[kupfer] kupfer.core: Split Source logic into kupfer.core.sources

commit 0b703d595b90fa47e3848a05a496f677c77923d9
Author: Ulrik Sverdrup <ulrik sverdrup gmail com>
Date:   Tue Jan 12 02:16:33 2010 +0100

    kupfer.core: Split Source logic into kupfer.core.sources
    The Source logic is very nicely confined into the SourceController:
    The only symbol needed from it is GetSourceController (from
    kupfer.core.data and from kupfer.puid modules).

 kupfer/core/data.py    |  450 +-----------------------------------------------
 kupfer/core/sources.py |  452 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 kupfer/puid.py         |    8 +-
 3 files changed, 461 insertions(+), 449 deletions(-)
diff --git a/kupfer/core/data.py b/kupfer/core/data.py
index 8a3d718..5af1bca 100644
--- a/kupfer/core/data.py
+++ b/kupfer/core/data.py
@@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
-import gzip
-import hashlib
 import itertools
-import os
-import cPickle as pickle
-import threading
-import time
 import operator
+import os
 import gobject
 from kupfer.obj import base, sources, compose
-from kupfer import config, pretty, scheduler, task
+from kupfer import pretty, scheduler, task
 from kupfer import commandexec
 from kupfer import datatools
 from kupfer.core import search, learn
 from kupfer.core import settings
 from kupfer.core import qfurl
+from kupfer.core.sources import GetSourceController
 # "Enums"
 # Which pane
 SourcePane, ActionPane, ObjectPane = (1,2,3)
@@ -136,444 +132,6 @@ class Searcher (object):
 		match, match_iter = peekfirst(decorator(valid_check(unique_matches)))
 		return match, match_iter
-class PeriodicRescanner (gobject.GObject, pretty.OutputMixin):
-	"""
-	Periodically rescan a @catalog of sources
-	Do first rescan after @startup seconds, then
-	followup with rescans in @period.
-	Each campaign of rescans is separarated by @campaign
-	seconds
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, period=5, startup=10, campaign=3600):
-		super(PeriodicRescanner, self).__init__()
-		self.startup = startup
-		self.period = period
-		self.campaign=campaign
-		self.timer = scheduler.Timer()
-		# Source -> time mapping
-		self.latest_rescan_time = {}
-		self._min_rescan_interval = campaign/10
-	def set_catalog(self, catalog):
-		self.catalog = catalog
-		self.cur = iter(self.catalog)
-		self.output_debug("Registering new campaign, in %d s" % self.startup)
-		self.timer.set(self.startup, self._new_campaign)
-	def _new_campaign(self):
-		self.output_info("Starting new campaign, interval %d s" % self.period)
-		self.cur = iter(self.catalog)
-		self.timer.set(self.period, self._periodic_rescan_helper)
-	def _periodic_rescan_helper(self):
-		# Advance until we find a source that was not recently rescanned
-		for next in self.cur:
-			oldtime = self.latest_rescan_time.get(next, 0)
-			if (time.time() - oldtime) > self._min_rescan_interval:
-				self.timer.set(self.period, self._periodic_rescan_helper)
-				self._start_source_rescan(next)
-				return
-		# No source to scan found
-		self.output_info("Campaign finished, pausing %d s" % self.campaign)
-		self.timer.set(self.campaign, self._new_campaign)
-	def register_rescan(self, source, sync=False):
-		"""Register an object for rescan
-		If @sync, it will be rescanned synchronously
-		"""
-		self._start_source_rescan(source, sync)
-	def _start_source_rescan(self, source, sync=False):
-		self.latest_rescan_time[source] = time.time()
-		if sync:
-			self.rescan_source(source)
-		elif not source.is_dynamic():
-			thread = threading.Thread(target=self.rescan_source, args=(source,))
-			thread.setDaemon(True)
-			thread.start()
-	def rescan_source(self, source):
-		items = source.get_leaves(force_update=True)
-		gobject.idle_add(self.emit, "reloaded-source", source)
-gobject.signal_new("reloaded-source", PeriodicRescanner, gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-		gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,))
-class SourcePickler (pretty.OutputMixin):
-	"""
-	Takes care of pickling and unpickling Kupfer Sources.
-	"""
-	pickle_version = 3
-	name_template = "k%s-v%d.pickle.gz"
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.open = lambda f,mode: gzip.open(f, mode, compresslevel=3)
-	def rm_old_cachefiles(self):
-		"""Checks if there are old cachefiles from last version,
-		and deletes those
-		"""
-		for dpath, dirs, files in os.walk(config.get_cache_home()):
-			# Look for files matching beginning and end of
-			# name_template, with the previous file version
-			chead, ctail = self.name_template.split("%s")
-			ctail = ctail % ((self.pickle_version -1),)
-			obsolete_files = []
-			for cfile in files:
-				if cfile.startswith(chead) and cfile.endswith(ctail):
-					cfullpath = os.path.join(dpath, cfile)
-					obsolete_files.append(cfullpath)
-		if obsolete_files:
-			self.output_info("Removing obsolete cache files:", sep="\n",
-					*obsolete_files)
-			for fpath in obsolete_files:
-				# be overly careful
-				assert fpath.startswith(config.get_cache_home())
-				assert "kupfer" in fpath
-				os.unlink(fpath)
-	def get_filename(self, source):
-		"""Return cache filename for @source"""
-		bytes = hashlib.md5(repr(source)).digest()
-		hashstr = bytes.encode("base64").rstrip("\n=").replace("/", "-")
-		filename = self.name_template % (hashstr, self.pickle_version)
-		return os.path.join(config.get_cache_home(), filename)
-	def unpickle_source(self, source):
-		cached = self._unpickle_source(self.get_filename(source))
-		if not cached:
-			return None
-		# check consistency
-		if source == cached:
-			return cached
-		else:
-			self.output_debug("Cached version mismatches", source)
-		return None
-	def _unpickle_source(self, pickle_file):
-		try:
-			pfile = self.open(pickle_file, "rb")
-		except IOError, e:
-			return None
-		try:
-			source = pickle.loads(pfile.read())
-			assert isinstance(source, base.Source), "Stored object not a Source"
-			sname = os.path.basename
-			self.output_debug("Loading", source, "from", sname(pickle_file))
-		except (pickle.PickleError, Exception), e:
-			source = None
-			self.output_info("Error loading %s: %s" % (pickle_file, e))
-		return source
-	def pickle_source(self, source):
-		return self._pickle_source(self.get_filename(source), source)
-	def _pickle_source(self, pickle_file, source):
-		"""
-		When writing to a file, use pickle.dumps()
-		and then write the file in one go --
-		if the file is a gzip file, pickler's thousands
-		of small writes are very slow
-		"""
-		output = self.open(pickle_file, "wb")
-		sname = os.path.basename
-		self.output_debug("Storing", source, "as", sname(pickle_file))
-		output.write(pickle.dumps(source, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
-		output.close()
-		return True
-class SourceDataPickler (pretty.OutputMixin):
-	""" Takes care of pickling and unpickling Kupfer Sources' configuration
-	or data.
-	The SourceDataPickler requires a protocol of three methods:
-	config_save_name()
-	  Return an ascii name to be used as a token/key for the configuration
-	config_save()
-	  Return an object to be saved as configuration
-	config_restore(obj)
-	  Receive the configuration object `obj' to load
-	"""
-	pickle_version = 1
-	name_template = "config-%s-v%d.pickle"
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.open = open
-	@classmethod
-	def get_filename(cls, source):
-		"""Return filename for @source"""
-		name = source.config_save_name()
-		filename = cls.name_template % (name, cls.pickle_version)
-		return config.save_config_file(filename)
-	@classmethod
-	def source_has_config(self, source):
-		return getattr(source, "config_save_name", None)
-	def load_source(self, source):
-		data = self._load_data(self.get_filename(source))
-		if not data:
-			return True
-		source.config_restore(data)
-	def _load_data(self, pickle_file):
-		try:
-			pfile = self.open(pickle_file, "rb")
-		except IOError, e:
-			return None
-		try:
-			data = pickle.load(pfile)
-			sname = os.path.basename(pickle_file)
-			self.output_debug("Loaded configuration from", sname)
-			self.output_debug(data)
-		except (pickle.PickleError, Exception), e:
-			data = None
-			self.output_error("Loading %s: %s" % (pickle_file, e))
-		return data
-	def save_source(self, source):
-		return self._save_data(self.get_filename(source), source)
-	def _save_data(self, pickle_file, source):
-		sname = os.path.basename(pickle_file)
-		obj = source.config_save()
-		try:
-			data = pickle.dumps(obj, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
-		except pickle.PickleError, exc:
-			import traceback
-			self.output_error("Unable to save configuration for", source)
-			self.output_error("Saving configuration raised an exception:")
-			traceback.print_exc()
-			self.output_error("Please file a bug report")
-			data = None
-		if data:
-			self.output_debug("Storing configuration for", source, "as", sname)
-			output = self.open(pickle_file, "wb")
-			output.write(data)
-			output.close()
-		return True
-class SourceController (pretty.OutputMixin):
-	"""Control sources; loading, pickling, rescanning"""
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.rescanner = PeriodicRescanner(period=3)
-		self.sources = set()
-		self.toplevel_sources = set()
-		self.text_sources = set()
-		self.content_decorators = set()
-		self.action_decorators = set()
-	def add(self, srcs, toplevel=False):
-		srcs = set(self._try_unpickle(srcs))
-		self.sources.update(srcs)
-		if toplevel:
-			self.toplevel_sources.update(srcs)
-		self.rescanner.set_catalog(self.sources)
-	def add_text_sources(self, srcs):
-		self.text_sources.update(srcs)
-	def get_text_sources(self):
-		return self.text_sources
-	def set_content_decorators(self, decos):
-		self.content_decorators = decos
-	def set_action_decorators(self, decos):
-		self.action_decorators = decos
-		for typ in self.action_decorators:
-			self._disambiguate_actions(self.action_decorators[typ])
-	def _disambiguate_actions(self, actions):
-		"""Rename actions by the same name (adding a suffix)"""
-		# FIXME: Disambiguate by plugin name, not python module name
-		names = {}
-		renames = []
-		for action in actions:
-			name = unicode(action)
-			if name in names:
-				renames.append(names[name])
-				renames.append(action)
-			else:
-				names[name] = action
-		for action in renames:
-			self.output_debug("Disambiguate Action %s" % (action, ))
-			action.name += " (%s)" % (type(action).__module__.split(".")[-1],)
-	def clear_sources(self):
-		pass
-	def __contains__(self, src):
-		return src in self.sources
-	def __getitem__(self, src):
-		if not src in self:
-			raise KeyError
-		for s in self.sources:
-			if s == src:
-				return s
-	@property
-	def root(self):
-		"""Get the root source of catalog"""
-		if len(self.sources) == 1:
-			root_catalog, = self.sources
-		elif len(self.sources) > 1:
-			firstlevel = self._firstlevel
-			root_catalog = sources.MultiSource(firstlevel)
-		else:
-			root_catalog = None
-		return root_catalog
-	@property
-	def _firstlevel(self):
-		firstlevel = getattr(self, "_pre_root", None)
-		if firstlevel:
-			return firstlevel
-		sourceindex = set(self.sources)
-		kupfer_sources = sources.SourcesSource(self.sources)
-		sourceindex.add(kupfer_sources)
-		# Make sure firstlevel is ordered
-		# So that it keeps the ordering.. SourcesSource first
-		firstlevel = []
-		firstlevel.append(sources.SourcesSource(sourceindex))
-		firstlevel.extend(set(self.toplevel_sources))
-		self._pre_root = firstlevel
-		return firstlevel
-	@classmethod
-	def good_source_for_types(cls, s, types):
-		"""return whether @s provides good leaves for @types
-		"""
-		provides = list(s.provides())
-		if not provides:
-			return True
-		for t in provides:
-			if issubclass(t, types):
-				return True
-	def root_for_types(self, types):
-		"""
-		Get root for a flat catalog of all catalogs
-		providing at least Leaves of @types
-		Take all sources which:
-			Provide a type T so that it is a subclass
-			to one in the set of types we want
-		"""
-		types = tuple(types)
-		firstlevel = set()
-		# include the Catalog index since we want to include
-		# the top of the catalogs (like $HOME)
-		catalog_index = (sources.SourcesSource(self.sources), )
-		for s in itertools.chain(self.sources, catalog_index):
-			if self.good_source_for_types(s, types):
-				firstlevel.add(s)
-		return sources.MultiSource(firstlevel)
-	def get_canonical_source(self, source):
-		"Return the canonical instance for @source"
-		# check if we already have source, then return that
-		if source in self:
-			return self[source]
-		else:
-			source.initialize()
-			return source
-	def get_contents_for_leaf(self, leaf, types=None):
-		"""Iterator of content sources for @leaf,
-		providing @types (or None for all)"""
-		for typ in self.content_decorators:
-			if not isinstance(leaf, typ):
-				continue
-			for content in self.content_decorators[typ]:
-				dsrc = content.decorate_item(leaf)
-				if dsrc:
-					if types and not self.good_source_for_types(dsrc, types):
-						continue
-					yield self.get_canonical_source(dsrc)
-	def get_actions_for_leaf(self, leaf):
-		for typ in self.action_decorators:
-			if isinstance(leaf, typ):
-				for act in self.action_decorators[typ]:
-					yield act
-	def decorate_object(self, obj, action=None):
-		if hasattr(obj, "has_content"):
-			types = tuple(action.object_types()) if action else ()
-			contents = list(self.get_contents_for_leaf(obj, types))
-			content = contents[0] if contents else None
-			if len(contents) > 1:
-				content = sources.SourcesSource(contents, name=unicode(obj),
-						use_reprs=False)
-			obj.add_content(content)
-	def finish(self):
-		self._pickle_sources(self.sources)
-	def save_data(self):
-		configsaver = SourceDataPickler()
-		for source in self.sources:
-			if configsaver.source_has_config(source):
-				configsaver.save_source(source)
-	def _try_unpickle(self, sources):
-		"""
-		Try to unpickle the source that is equivalent to the
-		"dummy" instance @source, if it doesn't succeed,
-		the "dummy" becomes live.
-		"""
-		sourcepickler = SourcePickler()
-		configsaver = SourceDataPickler()
-		for source in set(sources):
-			news = None
-			if configsaver.source_has_config(source):
-				configsaver.load_source(source)
-			else:
-				news = sourcepickler.unpickle_source(source)
-			yield news or source
-	def _pickle_sources(self, sources):
-		sourcepickler = SourcePickler()
-		sourcepickler.rm_old_cachefiles()
-		for source in sources:
-			if (source.is_dynamic() or
-			    SourceDataPickler.source_has_config(source)):
-				continue
-			sourcepickler.pickle_source(source)
-	def _checked_rescan_source(self, source, force=True):
-		"""
-		Rescan @source and check for exceptions, if it
-		raises, we remove it from our source catalog
-		"""
-		# to "rescue the toplevel", we throw out sources that
-		# raise exceptions on rescan
-		try:
-			if force:
-				self.rescanner.register_rescan(source, sync=True)
-			else:
-				source.get_leaves()
-		except Exception:
-			import traceback
-			self.output_error("Loading %s raised an exception:" % source)
-			traceback.print_exc()
-			self.output_error("This error is probably a bug in %s" % source)
-			self.output_error("Please file a bug report")
-			self.sources.discard(source)
-			self.toplevel_sources.discard(source)
-	def cache_toplevel_sources(self):
-		"""Ensure that all toplevel sources are cached"""
-		for src in set(self.sources):
-			src.initialize()
-		for src in set(self.toplevel_sources):
-			self._checked_rescan_source(src, force=False)
-_source_controller = None
-def GetSourceController():
-	global _source_controller
-	if _source_controller is None:
-		_source_controller = SourceController()
-	return _source_controller
 class Pane (gobject.GObject):
diff --git a/kupfer/core/sources.py b/kupfer/core/sources.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..243791b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kupfer/core/sources.py
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+import gzip
+import hashlib
+import itertools
+import cPickle as pickle
+import os
+import threading
+import time
+import gobject
+from kupfer import config, pretty, scheduler
+from kupfer.obj import base, sources
+class PeriodicRescanner (gobject.GObject, pretty.OutputMixin):
+	"""
+	Periodically rescan a @catalog of sources
+	Do first rescan after @startup seconds, then
+	followup with rescans in @period.
+	Each campaign of rescans is separarated by @campaign
+	seconds
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, period=5, startup=10, campaign=3600):
+		super(PeriodicRescanner, self).__init__()
+		self.startup = startup
+		self.period = period
+		self.campaign=campaign
+		self.timer = scheduler.Timer()
+		# Source -> time mapping
+		self.latest_rescan_time = {}
+		self._min_rescan_interval = campaign/10
+	def set_catalog(self, catalog):
+		self.catalog = catalog
+		self.cur = iter(self.catalog)
+		self.output_debug("Registering new campaign, in %d s" % self.startup)
+		self.timer.set(self.startup, self._new_campaign)
+	def _new_campaign(self):
+		self.output_info("Starting new campaign, interval %d s" % self.period)
+		self.cur = iter(self.catalog)
+		self.timer.set(self.period, self._periodic_rescan_helper)
+	def _periodic_rescan_helper(self):
+		# Advance until we find a source that was not recently rescanned
+		for next in self.cur:
+			oldtime = self.latest_rescan_time.get(next, 0)
+			if (time.time() - oldtime) > self._min_rescan_interval:
+				self.timer.set(self.period, self._periodic_rescan_helper)
+				self._start_source_rescan(next)
+				return
+		# No source to scan found
+		self.output_info("Campaign finished, pausing %d s" % self.campaign)
+		self.timer.set(self.campaign, self._new_campaign)
+	def register_rescan(self, source, sync=False):
+		"""Register an object for rescan
+		If @sync, it will be rescanned synchronously
+		"""
+		self._start_source_rescan(source, sync)
+	def _start_source_rescan(self, source, sync=False):
+		self.latest_rescan_time[source] = time.time()
+		if sync:
+			self.rescan_source(source)
+		elif not source.is_dynamic():
+			thread = threading.Thread(target=self.rescan_source, args=(source,))
+			thread.setDaemon(True)
+			thread.start()
+	def rescan_source(self, source):
+		items = source.get_leaves(force_update=True)
+		gobject.idle_add(self.emit, "reloaded-source", source)
+gobject.signal_new("reloaded-source", PeriodicRescanner, gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+		gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,))
+class SourcePickler (pretty.OutputMixin):
+	"""
+	Takes care of pickling and unpickling Kupfer Sources.
+	"""
+	pickle_version = 3
+	name_template = "k%s-v%d.pickle.gz"
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.open = lambda f,mode: gzip.open(f, mode, compresslevel=3)
+	def rm_old_cachefiles(self):
+		"""Checks if there are old cachefiles from last version,
+		and deletes those
+		"""
+		for dpath, dirs, files in os.walk(config.get_cache_home()):
+			# Look for files matching beginning and end of
+			# name_template, with the previous file version
+			chead, ctail = self.name_template.split("%s")
+			ctail = ctail % ((self.pickle_version -1),)
+			obsolete_files = []
+			for cfile in files:
+				if cfile.startswith(chead) and cfile.endswith(ctail):
+					cfullpath = os.path.join(dpath, cfile)
+					obsolete_files.append(cfullpath)
+		if obsolete_files:
+			self.output_info("Removing obsolete cache files:", sep="\n",
+					*obsolete_files)
+			for fpath in obsolete_files:
+				# be overly careful
+				assert fpath.startswith(config.get_cache_home())
+				assert "kupfer" in fpath
+				os.unlink(fpath)
+	def get_filename(self, source):
+		"""Return cache filename for @source"""
+		bytes = hashlib.md5(repr(source)).digest()
+		hashstr = bytes.encode("base64").rstrip("\n=").replace("/", "-")
+		filename = self.name_template % (hashstr, self.pickle_version)
+		return os.path.join(config.get_cache_home(), filename)
+	def unpickle_source(self, source):
+		cached = self._unpickle_source(self.get_filename(source))
+		if not cached:
+			return None
+		# check consistency
+		if source == cached:
+			return cached
+		else:
+			self.output_debug("Cached version mismatches", source)
+		return None
+	def _unpickle_source(self, pickle_file):
+		try:
+			pfile = self.open(pickle_file, "rb")
+		except IOError, e:
+			return None
+		try:
+			source = pickle.loads(pfile.read())
+			assert isinstance(source, base.Source), "Stored object not a Source"
+			sname = os.path.basename
+			self.output_debug("Loading", source, "from", sname(pickle_file))
+		except (pickle.PickleError, Exception), e:
+			source = None
+			self.output_info("Error loading %s: %s" % (pickle_file, e))
+		return source
+	def pickle_source(self, source):
+		return self._pickle_source(self.get_filename(source), source)
+	def _pickle_source(self, pickle_file, source):
+		"""
+		When writing to a file, use pickle.dumps()
+		and then write the file in one go --
+		if the file is a gzip file, pickler's thousands
+		of small writes are very slow
+		"""
+		output = self.open(pickle_file, "wb")
+		sname = os.path.basename
+		self.output_debug("Storing", source, "as", sname(pickle_file))
+		output.write(pickle.dumps(source, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
+		output.close()
+		return True
+class SourceDataPickler (pretty.OutputMixin):
+	""" Takes care of pickling and unpickling Kupfer Sources' configuration
+	or data.
+	The SourceDataPickler requires a protocol of three methods:
+	config_save_name()
+	  Return an ascii name to be used as a token/key for the configuration
+	config_save()
+	  Return an object to be saved as configuration
+	config_restore(obj)
+	  Receive the configuration object `obj' to load
+	"""
+	pickle_version = 1
+	name_template = "config-%s-v%d.pickle"
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.open = open
+	@classmethod
+	def get_filename(cls, source):
+		"""Return filename for @source"""
+		name = source.config_save_name()
+		filename = cls.name_template % (name, cls.pickle_version)
+		return config.save_config_file(filename)
+	@classmethod
+	def source_has_config(self, source):
+		return getattr(source, "config_save_name", None)
+	def load_source(self, source):
+		data = self._load_data(self.get_filename(source))
+		if not data:
+			return True
+		source.config_restore(data)
+	def _load_data(self, pickle_file):
+		try:
+			pfile = self.open(pickle_file, "rb")
+		except IOError, e:
+			return None
+		try:
+			data = pickle.load(pfile)
+			sname = os.path.basename(pickle_file)
+			self.output_debug("Loaded configuration from", sname)
+			self.output_debug(data)
+		except (pickle.PickleError, Exception), e:
+			data = None
+			self.output_error("Loading %s: %s" % (pickle_file, e))
+		return data
+	def save_source(self, source):
+		return self._save_data(self.get_filename(source), source)
+	def _save_data(self, pickle_file, source):
+		sname = os.path.basename(pickle_file)
+		obj = source.config_save()
+		try:
+			data = pickle.dumps(obj, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+		except pickle.PickleError, exc:
+			import traceback
+			self.output_error("Unable to save configuration for", source)
+			self.output_error("Saving configuration raised an exception:")
+			traceback.print_exc()
+			self.output_error("Please file a bug report")
+			data = None
+		if data:
+			self.output_debug("Storing configuration for", source, "as", sname)
+			output = self.open(pickle_file, "wb")
+			output.write(data)
+			output.close()
+		return True
+class SourceController (pretty.OutputMixin):
+	"""Control sources; loading, pickling, rescanning"""
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.rescanner = PeriodicRescanner(period=3)
+		self.sources = set()
+		self.toplevel_sources = set()
+		self.text_sources = set()
+		self.content_decorators = set()
+		self.action_decorators = set()
+	def add(self, srcs, toplevel=False):
+		srcs = set(self._try_unpickle(srcs))
+		self.sources.update(srcs)
+		if toplevel:
+			self.toplevel_sources.update(srcs)
+		self.rescanner.set_catalog(self.sources)
+	def add_text_sources(self, srcs):
+		self.text_sources.update(srcs)
+	def get_text_sources(self):
+		return self.text_sources
+	def set_content_decorators(self, decos):
+		self.content_decorators = decos
+	def set_action_decorators(self, decos):
+		self.action_decorators = decos
+		for typ in self.action_decorators:
+			self._disambiguate_actions(self.action_decorators[typ])
+	def _disambiguate_actions(self, actions):
+		"""Rename actions by the same name (adding a suffix)"""
+		# FIXME: Disambiguate by plugin name, not python module name
+		names = {}
+		renames = []
+		for action in actions:
+			name = unicode(action)
+			if name in names:
+				renames.append(names[name])
+				renames.append(action)
+			else:
+				names[name] = action
+		for action in renames:
+			self.output_debug("Disambiguate Action %s" % (action, ))
+			action.name += " (%s)" % (type(action).__module__.split(".")[-1],)
+	def clear_sources(self):
+		pass
+	def __contains__(self, src):
+		return src in self.sources
+	def __getitem__(self, src):
+		if not src in self:
+			raise KeyError
+		for s in self.sources:
+			if s == src:
+				return s
+	@property
+	def root(self):
+		"""Get the root source of catalog"""
+		if len(self.sources) == 1:
+			root_catalog, = self.sources
+		elif len(self.sources) > 1:
+			firstlevel = self._firstlevel
+			root_catalog = sources.MultiSource(firstlevel)
+		else:
+			root_catalog = None
+		return root_catalog
+	@property
+	def _firstlevel(self):
+		firstlevel = getattr(self, "_pre_root", None)
+		if firstlevel:
+			return firstlevel
+		sourceindex = set(self.sources)
+		kupfer_sources = sources.SourcesSource(self.sources)
+		sourceindex.add(kupfer_sources)
+		# Make sure firstlevel is ordered
+		# So that it keeps the ordering.. SourcesSource first
+		firstlevel = []
+		firstlevel.append(sources.SourcesSource(sourceindex))
+		firstlevel.extend(set(self.toplevel_sources))
+		self._pre_root = firstlevel
+		return firstlevel
+	@classmethod
+	def good_source_for_types(cls, s, types):
+		"""return whether @s provides good leaves for @types
+		"""
+		provides = list(s.provides())
+		if not provides:
+			return True
+		for t in provides:
+			if issubclass(t, types):
+				return True
+	def root_for_types(self, types):
+		"""
+		Get root for a flat catalog of all catalogs
+		providing at least Leaves of @types
+		Take all sources which:
+			Provide a type T so that it is a subclass
+			to one in the set of types we want
+		"""
+		types = tuple(types)
+		firstlevel = set()
+		# include the Catalog index since we want to include
+		# the top of the catalogs (like $HOME)
+		catalog_index = (sources.SourcesSource(self.sources), )
+		for s in itertools.chain(self.sources, catalog_index):
+			if self.good_source_for_types(s, types):
+				firstlevel.add(s)
+		return sources.MultiSource(firstlevel)
+	def get_canonical_source(self, source):
+		"Return the canonical instance for @source"
+		# check if we already have source, then return that
+		if source in self:
+			return self[source]
+		else:
+			source.initialize()
+			return source
+	def get_contents_for_leaf(self, leaf, types=None):
+		"""Iterator of content sources for @leaf,
+		providing @types (or None for all)"""
+		for typ in self.content_decorators:
+			if not isinstance(leaf, typ):
+				continue
+			for content in self.content_decorators[typ]:
+				dsrc = content.decorate_item(leaf)
+				if dsrc:
+					if types and not self.good_source_for_types(dsrc, types):
+						continue
+					yield self.get_canonical_source(dsrc)
+	def get_actions_for_leaf(self, leaf):
+		for typ in self.action_decorators:
+			if isinstance(leaf, typ):
+				for act in self.action_decorators[typ]:
+					yield act
+	def decorate_object(self, obj, action=None):
+		if hasattr(obj, "has_content"):
+			types = tuple(action.object_types()) if action else ()
+			contents = list(self.get_contents_for_leaf(obj, types))
+			content = contents[0] if contents else None
+			if len(contents) > 1:
+				content = sources.SourcesSource(contents, name=unicode(obj),
+						use_reprs=False)
+			obj.add_content(content)
+	def finish(self):
+		self._pickle_sources(self.sources)
+	def save_data(self):
+		configsaver = SourceDataPickler()
+		for source in self.sources:
+			if configsaver.source_has_config(source):
+				configsaver.save_source(source)
+	def _try_unpickle(self, sources):
+		"""
+		Try to unpickle the source that is equivalent to the
+		"dummy" instance @source, if it doesn't succeed,
+		the "dummy" becomes live.
+		"""
+		sourcepickler = SourcePickler()
+		configsaver = SourceDataPickler()
+		for source in set(sources):
+			news = None
+			if configsaver.source_has_config(source):
+				configsaver.load_source(source)
+			else:
+				news = sourcepickler.unpickle_source(source)
+			yield news or source
+	def _pickle_sources(self, sources):
+		sourcepickler = SourcePickler()
+		sourcepickler.rm_old_cachefiles()
+		for source in sources:
+			if (source.is_dynamic() or
+			    SourceDataPickler.source_has_config(source)):
+				continue
+			sourcepickler.pickle_source(source)
+	def _checked_rescan_source(self, source, force=True):
+		"""
+		Rescan @source and check for exceptions, if it
+		raises, we remove it from our source catalog
+		"""
+		# to "rescue the toplevel", we throw out sources that
+		# raise exceptions on rescan
+		try:
+			if force:
+				self.rescanner.register_rescan(source, sync=True)
+			else:
+				source.get_leaves()
+		except Exception:
+			import traceback
+			self.output_error("Loading %s raised an exception:" % source)
+			traceback.print_exc()
+			self.output_error("This error is probably a bug in %s" % source)
+			self.output_error("Please file a bug report")
+			self.sources.discard(source)
+			self.toplevel_sources.discard(source)
+	def cache_toplevel_sources(self):
+		"""Ensure that all toplevel sources are cached"""
+		for src in set(self.sources):
+			src.initialize()
+		for src in set(self.toplevel_sources):
+			self._checked_rescan_source(src, force=False)
+_source_controller = None
+def GetSourceController():
+	global _source_controller
+	if _source_controller is None:
+		_source_controller = SourceController()
+	return _source_controller
diff --git a/kupfer/puid.py b/kupfer/puid.py
index dd0fe9a..d041048 100644
--- a/kupfer/puid.py
+++ b/kupfer/puid.py
@@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ try:
 except ImportError:
 	import pickle
-from kupfer.core import data, qfurl
 from kupfer import pretty
+from kupfer.core import qfurl
+from kupfer.core.sources import GetSourceController
 class SerializedObject (object):
@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ def resolve_unique_id(puid, excluding=None):
 		except Exception, exc:
 			pretty.print_debug(__name__, type(exc).__name__, exc)
 			return None
-	sc = data.GetSourceController()
+	sc = GetSourceController()
 	obj = _find_obj_in_catalog(puid, sc._firstlevel)
 	if obj is not None:
 		return obj
@@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ def resolve_action_id(puid, for_item=None):
 		for action in for_item.get_actions():
 			if get_unique_id(action) == puid:
 				return action
-	sc = data.GetSourceController()
+	sc = GetSourceController()
 	for item_type, actions in sc.action_decorators.iteritems():
 		for action in actions:
 			if get_action_id(action) == puid:

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