[conduit] move preferences management into its own object
- From: John Stowers <jstowers src gnome org>
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [conduit] move preferences management into its own object
- Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 00:21:08 +0000 (UTC)
commit 30593bd3af61822cb8ca3f15e9a7bbdc3636fcd2
Author: John Stowers <john stowers gmail com>
Date: Wed Jan 6 22:00:22 2010 +0100
move preferences management into its own object
conduit/gtkui/UI.py | 300 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
1 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)
diff --git a/conduit/gtkui/UI.py b/conduit/gtkui/UI.py
index e46a16f..2dbf2a0 100644
--- a/conduit/gtkui/UI.py
+++ b/conduit/gtkui/UI.py
@@ -85,6 +85,156 @@ class _PreconfiguredConduitMenu:
def _dp_removed(self, manager, dpw):
+class PreferencesWindow:
+ def __init__(self, widgets):
+ self._widgets = widgets
+ self._autostartmanager = AutostartManager.AutostartManager()
+ def show(self, parent):
+ def on_clear_button_clicked(sender, treeview, sqliteListStore):
+ treeview.set_model(None)
+ conduit.GLOBALS.mappingDB.delete()
+ treeview.set_model(sqliteListStore)
+ #Build some liststores to display
+ CONVERT_FROM_MESSAGE = _("Convert from")
+ convertables = conduit.GLOBALS.typeConverter.get_convertables_list()
+ converterListStore = gtk.ListStore( str )
+ for froms,tos in convertables:
+ string = "%s %s %s %s" % (CONVERT_FROM_MESSAGE, froms, CONVERT_INTO_MESSAGE, tos)
+ converterListStore.append( (string,) )
+ dataProviderListStore = gtk.ListStore( str, bool )
+ #get all dataproviders
+ for i in conduit.GLOBALS.moduleManager.get_modules_by_type("sink","source","twoway"):
+ dataProviderListStore.append(("Name: %s\nDescription: %s)" % (i.name, i.description), True))
+ #include files that could not be loaded
+ for f in conduit.GLOBALS.moduleManager.invalidFiles:
+ dataProviderListStore.append(("Error loading file: %s" % f, False))
+ #construct the dialog
+ tree = gtk.glade.XML(self._widgets, "PreferencesDialog")
+ notebook = tree.get_widget("prop_notebook")
+ #Show the DB contents to help debugging
+ vbox = gtk.VBox(False,5)
+ #build the treeview to show all column fields. For performance
+ #reasons it is fixed_height and fixed_FIXE
+ treeview = gtk.TreeView()
+ treeview.set_headers_visible(True)
+ treeview.set_fixed_height_mode(True)
+ index = 1
+ db = conduit.GLOBALS.mappingDB._db
+ for name in db.get_fields("mappings"):
+ column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(
+ name,
+ gtk.CellRendererText(),
+ text=index)
+ column.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED)
+ column.set_fixed_width(250)
+ treeview.append_column(column)
+ index = index + 1
+ store = Database.GenericDBListStore("mappings", db)
+ treeview.set_model(store)
+ sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ sw.add(treeview)
+ vbox.pack_start(sw,True,True)
+ clear = gtk.Button(None,gtk.STOCK_CLEAR)
+ clear.connect("clicked", on_clear_button_clicked, treeview, store)
+ vbox.pack_start(clear, False, False)
+ notebook.append_page(vbox,gtk.Label(_('Relationship Database')))
+ converterTreeView = tree.get_widget("dataConversionsTreeView")
+ converterTreeView.set_model(converterListStore)
+ converterTreeView.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Conversions Available"),
+ gtk.CellRendererText(),
+ text=0)
+ )
+ dataproviderTreeView = tree.get_widget("dataProvidersTreeView")
+ dataproviderTreeView.set_model(dataProviderListStore)
+ dataproviderTreeView.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Name"),
+ gtk.CellRendererText(),
+ text=0)
+ )
+ dataproviderTreeView.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Loaded"),
+ gtk.CellRendererToggle(),
+ active=1)
+ )
+ #fill out the configuration tab
+ save_settings_check = tree.get_widget("save_settings_check")
+ save_settings_check.set_active(conduit.GLOBALS.settings.get("save_on_exit"))
+ status_icon_check = tree.get_widget("status_icon_check")
+ status_icon_check.set_active(conduit.GLOBALS.settings.get("show_status_icon"))
+ minimize_to_tray_check = tree.get_widget("minimize_to_tray_check")
+ minimize_to_tray_check.set_active(conduit.GLOBALS.settings.get("gui_minimize_to_tray"))
+ show_hints_check = tree.get_widget("show_hints_check")
+ show_hints_check.set_active(conduit.GLOBALS.settings.get("gui_show_hints"))
+ #special case start at login. Because we copy the desktop file from the
+ #system to ~/.config/autostart, we require conduit to be installed
+ start_at_login_check = tree.get_widget("start_at_login")
+ if conduit.IS_INSTALLED:
+ start_at_login_check.set_active(self._autostartmanager.is_start_at_login_enabled())
+ else:
+ start_at_login_check.set_sensitive(False)
+ #restore the current policy
+ for policyName in Conduit.CONFLICT_POLICY_NAMES:
+ currentValue = conduit.GLOBALS.settings.get("default_policy_%s" % policyName)
+ for policyValue in Conduit.CONFLICT_POLICY_VALUES:
+ name = "%s_%s" % (policyName,policyValue)
+ widget = tree.get_widget(name+"_radio")
+ widget.set_image(
+ gtk.image_new_from_icon_name(
+ if currentValue == policyValue:
+ widget.set_active(True)
+ #The dataprovider factories can provide a configuration widget which is
+ #packed into the notebook
+ for i in conduit.GLOBALS.moduleManager.dataproviderFactories:#get_modules_by_type("dataprovider-factory"):
+ widget = i.setup_configuration_widget()
+ if widget:
+ notebook.append_page(
+ widget,
+ gtk.Label(i.get_name()))
+ #Show the dialog
+ dialog = tree.get_widget("PreferencesDialog")
+ dialog.show_all()
+ dialog.set_transient_for(parent)
+ response = dialog.run()
+ if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+ conduit.GLOBALS.settings.set("save_on_exit", save_settings_check.get_active())
+ conduit.GLOBALS.settings.set("show_status_icon", status_icon_check.get_active())
+ conduit.GLOBALS.settings.set("gui_minimize_to_tray", minimize_to_tray_check.get_active())
+ conduit.GLOBALS.settings.set("gui_show_hints", show_hints_check.get_active())
+ self._autostartmanager.update_start_at_login(start_at_login_check.get_active())
+ #save the current policy
+ for policyName in Conduit.CONFLICT_POLICY_NAMES:
+ for policyValue in Conduit.CONFLICT_POLICY_VALUES:
+ name = "%s_%s" % (policyName,policyValue)
+ if tree.get_widget(name+"_radio").get_active() == True:
+ conduit.GLOBALS.settings.set(
+ "default_policy_%s" % policyName,
+ policyValue)
+ #give the dataprovider factories to ability to save themselves
+ for factory in conduit.GLOBALS.moduleManager.dataproviderFactories:
+ factory.save_configuration(response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
+ dialog.destroy()
class MainWindow:
The main conduit window.
@@ -171,6 +321,9 @@ class MainWindow:
#Set up the expander used for resolving sync conflicts
self.conflictResolver = ConflictResolver.ConflictResolver(self.widgets)
+ #Preferences manager
+ self.preferences = PreferencesWindow(self.gladeFile)
#add the preconfigured Conduit menu
if conduit.GLOBALS.settings.get("gui_show_hints"):
@@ -281,152 +434,7 @@ class MainWindow:
Show the properties of the current sync set (status, conflicts, etc
Edit the sync specific properties
- def on_clear_button_clicked(sender, treeview, sqliteListStore):
- treeview.set_model(None)
- conduit.GLOBALS.mappingDB.delete()
- treeview.set_model(sqliteListStore)
- #Build some liststores to display
- CONVERT_FROM_MESSAGE = _("Convert from")
- autostartmanager = AutostartManager.AutostartManager()
- convertables = self.type_converter.get_convertables_list()
- converterListStore = gtk.ListStore( str )
- for froms,tos in convertables:
- string = "%s %s %s %s" % (CONVERT_FROM_MESSAGE, froms, CONVERT_INTO_MESSAGE, tos)
- converterListStore.append( (string,) )
- dataProviderListStore = gtk.ListStore( str, bool )
- #get all dataproviders
- for i in conduit.GLOBALS.moduleManager.get_modules_by_type("sink","source","twoway"):
- dataProviderListStore.append(("Name: %s\nDescription: %s)" % (i.name, i.description), True))
- #include files that could not be loaded
- for f in conduit.GLOBALS.moduleManager.invalidFiles:
- dataProviderListStore.append(("Error loading file: %s" % f, False))
- #construct the dialog
- tree = gtk.glade.XML(self.gladeFile, "PreferencesDialog")
- notebook = tree.get_widget("prop_notebook")
- #Show the DB contents to help debugging
- vbox = gtk.VBox(False,5)
- #build the treeview to show all column fields. For performance
- #reasons it is fixed_height and fixed_FIXE
- treeview = gtk.TreeView()
- treeview.set_headers_visible(True)
- treeview.set_fixed_height_mode(True)
- index = 1
- db = conduit.GLOBALS.mappingDB._db
- for name in db.get_fields("mappings"):
- column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(
- name,
- gtk.CellRendererText(),
- text=index)
- column.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED)
- column.set_fixed_width(250)
- treeview.append_column(column)
- index = index + 1
- store = Database.GenericDBListStore("mappings", db)
- treeview.set_model(store)
- sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
- sw.add(treeview)
- vbox.pack_start(sw,True,True)
- clear = gtk.Button(None,gtk.STOCK_CLEAR)
- clear.connect("clicked", on_clear_button_clicked, treeview, store)
- vbox.pack_start(clear, False, False)
- notebook.append_page(vbox,gtk.Label(_('Relationship Database')))
- converterTreeView = tree.get_widget("dataConversionsTreeView")
- converterTreeView.set_model(converterListStore)
- converterTreeView.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Conversions Available"),
- gtk.CellRendererText(),
- text=0)
- )
- dataproviderTreeView = tree.get_widget("dataProvidersTreeView")
- dataproviderTreeView.set_model(dataProviderListStore)
- dataproviderTreeView.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Name"),
- gtk.CellRendererText(),
- text=0)
- )
- dataproviderTreeView.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Loaded"),
- gtk.CellRendererToggle(),
- active=1)
- )
- #fill out the configuration tab
- save_settings_check = tree.get_widget("save_settings_check")
- save_settings_check.set_active(conduit.GLOBALS.settings.get("save_on_exit"))
- status_icon_check = tree.get_widget("status_icon_check")
- status_icon_check.set_active(conduit.GLOBALS.settings.get("show_status_icon"))
- minimize_to_tray_check = tree.get_widget("minimize_to_tray_check")
- minimize_to_tray_check.set_active(conduit.GLOBALS.settings.get("gui_minimize_to_tray"))
- show_hints_check = tree.get_widget("show_hints_check")
- show_hints_check.set_active(conduit.GLOBALS.settings.get("gui_show_hints"))
- #special case start at login. Because we copy the desktop file from the
- #system to ~/.config/autostart, we require conduit to be installed
- start_at_login_check = tree.get_widget("start_at_login")
- if conduit.IS_INSTALLED:
- start_at_login_check.set_active(autostartmanager.is_start_at_login_enabled())
- else:
- start_at_login_check.set_sensitive(False)
- #restore the current policy
- for policyName in Conduit.CONFLICT_POLICY_NAMES:
- currentValue = conduit.GLOBALS.settings.get("default_policy_%s" % policyName)
- for policyValue in Conduit.CONFLICT_POLICY_VALUES:
- name = "%s_%s" % (policyName,policyValue)
- widget = tree.get_widget(name+"_radio")
- widget.set_image(
- gtk.image_new_from_icon_name(
- if currentValue == policyValue:
- widget.set_active(True)
- #The dataprovider factories can provide a configuration widget which is
- #packed into the notebook
- for i in conduit.GLOBALS.moduleManager.dataproviderFactories:#get_modules_by_type("dataprovider-factory"):
- widget = i.setup_configuration_widget()
- if widget:
- notebook.append_page(
- widget,
- gtk.Label(i.get_name()))
- notebook.show_all()
- #Show the dialog
- dialog = tree.get_widget("PreferencesDialog")
- dialog.set_transient_for(self.mainWindow)
- response = dialog.run()
- if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
- conduit.GLOBALS.settings.set("save_on_exit", save_settings_check.get_active())
- conduit.GLOBALS.settings.set("show_status_icon", status_icon_check.get_active())
- conduit.GLOBALS.settings.set("gui_minimize_to_tray", minimize_to_tray_check.get_active())
- conduit.GLOBALS.settings.set("gui_show_hints", show_hints_check.get_active())
- autostartmanager.update_start_at_login(start_at_login_check.get_active())
- #save the current policy
- for policyName in Conduit.CONFLICT_POLICY_NAMES:
- for policyValue in Conduit.CONFLICT_POLICY_VALUES:
- name = "%s_%s" % (policyName,policyValue)
- if tree.get_widget(name+"_radio").get_active() == True:
- conduit.GLOBALS.settings.set(
- "default_policy_%s" % policyName,
- policyValue)
- #give the dataprovider factories to ability to save themselves
- for factory in conduit.GLOBALS.moduleManager.dataproviderFactories:
- factory.save_configuration(response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
- dialog.destroy()
+ self.preferences.show(self.mainWindow)
def on_about_conduit(self, widget):
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