[kupfer: 19/27] +plugin microbloging_twitter

commit f73e50c7df75cb67ffcf469f91afa6ada8d8fbab
Author: Karol BÄ?dkowski <karol bedkowski gmail com>
Date:   Sat Feb 13 17:06:21 2010 +0100

    +plugin microbloging_twitter
    For now plugin allow to:
    - send status updates to twitter
    - load and show friends with optional pictures
    - send direct messages to friend
    - show last twitts of your friends (configurable)
    - show timeline (configurable)
    - allow send reply to twitts
    twitter: Adjust spelling (by Ulrik)

 kupfer/plugin/microblogging_twitter.py |  400 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 400 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/kupfer/plugin/microblogging_twitter.py b/kupfer/plugin/microblogging_twitter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..186ac94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kupfer/plugin/microblogging_twitter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+__kupfer_name__ = _("Twitter")
+__kupfer_sources__ = ("FriendsSource", "TimelineSource")
+__kupfer_actions__ = ("PostUpdate", "PostDirectMessage", 
+		'PostAsDirectMessageToFriend' )
+__description__ = _("Microblogging with Twitter: send updates and show friends' tweets")
+__version__ = "2010-02-04"
+__author__ = "Karol BÄ?dkowski <karol bedkowski gmail com>"
+import urllib2
+import time
+import twitter as twitter
+from kupfer import icons, pretty
+from kupfer import plugin_support
+from kupfer import kupferstring
+from kupfer.objects import Action, TextLeaf, Source, Leaf, SourceLeaf
+from kupfer.obj.grouping import ToplevelGroupingSource
+from kupfer.obj.contacts import ContactLeaf, NAME_KEY
+from kupfer.obj.special import PleaseConfigureLeaf
+from kupfer.obj.helplib import background_loader
+__kupfer_settings__ = plugin_support.PluginSettings(
+	{
+		'key': 'userpass',
+		'label': '',
+		'type': plugin_support.UserNamePassword,
+		'value': '',
+	},
+	{
+		'key': 'loadicons',
+		'label': _("Load users' pictures"), 
+		'type': bool,
+		'value': True
+	},
+	{
+		'key': 'loadtweets',
+		'label': _("Load friends' public tweets"),
+		'type': bool,
+		'value': False,
+	},
+	{
+		'key': 'loadtimeline',
+		'label': _('Load timeline'),
+		'type': bool,
+		'value': False,
+	}
+TWITTER_USERNAME_KEY = 'twitter_username'
+# friends
+UPDATE_FR_INTERVAL_S = 20*60 # 15 min
+# timeline
+UPDATE_TL_START_S = 13 # sec
+UPDATE_TL_INTERVAL_S = 15 * 60 # 20 min
+def get_twitter_api():
+	upass = __kupfer_settings__['userpass']
+	api = None
+	if upass:
+		api = twitter.Api(username=upass.username, password=upass.password)
+		api.SetXTwitterHeaders('Kupfer', '', __version__)
+	return api
+def send_direct_message(user, message):
+	api = get_twitter_api()
+	if api and user:
+		api.PostDirectMessage(user, trunc_message(message))
+def trunc_message(message):
+	if len(message) > 140:
+		message = message[:137] + '...'
+	return message
+def download_image(url):
+	result = None
+	try:
+		f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+		result = f.read()
+	except urllib2.HTTPError, err:
+		pretty.print_error(__name__, 'download_image', url, err)
+	return result
+def _load_tweets(api, user, count):
+	pretty.print_debug(__name__, '_load_tweets', user, count)
+	try:
+		if user:
+			timeline = api.GetUserTimeline(user, count)
+		else:
+			timeline = api.GetFriendsTimeline(count=count)
+		for status in timeline:
+			text = kupferstring.tounicode(status.text)
+			name = kupferstring.tounicode(status.user.name)
+			yield StatusLeaf(text, name, status.relative_created_at, 
+					status.id)
+	except urllib2.HTTPError, err:
+		pretty.print_error(__name__, '_load_tweets', user, count, err)
+ background_loader(interval=UPDATE_FR_INTERVAL_S, name='twitter', 
+def load_data():
+	pretty.print_debug(__name__, 'load_data: start')
+	start_time = time.time()
+	api = get_twitter_api()
+	result = []
+	if api:
+		for friend in api.GetFriends():
+			image = None
+			if __kupfer_settings__['loadicons']:
+				image = download_image(friend.profile_image_url)
+			screen_name = kupferstring.tounicode(friend.screen_name)
+			name = kupferstring.tounicode(friend.name)
+			fobj = Friend(screen_name, name, image)
+			if __kupfer_settings__['loadtweets']:
+				fobj.tweets = list(_load_tweets(api, friend.screen_name, 
+			result.append(fobj)
+	else:
+		confl = PleaseConfigureLeaf('microbloging_twitter', __kupfer_name__)
+		result = [ confl ]
+	pretty.print_debug(__name__, 'load_data: finished; load', len(result), 
+			time.time()-start_time)
+	return result
+ background_loader(interval=UPDATE_TL_INTERVAL_S, name='twitter-timeline', 
+def load_data_timeline():
+	if not __kupfer_settings__['loadtimeline']:
+		return None
+	pretty.print_debug(__name__, 'load_data_timeline: start')
+	start_time = time.time()
+	api = get_twitter_api()
+	result = None
+	if api:
+		result = list(_load_tweets(api, None, MAX_TIMELINE_STATUSES_COUNT))
+	else:
+		result = [PleaseConfigureLeaf('microbloging_twitter', __kupfer_name__)]
+	pretty.print_debug(__name__, 'load_data_timeline: finished; load', 
+			len(result), time.time()-start_time)
+	return result
+class FriendsTimeline(Leaf):
+	rank_adjust = 15
+	def __init__(self, tweets, name=_('<Friend Tweets>')):
+		Leaf.__init__(self, tweets, name)
+		self.tweets = self.object
+	def has_content(self):
+		return bool(self.object)
+	def content_source(self, alternate=False):
+		return FriendStatusesSource(self)
+	def get_description(self):
+		return _("All friends timeline")
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return 'twitter'
+class Friend(ContactLeaf):
+	grouping_slots = ContactLeaf.grouping_slots + (TWITTER_USERNAME_KEY, )
+	def __init__(self, username, name, image=None):
+		slots = {TWITTER_USERNAME_KEY: username, NAME_KEY: name}
+		ContactLeaf.__init__(self, slots, name)
+		self.kupfer_add_alias(username)
+		self.image = image
+		self.tweets = None
+	def repr_key(self):
+		return self.object[TWITTER_USERNAME_KEY]
+	def has_content(self):
+		return bool(self.tweets)
+	def content_source(self, alternate=False):
+		return FriendStatusesSource(self)
+	def get_description(self):
+		return self[TWITTER_USERNAME_KEY]
+# waiting for ComposedIconSmall
+#	def get_gicon(self):
+#		return icons.ComposedIconSmall(self.get_icon_name(), "twitter")
+	def get_thumbnail(self, width, height):
+		if self.image:
+			return icons.get_pixbuf_from_data(self.image, width, height)
+		return ContactLeaf.get_thumbnail(self, width, height)
+class PostUpdate(Action):
+	''' send update status '''
+	def __init__(self):
+		Action.__init__(self, _('Post Update to Twitter'))
+	def activate(self, leaf):
+		api = get_twitter_api()
+		if api:
+			api.PostUpdate(trunc_message(leaf.object))
+	def item_types(self):
+		yield TextLeaf
+	def valid_for_item(self, item):
+		return bool(item.object)
+	def get_gicon(self):
+		return icons.ComposedIcon("mail-message-new", "twitter")
+class PostDirectMessage(Action):
+	''' send direct message to contact '''
+	def __init__(self):
+		Action.__init__(self, _('Post Direct Message'))
+	def activate(self, leaf, iobj):
+		if iobj.object:
+			send_direct_message(user, iobj.object)
+	def item_types(self):
+		yield ContactLeaf
+	def valid_for_item(self, item):
+	def requires_object(self):
+		return True
+	def object_types(self):
+		yield TextLeaf
+	def get_gicon(self):
+		return icons.ComposedIcon("mail-message-new", "twitter")
+class PostAsDirectMessageToFriend(Action):
+	''' send text to friend '''
+	def __init__(self):
+		Action.__init__(self, _('Post Direct Message To...'))
+	def activate(self, leaf, iobj):
+		send_direct_message(user, leaf.object)
+	def item_types(self):
+		yield TextLeaf
+	def valid_for_item(self, item):
+		return bool(item.object)
+	def requires_object(self):
+		return True
+	def object_types(self):
+		yield ContactLeaf
+	def object_source(self, for_item=None):
+		return FriendsSource()
+	def get_gicon(self):
+		return icons.ComposedIcon("mail-message-new", "twitter")
+class PostReply(Action):
+	''' send reply to the message '''
+	def __init__(self):
+		Action.__init__(self, _('Reply'))
+	def activate(self, leaf, iobj):
+		if iobj.object:
+			api = get_twitter_api()
+			message = trunc_message(iobj.object)
+			api.PostUpdate(message, in_reply_to_status_id=leaf.status_id)
+	def item_types(self):
+		yield StatusLeaf
+	def requires_object(self):
+		return True
+	def object_types(self):
+		yield TextLeaf
+	def get_gicon(self):
+		return icons.ComposedIcon("mail-message-reply", "twitter")
+class StatusLeaf(TextLeaf):
+	def __init__(self, text, user, created_at, status_id):
+		TextLeaf.__init__(self, text)
+		self._description = _("%(user)s %(when)s") % dict(
+				user=user, when=created_at)
+		self.status_id = status_id
+	def get_description(self):
+		return self._description
+	def get_actions(self):
+		yield PostReply()
+class InvisibleSourceLeaf (SourceLeaf):
+	"""Hack to hide this source"""
+	def is_valid(self):
+		return False
+class TimelineSource(Source):
+	""" Source for main user timeline """
+	def __init__(self, name=_("Twitter Timeline")):
+		Source.__init__(self, name)
+	def initialize(self):
+		if self._is_valid():
+			load_data_timeline.fill_cache(self.cached_items)
+			load_data_timeline.bind_and_start(self.mark_for_update)
+	def get_items(self):
+		return load_data_timeline() or []
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return 'twitter'
+	def provides(self):
+		yield FriendsTimeline
+	def get_leaf_repr(self):
+		return None if self._is_valid() else InvisibleSourceLeaf(self) 
+	def _is_valid(self):
+		return __kupfer_settings__['loadtimeline']
+class FriendsSource(ToplevelGroupingSource):
+	def __init__(self, name=_('Twitter Friends')):
+		super(FriendsSource, self).__init__(name, "Contacts")
+		self._version = 1
+	def initialize(self):
+		ToplevelGroupingSource.initialize(self)
+		load_data.fill_cache(self.cached_items)
+		load_data.bind_and_start(self.mark_for_update)
+	def get_items(self):
+		return load_data() or []
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return 'twitter'
+	def provides(self):
+		yield ContactLeaf
+		yield PleaseConfigureLeaf
+	def should_sort_lexically(self):
+		return True
+class FriendStatusesSource(Source):
+	def __init__(self, friend, name=_('Friend Statuses')):
+		Source.__init__(self, name)
+		self.friend = friend
+	def get_items(self):
+		return self.friend.tweets
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return 'twitter'
+	def provides(self):
+		yield StatusLeaf
+	def should_sort_lexically(self):
+		return False
+	def has_parent(self):
+		return True
+	def get_parent(self):
+		return self.friend

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