",          vino_lock_screen,
-			 "disable-background",   vino_disable_background,
-			 "use-upnp",             vino_use_upnp,
-			 "disable-xdamage",      vino_disable_xdamage,
-			 NULL);
-  vino_servers = g_slist_prepend (vino_servers, server);
-  if (vino_enabled)
-    vino_mdns_start (vino_network_interface);
+                         "on-hold", TRUE,
+                         "screen", screen,
+                         NULL);
+  icon = vino_server_get_status_icon (server);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "prompt-enabled",
+                   server, "prompt-enabled", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "view-only",
+                   server, "view-only", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "network-interface",
+                   server, "network-interface", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "use-alternative-port",
+                   server, "use-alternative-port", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "alternative-port",
+                   server, "alternative-port", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "authentication-methods",
+                   server, "auth-methods", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "require-encryption",
+                   server, "require-encryption", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "require-encryption",
+                   server, "require-encryption", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "vnc-password",
+                   server, "vnc-password", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "lock-screen-on-disconnect",
+                   server, "lock-screen", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "disable-background",
+                   server, "disable-background", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "use-upnp",
+                   server, "use-upnp", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "disable-xdamage",
+                   server, "disable-xdamage", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  g_settings_bind (vino_settings, "icon-visibility",
+                   icon, "visibility", G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET);
+  /* bind this one last */
+  g_settings_bind_with_mapping (vino_settings, "enabled",
+                                server, "on-hold",
+                                G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET,
+                                get_inverted_boolean,
+                                NULL, NULL, NULL);
   g_signal_connect (server, "notify::alternative-port", G_CALLBACK (vino_prefs_restart_mdns), NULL);
   g_signal_connect (server, "notify::use-alternative-port", G_CALLBACK(vino_prefs_restart_mdns), NULL);
   g_signal_connect (server, "notify::network-interface", G_CALLBACK (vino_prefs_restart_mdns), NULL);
-  icon = vino_server_get_status_icon (server);
-  vino_status_icon_set_visibility (icon, vino_icon_visibility);
 static void
 vino_prefs_restore_background (void)
-  if (vino_background_get_status ())
-    vino_background_draw (TRUE);
+  if (g_settings_get_boolean (vino_settings, "disable-background"))
+    g_settings_set_boolean (background_settings, "draw-background", TRUE);
 static gchar *
@@ -613,259 +198,25 @@ vino_prefs_sighandler (int sig)
 vino_prefs_init (gboolean view_only)
-  GSList *auth_methods_list, *l;
-  int i = 0;
-  char *key_str;
+  background_settings = g_settings_new ("org.gnome.desktop.background");
+  vino_settings = g_settings_new ("org.gnome.Vino");
   signal (SIGINT,  vino_prefs_sighandler); /* Ctrl+C */
   signal (SIGQUIT, vino_prefs_sighandler);
   signal (SIGTERM, vino_prefs_sighandler); /* kill -15 */
   signal (SIGSEGV, vino_prefs_sighandler); /* Segmentation fault */
-  vino_client = gconf_client_get_default ();
-  gconf_client_add_dir (vino_client,
-			NULL);
   if(!vino_prefs_lock ())
     vino_prefs_restore_background ();
-  vino_enabled = gconf_client_get_bool (vino_client, VINO_PREFS_ENABLED, NULL);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Access enabled: %s\n", vino_enabled ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  vino_prompt_enabled = gconf_client_get_bool (vino_client,
-					       NULL);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Prompt enabled: %s\n", vino_prompt_enabled ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  if (view_only)
-    {
-      vino_view_only = TRUE;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      vino_view_only = gconf_client_get_bool (vino_client,
-					      NULL);
-    }
-  dprintf (PREFS, "View only: %s\n", vino_view_only ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  vino_network_interface = gconf_client_get_string (vino_client,
-						    NULL);
-  /* Check for old key, local_only, vino <= 2.24 */
-  if (!vino_network_interface && gconf_client_get_bool (vino_client, VINO_PREFS_LOCAL_ONLY, NULL))
-    {
-      gconf_client_set_string (vino_client, VINO_PREFS_NETWORK_INTERFACE, "lo", NULL);
-      vino_network_interface = g_strdup ("lo");
-    }
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Network interface: %s\n", 
-                vino_network_interface ? vino_network_interface : "all");
-  vino_use_alternative_port = gconf_client_get_bool (vino_client,
-                                                     VINO_PREFS_USE_ALTERNATIVE_PORT,
-                                                     NULL);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Use alternative port: %s\n",
-           vino_use_alternative_port ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  vino_alternative_port = gconf_client_get_int (vino_client,
-                                                VINO_PREFS_ALTERNATIVE_PORT,
-                                                NULL);
-  if (!VINO_SERVER_VALID_PORT (vino_alternative_port))
-    vino_alternative_port = VINO_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT;
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Alternative port: %d\n", vino_alternative_port);
-  vino_require_encryption = gconf_client_get_bool (vino_client,
-						   NULL);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Require encryption: %s\n", vino_require_encryption ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  auth_methods_list = gconf_client_get_list (vino_client,
-					     NULL);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Authentication methods:");
-  vino_auth_methods = vino_prefs_translate_auth_methods_list (auth_methods_list, FALSE);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "\n");
-  for (l = auth_methods_list; l; l = l->next)
-    g_free (l->data);
-  g_slist_free (auth_methods_list);
-  vino_vnc_password = gconf_client_get_string (vino_client,
-					       NULL);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Encoded password: %s\n", vino_vnc_password ? vino_vnc_password : "(null)");
-  vino_lock_screen = gconf_client_get_bool (vino_client,
-                                            VINO_PREFS_LOCK_SCREEN,
-                                            NULL);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Lock screen on disconnect: %s\n",
-           vino_lock_screen ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  vino_disable_background = gconf_client_get_bool (vino_client,
-                                                   VINO_PREFS_DISABLE_BACKGROUND,
-                                                   NULL);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Disable background: %s\n", vino_disable_background ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  vino_use_upnp = gconf_client_get_bool (vino_client,
-                                         VINO_PREFS_USE_UPNP,
-                                         NULL);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Use UPNP: %s\n", vino_use_upnp ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  vino_disable_xdamage = gconf_client_get_bool (vino_client,
-                                                VINO_PREFS_DISABLE_XDAMAGE,
-                                                NULL);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Disable XDamage: %s\n", vino_disable_xdamage ? "(true)" : "(false)");
-  key_str = gconf_client_get_string (vino_client,
-                                     VINO_PREFS_ICON_VISIBILITY,
-                                     NULL);
-  vino_icon_visibility = vino_prefs_icon_visibility_from_string (key_str);
-  dprintf (PREFS, "Icon policy: %s\n", key_str);
-  g_free (key_str);
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_enabled_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_prompt_enabled_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  if (!view_only)
-    {
-      vino_listeners [i] =
-	gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-				 (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_view_only_changed,
-				 NULL, NULL, NULL);
-    }
-  i++;
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_network_interface_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_use_alternative_port_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_alternative_port_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_require_encryption_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_authentication_methods_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_vnc_password_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_lock_screen_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_icon_visibility_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_disable_background_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_use_upnp_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  vino_listeners [i] =
-    gconf_client_notify_add (vino_client,
-			     (GConfClientNotifyFunc) vino_prefs_disable_xdamage_changed,
-			     NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  i++;
-  g_assert (i == VINO_N_LISTENERS);
 vino_prefs_shutdown (void)
-  GSList *l;
-  int     i;
-  for (l = vino_servers; l; l = l->next)
-    g_object_unref (l->data);
-  g_slist_free (vino_servers);
-  vino_servers = NULL;
-  if (vino_vnc_password)
-    g_free (vino_vnc_password);
-  vino_vnc_password = NULL;
-  if (vino_network_interface)
-    g_free (vino_network_interface);
-  vino_network_interface = NULL;
-  for (i = 0; i < VINO_N_LISTENERS; i++) {
-    if (vino_listeners [i])
-      gconf_client_notify_remove (vino_client, vino_listeners [i]);
-    vino_listeners [i] = 0;
-  }
-  g_object_unref (vino_client);
-  vino_client = NULL;
+  g_object_unref (background_settings);
+  g_object_unref (vino_settings);
+  background_settings = NULL;
+  vino_settings = NULL;
   vino_prefs_unlock ();
diff --git a/server/vino-server.c b/server/vino-server.c
index 3c10d1c..2a76b54 100644
--- a/server/vino-server.c
+++ b/server/vino-server.c
@@ -35,11 +35,9 @@
 #include "vino-prompt.h"
 #include "vino-dbus-listener.h"
 #include "vino-util.h"
-#include "vino-enums.h"
-#include "vino-background.h"
 #include "vino-upnp.h"
+#include "vino-enums.h"
 #include <sys/poll.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
@@ -147,18 +145,15 @@ static gpointer parent_class;
 static void
 vino_server_lock_screen (VinoServer *server)
-  DBusGConnection *connection;
-  GError          *error;
-  DBusGProxy      *proxy;
+  GDBusConnection *connection;
+  GError *error = NULL;
   if (!server->priv->lock_screen)
   dprintf(DBUS, "Locking screen via gnome-screensaver\n");
-  error = NULL;
-  connection = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
+  connection = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &error);
   if (!connection)
       dprintf (DBUS, _("Failed to open connection to bus: %s\n"), error->message);
@@ -166,29 +161,22 @@ vino_server_lock_screen (VinoServer *server)
-  proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (connection,
-                                     GNOME_SCREENSAVER_BUS_NAME,
-                                     GNOME_SCREENSAVER_PATH,
-                                     GNOME_SCREENSAVER_INTERFACE);
-  dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (proxy, "Lock", G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  g_object_unref (proxy);
-  dbus_g_connection_unref (connection);
+  g_dbus_connection_call (connection, GNOME_SCREENSAVER_BUS_NAME,
+                          "Lock", NULL, NULL,
+                          G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  g_object_unref (connection);
 static void
 vino_server_unlock_screen (void)
-  DBusGConnection *connection;
-  GError          *error;
-  DBusGProxy      *proxy;
+  GDBusConnection *connection;
+  GError *error = NULL;
   dprintf(DBUS, "Unlocking screen via gnome-screensaver\n");
-  error = NULL;
-  connection = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
+  connection = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &error);
   if (!connection)
       dprintf (DBUS, _("Failed to open connection to bus: %s\n"), error->message);
@@ -196,15 +184,11 @@ vino_server_unlock_screen (void)
-  proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (connection,
-                                     GNOME_SCREENSAVER_BUS_NAME,
-                                     GNOME_SCREENSAVER_PATH,
-                                     GNOME_SCREENSAVER_INTERFACE);
-  dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (proxy, "SimulateUserActivity", G_TYPE_INVALID);
-  g_object_unref (proxy);
-  dbus_g_connection_unref (connection);
+  g_dbus_connection_call (connection, GNOME_SCREENSAVER_BUS_NAME,
+                          "SimulateUserActivity", NULL, NULL,
+                          G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  g_object_unref (connection);
@@ -300,6 +284,21 @@ vino_server_get_disable_xdamage (VinoServer *server)
 static void
+vino_background_draw (gboolean status)
+  static GSettings *background_settings;
+  gsize initialised;
+  if (g_once_init_enter (&initialised))
+    {
+      background_settings = g_settings_new ("org.gnome.desktop.background");
+      g_once_init_leave (&initialised, TRUE);
+    }
+  g_settings_set_boolean (background_settings, "draw-background", status);
+static void
 vino_server_client_accepted (VinoServer *server,
                              VinoClient *client)
@@ -309,7 +308,7 @@ vino_server_client_accepted (VinoServer *server,
   vino_server_unlock_screen ();
   if (vino_server_get_disable_background (server))
-     vino_background_draw (FALSE);
+    vino_background_draw (FALSE);

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