[tracker] NCO: Add IMAddress and adapt existing IM classes and properties
- From: Jürg Billeter <juergbi src gnome org>
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [tracker] NCO: Add IMAddress and adapt existing IM classes and properties
- Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 09:56:34 +0000 (UTC)
commit 8156ca933a10ef995ca1ef62bfe91699ab3bcef7
Author: Jürg Billeter <j bitron ch>
Date: Tue Feb 9 16:49:14 2010 +0100
NCO: Add IMAddress and adapt existing IM classes and properties
This commit applies various changes to the ontology for multiple
reasons. It increases consistency between email addresses, phone
numbers, and IM addresses. This enables the use of anonymous contacts
for IM messages. Furthermore, this commit also simplifies queries
that involve merged contacts, which improves the performance
significantly. Despite all the changes, full backward compatibility is
retained during a transition period as this commit does not yet remove
the deprecated classes and properties.
The class nco:IMAddress and the property nco:hasIMAddress have been
added. nco:hasIMAddress can be used by any nco:Contact and represents
an instant messaging address consisting of nco:imID and nco:imProtocol.
This improves consistency with how email addresses and phone numbers
are handled in NCO.
nco:IMContact has been deprecated in favor of using nco:PersonContact
with nco:hasIMAddress. This avoids special casing IM contacts.
The address of a nco:IMAccount is now stored in nco:imAccountAddress,
this allows to consolidate the nearly duplicate properties such as
nco:imId and nco:imContactId and the other nco:im* and nco:imContact*
property pairs. To improve consistency among these properties and ease
transition, nco:imContactCapability has been renamed to
nco:hasIMAccount has been deprecated as it did not provide any
information as it was only applicable to a single subject,
nco:fromIMAccount has been deprecated and replaced by nco:hasIMContact,
which provides the same information in reversed form, that is, it links
IM accounts of the user to IM contacts (buddy list).
nco:MetaContact and nco:metaContact have been deprecated in favor of
storing merged contacts. Contact details can be linked to the data
source with named graphs in future versions of Tracker. This provides
vastly simpler and more efficient access to merged contacts.
data/ontologies/32-nco.ontology | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
1 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/ontologies/32-nco.ontology b/data/ontologies/32-nco.ontology
index a9c285a..6ca3649 100644
--- a/data/ontologies/32-nco.ontology
+++ b/data/ontologies/32-nco.ontology
@@ -48,11 +48,18 @@ nco:EmailAddress a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:comment "An email address. The recommended best practice is to use mailto: uris for instances of this class." ;
rdfs:subClassOf nco:ContactMedium .
+nco:IMAddress a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "IM Address" ;
+ rdfs:comment "An instant messaging address such as xmpp:foo bar com " ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf nco:ContactMedium .
+# switch to rdfs:subClassOf nie:InformationElement
+# after transition period
nco:IMAccount a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "IMAccount" ;
- rdfs:comment "An account in an Instant Messaging system. Only user 'me' can have IM Accounts (check hasIMAccount). All other contacts in the address book can come from one (check nco:fromIMAccount). The properties in this class (id, status,...) refers only to 'me'. The specific details of contacts coming from that account are properties of IMContact." ;
+ rdfs:comment "An account in an Instant Messaging system. This refers to IM accounts of the user 'me'." ;
tracker:notify true ;
- rdfs:subClassOf nco:ContactMedium .
+ rdfs:subClassOf nco:IMAddress .
nco:OrganizationContact a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "OrganizationContact" ;
@@ -69,12 +76,14 @@ nco:default-contact-me a nco:PersonContact.
nco:IMContact a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "IM Contact" ;
- rdfs:comment "Contact coming from an IM Account" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Contact coming from an IM Account. This has been deprecated in favor of using nco:PersonContact with nco:hasIMAddress." ;
+ nao:deprecated true ;
rdfs:subClassOf nco:PersonContact .
nco:MetaContact a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "MetaContact" ;
- rdfs:comment "A metacontact groups PersonContacts and IMContacts coming from different sources, indicating that are the same entity in the real world." ;
+ rdfs:comment "A metacontact groups PersonContacts and IMContacts coming from different sources, indicating that are the same entity in the real world. This has been deprecated in favor of merged contacts. Linking multiple contacts to a single person without merging is the task of pimo:Person and pimo:groundingOccurrence." ;
+ nao:deprecated true ;
rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource.
nco:PhoneNumber a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -200,6 +209,7 @@ nco:metacontact a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "metacontact" ;
rdfs:comment "Link a single contact with a metacontact" ;
nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
+ nao:deprecated true ;
rdfs:domain nco:PersonContact ;
rdfs:range nco:MetaContact .
@@ -301,17 +311,23 @@ nco:extendedAddress a rdf:Property ;
nco:hasIMAccount a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "hasIMAccount" ;
rdfs:comment "Indicates that an Instant Messaging account owned by an entity represented by this contact." ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nco:hasContactMedium ;
+ nao:deprecated true ;
rdfs:domain nco:PersonContact ;
rdfs:range nco:IMAccount .
nco:fromIMAccount a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "hasIMAccount" ;
- rdfs:comment "Indicates that an Instant Messaging account owned by an entity represented by this contact." ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nco:hasContactMedium ;
+ rdfs:comment "Indicates that an Instant Messaging account owned by an entity represented by this contact. This has been replaced by nco:fromIMAccount." ;
+ nao:deprecated true ;
rdfs:domain nco:IMContact ;
rdfs:range nco:IMAccount .
+nco:hasIMContact a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:label "hasIMAccount" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Indicates that this Instant Messaging account has the specified Instant Messaging address in the contact list." ;
+ rdfs:domain nco:IMAccount ;
+ rdfs:range nco:IMAddress .
# FIXME Range geo:Point but we dont have that class
nco:hasLocation a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "hasLocation" ;
@@ -360,11 +376,19 @@ nco:imID a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:comment "Identifier of the IM account. Examples of such identifier might include ICQ UINs, Jabber IDs, Skype names etc." ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:identifier ;
nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
- rdfs:domain nco:IMAccount ;
+ rdfs:domain nco:IMAddress ;
rdfs:range xsd:string ;
tracker:fulltextIndexed true ;
tracker:weight 5 .
+nco:imAccountAddress a rdf:Property ;
+ a nrl:InverseFunctionalProperty ;
+ rdfs:label "imAccountAddress" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Instant Messaging address of this IM account. The user 'me' can send and receive messages from this IM address." ;
+ nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
+ rdfs:domain nco:IMAccount ;
+ rdfs:range nco:IMAddress .
# FIXME Range geo:Point but we dont have that class
nco:addressLocation a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "addressLocation" ;
@@ -571,7 +595,7 @@ nco:imNickname a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "imNickname" ;
rdfs:comment "A nickname attached to a particular IM Account." ;
nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
- rdfs:domain nco:IMAccount ;
+ rdfs:domain nco:IMAddress ;
rdfs:range xsd:string ;
tracker:fulltextIndexed true ;
tracker:weight 5 .
@@ -620,7 +644,7 @@ nco:imProtocol a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "imProtocol" ;
rdfs:comment "Protocol of the account ('skype', 'gtalk', 'icq', ...)" ;
nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
- rdfs:domain nco:IMAccount ;
+ rdfs:domain nco:IMAddress ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
nco:pobox a rdf:Property ;
@@ -636,7 +660,7 @@ nco:imStatusMessage a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "imStatusMessage" ;
rdfs:comment "A feature common in most IM systems. A message left by the user for all his/her contacts to see." ;
nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
- rdfs:domain nco:IMAccount ;
+ rdfs:domain nco:IMAddress ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
nco:imDisplayName a rdf:Property ;
@@ -679,21 +703,24 @@ nco:hasAffiliation a rdf:Property ;
nco:imContactId a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "imContactId" ;
- rdfs:comment "ID of the contact in the service like my friend xmail com" ;
+ rdfs:comment "ID of the contact in the service like my friend xmail com This has been replaced by nco:imId." ;
+ nao:deprecated true ;
nrl:maxCardinality 1;
rdfs:domain nco:IMContact ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
nco:imContactNickname a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "imContactNickname" ;
- rdfs:comment "Visible nickname of the user in a service";
+ rdfs:comment "Visible nickname of the user in a service. This has been replaced by nco:imNickname.";
+ nao:deprecated true ;
nrl:maxCardinality 1;
rdfs:domain nco:IMContact ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
nco:imContactStatusMessage a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "imContactStatusMessage" ;
- rdfs:comment "Status message of the user in a service";
+ rdfs:comment "Status message of the user in a service. This has been replaced by nco:imStatusMessage.";
+ nao:deprecated true ;
nrl:maxCardinality 1;
rdfs:domain nco:IMContact ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
@@ -715,7 +742,8 @@ nco:presence-status-error a nco:PresenceStatus .
nco:imContactPresence a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "imContactPresence" ;
- rdfs:comment "Online availability of the user in a service";
+ rdfs:comment "Online availability of the user in a service. This has been replaced by nco:imPresence.";
+ nao:deprecated true ;
nrl:maxCardinality 1;
rdfs:domain nco:IMContact ;
rdfs:range nco:PresenceStatus .
@@ -723,7 +751,7 @@ nco:imContactPresence a rdf:Property ;
nco:imPresence a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "imPresence" ;
nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
- rdfs:domain nco:IMAccount ;
+ rdfs:domain nco:IMAddress ;
rdfs:range nco:PresenceStatus .
@@ -744,6 +772,19 @@ nco:im-capability-dbus-tubes a nco:IMCapability .
nco:imContactCapability a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "imContact Capability";
- rdfs:comment "Capabilities of an IM Contact, what can we interact with him";
+ rdfs:comment "Capabilities of an IM Contact, what can we interact with him. This has been replaced by nco:imCapability.";
+ nao:deprecated true ;
rdfs:domain nco:IMContact ;
rdfs:range nco:IMCapability .
+nco:imCapability a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:label "imContact Capability";
+ rdfs:comment "Capabilities of an IM Contact, what can we interact with him";
+ rdfs:domain nco:IMAddress ;
+ rdfs:range nco:IMCapability .
+nco:hasIMAddress a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:label "imAddress";
+ rdfs:comment "An address for communication using instant messages with the object specified by this contact." ;
+ rdfs:domain nco:Role ;
+ rdfs:range nco:IMAddress .
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