[gnome-color-manager] trivial: vectorize the target figure and add good and bad variants

commit 37f9b108d24286d9010f52b9f53b85570d511039
Author: Richard Hughes <richard hughsie com>
Date:   Thu Feb 25 14:16:54 2010 +0000

    trivial: vectorize the target figure and add good and bad variants

 contrib/gnome-color-manager.spec.in |    2 +-
 data/figures/Makefile.am            |    4 +-
 data/figures/argyll-target.png      |  Bin 6246 -> 0 bytes
 data/figures/scan-target-bad.svg    |  765 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 data/figures/scan-target-good.svg   |  765 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 data/figures/scan-target.svg        |  758 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/gcm-calibrate-argyll.c          |   13 +-
 7 files changed, 2300 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/contrib/gnome-color-manager.spec.in b/contrib/gnome-color-manager.spec.in
index 49922d3..8e34422 100644
--- a/contrib/gnome-color-manager.spec.in
+++ b/contrib/gnome-color-manager.spec.in
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime &> /dev/null || :
 %dir %{_datadir}/gnome-color-manager/icons
diff --git a/data/figures/Makefile.am b/data/figures/Makefile.am
index 84cd6be..8f27ff5 100644
--- a/data/figures/Makefile.am
+++ b/data/figures/Makefile.am
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 figuresdir = $(datadir)/gnome-color-manager/icons
 figures_DATA = 	 			\
 	clock.svg			\
-	argyll-target.png		\
+	scan-target.svg			\
+	scan-target-good.svg		\
+	scan-target-bad.svg		\
 	huey-attach.svg			\
 	spyder-attach.svg		\
 	munki-ambient.svg		\
diff --git a/data/figures/scan-target-bad.svg b/data/figures/scan-target-bad.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f3ac1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/figures/scan-target-bad.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
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diff --git a/src/gcm-calibrate-argyll.c b/src/gcm-calibrate-argyll.c
index 2eb7361..a664e66 100644
--- a/src/gcm-calibrate-argyll.c
+++ b/src/gcm-calibrate-argyll.c
@@ -2045,7 +2045,6 @@ gcm_calibrate_argyll_process_output_cmd (GcmCalibrateArgyll *calibrate_argyll, c
 	const gchar *title;
 	gchar *title_str = NULL;
 	const gchar *message;
-	const gchar *filename;
 	GString *string = NULL;
 	gchar *found;
 	gboolean ret = TRUE;
@@ -2170,6 +2169,7 @@ gcm_calibrate_argyll_process_output_cmd (GcmCalibrateArgyll *calibrate_argyll, c
 	/* all done */
 	found = g_strstr_len (line, -1, "(All rows read)");
 	if (found != NULL) {
+		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_image_filename (priv->calibrate_dialog, "scan-target-good.svg");
 		vte_terminal_feed_child (VTE_TERMINAL(priv->terminal), "d", 1);
 		goto out;
@@ -2186,6 +2186,7 @@ gcm_calibrate_argyll_process_output_cmd (GcmCalibrateArgyll *calibrate_argyll, c
 		gcm_calibrate_dialog_show (priv->calibrate_dialog, GCM_CALIBRATE_DIALOG_TAB_GENERIC, title, message);
 		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_show_button_ok (priv->calibrate_dialog, TRUE);
 		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_show_expander (priv->calibrate_dialog, TRUE);
+		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_image_filename (priv->calibrate_dialog, "scan-target-bad.svg");
 		/* TRANSLATORS: button text */
 		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_button_ok_id (priv->calibrate_dialog, _("Retry"));
@@ -2223,6 +2224,7 @@ gcm_calibrate_argyll_process_output_cmd (GcmCalibrateArgyll *calibrate_argyll, c
 		gcm_calibrate_dialog_show (priv->calibrate_dialog, GCM_CALIBRATE_DIALOG_TAB_GENERIC, title_str, string->str);
 		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_show_button_ok (priv->calibrate_dialog, TRUE);
 		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_show_expander (priv->calibrate_dialog, TRUE);
+		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_image_filename (priv->calibrate_dialog, "scan-target-bad.svg");
 		/* TRANSLATORS: button */
 		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_button_ok_id (priv->calibrate_dialog, _("Use anyway"));
@@ -2249,17 +2251,18 @@ gcm_calibrate_argyll_process_output_cmd (GcmCalibrateArgyll *calibrate_argyll, c
 		g_string_append (string, _("Slowly scan the target line from left to right and release the switch when you get to the end of the page."));
 		g_string_append (string, "\n\n");
+		/* TRANSLATORS: dialog message, the sensor has to be above the line */
+		g_string_append (string, _("Ensure the center of the device is properly aligned with the row you are trying to measure."));
+		g_string_append (string, "\n\n");
 		/* TRANSLATORS: dialog message, just follow the hardware instructions */
 		g_string_append (string, _("If you make a mistake just release the switch and you'll get a chance to try again."));
-		/* get the image, if we have one */
-		filename = "argyll-target.png";
 		/* push new messages into the UI */
 		gcm_calibrate_dialog_show (priv->calibrate_dialog, GCM_CALIBRATE_DIALOG_TAB_GENERIC, title_str, string->str);
 		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_show_button_ok (priv->calibrate_dialog, FALSE);
 		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_show_expander (priv->calibrate_dialog, TRUE);
-		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_image_filename (priv->calibrate_dialog, filename);
+		gcm_calibrate_dialog_set_image_filename (priv->calibrate_dialog, "scan-target.svg");
 		goto out;

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