[gtk-doc] gtk-doc: refactor regexps and reparsing

commit bccbe423d1a30a91b4e57f753eaac7eff7d9010e
Author: Stefan Kost <ensonic users sf net>
Date:   Sat Jan 2 23:25:20 2010 +0200

    gtk-doc: refactor regexps and reparsing
    Move Function and Macro declaration parsing to common and use from mkdb and
    mktmpl. In mkdb use the parsed declarations to track unused parameters and
    missing parameter docs.
    Output unused docuemntation or partialy unused docs to -unused.txt from mkdb
    too (this was only done in mktmpl so far)

 gtkdoc-common.pl.in |  161 +++++++++++++++++++++++--
 gtkdoc-mkdb.in      |  341 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 gtkdoc-mktmpl.in    |   86 +++-----------
 3 files changed, 369 insertions(+), 219 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtkdoc-common.pl.in b/gtkdoc-common.pl.in
index d3ba796..ac62744 100644
--- a/gtkdoc-common.pl.in
+++ b/gtkdoc-common.pl.in
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
 #		if the file has changed it moves the new version into the old
 #		versions place. This is used so we only change files if
 #		needed, so we can do proper dependency tracking and we don't
-#		needlessly check files into CVS that haven't changed.
+#		needlessly check files into version control systems that haven't
+#               changed.
 #		It returns 0 if the file hasn't changed, and 1 if it has.
 # Arguments   : $old_file - the pathname of the old file.
 #		$new_file - the pathname of the new version of the file.
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@
 sub UpdateFileIfChanged {
     my ($old_file, $new_file, $make_backup) = @_;
-#    print "Comparing $old_file with $new_file...\n";
+    #print "Comparing $old_file with $new_file...\n";
     # If the old file doesn't exist we want this to default to 1.
     my $exit_code = 1;
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ sub UpdateFileIfChanged {
     if (-e $old_file) {
 	`cmp -s "$old_file" "$new_file"`;
 	$exit_code = $? >> 8;
-#	print "   cmp exit code: $exit_code ($?)\n";
+	#print "   cmp exit code: $exit_code ($?)\n";
     if ($exit_code > 1) {
@@ -61,20 +62,17 @@ sub UpdateFileIfChanged {
     if ($exit_code == 1) {
-#	print "   files changed - replacing old version with new version.\n";
+        #print "   files changed - replacing old version with new version.\n";
 	if ($make_backup && -e $old_file) {
 	    rename ($old_file, "$old_file.bak")
 		|| die "Can't move $old_file to $old_file.bak: $!";
 	rename ($new_file, $old_file)
 	    || die "Can't move $new_file to $old_file: $!";
 	return 1;
     } else {
-#	print "   files the same - deleting new version.\n";
+        #print "   files the same - deleting new version.\n";
 	unlink ("$new_file")
 	    || die "Can't delete file: $new_file: $!";
@@ -317,6 +315,153 @@ sub ParseEnumDeclaration {
+# Function    : ParseFunctionDeclaration
+# Description : This function takes a function declaration and
+#               breaks it into individual parameter declarations.
+# Arguments   : $declaration - the declaration to parse
+#               $typefunc - function reference to apply to type
+#               $namefunc - function reference to apply to name
+sub ParseFunctionDeclaration {
+    my ($declaration, $typefunc, $namefunc) = @_;
+    my @result = ();
+    my ($param_num) = 0;
+    while ($declaration ne "") {
+        #print "$declaration";
+        if ($declaration =~ s/^[\s,]+//) {
+            # skip whitespace and commas
+            next;
+        } elsif ($declaration =~ s/^void\s*[,\n]//) {
+            if ($param_num != 0) {
+                # FIXME: whats the problem here?
+                &LogWarning ($SymbolSourceFile{$symbol},$SymbolSourceLine{$symbol}, "void used as parameter in function $symbol");
+            }
+            push @result, "void";
+            my $xref = "<type>void</type>";
+            my $label = defined $namefunc ? $namefunc->($xref) : $xref;
+            push @result, $label;
+        } elsif ($declaration =~ s/^...\s*[,\n]//) {
+            push @result, "Varargs";
+            my $label = defined $namefunc ? $namefunc->("...") : "...";
+            push @result, $label;
+        # allow alphanumerics, '_', '[' & ']' in param names
+        # Try to match a standard parameter
+        #                                $1                                                                                                                                    $2                             $3                                                           $4       $5
+        } elsif ($declaration =~ s/^\s*((?:G_CONST_RETURN|G_GNUC_UNUSED|unsigned long|unsigned short|signed long|signed short|unsigned|signed|long|short|volatile|const)\s+)*((?:struct\b|enum\b)?\s*\w+)\s*((?:(?:const\b|restrict\b)?\s*\*?\s*(?:const\b|restrict\b)?\s*)*)(\w+)?\s*((?:\[\S*\])*)\s*[,\n]//) {
+	    my $pre	= defined($1) ? $1 : "";
+	    my $type	= $2;
+	    my $ptr	= defined($3) ? $3 : "";
+	    my $name	= defined($4) ? $4 : "";
+	    my $array	= defined($5) ? $5 : "";
+	    $pre  =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+	    $type =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+	    $ptr  =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+	    $ptr  =~ s/\s+$//;
+	    if ($ptr && $ptr !~ m/\*$/) { $ptr .= " "; }
+            #print "$symbol: '$pre' '$type' '$ptr' '$name' '$array'\n";
+            if (($name eq "") && $pre =~ m/^((un)?signed .*)\s?/ ) {
+                $name = $type;
+                $type = "$1";
+                $pre = "";
+            }
+            if ($name eq "") {
+                $name = "Param" . ($param_num + 1);
+            }
+            #print "$symbol: '$pre' '$type' '$ptr' '$name' '$array'\n";
+            push @result, $name;
+            my $xref = defined $typefunc ? $typefunc->($type, "<type>$type</type>") : $type;
+            my $label	= "$pre$xref $ptr$name$array";
+            if (defined $namefunc) {
+                $label = $namefunc->($label)
+            }
+            push @result, $label;
+        # Try to match parameters which are functions
+        #                              $1                                       $2          $3      $4                      $5                    $7             $8
+	} elsif ($declaration =~ s/^(const\s+|G_CONST_RETURN\s+|unsigned\s+)*(struct\s+)?(\w+)\s*(\**)\s*(?:restrict\b)?\s*(const\s+)?\(\s*\*+\s*(\w+)\s*\)\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*[,\n]//) {
+ 	    my $mod1 = defined($1) ? $1 : "";
+	    if (defined($2)) { $mod1 .= $2; }
+	    my $type = $3;
+	    my $ptr1 = $4;
+	    my $mod2 = defined($5) ? $5 : "";
+	    my $func_ptr = $6;
+	    my $name = $7;
+	    my $func_params = defined($8) ? $8 : "";
+            #if (!defined($type)) { print "## no type\n"; };
+            #if (!defined($ptr1)) { print "## no ptr1\n"; };
+            #if (!defined($func_ptr)) { print "## no func_ptr\n"; };
+            #if (!defined($name)) { print "## no name\n"; };
+	    if ($ptr1 && $ptr1 !~ m/\*$/) { $ptr1 .= " "; }
+	    $func_ptr  =~ s/\s+//g;
+	    #print "Type: [$mod1][$xref][$ptr1][$mod2] ([$func_ptr][$name]) ($func_params)\n";
+	    push @result, $name;
+            my $xref = defined $typefunc ? $typefunc->($type, "<type>$type</type>") : $type;
+            my $label = "$mod1$xref$ptr1$mod2 ($func_ptr$name) ($func_params)";
+            if (defined $namefunc) {
+                $label = $namefunc->($label)
+            }
+            push @result, $label;
+        } else {
+            &LogWarning ($SymbolSourceFile{$symbol},$SymbolSourceLine{$symbol}, 
+                "Can't parse args for function $symbol: $declaration");
+            last;
+        }
+        $param_num++;
+    }
+    return @result;
+# Function    : ParseMacroDeclaration
+# Description : This function takes a macro declaration and
+#               breaks it into individual parameter declarations.
+# Arguments   : $declaration - the declaration to parse
+#               $namefunc - function reference to apply to name
+sub ParseMacroDeclaration {
+    my ($declaration, $namefunc) = @_;
+    my @result = ();
+    if ($declaration =~ m/^\s*#\s*define\s+\w+\(([^\)]*)\)/) {
+	my $params = $1;
+	$params =~ s/\\\n//g;
+	foreach $param (split (/,/, $params)) {
+            $param =~ s/^\s+//;
+            $param =~ s/\s*$//;
+            if ($param =~ m/\S/) {
+                push @result, $param;
+                push @result, defined $namefunc ? $namefunc->($param) : $param;
+            }
+	}
+    }
+    return @result;
 # Function    : LogWarning
 # Description : Log a warning in gcc style format
 # Arguments   : $file - the file the error comes from
diff --git a/gtkdoc-mkdb.in b/gtkdoc-mkdb.in
index 0aeb8ef..b8e8a7b 100755
--- a/gtkdoc-mkdb.in
+++ b/gtkdoc-mkdb.in
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ my %SourceSymbolSourceLine;
 # all documentation goes in here, so we can do coverage analysis
 my %AllSymbols;
 my %AllIncompleteSymbols;
+my %AllUnusedSymbols;
 my %AllDocumentedSymbols;
 # Undeclared yet documented symbols
@@ -836,6 +837,7 @@ EOF
+    &OutputUnusedSymbols;
@@ -1270,32 +1272,36 @@ sub OutputMacro {
     my $condition = &MakeConditionDescription ($symbol);
     my $synop = &MakeReturnField("#define") . "<link linkend=\"$id\">$symbol</link>";
     my $desc;
-    my $padding = "";
-    my $args = "";
-    my $pad;
-    if ($declaration =~ m/^\s*#\s*define(\s+)\w+(\([^\)]*\))/) {
-	$padding = $1;
-	$args = $2;
+    my @fields = ParseMacroDeclaration($declaration, \&CreateValidSGML);
+    my $title = $symbol . (@fields ? "()" : "");
-	if (length ($symbol) < $SYMBOL_FIELD_WIDTH) {
-	    $synop .= (' ' x ($SYMBOL_FIELD_WIDTH - length ($symbol)));
-	}
-	# Try to align all the lines of args correctly.
-	my $args_padded = $args;
-	$args_padded =~ s/ *\\\n */\n$pad/gm;
-	$synop .= &CreateValidSGML ($args_padded);
-    }
-    $synop .= "\n";
-    my $title = $symbol . ($args ? "()" : "");
     $desc = "<refsect2 id=\"$id\" role=\"macro\"$condition>\n<title>$title</title>\n";
     $desc .= MakeIndexterms($symbol, $id);
     $desc .= "\n";
     $desc .= OutputSymbolExtraLinks($symbol);
+    if (@fields) {
+        if (length ($symbol) < $SYMBOL_FIELD_WIDTH) {
+            $synop .= (' ' x ($SYMBOL_FIELD_WIDTH - length ($symbol)));
+        }
+        $synop .= "(";
+        for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#fields; $i += 2) {
+            my $field_name = $fields[$i];
+            if ($i == 1) {
+                $synop .= "$field_name";
+            } else {
+                $synop .= ",\n"
+                    . (' ' x ($SYMBOL_FIELD_WIDTH + $RETURN_TYPE_FIELD_WIDTH))
+                    . " $field_name";
+            }
+        }
+        $synop .= ")";
+    }
+    $synop .= "\n";
     # Don't output the macro definition if is is a conditional macro or it
     # looks like a function, i.e. starts with "g_" or "_?gnome_", or it is
     # longer than 2 lines, otherwise we get lots of complicated macros like
@@ -1307,7 +1313,9 @@ sub OutputMacro {
     } else {
 	$desc .= "<programlisting>" . &MakeReturnField("#define") . "$symbol";
 	# Align each line so that if should all line up OK.
-	$pad = ' ' x ($RETURN_TYPE_FIELD_WIDTH - length ("#define "));
+	my $pad = ' ' x ($RETURN_TYPE_FIELD_WIDTH - length ("#define "));
+	$declaration =~ m/^\s*#\s*define\s+\w+(\([^\)]*\))/;
+	my $args = $1;
 	$args =~ s/\n/\n$pad/gm;
 	$desc .= &CreateValidSGML ($args);
 	$desc .= "</programlisting>\n";
@@ -1315,7 +1323,7 @@ sub OutputMacro {
     $desc .= &MakeDeprecationNote($symbol);
-    my $parameters = &OutputParamDescriptions ("MACRO", $symbol);
+    my $parameters = &OutputParamDescriptions ("MACRO", $symbol, @fields);
     my $parameters_output = 0;
     if (defined ($SymbolDocs{$symbol})) {
@@ -1522,6 +1530,7 @@ sub OutputStruct {
     if ($found) {
 	my %field_descrs = @$params;
 	my $missing_parameters = "";
+	my $unused_parameters = "";
         $desc .= "<variablelist role=\"struct\">\n";
 	while (@fields) {
@@ -1535,6 +1544,7 @@ sub OutputStruct {
                 ($field_descr,$param_annotations) = &ExpandAnnotation($symbol, $field_descr);
                 $field_descr = &ExpandAbbreviations($symbol, $field_descr);
 		$desc .= "<listitem><simpara>$field_descr$param_annotations</simpara></listitem>\n";
+		delete $field_descrs{$field_name};
 	    } else {
 	        &LogWarning (&GetSymbolSourceFile ($symbol), &GetSymbolSourceLine($symbol),
                     "Field description for $symbol"."::"."$field_name is missing in source code comment block.");
@@ -1548,11 +1558,23 @@ sub OutputStruct {
             $desc .= "</varlistentry>\n";
 	$desc .= "</variablelist>";
+        foreach my $field_name (keys %field_descrs) {
+            &LogWarning (&GetSymbolSourceFile ($symbol), &GetSymbolSourceLine($symbol),
+                "Field description for $symbol"."::"."$field_name is not used from source code comment block.");
+            if ($unused_parameters ne "") {
+              $unused_parameters .= ", ".$field_name;
+            } else {
+               $unused_parameters = $field_name;
+            }
+        }
-	# remember missing parameters (needed in tmpl-free build)
+	# remember missing/unused parameters (needed in tmpl-free build)
         if (($missing_parameters ne "") and (! exists ($AllIncompleteSymbols{$symbol}))) {
+        if (($unused_parameters ne "") and (! exists ($AllUnusedSymbols{$symbol}))) {
+            $AllUnusedSymbols{$symbol}=$unused_parameters;
+        }
     else {
         if (scalar(@fields) > 0) {
@@ -1641,6 +1663,7 @@ sub OutputUnion {
     if ($found) {
 	my %field_descrs = @$params;
 	my $missing_parameters = "";
+	my $unused_parameters = "";
         $desc .= "<variablelist role=\"union\">\n";
 	while (@fields) {
@@ -1654,6 +1677,7 @@ sub OutputUnion {
                 ($field_descr,$param_annotations) = &ExpandAnnotation($symbol, $field_descr);
                 $field_descr = &ExpandAbbreviations($symbol, $field_descr);
 		$desc .= "<listitem><simpara>$field_descr$param_annotations</simpara></listitem>\n";
+		delete $field_descrs{$field_name};
 	    } else {
 	        &LogWarning (&GetSymbolSourceFile ($symbol), &GetSymbolSourceLine($symbol),
                     "Field description for $symbol"."::"."$field_name is missing in source code comment block.");
@@ -1667,11 +1691,23 @@ sub OutputUnion {
             $desc .= "</varlistentry>\n";
 	$desc .= "</variablelist>";
+        foreach my $field_name (keys %field_descrs) {
+            &LogWarning (&GetSymbolSourceFile ($symbol), &GetSymbolSourceLine($symbol),
+                "Field description for $symbol"."::"."$field_name is not used from source code comment block.");
+            if ($unused_parameters ne "") {
+              $unused_parameters .= ", ".$field_name;
+            } else {
+               $unused_parameters = $field_name;
+            }
+        }
-	# remember missing parameters (needed in tmpl-free build)
+	# remember missing/unused parameters (needed in tmpl-free build)
         if (($missing_parameters ne "") and (! exists ($AllIncompleteSymbols{$symbol}))) {
+        if (($unused_parameters ne "") and (! exists ($AllUnusedSymbols{$symbol}))) {
+            $AllUnusedSymbols{$symbol}=$unused_parameters;
+        }
     else {
         if (scalar(@fields) > 0) {
@@ -1737,6 +1773,7 @@ sub OutputEnum {
     if ($found) {
 	my %field_descrs = @$params;
 	my $missing_parameters = "";
+	my $unused_parameters = "";
         $desc .= "<variablelist role=\"enum\">\n";
 	for my $field_name (@fields) {
@@ -1750,6 +1787,7 @@ sub OutputEnum {
                 ($field_descr,$param_annotations) = &ExpandAnnotation($symbol, $field_descr);
                 $field_descr = &ExpandAbbreviations($symbol, $field_descr);
 		$desc .= "<listitem><simpara>$field_descr$param_annotations</simpara></listitem>\n";
+		delete $field_descrs{$field_name};
 	    } else {
 	        &LogWarning (&GetSymbolSourceFile ($symbol), &GetSymbolSourceLine($symbol),
                     "Value description for $symbol"."::"."$field_name is missing in source code comment block.");
@@ -1763,11 +1801,23 @@ sub OutputEnum {
             $desc .= "</varlistentry>\n";
 	$desc .= "</variablelist>";
+        foreach my $field_name (keys %field_descrs) {
+            &LogWarning (&GetSymbolSourceFile ($symbol), &GetSymbolSourceLine($symbol),
+                "Value description for $symbol"."::"."$field_name is not used from source code comment block.");
+            if ($unused_parameters ne "") {
+              $unused_parameters .= ", ".$field_name;
+            } else {
+               $unused_parameters = $field_name;
+            }
+        }
-	# remember missing parameters (needed in tmpl-free build)
+	# remember missing/unused parameters (needed in tmpl-free build)
         if (($missing_parameters ne "") and (! exists ($AllIncompleteSymbols{$symbol}))) {
+        if (($unused_parameters ne "") and (! exists ($AllUnusedSymbols{$symbol}))) {
+            $AllUnusedSymbols{$symbol}=$unused_parameters;
+        }
     else {
         if (scalar(@fields) > 0) {
@@ -1902,121 +1952,39 @@ sub OutputFunction {
     $desc .= OutputSymbolExtraLinks($symbol);
     $desc  .= "<programlisting>${ret_type_output}$symbol_desc_output(";
+    my @fields = ParseFunctionDeclaration($declaration, \&MakeXRef,
+					sub {
+					    &tagify($_[0],"parameter");
+					});
+    for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#fields; $i += 2) {
+        my $field_name = $fields[$i];
+        if ($field_name eq "Varargs") {
+            $field_name = "...";
+        }
-    my $param_num = 0;
-    while ($declaration ne "") {
-        #print "$declaration";
-	if ($declaration =~ s/^[\s,]+//) {
-	    # skip whitespace and commas
-	    next;
-	} elsif ($declaration =~ s/^void\s*[,\n]//) {
-	    $synop .= "void";
-	    $desc  .= "void";
-	} elsif ($declaration =~ s/^...\s*[,\n]//) {
-	    if ($param_num == 0) {
-		$synop .= "...";
-		$desc  .= "...";
-	    } else {
-		$synop .= ",\n"
-		    . " ...";
-		$desc  .= ",\n"
-		    . " ...";
-	    }
-	# allow alphanumerics, '_', '[' & ']' in param names
-	# Try to match a standard parameter (keep in sync with gtkdoc-mktmpl)
-	#                                $1                                                                                                                                    $2                             $3                                                           $4       $5
-	} elsif ($declaration =~ s/^\s*((?:G_CONST_RETURN|G_GNUC_UNUSED|unsigned long|unsigned short|signed long|signed short|unsigned|signed|long|short|volatile|const)\s+)*((?:struct\b|enum\b)?\s*\w+)\s*((?:(?:const\b|restrict\b)?\s*\*?\s*(?:const\b|restrict\b)?\s*)*)(\w+)?\s*((?:\[\S*\])*)\s*[,\n]//) {
-	    my $pre	= defined($1) ? $1 : "";
-	    my $type	= $2;
-	    my $ptr	= defined($3) ? $3 : "";
-	    my $name	= defined($4) ? $4 : "";
-	    my $array	= defined($5) ? $5 : "";
-	    $pre  =~ s/\s+/ /g;
-	    $type =~ s/\s+/ /g;
-	    $ptr  =~ s/\s+/ /g;
-	    $ptr  =~ s/\s+$//;
-	    if ($ptr && $ptr !~ m/\*$/) { $ptr .= " "; }
-            #print "$symbol: '$pre' '$type' '$ptr' '$name' '$array'\n";
-            if (($name eq "") && $pre =~ m/^((un)?signed .*)\s?/ ) {
-                $name = $type;
-                $type = "$1";
-                $pre = "";
-            }
-	    my $xref = &MakeXRef ($type, &tagify($type, "returnvalue"));
-	    my $label	= "$pre$xref $ptr$name$array";
-	    #print "$symbol: '$pre' '$type' '$ptr' '$name' '$array'\n";
-	    if ($param_num == 0) {
-		$synop .= "$label";
-		$desc  .= "$label";
-	    } else {
-		$synop .= ",\n"
-		    . " $label";
-		$desc  .= ",\n"
-		    . " $label";
-	    }
-	# Try to match parameters which are functions (keep in sync with gtkdoc-mktmpl)
-	#                              $1                                       $2          $3      $4                        $5                    $7             $8
-	} elsif ($declaration =~ s/^(const\s+|G_CONST_RETURN\s+|unsigned\s+)*(struct\s+)?(\w+)\s*(\**)\s*(?:restrict\b)?\s*(const\s+)?\(\s*\*+\s*(\w+)\s*\)\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*[,\n]//) {
- 	    my $mod1 = defined($1) ? $1 : "";
-	    if (defined($2)) { $mod1 .= $2; }
-	    my $type = $3;
-	    my $ptr1 = $4;
-	    my $mod2 = defined($5) ? $5 : "";
-	    my $func_ptr = $6;
-	    my $name = $7;
-	    my $func_params = defined($8) ? $8 : "";
-            #if (!defined($type)) { print "## no type\n"; };
-            #if (!defined($ptr1)) { print "## no ptr1\n"; };
-            #if (!defined($func_ptr)) { print "## no func_ptr\n"; };
-            #if (!defined($name)) { print "## no name\n"; };
-	    if ($ptr1 && $ptr1 !~ m/\*$/) { $ptr1 .= " "; }
-	    $func_ptr  =~ s/\s+//g;
-	    my $xref = &MakeXRef ($type, &tagify($type, "returnvalue"));
-	    my $label = "$mod1$xref$ptr1$mod2 ($func_ptr$name) ($func_params)";
-	    #print "Type: [$mod1][$xref][$ptr1][$mod2] ([$func_ptr][$name]) ($func_params)\n";
-	    if ($param_num == 0) {
-		$synop .= "$label";
-		$desc  .= "$label";
-	    } else {
-		$synop .= ",\n"
-		    . " $label";
-		$desc  .= ",\n"
-		    . " $label";
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    &LogWarning (&GetSymbolSourceFile ($symbol), &GetSymbolSourceLine($symbol),
-                "Can't parse args for function $symbol: $declaration");
-	    last;
-	}
-	$param_num++;
+        if ($i == 1) {
+            $synop .= "$field_name";
+            $desc  .= "$field_name";
+        } else {
+            $synop .= ",\n"
+                . (' ' x ($SYMBOL_FIELD_WIDTH + $RETURN_TYPE_FIELD_WIDTH))
+                . " $field_name";
+            $desc  .= ",\n"
+                . (' ' x ($SYMBOL_FIELD_WIDTH + $RETURN_TYPE_FIELD_WIDTH))
+                . " $field_name";
+        }
     $synop .= ");\n";
     $desc  .= ");</programlisting>\n";
     $desc .= &MakeDeprecationNote($symbol);
-    my $parameters = &OutputParamDescriptions ("FUNCTION", $symbol);
+    my $parameters = &OutputParamDescriptions ("FUNCTION", $symbol, @fields);
     my $parameters_output = 0;
     if (defined ($SymbolDocs{$symbol})) {
@@ -2024,6 +1992,8 @@ sub OutputFunction {
 	# Try to insert the parameter table at the author's desired position.
 	# Otherwise we need to tag it onto the end.
+	# FIXME: document that in the user manual and make it useable for other
+	# types too
 	if ($symbol_docs =~ s/<!--PARAMETERS-->/$parameters/) {
 	  $parameters_output = 1;
@@ -2047,32 +2017,74 @@ sub OutputFunction {
 # Arguments   : $symbol_type - 'FUNCTION', 'MACRO' or 'SIGNAL'. Signal
 #		  handlers have an implicit user_data parameter last.
 #		$symbol - the name of the function/macro being described.
+#               @fields - parsed fields from the declaration, used to determine
+#                  undocumented/unused entries
 sub OutputParamDescriptions {
-    my ($symbol_type, $symbol) = @_;
+    my ($symbol_type, $symbol, @fields) = @_;
     my $output = "";
-    if (defined ($SymbolParams{$symbol})) {
+    my $params = $SymbolParams{$symbol};
+    my $num_params = 0;
+    my %field_descrs = ();
+    if (@fields) {
+        %field_descrs = @fields;
+        delete $field_descrs{"void"};
+        delete $field_descrs{"Returns"};
+    }
+    if (defined $params) {
 	my $returns = "";
-	my $params = $SymbolParams{$symbol};
 	my $params_desc = "";
+	my $missing_parameters = "";
+	my $unused_parameters = "";
 	my $j;
 	for ($j = 0; $j <= $#$params; $j += $PARAM_FIELD_COUNT) {
 	    my $param_name = $$params[$j];
 	    my $param_desc = $$params[$j + 1];
 	    my $param_annotations = "";
             ($param_desc,$param_annotations) = & ExpandAnnotation($symbol, $param_desc);
             $param_desc = &ExpandAbbreviations($symbol, $param_desc);
+            $param_desc .= $param_annotations;
 	    if ($param_name eq "Returns") {
-		$returns = "$param_desc$param_annotations";
+		$returns = "$param_desc";
+	    } elsif ($param_name eq "void") {
+	        #print "!!!! void in params for $symbol?\n";
 	    } else {
+		if (@fields) {
+                    if (!defined $field_descrs{$param_name}) {
+                        &LogWarning (&GetSymbolSourceFile ($symbol), &GetSymbolSourceLine($symbol),
+                            "Parameter description for $symbol"."::"."$param_name is not used from source code comment block.");
+                        if ($unused_parameters ne "") {
+                          $unused_parameters .= ", ".$param_name;
+                        } else {
+                           $unused_parameters = $param_name;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        delete $field_descrs{$param_name};
+                    }
+                }
 		if ($param_name eq "Varargs") {
 		    $param_name = "...";
-		$params_desc .= "<varlistentry><term><parameter>$param_name</parameter>&#160;:</term>\n<listitem><simpara>$param_desc$param_annotations</simpara></listitem></varlistentry>\n";
-	    }
+		if($param_desc ne "") {
+		    $params_desc .= "<varlistentry><term><parameter>$param_name</parameter>&#160;:</term>\n<listitem><simpara>$param_desc</simpara></listitem></varlistentry>\n";
+		    $num_params++;
+		}
+            }
+        foreach my $param_name (keys %field_descrs) {
+            &LogWarning (&GetSymbolSourceFile ($symbol), &GetSymbolSourceLine($symbol),
+                "Parameter description for $symbol"."::"."$param_name is missing in source code comment block.");
+            if ($missing_parameters ne "") {
+              $missing_parameters .= ", ".$param_name;
+            } else {
+               $missing_parameters = $param_name;
+            }
+        }
 	# Signals have an implicit user_data parameter which we describe.
 	if ($symbol_type eq "SIGNAL") {
@@ -2095,7 +2107,21 @@ sub OutputParamDescriptions {
 	    # Finish the table.
 	    $output .= "</variablelist>";
+	# remember missing/unused parameters (needed in tmpl-free build)
+        if (($missing_parameters ne "") and (! exists ($AllIncompleteSymbols{$symbol}))) {
+            $AllIncompleteSymbols{$symbol}=$missing_parameters;
+        }
+        if (($unused_parameters ne "") and (! exists ($AllUnusedSymbols{$symbol}))) {
+            $AllUnusedSymbols{$symbol}=$unused_parameters;
+        }
+    if (($num_params == 0) && @fields && (scalar(keys(%field_descrs)) > 0)) {
+        if (! exists ($AllIncompleteSymbols{$symbol})) {
+            $AllIncompleteSymbols{$symbol}="<parameters>";
+        }
+    }
     return $output;
@@ -4056,6 +4082,41 @@ sub OutputUndeclaredSymbols {
     return &UpdateFileIfChanged ($old_undeclared_file, $new_undeclared_file, 0);
+# Function    : OutputUnusedSymbols
+# Description : Outputs symbols that are documented in comments, but not
+#               declared in the sources
+# Arguments   : none
+sub OutputUnusedSymbols {
+    my $num_unused = 0;
+    my $old_unused_file = "$ROOT_DIR/$MODULE-unused.txt";
+    my $new_unused_file = "$ROOT_DIR/$MODULE-unused.new";
+    open (UNUSED, ">$new_unused_file")
+	|| die "Can't open $new_unused_file";
+    my ($symbol);
+    foreach $symbol (sort keys (%Declarations)) {
+	if (!defined ($DeclarationOutput{$symbol})) {
+	    print (UNUSED "$symbol\n");
+	    $num_unused++;
+	}
+    }
+    foreach $symbol (sort (keys (%AllUnusedSymbols))) {
+        print (UNUSED "$symbol(" . $AllUnusedSymbols{$symbol} . ")\n");
+        $num_unused++;
+    }
+    close (UNUSED);
+    if ($num_unused != 0) {
+        &LogWarning ($old_unused_file, 1, "$num_unused unused declarations.".
+            "They should be added to $MODULE-sections.txt in the appropriate place.");
+    }
+    return &UpdateFileIfChanged ($old_unused_file, $new_unused_file, 0); 
 # Function    : OutputAllSymbols
@@ -4358,7 +4419,7 @@ sub MergeSourceDocumentation {
                         # remember for stats.
                         my $tmpl_param_name = $$tmpl_params[$j];
                         my $tmpl_param_desc = $$tmpl_params[$j + 1];
-                        if ($tmpl_param_desc !~ m/\S/) {
+                        if ($tmpl_param_name ne "void" && $tmpl_param_desc !~ m/\S/) {
                             if (exists ($AllIncompleteSymbols{$symbol})) {
                                 $AllIncompleteSymbols{$symbol}.=", ".$tmpl_param_name;
                             } else {
diff --git a/gtkdoc-mktmpl.in b/gtkdoc-mktmpl.in
index f449867..e7d63bf 100755
--- a/gtkdoc-mktmpl.in
+++ b/gtkdoc-mktmpl.in
@@ -377,68 +377,18 @@ EOF
 	my $ret_type_modifier = defined($1) ? $1 : "";
 	my $ret_type = $3;
 	my $ret_type_pointer = $4;
+	my @fields = ParseFunctionDeclaration($declaration);
-	my ($param_num) = 0;
-	while ($declaration ne "") {
-	    if ($declaration =~ s/^[\s,]+//) {
-		# skip whitespace and commas
-		next;
-	    } elsif ($declaration =~ s/^void\s*[,\n]//) {
-		if ($param_num != 0) {
-		    &LogWarning ($SymbolSourceFile{$symbol},$SymbolSourceLine{$symbol}, "void used as parameter in function $symbol");
-		}
-	    } elsif ($declaration =~ s/^...\s*[,\n]//) {
-		$output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, "Varargs",
-					 $template_exists, 1, "");
-	    # Try to match a standard parameter (keep in sync with gtkdoc-mkdb)
-	    #                                $1                                                                                                                                    $2                             $3                                                           $4       $5
-	    } elsif ($declaration =~ s/^\s*((?:G_CONST_RETURN|G_GNUC_UNUSED|unsigned long|unsigned short|signed long|signed short|unsigned|signed|long|short|volatile|const)\s+)*((?:struct\b|enum\b)?\s*\w+)\s*((?:(?:const\b|restrict\b)?\s*\*?\s*(?:const\b|restrict\b)?\s*)*)(\w+)?\s*((?:\[\S*\])*)\s*[,\n]//) {
- 		my $pre		= defined($1) ? $1 : "";
- 		my $vtype	= $2;
- 		my $ptr		= defined($3) ? $3 : "";
- 		my $name	= defined($4) ? $4 : "";
- 		$pre   =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- 		$vtype =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- 		$ptr   =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- 		$ptr   =~ s/\s+$//;
- 		if ($ptr && $ptr !~ m/\*$/) { $ptr .= " "; }
- 		if (($name eq "") && $pre =~ m/^((un)?signed .*)\s?/ ) {
- 		    $name  = $vtype;
- 		    $vtype = "$1";
- 		    $pre   = "";
- 		}
- 		#print "$symbol: '$pre' '$vtype' '$ptr' '$name' \n";
- 		if ($name eq "") {
-		    $name = "Param" . ($param_num + 1);
-		}
-		$output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, $name, $template_exists, 1, "");
-	    # Try to match parameters which are functions (keep in sync with gtkdoc-mkdb)
-	    #                              $1                                       $2          $3      $4                      $5                    $7             $8
-	    } elsif ($declaration =~ s/^(const\s+|G_CONST_RETURN\s+|unsigned\s+)*(struct\s+)?(\w+)\s*(\**)\s*(?:restrict\b)?\s*(const\s+)?\(\s*\*+\s*(\w+)\s*\)\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*[,\n]//) {
-		my $name = $6;
-		$output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, $name, $template_exists, 1,
-					 "");
-	    } else {
-		&LogWarning ($SymbolSourceFile{$symbol},$SymbolSourceLine{$symbol}, 
-                    "Can't parse args for function $symbol: $declaration");
-		last;
-	    }
-	    $param_num++;
+	for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#fields; $i += 2) {
+	    my $field_name = $fields[$i];
+	    $output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, $field_name, $template_exists, 1, "");
 	if ($ret_type ne "void" || $ret_type_modifier || $ret_type_pointer) {
-	    $output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, "Returns", $template_exists, 1,
-				     "");
+	    $output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, "Returns", $template_exists, 1, "");
 	$output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, "Deprecated", $template_exists, 0, "");
 	$output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, "Since", $template_exists, 0, "");
 	$output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, "Stability", $template_exists, 0, "");
@@ -447,20 +397,14 @@ EOF
     if ($type eq "MACRO") {
-	if ($declaration =~ m/^\s*#\s*define\s+\w+\(([^\)]*)\)/) {
-            my ($params) = $1;
-	    my ($param);
-            $params =~ s/\\\n//g;
-	    foreach $param (split (/,/, $params)) {
-		$param =~ s/^\s+//;
-		$param =~ s/\s*$//;
-		if ($param =~ m/\S/) {
-		    $output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, $param, $template_exists,
-					     1, "");
-		}
-	    }
-	}
+        my @fields = ParseMacroDeclaration($declaration);
+        for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#fields; $i +=2) {
+            my $field_name = $fields[$i];
+            $output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, $field_name, $template_exists,
+                                     1, "");
+        }
 	$output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, "Returns", $template_exists, 0, "");
 	$output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, "Deprecated", $template_exists, 0, "");
 	$output .= &OutputParam ($symbol, "Since", $template_exists, 0, "");

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