[gcompris/gcomprixogoo] Improved hydroelectric to have a solar and wind farm.

commit a9e7a5332496fd6372179bb8bafc461db1d2b08b
Author: Bruno Coudoin <bruno coudoin free fr>
Date:   Fri Dec 24 00:57:58 2010 +0100

    Improved hydroelectric to have a solar and wind farm.

 src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py        |  392 +++++++++++++-------
 src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.xml.in    |    2 +-
 .../resources/hydroelectric/hydroelectric.svgz     |  Bin 78879 -> 83449 bytes
 3 files changed, 252 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py b/src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py
index 97c21e9..306c10c 100644
--- a/src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py
+++ b/src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py
@@ -162,45 +162,23 @@ class Gcompris_hydroelectric:
       pointer_events = goocanvas.EVENTS_NONE,
-    # The TURBINE
-    self.turbineitem = goocanvas.Svg(
-      parent = self.rootitem,
-      svg_handle = svghandle,
-      svg_id = "#TURBINE",
-      tooltip = "\n\n" + \
-        _("Flowing water is directed on to the blades of a turbine runner, "
-          "creating a force on the blades. In this way, energy is transferred "
-          "from the water flow to the turbine")
-      )
-    self.turbineitem.connect("button_press_event", self.turbine_item_event)
-    # This item is clickeable and it must be seen
-    gcompris.utils.item_focus_init(self.turbineitem, None)
-    self.turbine_on = False
-    # The Cable from turbine to transformer 1
-    self.turbine_cable_on = goocanvas.Svg(
-      parent = self.rootitem,
-      svg_handle = svghandle,
-      svg_id = "#TURBINE_CABLE_ON",
-      pointer_events = goocanvas.EVENTS_NONE,
-      visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
-      )
-    # The Cables from transformer 1 to transformer 2
-    self.cable1_cv1_to_cv2_on = goocanvas.Svg(
-      parent = self.rootitem,
-      svg_handle = svghandle,
-      svg_id = "#CABLE1_CV1_TO_CV2_ON",
-      pointer_events = goocanvas.EVENTS_NONE,
-      visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
-      )
-    self.cable2_cv1_to_cv2_on = goocanvas.Svg(
-      parent = self.rootitem,
-      svg_handle = svghandle,
-      svg_id = "#CABLE2_CV1_TO_CV2_ON",
-      pointer_events = goocanvas.EVENTS_NONE,
-      visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
-      )
+    # The DAM'S TURBINE
+    self.dam_turbine = \
+      Producer(self.rootitem, svghandle,
+               Counter( self.rootitem, svghandle,
+                        "#DAM_PROD_COUNT",
+                        _("This is the meter for electricity produced by the turbine. ") + \
+                        _("The electricity power is measured in Watt (W)."),
+                        303, 224 ),
+               self.update_prod_count,
+               [ "#TURBINE" ],
+               _("Flowing water is directed on to the blades of a turbine runner, "
+                 "creating a force on the blades. In this way, energy is transferred "
+                 "from the water flow to the turbine"),
+               "#TURBINE_CABLE_ON",
+               "#TRANSFORMER_DAM",
+               "#TRANSFORMER_DAM_TO_USERS",
+               1000)
     # The Cable from transformer 2 to Town
     self.cable_to_town_on = goocanvas.Svg(
@@ -219,21 +197,6 @@ class Gcompris_hydroelectric:
       visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
-    self.transformer1item = goocanvas.Svg(
-      parent = self.rootitem,
-      svg_handle = svghandle,
-      svg_id = "#TRANSFORMER1",
-      tooltip = "\n\n" + \
-        _("This is a step up transformer. Electricity is transmitted "
-          "at high voltages (110 kV or above) "
-          "to reduce the energy lost in long distance transmission.")
-      )
-    self.transformer1item.connect("button_press_event", self.transformer1_item_event)
-    # This item is clickeable and it must be seen
-    gcompris.utils.item_focus_init(self.transformer1item, None)
-    self.transformer1_on = 0
     self.transformer2item = goocanvas.Svg(
       parent = self.rootitem,
@@ -287,44 +250,21 @@ class Gcompris_hydroelectric:
     # The children have to make sure there is no more consumption
     # than production.
     self.prod_count = 0
-    x = 303
-    y = 224
-    tooltip =_("This is the meter for electricity produced by the turbine. "
-               "The electricity power is measured in Watt (W).")
-    goocanvas.Svg(
-      parent = self.rootitem,
-      svg_handle = svghandle,
-      svg_id = "#PROD_COUNT",
-      tooltip = "\n\n" + tooltip
-      )
-    self.prod_count_item = goocanvas.Text(
-      parent = self.rootitem,
-      x = x,
-      y = y,
-      font = "Sans 8",
-      text = str(self.prod_count) + "W",
-      tooltip = "\n\n" + tooltip
-      )
-    x = 590
-    y = 203
-    tooltip =_("This is the meter for electricity consumed by the users. "
-               "The electricity power is measured in Watt (W).")
-    goocanvas.Svg(
-      parent = self.rootitem,
-      svg_handle = svghandle,
-      svg_id = "#CONSO_COUNT",
-      tooltip = "\n\n" + tooltip
-      )
-    self.conso_count_item = goocanvas.Text(
-      parent = self.rootitem,
-      x = x,
-      y = y,
-      font = "Sans 8",
-      text = "0W",
-      tooltip = "\n\n" + tooltip
-      )
+    self.conso_count = 0
+    self.production_counter = \
+        Counter( self.rootitem, svghandle,
+                 "#PROD_COUNT",
+                 _("This is the meter for all the electricity produced. ") + \
+                 _("The electricity power is measured in Watt (W)."),
+                 525, 230 )
+    self.consumers_counter = \
+        Counter( self.rootitem, svghandle,
+                 "#CONSO_COUNT",
+                 _("This is the meter for electricity consumed by the users. ") + \
+                 _("The electricity power is measured in Watt (W)."),
+                 590, 203 )
     self.consumers = []
     self.consumers.append( Consumer(self.rootitem, svghandle,
@@ -347,6 +287,47 @@ class Gcompris_hydroelectric:
                                     100) )
+    # The solar panel
+    self.solar_array = \
+      Producer(self.rootitem, svghandle,
+               Counter( self.rootitem, svghandle,
+                        "#SOLAR_PANEL_COUNT",
+                        _("This is the meter for electricity produced by the solar panels. ") + \
+                        _("The electricity power is measured in Watt (W)."),
+                        680, 170 ),
+               self.update_prod_count,
+               [ "#SOLAR_PANEL" ],
+               _("Solar panels use light energy (photons) from the sun to "
+                 "generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect."),
+               "#SOLAR_PANEL_CABLE_ON",
+               "#TRANSFORMER_SOLAR_PANEL",
+               400)
+    # The Wind farm
+    self.windfarmitems = []
+    for i in range(1,4):
+      self.windfarmitems.append("#WIND_FARM_" + str(i))
+    self.wind_farm = \
+      Producer(self.rootitem, svghandle,
+               Counter( self.rootitem, svghandle,
+                        "#WIND_FARM_COUNT",
+                        _("This is the meter for electricity produced by the wind turbines. ") + \
+                        _("The electricity power is measured in Watt (W)."),
+                        650, 137 ),
+               self.update_prod_count,
+               self.windfarmitems,
+               _("A wind turbine is a device that converts wind motion energy "
+                 "into electricity generation. It is called a wind generator or "
+                 "wind charger. "),
+               "#WINDFARM_CABLE_ON",
+               "#TRANSFORMER_WINDFARM",
+               600)
+    self.producers = [self.dam_turbine, self.wind_farm, self.solar_array]
     # Some item ordering
@@ -406,7 +387,6 @@ class Gcompris_hydroelectric:
        and self.tick % 200 == 0:
       # Simulate a miss of water
       self.waterlevel -= 1
-      self.set_turbine_state(False)
     # Redisplay the level of water if needed
     if old_waterlevel != self.waterlevel :
@@ -419,6 +399,22 @@ class Gcompris_hydroelectric:
        and self.tick % 20 == 0:
+    # Manage the consumers ability to produce energy
+    if self.cloud_on:
+      self.wind_farm.set_energy(True)
+    else:
+      self.wind_farm.set_energy(False)
+    if self.sun_on:
+      self.solar_array.set_energy(True)
+    else:
+      self.solar_array.set_energy(False)
+    if self.waterlevel == self.waterlevel_max:
+      self.dam_turbine.set_energy(True)
+    else:
+      self.dam_turbine.set_energy(False)
     self.waterlevel_timer = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.update_waterlevel)
   def boat_arrived(self, item, status):
@@ -524,7 +520,7 @@ class Gcompris_hydroelectric:
   def sun_item_event(self, widget, target, event=None):
     if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
       if event.button == 1:
-        if not self.sun_on :
+        if not self.sun_on and not self.cloud_on:
           gcompris.utils.item_focus_remove(self.sunitem, None)
           trip_y = self.sunitem_target_y1 - self.sunitem_orig_y1
@@ -555,40 +551,26 @@ class Gcompris_hydroelectric:
     gcompris.utils.item_focus_remove(self.clouditem, None)
     return True
-  def turbine_item_event(self, widget, target, event=None):
-    if self.turbine_on:
-      self.set_turbine_state(False)
-    else:
-      self.set_turbine_state(True)
-    return True
+  def update_prod_count(self):
+    self.prod_count = 0
+    self.prod_count = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
+                             map(lambda x: x.production, self.producers) )
-  def set_turbine_state(self, state):
-    if state and self.waterlevel == self.waterlevel_max \
-          and not self.turbine_on:
-      gcompris.sound.play_ogg("sounds/bubble.wav")
-      self.turbine_on = True
-      self.add_prod_count(1000)
-      self.turbine_cable_on.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE
-    elif self.turbine_on:
-      self.turbine_on = False
-      self.turbine_cable_on.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
-      self.set_transformer1_state(False)
-      self.add_prod_count(-1000)
-  def add_prod_count(self, value):
-    self.prod_count += value
-    self.prod_count_item.set_properties(text = str(self.prod_count) + "W")
+    self.production_counter.set(self.prod_count)
+    self.check_balance()
   def update_conso_count(self):
-    conso_count = 0
+    self.conso_count = 0
     if self.transformer2_on:
-      conso_count = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
+      self.conso_count = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
                            map(lambda x: x.consumption, self.consumers) )
-    self.conso_count_item.set_properties(text = str(conso_count) + "W")
+    self.consumers_counter.set(self.conso_count)
+    self.check_balance()
-    # Simulate a miss of power
-    if conso_count > self.prod_count:
+  def check_balance(self):
+    # If there a miss of power
+    if self.conso_count > self.prod_count:
       gcompris.utils.dialog( \
         _("It is not possible to consume more electricity "
@@ -602,25 +584,6 @@ class Gcompris_hydroelectric:
           "can shut down which, in the worst cases, can lead to a major "
           "regional blackout."), None)
-  def transformer1_item_event(self, widget, target, event=None):
-    if self.transformer1_on:
-      self.set_transformer1_state(False)
-    else:
-      self.set_transformer1_state(True)
-    return True
-  def set_transformer1_state(self, state):
-    if state and self.turbine_on:
-      gcompris.sound.play_ogg("sounds/bubble.wav")
-      self.transformer1_on = True
-      self.cable1_cv1_to_cv2_on.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE
-      self.cable2_cv1_to_cv2_on.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE
-    else:
-      self.transformer1_on = False
-      self.cable1_cv1_to_cv2_on.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
-      self.cable2_cv1_to_cv2_on.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
-      self.set_transformer2_state(False)
   def transformer2_item_event(self, widget, target, event=None):
     if self.transformer2_on:
@@ -629,7 +592,7 @@ class Gcompris_hydroelectric:
     return True
   def set_transformer2_state(self, state):
-    if state and self.transformer1_on:
+    if state and self.prod_count > 0:
       self.transformer2_on = True
       self.cable_to_town_on.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE
@@ -643,6 +606,7 @@ class Gcompris_hydroelectric:
 class Consumer:
   # Pass the SVG IDs of the stuff to act on
@@ -719,9 +683,11 @@ class Consumer:
   def lightbutton_item_event_on(self, widget, target, event):
+    gcompris.sound.play_ogg("sounds/bleep.wav")
   def lightbutton_item_event_off(self, widget, target, event):
+    gcompris.sound.play_ogg("sounds/bleep.wav")
   def power_off(self):
@@ -731,3 +697,147 @@ class Consumer:
   def power_on(self):
     self.power = True
+class Producer:
+  # Pass the SVG IDs of the stuff to act on
+  def __init__(self, rootitem, svghandle, counter,
+               update_prod_count, prod_items, tooltip,
+               prod_item_on,
+               transformer, transformer_on, power):
+    self.power_count = power
+    self.counter = counter
+    self.production = 0
+    self.update_prod_count = update_prod_count
+    # Is there enough upfront energy to run this producer
+    self.energy = False
+    done = False
+    self.current_prod_item = 0
+    self.prod_items = []
+    for svg_id in prod_items:
+      item = goocanvas.Svg(
+        parent = rootitem,
+        svg_handle = svghandle,
+        svg_id = svg_id,
+        visibility = \
+          goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE if not done else goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE,
+        tooltip = "\n\n" + tooltip
+      )
+      done = True
+      item.connect("button_press_event",
+                   self.runbutton_item_event)
+      gcompris.utils.item_focus_init(item, None)
+      self.prod_items.append(item)
+    self.prod_item_on = goocanvas.Svg(
+      parent = rootitem,
+      svg_handle = svghandle,
+      svg_id = prod_item_on,
+      visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
+      )
+    self.transformer = goocanvas.Svg(
+      parent = rootitem,
+      svg_handle = svghandle,
+      svg_id = transformer,
+      tooltip = _("This is a step up transformer. Electricity is transmitted "
+                  "at high voltages (110 kV or above) "
+                  "to reduce the energy lost in long distance transmission.")
+      )
+    self.transformer.connect("button_press_event",
+                 self.powerbutton_item_event)
+    gcompris.utils.item_focus_init(self.transformer, None)
+    self.transformer_on = goocanvas.Svg(
+      parent = rootitem,
+      svg_handle = svghandle,
+      svg_id = transformer_on,
+      visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
+      )
+    # Is the power on
+    self.power = False
+    # Is the run is switched on
+    self.is_on = False
+  def update_run(self):
+    if self.is_on and self.power:
+      self.production = self.power_count
+    else:
+      self.production = 0
+    self.counter.set(self.power_count)
+    self.update_prod_count()
+  def on(self):
+    if not self.energy:
+      return
+    self.prod_item_on.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE
+    self.is_on = True
+    self.update_run()
+  def off(self):
+    self.prod_item_on.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
+    self.is_on = False
+    self.power_off()
+    self.update_run()
+  def runbutton_item_event(self, widget, target, event):
+    gcompris.sound.play_ogg("sounds/bleep.wav")
+    self.off() if self.is_on else self.on()
+  def power_off(self):
+    self.transformer_on.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
+    self.power = False
+    self.update_run()
+  def power_on(self):
+    if not self.is_on:
+      return
+    self.transformer_on.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE
+    self.power = True
+    self.update_run()
+  def powerbutton_item_event(self, widget, target, event):
+    gcompris.sound.play_ogg("sounds/bleep.wav")
+    if not self.energy:
+      return
+    self.power_off() if self.power else self.power_on()
+  def set_energy(self, state):
+    self.energy = state
+    if not self.energy:
+      self.off()
+  # Simulate an animation
+  def rotate_item(self):
+    self.prod_items[self.current_prod_item].props.visibility = \
+        goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
+    self.current_prod_item += 1
+    if self.current_prod_item == len(self.prod_items):
+      self.current_prod_item = 0
+    self.prod_items[self.current_prod_item].props.visibility = \
+        goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE
+class Counter:
+  # Pass the SVG IDs of the stuff to act on
+  def __init__(self, rootitem, svghandle, svg_id, tooltip, x, y):
+    goocanvas.Svg(
+      parent = rootitem,
+      svg_handle = svghandle,
+      svg_id = svg_id,
+      tooltip = "\n\n" + tooltip
+      )
+    self.item = goocanvas.Text(
+      parent = rootitem,
+      x = x,
+      y = y,
+      font = "Sans 8",
+      text = "0W",
+      tooltip = "\n\n" + tooltip
+      )
+  def set(self, value):
+    self.item.set_properties(text = str(value) + "W")
diff --git a/src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.xml.in b/src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.xml.in
index ad03149..5b59c48 100644
--- a/src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.xml.in
+++ b/src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.xml.in
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
         <_description>Tux has come back from a long fishing party on his boat. Bring the electrical system back up so he can have light in his home.</_description>
         <_goal>Learn about an hydroelectric dam</_goal>
-	<_manual>Click on different active elements : sun, cloud, dam, transformer, in order to reactivate the entire electrical system. When the system is back up and Tux is in his home, push the light button for him.</_manual>
+	<_manual>Click on different active elements : sun, cloud, dam, solar array, wind farm and transformers, in order to reactivate the entire electrical system. When the system is back up and Tux is in his home, push the light button for him. To win you must switch on all the consumers while all the producers are up.</_manual>
 	<_credit>Drawing by Stephane Cabaraux.</_credit>
   <Data directory=""/>
diff --git a/src/hydroelectric-activity/resources/hydroelectric/hydroelectric.svgz b/src/hydroelectric-activity/resources/hydroelectric/hydroelectric.svgz
index 6c8f94e..0991313 100644
Binary files a/src/hydroelectric-activity/resources/hydroelectric/hydroelectric.svgz and b/src/hydroelectric-activity/resources/hydroelectric/hydroelectric.svgz differ

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