[tracker] data-generators: Updated gossip script to start working with new nco ontology

commit e780d1c7f2b3d7f71b16ec37c7c44e5fd0ba243b
Author: Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>
Date:   Thu Dec 3 18:07:55 2009 +0200

    data-generators: Updated gossip script to start working with new nco ontology

 utils/data-generators/generate-data-for-gossip.py |  286 +++++++++++++--------
 utils/data-generators/internals/tools.py          |    5 +-
 2 files changed, 187 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/generate-data-for-gossip.py b/utils/data-generators/generate-data-for-gossip.py
index 80295b0..d51b9da 100755
--- a/utils/data-generators/generate-data-for-gossip.py
+++ b/utils/data-generators/generate-data-for-gossip.py
@@ -1,35 +1,54 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-import random, sys
+import random, sys, os
 import barnum.gen_data as gen_data
 from internals.tools import print_property, get_random_uuid_uri, get_random_in_list
 from internals.tools import print_namespaces, print_instance, print_anon_node
 from internals.tools import getPseudoRandomDate
-# (Protocol, Communication channels, uri-prefix, me-address)
-ACCOUNTS = [("Skype", ["voice", "video", "conversation"],
-             "skype:", "skype:me skypemail com"),
-            ("MSN", ["conversation"],
-             "msn:", "msn:me hotmail com"),
-            ("GTalk", ["voice", "video", "conversation"],
-             "gtalk:", "gtalk:me gmail com")
+# Accounts: protocol, communication channels, uri-prefix, me-address
+ACCOUNTS = [("Skype", 
+             ["voice", 
+              "video", 
+              "conversation"],
+             "skype:", 
+             "skype:me skypemail com"),
+            ("MSN", 
+             ["conversation"],
+             "msn:", 
+             "msn:me hotmail com"),
+            ("GTalk", 
+             ["voice", 
+              "video", 
+              "conversation"],
+             "gtalk:", 
+             "gtalk:me gmail com")
-MAIL_ADDRESSES = ["me gmail com", "me nokia com", "me hotmail com", "me gmx de"]
-REPLY_TO = "spam triluriluri com"
+MAIL_ADDRESSES = ["me gmail com", 
+                  "me nokia com", 
+                  "me hotmail com", 
+                  "me gmx de"]
+REPLY_TO = "spam sliff com"
 # Status: 0 - Offline, 1 - Online, 2 - Away, 3 - Peeing, 4 - ...
-NICKNAME_EXTENSIONS = ["the brave", "the coward", "the good", "the bad", "the ugly"]
-ACCOUNT_EXTENSIONS = ["at home", "at office", "mobile"]
+NICKNAME_EXTENSIONS = ["the brave", 
+                       "the coward", 
+                       "the good", 
+                       "the bad", 
+                       "the ugly"]
+                      "Office", 
+                      "Mobile"]
 def get_nickname (firstname):
-    return str.join (' ', [firstname, get_random_in_list (NICKNAME_EXTENSIONS)])
+    #return str.join (' ', [firstname, get_random_in_list (NICKNAME_EXTENSIONS)])
+    return generate_name()
 def get_account_name (protocol):
-    return str.join (' ', [protocol, get_random_in_list (ACCOUNT_EXTENSIONS)])
+    return str.join (' ', [get_random_in_list (ACCOUNT_EXTENSIONS), protocol])
 def get_random_text ():
     return str.replace(gen_data.create_paragraphs(1, 2, 3), "\n", "").strip()
@@ -41,210 +60,273 @@ def get_random_message_id (length=12):
     return ''.join([CHARS[random.randint (0, len(CHARS)-1)] for i in range(length)])
-def gen_account (account_data, user_account, firstname):
+def generate_fullname():
+        name = os.popen('./generate-name.py').read()
+        first_name = ""
+        last_name = ""
+ 	for line in name.splitlines():
+                if not first_name:
+                        first_name = line
+                        continue
+                if not last_name:
+                        last_name = line
+                        continue
+        full_name = '%s %s' % (first_name, last_name)
+        return full_name
+def generate_name():
+        name = os.popen('./generate-name.py').read()
+        first_name = ""
+        last_name = ""
+ 	for line in name.splitlines():
+            return line
+        return "foo"
+def generate_account (account_data, user_account, firstname):
     print_instance (user_account, "nco:IMAccount")
-    #print_property ("nco:imStatus", random.randint (0, 5), t="int")
+    #print_property ("nco:imStatus", random.randint (0, 5), t = "int")
     print_property ("nco:imAccountType", get_account_name (account_data[0]))
     print_property ("nco:imProtocol", account_data[2][:-1])
-    print_property ("nco:imNickname", get_nickname (firstname), final=True)
-def gen_users_and_accounts (amount):
+    print_property ("nco:imNickname", get_nickname (firstname), final = True)
+def generate_accounts (amount):
     known_accounts = []
-    known_emails = []
     for person in range (0, amount):
         accounts = []
-        firstName, lastName = gen_data.create_name()
+        first_name, last_name = gen_data.create_name()
         zip, city, state = gen_data.create_city_state_zip()
-        postalAddressID = str(random.randint(0, sys.maxint))
+        address_id = str(random.randint(0, sys.maxint))
         UID = str (random.randint (0, sys.maxint))
-        birthDay = gen_data.create_birthday ()
-        streetAddress = gen_data.create_street ()
-        emailAddress = gen_data.create_email (name = (firstName, lastName))
+        birth_day = gen_data.create_birthday ()
+        street_address = gen_data.create_street ()
+        email_address = gen_data.create_email (name = (first_name, last_name))
         print_instance (get_random_uuid_uri(), "nco:PersonContact")
-        print_property ("nco:fullname", str.join(' ', [firstName, lastName]))
-        print_property ("nco:nameGiven", firstName)
-        print_property ("nco:nameFamily", lastName)
-        print_property ("nco:birthDate", str(birthDay))
+        print_property ("nco:fullname", str.join(' ', [first_name, last_name]))
+        print_property ("nco:nameGiven", first_name)
+        print_property ("nco:nameFamily", last_name)
+        print_property ("nco:birthDate", str(birth_day))
         for j in range (0, random.randint(0, 4)):
             account_data = get_random_in_list (ACCOUNTS)
-            user_account = str.join ('', [account_data[2], str(j), emailAddress])
-            print_property ("nco:hasIMAccount", user_account, t="uri")
+            user_account = str.join ('', [account_data[2], str(j), email_address])
+            print_property ("nco:hasIMAccount", user_account, t = "uri")
             accounts.append ((user_account, account_data))
             known_accounts.insert (0, user_account)
-            known_emails.insert (0, emailAddress)
+            #known_emails.insert (0, emailAddress)
-        print_property ("nco:hasEmailAddress",
-                        str.join ('', ["mailto:";, emailAddress]),
-                        t="uri", final=True)
+        #print_property ("nco:hasEmailAddress",
+        #                str.join ('', ["mailto:";, emailAddress]),
+        #                t = "uri", final = True)
-        for user_account, account_data in accounts:
-            gen_account (account_data, user_account, firstName)
-            del user_account
-            del account_data
+        #for user_account, account_data in accounts:
+        #    generate_account (account_data, user_account, firstName)
+        #    del user_account
+        #    del account_data
-        print_instance ("mailto:"; + emailAddress, "nco:EmailAddress")
-        print_property ("nco:emailAddress", emailAddress, final=True)
+        #print_instance ("mailto:"; + emailAddress, "nco:EmailAddress")
+        #print_property ("nco:emailAddress", emailAddress, final = True)
-    return known_accounts, known_emails
+    return known_accounts
 def get_folder_names (address):
-    folders =  ["Inbox", "Outbox", "Sent"]
+    folders = ["Inbox", "Outbox", "Sent"]
     return map (lambda x : "mailfolder://" + address + "/" + x, folders)
-def gen_mailfolder (folderuri):
+def generate_mailfolder (folderuri):
     # mailfolder://a b com/x/y/x ----> foldername X, displayName x
     print_instance (folderuri, "nmo:MailFolder")
-    print_property ("nmo:folderName", folderuri.rpartition ('/')[2].upper (), final=True)
+    print_property ("nmo:folderName", folderuri.rpartition ('/')[2].upper (), final = True)
     #print_property ("nmo:folderDisplayName",  folderuri.rpartition ('/')[2])
     #print_property ("nmo:status", "abudabu", final=True)
-def gen_me ():
+def generate_me ():
     print_instance ("urn:uuid:buddy1", "nco:PersonContact")
-    print_property ("nco:fullname", "Me myself")
+    print_property ("nco:fullname", "Me Nokia")
     print_property ("nco:nameGiven", "Me")
-    print_property ("nco:nameFamily", "Myself")
+    print_property ("nco:nameFamily", "Nokia")
     print_property ("nco:birthDate", "1980-01-01")
-    # Email accounts"
+    # Email accounts
     for address in MAIL_ADDRESSES:
-        print_property ("nco:hasEmailAddress", "mailto:"; + address, t="uri")
+        print_property ("nco:hasEmailAddress", "mailto:"; + address, t = "uri")
-    print_property ("nco:hasIMAccount", "msn:me hotmail com", t="uri")
-    print_property ("nco:hasIMAccount", "gtalk:me gmail com", t="uri")
-    print_property ("nco:hasIMAccount", "skype:me hotmail com", t="uri", final=True)
+    print_property ("nco:hasIMAccount", "msn:me hotmail com", t = "uri")
+    print_property ("nco:hasIMAccount", "gtalk:me gmail com", t = "uri")
+    print_property ("nco:hasIMAccount", "skype:me hotmail com", t = "uri", final = True)
     for account in ACCOUNTS:
-        gen_account (account, account[3], "Me")
+        generate_account (account, account[3], "Me")
     # Email addresses and accounts
     # (FIXME: it should be n:m instead of 1:1)
     i = 0
     for address in MAIL_ADDRESSES:
         print_instance ("mailto:"; + address, "nco:EmailAddress")
-        print_property ("nco:emailAddress", address, final=True)
+        print_property ("nco:emailAddress", address, final = True)
         print_instance (get_random_uuid_uri (), "nmo:MailAccount")
         print_property ("nmo:accountName",
                         "Mail " + str(i))
         print_property ("nmo:accountDisplayName",
-                        "Mail " + get_random_in_list (ACCOUNT_EXTENSIONS))
+                        get_random_in_list (ACCOUNT_EXTENSIONS) + " EMail")
         print_property ("nmo:fromAddress",
-                        "mailto:"; + address, t="uri")
+                        "mailto:"; + address, t = "uri")
         for folder in get_folder_names (address):
             print_property ("nie:hasLogicalPart",
-                            folder, t="uri")
-        print_property ("nmo:signature", get_random_text(), final=True)
+                            folder, t = "uri")
+        print_property ("nmo:signature", get_random_text(), final = True)
         for folder in get_folder_names (address):
-            gen_mailfolder (folder)
+            generate_mailfolder (folder)
         i += 1
         #print_property ("nmo:folderStatus", "?")
         #print_property ("nmo:folderParameters", "?")
+def generate_im_messages (amount, friends_list):
+    for i in range (0, amount):
+        random_friend = get_random_in_list (friends_list)
+        my_account_prefix = random_friend.split(':')[0] + ":"
+        my_account = filter (lambda x: x[3].startswith (my_account_prefix), ACCOUNTS)[0]
+        addresses = [my_account[3], random_friend]
+        for i in range (0, random.randint (0, 10)):
+            print_instance (get_random_uuid_uri(), "nmo:IMMessage")
-def gen_gossip (amount, friends_list):
+            if i % 2 == 0:
+                print_property ("nmo:sentDate", getPseudoRandomDate ())
+            else:
+                print_property ("nmo:sentDate", getPseudoRandomDate ())
+                print_property ("nmo:receivedDate", getPseudoRandomDate ())
+            print_property ("nie:plainTextContent", 
+                            get_random_text ())
+            print_anon_node ("nmo:from", 
+                             "nco:Contact",
+                             "nco:hasIMAccount", 
+                             addresses[i % 2], 
+                             t = "uri")
+            print_anon_node ("nmo:to", 
+                             "nco:Contact",
+                             "nco:hasIMAccount", 
+                             addresses[(i + 1) % 2], 
+                             t = "uri", final = True)
+def generate_im_group_chats (amount, friends_list):
     for i in range (0, amount):
         random_friend = get_random_in_list (friends_list)
         my_account_prefix = random_friend.split(':')[0] + ":"
         my_account = filter (lambda x: x[3].startswith (my_account_prefix), ACCOUNTS)[0]
         addresses = [my_account[3], random_friend]
+        print_instance (get_random_uuid_uri(), "nmo:CommunicationChannel")
         for i in range (0, random.randint (0, 10)):
-            if ("voice" in my_account[1]):
-                print_instance (get_random_uuid_uri(), "nmo:VOIPCall")
-                print_property ("nmo:duration", random.randint (10,300),
-                                t="int")
-            else:
-                print_instance (get_random_uuid_uri(), "nmo:IMMessage")
+            print_instance (get_random_uuid_uri(), "nmo:IMMessage")
-            if (i%2 == 0):
+            if i % 2 == 0:
                 print_property ("nmo:sentDate", getPseudoRandomDate ())
+                print_property ("nmo:sentDate", getPseudoRandomDate ())
                 print_property ("nmo:receivedDate", getPseudoRandomDate ())
-            print_anon_node ("nmo:from", "nco:Contact",
-                             "nco:hasIMAccount", addresses [i%2], t="uri")
-            print_anon_node ("nmo:to", "nco:Contact",
-                             "nco:hasIMAccount", addresses [(i+1)%2], t="uri")
-            print_property ("nmo:htmlMessageContent", get_random_text (), final=True)
+            print_anon_node ("nmo:from", 
+                             "nco:Contact",
+                             "nco:hasIMAccount", 
+                             addresses[i % 2], 
+                             t = "uri")
+            print_anon_node ("nmo:to", 
+                             "nco:Contact",
+                             "nco:hasIMAccount", 
+                             addresses[(i + 1) % 2], 
+                             t = "uri")
-def gen_mail (amount, known_emails):
+            print_property ("nie:plainTextContent", get_random_text (), t = "str", final = True)
+def generate_mail (amount, known_emails):
     for i in range (0, amount):
         random_address_friend = "mailto:"; + get_random_in_list (known_emails)
         random_address_me = "mailto:"; + get_random_in_list (MAIL_ADDRESSES)
         print_instance (get_random_uuid_uri (), "nmo:Email")
         # Half sent, half received
-        if (i%2 == 0):
+        if i % 2 == 0:
             print_anon_node ("nmo:from", "nco:Contact",
-                             "nco:hasEmailAddress", random_address_me, t="uri")
+                             "nco:hasEmailAddress", random_address_me, t = "uri")
             print_anon_node ("nmo:to", "nco:Contact",
-                             "nco:hasEmailAddress", random_address_friend, t="uri")
+                             "nco:hasEmailAddress", random_address_friend, t = "uri")
             print_property ("nmo:sentDate", getPseudoRandomDate ())
             print_property ("nie:isLogicalPartOf",
-                            "mailfolder://" + random_address_me[7:] + "/Sent", t="uri")
+                            "mailfolder://" + random_address_me[7:] + "/Sent", t = "uri")
             print_anon_node ("nmo:to", "nco:Contact",
-                             "nco:hasEmailAddress", random_address_me, t="uri")
+                             "nco:hasEmailAddress", random_address_me, t = "uri")
             print_anon_node ("nmo:from", "nco:Contact",
-                             "nco:hasEmailAddress", random_address_friend, t="uri")
+                             "nco:hasEmailAddress", random_address_friend, t = "uri")
             print_property ("nmo:receivedDate", getPseudoRandomDate ())
             print_property ("nie:isLogicalPartOf",
-                            "mailfolder://" + random_address_me[7:] + "/Inbox", t="uri")
+                            "mailfolder://" + random_address_me[7:] + "/Inbox", t = "uri")
-        if (random.randint (0, 5) > 3):
+        if random.randint (0, 5) > 3:
             print_anon_node ("nmo:cc", "nco:Contact",
-                             "mailto:"; + get_random_in_list (known_emails), t="uri")
+                             "mailto:"; + get_random_in_list (known_emails), t = "uri")
-        if (random.randint (0, 5) > 3):
+        if random.randint (0, 5) > 3:
             print_anon_node ("nmo:bcc", "nco:Contact",
-                             "mailto:"; + get_random_in_list (known_emails), t="uri")
+                             "mailto:"; + get_random_in_list (known_emails), t = "uri")
         print_property ("nmo:messageSubject", get_random_text_short ())
         print_property ("nmo:status", "eeeeeh uuuhhhmmmmm")
         print_property ("nmo:responseType", "blublublu")
         print_property ("nmo:messageId", "<" + get_random_message_id () + "@email.net>")
-        print_property ("nmo:plainTextMessageContent", get_random_text ())
+        print_property ("nie:plainTextContent", get_random_text ())
         print_anon_node ("nmo:replyTo", "nco:Contact",
-                         REPLY_TO, t="uri")
+                         REPLY_TO, t = "uri")
         # FIXME Add message headers
         # FIXME Add inReplyTo
-        print_property ("nie:contentSize", random.randint (20, 120), t="str", final=True)
+        print_property ("nie:contentSize", random.randint (20, 120), t = "str", final = True)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     #sys.argv = ["blabla", 5]
-    if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
-        print "Usage: %s NO_ENTRIES (it must be an integer > 0" % (__name__)
+    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+        print "Expected number of entries to be provided (> 0)"
+        print "Usage: %s NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES" % sys.argv[0]
         entries = int (sys.argv[1])
     except ValueError:
-        print "Usage: %s NO_ENTRIES (it must be an integer > 0)" % (__name__)
+        print "Expected number of entries to be provided (> 0)"
+        print "Usage: %s NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES" % sys.argv[0]
         sys.exit (-1)
-    if (entries < 0):
+    if entries < 0:
         print >> sys.stderr, "Entries must be > 0"
     print_namespaces ()
-    gen_me ()
-    known_accounts, known_emails = gen_users_and_accounts (entries)
-#    gen_gossip (80, known_accounts)
-    gen_mail (80, known_emails)
+    generate_me ()
+    known_accounts = generate_accounts (entries)
+    generate_im_messages (entries, known_accounts)
+    generate_im_group_chats (entries, known_accounts)
+#    generate_mail (entries, known_emails)
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/internals/tools.py b/utils/data-generators/internals/tools.py
index c3fd56d..30f89f7 100644
--- a/utils/data-generators/internals/tools.py
+++ b/utils/data-generators/internals/tools.py
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ def get_random_uuid_uri ():
     return "urn:uuid:" + str(random.randint(0, sys.maxint))
 def get_random_in_list (l):
-    if (len(l) == 0):
+    if len(l) == 0:
         return None
-    return l[random.randint (0, len(l) -1)]
+    return l[random.randint (0, len(l) - 1)]

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