[gnome-mag] Committing the changes to support D-BUS. This initial implementation still support CORBA, so in some
- From: Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues Diógenes <carlosd src gnome org>
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-mag] Committing the changes to support D-BUS. This initial implementation still support CORBA, so in some
- Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 22:29:41 +0000 (UTC)
commit e8aa4ff7c7d782d8319482418bbb945f6373e9d9
Author: Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues DiÃgenes <cerdiogenes gmail com>
Date: Fri Jan 22 20:27:27 2010 -0200
Committing the changes to support D-BUS. This initial implementation still support CORBA, so in some parts the D-BUS code affect the CORBA code to make the migration easier. After the CORBA deprecation the code can be better refactored.
.../org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.service.in | 3 +
xml/Magnifier.xml | 15 +
xml/Makefile.am | 23 +
xml/org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.xml | 138 +++++
xml/org.freedesktop.gnome.ZoomRegion.xml | 349 +++++++++++++
xml/spec.xml | 527 ++++++++++++++++++++
6 files changed, 1055 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/magnifier/org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.service.in b/magnifier/org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.service.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fdcf0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/magnifier/org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.service.in
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[D-BUS Service]
+Exec= BINDIR@/magnifier
diff --git a/xml/Magnifier.xml b/xml/Magnifier.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8f6458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/Magnifier.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<tp:spec xmlns:tp="http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/DbusSpec#extensions-v0" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
+ Gnome Magnifier Interfaces and Subinterfaces
+<xi:include href="org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.xml" />
+<xi:include href="org.freedesktop.gnome.ZoomRegion.xml" />
diff --git a/xml/Makefile.am b/xml/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b0e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Magnifier.xml \
+ org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.xml \
+ org.freedesktop.gnome.ZoomRegion.xml
+spec.xml: $(XML_SPEC)
+ xsltproc --xinclude $(top_srcdir)/tools/identity.xsl $< >$@
+# I'm only adding spec.xml because it is needed to build other files that
+# are currently being distributed. -MPG
+EXTRA_DIST = $(XML_SPEC) spec.xml
+BUILT_SOURCES = spec.xml
+CLEANFILES = spec.xml
+INTROSPECT_FILES = $(addprefix introspection/,$(patsubst %.xml,%,$(filter org.freedesktop.gnome%,$(XML_SPEC))))
+$(INTROSPECT_FILES): introspection/%: %.xml ../tools/spec-to-introspect.xsl
+ @mkdir -p introspection
+ xsltproc ../tools/spec-to-introspect.xsl $< |sed -e 's xmlns:tp="http://telepathy\.freedesktop\.org/wiki/DbusSpec.extensions-v0"@@g' >$@
+introspectdir = $(datarootdir)/$(DEFAULT_GMAG_INTROSPECTION_PATH)
+dist_introspect_DATA = $(INTROSPECT_FILES)
diff --git a/xml/org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.xml b/xml/org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..624d2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node xmlns:tp="http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/DbusSpec#extensions-v0" name="/org/freedesktop/gnome/Magnifier">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+ <p>
+ Properties and methods of Magnifier instance.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <method name="fullScreenCapable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Consult if the Magnifier can magnify in full-screen mode.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="b" name="b-ret" direction="out">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.ReturnVal" value="" />
+ <tp:docstring>TRUE if it can or FALSE otherwise.</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="hideCursor">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>Hide the original cursor.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="showCursor">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>Show the original cursor.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="supportColorblindFilters">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>Consult if the Magnifier can apply colorblind image filters.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="b" name="b-ret" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>TRUE if it can or FALSE otherwise.</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="createZoomRegion">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Create a new zoom region for the magnifier.
+ The new region is initially 'unmanaged'; that is, it is not associated
+ with a particular sub-region of the "source" display.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="d" name="zx" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the scale factor in the x direction for the new zoom region
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="zy" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the scale factor in the y direction for the new zoom region
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="ai" name="ROI" tp:type="RectBounds" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the initial ROI (region of interest) of the zoom region. RectBounds
+ of negative width/height indicates that the zoom region has no
+ initial ROI.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="ai" name="viewPort" tp:type="RectBounds" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the initial bounds of the ZoomRegion's viewport, in the target
+ display coordinate system.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="o" name="zoomRegion-ret" direction="out">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.ReturnVal" value="" />
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the newly created ZoomRegion
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="getZoomRegions">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Return a list of ZoomRegion's for this Magnifier.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="as" name="zoomRegionList-ret" direction="out">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.ReturnVal" value="" />
+ <tp:docstring>
+ ZoomRegionList including all currently defined ZoomRegions for this
+ Magnifier instance.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="addZoomRegion">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Add a new ZoomRegion to the list of currently defined ZoomRegions
+ for this Magnifier instance.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="o" name="region" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>ZoomRegion to add</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="b" name="b-ret" direction="out">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.ReturnVal" value="" />
+ <tp:docstring>
+ returns True if successful, False if the ZoomRegion cannot be
+ added.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="clearAllZoomRegions">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Clears and destroys all currently defined zoom regions.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="dispose">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Unmap the current magnifier from the display, destroy its resources,
+ and exit.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ </method>
+ </interface> <!-- org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier -->
+</node> <!-- /org/freedesktop/gnome/Magnifier -->
diff --git a/xml/org.freedesktop.gnome.ZoomRegion.xml b/xml/org.freedesktop.gnome.ZoomRegion.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c313ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/org.freedesktop.gnome.ZoomRegion.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node xmlns:tp="http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/DbusSpec#extensions-v0" name="/org/freedesktop/gnome/Magnifier/ZoomRegion">
+ <!-- Structures and enums for the Magnifier's ZoomRegion object -->
+ <!-- struct Point -->
+ <tp:struct name="Point">
+ <tp:member type="i" tp:name="x" />
+ <tp:member type="i" tp:name="y" />
+ </tp:struct>
+ <!-- struct RectBounds -->
+ <tp:struct name="RectBounds">
+ <tp:member type="i" tp:name="x1" />
+ <tp:member type="i" tp:name="x2" />
+ <tp:member type="i" tp:name="y1" />
+ <tp:member type="i" tp:name="y2" />
+ </tp:struct>
+ <!-- Align Policy constants -->
+ <tp:enum name="AlignPolicy" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ALIGN_CENTER" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ALIGN_MIN" value="1" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ALIGN_MAX" value="2" />
+ </tp:enum>
+ <!-- Scrolling Policy constants -->
+ <tp:enum name="ScrollingPolicy" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SCROLL_FASTEST" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SCROLL_FAST" value="1" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SCROLL_NORMAL" value="2" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SCROLL_SMOOTH" value="3" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SCROLL_SMOOTHEST" value="4" />
+ </tp:enum>
+ <!-- Colourblind Filter constants -->
+ <tp:enum name="ColorBlindFilter" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_NO_FILTER" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_SATURATE_RED" value="1" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_SATURATE_GREEN" value="2" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_SATURATE_BLUE" value="3" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_DESSATURATE_RED" value="4" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_DESSATURATE_GREEN" value="5" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_DESSATURATE_BLUE" value="6" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_HUE_SHIFT_POSITIVE" value="7" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_HUE_SHIFT_NEGATIVE" value="8" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_SATURATE" value="9" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_DESSATURATE" value="10" />
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_MONOCHRONE_OTHERS" value="11" />
+ </tp:enum>
+ <!-- ZoomRegion object -->
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.ZoomRegion">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+ <p>
+ Properties and methods of the Magnifier's ZoomRegion object
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <method name="setMagFactor">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Set the current x and y magnification ratio. (Convenience method for
+ setting mag-factor-x and mag-factor-y properties). Note that if the
+ zoom region's target hasn't yet been realized or mapped to the
+ display, we will not be able to detect failure, so a return of %TRUE
+ must be taken on advisement if the operation is performed on a
+ newly-created zoom region.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="d" name="magX" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the magnification factor in the x direction for the specified region.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="magY" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the magnification factor in the x direction for the specified region.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="b" name="b_ret" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ TRUE if operation succeeded, FALSE if the requested mag factor cannot
+ be set. Returned in the 'b_ret' arg.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="getMagFactor">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Get the current x and y magnification ratios. (Convenience method for
+ getting mag-factor-x and mag-factor-y properties).
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="d" name="magX" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the magnification factor in the x direction for the specified region.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="magY" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the magnification factor in the x direction for the specified region.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ <method name="getProperties">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Gets the current property settings for this ZoomRegion. Properties
+ managed by the ZoomRegion include "smoothing-type", "contrast",
+ "inverse-video", "border-size", "border-color", "x-alignment",
+ "y-alignment", "is-managed", "viewport", "mag-factor-x",
+ "mag-factor-y".
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="a{ss}" name="propertyBag-ret" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns a DBUS_TYPE_G_STRING_STRING_HASHTABLE containing the
+ ZoomRegion's properties.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ -->
+ <method name="setRoi">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Set the region of interest for the magnifier.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="ai" name="Roi" tp:type="RectBounds" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the Roi (region of interest) bounding box
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="updatePointer">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Update the pointer image. \note This was added due the need to the
+ Magnifier object signalize all ZoomRegion objects about a pointer
+ image update.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="markDirty">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Mark the zoom region or a sub-region 'dirty' and in need of updating.
+ /note This region will be clipped to the area currently visible in
+ the target region.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <!-- note that 'dirtyRegion' is a RectBounds -->
+ <arg type="(iiii)" name="dirtyRegion" tp:type="RectBounds" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the bounding box of the dirty region.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="getRoi">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Query a specific zoom region for its Roi.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="(iiii)" name="Roi-ret" tp:type="RectBounds" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the RectBounds bounding box of the zoom Roi.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="moveResize">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Move and resize the specified zoom region on the target display.
+ (Convenience method for setting "viewport" property).
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="ai" name="bounds" tp:type="RectBounds" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the bounding box, in target display coordinates, of the ZoomRegion's
+ display viewport.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="dispose">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Remove the specified zoom region from the magnifier and destroy it.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="setPointerPos">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Set the position where the mouse pointer is to be drawn
+ in this zoom-region, in screen coordinates.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="i" name="mouse_x" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the x screen coordinate of the pointer hotspot
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="i" name="mouse_y" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the y screen coordinate of the pointer hotspot
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="setContrast">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Set the zoom region image contrast.
+ Set the contrast applied to each image component (red, green and blue).
+ The input for each component must be in the range -1 and 1, otherwise
+ they will be clamped to this interval. The value -1 means reduce 100%
+ the contrast, resulting in a gray image. The value 1 means increase
+ 100% the contrast, resulting in the R, G and B values being black or
+ white.
+ The value 0 means no change in contrast.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="d" name="R" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the amount of red in the contrasted image
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="G" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the amount of green in the contrasted image
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="B" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the amount of blue in the contrasted image
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="getContrast">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Get the zoom region image contrast.
+ Get the contrast applied to each image component (red, green and blue).
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="d" name="R" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the amount of red in the contrasted image
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="G" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the amount of green in the contrasted image
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="B" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the amount of blue in the contrasted image
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="setBrightness">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Set the zoom region image brightness.
+ Set the brightness applied to each image component (reg, green and
+ blue). The input for each component must be in the range between -1
+ and 1, if the are bigger or lower then this range, the value will be
+ clamped to the interval. The value -1 means reduce 100% the
+ brightness, resulting in a black image. The value 1 means increase
+ 100% the brightness, resulting in a white image.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="d" name="R" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the brightness applied to the red component.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="G" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the brightness applied to the green component.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="B" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the brightness applied to the blue component.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ Get the zoom region image brightness.
+ Get the brightness applied to each image component (red, green and
+ blue).
+ @param R the brightness applied to the red component.
+ @param G the brightness applied to the green component.
+ @param B the brightness applied to the blue component.
+ -->
+ <method name="getBrightness">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Get the zoom region image brightness.
+ Get the brightness applied to each image component (red, green and
+ blue).
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="d" name="R" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the brightness applied to the red component.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="G" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the brightness applied to the green component.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="B" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the brightness applied to the blue component.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ </interface> <!-- org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.ZoomRegion -->
+</node> <!-- /org/freedesktop/gnome/Magnifier/ZoomRegion -->
diff --git a/xml/spec.xml b/xml/spec.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2e9427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/spec.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<tp:spec xmlns:tp="http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/DbusSpec#extensions-v0" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
+ Gnome Magnifier Interfaces and Subinterfaces
+<node name="/org/freedesktop/gnome/Magnifier">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+ <p>
+ Properties and methods of Magnifier instance.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <!--
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_dbus_magnifier"/>
+ -->
+ <!--
+ <property name="SourceDisplay" type="s" access="readwrite">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ a string specifying the name of the display and screen
+ (on X Windows systems, as used by XOpenDisplay) on which the "source"
+ pixels (e.g. unmagnified image) are located.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="TargetDisplay" type="s" access="readwrite">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ a string specifying the name of the display and screen
+ onto which the magnified image is to be placed.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ -->
+ <!--
+ <method name="getProperties">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Get the current property settings for this Magnifier.
+ Properties managed by the magnifier include "cursor-set",
+ "cursor-size", "cursor-mag-factor", "target-display-bounds",
+ "source-display-size".
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="a{ss}" name="propertyBag-ret" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ a DBUS_TYPE_G_STRING_STRING_HASHTABLE containing the Magnifier's
+ properties.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ -->
+ <method name="fullScreenCapable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Consult if the Magnifier can magnify in full-screen mode.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="b" name="b-ret" direction="out">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.ReturnVal" value=""/>
+ <tp:docstring>TRUE if it can or FALSE otherwise.</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="hideCursor">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>Hide the original cursor.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="showCursor">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>Show the original cursor.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="supportColorblindFilters">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>Consult if the Magnifier can apply colorblind image filters.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="b" name="b-ret" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>TRUE if it can or FALSE otherwise.</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="createZoomRegion">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Create a new zoom region for the magnifier.
+ The new region is initially 'unmanaged'; that is, it is not associated
+ with a particular sub-region of the "source" display.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="d" name="zx" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the scale factor in the x direction for the new zoom region
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="zy" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the scale factor in the y direction for the new zoom region
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="ai" name="ROI" tp:type="RectBounds" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the initial ROI (region of interest) of the zoom region. RectBounds
+ of negative width/height indicates that the zoom region has no
+ initial ROI.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="getZoomRegions">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Return a list of ZoomRegion's for this Magnifier.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="ao" name="zoomRegionList-ret" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ ZoomRegionList including all currently defined ZoomRegions for this
+ Magnifier instance.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="addZoomRegion">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Add a new ZoomRegion to the list of currently defined ZoomRegions
+ for this Magnifier instance.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="o" name="region" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>ZoomRegion to add</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="b" name="b-ret" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ returns True if successful, False if the ZoomRegion cannot be
+ added.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="clearAllZoomRegions">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Clears and destroys all currently defined zoom regions.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="dispose">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Unmap the current magnifier from the display, destroy its resources,
+ and exit.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ </method>
+ </interface> <!-- org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier -->
+</node><!-- /org/freedesktop/gnome/Magnifier -->
+<node name="/org/freedesktop/gnome/Magnifier/ZoomRegion">
+ <!-- Structures and enums for the Magnifier's ZoomRegion object -->
+ <!-- struct Point -->
+ <tp:struct name="Point">
+ <tp:member type="i" tp:name="x"/>
+ <tp:member type="i" tp:name="y"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <!-- struct RectBounds -->
+ <tp:struct name="RectBounds">
+ <tp:member type="i" tp:name="x1"/>
+ <tp:member type="i" tp:name="x2"/>
+ <tp:member type="i" tp:name="y1"/>
+ <tp:member type="i" tp:name="y2"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <!-- Align Policy constants -->
+ <tp:enum name="AlignPolicy" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ALIGN_CENTER"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ALIGN_MIN" value="1"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ALIGN_MAX" value="2"/>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <!-- Scrolling Policy constants -->
+ <tp:enum name="ScrollingPolicy" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SCROLL_FASTEST"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SCROLL_FAST" value="1"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SCROLL_NORMAL" value="2"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SCROLL_SMOOTH" value="3"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SCROLL_SMOOTHEST" value="4"/>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <!-- Colourblind Filter constants -->
+ <tp:enum name="ColorBlindFilter" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_NO_FILTER"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_SATURATE_RED" value="1"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_SATURATE_GREEN" value="2"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_SATURATE_BLUE" value="3"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_DESSATURATE_RED" value="4"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_DESSATURATE_GREEN" value="5"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_DESSATURATE_BLUE" value="6"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_HUE_SHIFT_POSITIVE" value="7"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_HUE_SHIFT_NEGATIVE" value="8"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_SATURATE" value="9"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_SELECTIVE_DESSATURATE" value="10"/>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="COLORBLIND_FILTER_T_MONOCHRONE_OTHERS" value="11"/>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <!-- ZoomRegion object -->
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.ZoomRegion">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+ <p>
+ Properties and methods of the Magnifier's ZoomRegion object
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <method name="setMagFactor">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Set the current x and y magnification ratio. (Convenience method for
+ setting mag-factor-x and mag-factor-y properties). Note that if the
+ zoom region's target hasn't yet been realized or mapped to the
+ display, we will not be able to detect failure, so a return of %TRUE
+ must be taken on advisement if the operation is performed on a
+ newly-created zoom region.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="d" name="magX" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the magnification factor in the x direction for the specified region.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="magY" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the magnification factor in the x direction for the specified region.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="b" name="b_ret" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ TRUE if operation succeeded, FALSE if the requested mag factor cannot
+ be set. Returned in the 'b_ret' arg.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="getMagFactor">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Get the current x and y magnification ratios. (Convenience method for
+ getting mag-factor-x and mag-factor-y properties).
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="d" name="magX" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the magnification factor in the x direction for the specified region.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="magY" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the magnification factor in the x direction for the specified region.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ <method name="getProperties">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Gets the current property settings for this ZoomRegion. Properties
+ managed by the ZoomRegion include "smoothing-type", "contrast",
+ "inverse-video", "border-size", "border-color", "x-alignment",
+ "y-alignment", "is-managed", "viewport", "mag-factor-x",
+ "mag-factor-y".
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="a{ss}" name="propertyBag-ret" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns a DBUS_TYPE_G_STRING_STRING_HASHTABLE containing the
+ ZoomRegion's properties.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ -->
+ <method name="setRoi">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Set the region of interest for the magnifier.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="(iiii)" name="Roi" tp:type="RectBounds" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the Roi (region of interest) bounding box
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="updatePointer">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Update the pointer image. \note This was added due the need to the
+ Magnifier object signalize all ZoomRegion objects about a pointer
+ image update.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="markDirty">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Mark the zoom region or a sub-region 'dirty' and in need of updating.
+ /note This region will be clipped to the area currently visible in
+ the target region.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <!-- note that 'dirtyRegion' is a RectBounds -->
+ <arg type="(iiii)" name="dirtyRegion" tp:type="RectBounds" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the bounding box of the dirty region.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="getRoi">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Query a specific zoom region for its Roi.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="(iiii)" name="Roi-ret" tp:type="RectBounds" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the RectBounds bounding box of the zoom Roi.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="moveResize">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Move and resize the specified zoom region on the target display.
+ (Convenience method for setting "viewport" property).
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="(iiii)" name="bounds" tp:type="RectBounds" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the bounding box, in target display coordinates, of the ZoomRegion's
+ display viewport.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="dispose">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Remove the specified zoom region from the magnifier and destroy it.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="setPointerPos">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Set the position where the mouse pointer is to be drawn
+ in this zoom-region, in screen coordinates.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="i" name="mouse_x" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the x screen coordinate of the pointer hotspot
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="i" name="mouse_y" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the y screen coordinate of the pointer hotspot
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="setContrast">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Set the zoom region image contrast.
+ Set the contrast applied to each image component (red, green and blue).
+ The input for each component must be in the range -1 and 1, otherwise
+ they will be clamped to this interval. The value -1 means reduce 100%
+ the contrast, resulting in a gray image. The value 1 means increase
+ 100% the contrast, resulting in the R, G and B values being black or
+ white.
+ The value 0 means no change in contrast.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="d" name="R" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the amount of red in the contrasted image
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="G" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the amount of green in the contrasted image
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="B" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the amount of blue in the contrasted image
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="getContrast">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Get the zoom region image contrast.
+ Get the contrast applied to each image component (red, green and blue).
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="d" name="R" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the amount of red in the contrasted image
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="G" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the amount of green in the contrasted image
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="B" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the amount of blue in the contrasted image
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="setBrightness">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Set the zoom region image brightness.
+ Set the brightness applied to each image component (reg, green and
+ blue). The input for each component must be in the range between -1
+ and 1, if the are bigger or lower then this range, the value will be
+ clamped to the interval. The value -1 means reduce 100% the
+ brightness, resulting in a black image. The value 1 means increase
+ 100% the brightness, resulting in a white image.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="d" name="R" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the brightness applied to the red component.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="G" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the brightness applied to the green component.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="B" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the brightness applied to the blue component.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ Get the zoom region image brightness.
+ Get the brightness applied to each image component (red, green and
+ blue).
+ @param R the brightness applied to the red component.
+ @param G the brightness applied to the green component.
+ @param B the brightness applied to the blue component.
+ -->
+ <method name="getBrightness">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>
+ Get the zoom region image brightness.
+ Get the brightness applied to each image component (red, green and
+ blue).
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.NoReply" value="true"/>
+ <arg type="d" name="R" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the brightness applied to the red component.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="G" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the brightness applied to the green component.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="d" name="B" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the brightness applied to the blue component.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ </interface> <!-- org.freedesktop.gnome.Magnifier.ZoomRegion -->
+</node><!-- /org/freedesktop/gnome/Magnifier/ZoomRegion -->
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