[gnome-commander/treeview] treeview: merged the latest work

commit 5db450001e776327846d51fecb3a5f0703dc2e59
Author: Guillaume Wardavoir <earlgrey free fr>
Date:   Sun Dec 19 22:10:53 2010 +0100

    treeview: merged the latest work

 src/foldview/Makefile.am                           |   21 +-
 .../gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.cc       | 1908 ++++++++++++++++
 ...gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.snippet.h |  344 +++
 .../gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-gio.cc     |  935 ++++++++
 .../gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-struct.cc  | 1203 ++++++++++
 ...-cmd-connection-treeview-model-struct.snippet.h |  935 ++++++++
 .../gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-vfs.cc     | 1145 ++++++++++
 .../gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.cc         | 2363 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.snippet.h  |  402 ++++
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.cc |  800 +++++++
 .../gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.snippet.h   |  323 +++
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.cc      |  262 +++
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h       |  287 +++
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-docs.h             |  944 ++++++++
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.cc          |  159 ++
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.h           |  194 ++
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h          | 1060 ++-------
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-quickstack.h       |  252 +++
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.cc       | 1916 ++++++++++++----
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.h        |  486 +++--
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-utils.h            |  261 +++
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview.cc                 |  811 +++++---
 src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview.h                  |   14 +-
 23 files changed, 15303 insertions(+), 1722 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/foldview/Makefile.am b/src/foldview/Makefile.am
index 2497845..49f6d52 100644
--- a/src/foldview/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/foldview/Makefile.am
@@ -12,12 +12,23 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = \
 noinst_LIBRARIES = libtreeview.a
 libtreeview_a_SOURCES = \
-	gnome-cmd-foldview.cc gnome-cmd-foldview.h \
-	gnome-cmd-foldview-control.cc \
-	gnome-cmd-foldview-gvfs.cc gnome-cmd-foldview-gvfs.h \
-	gnome-cmd-foldview-model.cc \
+	gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.cc \
+	gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.snippet.h \
+	gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-gio.cc \
+	gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-struct.cc \
+	gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-struct.snippet.h \
+	gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-vfs.cc \
+	gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.cc \
+	gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.snippet.h \
+	gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.cc \
+	gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.snippet.h \
+	gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.cc  gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h \
+	gnome-cmd-foldview-docs.h\
+	gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.cc gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.h \
 	gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h \
+	gnome-cmd-foldview-quickstack.h \
 	gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.cc gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.h \
-	gnome-cmd-foldview-view.cc
+	gnome-cmd-foldview-utils.h \
+	gnome-cmd-foldview.cc gnome-cmd-foldview.h
 -include $(top_srcdir)/git.mk
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.cc b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a34baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1908 @@
+    ###########################################################################
+    gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.cc
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyright (C) 2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Struct  : Control
+    Parent  : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview
+    ###########################################################################
+#include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h"
+#include    "gnome-cmd-file-selector.h"
+#include    "gnome-cmd-main-win.h"
+extern  GnomeCmdMainWin *main_win;
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Constructor, ...
+//  ***************************************************************************
+    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview  *   _ctv)
+    raz_pointers();
+    init_instance(_ctv);
+    message_fifo_stop();
+    sorting_list_stop();
+    a_connection_treeview   = NULL;
+    d_message_fifo_first    = NULL;
+    d_message_fifo_last     = NULL;
+    a_message_fifo_card     = 0;
+    a_message_fifo_id       = 0;
+    d_sorting_list_first    = NULL;
+    d_sorting_list_last     = NULL;
+    a_sorting_list_card     = 0;
+    a_sorting_list_id       = 0;
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::init_instance(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview * _ctv)
+    a_connection_treeview   = _ctv;
+	if ( ! message_fifo_start() )
+    {
+        GCMD_ERR("Control::create():Message FIFO didnt start");
+    }
+	if ( ! sorting_list_start() )
+    {
+        GCMD_ERR("Control::create():Sorting list didnt start");
+    }
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::dispose()
+	GCMD_INF("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::dispose()");
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::finalize()
+	GCMD_INF("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::finalize()");
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//								Signals
+//  ***************************************************************************
+    GtkButton * _button,
+    gpointer    _user_data)
+	Control		*   ctv = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//GCMD_INF("view:Signal_refresh_clicked");
+	ctv = ((View::HeadBand*)_user_data)->view()->control();
+	ctv->model()->iter_refresh(NULL);
+    GtkButton * _button,
+    gpointer    _user_data)
+	Control		*   ctv = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//GCMD_INF("view:Signal_sort_clicked");
+	ctv = ((View::HeadBand*)_user_data)->view()->control();
+	ctv->model()->iter_sort(NULL);
+    GtkButton * _button,
+    gpointer    _user_data)
+	Control		*   ctv = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	ctv = ((View::HeadBand*)_user_data)->view()->control();
+    if ( ctv->view()->treeview_showed() )
+    {
+        ctv->view()->hide_treeview();
+        ctv->connection_treeview()->set_packing_expansion(FALSE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ctv->view()->show_treeview();
+        ctv->connection_treeview()->set_packing_expansion(TRUE);
+    }
+    GtkButton * _button,
+    gpointer    _user_data)
+	Control		*   ctv = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	ctv = ((View::HeadBand*)_user_data)->view()->control();
+    ctv->connection_treeview()->close();
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #							Contextual menu								  #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  							The menu
+//  ***************************************************************************
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::ctx_menu GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::Context_menu =
+	NULL, (gint)3,
+	{
+		{
+			_("Directory"), (gint)2,
+			{
+				// context				connect		title						callback
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000111),  TRUE,		_("Open in active tab"),	G_CALLBACK(Set_active_tab)		},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000111),  TRUE,		_("Open in a new tab"),		G_CALLBACK(Open_new_tab)		},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000000),  FALSE,		_(""),						NULL									},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000000),  FALSE,		_(""),						NULL									},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000000),  FALSE,		_(""),						NULL									},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			_("Tree"), (gint)4,
+			{
+				//connect   title						callback
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000111),  TRUE,		_("Create new tree"),		G_CALLBACK(Tree_create)			},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00001111),  TRUE,		_("Delete this tree"),		G_CALLBACK(Tree_delete)			},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000111),  TRUE,		_("Refresh from item"),		G_CALLBACK(Refresh)				},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000111),  TRUE,		_("Sort from item"),		G_CALLBACK(Sort)				},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000000),  FALSE,		_(""),						NULL									},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			_("Treeview"), (gint)2,
+			{
+				//connect   title						callback
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000111),  FALSE,		_("Sync treeview"),			G_CALLBACK(Sync_treeview)		},  NULL, (gulong)0	 },
+				{{ GCMD_B8(10000000),  FALSE,		_("Unsync treeview"),		G_CALLBACK(Unsync_treeview)		},  NULL, (gulong)0	 },
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000000),  FALSE,		_(""),						NULL									},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000000),  FALSE,		_(""),						NULL									},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+				{{ GCMD_B8(00000000),  FALSE,		_(""),						NULL									},	NULL, (gulong)0  },
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::context_menu_populate_add_separator(GtkWidget *widget)
+	gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(widget), gtk_separator_menu_item_new());
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::context_menu_pop(
+	View::ctx_menu_data		*ctxdata)
+	gboolean				b_inserted		= FALSE;
+	gint					is,ie;
+	eContext				context			= eNothing;
+	GtkTreeIter				iter_clicked	= Model::Iter_zero;
+	GtkTreeIter				iter_selected	= Model::Iter_zero;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	// paths -> iters & logic
+	//
+	if ( ctxdata->d_path_clicked )
+		if ( model()->get_iter(ctxdata->d_path_clicked, &iter_clicked) )
+			context = (eContext)(context | eClicked);
+	if ( ctxdata->d_path_selected )
+		if ( model()->get_iter(ctxdata->d_path_selected, &iter_selected) )
+			context = (eContext)(context | eSelected);
+	if ( context == eBoth )
+		if ( model()->iter_same(&iter_clicked, &iter_selected) )
+			context = (eContext)(context | eBothEqual);
+	if ( context & eSelected )
+		if ( model()->iter_is_root(&iter_selected) )
+			context = (eContext)(context | eSelectedIsRoot);
+	//
+	// create the popup & populate it
+	//
+	Context_menu.a_widget = gtk_menu_new();
+	for ( is = 0 ; is != Context_menu.a_card ; is++ )
+	{
+		ctx_menu_section section	= Context_menu.a_section[is];
+		b_inserted					= FALSE;
+		for ( ie = 0 ; ie != section.a_card ; ie++ )
+		{
+			ctx_menu_entry  entry   = section.a_entry[ie];
+			ctx_menu_desc   desc	= entry.a_desc;
+			// context does not match, quit
+			if ( ( desc.context() & context ) != desc.context() )
+				if ( ! ( desc.context() & eAlways ) )
+					continue;
+			// eventually add a separator
+			if ( !b_inserted && ie == 0 && is != 0 )
+			{
+				b_inserted = TRUE;
+				gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(Context_menu.a_widget), gtk_separator_menu_item_new());
+			}
+			// add the entry
+			entry.a_widget  = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(desc.a_text);
+			// dont disconnect current handler, coz these are new widgets
+			// at each popup
+			if ( ! desc.a_sensitive )
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive(entry.a_widget,FALSE);
+			else
+			{
+				// connect with new ctx data
+				entry.a_handle = g_signal_connect(
+					entry.a_widget,
+					"activate",
+					desc.a_callback,
+					(gpointer)ctxdata);
+			}
+			// add to menu
+			gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(Context_menu.a_widget), entry.a_widget);
+		}
+	}
+	gtk_widget_show_all(Context_menu.a_widget);
+	// pop
+	// void gtk_menu_popup(
+	//	GtkMenu					*menu,
+	//	GtkWidget				*parent_menu_shell,
+	//	GtkWidget				*parent_menu_item,
+	//	GtkMenuPositionFunc		func,
+	//	gpointer				data,
+	//	guint					button,
+	//	guint32					activate_time);
+	//
+	//	menu				:	a GtkMenu.
+	//	parent_menu_shell   :	the menu shell containing the triggering menu item, or NULL. [allow-none]
+	//	parent_menu_item	:	the menu item whose activation triggered the popup, or NULL. [allow-none]
+	//	func				:	a user supplied function used to position the menu, or NULL. [allow-none]
+	//	data				:	user supplied data to be passed to func. [allow-none]
+	//	button				:	the mouse button which was pressed to initiate the event.
+	//	activate_time		:	the time at which the activation event occurred.
+	gtk_menu_popup(
+		GTK_MENU(Context_menu.a_widget), NULL, NULL,
+		ctxdata->a_button, ctxdata->a_time);
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  							The actions
+//  ***************************************************************************
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::Set_active_tab(
+	GtkMenuItem				*menu_item,
+	View::ctx_menu_data		*ctxdata)
+	ctxdata->a_treeview->view()->control()->set_active_tab(ctxdata->d_path_selected);
+	delete ctxdata;
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::set_active_tab(GtkTreePath *_path)
+	GnomeCmdFileSelector	*   fs				= NULL;
+    GnomeVFSURI             *   uri             = NULL;
+	GnomeCmdPath			*   path			= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdDir				*   dir				= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter					iter			= Model::Iter_zero;
+	Model::Row				*   row				= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//GCMD_INF("control_open_active_tab");
+	fs = main_win->fs(ACTIVE);
+		return;
+	if ( ! model()->get_iter(_path, &iter) )
+		return;
+	row = model()->iter_get_treerow(&iter);
+	g_return_if_fail( row );
+	// open the new tab
+    uri     = gnome_vfs_uri_new(row->uri_utf8());
+	path    = gnome_cmd_con_create_path(connection_treeview()->connection(), uri->text);
+	dir	    = gnome_cmd_dir_new(connection_treeview()->connection(), path);
+	fs->file_list()->set_connection(connection_treeview()->connection(), dir);
+    gnome_vfs_uri_unref(uri);
+//  ===========================================================================
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::Open_new_tab(
+	GtkMenuItem				*menu_item,
+	View::ctx_menu_data		*ctxdata)
+	ctxdata->a_treeview->view()->control()->open_new_tab(ctxdata->d_path_selected);
+	delete ctxdata;
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::open_new_tab(GtkTreePath *_path)
+	//GnomeCmdDir		*   dir			= NULL;
+	//GnomeCmdPath	*   path		= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter			iter		= Model::Iter_zero;
+	GtkTreeIter			iter_tree	= Model::Iter_zero;
+	Model::Row		*   rw			= NULL;
+	Model::Row		*   rt			= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//GCMD_INF("control_open_new_tab");
+	if ( !model()->get_iter(_path, &iter) )
+		return;
+	if ( !model()->iter_get_root(&iter, &iter_tree) )
+		return;
+	rw =						model()->iter_get_treerow(&iter);
+	rt = model()->iter_get_treerow(&iter_tree);
+	g_return_if_fail( rt->is_root() );
+	// open the new tab
+	////path = gnome_cmd_con_create_path(trt->connection(), trw->uri());
+	////dir	 = gnome_cmd_dir_new(trt->connection(), path);
+	////main_win->fs(ACTIVE)->new_tab(dir, TRUE);
+//  ===========================================================================
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::Tree_create(
+	GtkMenuItem				*menu_item,
+	View::ctx_menu_data		*ctxdata)
+	ctxdata->a_treeview->view()->control()->tree_create(ctxdata);
+	delete ctxdata;
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::tree_create(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View::ctx_menu_data *ctxdata)
+	GtkTreeIter		iter_in			= Model::Iter_zero;
+	GtkTreeIter		iter_tree		= Model::Iter_zero;
+	//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+	//GCMD_INF("control_tree_create");
+	if ( !model()->get_iter(ctxdata->d_path_selected, &iter_in) )
+		return;
+	model()->iter_add_tree(&iter_in, &iter_tree);
+	model()->iter_check_if_empty(&iter_tree);
+//  ===========================================================================
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::Tree_delete(
+	GtkMenuItem				*menu_item,
+	View::ctx_menu_data		*ctxdata)
+	ctxdata->a_treeview->view()->control()->tree_delete(ctxdata);
+	delete ctxdata;
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::tree_delete(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View::ctx_menu_data *ctxdata)
+	//GtkTreeIter		iter_in			= Model::Iter_zero;
+	GtkTreeIter		iter_tree		= Model::Iter_zero;
+	//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+	GCMD_INF("Control::control_tree_delete()");
+	model()->get_iter(ctxdata->d_path_selected, &iter_tree);
+	model()->iter_remove(&iter_tree);                                              // _GWR_SEND_MSG_
+//  ===========================================================================
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::Refresh(
+	GtkMenuItem				*menu_item,
+	View::ctx_menu_data		*ctxdata)
+	ctxdata->a_treeview->view()->control()->refresh(ctxdata);
+	delete ctxdata;
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::refresh(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View::ctx_menu_data *ctxdata)
+	GtkTreeIter		iter			= Model::Iter_zero;
+	//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+	//GCMD_INF("control_refresh");
+	if ( !model()->get_iter(ctxdata->d_path_selected, &iter) )
+		return;
+	model()->iter_refresh(&iter);
+//  ===========================================================================
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::Sort(
+	GtkMenuItem				*menu_item,
+	View::ctx_menu_data		*ctxdata)
+	ctxdata->a_treeview->view()->control()->sort(ctxdata);
+	delete ctxdata;
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::sort(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View::ctx_menu_data *ctxdata)
+	GtkTreeIter		iter			= Model::Iter_zero;
+	//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+	//GCMD_INF("control_sort");
+	if ( ! model()->get_iter(ctxdata->d_path_selected, &iter) )
+		return;
+	model()->iter_sort(&iter);
+//  ===========================================================================
+	if ( !a_synced )
+	{
+		if ( !a_synced_list )
+		{
+			return SYNC_N_LIST_N;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			return SYNC_N_LIST_Y;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if ( !a_synced_list )
+		{
+			return SYNC_Y_LIST_N;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			return SYNC_Y_LIST_Y;
+		}
+	}
+//  ===========================================================================
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::Sync_update(
+	GtkMenuItem				*menu_item,
+	View::ctx_menu_data		*ctxdata)
+	ctxdata->a_treeview->view()->control()->sync_update(ctxdata);
+	delete ctxdata;
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::sync_update(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View::ctx_menu_data *ctxdata)
+	GnomeVFSURI		*uri			= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter		iter			= Model::Iter_zero;
+	//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+	//GCMD_INF("control_sync_update");
+	if ( sync_check() != SYNC_Y_LIST_Y )
+	{
+		//GCMD_WNG("control_sync_update:not SYNC_Y_LIST_Y:%03i", control_sync_check());
+		return;
+	}
+	if ( !model()->get_iter(ctxdata->d_path_clicked, &iter) )
+		return;
+	uri = gnome_vfs_uri_new( model()->iter_get_uri(&iter) );
+	if ( uri == NULL )
+		return;
+	////control_gcmd_file_list_set_connection(a_synced_list, uri);              // _GWR_STANDBY_
+//  ===========================================================================
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::Unsync_treeview(
+	GtkMenuItem				*menu_item,
+	View::ctx_menu_data		*ctxdata)
+	ctxdata->a_treeview->view()->control()->unsync_treeview();
+	delete ctxdata;
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::unsync_treeview()
+	//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+	//GCMD_INF("control_unsync_treeview");
+	switch ( sync_check() )
+	{
+		case	SYNC_N_LIST_N:
+		GCMD_WNG("control_unsync_treeview:not synced");
+		return;
+		break;
+		case	SYNC_N_LIST_Y:
+		GCMD_ERR("control_unsync_treeview:* mismatch * SYNC_N_LIST_Y");
+		break;
+		case	SYNC_Y_LIST_Y:
+		a_synced = FALSE;
+		g_object_remove_weak_pointer( G_OBJECT(a_synced_list), (gpointer*)(&a_synced_list) );
+		a_synced_list = NULL;
+		break;
+		case	SYNC_Y_LIST_N:
+		GCMD_INF("control_unsync_treeview:SYNC_Y_LIST_N");
+		a_synced = FALSE;
+		break;
+	}
+//  ===========================================================================
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::Sync_treeview(
+	GtkMenuItem				*menu_item,
+	View::ctx_menu_data		*ctxdata)
+	ctxdata->a_treeview->view()->control()->sync_treeview(ctxdata);
+	delete ctxdata;
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::sync_treeview(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View::ctx_menu_data *ctxdata)
+	GnomeCmdFileList	*list			= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSURI			*uri			= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter			iter			= Model::Iter_zero;
+	//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+	//GCMD_INF("control_sync_treeview");
+	// We use weak pointers on the GnomeCmdFileList so if the user close
+	// the tab, we can know it coz the weak pointer is set to NULL by glib
+	if ( !model()->get_iter(ctxdata->d_path_selected, &iter) )
+	{
+		GCMD_WNG("control_sync_treeview:no selected item");
+		return;
+	}
+	uri = gnome_vfs_uri_new( model()->iter_get_uri(&iter) );
+	if ( uri == NULL )
+	{
+		GCMD_WNG("control_sync_treeview:iter_get_uri_new failed");
+		return;
+	}
+	list = main_win->fs(ACTIVE)->file_list();
+	if ( list == NULL )
+	{
+		GCMD_WNG("control_sync_treeview:coudnot get file_list");
+		return;
+	}
+	switch ( sync_check() )
+	{
+		// synchronize with the given list
+		case	SYNC_N_LIST_N:
+		a_synced		= TRUE;
+		a_synced_list   = list;
+		g_object_add_weak_pointer( G_OBJECT(list), (gpointer*)(&a_synced_list) );
+		////control_gcmd_file_list_set_connection(a_synced_list, uri);          // _GWR_STANDBY_
+		break;
+		// we are synchronized with a file_list that was deleted
+		// simply synchronize with the given list
+		case	SYNC_Y_LIST_N:
+		GCMD_WNG("control_sync_treeview:SYNC_Y_LIST_N");
+		a_synced		= TRUE;
+		a_synced_list   = list;
+		g_object_add_weak_pointer( G_OBJECT(list), (gpointer*)(&a_synced_list) );
+		////control_gcmd_file_list_set_connection(a_synced_list, uri);          // _GWR_STANDBY_
+		break;
+		case	SYNC_Y_LIST_Y:
+		GCMD_WNG("control_sync_treeview:already synced");
+		break;
+		case	SYNC_N_LIST_Y:
+		GCMD_ERR("control_unsync_treeview:* mismatch * SYNC_N_LIST_Y");
+		break;
+	}
+	// free temp uri
+	gnome_vfs_uri_unref(uri);
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #							    Messages                                  #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//                          Messages : queue
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  We use a GList :
+//      Push                             Pop
+//      +---+                           +---+
+//      |   |                           |   |
+//      v   |                           v   |
+//      x   x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x
+//          ^                               ^
+//          |                               |
+//        Last                            First
+//GStaticMutex Message_queue_mutex = G_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT;
+//		GThread				*		a_message_queue_thread;
+//		GList				*		d_message_queue_list;
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::message_fifo_lock()
+	//g_static_mutex_lock(&Message_queue_mutex);
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::message_fifo_unlock()
+	//g_static_mutex_unlock(&Message_queue_mutex);
+//  ===========================================================================
+	d_message_fifo_first        = g_list_alloc();
+    d_message_fifo_first->data  = NULL;
+	d_message_fifo_last         = d_message_fifo_first;
+    a_message_fifo_card         = 0;
+	a_message_fifo_id = g_timeout_add(GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW_REFRESH_CYCLE_PERIOD_MS, Message_fifo_func_timeout, (gpointer)this);
+	if ( a_message_fifo_id == 0 )
+		return FALSE;
+   	//a_message_queue_thread = g_thread_create(
+	//	Message_queue_func_thread,
+	//	(gpointer)this,
+	//	FALSE,
+	//	NULL);
+	return TRUE;
+    g_source_remove(a_message_fifo_id);
+	return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+    Model::MsgCore*    _msg)
+	message_fifo_lock();
+    if ( ! _msg )
+        goto lab_failure;
+    d_message_fifo_last->data   = (gpointer)_msg;
+	d_message_fifo_last         = g_list_prepend(d_message_fifo_last, NULL);
+    a_message_fifo_card++;
+    //FIFO_INF("FIFO:message_fifo_push():Total    :%04i", d_message_fifo_count);
+	sorting_list_unlock();
+	return TRUE;
+	sorting_list_unlock();
+	return FALSE;
+	Model::MsgCore *   msg	 = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+	message_fifo_lock();
+	msg	= (Model::MsgCore*)d_message_fifo_first->data;
+    // message : change d_message_fifo_first
+    if ( msg )
+    {
+        d_message_fifo_first = d_message_fifo_first->prev;
+        g_list_free1(d_message_fifo_first->next);
+        a_message_fifo_card--;
+        //FIFO_INF("FIFO:message_fifo_pop() :Remaining:%04i", d_message_fifo_count);
+    }
+	message_fifo_unlock();
+	return msg;
+//  ===========================================================================
+    gpointer _data)
+	GtkTreeIter			    iter	= Model::Iter_zero;
+	Control	            *   THIS	= NULL;
+	Model::MsgCore	    *   msg		= NULL;
+    guint                   i       = 0;
+    //.........................................................................
+	THIS	= (Control*)_data;
+	//FIFO_INF("Model::FIFO:Called");
+    for ( i = 0 ; i != GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW_REFRESH_CYCLE_N_MESSAGES ; i++ )
+    {
+        THIS->message_fifo_lock();
+        msg = THIS->message_fifo_pop();
+        THIS->message_fifo_unlock();
+        if ( ! msg )
+            break;
+        FIFO_INF("message loop       :( %03i of %03i ) [%s]",
+            (1 + i),
+            Model::Msg_name(msg->type()));
+        switch ( msg->type() )
+        {
+        case Model::eAddFirstTree   :
+        THIS->iter_message_add_first_tree( (Model::MsgAddFirstTree*)msg );
+        break;
+        case Model::eAddChild       :
+        THIS->iter_message_add_child( (Model::MsgAddChild*)msg );
+        break;
+        case Model::eAddDummyChild  :
+        THIS->iter_message_add_dummy_child( (Model::MsgAddDummyChild*)msg );
+        break;
+        case Model::eDel            :
+        THIS->iter_message_del( (Model::MsgDel*)msg );
+        break;
+        case Model::eSetReadable    :
+        THIS->iter_message_set_readable( (Model::MsgSetReadable*)msg );
+        break;
+        case Model::eSetNotReadable :
+        THIS->iter_message_set_not_readable( (Model::MsgSetNotReadable*)msg );
+        break;
+        case Model::eAsyncMismatchIEFUC     :
+        THIS->iter_message_AsyncMismatchIEFUC( (Model::MsgAsyncMismatchIEFUC*)msg );
+        break;
+        case Model::eAsyncMismatchICIEC     :
+        THIS->iter_message_AsyncMismatchICIEC( (Model::MsgAsyncMismatchICIEC*)msg );
+        break;
+        default:
+        break;
+        }
+    }
+	return TRUE;
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//                          Messages : actions
+//  ***************************************************************************
+// ============================================================================
+// iter_message_add_first_tree
+// ============================================================================
+// Create the first iter
+    Model::MsgAddFirstTree     *   _msg)
+    Model::IterInfo         info;
+    Model::Row          *   row_new         = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+    Model::Lock();                                                              // _GDK_LOCK_
+    //
+	//  Step #1 : Test iter :
+    //              - existenz
+    //
+    if ( ! info.gather(model(), _msg->path(), IterInfo::eNothing) )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_add_first_tree():gather failed");
+        Error_Msg_Failure();    goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #2 : Check if directory added is empty / not empty
+	//
+    MSG_INF("iter_message_add_first_tree():adding %s", _msg->file()->name_utf8() );
+    if ( _msg->file()->is_symlink() )
+    {
+        row_new = new Model::Row(
+            Model::eRowRoot, info.row()->uri_utf8(), _msg->file()->name_utf8(), (gchar*)((Model::Symlink*)_msg->file())->target_uri(),
+            _msg->file()->access(), TRUE,
+            is_samba(), is_local(), host_redmond());
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        row_new = new Model::Row(
+            Model::eRowRoot, info.row()->uri_utf8(), _msg->file()->name_utf8(), NULL,
+            _msg->file()->access(), FALSE,
+            is_samba(), is_local(), host_redmond());
+    }
+	// replace treerow by the new one, signal will be emitted
+	model()->iter_set_treerow(info.iter(), row_new);
+	// launch check if empty
+    model()->iter_check_if_empty(info.iter());
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Exit
+	//
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+	Model::Unlock();															// _GDK_LOCK_
+	return TRUE;
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+	Model::Unlock();															// _GDK_LOCK_
+	return FALSE;
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// iter_message_add_child()
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// Add a child to an iter
+    Model::MsgAddChild     *   _msg)
+    Model::IterInfo         info;
+    GtkTreeIter             iter_child      = Model::Iter_zero;
+	//.........................................................................
+    Model::Lock();                                                              // _GDK_LOCK_
+    //
+	//  Step #1 : Test iter :
+    //              - readable
+    //              - expanded
+    //
+    if ( ! info.gather(model(), _msg->path(), IterInfo::eRead | IterInfo::eExp | IterInfo::eChildren | IterInfo::eFCID) )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_add_child():gather failed");
+        Error_Msg_Failure();    goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    if ( info.collapsed() )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_add_child():iter is collapsed");                  // _GWR_CHECK_ arrow after expand
+        Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    if ( info.first_child_is_dummy() )
+    {
+        MSG_INF("iter_message_add_child():replacing dummy %s", _msg->file()->name_utf8() );
+        model()->iter_files_add_file(info.iter(), &iter_child, _msg->file(), FALSE, TRUE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        MSG_INF("iter_message_add_child():adding %s", _msg->file()->name_utf8() );
+        model()->iter_files_add_file(info.iter(), &iter_child, _msg->file(), FALSE, FALSE);
+    }
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #2 : Check if directory added is empty / not empty
+	//
+    if ( Access_readable(_msg->file()->access()) )
+        model()->iter_check_if_empty(&iter_child);
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Exit
+	//
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+	Model::Unlock();															// _GDK_LOCK_
+	return TRUE;
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+	Model::Unlock();															// _GDK_LOCK_
+	return FALSE;
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// iter_message_add_dummy_child()
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// Add a dummy child to an iter
+    Model::MsgAddDummyChild    *   _msg)
+    Model::IterInfo         info;
+    GtkTreeIter             iter_dummy      = Model::Iter_zero;
+	//.........................................................................
+    Model::Lock();                                                              // _GDK_LOCK_
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+	//  Step #1 : Test iter :
+    //              - readable
+    //              - no children, except one dummy child
+    //
+    if ( ! info.gather(model(), _msg->path(), IterInfo::eRead | IterInfo::eFCID) )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_add_dummy_child():Gather failed");
+        Error_Msg_Failure();    goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    if ( ! info.readable() )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_add_dummy_child():NOT Readable");
+        Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    if ( info.children() )
+    {
+        if ( info.children() > 1 )
+        {
+            MSG_WNG("iter_message_add_dummy_child():iter has more than one child");
+            goto lab_exit_false;
+        }
+        if ( ! info.first_child_is_dummy() )
+        {
+            MSG_WNG("iter_message_add_dummy_child():iter has an unique child, but not a dummy");
+            goto lab_exit_false;
+        }
+    }
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+	//  Step #1 : Add the dummy child
+    //
+    //MSG_INF("iter_message_add_dummy_child():adding");
+    model()->iter_dummy_child_add(info.iter(), &iter_dummy);
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Exit
+	//
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+	Model::Unlock();			        										// _GDK_LOCK_
+	return TRUE;
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+	Model::Unlock();			        										// _GDK_LOCK_
+	return FALSE;
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// iter_message_del()
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// Delete an iter
+	Model::MsgDel   *   _msg)
+    Model::IterInfo         info;
+	//.........................................................................
+    Model::Lock();                                                              // _GDK_LOCK_
+    //
+	//  Step #1 : Test iter :
+    //              - must exist
+    //
+    if ( ! info.gather(model(), _msg->path(), IterInfo::eExp | IterInfo::eChildren | IterInfo::eGtkPath ) )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_del():Gather failed");
+        Error_Msg_Failure();    goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is sterile : goto remove_sterile
+	if (  ! info.children() )
+		goto remove_sterile;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is fertile, and is expanded
+	if ( info.expanded() )
+	{
+		// It is a hack ! Let GtkTreeView update its cache by collapsing !
+		// We dont have to manually delete each row and signals on them !
+		if ( ! view()->row_collapse(info.gtk_path()) )							// __GWR__HACK__
+		{
+			GCMD_ERR("iter_message_del():iter could not be collapsed");
+			goto lab_exit_false;
+		}
+		// We dont return here, since the iter is in the following state !
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is fertile, and is not expanded. Silently remove all children.
+	// After that, we are in the following case.
+	model()->iter_collapsed_remove_children(info.iter());
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is sterile :remove it, and send "removed row" signal. But first
+	// stop monitoring
+	model()->iter_monitor_stop(info.iter());
+	if ( model()->treestore()->ext_iter_sterile_remove(info.iter()) < 0 )
+    {
+		GCMD_ERR("iter_message_del():ext_iter_sterile_remove < 0");
+        goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Exit
+	//
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+	Model::Unlock();															// _GDK_LOCK_
+	return TRUE;
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+	Model::Unlock();															// _GDK_LOCK_
+	return FALSE;
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// iter_message_set_readable()
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// Set an iter readable
+    Model::MsgSetReadable      *   _msg)
+    Model::IterInfo info;
+	//.........................................................................
+    Model::Lock();                                                              // _GDK_LOCK_
+	//.........................................................................
+	// Step #1 : Test iter : iter must :
+    //              - be not readable
+    //              - be not expanded
+    //              - have no child
+    //
+    if ( ! info.gather(model(), _msg->path() , IterInfo::eExp | IterInfo::eChildren) )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_set_readable():Gather failed");
+        Error_Msg_Failure();    goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    // already readable : abort
+    if ( info.readable() )
+    {
+		MSG_WNG("iter_message_set_readable():iter already readable [%s]", info.row()->utf8_name_display());
+		Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+	}
+    if ( info.expanded() )
+    {
+		MSG_WNG("iter_message_set_readable():iter is expanded");
+		Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    if ( info.children() )
+    {
+		MSG_WNG("iter_message_set_readable():iter has children");
+		Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// All is ok
+	// change data
+	info.row()->readable(TRUE);
+	// inform treview that row has changed
+	model()->treestore()->ext_data_changed(info.iter());
+	// launch check if empty
+	model()->iter_check_if_empty(info.iter());
+	//.........................................................................
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+    Model::Unlock();                                                            // _GDK_LOCK_
+	return TRUE;
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+    Model::Unlock();                                                            // _GDK_LOCK_
+	return FALSE;
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// iter_message_set_not_readable()
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// Set an iter not readable
+    Model::MsgSetNotReadable   *   _msg)
+    Model::IterInfo     info;
+	//.........................................................................
+    Model::Lock();                                                              // _GDK_LOCK_
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+	//  Step #1 : Test iter : iter must :
+    //              - be readable
+    //
+    if ( ! info.gather(model(), _msg->path(), IterInfo::eRead | IterInfo::eExp | IterInfo::eGtkPath | IterInfo::eChildren) )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_set_not_readable():Gather failed");
+        Error_Msg_Failure();    goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    // already not-readable : abort
+    if ( ! info.readable() )
+    {
+		MSG_WNG("iter_message_set_not_readable():already not-readable [%s]", info.row()->utf8_name_display());
+        Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+	}
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+	//  Step #2 : Go !
+    //
+	// if no children, unset directly
+	if ( ! info.children() )
+		goto lab_iter_sterile;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is fertile, and expanded : collapse it
+	if ( info.expanded() )
+	{
+		// It is a hack ! Let GtkTreeView update its cache by collapsing !
+		// We dont have to manually delete each row and signals on them !
+		if ( ! view()->row_collapse( info.gtk_path() ) )                        // __GWR__HACK__
+		{
+			MSG_ERR("iter_message_set_not_readable():iter could not be collapsed");
+		}
+		// We dont return here, since the iter is in the following state !
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is fertile, and collapsed : silently remove children
+	model()->iter_collapsed_remove_children(info.iter());
+	//.........................................................................
+	// Here iter is sterile
+	// change data
+	info.row()->readable(FALSE);
+	// inform treview that row has changed
+	model()->treestore()->ext_data_changed(info.iter());
+	//.........................................................................
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+    Model::Unlock();                                                            // _GDK_LOCK_
+	return TRUE;
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+    Model::Unlock();                                                            // _GDK_LOCK_
+	return FALSE;
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// iter_message_AsyncMismatchIEFUC()
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// ...
+    Model::MsgAsyncMismatchIEFUC    * _msg)
+    Model::IterInfo     info;
+	//.........................................................................
+    Model::Lock();                                                              // _GDK_LOCK_
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+	//  Step #1 : Test iter : iter must
+    //              - be expanded
+    //              - dummychilded
+    //
+    if ( ! info.gather(model(), _msg->path(), IterInfo::eRead | IterInfo::eExp | IterInfo::eFCID) )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_AsyncMismatchIEFUC():Gather failed");
+        Error_Msg_Failure();    goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    if ( ! info.first_child_is_dummy() )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_AsyncMismatchIEFUC():Not dummychilded");
+        Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    if ( ! info.expanded() )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_AsyncMismatchIEFUC():Not expanded");
+        Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    if ( ! info.readable() )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_AsyncMismatchIEFUC():Not readable");
+        Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+	//  Step #2 : Show warning icon
+    //
+    info.row()->icon(eIconWarning);
+    model()->treestore()->ext_data_changed(info.iter());
+	//.........................................................................
+    //
+    //  Exit
+    //
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+    Model::Unlock();                                                            // _GDK_LOCK_
+	return TRUE;
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+    Model::Unlock();                                                            // _GDK_LOCK_
+	return FALSE;
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// iter_message_AsyncMismatchICIEC()
+/// ==========================================================================
+/// ...
+    Model::MsgAsyncMismatchICIEC    * _msg)
+    Model::IterInfo     info;
+	//.........................................................................
+    Model::Lock();                                                              // _GDK_LOCK_
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+	//  Step #1 : Test iter : iter must
+    //              - exist
+    //
+    if ( ! info.gather(model(), _msg->path(), IterInfo::eNothing) )
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("iter_message_AsyncMismatchIEFUC():Gather failed");
+        Error_Msg_Failure();    goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+	//  Step #2 : Show warning icon
+    //
+    info.row()->icon(eIconWarning);
+    model()->treestore()->ext_data_changed(info.iter());
+	//.........................................................................
+    //
+    //  Exit
+    //
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+    Model::Unlock();                                                            // _GDK_LOCK_
+	return TRUE;
+    delete _msg;
+    model()->treestore()->ext_dump_tree(NULL);
+    Model::Unlock();                                                            // _GDK_LOCK_
+	return FALSE;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #							    Sorting                                   #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//                      Sorting : list & timeout function
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  We use a GList :
+//       Add ( outside code )        control code
+//      +---+                           +---+
+//      |   |                           |   |
+//      v   |                           v   |
+//      x   x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x
+//          ^                               ^
+//          |                               |
+//        Last                            First
+//GStaticMutex Sorting_list_mutex = G_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT;
+//		GThread				*		a_sorting_list_thread;
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::sorting_list_lock()
+	//g_static_mutex_lock(&Message_queue_mutex);
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control::sorting_list_unlock()
+	//g_static_mutex_unlock(&Message_queue_mutex);
+//  ===========================================================================
+	d_sorting_list_first        = g_list_alloc();
+	d_sorting_list_first->data  = NULL;
+	d_sorting_list_last         = d_sorting_list_first;
+    a_sorting_list_card     = 0;
+	a_sorting_list_id = g_timeout_add(GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW_SORTING_CYCLE_PERIOD_MS, Sorting_list_func_timeout, (gpointer)this);
+	if ( a_sorting_list_id == 0 )
+		return FALSE;
+   	//a_message_queue_thread = g_thread_create(
+	//	Message_queue_func_thread,
+	//	(gpointer)this,
+	//	FALSE,
+	//	NULL);
+	return TRUE;
+    g_source_remove(a_sorting_list_id);
+	return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+    Model::MsgCore*    _msg)
+	sorting_list_lock();
+    if ( ! _msg )
+        goto lab_failure;
+    d_sorting_list_last->data   = (gpointer)_msg;
+    a_sorting_list_card++;
+	d_sorting_list_last         = g_list_prepend(d_sorting_list_last, NULL);
+    //FIFO_INF("FIFO:message_fifo_push():Total    :%04i", d_message_fifo_count);
+	sorting_list_unlock();
+	return TRUE;
+	sorting_list_unlock();
+	return FALSE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+    gpointer _data)
+	GtkTreeIter			    iter	= Model::Iter_zero;
+	Control	            *   THIS	= NULL;
+	Model::IMsgSort	    *   msg		= NULL;
+    guint                   i       = 0;
+    GList               *   list    = NULL;
+    GList               *   temp    = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+	THIS	= (Control*)_data;
+	//SORT_INF(" --> Sort Function : %03i sort messages", THIS->a_sorting_list_card);
+    THIS->sorting_list_lock();
+    i       = 1;
+    list    = THIS->d_sorting_list_first;
+    while ( list->data )
+    {
+        //SORT_INF(" --> Sort function <--");
+        msg = (Model::IMsgSort*)(list->data);
+        //SORT_INF(" --> Sort function :sorting msg ( %03i of %03i )",
+        //    i,
+        //    THIS->a_sorting_list_card);
+        // something happend...
+        if ( msg->run() )
+        {
+            //  ...in all cases, we have to delete the message :
+            //
+            //              <== way
+            //
+            //         .
+            //         .
+            //         .
+            //    last .                        first
+            //      |  .                          |
+            //      v  .                          v
+            //      x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x
+            //      ^  .  ^
+            //      |  .  |
+            //     NULL. msg
+            //         .
+            //
+            // ...something bad
+            if ( msg->error() )
+            {
+                SORT_ERR(" --> Sort function :sorting failed");
+            }
+            // ...something good
+            if ( msg->done() )
+            {
+                SORT_TKI(" --> Sort function :sorting done");
+            }
+            // delete message
+            delete msg;
+            // delete link
+            if ( list == THIS->d_sorting_list_first )
+            {
+                THIS->d_sorting_list_first = THIS->d_sorting_list_first->prev;
+                g_list_free1(list);
+                temp = THIS->d_sorting_list_first;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                temp = g_list_previous(list);
+                list->prev->next = list->next;
+                list->next->prev = list->prev;
+                g_list_free1(list);
+            }
+            // prepare next round
+            list    = temp;
+            i++;
+        }
+        // nothing happend
+        else
+        {
+            // prepare next round
+            list = g_list_previous(list);
+            i++;
+        }
+    }
+    THIS->sorting_list_unlock();
+    return TRUE;
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//                      Sorting : IMsgSort
+//  ***************************************************************************
+    TreestorePath   *   _path,
+    Model           *   _model) : MsgCore(_path)
+    a_step          = eInit;
+    a_iteration     = 0;
+    a_initialized   = FALSE;
+    a_error         = FALSE;
+    a_done          = FALSE;
+    a_model     = _model;
+    d_list_original = NULL;
+    d_list_actual   = NULL;
+    a_list_card     = 0;
+    list_delete(&d_list_original);
+    list_delete(&d_list_actual);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  List manipulation
+//  ===========================================================================
+    GList   *   l1  = NULL;
+    GList   *   l2  = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    if ( ! d_list_actual || ! d_list_original )
+        return TRUE;
+    l1 = d_list_original;   // since we prepend, it is the first element
+    l2 = d_list_actual;     // ...idem...
+    while ( TRUE )
+    {
+        // one NULL
+        if ( ! l1 || ! l2 )
+        {
+            // two NULL : no change
+            if ( l1 == l2 )
+            {
+                //SORT_TEK("IMsgSort::list_changed():l1 [%08x]->[%08x] l2 [%08x]->[%08x]", l1, l1 ? l1->data : 0, l2, l2 ? l2->data : 0);
+                return FALSE;
+            }
+            // one NULL, one not NULL : change
+            //if ( l1 ) SORT_TEK("IMsgSort::list_changed():l1 [%08x]->[%08x] l2 [%08x]->[%08x]", l1, l1 ? l1->data : 0, l2, l2 ? l2->data : 0);
+            //if ( l2 ) SORT_TEK("IMsgSort::list_changed():l1 [%08x]->[%08x] l2 [%08x]->[%08x] l2+[%08x]", l1, l1 ? l1->data : 0, l2, l2 ? l2->data : 0, l2->next);
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        // here two are not NULL ; if data differ : change
+        //SORT_TEK("IMsgSort::list_changed():l1 [%08x]->[%08x] l2 [%08x]->[%08x]", l1, l1 ? l1->data : 0, l2, l2 ? l2->data : 0);
+        if ( l1->data != l2->data )
+            return TRUE;
+        // loop
+        l1 = g_list_next(l1);
+        l2 = g_list_next(l2);
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+    GList   **  _list)
+    GList   *   list    = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    if ( ! _list )
+        return;
+    list = *_list;
+    // list = g_list_first(_list);
+    //while ( list )
+    //{
+    //    delete (TreestorePath*)(list->data);
+    //    list = g_list_next(list);
+    //}
+    g_list_free(*_list);
+    *_list = NULL;
+    GList ** _list)
+    Model::IterInfo         info;
+    GtkTreeIter             child   = Iter_zero;
+    guint                   count   = 0;
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    // get & verify info on iter
+    //
+    if ( ! info.gather(a_model, path(), IterInfo::eRead | IterInfo::eExp | IterInfo::eChildren) )
+    {
+        SORT_TKE("IMsgSort::list_update():Gather failed");
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    if  (
+            ! info.readable()   ||
+            ! info.expanded()
+        )
+    {
+        SORT_TKI("IMsgSort::list_update():Iter is not sortable");
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    //
+    // delete the list
+    //
+    list_delete(_list);
+    //
+    // build the list from model
+    //
+    if ( ! GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_children(model()->treemodel(), &child, info.iter()) )
+        return FALSE;
+    do
+    {
+        *_list = g_list_prepend
+            (
+                *_list,
+                (gpointer)(model()->iter_get_treerow(&child))
+            );
+        count++;
+    }
+    while ( GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_next(model()->treemodel(), &child) );
+    //SORT_TEK("IMsgSort::list_update():%03i children [%08x] [%08x] [%08x]", count, g_list_last((*_list)), g_list_last((*_list))->prev, g_list_last((*_list))->next);
+    return TRUE;
+    GList ** _dest)
+    if ( *_dest )
+    {
+        SORT_TKE("IMsgSort::list_original_copy():destion list not NULL");
+        return;
+    }
+    // affect the list
+    *_dest = g_list_copy(d_list_original);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Run
+//  ===========================================================================
+    //.........................................................................
+    if ( a_step == eInit )
+    {
+        // build list_original
+        if ( ! list_get(&d_list_original) )
+        {
+            SORT_TKI("IMsgSort::run(): [init   ] list_get(original) failed - aborting");
+            a_step = eAbort;
+            goto lab_exit;
+        }
+        a_list_card = g_list_length(d_list_original);
+        // build list_actual
+        list_delete(&d_list_actual);
+        list_original_copy(&d_list_actual);
+        if ( ! init() )
+        {
+            SORT_TKE("IMsgSort::run(): [init   ] init() failed - aborting");
+            a_step = eAbort;
+            goto lab_exit;
+        }
+        a_initialized = TRUE;
+        a_step = eRun;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    //.........................................................................
+    if ( a_step == eRun )
+    {
+        // build list_actual
+        if ( ! list_get(&d_list_actual) )
+        {
+            SORT_TKI("IMsgSort::run(): [run    ] list_get(actual) failed - aborting");
+            a_step = eAbort;
+            goto lab_exit;
+        }
+        // if list is modified, restart the sort process
+        if ( list_changed() )
+        {
+            SORT_TKI("IMsgSort::run(): [run    ] list changed - restarting");
+            a_step = eRestart;
+            goto lab_exit;
+        }
+        // else do an iteration
+        a_iteration++;
+        if ( step() )
+        {
+            a_step = eDone;
+            goto lab_exit;
+        }
+    }
+    //.........................................................................
+    if ( a_step == eRestart )
+    {
+        list_delete(&d_list_original);
+        list_delete(&d_list_actual);
+        a_iteration     = 0;
+        a_initialized   = FALSE;
+        a_error         = FALSE;
+        a_done          = FALSE;
+        d_list_original = NULL;
+        d_list_actual   = NULL;
+        a_list_card     = 0;
+        // restart the sort
+        if ( ! restart() )
+        {
+            SORT_TKE("IMsgSort::run(): [restart] sort restart failed - aborting");
+            a_step = eAbort;
+            goto lab_exit;
+        }
+        a_step = eInit;
+        goto lab_exit;
+    }
+    //.........................................................................
+    if ( a_step == eDone )
+    {
+        list_delete(&d_list_original);
+        list_delete(&d_list_actual);
+        a_done  = TRUE;
+        a_step  = eNop;
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    //.........................................................................
+    if ( a_step == eAbort )
+    {
+        list_delete(&d_list_original);
+        list_delete(&d_list_actual);
+        a_error = TRUE;
+        a_step  = eNop;
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    //.........................................................................
+    if ( a_step == eNop )
+    {
+        SORT_TKW("IMsgSort::run(): [nop    ] running for nothing !!!");
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    //.........................................................................
+    return FALSE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Spread
+//  ===========================================================================
+    SORT_INF("IMsgSort::spread():not implemented");
+    return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.snippet.h b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.snippet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e97fc01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.snippet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+    ###########################################################################
+    gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.snippet.h
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyright (C) 2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Struct  : Control
+    Parent  : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeView
+    This file is directly inluded in gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h
+    ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//								#define
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  ###########################################################################
+//                  GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View
+//  ###########################################################################
+struct Control
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Enums, ...    							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    typedef Model::IterInfo IterInfo;
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Structs     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Members     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    private:
+    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview  *   a_connection_treeview;
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  divers
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Methods     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  new, ...
+    //  =======================================================================
+    private:
+    void    *   operator new    (size_t);
+    void        operator delete (void*);
+    void        raz_pointers();
+    void        init_instance(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview*);
+    public:
+     Control(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview*);
+    ~Control();
+    void        dispose();
+    void        finalize();
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Accessors, ...
+    //  =======================================================================
+    private:
+    inline  Model                       *       model()                 { return a_connection_treeview->model();    }
+    inline  View                        *       view()                  { return a_connection_treeview->view();     }
+    inline  GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview  *       connection_treeview()   { return a_connection_treeview;             }
+    public:
+    inline  GtkWidget                   *       widget()                { return view()->widget(); }
+    void            show();
+    void            hide();
+    void            update_style();
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  wrappers on Model
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    inline  void    iter_check_if_empty     (GtkTreeIter* _iter)                            { model()->iter_check_if_empty(_iter);                      }
+    inline  void    iter_expanded_from_ui   (GtkTreeIter* _iter, gboolean _replace_dummy)   { model()->iter_expanded_from_ui(_iter, _replace_dummy);    }
+    inline  void    iter_collapsed_from_ui  (GtkTreeIter* _iter)                            { model()->iter_collapsed_from_ui(_iter);                   }
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  wrappers on View
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    eRowState       row_state(GtkTreePath* _path)           { return view()->row_state(_path); }
+    gboolean        row_collapse(GtkTreePath* _path)        { return view()->row_collapse(_path); }
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  wrappers on GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    inline  gboolean		    is_samba()      { return a_connection_treeview->is_samba();     }
+    inline  gboolean		    is_local()      { return a_connection_treeview->is_local();     }
+    inline  gboolean		    host_redmond()  { return a_connection_treeview->host_redmond(); }
+    inline  GnomeCmdCon     *   connection()    { return a_connection_treeview->connection();   }
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Widgets signals
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    static  void    Signal_button_refresh_clicked   (GtkButton*, gpointer);
+    static  void    Signal_button_sort_clicked      (GtkButton*, gpointer);
+    static  void    Signal_button_show_hide_clicked (GtkButton*, gpointer);
+    static  void    Signal_button_close_clicked     (GtkButton*, gpointer);
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Context menu
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//  Context menu code
+	//  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	public:
+	enum eContext
+	{
+		eNothing			= 0						,
+		eSelected			= GCMD_B8(00000001)		,
+		eClicked			= GCMD_B8(00000010)		,
+		eBoth				= GCMD_B8(00000011)		,
+		eBothEqual			= GCMD_B8(00000111)		,
+		eSelectedIsRoot		= GCMD_B8(00001000)		,
+		eAlways				= GCMD_B8(10000000)
+	};
+	private:
+	struct  ctx_menu_desc
+	{
+		gint		a_context;		// context on which the entry has to be added
+		gboolean	a_sensitive;	// wether the entry has to be sensitive
+		gchar		*a_text;
+		GCallback   a_callback;
+		eContext	context()   { return (eContext)a_context; }
+	};
+	struct  ctx_menu_entry
+	{
+		ctx_menu_desc   a_desc;
+		GtkWidget	   *a_widget;
+		gulong			a_handle;
+	};
+	struct  ctx_menu_section
+	{
+		gchar			*a_title;
+		gint			a_card;
+		ctx_menu_entry  a_entry[5];
+	};
+	struct  ctx_menu
+	{
+		GtkWidget			*a_widget;
+		gint				a_card;
+		ctx_menu_section	a_section[5];
+	};
+	static		ctx_menu	Context_menu;
+	void		context_menu_populate_add_separator(GtkWidget *widget);
+	void		context_menu_populate_add_section(GtkWidget *widget, gint i, View::ctx_menu_data *ctxdata);
+	void		context_menu_populate(GtkWidget*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	public:
+	void		context_menu_pop(View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	//  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//  Context menu : User actions
+	//  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	private:
+			void		set_active_tab	(GtkTreePath *path);
+			void		open_new_tab	(GtkTreePath *path);
+			void		tree_create		(View::ctx_menu_data*);
+			void		tree_delete		(View::ctx_menu_data*);
+			void		refresh			(View::ctx_menu_data*);
+			void		sort			(View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	public:
+	static  void		Set_active_tab	(GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	static  void		Open_new_tab	(GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	static  void		Tree_create		(GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	static  void		Tree_delete		(GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	static  void		Refresh			(GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	static  void		Sort			(GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	private:
+	enum eSyncState
+	{
+	};
+	eSyncState	sync_check		();
+	private:
+			void		sync_treeview   (View::ctx_menu_data*);
+			void		unsync_treeview ();
+			void		sync_update		(View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	public:
+	static  void		Sync_treeview   (GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	static  void		Unsync_treeview (GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	static  void		Sync_update		(GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
+	private:
+	GnomeCmdFileList		*   a_synced_list;
+	gboolean				    a_synced;
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//                      Controller : Messages
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //
+    //  Messages are implemented in the controller rather than in the model
+    //  because :
+    //
+    //  - Model is getting bloated
+    //
+    //  - some actions need to act on the model, but on the view too (
+    //  ex : remove an iter, implemented with a hack ( _GWR_HACK_ ) ). That
+    //  is not allowed to a model.
+    //
+	//  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Message queue
+	//  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    private:
+    GList               *		d_message_fifo_first;
+    GList               *		d_message_fifo_last;
+    guint32                     a_message_fifo_card;
+    guint                       a_message_fifo_id;
+    void              	        message_fifo_lock();
+    void			            message_fifo_unlock();
+    gboolean                    message_fifo_start();
+    gboolean                    message_fifo_stop();
+    Model::MsgCore	    *		message_fifo_pop();
+    static  gboolean			Message_fifo_func_timeout(gpointer);
+    public:
+    gboolean			        message_fifo_push(Model::MsgCore*);
+	//  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Messages actions
+	//  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    private:
+    gboolean    iter_message_add_first_tree     (Model::MsgAddFirstTree    *);
+    gboolean    iter_message_add_child          (Model::MsgAddChild        *);
+    gboolean    iter_message_add_dummy_child    (Model::MsgAddDummyChild   *);
+    gboolean    iter_message_del                (Model::MsgDel             *);
+    gboolean    iter_message_set_readable       (Model::MsgSetReadable     *);
+    gboolean    iter_message_set_not_readable   (Model::MsgSetNotReadable  *);
+    gboolean    iter_message_AsyncMismatchIEFUC (Model::MsgAsyncMismatchIEFUC*);
+    gboolean    iter_message_AsyncMismatchICIEC (Model::MsgAsyncMismatchICIEC*);
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//                      Controller : Sorting
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //
+    //  Sorting is implemented in the controller rather than in the model
+    //  because :
+    //
+    //  - Model is getting bloated
+    //
+    //  - some actions need to act on the model, but on the view too (
+    //  ex : remove an iter, implemented with a hack ( _GWR_HACK_ ) ). That
+    //  is not allowed to a model.
+    //
+	//  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Sorting list
+	//  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    public:
+    GList               *		d_sorting_list_first;
+    GList               *		d_sorting_list_last;
+    guint32                     a_sorting_list_card;
+    guint                       a_sorting_list_id;
+    void              	        sorting_list_lock();
+    void			            sorting_list_unlock();
+    gboolean                    sorting_list_start();
+    gboolean                    sorting_list_stop();
+    gboolean			        sorting_list_add(Model::MsgCore*);
+    static  gboolean			Sorting_list_func_timeout(gpointer);
+    //static  gpointer			Sorting_list_func_thread(gpointer);
+	//  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Sorting : done in specific messages
+	//  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-gio.cc b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-gio.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35d520c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-gio.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyleft      2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Struct  : many, vfs specific
+    Parent  : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model
+    ###########################################################################
+#include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h"
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  *								Defines								      *
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #							GIO structs									  #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  						Enumerate children
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  GioAsyncEnumerateChildren
+//  ===========================================================================
+struct GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GioAsyncEnumerateChildren : AsyncEnumerateChildren
+	private:
+	GFile			*   d_gfile;
+	GCancellable	*   d_gcancellable_1;   // ..._enumerate_children_async
+	GCancellable	*   d_gcancellable_2;   // ..._next_files_async
+	public:
+	void*		operator new	(size_t) ;
+	void		operator delete (void*);
+				 GioAsyncEnumerateChildren(AsyncCallerData*, const Uri, gint _max_result, gboolean _follow_links) ;
+	virtual		~GioAsyncEnumerateChildren();
+	public:
+	GFile			*   gfile()				{ return d_gfile;			}
+	GCancellable	*   gcancellable_1()	{ return d_gcancellable_1;  }
+	GCancellable	*   gcancellable_2()	{ return d_gcancellable_2;  }
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GioAsyncEnumerateChildren::operator new(size_t _size)
+	return (void*)(g_try_new0(GioAsyncEnumerateChildren, 1));
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GioAsyncEnumerateChildren::operator delete (void *_p)
+	g_free(_p);
+	AsyncCallerData		*		_caller_data,
+    const Uri                   _uri,
+	gint						_max_result,
+	gboolean					_follow_links)
+		: AsyncEnumerateChildren(_caller_data, _uri, _max_result, _follow_links)
+	d_gfile				= g_file_new_for_uri( uri() );
+	d_gcancellable_1	= g_cancellable_new();
+	d_gcancellable_2	= g_cancellable_new();
+	g_object_unref(d_gcancellable_1);
+	g_object_unref(d_gcancellable_2);
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  							Monitoring
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  GioMonitorHelper
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  This struct is for g_file_query_info_finish usage simplification
+struct GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GioMonitorHelper
+	GFileInfo				*		d_g_file_info;
+	GFileType						a_type;
+	eFileAccess						a_access;
+	const gchar				*		a_display_name;
+	gboolean						a_is_symlink;
+	const gchar				*		a_symlink_target_display_name;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  GioMonitor
+//  ===========================================================================
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GioMonitor::operator new(size_t size)
+	return (void*)g_try_new0(GioMonitor, 1);
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GioMonitor::operator delete(void *p)
+	g_free(p);
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GioMonitor::~GioMonitor()");
+	g_object_unref(d_file);
+	g_object_unref(d_monitor);
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GioMonitor::monitoring_start(Model* _model, Row* row)
+	GCancellable			*   cancellable = NULL;
+	GError					*   gerror		= NULL;
+	MonitorData				*   md			= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//	GFileMonitor*   g_file_monitor_directory(
+	//		GFile					*   file,
+	//		GFileMonitorFlags			flags,
+	//		GCancellable			*   cancellable,
+	//		GError					**  error);
+	//
+	//		file		:	input GFile.
+	//		flags		:	a set of GFileMonitorFlags.
+	//		cancellable :	optional GCancellable object, NULL to ignore.
+	//		error		:	a GError, or NULL.
+	//		Returns		:	a GFileMonitor for the given file, or NULL on error.
+	md = (MonitorData*)g_try_new0(MonitorData,1);
+	if ( ! md )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GioMonitor::start():g_try_new0 failed for m0");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	md->a_model		= _model;
+	md->a_row		= row;
+	d_file = g_file_new_for_uri(row->uri_utf8());
+	if ( ! d_file )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GioMonitor::start():Could not create GFile for uri %s", row->uri_utf8());
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	d_monitor = g_file_monitor_directory(
+					d_file,
+					cancellable,			// NULL, since we are monothreaded
+					&gerror);
+	if ( ! d_monitor )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GioMonitor::start():Failure [%s] %s", row->uri_utf8(), gerror->message);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	a_signal_handle = g_signal_connect(d_monitor, "changed", G_CALLBACK(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GIO::Monitor_callback), (gpointer)md);
+	if ( ! a_signal_handle )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GioMonitor::start():Could not connect signal [%s]", row->uri_utf8());
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::GioMonitor::start():Signal handle [%s] [0x%16x]", row->uri_utf8(), a_signal_handle);
+	}
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GioMonitor::start():Success [%s] [%s]", row->path()->dump(), row->uri_utf8());
+	Monitor::a_started = TRUE;
+	return TRUE;
+	if ( !g_file_monitor_cancel(d_monitor ))
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GioMonitor::stop():Failed");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GioMonitor::stop():Success");
+	Monitor::a_started = FALSE;
+	return TRUE;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #							Model Wrappers				                  #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  						Enumerate children
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  GIO::iter_check_if_empty
+//  ===========================================================================
+	AsyncCallerData  *  _acd,
+    const Uri           _uri)
+	GioAsyncEnumerateChildren   *   gaec				= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	gaec = new GioAsyncEnumerateChildren(_acd, _uri, 1, TRUE);
+	CHECK_INF("Model::GIO::iter_check_if_empty:%s", gaec->uri());
+	g_file_enumerate_children_async(
+		gaec->gfile(),
+		"standard::display-name,standard::type,standard::is-symlink,standard::symlink-target,access::can-read,access::can-write",
+		NULL,
+		Iter_enumerate_children_callback_1,
+		(gpointer)gaec);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  GIO::iter_expand
+//  ===========================================================================
+	AsyncCallerData  *  _acd,
+    const Uri           _uri)
+	GioAsyncEnumerateChildren   *   gaec				= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	gaec = new GioAsyncEnumerateChildren(_acd, _uri, -1, TRUE);
+	//  void g_file_enumerate_children_async(
+	//	  GFile					*   file,
+	//	  const char			*   attributes,
+	//	  GFileQueryInfoFlags		flags,
+	//	  int						io_priority,
+	//	  GCancellable			*   cancellable,
+	//	  GAsyncReadyCallback		callback,
+	//	  gpointer					user_data)
+	//
+	//  file		: input GFile.
+	//  attributes  : an attribute query string.
+	//  flags		: a set of GFileQueryInfoFlags.
+	//  io_priority : the I/O priority of the request.
+	//  cancellable : optional GCancellable object, NULL to ignore.
+	//  callback	: a GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied
+	//  user_data   : the data to pass to callback function
+	g_file_enumerate_children_async(
+		gaec->gfile(),
+		"standard::display-name,standard::type,standard::is-symlink,standard::symlink-target,access::can-read,access::can-write",
+		NULL,
+		Iter_enumerate_children_callback_1,
+		(gpointer)gaec);
+//  GnomeVFS::iter_file_info
+	AsyncCallerData  *  _acd,
+    const Uri           _uri)
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #							GIO methods									  #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  						Enumerate children
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//	  Enumerate children : GIO callback 1
+//	  Here we get a GFileEnumerator, on which we have to call another
+//	  async function to get GFileInfos.
+//	  We init the request, and in the callback, this call we be done again
+//	  and again, until all GFileInfos have been get
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	GObject			*   _source_object,
+	GAsyncResult	*   _res,
+	gpointer			_data)
+	GError						*	   gerror   = NULL;
+	GFileEnumerator				*	   gfe		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// finish async query
+	gfe = g_file_enumerate_children_finish((GFile*)_source_object, _res, &gerror);
+	if ( !gfe )
+	{
+		ENUMERATE_ERR("Model::GIO::ecc_1():g_file_enumerate_children_finish failed [%s]", gerror->message);
+		return;
+	}
+	// get the GFileInfos :
+	//	void g_file_enumerator_next_files_async(
+	//	  GFileEnumerator		*   enumerator,
+	//		int						num_files,
+	//		int						io_priority,
+	//		GCancellable		*   cancellable,
+	//		GAsyncReadyCallback		callback,
+	//		gpointer				user_data);
+	//
+	//	enumerator  :	a GFileEnumerator.
+	//	num_files   :	the number of file info objects to request
+	//	io_priority :	the io priority of the request.
+	//	cancellable :	optional GCancellable object, NULL to ignore.
+	//	callback	:	a GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied
+	//	user_data   :	the data to pass to callback function
+	g_file_enumerator_next_files_async(
+		gfe,
+		10,
+		NULL,
+		Iter_enumerate_children_callback_2,
+		_data);
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Enumerate children : GIO callback 2
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	GObject			*   _source_object,
+	GAsyncResult	*   _res,
+	gpointer			_data)
+	GioAsyncEnumerateChildren   *		gaec	= NULL;
+	AsyncCallerData				*		acd		= NULL;
+	GError						*		gerror  = NULL;
+	GList						*		list	= NULL;
+	gint								count						= 0;
+	gint								added						= 0;
+	GFileInfo					*		file_info					= NULL;
+	GFileType							file_type					= G_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+	const gchar					*		file_display_name			= NULL;
+	const gchar					*		file_display_name_ck		= NULL;
+	gboolean							b_read;
+	gboolean							b_write;
+	eFileAccess							file_access					= eAccessUN;
+	gboolean							file_is_symlink				= FALSE;
+	const gchar					*		file_symlink_target_name	= NULL;
+	File						*		file				= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	gaec	= (GioAsyncEnumerateChildren*)_data;
+	acd		= (AsyncCallerData*)(gaec->caller_data());
+	//.........................................................................
+	// finish query
+	list = g_file_enumerator_next_files_finish((GFileEnumerator*)_source_object, _res, &gerror);
+	if ( ! list )
+	{
+		// end of enumeration
+		if ( ! gerror )
+			goto lab_eof;
+		// error
+		ENUMERATE_ERR("Model::GIO::ecc_2():g_file_enumerator_next_files_finish failed [%s]", gerror->message);
+			goto lab_error;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// init loop
+	count   = 0;
+	list	= g_list_first(list);
+	//.........................................................................
+	// lOOooOOp
+	count++;
+	// get infos
+	file_info	= (GFileInfo*)(list->data);
+	file_display_name		= g_file_info_get_attribute_string(file_info, "standard::display-name");
+	if ( file_display_name == NULL )
+	{
+		ENUMERATE_ERR("Model::GIO::ecc_2():g_file_info_get_attribute_string (standard::display_name) failed");
+		goto lab_error;
+	}
+	file_display_name_ck	= g_utf8_collate_key(file_display_name, -1);
+	//ENUMERATE_INF("Model:ecc_2():%s", file_display_name);
+	file_type = (GFileType)g_file_info_get_attribute_uint32(file_info, "standard::type");
+	if ( file_type == 0 )
+	{
+		ENUMERATE_ERR("Model::GIO::ecc_2():g_file_info_get_attribute_uint32 (standard::type) failed");
+		goto lab_error;
+	}
+	b_read		= g_file_info_get_attribute_boolean(file_info, "access::can-read");
+	b_write		= g_file_info_get_attribute_boolean(file_info, "access::can-write");
+	file_access = Access_from_read_write(b_read, b_write);
+	file_is_symlink				= g_file_info_get_attribute_boolean(file_info, "standard::is-symlink");
+	file_symlink_target_name	= g_file_info_get_attribute_byte_string(file_info, "standard::symlink-target");
+	switch ( file_type )
+	{
+		//.....................................................................
+		// if follow_links is TRUE, we should not be here - except if we have
+		// a BROKEN LINK. We thus cant know if the link was pointing on a
+		// directory or something else. LNK struct handle broken links
+		// if you pass NULL as the file pointer in constructor.
+		if ( gaec->follow_links() )
+		{
+			ENUMERATE_WNG("Model::GIO::ecc_2():[%03i][%03i] - broken symlink, ignored [%s]", count, added, file_display_name);
+			break;
+		}
+		//ENUMERATE_INF("Model:ecc_2():[%03i][%03i] - symlink, ignored [%s]", count, added, file_display_name);
+		//added++;
+		//ALSC_INF("alsc:[%03i][0x%16x] [%03i][%03i][%03i] S<%s>", ga->hi(), l, count, added, ga->mr(), info->name);
+		//lnk = new LNK(g_strdup(info->name), g_strdup(info->symlink_name), info->permissions, info->flags );
+		//ls->append( (gvfs_file*)lnk );
+		// if the caller want partial listing
+		//if  (
+		//		( ga->mr()  >= 0		)  &&
+		//		( ls->len() >= ga->mr() )
+		//	)
+		//	goto lab_abort;
+		break;
+		//.....................................................................
+		if ( strcmp(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Collate_key_dot,	file_display_name_ck ) &&
+			 strcmp(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Collate_key_dotdot,	file_display_name_ck ))
+		{
+			added++;
+			ENUMERATE_INF("Model::GIO::ecc_2():[%03i][%03i] +[%s]", count, added, file_display_name);
+			// it is a symlink pointing on  a directory
+			if ( file_is_symlink )
+				file = new FoldviewLink(file_display_name, file_symlink_target_name, file_access);
+			// it is a directory
+			else
+				file = new FoldviewDir(file_display_name, file_access);
+			gaec->list_append( file );
+			// if the caller want partial listing
+			if  (
+					( gaec->max_result()	>= 0					)  &&
+					( gaec->list_card()		>= gaec->max_result()   )
+				)
+				goto lab_partial_listing;
+		}
+		break;
+		//.....................................................................
+		default:
+		ENUMERATE_INF("Model::GIO::ecc_2():[%03i][%03i]  [%s]", count, added, file_display_name);
+	}
+	list = g_list_next(list);
+	if ( ! list )
+		goto lab_no_more_entry;
+	goto lab_loop;
+	ENUMERATE_INF("Model::GIO::ecc_2():EOF");
+	// Call caller callback ; caller is responsible for freeing memory
+	// eventually allocated in m_user_data member
+	// of the struct_gvfs_caller_data
+	gaec->caller_data()->callback()(gaec);
+	goto lab_end;
+	ENUMERATE_INF("Model::GIO::ecc_2():NO MORE ENTRY - relaunching");
+	// relaunch same request
+	g_file_enumerator_next_files_async(
+		(GFileEnumerator*)_source_object,
+		10,
+		NULL,
+		Iter_enumerate_children_callback_2,
+		_data);
+	g_free((void*)file_display_name_ck);
+	return;
+	ENUMERATE_INF("Model::GIO::ecc_2():PARTIAL LISTING REACHED [%03i]", gaec->max_result());
+	// Call caller callback ; caller is responsible for freeing memory
+	// eventually allocated in m_user_data member
+	// of the struct_gvfs_caller_data
+	gaec->caller_data()->callback()(gaec);
+	//goto lab_end;
+	// delete the GioAsyncEnumerateChildren
+	delete gaec;
+	if ( file_display_name_ck )
+		g_free((void*)file_display_name_ck);
+	return;
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  							Monitoring
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Monitoring : static callback
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GFileMonitor		*   _monitor,
+	GFile				*   _file,
+	GFile				*   _other_file,
+	GFileMonitorEvent		_event_type,
+	gpointer				_data)
+	MonitorData				*   md				= NULL;
+	GAsyncReadyCallback			callback		= NULL;
+	GFile					*   gfile_to_scan   = NULL;
+	gboolean					b_self			= FALSE;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//.........................................................................
+	//MONITOR_INF("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback():EVENT");
+	md = (MonitorData*)_data;
+	g_return_if_fail( md );
+	b_self = ( _file == _other_file ? TRUE : FALSE );
+	switch ( _event_type )
+	{
+		//.....................................................................
+		// file created in directory
+		// chmod, ... on directory
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback():EVENT_CHANGED [%s]", md->a_row->utf8_name_display());
+		// file created : exit
+		if ( ! b_self )
+			goto abort;
+		// chmod, ...
+		callback		= Monitor_callback_acc;
+		gfile_to_scan   = _file;
+		break;
+		//.....................................................................
+		// file / subdirectory  deleted in directory
+		//
+		//  _other_file is always NULL ; the file that was deleted is _file.
+		//
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback():EVENT_DELETED [%s] [%s]", md->a_row->utf8_name_display(), g_file_get_basename(_file));
+		if ( b_self )
+		{
+			// Parent deleted :
+			//MONITOR_INF("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback():EVENT_DELETED (SELF)", md->a_row->utf8_name_display());
+			//Monitor_callback_del(md);
+			goto exit;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// Child deleted :
+			// not getting file info, since the file is...deleted
+			//MONITOR_INF("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback():EVENT_DELETED (CHILD) [%s] [0x%016x]", md->a_row->utf8_name_display(), _other_file);
+			//Monitor_callback_child_del(md);
+			goto exit;
+		}
+		break;
+		//.....................................................................
+		// subdirectory created in directory
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback():EVENT_CREATED [%s]", md->a_row->utf8_name_display());
+		callback		= Monitor_callback_child_new;
+		gfile_to_scan   = _file;
+		break;
+		//.....................................................................
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback():ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED [%s]", md->a_row->utf8_name_display());
+		callback		= Monitor_callback_child_acc;
+		gfile_to_scan   = _other_file;
+		goto exit;
+		break;
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback():OTHER_EVENT [%s]", md->a_row->utf8_name_display());
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	//  void g_file_query_info_async(
+	//		GFile					*   file,
+	//		const char				*   attributes,
+	//		GFileQueryInfoFlags			flags,
+	//		int							io_priority,
+	//		GCancellable			*   cancellable,
+	//		GAsyncReadyCallback			callback,
+	//		gpointer					user_data);
+	//
+	//  file			:	input GFile.
+	//  attributes		:	an attribute query string.
+	//  flags			:	a set of GFileQueryInfoFlags.
+	//  io_priority		:	the I/O priority of the request.
+	//  cancellable		:	optional GCancellable object, NULL to ignore.
+	//  callback		:	a GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied
+	//  user_data		:	the data to pass to callback function
+	//
+	//  Asynchronously gets the requested information about specified file.
+	//  The result is a GFileInfo object that contains key-value attributes
+	//  (such as type or size for the file). For more details, see
+	//  g_file_query_info() which is the synchronous version of this call.
+	//  When the operation is finished, callback will be called. You can then
+	//  call g_file_query_info_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+	g_file_query_info_async(
+		gfile_to_scan,
+		"standard::type,standard::display-name,standard::is-symlink,standard::symlink-target,access::*",
+		NULL,
+		callback,
+		(gpointer)md);
+	return;
+	return;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Monitoring : query_info static callback
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Monitoring : query_info static callback helper
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	const gchar			*		_event_str,
+	GObject				*		_source_object,
+	GAsyncResult		*		_res,
+	gpointer					_data,
+	MonitorData			*		_md,
+	GioMonitorHelper	*		_gmh)
+	GError			*	   gerror = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	_gmh->d_g_file_info					=   NULL;
+	_gmh->a_type						=   G_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+	_gmh->a_access						=   eAccessUN;
+	_gmh->a_display_name				=   NULL;
+	_gmh->a_is_symlink					=   FALSE;
+	_gmh->a_symlink_target_display_name	=   NULL;
+	//	GFileInfo*
+	//	g_file_query_info_finish(
+	//		GFile			*   file,
+	//		GAsyncResult	*   res,
+	//		GError			**  error)
+	//
+	//	Finishes an asynchronous file info query.
+	//
+	//	file	:	input GFile.
+	//	res		:	a GAsyncResult.
+	//	error   :	a GError.
+	//	Returns :	GFileInfo for given file or NULL on error. Free the returned
+	//				object with g_object_unref().
+	_gmh->d_g_file_info = g_file_query_info_finish((GFile*)_source_object, _res, &gerror);
+	if ( ! _gmh->d_g_file_info )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback_%s():g_file_query_info_finish failed - %s [%s]", _event_str, gerror->message, _md->a_row->uri_utf8());
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	// file type
+	_gmh->a_type = (GFileType)g_file_info_get_attribute_uint32(_gmh->d_g_file_info, "standard::type");
+	if ( _gmh->a_type == 0 )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback_%s():g_file_info_get_attribute_uint32 (standard::type) failed - %s [%s]", _event_str, gerror->message, _md->a_row->uri_utf8());
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	// eFileAccess
+	gboolean		b_read	= g_file_info_get_attribute_boolean(_gmh->d_g_file_info, "access::can-read");
+	gboolean		b_write	= g_file_info_get_attribute_boolean(_gmh->d_g_file_info, "access::can-write");
+	_gmh->a_access			= Access_from_read_write(b_read, b_write);
+	// display name
+	_gmh->a_display_name = g_file_info_get_attribute_string(_gmh->d_g_file_info, "standard::display-name");
+	if ( _gmh->a_display_name == NULL )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback_%s():g_file_info_get_attribute_string (standard::display-name) failed - %s [%s]", _event_str, gerror->message, _md->a_row->uri_utf8());
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	// symlink ?
+	_gmh->a_is_symlink = g_file_info_get_attribute_boolean(_gmh->d_g_file_info, "standard::is-symlink");
+	if ( _gmh->a_is_symlink )
+	{
+		_gmh->a_symlink_target_display_name = g_file_info_get_attribute_string(_gmh->d_g_file_info, "standard::symlink-target");
+		if ( _gmh->a_symlink_target_display_name == NULL )
+		{
+			MONITOR_ERR("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback_%s():g_file_info_get_attribute_string (standard::symlink-target) failed - %s [%s]", _event_str, gerror->message, _md->a_row->uri_utf8());
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Monitoring : Monitor_callback_del
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	MonitorData		*	_md)
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback_del()");
+	Iter_monitor_callback_del(_md);
+	return;
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Monitoring : Monitor_callback_child_del
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	MonitorData		*	_md)
+	gchar * name_debug = _("a child directory");
+	//.........................................................................
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback_child_del()");
+	Iter_monitor_callback_child_del(_md, name_debug);
+	return;
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Monitoring : Monitor_callback_child_new
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	GObject			*   _source_object,
+	GAsyncResult	*   _res,
+	gpointer			_data)
+	MonitorData				*   md			= NULL;
+	GioMonitorHelper			gmh			= {NULL, G_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, eAccessUN, NULL, FALSE, NULL};
+	File					*   child		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GIO::Monitor_callback_child_new()");
+	md = (MonitorData*)_data;
+	if ( !md )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("  MonitorData is NULL");
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	if ( ! Monitor_callback_helper_query_info("child_new", _source_object, _res, _data, md, &gmh) )
+		goto exit;
+	if ( gmh.a_type != G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY )
+	{
+		MONITOR_INF("  Type is not G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY, ignored");
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	child = new Directory(gmh.a_display_name, eAccessRW);
+	Iter_monitor_callback_child_new(md, child);
+	delete child;
+	return;
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Monitoring : Monitor_callback_acc
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	GObject			*   _source_object,
+	GAsyncResult	*   _res,
+	gpointer			_data)
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Monitoring : Monitor_callback_child_acc
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	GObject			*   _source_object,
+	GAsyncResult	*   _res,
+	gpointer			_data)
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-struct.cc b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-struct.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ea5abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-struct.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1203 @@
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyleft      2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Struct  : many
+    Parent  : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model
+    ###########################################################################
+#include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h"
+static gboolean         _USE_GIO_               = GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW_USE_GIO;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			         IterInfo
+//  ###########################################################################
+    a_model     = NULL;
+    a_iter      = GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Iter_zero;
+    d_path      = NULL;
+    d_gtk_path  = NULL;
+    a_row       = NULL;
+    a_expanded              = FALSE;
+    a_readable              = FALSE;
+    a_children              = -1;
+    a_first_child_is_dummy  = FALSE;
+    if ( d_path )
+        delete d_path;
+    if ( d_gtk_path )
+        gtk_tree_path_free(d_gtk_path);
+    a_model     = NULL;
+    a_iter      = GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Iter_zero;
+    if ( d_path )
+    {
+        delete d_path;
+        d_path = NULL;
+    }
+    if ( d_gtk_path )
+    {
+        gtk_tree_path_free(d_gtk_path);
+        d_gtk_path = NULL;
+    }
+    a_row       = NULL;
+    a_expanded              = FALSE;
+    a_readable              = FALSE;
+    a_children              = -1;
+    a_first_child_is_dummy  = FALSE;
+    Model               *   _model,
+    TreestorePath       *   _path,
+    IterInfo::eFields       _fields)
+    GtkTreeIter         iter    = Iter_zero;
+    //.........................................................................
+    if ( ! _model->treestore()->ext_iter_from_path(_path, &iter) )
+        return FALSE;
+    // store path
+    d_path = _path->dup();
+    if ( ! d_path )
+        return FALSE;
+    return gather(_model, &iter, _fields);
+    Model               *   _model,
+    GtkTreeIter         *   _iter,
+    IterInfo::eFields       _fields)
+    GtkTreeIter             iter_child  = Iter_zero;
+    Row             *       row_child   = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    a_model         = _model;
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    //  Variables
+    //
+    // iter
+    GCMD_ITER_COPY(&a_iter, _iter);
+    // path
+    if ( ! d_path )
+    {
+        d_path = a_model->treestore()->ext_path_from_iter(&a_iter);
+        if ( ! d_path )
+            return FALSE;
+    }
+    // row
+    if ( ! a_model->iter_get_treerow(&a_iter, &a_row) )
+        return FALSE;
+    // GtkTreePath
+    if ( _fields & eGtkPath )
+    {
+        d_gtk_path = GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_path(a_model->treemodel(), &a_iter);
+        if ( ! d_gtk_path )
+            return FALSE;
+    }
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    //  Tests
+    //
+    // expanded
+    if ( _fields & eExp )
+    {
+        a_expanded  = a_model->iter_is_expanded(&a_iter);
+    }
+    // readability
+    if ( _fields & eRead )
+    {
+        a_readable = a_row->readable();
+    }
+    if ( _fields & eChildren )
+    {
+        a_children = _model->iter_n_children(&a_iter);
+    }
+    if ( _fields & eFCID )
+    {
+        if ( ! ( _fields & eChildren) )
+            return FALSE;
+        if ( ! a_children )
+            return TRUE;
+        if ( ! GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_children(a_model->treemodel(), &iter_child, &a_iter) )
+            return FALSE;
+        if ( ! a_model->iter_get_treerow(&iter_child, &row_child) )
+            return FALSE;
+        a_first_child_is_dummy = row_child->is_dummy();
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			         File, Directory, Symlink
+//  ###########################################################################
+	const gchar					*   _utf8_display_name,
+	eFileAccess						_access,
+	eFileType						_type)
+	d_utf8_name			= g_strdup(_utf8_display_name);
+	a_access	= _access;
+	a_type		= _type;
+	g_free(d_utf8_name);
+    if ( d_disk_name )
+        g_free(d_disk_name);
+    if ( d_ck_utf8_name )
+        g_free(d_ck_utf8_name);
+//  ===========================================================================
+	const gchar					*   _utf8_display_name,
+	eFileAccess						_access)
+		: File(_utf8_display_name, _access, GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::eTypeDirectory)
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Directory::operator new(size_t size)
+	GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Directory	*d	= g_try_new0(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Directory, 1);
+	if ( !d )
+		GCMD_ERR("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Directory::new():g_try_new0 failed");
+	return d;
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Directory::operator delete(void *p)
+	g_free(p);
+    File    *   file = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    file = new Directory(name_utf8(), access());
+    return file;
+//  ===========================================================================
+	const gchar					*   _utf8_display_name,
+	const gchar					*   _utf8_target_uri,
+	eFileAccess						_access)
+		: File(_utf8_display_name, _access, GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::eTypeSymlink)
+	d_utf8_target_uri = g_strdup(_utf8_target_uri);
+	g_free(d_utf8_target_uri);
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Symlink::operator new(size_t size)
+	GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Symlink	*s	= g_try_new0(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Symlink, 1);
+	if ( !s )
+		GCMD_ERR("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Symlink::new():g_try_new0 failed");
+	return s;
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Symlink::operator delete(void *p)
+	g_free(p);
+    File    *   file = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    file = new Symlink(name_utf8(), target_uri(), access());
+    return file;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//      	                Refresh, RefreshList
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Model::Refresh
+//  ===========================================================================
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Refresh::operator new(size_t size)
+	Refresh	*r	= g_try_new0(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Refresh, 1);
+	if ( ! r )
+		GCMD_ERR("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Refresh::new():g_try_new0 failed");
+	return r;
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Refresh::operator delete(void *p)
+	g_free(p);
+    TreestorePath   *   _path_mallocated,
+    const gchar     *   _uri)
+    d_path      = _path_mallocated;
+    d_uri       = g_strdup(_uri);
+    delete d_path;
+    g_free(d_uri);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Model::RefreshList
+//  ===========================================================================
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::RefreshList::operator new(size_t size)
+	RefreshList	*r	= g_try_new0(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::RefreshList, 1);
+	if ( ! r )
+		GCMD_ERR("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::RefreshList::new():g_try_new0 failed");
+	return r;
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::RefreshList::operator delete(void *p)
+	g_free(p);
+    Model   *   _model,
+    GList   *   _list)
+    a_model     = _model;
+    d_list      = _list;
+    a_current   = NULL;
+    g_list_free(d_list);
+    return a_model;
+    d_list      =   g_list_first(d_list);
+    a_current   =   d_list;
+    Refresh *   r = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    if ( ! a_current )
+        return NULL;
+    r           = (Refresh*)(a_current->data);
+    a_current   = a_current->next;
+    return r;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                TreeRowStd
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ctor / dtor
+//  ***************************************************************************
+	eFileAccess _access,
+	gboolean	_is_link,
+	gboolean	_is_dummy,
+    eRowStatus  _status,
+	eRowType	_type,
+	//................................
+	gboolean	_is_samba,
+	gboolean	_is_local,
+	gboolean	_host_redmond)
+	eIcon   icon	= eIconUnknown;
+	glong   l		= 0;
+	gchar*  temp	= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//  Info flags
+	// icon
+	if ( ! _is_dummy )
+		if ( ! _is_link )
+			icon = View::Icon_from_type_access(eTypeDirectory, _access);
+		else
+			icon = View::Icon_from_type_access(eTypeSymlink, _access);
+	else
+			icon = eIconUnknown;
+	// flags
+	a_info_1													=
+		( (guint32)icon							<< e_ICON_SHIFT		)   +
+		( (guint32)(_is_link ?		1 : 0 )		<< e_LINK_SHIFT		)   +
+		( (guint32)(_access)					<< e_ACCESS_SHIFT	)   +
+		( (guint32)(_status)					<< e_STATUS_SHIFT	)   +
+		( (guint32)(_type)						<< e_TYPE_SHIFT		)   +
+		//...................................................
+		( (guint32)(_is_samba ?		1 : 0 )	 << e_SAMBA_SHIFT	)   +
+		( (guint32)(_is_local ?		1 : 0 )  << e_LOCAL_SHIFT	)   +
+		( (guint32)(_host_redmond ? 1 : 0 )  << e_REDMOND_SHIFT	);
+	//.........................................................................
+	// -> raw collate key ( case sensitive )
+	l													= g_utf8_strlen(d_utf8_name_display, -1);
+	d_utf8_collate_keys[eCollateKeyRaw]					= g_utf8_collate_key_for_filename(d_utf8_name_display, l);
+	// -> case-insensitive collate key
+	temp												= g_utf8_casefold   (d_utf8_name_display, l);
+	l													= g_utf8_strlen		(temp, -1);
+	d_utf8_collate_keys[eCollateKeyCaseInsensitive]		= g_utf8_collate_key_for_filename(temp, l);
+	g_free(temp);
+	// For TreeRowRoot  & TreeRowDummy
+	Row			*   _row,
+	Row			*   _row_parent,
+	File		*	_file)
+	if ( _file->is_symlink() )
+		d_utf8_symlink_target_uri   = g_strdup(((Symlink*)_file)->target_uri());
+	else
+		d_utf8_symlink_target_uri   = g_strdup(_("Not a symlink - ( BUG ! THIS SHOULD NEVER BE DISPLAYED )"));
+	d_utf8_name_display				= g_strdup(_file->name_utf8());
+	init_flags_and_collate_keys(
+		_file->access(), _file->is_symlink(), FALSE,
+		eStatusOK, eRowStd,
+		_row_parent->is_samba(), _row_parent->is_local(), _row_parent->host_redmond());
+	gint i = 0;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//GCMD_INF("Model::~TreeRowStd()");
+	// delete all
+	g_free(d_utf8_name_display);
+	g_free(d_utf8_symlink_target_uri);
+	for ( i = 0 ; i != eCollateKeyCard ; i++ )
+		g_free(d_utf8_collate_keys[i]);
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  	Some accessors
+//  ***************************************************************************
+	return (eIcon)( (a_info_1 & e_ICON_BITS ) >> e_ICON_SHIFT );
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::TreeRowStd::icon(eIcon _icon)
+	a_info_1 = a_info_1 & e_ICON_MASK;
+    a_info_1 = a_info_1 | ( (guint32)_icon << e_ICON_SHIFT );
+	return (gboolean)((a_info_1 & e_LINK_BITS ) >> e_LINK_SHIFT);
+	return (GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::eFileAccess)( (a_info_1 & e_ACCESS_BITS ) >> e_ACCESS_SHIFT );
+	return (GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::eRowStatus)( (a_info_1 & e_STATUS_BITS ) >> e_STATUS_SHIFT );
+	return (GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::eRowType)( (a_info_1 & e_TYPE_BITS ) >> e_TYPE_SHIFT );
+	return ( (eRowType)((a_info_1 & e_TYPE_BITS ) >> e_TYPE_SHIFT) == eRowStd);
+	return ( (eRowType)((a_info_1 & e_TYPE_BITS ) >> e_TYPE_SHIFT) == eRowRoot);
+	return ( (eRowType)((a_info_1 & e_TYPE_BITS ) >> e_TYPE_SHIFT) == eRowDummy);
+//  ===========================================================================
+	return ( ( (a_info_1 & e_SAMBA_BITS ) >> e_SAMBA_SHIFT ) != 0 );
+	return ( ( (a_info_1 & e_LOCAL_BITS ) >> e_LOCAL_SHIFT ) != 0 );
+	return ( ( (a_info_1 & e_REDMOND_BITS ) >> e_REDMOND_SHIFT ) != 0 );
+//  ===========================================================================
+	return  (
+				(
+					(guint32)( (a_info_1 & e_ACCESS_BITS ) >> e_ACCESS_SHIFT )  &
+					(guint32)( ePermRead )
+				)
+				!= 0
+			);
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::TreeRowStd::readable(gboolean _readable)
+	eIcon icon		= eIconUnknown;
+	eFileAccess a			= eAccessFB;
+	// access
+	a = (eFileAccess)
+		(
+			_readable											?
+			((guint32)access())	 |  ( ((guint32)ePermRead))		:
+			((guint32)access())	 &  (~((guint32)ePermRead))
+		);
+	// icon
+	if ( ! is_dummy() )
+	{
+		if ( ! is_link() )
+			icon = View::Icon_from_type_access(eTypeDirectory, a);
+		else
+			icon = View::Icon_from_type_access(eTypeSymlink, a);
+	}
+	// set new values
+	a_info_1 = (a_info_1 & e_ACCESS_MASK) & e_ICON_SHIFT;
+	a_info_1 = a_info_1										+
+				( (guint32)a		<< e_ACCESS_SHIFT	)   +
+				( (guint32)icon		<< e_ICON_SHIFT		);
+//  ===========================================================================
+const   gchar*
+	return d_utf8_name_display;
+const GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Uri
+	return d_utf8_symlink_target_uri;
+const   gchar*
+	gint collate_key_to_use)
+	return d_utf8_collate_keys[collate_key_to_use];
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                TreeRowRoot
+//  ###########################################################################
+	Uri					_utf8_uri,
+	const gchar	 *		_utf8_name_display,
+	Uri					_utf8_symlink_target_uri,
+	eFileAccess			_access,
+	gboolean			_is_symlink,
+    gboolean            _is_samba,
+    gboolean            _is_local,
+    gboolean            _host_redmond)
+	//.........................................................................
+	d_utf8_name_display				= g_strdup(_utf8_name_display);
+	if( _is_symlink )
+		d_utf8_symlink_target_uri   = g_strdup( _utf8_symlink_target_uri );
+	else
+		d_utf8_symlink_target_uri   = g_strdup(_("NOT SYMLINK - This should not be displayed"));
+	init_flags_and_collate_keys(
+		_access, _is_symlink, FALSE,
+		eStatusOK, eRowRoot,
+		_is_samba,
+		_is_local,
+		FALSE);																	// _GWR_TODO_ : _host_redmond
+	//GCMD_INF("Model::~TreeRowRoot()");
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                TreeRowDummy
+//  ###########################################################################
+	Row		*   _row,
+	Row		*   _row_parent)
+	d_utf8_name_display			= g_strdup(_("...Working..."));
+	d_utf8_symlink_target_uri   = g_strdup(_("Not a symlink (dummy) - ( BUG ! THIS SHOULD NEVER BE DISPLAYED )"));
+	init_flags_and_collate_keys(
+		eAccessRW, FALSE, TRUE,
+		eStatusOK, eRowDummy,
+		_row_parent->is_samba(), _row_parent->is_local(), _row_parent->host_redmond());
+	//GCMD_INF("Model::~TreeRowDummy()");
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                Row
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Row() [ aggregate of TreeRowStd ]
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	eRowType		_rowtype,
+	Row			*   _row_parent,
+	File		*   _file)
+	g_return_if_fail( _rowtype == eRowStd );
+	d_path		= NULL;
+	d_utf8_uri  = NULL;
+	d_monitor   = NULL;
+	d_treerow   = NULL;
+	// uri
+	if ( _row_parent->is_samba() )
+		d_utf8_uri = g_strconcat(_row_parent->uri_utf8(), "\\", _file->name_utf8(), NULL);
+	else
+		if ( _row_parent->is_local() && _row_parent->host_redmond() )
+			d_utf8_uri = g_strconcat(_row_parent->uri_utf8(), "\\", _file->name_utf8(), NULL);
+		else
+		{
+			gchar   *temp = g_utf8_collate_key(_row_parent->uri_utf8(), -1);
+			if ( g_utf8_collate(temp, Collate_key_uri_01) )
+				d_utf8_uri = g_strconcat(_row_parent->uri_utf8(), "/", _file->name_utf8(), NULL);
+			else
+				d_utf8_uri = g_strconcat("file:///", _file->name_utf8(), NULL);
+			g_free(temp);
+		}
+	// treerow
+	d_treerow = (TreeRowInterface*)( new TreeRowStd(this, _row_parent, _file) );
+	// monitor : will be created when the Row will be added to the treestore
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Row() [ aggregate of TreeRowRoot ]
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	eRowType				_rowtype,
+	Uri						_utf8_uri,
+	const gchar			*   _utf8_display_name,
+	Uri						_utf8_symlink_target_uri,
+	eFileAccess				_access,
+	gboolean				_is_symlink,
+    gboolean                _is_samba,
+    gboolean                _is_local,
+    gboolean                _host_redmond)
+	g_return_if_fail( _rowtype == eRowRoot );
+	d_path		= NULL;
+	d_utf8_uri  = NULL;
+	d_monitor   = NULL;
+	d_treerow   = NULL;
+	d_utf8_uri = g_strdup( _utf8_uri );
+	d_treerow = (TreeRowInterface*)( new TreeRowRoot(_utf8_uri, _utf8_display_name, _utf8_symlink_target_uri, _access, _is_symlink, _is_samba, _is_local, _host_redmond) );
+	// monitor : will be created when the Row will be added to the treestore
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Row() [ aggregate of TreeRowDummy ]
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	eRowType			_rowtype,
+	Row			*		_row_parent)
+	g_return_if_fail( _rowtype == eRowDummy );
+	d_path		= NULL;
+	d_utf8_uri  = NULL;
+	d_monitor   = NULL;
+	d_treerow   = NULL;
+	d_utf8_uri	= g_strdup(_("file:///...Working..."));
+	d_treerow = (TreeRowInterface*)( new TreeRowDummy(this, _row_parent) );
+	// monitor : will be created when calling monitoring_start(), because we
+	//  dont know the Path yet. The path will be known when the treestore will
+	//  call set_path_from_treestore().
+	if ( is_std() )
+	{
+		//GCMD_INF("Model::~Row()::std");
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if ( is_dummy() )
+		{
+			//GCMD_INF("Model::~Row()::dummy");
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if ( is_root() )
+			{
+				//GCMD_INF("Model::~Row()::root");
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				GCMD_ERR("Model::~Row()::???");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	g_free(d_utf8_uri);
+	delete d_path;
+	delete d_treerow;
+	if ( d_monitor )
+	{
+		if ( d_monitor->monitoring_started() )
+			d_monitor->monitoring_stop();
+		delete d_monitor;
+		d_monitor = NULL;
+	}
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Accessors
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::DataInterface impl
+//  ***************************************************************************
+// inlined : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Row::path()
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Path * _path)
+	g_return_if_fail( ! d_path );
+	d_path = _path;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::DataInterface * _data)
+    Row *   row = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    row = (Row*)_data;
+    return  strcmp
+            (
+                this->utf8_collate_key(eCollateKeyRaw),
+                 row->utf8_collate_key(eCollateKeyRaw)
+            );
+	const gchar *   _str)
+    return  strcmp
+            (
+                this->utf8_collate_key(eCollateKeyRaw),
+                _str
+            );
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::MonitorInterface impl
+//  ***************************************************************************
+	if ( ! d_monitor )
+		return FALSE;
+	return d_monitor->monitoring_started();
+	Model   *   _model,
+	Row		*   _row)
+	g_return_val_if_fail( this == _row, FALSE );
+	// new monitor
+	if ( ! d_monitor )
+	{
+		if ( _USE_GIO_ )
+			d_monitor	= new GioMonitor();
+		else
+			d_monitor	= new GnomeVFSMonitor();
+	}
+	return d_monitor->monitoring_start(_model, this);
+	if ( ! d_monitor )
+		return TRUE;
+	if ( d_monitor->monitoring_stop() )
+	{
+		delete d_monitor;
+		d_monitor = NULL;
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	return FALSE;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			             Filesystem access
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//						Directory listing
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Model::AsyncCallerData
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::AsyncCallerData::operator new ( size_t _size)
+	AsyncCallerData  *acd = g_try_new0(AsyncCallerData, 1);
+	return (void*)acd;
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::AsyncCallerData::operator delete(void* _p)
+	g_free(_p);
+	Model					*   _model,
+	AsyncCallerCallback			_callback,
+	TreestorePath           *   _path)
+	a_model			= _model;
+	a_callback		= _callback;
+	d_path			= _path;
+    delete d_path;
+//  Model::AsyncCore
+	AsyncCallerData * _acd)
+	a_caller_data	    = _acd;
+    a_error             = eErrorNone;
+    d_error_str         = NULL;
+    //delete d_caller_data;                                                     // _GWR_TODO_
+    if ( d_error_str )
+        g_free( d_error_str );
+    eFileError          _error,
+	const gchar     *   _str)
+    a_error     = _error;
+    d_error_str = g_strdup(_str);
+//  Model::AsyncEnumerateChildren
+	AsyncCallerData	  *		_caller_data,
+    const Uri               _uri,
+	gint					_max_result,
+	gboolean				_follow_links) : AsyncCore(_caller_data)
+    d_uri               = g_strdup(_uri);
+	a_max_result		= _max_result;
+	a_follow_links		= _follow_links;
+	d_list				= NULL;
+	a_list_card			= NULL;
+	GList   *   list	= NULL;
+	File	*   file	= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	list = g_list_first(d_list);
+	while ( list )
+	{
+		file	= (File*)list->data;
+		delete file;
+		list	= g_list_next(list);
+	}
+	g_list_free(d_list);
+    g_free(d_uri);
+	GList   *   _list)
+	g_return_if_fail( _list );
+	delete (File*)(_list->data);
+    d_list = g_list_delete_link(d_list, _list);
+	a_list_card--;
+	File	*   _file)
+	g_return_if_fail( _file );
+	d_list = g_list_append(d_list, _file);
+	a_list_card++;
+//  Model::AsyncGetFileInfo
+	AsyncCallerData	  *		_caller_data,
+    const Uri               _uri) : AsyncCore(_caller_data)
+    d_uri                   = g_strdup(_uri);
+    a_name                  = NULL;
+    b_file_not_found        = FALSE;
+    a_access                = eAccessUN;
+    a_is_symlink            = FALSE;
+    a_symlink_name          = NULL;
+    g_free(d_uri);
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//								Monitoring
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Model::Monitor
+//  ===========================================================================
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::Monitor::~Monitor()");
+	// ensure we are no more monitoring anything
+	if ( monitoring_started() )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Monitor::~Monitor():still monitoring");
+	}
+	return a_started;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                Sorting
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//                              IMsgSort
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//                              IMsgSort
+//  ***************************************************************************
+    TreestorePath   * _path,
+    Model           * _model) : IMsgSort(_path, _model)
+    a_i0        = 2;
+    d_list_work = NULL;
+    list_delete(&d_list_work);
+    a_i0        = 2;
+    list_delete(&d_list_work);
+    list_original_copy(&d_list_work);
+    return TRUE;
+    list_delete(&d_list_work);
+    return TRUE;
+    guint       i   = 0;
+    Row     *   r1  = NULL;
+    Row     *   r2  = NULL;
+    GList   *   l1  = NULL;
+    GList   *   l2  = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    SORT_TKI("MsgSort_Insertion::next():(%03i / %03i) %02i%%", a_i0, list_card(), a_i0 * 100 / list_card());
+    if ( a_i0 > list_card() )
+        goto lab_sorted;
+    i = a_i0;
+    do
+    {
+        // get elements
+        r1  =   (Row*)g_list_nth_data(d_list_work, i - 2);
+        r2  =   (Row*)g_list_nth_data(d_list_work, i - 1);
+        // elements are ordered : exit
+        if ( r1->compare(r2) <= 0 )
+            goto lab_exit;
+        // elements not ordered : swap them and loop
+        g_list_nth(d_list_work, i - 2   )->data = r2;
+        g_list_nth(d_list_work, i - 1   )->data = r1;
+        if ( --i == 1 )
+            goto lab_exit;
+    }
+    while ( TRUE );
+    a_i0++;
+    return FALSE;
+    SORT_TKI("MsgSort_Insertion::next():sorted !");
+    l1 = d_list_actual;
+    l2 = d_list_work;
+    for ( i = 0 ; i != list_card() ; i++ )
+    {
+        SORT_INF("%05s %05s",
+            ((Row*)(l1->data))->utf8_name_display(),
+            ((Row*)(l2->data))->utf8_name_display() );
+        l1 = g_list_next(l1);
+        l2 = g_list_next(l2);
+    }
+    return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-struct.snippet.h b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-struct.snippet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78787d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-struct.snippet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+    ###########################################################################
+    gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-struct.snippet.h
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyright (C) 2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Struct  : Model
+    Parent  : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeView
+    This file is directly inluded in gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.snippet.h
+    ###########################################################################
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  IterInfo ( public because operator )
+//  ###########################################################################
+struct IterInfo
+    public:
+    enum eFields
+    {
+        eNothing    = 0         ,
+        eGtkPath    = 0x00000001,
+        eExp        = 0x00010000,
+        eRead       = 0x00100000,
+        eChildren   = 0x01000000,
+        eFCID       = 0x11000001
+    };
+    public:
+    friend eFields  operator | (eFields a, eFields b);
+    //.................................................................
+    private:
+    Model           *   a_model;
+    GtkTreeIter         a_iter;
+    TreestorePath   *   d_path;
+    GtkTreePath     *   d_gtk_path;
+    Row             *   a_row;
+    gboolean            a_expanded;
+    gboolean            a_readable;
+    gint                a_children;
+    gboolean            a_first_child_is_dummy;
+    //eError              a_error;
+    //.................................................................
+    public:
+    GtkTreeIter     *   iter()      { return &a_iter;       }
+    TreestorePath   *   path()      { return d_path;        }
+    GtkTreePath     *   gtk_path()  { return d_gtk_path;    }
+    Row             *   row()                   { return a_row;                     }
+    gboolean            expanded()              { return a_expanded;                }
+    gboolean            collapsed()             { return ! a_expanded;              }
+    gboolean            readable()              { return a_readable;                }
+    gint32              children()              { return a_children;                }
+    gboolean            first_child_is_dummy()  { return a_first_child_is_dummy;    }
+    public:
+    //eError      error()                         { return a_error;                   }
+    //gboolean    error_logical()                 { return ( a_error & 0x01000000);   }
+    void        reset();
+    gboolean    gather(Model*, GtkTreeIter*,      eFields);
+    gboolean    gather(Model*, TreestorePath*,    eFields);
+    //.................................................................
+    private:
+    void*   operator new(size_t t)      { return (void*)0;  }
+    void    operator delete(void* p)    {                   }
+    public:
+    IterInfo();
+    ~IterInfo();
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  Filesystem access structs : File, Directory,  Symlink
+//  GFile is cool, but I dont need all that stuff inside it. So I define
+//  custom little structs.
+//  ###########################################################################
+struct File
+    private:
+    gchar           *       d_ck_utf8_name; // for refresh only
+    protected:
+    gchar           *		d_disk_name;
+    gchar           *		d_utf8_name;
+    eFileAccess		        a_access;
+    eFileType		        a_type;
+    public:
+                 File(const gchar*, eFileAccess, eFileType);
+    virtual		~File() = 0;
+    public:
+    void                compute_ck_utf8_name()  { d_ck_utf8_name = g_utf8_collate_key_for_filename(name_utf8(), -1); }
+    const gchar     *   ck_utf8_name()          { return d_ck_utf8_name;        }
+    const gchar		*	name_disk()		{ return d_disk_name;	        }
+    const gchar		*	name_utf8()		{ return d_utf8_name;	        }
+    eFileAccess		    access()		{ return a_access;				}
+    eFileType		    type()			{ return a_type;				}
+    gboolean			is_symlink()	{ return ( a_type == eTypeSymlink	);  }
+    gboolean			is_dir()		{ return ( a_type == eTypeDirectory	);  }
+    virtual File    *   dup() = 0;
+struct Directory : public File
+    public:
+    void		*   operator new		(size_t size);
+    void			operator delete		(void* p);
+    public:
+                     Directory(const gchar *_utf8_display_name, eFileAccess);
+    virtual         ~Directory();
+    virtual File*                       dup();
+struct Symlink : public File
+    private:
+    gchar		*   d_utf8_target_uri;
+    public:
+    void		*   operator new		(size_t size);
+    void			operator delete		(void* p);
+                     Symlink(const gchar *_utf8_display_name, const gchar *_utf8_target_uri, eFileAccess);
+    virtual         ~Symlink();
+    public:
+    const gchar *	target_uri()		{ return d_utf8_target_uri;	}
+    virtual File*                       dup();
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  TreeRow stuff
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  TreeRowInterface
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct TreeRowInterface
+    public:
+    virtual ~TreeRowInterface() {}
+    // flags
+    public:
+    virtual eIcon				    icon()				=   0;
+    virtual void				    icon(eIcon)	        =   0;
+    virtual gboolean				is_link()			=   0;
+    virtual eFileAccess				access()			=   0;
+    virtual eRowStatus				row_status()		=   0;
+    virtual eRowType				rowtype()			=   0;
+    virtual gboolean				is_std()			=   0;
+    virtual gboolean				is_root()			=   0;
+    virtual gboolean				is_dummy()			=   0;
+    //..............................
+    virtual gboolean				is_samba()			=   0;
+    virtual gboolean				is_local()			=   0;
+    virtual gboolean				host_redmond()		=   0;
+    //..............................
+    virtual gboolean				readable()			=   0;
+    virtual void					readable(gboolean)	=   0;
+    // uris, names, ...
+    public:
+    virtual const   gchar	*		utf8_name_display()			=   0;
+    virtual const   Uri				utf8_symlink_target_uri()   =   0;
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  TreeRowStd
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct TreeRowStd : public TreeRowInterface
+    //.................................................................
+    //  Info flags
+    //  I use one gint32 to store every numeric info about a TreeRow.
+    //  Thus we save memory.
+    private: enum
+    {
+        e_ICON_SHIFT	= 0												,
+        e_ICON_BITS		= GCMD_B32(00000000,00000000,00000000,00001111) ,
+        e_ICON_MASK		= ~e_ICON_BITS									,
+        e_LINK_SHIFT	= 4												,
+        e_LINK_BITS		= GCMD_B32(00000000,10000000,00000000,00010000) ,
+        e_LINK_MASK		= ~e_LINK_BITS									,
+        e_ACCESS_SHIFT	= 5												,
+        e_ACCESS_BITS	= GCMD_B32(00000000,00000000,00000000,11100000) ,
+        e_ACCESS_MASK	= ~e_ACCESS_BITS								,
+        e_STATUS_SHIFT	= 8												,
+        e_STATUS_BITS	= GCMD_B32(00000000,00000000,00000111,00000000) ,
+        e_STATUS_MASK	= ~e_STATUS_BITS								,
+        e_TYPE_SHIFT	= 11											,
+        e_TYPE_BITS		= GCMD_B32(00000000,00000000,00011000,00000000) ,
+        e_TYPE_MASK		= ~e_TYPE_BITS									,
+        //.............................................................
+        e_SAMBA_SHIFT	= 16											,
+        e_SAMBA_BITS	= GCMD_B32(00000000,00000001,00000000,00000000) ,
+        e_SAMBA_MASK	= ~e_SAMBA_BITS									,
+        e_LOCAL_SHIFT	= 17											,
+        e_LOCAL_BITS	= GCMD_B32(00000000,00000010,00000000,00000000) ,
+        e_LOCAL_MASK	= ~e_LOCAL_BITS									,
+        e_REDMOND_SHIFT	= 18											,
+        e_REDMOND_BITS	= GCMD_B32(00000000,00000100,00000000,00000000) ,
+    };
+    guint32 a_info_1;
+    //.................................................................
+    // other members
+    protected:
+    gchar								*   d_utf8_name_display;
+    gchar								*   d_utf8_symlink_target_uri;
+    private:
+    gchar								*   d_utf8_collate_keys[eCollateKeyCard];
+    //.................................................................
+    // ctor, dtor
+    protected:
+    void	init_flags_and_collate_keys(eFileAccess, gboolean _is_link, gboolean _is_dummy, eRowStatus, eRowType, gboolean _is_samba, gboolean _is_local, gboolean _host_redmond);
+    public:
+             TreeRowStd();
+             TreeRowStd(Row* _row, Row *_row_parent, File *_file);
+    virtual ~TreeRowStd();
+    //  ...............................................................
+    //  partial impl ( GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::DataInterface )
+    public:
+    const   gchar						*	utf8_collate_key(gint collate_key_to_use);
+    //  ...............................................................
+    //  impl ( TreeRowInterace )
+    public:
+    virtual eIcon			    icon();
+    virtual void                icon(eIcon);
+    virtual gboolean			is_link();
+    virtual eFileAccess			access();
+    virtual eRowStatus			row_status();
+    virtual eRowType			rowtype();
+    virtual gboolean			is_std();
+    virtual gboolean			is_root();
+    virtual gboolean			is_dummy();
+    //..............................
+    virtual gboolean			is_samba();
+    virtual gboolean			is_local();
+    virtual gboolean			host_redmond();
+    //..............................
+    virtual gboolean			readable();
+    virtual void				readable(gboolean);
+    virtual const   gchar	*	utf8_name_display();
+    virtual const   Uri			utf8_symlink_target_uri();
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  TreeRowRoot
+//  Just like the struct above, but for root nodes : store a CnomeCmdCon
+//  and a GnomeCmdPath so the model can retrive them from any iter
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct TreeRowRoot : public TreeRowStd
+    private:
+    ConnectionMethodID  a_con_id;
+    public:
+                 TreeRowRoot(
+                    Uri _utf8_uri, const gchar* _utf8_display_name, Uri _utf8_symlink_target_uri,
+                    eFileAccess _access, gboolean _is_symlink,
+                    gboolean _is_samba, gboolean _is_local, gboolean _host_redmond);
+    virtual		~TreeRowRoot();
+    public:
+    ConnectionMethodID	connection_id()	{ return a_con_id;	 }
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  TreeRowDummy
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct TreeRowDummy : public TreeRowStd
+    public:
+                 TreeRowDummy(Row* _row, Row *_row_parent);
+    virtual		~TreeRowDummy();
+//  ###########################################################################
+//    Filesystem access structs : Core ( GIO & GnomeVFS independant )
+//  ###########################################################################
+struct  AsyncCallerData
+    private:
+    Model					*   a_model;
+    AsyncCallerCallback			a_callback;
+    TreestorePath			*   d_path;
+    public:
+    void*		operator new	(size_t size);
+    void		operator delete (void *p);
+                 AsyncCallerData(Model*, AsyncCallerCallback, TreestorePath*);
+    virtual     ~AsyncCallerData();
+    public:
+    TreestorePath           *   path()		{ return d_path;	    }
+    Model					*   model()		{ return a_model;		}
+    AsyncCallerCallback			callback()	{ return a_callback;	}
+struct AsyncCore
+    eFileError              a_error;
+    gchar               *   d_error_str;
+    protected:
+    AsyncCallerData		*   a_caller_data;
+    protected:
+                AsyncCore(AsyncCallerData*);
+    virtual		~AsyncCore();
+    public:
+    AsyncCallerData		*	caller_data()   { return a_caller_data; }
+    public:
+    void            error_set(eFileError, const gchar*);
+    gboolean        error()                 { return ( a_error != eErrorNone ); }
+    const gchar*    error_str()             { return d_error_str;               }
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  Filesystem access structs : Get file info
+//  ###########################################################################
+//    Filesystem access structs : Get file info : Core ( GIO & GnomeVFS independant )
+struct AsyncGetFileInfo : AsyncCore
+    friend struct GnomeVFS;
+    friend struct GIO;
+    private:
+    Uri                     d_uri;
+    gchar           *       a_name;
+    eFileType               a_type;
+    eFileAccess             a_access;
+    gboolean                a_is_symlink;
+    Uri                     a_symlink_name;
+    gboolean                b_file_not_found;
+    protected:
+                 AsyncGetFileInfo(AsyncCallerData*, const Uri);
+    virtual	    ~AsyncGetFileInfo();
+    public:
+    const Uri               uri()                   { return d_uri;                 }
+    const gchar *           name()                  { return a_name;                }
+    eFileType               type()                  { return a_type;                }
+    eFileAccess             access()                { return a_access;              }
+    gboolean                is_symlink()            { return a_is_symlink;          }
+    const Uri               uri_symlink_target()    { return a_symlink_name;        }
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  Filesystem access structs : enumerate children
+//  ###########################################################################
+//    Filesystem access structs : Enumerate : Core ( GIO & GnomeVFS independant )
+struct AsyncEnumerateChildren : AsyncCore
+    private:
+    Uri                     d_uri;
+    gint					a_max_result;
+    gboolean				a_follow_links;
+    GList				*	d_list;
+    gint					a_list_card;
+    protected:
+                 AsyncEnumerateChildren(AsyncCallerData*, const Uri, gint _max_result, gboolean _follow_links) ;
+    virtual	    ~AsyncEnumerateChildren();
+    public:
+    const Uri		uri()		            { return d_uri;			    }
+    gint			max_result()		    { return a_max_result;		}
+    gboolean		follow_links()		    { return a_follow_links;	}
+    public:
+    GList     *		list()			    { return d_list;			}
+    gint			list_card()			{ return a_list_card;	    }
+    void			list_append(File*);
+    void			list_remove(GList*);
+//  ###########################################################################
+//   Filesystem access struct : GIO
+//  ###########################################################################
+struct GIO
+    public:
+    static  void		Iter_enumerate_children_callback_1(GObject* , GAsyncResult *, gpointer);
+    static  void		Iter_enumerate_children_callback_2(GObject* , GAsyncResult *, gpointer);
+            void		iter_enumerate_children	(AsyncCallerData*, const Uri);
+            void		iter_check_if_empty     (AsyncCallerData*, const Uri);
+            void        iter_get_file_info      (AsyncCallerData*, const Uri);
+    //.................................................................
+    static  void		Monitor_callback					(GFileMonitor*, GFile*, GFile*, GFileMonitorEvent, gpointer);
+    static  gboolean	Monitor_callback_helper_query_info  (const gchar*, GObject*, GAsyncResult*, gpointer, MonitorData*, GioMonitorHelper*);
+    static  void		Monitor_callback_del				(MonitorData*);
+    static  void		Monitor_callback_child_del			(MonitorData*);
+    static  void		Monitor_callback_child_new			(GObject* ,GAsyncResult*, gpointer);
+    static  void		Monitor_callback_acc				(GObject* ,GAsyncResult*, gpointer);
+    static  void		Monitor_callback_child_acc			(GObject* ,GAsyncResult*, gpointer);
+//  ###########################################################################
+//   Filesystem access struct : GnomeVFS
+//  ###########################################################################
+struct GnomeVFS
+    friend struct GnomeVFSMonitor;
+    private:
+    static  eFileAccess		Access_from_GnomeVFSFilePermissions (GnomeVFSFilePermissions);
+    static  eFileType		Type_from_GnomeVFSFileType          (GnomeVFSFileType);
+    static  eFileError      Error_from_GnomeVFSResult           (GnomeVFSResult);
+    //.................................................................
+    static  void        Iter_get_file_info_callback(GnomeVFSAsyncHandle*, GList*,gpointer);
+    static  void		Iter_enumerate_children_callback(GnomeVFSAsyncHandle*, GnomeVFSResult, GList*, guint, gpointer);
+    public:
+            void		iter_enumerate_children	(AsyncCallerData*, const Uri);
+            void		iter_check_if_empty	    (AsyncCallerData*, const Uri);
+            void        iter_get_file_info      (AsyncCallerData*, const Uri);
+            // no need for this one for instant
+            //void        iter_get_file_info        (AsyncCallerData*, const Uri);
+    //.................................................................
+    private:
+    static void			Monitor_callback(GnomeVFSMonitorHandle* , const gchar*, const gchar*, GnomeVFSMonitorEventType,	gpointer);
+    static  void		Monitor_callback_del				(MonitorData*);
+    static  void		Monitor_callback_child_del			(MonitorData*, const Uri);
+    static  void		Monitor_callback_child_new			(GnomeVFSAsyncHandle*, GList*, gpointer);
+    //static  void		Monitor_callback_acc				(GnomeVFSAsyncHandle*, GList*, gpointer);
+    static  void		Monitor_callback_child_acc			(GnomeVFSAsyncHandle*, GList*, gpointer);
+//  ===================================================================
+//  Filesystem access structs : Monitoring
+//  ===================================================================
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Filesystem access structs : Monitoring : Core ( GIO & GnomeVFS independant )
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct MonitorInterface
+    public:
+    virtual			~MonitorInterface()					{};
+    virtual gboolean monitoring_start(Model*, Row*)		= 0;
+    virtual gboolean monitoring_stop()					= 0;
+    virtual gboolean monitoring_started()				= 0;
+struct Monitor : public MonitorInterface
+    protected:
+    gboolean								a_started;
+    public:
+             Monitor();
+    virtual ~Monitor();
+    virtual gboolean	monitoring_start(Model*, Row*)  = 0;
+    virtual gboolean	monitoring_stop()				= 0;
+    virtual	gboolean	monitoring_started();
+struct MonitorData
+    public:
+    Model		*   a_model;
+    Row			*   a_row;
+    //MonitorData(Row*);
+    //~MonitorData();
+// Filesystem access structs : Monitoring : GnomeVFS
+struct GnomeVFSMonitor : public Monitor
+    public:
+    void		operator delete (void   *   p);
+    void	*   operator new	(size_t		size);
+                 GnomeVFSMonitor();
+    virtual		~GnomeVFSMonitor();
+    private:
+    GnomeVFSMonitorHandle				*   a_monitor_handle;
+    public:
+    GnomeVFSMonitorHandle				*   monitor_handle()		{ return a_monitor_handle;	}
+    GnomeVFSMonitorHandle				**  monitor_handle_ptr()	{ return &a_monitor_handle;	}
+    gboolean	monitoring_start(Model*, Row*);
+    gboolean	monitoring_stop();
+// Filesystem access structs : Monitoring : GIO
+struct GioMonitor : public Monitor
+    public:
+    void		operator delete (void   *   p);
+    void	*   operator new	(size_t		size);
+                 GioMonitor();
+    virtual		~GioMonitor();
+    private:
+    GFile								*   d_file;			// we store this only for exiting
+    GFileMonitor						*   d_monitor;		// gcmd properly, it is a mess
+    gulong									a_signal_handle;
+    public:
+    GFile								*	gfile()		{ return d_file;			}
+    GFileMonitor						*   monitor()   { return d_monitor;			}
+    gboolean	monitoring_start(Model*, Row*);
+    gboolean	monitoring_stop();
+//  ===================================================================
+//  Row
+//  ===================================================================
+public: // public becoz of View::Treeview
+struct Row :	public  GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::DataInterface,
+                public  TreeRowInterface,
+                public  MonitorInterface
+    private:
+    TreestorePath				*   d_path;
+    Uri								d_utf8_uri;
+    TreeRowInterface			*   d_treerow;
+    MonitorInterface			*   d_monitor;
+    public:
+     Row(eRowType _rowtype, Row *_row_parent, File *_file);
+     Row(eRowType _rowtype, Uri _utf8_uri, const gchar* _utf8_display_name, Uri _utf8_symlink_target_uri,
+        eFileAccess _access, gboolean _is_symlink,
+        gboolean _is_samba, gboolean _is_local, gboolean _host_redmond);
+     Row(eRowType _rowtype, Row *_row_parent);
+    ~Row();
+    //  ...............................................................
+    // Accessors
+    public:
+    inline			TreeRowInterface	*   treerow()		{ return (TreeRowInterface*)d_treerow;	    }
+    inline			TreeRowStd			*	treerow_std()   { return (TreeRowStd*)d_treerow;			}
+    inline			TreeRowRoot			*	treerow_root()
+                                            {
+                                                g_return_val_if_fail( treerow()->is_root(), NULL );
+                                                return (TreeRowRoot*)d_treerow;
+                                            }
+    inline			TreeRowDummy		*	treerow_dummy()
+                                            {
+                                                g_return_val_if_fail( treerow()->is_dummy(), NULL );
+                                                return (TreeRowDummy*)d_treerow;
+                                            }
+    inline			MonitorInterface	*   monitor()		{ return (MonitorInterface*)d_monitor;	    }
+    inline  const	Uri						uri_utf8()		{ return d_utf8_uri;						}
+    inline  const   gchar			    *	utf8_collate_key(gint collate_key_to_use)
+                                            {
+                                                return ((TreeRowStd*)treerow())->utf8_collate_key(collate_key_to_use);
+                                            }
+    //  ...............................................................
+    //  impl ( GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::DataInterface )
+    public:
+            virtual         gint				compare     (DataInterface*);
+            virtual         gint				compare_str (const gchar*);
+    inline  virtual			TreestorePath	*	path()      { return d_path;                            }
+            virtual			void				set_path_from_treestore(GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Path*);
+    //  ...............................................................
+    //  impl ( TreeRowInterface ) -> aggregation wrappers
+    //  -> flags
+    public:
+    virtual eIcon		    icon()						{ return treerow()->icon();				}
+    virtual void            icon(eIcon _icon)           { treerow_std()->icon(_icon);           }
+    virtual gboolean		is_link()					{ return treerow()->is_link();			}
+    virtual eFileAccess		access()					{ return treerow()->access();			}
+    virtual eRowStatus		row_status()				{ return treerow()->row_status();		}
+    virtual eRowType		rowtype()					{ return treerow()->rowtype();			}
+    virtual gboolean		is_std()					{ return treerow()->is_std();			}
+    virtual gboolean		is_root()					{ return treerow()->is_root();			}
+    virtual gboolean		is_dummy()					{ return treerow()->is_dummy();			}
+    //..............................
+    virtual gboolean		is_samba()					{ return treerow()->is_samba();			}
+    virtual gboolean		is_local()					{ return treerow()->is_local();			}
+    virtual gboolean		host_redmond()				{ return treerow()->host_redmond();		}
+    //..............................
+    virtual gboolean		readable()					{ return treerow()->readable();			}
+    virtual void			readable(gboolean _b)		{	     treerow()->readable(_b);		}
+    //  -> uris, names, ...
+    public:
+    virtual const gchar	*	utf8_name_display()			{ return treerow()->utf8_name_display();		}
+    virtual const Uri		utf8_symlink_target_uri()   { return treerow()->utf8_symlink_target_uri();  }
+    //  ...............................................................
+    //  impl ( MonitorInterface  -> aggregation wrappers
+    virtual gboolean		monitoring_start(Model*, Row*);
+    virtual gboolean		monitoring_stop();
+    virtual gboolean		monitoring_started();
+//  ===================================================================
+//                      Messages structs
+//  ===================================================================
+enum eMsgType
+    eAddDummyChild      =    1,
+    eAddChild           =    2,
+    eAddFirstTree       =    3,
+    eDel                =   10,
+    eSetReadable        =   20,
+    eSetNotReadable     =   21,
+    eSort               =   30,
+    eAsyncMismatch          =   100,
+    eAsyncMismatchIEFUC     =   101,
+    eAsyncMismatchICIEC     =   102,
+    eAsyncMismatchAFT       =   103
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  MsgCore
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct MsgCore
+    private:
+    TreestorePath	    *   d_path;
+    public:
+    virtual eMsgType                type()  = 0;
+            TreestorePath       *   path()      { return d_path;        }
+    public:
+                        MsgCore(TreestorePath* _path)
+                        {
+                            d_path = _path ? _path->dup() : NULL;
+                        }
+    virtual             ~MsgCore()
+                        {
+                            if ( d_path )
+                                delete d_path;
+                        }
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  MsgAddDummyChild
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct MsgAddDummyChild         : public MsgCore
+    public:
+    virtual eMsgType                type()  { return eAddDummyChild;     }
+    public:
+                         MsgAddDummyChild(TreestorePath* _path) : MsgCore(_path)    {}
+    virtual             ~MsgAddDummyChild()                                         {}
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  MsgAddChild
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct MsgAddChild              : public MsgCore
+    File            *   d_file;
+    public:
+    virtual eMsgType                type()  { return eAddChild;     }
+            File        *           file()  { return d_file;        }
+    public:
+                         MsgAddChild(TreestorePath* _path, File* _file) : MsgCore(_path)
+                         {
+                            d_file = _file->dup();
+                         }
+    virtual             ~MsgAddChild()
+    {
+        delete d_file;
+    }
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  MsgAddFirstTree
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct MsgAddFirstTree          : public MsgCore
+    private:
+    File            *   d_file;
+    public:
+    virtual eMsgType                type()  { return eAddFirstTree; }
+            File        *           file()  { return d_file;        }
+    public:
+                        MsgAddFirstTree(TreestorePath* _path, File* _file) : MsgCore(_path)
+                        {
+                           d_file = _file->dup();
+                        }
+    virtual             ~MsgAddFirstTree()
+                        {
+                           delete d_file;
+                        }
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  MsgDel
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct MsgDel                   : public MsgCore
+    public:
+    virtual eMsgType                type()  { return eDel;    }
+    public:
+                         MsgDel(TreestorePath* _path) : MsgCore(_path)  {}
+     virtual            ~MsgDel()                                       {}
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  MsgSetReadable
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct MsgSetReadable           : public MsgCore
+    public:
+    virtual eMsgType                type()  { return eSetReadable;  }
+    public:
+                         MsgSetReadable(TreestorePath * _path) : MsgCore(_path) {}
+    virtual             ~MsgSetReadable()                                       {}
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  MsgSetReadable
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct MsgSetNotReadable        : public MsgCore
+    public:
+    virtual eMsgType                type()  { return eSetNotReadable;  }
+    public:
+                         MsgSetNotReadable(TreestorePath * _path) : MsgCore(_path)  {}
+    virtual             ~MsgSetNotReadable()                                        {}
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  MsgAsyncMismatchIEFUC
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct MsgAsyncMismatchIEFUC    : public MsgCore
+    public:
+    virtual eMsgType                type()  { return eAsyncMismatchIEFUC;  }
+    public:
+                         MsgAsyncMismatchIEFUC(TreestorePath * _path) : MsgCore(_path)  {}
+    virtual             ~MsgAsyncMismatchIEFUC()                                        {}
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  MsgAsyncMismatchICIEC
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct MsgAsyncMismatchICIEC    : public MsgCore
+    public:
+    virtual eMsgType                type()  { return eAsyncMismatchICIEC;  }
+    public:
+                         MsgAsyncMismatchICIEC(TreestorePath * _path) : MsgCore(_path)  {}
+    virtual             ~MsgAsyncMismatchICIEC()                                        {}
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  MsgAsyncMismatchAFT
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct MsgAsyncMismatchAFT    : public MsgCore
+    public:
+    virtual eMsgType                type()  { return eAsyncMismatchAFT;  }
+    public:
+                         MsgAsyncMismatchAFT(TreestorePath * _path) : MsgCore(_path)  {}
+    virtual             ~MsgAsyncMismatchAFT()                                        {}
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  IMsgSort
+//  Interface that must implement any sort msg struct
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct IMsgSort                 : MsgCore
+    //.................................................................
+    // automat
+    //
+    private:
+    enum eStep
+    {
+        eInit       =  0,
+        eStart      = 10,
+        eRun        = 20,
+        eRestart    = 30,
+        eDone       = 40,
+        eAbort      = 50,
+        eNop        = 60
+    };
+    private:
+    eStep           a_step;
+    gint            a_iteration;
+    gboolean        a_initialized;
+    gboolean        a_error;
+    gboolean        a_done;
+    public:
+            gboolean    run();
+            gboolean    spread();
+    inline  gboolean    done()      { return a_done;    }
+    inline  gboolean    error()     { return a_error;   }
+    //.................................................................
+    // lists
+    //
+    private:
+    GList       *   d_list_original;
+    guint           a_list_card;
+    protected:
+    GList       *   d_list_actual;
+    //.................................................................
+    private:
+    gboolean            list_get(GList ** _list);
+    gboolean            list_changed();
+    protected:
+    inline  guint       list_card()         { return a_list_card;       }
+            void        list_delete(GList**);
+            void        list_original_copy(GList** _dest);
+    //.................................................................
+    // divers
+    //
+    private:
+    Model       *   a_model;
+    //.................................................................
+    private:
+    inline  Model   *   model()         { return a_model;       }
+    public:
+    virtual eMsgType    type()          { return eSort;         }
+    public:
+    virtual     gboolean        init()     = 0;
+    virtual     gboolean        step()     = 0;
+    virtual     gboolean        restart()  = 0;
+    public:
+                         IMsgSort(TreestorePath* _path, Model*);
+     virtual            ~IMsgSort();
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  MsgSort_Insertion
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+struct MsgSort_Insertion : public IMsgSort
+    private:
+    guint           a_i0;
+    GList       *   d_list_work;
+    public:
+    virtual     gboolean        init();
+    virtual     gboolean        step();
+    virtual     gboolean        restart();
+    public:
+                         MsgSort_Insertion(TreestorePath*, Model*);
+     virtual            ~MsgSort_Insertion();
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-vfs.cc b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-vfs.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec18e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-vfs.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1145 @@
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyleft      2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Struct  : many, vfs specific
+    Parent  : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model
+    ###########################################################################
+#include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h"
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  *								Defines								      *
+//  ***************************************************************************
+#define SVFSRESULT(result) gnome_vfs_result_to_string(result)
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #								Divers					  				  #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+	GnomeVFSFilePermissions _permissions)
+	return Access_from_read_write
+			(
+				( ( _permissions & GNOME_VFS_PERM_ACCESS_READABLE ) != 0 ),
+				( ( _permissions & GNOME_VFS_PERM_ACCESS_WRITABLE ) != 0 )
+			);
+	GnomeVFSFileType _type)
+	eFileType		type	= eTypeUnknown;
+		type = GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::eTypeDirectory;
+		type = GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::eTypeSymlink;
+	return type;
+	GnomeVFSResult _result)
+    switch ( _result )
+    {
+        case    GNOME_VFS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND               : return eErrorFileNotFound;
+        case    GNOME_VFS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED           : return eErrorAccessDenied;
+        case    GNOME_VFS_ERROR_CANCELLED               : return eErrorCancelled;
+        case    GNOME_VFS_ERROR_TIMEOUT                 : return eErrorTimeout;
+        default                                         : return eErrorOther;
+    }
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #							GnomeVFS structs							  #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//                          GnomeVFSAsyncTpl <>
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Because
+//      GnomeVFSAsyncEnumerateChildren
+//  and
+//      GnomeVFSAsyncGetFileInfo
+//  have no differences in their GnomeVFS members / fields, we use a template
+//  to add these.
+template <typename T> struct GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GnomeVFSAsyncTpl : public T
+	private:
+	GnomeVFSURI					*   d_gnomeVFS_uri;
+	GnomeVFSAsyncHandle			*	a_handle;
+	public:
+                 // constructor for GnomeVFSAsyncTpl<GnomeVFSAsyncGetFileInfo>
+				 GnomeVFSAsyncTpl(AsyncCallerData*, const Uri);
+                 // constructor for GnomeVFSAsyncTpl<GnomeVFSAsyncEnumerateChildren>
+				 GnomeVFSAsyncTpl(AsyncCallerData*, const Uri, gint _max_result, gboolean _follow_links);
+	virtual		~GnomeVFSAsyncTpl();
+	void*		operator new	(size_t) ;
+	void		operator delete (void*);
+	public:
+	GnomeVFSURI				*			gnomevfs_uri()		{ return d_gnomeVFS_uri;				}
+	GnomeVFSAsyncHandle		*			handle()			{ return a_handle;						}
+	GnomeVFSAsyncHandle		**			handle_ptr()		{ return &a_handle;						}
+	void								cancel_async_op()   { gnome_vfs_async_cancel(handle());		}
+template <typename T>
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GnomeVFSAsyncTpl<T>::operator new(size_t _size)
+	return (void*)(g_try_new0(GnomeVFSAsyncTpl<T>, 1));
+template <typename T>
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GnomeVFSAsyncTpl<T>::operator delete (void *_p)
+	g_free(_p);
+template <typename T>
+    gnome_vfs_uri_unref(d_gnomeVFS_uri);
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//                          Get File Info
+//      ( GnomeVFSAsyncGetFileInfo = GnomeVFSAsyncTpl<AsyncGetFileInfo> )
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Has been declared as specified-template in gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h
+//  Only need to code constructor => templates rock !
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Constructor for GnomeVFSAsyncTpl<AsyncGetFileInfo>
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+template <typename T>
+    AsyncCallerData*    _acd,
+    const Uri           _uri) : T(_acd, _uri)
+	d_gnomeVFS_uri  = gnome_vfs_uri_new(_uri);
+    a_handle        = NULL;
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  						Enumerate children
+//  ( GnomeVFSAsyncEnumerateChildren = GnomeVFSAsyncTpl<AsyncEnumerateChildren> )
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Has been declared as specified-template in gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h
+//  Only need to code constructor => templates rock !
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Constructor for GnomeVFSAsyncTpl<AsyncEnumerateChildren>
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+template <typename T>
+    AsyncCallerData*    _acd,
+    const Uri           _uri,
+	gint				_max_result,
+	gboolean			_follow_links) : T(_acd, _uri, _max_result, _follow_links)
+	d_gnomeVFS_uri  = gnome_vfs_uri_new(_uri);
+    a_handle        = NULL;
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  							Monitoring
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  GnomeVFSMonitor
+//  ===========================================================================
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GnomeVFSMonitor::operator new(size_t size)
+	return (void*)g_try_new0(GnomeVFSMonitor, 1);
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GnomeVFSMonitor::operator delete(void *p)
+	g_free(p);
+	a_monitor_handle = 0;
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFSMonitor::~GnomeVFSMonitor()");
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GnomeVFSMonitor::monitoring_start(Model* _model, Row *row)
+	GnomeVFSResult				result		= GNOME_VFS_OK;
+	MonitorData				*   md			= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//  GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_monitor_add(
+	//	  GnomeVFSMonitorHandle **		handle,
+	//	  const gchar			*		text_uri,
+	//	  GnomeVFSMonitorType			monitor_type,
+	//	  GnomeVFSMonitorCallback		callback,
+	//	  gpointer						user_data);
+	//
+	//	Watch the file or directory at text_uri for changes (or the creation/
+	//	deletion of the file) and call callback when there is a change. If a
+	//	directory monitor is added, callback is notified when any file in
+	//	the directory changes.
+	//
+	//	handle			: 	after the call, handle will be a pointer to an operation handle.
+	//	text_uri		: 	string representing the uri to monitor.
+	//	monitor_type	: 	add a directory or file monitor.
+	//	callback		: 	function to call when the monitor is tripped.
+	//	user_data		: 	data to pass to callback.
+	//	Returns			: 	an integer representing the result of the operation.
+	md = (MonitorData*)g_try_new0(MonitorData,1);
+	if ( ! md )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFSMonitor::start():g_try_new0 failed for MonitorData");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	md->a_model		= _model;
+	md->a_row		= row;
+	result = gnome_vfs_monitor_add(
+				monitor_handle_ptr(),
+				row->uri_utf8(),
+				(GnomeVFSMonitorCallback)GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback,
+				(gpointer)md);
+	if ( result != GNOME_VFS_OK )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFSMonitor::start():[%s]", SVFSRESULT(result));
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFSMonitor::start():Success [%s] [%s]", row->path()->dump(), row->uri_utf8());
+	Monitor::a_started = TRUE;
+	return TRUE;
+	GnomeVFSResult  result  = GNOME_VFS_OK;
+	//.........................................................................
+	result = gnome_vfs_monitor_cancel(monitor_handle());
+	if ( result != GNOME_VFS_OK )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFSMonitor::stop():[%s]", SVFSRESULT(result));
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFSMonitor::stop():Success");
+	Monitor::a_started = FALSE;
+	return TRUE;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #							GnomeVFS methods							  #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  						Get file info
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//	  Model::GnomeVFS::Iter_get_file_info_callback()
+    GnomeVFSAsyncHandle     *   _handle,
+    GList                   *   _results,
+    gpointer                    _data)
+    GcmdStruct<GnomeVFSAsyncGetFileInfo>    *   gfi             = NULL;
+	GList								    *   list			= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSGetFileInfoResult			    *   result			= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSFileInfo					    *   info			= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// #warning [*] Model::GnomeVFS::GnomeVFS::igfic() : GList delete ? NO !
+	//REFRESH_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::GnomeVFS::igfic()");
+	gfi =  (GcmdStruct<GnomeVFSAsyncGetFileInfo>*)_data;
+	g_return_if_fail( gfi );
+	list = g_list_first(_results);
+	if ( ! list )
+	{
+		REFRESH_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::GnomeVFS::igfic():empty result list");
+		goto lab_exit_false;
+	}
+	//  GnomeVFSGetFileInfoResult :
+	//
+	//	  GnomeVFSURI		*   uri;
+	//	  GnomeVFSResult		result;
+	//	  GnomeVFSFileInfo  *   file_info;
+	//
+	result = (GnomeVFSGetFileInfoResult*)(list->data);
+	if ( result->result != GNOME_VFS_OK )
+	{
+		REFRESH_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::GnomeVFS::igfic():async call failure [%s]", SVFSRESULT(result->result));
+        gfi->error_set(Error_from_GnomeVFSResult(result->result), gnome_vfs_result_to_string(result->result));
+        goto lab_call_caller;
+	}
+	info = (GnomeVFSFileInfo*)(result->file_info);
+	if ( ! info )
+	{
+		REFRESH_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::GnomeVFS::igfic():file info is NULL");
+        gfi->error_set(Error_from_GnomeVFSResult(result->result), gnome_vfs_result_to_string(result->result));
+        goto lab_call_caller;
+	}
+    gfi->a_name         = info->name;
+    gfi->a_is_symlink	= GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_SYMLINK(info);
+    gfi->a_symlink_name	= info->symlink_name;
+    gfi->a_type         = Type_from_GnomeVFSFileType(info->type);
+    gfi->a_access       = Access_from_GnomeVFSFilePermissions(info->permissions);
+	(gfi->caller_data()->callback())(gfi);
+    delete gfi;
+    return;
+    delete gfi;
+	return;
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  						Enumerate children
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//	  Model::GnomeVFS::Iter_enumerate_children_callback()
+	GnomeVFSAsyncHandle		*   _handle,
+	GnomeVFSResult				_result,
+	GList					*   _list,
+	guint						_entries_read,
+	gpointer					_data)
+	GnomeVFSFileInfo					*   info						= NULL;
+	GList								*   l							= NULL;
+	guint									count						= 0;
+	guint									added						= 0;
+	GnomeVFSAsyncEnumerateChildren		*   vaec						= NULL;
+	FoldviewFile						*   file						= NULL;
+	const gchar							*	file_display_name			= NULL;
+	const gchar							*	file_display_name_ck		= NULL;
+	gboolean								b_read;
+	gboolean								b_write;
+	eFileAccess								file_access					= eAccessUN;
+	gboolean								file_has_flag_symlink		= FALSE;
+	const gchar							*	file_symlink_target_name	= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	vaec  =   (GnomeVFSAsyncEnumerateChildren*)(_data);
+	// counter
+	count   = 0;
+	// handle the '0-entry-case'
+	if ( _entries_read == 0 )
+	{
+		ENUMERATE_INF("alsc:[handle:%03i] entries:%03i name:%s, parent:%s", vaec->handle(), _entries_read, "no_more_entry" , vaec->uri());
+		goto lab_no_more_entry;
+	}
+	// init loop - we have at least one entry
+	l = g_list_first(_list);
+	b_read = b_write = FALSE;
+	count++;
+	info	= (GnomeVFSFileInfo*)(l->data);
+	ENUMERATE_INF("alsc:[handle:%03i] entries:%03i name[%s] parent[%s]", vaec->handle(), _entries_read,  info->name, vaec->uri());
+	file_display_name		= info->name;
+	file_display_name_ck	= g_utf8_collate_key(file_display_name, -1);
+	if ( ( info->permissions & GNOME_VFS_PERM_ACCESS_READABLE ) != 0 )	b_read  = TRUE;
+	if ( ( info->permissions & GNOME_VFS_PERM_ACCESS_WRITABLE ) != 0 )	b_write = TRUE;
+	file_access = Access_from_read_write(b_read,b_write);
+	file_has_flag_symlink		= ( ( info->flags & GNOME_VFS_FILE_FLAGS_SYMLINK ) != 0 );
+	file_symlink_target_name	= info->symlink_name;
+	//ENUMERATE_INF("alsc:[%03i] entry name:%s", vaec->handle(), file_display_name);
+	switch ( info->type )
+	{
+		//.....................................................................
+        g_free((void*)file_display_name_ck);
+		// if follow_links is TRUE, we should not be here - except if we have
+		// a BROKEN LINK. We thus cant know if the link was pointing on a
+		// directory or something else. LNK struct handle broken links
+		// if you pass NULL as the file pointer in constructor.
+		if ( vaec->follow_links() )
+		{
+			ENUMERATE_WNG("alsc:[%03i][0x%16x] [%03i][%03i][%03i] [broken link, ignored]<%s>", vaec->handle(), l, count, added, vaec->max_result(), file_display_name);
+			//lnk = new LNK(g_strdup(info->name), ,NULL);
+			break;
+		}
+		//ENUMERATE_INF("alsc:[%03i][0x%16x] [%03i][%03i][%03i]  Symbolic link, ignored <%s>", vaec->handle(), l, count, added, vaec->max_result(), file_display_name);
+		//added++;
+		//ALSC_INF("alsc:[%03i][0x%16x] [%03i][%03i][%03i] S<%s>", vaec->handle(), l, count, added, vaec->max_result(), file_display_name);
+		//lnk = new LNK(g_strdup(info->name), g_strdup(info->symlink_name), info->permissions, info->flags );
+		//ls->append( (gvfs_file*)lnk );
+		// if the caller want partial listing
+		//if  (
+		//		( ga->mr()  >= 0		)  &&
+		//		( ls->len() >= ga->mr() )
+		//	)
+		//	goto lab_abort;
+		break;
+		//.....................................................................
+		if ( strcmp(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Collate_key_dot,	file_display_name_ck ) &&
+			 strcmp(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Collate_key_dotdot,	file_display_name_ck ))
+		{
+            ENUMERATE_INF("strcmp:%i", strcmp(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Collate_key_dot,	    file_display_name_ck ));
+            ENUMERATE_INF("strcmp:%i", strcmp(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Collate_key_dotdot,	file_display_name_ck ));
+			added++;
+			ENUMERATE_INF("alsc:[%03i][0x%16x] [%03i][%03i][%03i] +<%s>", vaec->handle(), l, count, added, vaec->max_result(), file_display_name);
+			// it is a symlink pointing on  a directory
+			if ( file_has_flag_symlink )
+				file = new FoldviewLink(file_display_name, file_symlink_target_name, file_access);
+			// it is a directory
+			else
+				file = new FoldviewDir(file_display_name, file_access);
+			vaec->list_append( file );
+			// if the caller want partial listing
+			if  (
+					( vaec->max_result()	>= 0					)  &&
+					( vaec->list_card()		>= vaec->max_result()   )
+				)
+            {
+                g_free((void*)file_display_name_ck);
+				goto lab_abort;
+            }
+		}
+        g_free((void*)file_display_name_ck);
+		break;
+		//.....................................................................
+		default:
+        g_free((void*)file_display_name_ck);
+		ENUMERATE_INF("alsc:[%03i][0x%16x] [%03i][%03i][%03i]  <%s>", vaec->handle(), l, count, added, vaec->max_result(), file_display_name);
+        break;
+	}
+	// if gvfs bugs on entries_read, we bug too with this
+	if ( count == _entries_read )
+		goto lab_no_more_entry;
+	l = g_list_next(l);
+	goto lab_loop;
+	// if OK, simply return, we will be re-called for further entries
+	if ( _result == GNOME_VFS_OK )
+	{
+		ENUMERATE_INF("alsc:[%03i][0x%16x] (GNOME_VFS_OK)", vaec->handle(), l);
+		return;
+	}
+	// else ensure we are in EOF case : GNOME_VFS_ERROR_EOF should be set
+	if ( _result == GNOME_VFS_ERROR_EOF )
+		goto lab_eof;
+	// else an error as occured : result is not OK, neither EOF.
+	// this occurs for example with symlinks, or access-denied directories ;
+	// - show a little warning
+    // - set error fileds in AsyncEnumerateChildren
+    // - and do as EOF, since there is no more entry.
+	ENUMERATE_ERR("alsc:[%03i][0x%16x]  (NO ENTRY - Jumping to EOF):%s",
+		vaec->handle(), l, gnome_vfs_result_to_string(_result));
+    vaec->error_set(Error_from_GnomeVFSResult(_result), gnome_vfs_result_to_string(_result));
+	ENUMERATE_INF("alsc:[%03i][0x%16x] (EOF)", vaec->handle(), l);
+	// Call caller callback ; caller is responsible for freeing memory
+	// eventually allocated in m_user_data member
+	// of the struct_gvfs_caller_data
+	vaec->caller_data()->callback()(vaec);
+	delete vaec;
+	// "Final end"
+	return;
+	ENUMERATE_INF("alsc:[%03i][0x%16x] (ABORT)", vaec->handle(), l);
+	// Call caller callback ; caller is responsible for freeing memory
+	// eventually allocated in m_user_data member
+	// of the struct_gvfs_caller_data
+    (vaec->caller_data()->callback())(vaec);
+	// cancel async op
+	vaec->cancel_async_op();
+	delete vaec;
+	// "Final end"
+	//return;
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  							Monitoring
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Monitoring : static callback
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GnomeVFSMonitorHandle		*   _handle,
+	const gchar					*   _monitor_uri,
+	const gchar					*   _info_uri,
+	GnomeVFSMonitorEventType		_event_type,
+	gpointer						_data)
+	MonitorData							*   md				= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSAsyncHandle					*   handle			= NULL;
+	GList								*   list			= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSAsyncGetFileInfoCallback		callback		= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSURI							*   uri_mon			= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSURI							*   uri_inf			= NULL;
+	gchar								*   basename_mon	= NULL;
+	gchar								*   basename_inf	= NULL;
+	gboolean								b_self			= FALSE;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//  GNOME_VFS_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED 			file data changed (FAM, inotify).
+	//  GNOME_VFS_MONITOR_EVENT_DELETED 			file deleted event (FAM, inotify).
+	//  GNOME_VFS_MONITOR_EVENT_STARTEXECUTING 		file was executed (FAM only).
+	//  GNOME_VFS_MONITOR_EVENT_STOPEXECUTING 		executed file isn't executed anymore (FAM only).
+	//  GNOME_VFS_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED 			file created event (FAM, inotify).
+	//  GNOME_VFS_MONITOR_EVENT_METADATA_CHANGED 	file metadata changed (inotify only).
+	//.........................................................................
+	md = (MonitorData*)_data;
+	g_return_if_fail( md );
+	// GnomeVFS is bad. It gives file:///toto/, with a trailing slash. Thus we
+	// are forced to extract the basename from temporary GnomeVFSURIs
+	uri_mon			= gnome_vfs_uri_new(_monitor_uri);
+	uri_inf			= gnome_vfs_uri_new(_info_uri);
+	basename_mon	= gnome_vfs_uri_extract_short_name(uri_mon);
+	basename_inf	= gnome_vfs_uri_extract_short_name(uri_inf);
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback(): [%s] [%s]", basename_mon, basename_inf);
+	b_self			= g_utf8_collate(basename_mon, basename_inf) == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
+	gnome_vfs_uri_unref(uri_mon);
+	gnome_vfs_uri_unref(uri_inf);
+	switch ( _event_type )
+	{
+		//.....................................................................
+		if ( b_self )
+		{
+			// Parent deleted :
+			MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback():EVENT_DELETED (SELF) [mon:%s] [inf:%s]", _monitor_uri, _info_uri);
+			Monitor_callback_del(md);
+			goto exit;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// Child deleted :
+			MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback():EVENT_DELETED (CHILD) [mon:%s] [inf:%s]", _monitor_uri, _info_uri);
+			Monitor_callback_child_del(md, basename_inf);
+			goto exit;
+		}
+		break;
+		//.....................................................................
+		if ( b_self )
+		{
+			MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback():EVENT_CREATED (SELF, skipping) [mon:%s] [inf:%s]", _monitor_uri, _info_uri);
+			goto abort;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback():EVENT_CREATED (CHILD) [mon:%s] [inf:%s]", _monitor_uri, _info_uri);
+			callback	= Monitor_callback_child_new;
+			list		= g_list_append(list, gnome_vfs_uri_new(_info_uri));
+		}
+		break;
+		//.....................................................................
+		//																		// _GWR_GVFS_BUG_
+		// Due to a GnomeVFS bug,we are forced to use child event. When a dir
+		//  is not readable, showed in foldview, and when it becomes readable,
+		//  we dont get { self-metadata-changed, parent-metadata-changed } events.
+		//  Instead of that, we get { self-CREATED , parent-metadata-changed }.
+		//
+		// Its annoying, because working on children force us to check if the parent
+		//  is collapsed, etc...
+		//
+		if ( b_self )
+		{
+			MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback():EVENT_METADATA_CHANGED (SELF, skipping) [mon:%s] [inf:%s]", _monitor_uri, _info_uri);
+			//callback	= Monitor_callback_acc;
+			//list		= g_list_append(list, gnome_vfs_uri_new(_info_uri));
+			goto abort;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback():EVENT_METADATA_CHANGED (CHILD) [mon:%s] [inf:%s]", _monitor_uri, _info_uri);
+			callback	= Monitor_callback_child_acc;
+			list		= g_list_append(list, gnome_vfs_uri_new(_info_uri));
+		}
+		break;
+		//.....................................................................
+		case GNOME_VFS_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED			: goto abort;
+	}
+	// void gnome_vfs_async_get_file_info(
+	//		GnomeVFSAsyncHandle					**  handle_return,
+	//		GList								*   uri_list,
+	//		GnomeVFSFileInfoOptions					options,
+	//		int										priority,
+	//		GnomeVFSAsyncGetFileInfoCallback		callback,
+	//		gpointer								callback_data);
+	//
+	//  Fetch information about the files indicated in uri_list and return the
+	//  information progressively to callback.
+	//
+	//  handle_return   : when the function returns, will point to a handle for
+	//					  the async operation.
+	//  uri_list		: a GList of GnomeVFSURIs to fetch information about.
+	//  options			: packed boolean type providing control over various details
+	//					  of the get_file_info operation.
+	//  priority		: a value from GNOME_VFS_PRIORITY_MIN to GNOME_VFS_PRIORITY_MAX
+	//					  (normally should be GNOME_VFS_PRIORITY_DEFAULT) indicating
+	//					  the priority to assign this job in allocating threads from the thread pool.
+	//  callback		: function to be called when the operation is complete.
+	//  callback_data   : data to pass to callback.
+	gnome_vfs_async_get_file_info(
+		&handle,
+		list,
+		(GnomeVFSFileInfoOptions)
+		(
+		),
+		(GnomeVFSAsyncGetFileInfoCallback)callback,
+		_data);
+	return;
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Monitor_callback_del()
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	MonitorData		*	_md)
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_del()");
+	Iter_monitor_callback_del(_md);
+	return;
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Monitor_callback_child_del()
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	MonitorData		*	_md,
+	const Uri			_uri_child)
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_child_del()");
+	GnomeVFSURI * temp	= gnome_vfs_uri_new(_uri_child);
+	gchar		* s		= gnome_vfs_uri_extract_short_name(temp);
+	Iter_monitor_callback_child_del(_md, s);
+	g_free(s);
+	gnome_vfs_uri_unref(temp);
+	return;
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Monitor_callback_child_new()
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	GnomeVFSAsyncHandle		*   _handle,
+	GList					*   _results,
+	gpointer					_data)
+	MonitorData							*   md				= NULL;
+	GList								*   list			= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSGetFileInfoResult			*   result			= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSFileInfo					*   info			= NULL;
+	char								*   name			= NULL;
+	eFileType								type			= eTypeUnknown;
+	eFileAccess								access			= eAccessUN;
+	gboolean								is_symlink		= FALSE;
+	gchar								*   symlink_name	= NULL;
+	File								*   child			= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// #warning [*] Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_child_new() : GList delete ? NO !
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_child_new()");
+	md = (MonitorData*)_data;
+	g_return_if_fail( md );
+	list = g_list_first(_results);
+	if ( ! list )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_child_new():empty result list");
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	//  GnomeVFSGetFileInfoResult :
+	//
+	//	  GnomeVFSURI		*   uri;
+	//	  GnomeVFSResult		result;
+	//	  GnomeVFSFileInfo  *   file_info;
+	//
+	result = (GnomeVFSGetFileInfoResult*)(list->data);
+	if ( result->result != GNOME_VFS_OK )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_child_new():async call failure [%s]", SVFSRESULT(result->result));
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	info = (GnomeVFSFileInfo*)(result->file_info);
+	if ( ! info )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_child_new():file info is NULL");
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	name			= info->name;
+	type			= Type_from_GnomeVFSFileType(info->type);
+	access			= Access_from_GnomeVFSFilePermissions(info->permissions);
+	is_symlink		= GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_SYMLINK(info);
+	symlink_name	= info->symlink_name;
+	if ( type != eTypeDirectory )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_child_new():type is not directory [GnomeVFS:0x%08x]", info->type);
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	if ( access == eAccessUN )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_child_new():access not resolved [GnomeVFS:0x%08x]", info->permissions);
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	if ( ! is_symlink )
+		child = new Directory(name, access);
+	else
+		child = new Symlink(name, symlink_name, access);
+	Iter_monitor_callback_child_new(md, child);
+	delete child;
+	return;
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Monitor_callback_acc()
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	GnomeVFSAsyncHandle		*   _handle,
+	GList					*   _results,
+	gpointer					_data)
+	MonitorData							*   md				= NULL;
+	GList								*   list			= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSGetFileInfoResult			*   result			= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSFileInfo					*   info			= NULL;
+	char								*   name			= NULL;
+	eFileType								type			= eTypeUnknown;
+	eFileAccess								access			= eAccessUN;
+	gboolean								is_symlink		= FALSE;
+	gchar								*   symlink_name	= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	#warning Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_acc() : GList delete ?
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_acc()");
+	md = (MonitorData*)_data;
+	g_return_if_fail( md );
+	list = g_list_first(_results);
+	if ( ! list )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_acc():empty result list");
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	//  GnomeVFSGetFileInfoResult :
+	//
+	//	  GnomeVFSURI		*   uri;
+	//	  GnomeVFSResult		result;
+	//	  GnomeVFSFileInfo  *   file_info;
+	//
+	result = (GnomeVFSGetFileInfoResult*)(list->data);
+	if ( result->result != GNOME_VFS_OK )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_acc():async call failure [%s]", SVFSRESULT(result->result));
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	info = (GnomeVFSFileInfo*)(result->file_info);
+	if ( ! info )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_acc():file info is NULL");
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	name			= info->name;
+	type			= Type_from_GnomeVFSFileType(info->type);
+	access			= Access_from_GnomeVFSFilePermissions(info->permissions);
+	is_symlink		= GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_SYMLINK(info);
+	symlink_name	= info->symlink_name;
+	Iter_monitor_callback_acc(md, access, name);
+	return;
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Monitor_callback_child_acc()
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	GnomeVFSAsyncHandle		*   _handle,
+	GList					*   _results,
+	gpointer					_data)
+	MonitorData							*   md				= NULL;
+	GList								*   list			= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSGetFileInfoResult			*   result			= NULL;
+	GnomeVFSFileInfo					*   info			= NULL;
+	char								*   name			= NULL;
+	eFileType								type			= eTypeUnknown;
+	eFileAccess								access			= eAccessUN;
+	gboolean								is_symlink		= FALSE;
+	gchar								*   symlink_name	= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// #warning [*] Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_acc() : GList delete ? NO !
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_acc()");
+	md = (MonitorData*)_data;
+	g_return_if_fail( md );
+	list = g_list_first(_results);
+	if ( ! list )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_acc():empty result list");
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	//  GnomeVFSGetFileInfoResult :
+	//
+	//	  GnomeVFSURI		*   uri;
+	//	  GnomeVFSResult		result;
+	//	  GnomeVFSFileInfo  *   file_info;
+	//
+	result = (GnomeVFSGetFileInfoResult*)(list->data);
+	if ( result->result != GNOME_VFS_OK )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_acc():async call failure [%s]", SVFSRESULT(result->result));
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	info = (GnomeVFSFileInfo*)(result->file_info);
+	if ( ! info )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::GnomeVFS::Monitor_callback_acc():file info is NULL");
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	name			= info->name;
+	type			= Type_from_GnomeVFSFileType(info->type);
+	access			= Access_from_GnomeVFSFilePermissions(info->permissions);
+	is_symlink		= GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_SYMLINK(info);
+	symlink_name	= info->symlink_name;
+	Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc(md, access, name);
+	return;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #							Model Wrappers				                  #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  GnomeVFS::iter_check_if_empty
+	AsyncCallerData  *  _acd,
+    const Uri           _uri)
+	GnomeVFSAsyncEnumerateChildren  * vaec = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//vaec = new GnomeVFSAsyncEnumerateChildren(_acd, _uri, 1, TRUE);
+	vaec = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(GnomeVFSAsyncEnumerateChildren, _acd, _uri, 1, TRUE);
+	// Launch gvfs async op !
+	// uri ref_count is not incremented
+	gnome_vfs_async_load_directory_uri(
+		vaec->handle_ptr(),
+		vaec->gnomevfs_uri(),
+		(GnomeVFSFileInfoOptions)
+			(
+			),
+		Iter_enumerate_children_callback,
+		(gpointer)vaec);
+//  GnomeVFS::iter_enumerate_children
+	AsyncCallerData  *  _acd,
+    const Uri           _uri)
+	GnomeVFSAsyncEnumerateChildren  * vaec = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	vaec = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(GnomeVFSAsyncEnumerateChildren, _acd, _uri, -1, TRUE);
+	// Launch gvfs async op !
+	// uri ref_count is not incremented
+	gnome_vfs_async_load_directory_uri(
+		vaec->handle_ptr(),
+		vaec->gnomevfs_uri(),
+		(GnomeVFSFileInfoOptions)
+			(
+			),
+		GnomeVFS::Iter_enumerate_children_callback,
+		(gpointer)vaec);
+//  GnomeVFS::iter_file_info
+	AsyncCallerData  *  _acd,
+    const Uri           _uri)
+	GnomeVFSAsyncGetFileInfo    * gfi   = NULL;
+    GList                       * list  = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	gfi = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(GnomeVFSAsyncGetFileInfo, _acd, _uri);
+    list = g_list_append(list, gfi->gnomevfs_uri());
+	//GCMD_INF_vfs("als :[%03i] [0x%16x][0x%16x][%03i] Launch", hi, ga, ls, max_result);
+	// Launch gvfs async op !
+	// uri ref_count is not incremented
+	gnome_vfs_async_get_file_info(
+		gfi->handle_ptr(),
+		list,
+		(GnomeVFSFileInfoOptions)
+			(
+			),
+		GnomeVFS::Iter_get_file_info_callback,
+		(gpointer)gfi);
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.cc b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17d447f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,2363 @@
+    ###########################################################################
+    gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.cc
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyright (C) 2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Struct  : Model
+    Parent  : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview
+    ###########################################################################
+#include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h"
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  								Defines
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  								static
+//  ***************************************************************************
+static gboolean         _USE_GIO_               = GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW_USE_GIO;
+static const gchar  *   _STRING_NOT_AVAILABLE_  = "* String not available *";
+GtkTreeIter			GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Iter_zero = { 0,0,0,0 };
+const gchar* GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Msg_names[] =
+    "eAddDummyChild"        ,
+    "eAddChild"             ,
+    "eDel"                  ,
+    "eSetReadable"          ,
+    "eSetNotReadable"
+const gchar* GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Msg_name(eMsgType _type)
+    switch ( _type )
+    {
+        case    eAddDummyChild      : return Msg_names[0];
+        case    eAddChild           : return Msg_names[1];
+        case    eDel                : return Msg_names[2];
+        case    eSetReadable        : return Msg_names[3];
+        case    eSetNotReadable     : return Msg_names[4];
+        default                     : return _STRING_NOT_AVAILABLE_;
+    }
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #						All structs are in this file                      #
+//  #                                   |                                     #
+//  ##									V									 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+//#include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.structs.snippet.h"
+//  ###########################################################################
+//							new, ...
+//  ###########################################################################
+    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control     *   _control)
+    raz_pointers();
+    init_instance(_control);
+    dispose();
+    finalize();
+    a_control           = NULL;
+	d_treestore			= NULL;
+    Control *_control)
+    a_control   = _control;
+    (sLogger.log_function(eLogGcmd, Logger::eLogInf))(sLogger.channel(eLogGcmd)->get_header(), "TEST");
+    // log infos on config
+    GCMD_INF("Model::create():Using %s library for filesystem access",
+        _USE_GIO_ ? "GIO" : "GnomeVFS");
+    GCMD_INF("Model::create():Monitoring is %s",
+	d_treestore = gnome_cmd_foldview_treestore_new();
+	// dont do sink on a widget that will be parented !!!
+	// else all the unref mechanism will be broken, and dispose & finalize
+	// will never be called, or you will run in segfaults when unref
+	//g_object_ref_sink(a_treestore);
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::dispose()
+	GCMD_INF("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::dispose()");
+    GCMD_INF("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::dispose::treestore refcount = %03i", d_treestore->refcount());
+    g_object_unref(d_treestore);
+    d_treestore = NULL;
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::finalize()
+	GCMD_INF("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::finalize()");
+	//-delete d_quickstack;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//								Divers
+//  ###########################################################################
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::IterInfo::eFields operator | (
+    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::IterInfo::eFields a,
+    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::IterInfo::eFields b)
+    return (GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::IterInfo::eFields)( (guint32)a | (guint32)b );
+	const gchar* _utf8_str)
+	return  g_utf8_collate_key(_utf8_str, g_utf8_strlen(_utf8_str, -1));
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  						GtkTreeModelIface wrappers
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  get_iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+gboolean GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::get_iter(
+	GtkTreePath *path,
+	GtkTreeIter *iter)
+	return GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_iter(
+		treemodel(),
+		iter,
+		path);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  get value for iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::get_value(GtkTreeIter *in, gint column, GValue *value)
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_value(treemodel(), in, column, value);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Count childs of an iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+gint GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_n_children(GtkTreeIter *parent)
+	return GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_n_children(treemodel(), parent);
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  						Custom methods
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  get the TreeRow for an iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter *   _iter)
+	TreestoreData   *   _data		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	if ( ! treestore()->ext_get_data(_iter, &_data) )
+		return NULL;
+	return (Row*)_data;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  get the TreeRow for an iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter		*   _iter,
+	Row				**  _row_ptr)
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::DataInterface *   _data		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	if ( ! treestore()->ext_get_data(_iter, &_data) )
+		return FALSE;
+	*_row_ptr  = (Row*)_data;
+	return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  set the TreeRow for an iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter		*   _iter,
+	Row             *   _row)
+    g_return_val_if_fail( _iter, FALSE );
+    g_return_val_if_fail( _row,  FALSE );
+	treestore()->ext_set_data(_iter, _row);
+	return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_is_expanded / collapsed
+//  given an iter, return its display status in the GtkTreeView
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter *   _iter)
+	GtkTreePath *   gtk_path	= NULL;
+	gboolean		b			= FALSE;
+	//.........................................................................
+	gtk_path = 	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_path(treemodel(), _iter);
+	if ( ! gtk_path )
+		return FALSE;
+	b = ( control()->row_state(gtk_path) == eRowStateExpanded );
+	gtk_tree_path_free(gtk_path);
+	return b;
+	GtkTreeIter *   _iter)
+	return (! iter_is_expanded(_iter));
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  given an iter, return its display string in GtkTreeview
+//  ===========================================================================
+const gchar*
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_get_display_string(GtkTreeIter *iter)
+	Row		*   r		= NULL;
+	GValue		v		= {0};
+	//.........................................................................
+	gtk_tree_model_get_value(treemodel(), iter, 0, &v);
+	r = (Row*)g_value_get_pointer(&v);
+	return r->utf8_name_display();
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  given an iter, return a mallocated GnomeVFSURI
+//  ===========================================================================
+const GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Uri
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_get_uri(GtkTreeIter *final)
+	Row		*   r   = NULL;
+	GValue		v   = {0};
+	//.........................................................................
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_value(treemodel(), final, 0, &v);
+	r = (Row*)g_value_get_pointer(&v);
+	// new uri
+	return r->uri_utf8();
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  given an iter, return its root iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter *in_any,
+	GtkTreeIter *out_root)
+	return treestore()->ext_get_root(in_any, out_root);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  given an iter, return its gtk-style path
+//  ===========================================================================
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_get_path_str_new(GtkTreeIter* in)
+	return treestore()->ext_get_gtk_path_str_new(in);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Checks if an iter has a given uid
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter*	in,
+	gint			uid)
+	//.........................................................................
+	return ( treestore()->iter_get_uid() == uid );
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Checks is 2 iters points on the same node
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter*	iter1,
+	GtkTreeIter*	iter2)
+	return ( iter1->user_data == iter2->user_data );
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Checks is an iter is a root iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter* iter)
+	return treestore()->ext_is_root(iter);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Return an iter's depth
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter* iter)
+	return treestore()->ext_iter_depth(iter);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_add_tree()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Add a tree starting from an iter
+GtkTreeIter	 *iter_in,
+GtkTreeIter	 *iter_tree_out)
+	Row			*   rw				= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// get the value to copy
+	treestore()->ext_get_data(iter_in, (TreestoreData**)&rw);
+	return iter_add_tree(
+        rw->uri_utf8(), rw->utf8_name_display(), rw->utf8_symlink_target_uri(),
+        rw->access(), rw->is_link(),
+        control()->is_samba(), control()->is_local(), control()->host_redmond(),
+        iter_tree_out);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  add_tree()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Add a tree starting from a GnomeCmdCon & GnomeCmdPath
+	Uri						_utf8_uri,
+	const gchar*			_utf8_display_name,
+	Uri						_utf8_symlink_target_uri,
+	eFileAccess				_access,
+	gboolean				_is_symlink,
+    gboolean                _is_samba,
+    gboolean                _is_local,
+    gboolean                _host_redmond,
+	GtkTreeIter			*   _iter_tree_out)
+	Row		*   rt		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+    rt = new Row(
+        eRowRoot, _utf8_uri, _utf8_display_name, _utf8_symlink_target_uri,
+        _access, _is_symlink,
+        _is_samba, _is_local, _host_redmond);
+	// add it to the store
+	iter_add_child(NULL, _iter_tree_out, rt);
+	return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_add_child()
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter			*   _parent,		// in
+	GtkTreeIter			*   _child,			// out
+	Row					*   _row_child)
+	// add the child to the treestore
+	treestore()->ext_add_child(_parent, _child, _row_child);
+	// if the child is not a dummy child, start monitoring
+	if ( ! _row_child->is_dummy() )
+	{	//iter_monitor_start(_child);
+    }                                         // _GWR_UNCOMMENT_
+	else
+		GCMD_ERR("USE iter_dummy_child_add instead of iter_add_child with a dummy");
+	return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_dummy_child_add()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  For adding the dummy, we dont call iter_add_child(), since it would start
+//  monitoring. Instead we call treestore()->ext_add_child.
+	GtkTreeIter *   _iter_parent,   // in
+	GtkTreeIter *   _iter_dummy)	// out
+	gint			n_parent		= 0;
+	Row		*   rw_parent  = NULL;
+	Row		*   rw_dummy   = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	n_parent = iter_n_children(_iter_parent);
+	if ( n_parent != 0 )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_dummy_child_add():parent has already children (%03i)", n_parent);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if ( ! iter_get_treerow(_iter_parent, &rw_parent) )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_dummy_child_add():could not get parent TreeRow");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	rw_dummy = new Row(eRowDummy, rw_parent);
+	// calling treestore directly, no monitoring
+	treestore()->ext_add_child(_iter_parent, _iter_dummy, rw_dummy);
+	return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_dummy_child_remove()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  We simply call iter_remove(), with some verifications.
+	GtkTreeIter *   _iter_parent)
+	gint			n_parent		= 0;
+	GtkTreeIter		iter_child		= Iter_zero;
+	Row			*   rw_child		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	n_parent = iter_n_children(_iter_parent);
+	if ( n_parent != 1 )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_dummy_child_remove():parent has not exactly one child (%03i)", n_parent);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if ( ! GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_children(treemodel(), &iter_child, _iter_parent) )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_dummy_child_remove():could not get child iter");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if ( ! iter_get_treerow(&iter_child, &rw_child) )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_dummy_child_remove():could not get child TreeRow");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if ( ! rw_child->is_dummy() )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_dummy_child_remove():child is not a dummy");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if ( treestore()->ext_iter_sterile_remove(&iter_child) < 0 )
+        return FALSE;
+	return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_dummy_child_replace()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  It seems that we can append rows during text_expand_row signal, but not		// _GWR_GTK_
+//  remove rows. So instead of removing [DUMMY], we replace its value...
+	GtkTreeIter			*   _iter_parent,
+	GtkTreeIter			*   _iter_child,
+	Row					*   _rw_child_new)
+	Row				*   rw_dummy			= NULL;
+	gint				n					= 0;
+	//.........................................................................
+	n = iter_n_children(_iter_parent);
+	if ( n !=1 )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_dummy_child_replace():parent has %03i children", n);
+		return;
+	}
+	if ( !GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_children(treemodel(), _iter_child, _iter_parent) )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_dummy_child_replace():could not get first child");
+		return;
+	}
+	rw_dummy = iter_get_treerow(_iter_child);
+	if ( ! rw_dummy )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_dummy_child_replace():could not get first child's treerow");
+		return;
+	}
+	if ( ! rw_dummy->is_dummy() )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_dummy_child_replace():first child's treerow is not dummy");
+		return;
+	}
+	// we dont stop monitoring on child, since it is a dummy child, thus not monitored
+	// replace child's dummy treerow by the new one, signal will be emitted
+	treestore()->ext_set_data(_iter_child, _rw_child_new);
+	// start monitoring on child
+	//iter_monitor_start(_iter_child);                                          // _GWR_UNCOMMENT_
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_dummy_child_check()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//	Check if an iter has a dummy child
+	GtkTreeIter *   _iter_parent)
+	GtkTreeIter		iter_child		= Iter_zero;
+	Row			*   rw_child		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	if ( iter_n_children(_iter_parent)  != 1 )
+		return FALSE;
+	if ( ! GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_children(treemodel(), &iter_child, _iter_parent) )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_dummy_child_check():could not get child iter");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if ( ! iter_get_treerow(&iter_child, &rw_child) )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_dummy_child_check():could not get child TreeRow");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	return rw_child->is_dummy();
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_dummy_child_check()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//	Check if an iter has a dummy child
+	GtkTreeIter     * _iter)
+	gint					n			= 0;
+	eRowState			    state		= eRowStateUnknown;
+	GtkTreePath			*   gtk_path	= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	GCMD_WNG("iter_remove");
+	// get the # of children
+	n = iter_n_children(_iter);
+	// get the GtkTreePath
+	gtk_path = GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_path(treemodel(), _iter);
+	if ( ! gtk_path )
+		goto lab_failure;
+	// get the view state of the parent
+	state = control()->row_state(gtk_path);
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is sterile : goto remove_sterile
+	if (  n == 0 )
+		goto remove_sterile;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is fertile, and is expanded
+	if ( state == eRowStateExpanded )
+	{
+		// It is a hack ! Let GtkTreeView update its cache by collapsing !
+		// We dont have to manually delete each row and signals on them !
+		if ( ! control()->row_collapse(gtk_path) )									// __GWR__HACK__
+		{
+			GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_remove():iter could not be collapsed");
+			goto lab_failure;
+		}
+		// We dont return here, since the iter is in the following state !
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is fertile, and is not expanded. Silently remove all children.
+	// After that, we are in the following case.
+	iter_collapsed_remove_children(_iter);
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is sterile :remove it, and send "removed row" signal. But first
+	// stop monitoring
+	//iter_monitor_stop(_iter);                                                 // _GWR_UNCOMMENT_
+	if ( treestore()->ext_iter_sterile_remove(_iter) < 0 )
+        goto lab_failure;
+	if ( gtk_path )
+        gtk_tree_path_free(gtk_path);
+	return TRUE;
+	if ( gtk_path )
+        gtk_tree_path_free(gtk_path);
+	return FALSE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_collapsed_remove_children()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Remove all children of a _COLLAPSED_ iter
+gint GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_collapsed_remove_children(GtkTreeIter *parent)
+	return treestore()->ext_iter_remove_children_no_signal_row_deleted(parent);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_remove_all()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Remove all children i.e. clear the treestore
+void GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_remove_all()
+	treestore()->ext_clear();
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  							Match functions
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  Match iter by its data's uid
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data*	data,
+	gint								uid)
+	g_assert(FALSE);
+	//return ( ((TreeRow*)data)->uid() != uid ? FALSE : TRUE );
+	return TRUE;
+//  Match iter by its data's collate key
+// GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data has access to collate keys
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  						Files functions
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  iter_files_file_filter()
+//  Check if a file can be added
+//  This is an adaptation of :
+//	  gboolean GnomeCmdFileList::file_is_wanted(GnomeCmdFile *f)
+	File	*   _file)
+	//.........................................................................
+    g_return_val_if_fail ( _file != NULL, FALSE );
+	if ( !_file->is_dir() && !_file->is_symlink() )
+	{
+		FILES_ERR("Model::iter_files_file_filter:not a directory, nor a symlink");
+        return FALSE;
+	}
+	if ( _file->is_symlink() )
+	//.........................................................................
+    if (strcmp (_file->name_utf8(), ".") == 0)
+	{
+		FILES_INF("Model::iter_files_file_filter:dot");
+        return FALSE;
+	}
+    if (strcmp (_file->name_utf8(), "..") == 0)
+	{
+		FILES_INF("Model::iter_files_file_filter:dot dot");
+        return FALSE;
+	}
+    if (gnome_cmd_data.hide_type(type) )
+	{
+		FILES_INF("Model::iter_files_file_filter:hidden type");
+        return FALSE;
+	}
+    if (_file->name_utf8()[0] == '.' && gnome_cmd_data.filter_settings.hidden)
+	{
+		FILES_INF("Model::iter_files_file_filter:hidden file");
+        return FALSE;
+	}
+    if (gnome_cmd_data.filter_settings.backup && patlist_matches(gnome_cmd_data_get_backup_pattern_list (), _file->name_utf8()) )
+	{
+		FILES_INF("Model::iter_files_file_filter:backup");
+        return FALSE;
+	}
+    return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_files_add_at_least_one()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Check if at least on file from a gvfs_async_load_subdirs can be added
+	GList	*   _list)
+	GList				*   list	= NULL;
+	FoldviewFile		*   file		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	list = g_list_first(_list);
+	while (list )
+	{
+		file = (File*)list->data;
+		if ( iter_files_file_filter(file) )
+			return TRUE;
+		list = g_list_next(list);
+	}
+	return FALSE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_files_add_file()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Add one file
+	GtkTreeIter		*   _iter_parent,
+	GtkTreeIter		*   _iter_child,
+	FoldviewFile	*   _file,
+	gboolean			_check_for_doubloon,
+	gboolean			_replace_first_child)
+	gchar				*		utf8_collate_key_file   = NULL;
+	Row					*		row_parent				= NULL;
+	Row					*		row_child				= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail( _iter_parent,		FALSE );
+	g_return_val_if_fail( _iter_child,		FALSE );
+	g_return_val_if_fail( _file,			FALSE );
+	// filter
+	if ( ! iter_files_file_filter(_file) )
+		return FALSE;
+	// doubloons
+	if ( _check_for_doubloon )
+	{
+		utf8_collate_key_file = collate_key_new_from_utf8(_file->name_utf8());
+		if ( treestore()->ext_match_child_str(_iter_parent, _iter_child, utf8_collate_key_file) )
+		{
+			g_free(utf8_collate_key_file);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		g_free(utf8_collate_key_file);
+	}
+	row_parent = iter_get_treerow(_iter_parent);
+	if ( ! row_parent )
+		return FALSE;
+	// build the TreeRow
+	row_child = new Row(eRowStd, row_parent, _file);
+	// add it !
+	if ( _replace_first_child )
+		iter_dummy_child_replace(_iter_parent, _iter_child, row_child);
+	else
+		iter_add_child(_iter_parent, _iter_child, row_child);
+	return TRUE;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                Refresh
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  Rescan all subiters of an iter for
+//  - checking filesystem modifications
+//  - taking care of display criteria modifications
+//  We need 2 async ops on each iter :
+//  1. We first need to do a get_file_info call on the iter, since
+//    enumerate_children dont tell us anything about it...
+//  2. Call enumerate_children on the iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_refresh_action()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Branch on different actions, depending on file new / old readability, and
+//  iter expanded / collapsed status ( called "state" )
+//  An iter state is summarized by 3 letters :
+//      a-b-c
+//      | | |
+//      | | +---------------+
+//      | |                 |
+//      | |             c ( collapsed ) / e ( expanded )
+//      | |
+//      | +---------+
+//      |           |
+//      |       new readability : y / n
+//      |
+//    old readability : y / n
+//  All readabilty switches can be handled by the iter_readable_set / unset
+//  functions already written for monitoring events.
+//  All readability equalities can not be handled by monitoring code, and have
+//  specific treatment ( = new code = true refresh code )
+    GtkTreeIter     *   _iter,
+    TreestorePath   *   _path,
+    gboolean            _old_readable,
+    gboolean            _new_readable,
+    gboolean            _collapsed)
+    if ( _new_readable )
+    {
+        if ( _old_readable )
+        {
+            if ( _collapsed )
+                goto lab_y_y_c;
+            else
+                goto lab_y_y_e;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ( _collapsed )
+                goto lab_n_y_c;
+            else
+                goto lab_n_y_e;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       if ( _old_readable )
+        {
+            if ( _collapsed )
+                goto lab_y_n_c;
+            else
+                goto lab_y_n_e;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ( _collapsed )
+                goto lab_n_n_c;
+            else
+                goto lab_n_n_e;
+        }
+    }
+    REFRESH_ERR("Model::ira():*** MACHINE PB ***");
+    goto lab_abort;
+    if ( TRUE )                                                                 // _GWR_FOLD_
+    {
+    //.........................................................................
+    // See if iter has children, for showing / hiding the GtkTreeView arrow
+    REFRESH_INF("Model::ira():Readable - Readable - Collapsed")
+    iter_check_if_empty(_iter);
+    goto lab_exit;
+    //.........................................................................
+    // most complicated case, true refresh ( see iter_refresh_children_callback )
+    // ( In fact there is a simple method, inspired from the _GTK_HACK_ of
+    // iter_remove : collapse the GtkTreeView, silently delete all children, call
+    // iter_expand, and finally expand the GtkTreeView - but the many collapsing
+    // and expanding would make look the foldview like an animated GIF - or
+    // a christmas tree :)
+    REFRESH_INF("Model::ira():Readable - Readable - Expanded")
+    iter_enumerate_children(_iter, Iter_refresh_children_callback);
+    goto lab_exit;
+    //.........................................................................
+    REFRESH_INF("Model::ira():NOT Readable - Readable - Collapsed")
+    control()->message_fifo_push( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(MsgSetReadable, _path) );
+    goto lab_exit;
+    //.........................................................................
+    // most complicated case, etc...
+    REFRESH_INF("Model::ira():NOT Readable - Readable - Expanded")
+    iter_enumerate_children(_iter, Iter_refresh_children_callback);
+    //.........................................................................
+    REFRESH_INF("Model::ira():Readable - Not Readable - ...")
+    control()->message_fifo_push( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(MsgSetNotReadable, _path) );
+    goto lab_exit;
+    //.........................................................................
+    // do nothing
+    REFRESH_INF("Model::ira():NOT Readable - NOT Readable - Collapsed")
+    goto lab_exit;
+    //.........................................................................
+    // Program Logic Error : an iter can not be Not Readable and Expanded
+    REFRESH_ERR("Model::ira():PLE: NOT Readable - NOT Readable - Expanded")
+    goto lab_abort;
+    //.........................................................................
+    return;
+    }
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Iter_refresh_callback()
+//  ===========================================================================
+    AsyncCore   * _ac)
+	AsyncGetFileInfo                    *	gfi					= NULL;
+	AsyncCallerData						*	acd			        = NULL;
+	Model				                *	THIS				= NULL;
+    IterInfo                                info;
+	GtkTreeIter								iter		        = Iter_zero;
+    eFileAccess                             old_access          = eAccessUN;
+    eFileAccess                             new_access          = eAccessUN;
+    gboolean                                expanded            = FALSE;
+    gboolean                                collapsed           = FALSE;
+	//.........................................................................
+	Lock();																		// _GDK_LOCK_
+	gfi				= (AsyncGetFileInfo*)_ac;
+	acd		        = gfi->caller_data();
+	THIS			= acd->model();
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #1 : try to retrieve the iter & row for parent
+	//
+	if ( ! info.gather(THIS, acd->path(), IterInfo::eExp) )
+	{
+		REFRESH_WNG("Model::irc:Gather failed");
+		goto lab_abort;
+	}
+    REFRESH_INF("Model::irc:Refreshing [%s]", info.row()->utf8_name_display());
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #2 : some vars
+	//
+    // current file access
+    new_access  = gfi->access();
+    // old file access
+    old_access  = info.row()->access();
+    if ( ( new_access == eAccessUN ) || ( old_access == eAccessUN ) )
+    {
+		REFRESH_ERR("Model::irc:Row has unknown access mode [old:%02i new:%02i]",
+                        old_access, new_access);
+		goto lab_abort;
+    }
+    // iter state ( old iter state, maybe not the same as the
+    // current file access )
+    expanded    = info.expanded();
+    collapsed   = ! expanded;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #3 : Branch on different actions
+	//
+    THIS->iter_refresh_action(
+        info.iter(),
+        info.path(),
+        Access_readable(old_access),
+        Access_readable(new_access),
+        collapsed);
+    delete acd;
+    Unlock();
+    return;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Iter_refresh_children_callback()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Here we know that :
+//      - Iter has been refreshed by Iter_refresh_callback
+//      - The status of the iter was y-y-e
+    AsyncCore   * _ac)
+	AsyncEnumerateChildren				*	aec					= NULL;
+	AsyncCallerData						*	acd			        = NULL;
+	Model				                *	THIS				= NULL;
+    IterInfo                                info_parent;
+    IterInfo                                info_child;
+	GtkTreeIter								iter_child			= Iter_zero;
+    GtkTreeIter                         *   itemp               = NULL;
+    File                                *   file                = NULL;
+    gboolean                                b                   = FALSE;
+    gboolean                                b_persistent        = FALSE;
+    GList                               *   list                = NULL;
+    GList                               *   temp                = NULL;
+    GList                               *   iters_to_delete     = NULL;
+    GList                               *   iters_persistent    = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	Lock();																		// _GDK_LOCK_
+	aec				= (AsyncEnumerateChildren*)_ac;
+	acd		        = aec->caller_data();
+	THIS			= acd->model();
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #1 : Verify that parent iter is ?-y-e
+	//
+    if ( ! info_parent.gather(THIS, acd->path(), IterInfo::eRead | IterInfo::eExp) )
+    {
+		REFRESH_WNG("Model::ircc():gather failed");
+		Error_Msg_Failure();    goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    if ( ! info_parent.readable() )
+    {
+		REFRESH_WNG("Model::ircc():Parent iter is NOT Readable");
+		Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    if ( ! info_parent.expanded() )
+    {
+		REFRESH_WNG("Model::ircc():Parent iter is NOT Expanded");
+		Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    REFRESH_TKI("Model::ircc():Parent [%s]", info_parent.row()->utf8_name_display());
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #2 : Check errors on async result
+    //
+	//  In fact, we should handle all error cases, and eventually continue      // _GWR_TODO_
+    //  the process on some children...
+    //
+    if ( aec->error() )
+    {
+		REFRESH_WNG("Model::ircc():async_enumerate_children failed [%s]", aec->error_str());
+		Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #3.1 : Reduce async file list by filtering according
+    //              to display settings
+	//
+    //REFRESH_INF("Model::ircc():  --- filter ---");
+    //REFRESH_INF("Model::ircc():filter:%03i files", aec->list_card());
+    list = g_list_first(aec->list());
+    while ( list )
+    {
+        file = (File*)(list->data);
+        if ( ! THIS->iter_files_file_filter(file) )
+        {
+            //REFRESH_INF("Model::ircc():filter:-[%s]", file->name_utf8());
+            // remember next
+            temp = list->next;
+            // delete current Glist element and file struct
+            aec->list_remove(list);
+            // recall next
+            list = temp;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //REFRESH_INF("Model::ircc():filter:+[%s]", file->name_utf8());
+            // we will need this in 3.2
+            file->compute_ck_utf8_name();
+            list = list->next;
+        }
+    }
+    //REFRESH_INF("Model::ircc():filter:%03i files", aec->list_card());
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #3.2 : - Persistent iters :
+    //                  - delete corresponding files from async list ; this way
+    //                    only new files remain in it.
+    //                  - memorize them ( for "async recursivity" )
+    //
+    //              - Iters tah have to be deleted :
+    //                  - memorize them
+	//
+    //REFRESH_INF("Model::ircc():  --- compare ---");
+    // alloc the memorization lists
+    iters_to_delete     = g_list_alloc();
+    iters_persistent    = g_list_alloc();
+    // + loop on GtkTreeModel iters
+    b = GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_children(THIS->treemodel(), &iter_child, info_parent.iter());
+    // PLV : empty readable, expanded iter : failure
+    if ( !b )
+    {
+        REFRESH_ERR("Model::ircc():Parent iter is readable, expanded, but empty");
+		goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    while ( b )
+    {
+        //REFRESH_INF("Model::ircc():node [%08x]", iter_child.user_data);
+        // we want to use the row of the child
+        info_child.reset();
+        if ( ! info_child.gather(THIS, &iter_child, IterInfo::eNothing) )
+        {
+            REFRESH_ERR("Model::ircc():Gather (eNothing) failed");
+            goto lab_exit_false;
+        }
+        // When messages lag, user can expand before Counter Program goes here. // _GWR_BUG_#01_
+        // And the frst child is "...Working...", that will be deleted.
+        // And parent will be shown as empty.
+        // So we test here
+        if ( info_child.row()->is_dummy() )
+        {
+            REFRESH_WNG("Model::ircc():first child is a dummy child ( _GWR_BUG_#01_ )");
+            Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+        }
+        REFRESH_TKI("Model::ircc():compare:iter [%s]", info_child.row()->utf8_name_display());
+        // + loop on async list
+        b_persistent    = FALSE;
+        list            = g_list_first(aec->list());
+        while ( list && (! b_persistent) )
+        {
+            file = (File*)(list->data);
+            // ck match : set persistent
+            if ( ! strcmp(file->ck_utf8_name(), info_child.row()->utf8_collate_key(eCollateKeyRaw)) )
+            {
+                REFRESH_TKI("Model::ircc():  file [%s] Match", file->name_utf8());
+                // async list : delete element & file struct
+                temp = list->next;
+                aec->list_remove(list);
+                list = temp;
+                // store a copy of iter_child in iters_persistent
+                itemp               = g_try_new0(GtkTreeIter, 1);
+                GCMD_ITER_COPY(itemp, &iter_child);
+                iters_persistent    = g_list_append(iters_persistent, (gpointer)itemp);
+                // mark this iter as persistent
+                b_persistent = TRUE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                //REFRESH_TKI("Model::ircc():  file [%s]", file->name_utf8());
+                list = list->next;
+            }
+        }
+        // - loop on async list
+        // iter is not persistent -> work is done , just log something
+        if ( b_persistent )
+        {
+            REFRESH_TKI("Model::ircc():  iter [%s] =", info_child.row()->utf8_name_display());
+        }
+        // iter is not persistent -> store it in a list for further deletion
+        else
+        {
+            REFRESH_TKI("Model::ircc():  iter [%s] -", info_child.row()->utf8_name_display());
+            // store a copy of the path of iter_child in iters_to_delete
+            iters_to_delete     = g_list_append( iters_to_delete, (gpointer)(info_child.path()->dup()) );
+        }
+        b = GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_next(THIS->treemodel(), &iter_child);
+    }
+    // - loop on GtkTreeModel iters
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #4 : Send messages for deleting iters marked to be deleted
+	//
+    list = g_list_first(iters_to_delete)->next;                 // first is zero
+    while (list)
+    {
+        //THIS->iter_remove( (GtkTreeIter*)(list->data) );
+        //g_free( (GtkTreeIter*)(list->data) );
+        THIS->control()->message_fifo_push
+        (
+            GCMD_STRUCT_NEW
+            (
+                Model::MsgDel,
+                (TreestorePath*)(list->data)
+            )
+        );
+        g_free(list->data);
+        list = g_list_next(list);
+    }
+    g_list_free(iters_to_delete);
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #5 : Send messages for creating new iters from async list
+	//
+    list            = g_list_first(aec->list());
+    while ( list )
+    {
+        file            = (File*)(list->data);
+        //row_new_child   = new Row(eRowStd, info_parent.row(), file);
+        //THIS->iter_add_child(info_parent.iter(), &iter_child, row_new_child);
+        THIS->control()->message_fifo_push
+        (
+            GCMD_STRUCT_NEW
+            (
+                Model::MsgAddChild,
+                info_parent.path(),
+                file
+            )
+        );
+        list = g_list_next(list);
+    }
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #6 : Refresh persistent iters
+    //            ( here is the "async recursive call" )
+	//
+    list = g_list_first(iters_persistent)->next;                // first is zero
+    while (list)
+    {
+        THIS->iter_refresh( (GtkTreeIter*)(list->data) );
+        g_free( (GtkTreeIter*)(list->data) );
+        list = g_list_next(list);
+    }
+    g_list_free(iters_persistent);
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Exit
+    //
+	delete acd;
+	Unlock();														            // _GDK_LOCK_
+	return;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_refresh()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Main call for refreshing from an iter
+	GtkTreeIter *   _iter)
+	AsyncCallerData			*	acd			= NULL;
+    GtkTreeIter                 child       = Iter_zero;
+	Row						*   row			= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+    //REFRESH_INF("Model::iter_sort():called");
+    // iter given : refresh this iter
+    if ( _iter )
+    {
+        // treerow
+        row = iter_get_treerow(_iter);
+        g_return_if_fail( row );
+        // create a struct for knowing what to do with GVFS answers
+        acd = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(AsyncCallerData, this, Iter_refresh_callback, row->path()->dup());
+        _USE_GIO_   ?   a_GIO.iter_get_file_info(acd, row->uri_utf8())          :
+                        a_GnomeVFS.iter_get_file_info(acd, row->uri_utf8())     ;
+        return;
+    }
+    // iter not given : refresh all root nodes
+    if ( ! treestore()->iter_children(treemodel(), &child, NULL) )
+        return;
+    do
+    {
+        // treerow
+        row = iter_get_treerow(&child);
+        g_return_if_fail( row );
+        // create a struct for knowing what to do with GVFS answers
+        acd = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(AsyncCallerData, this, Iter_refresh_callback, row->path()->dup());
+        _USE_GIO_   ?   a_GIO.iter_get_file_info(acd, row->uri_utf8())          :
+                        a_GnomeVFS.iter_get_file_info(acd, row->uri_utf8())     ;
+    }
+    while ( treestore()->iter_next(treemodel(), &child) );
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                Sorting
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_sort()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Main call for sorting from an iter
+	GtkTreeIter *   _iter)
+    GtkTreeIter         child       = Iter_zero;
+	Row				*   row			= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+    //SORT_INF("Model::iter_sort():called");
+    // iter given : sort from this iter
+    if ( _iter )
+    {
+        // treerow
+        row = iter_get_treerow(_iter);
+        g_return_if_fail( row );
+        control()->sorting_list_add( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW( MsgSort_Insertion, row->path(), this ) );
+        return;
+    }
+    // iter not given : sort from all root nodes
+    if ( ! treestore()->iter_children(treemodel(), &child, NULL) )
+        return;
+    do
+    {
+        // treerow
+        row = iter_get_treerow(&child);
+        g_return_if_fail( row );
+        control()->sorting_list_add( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW( MsgSort_Insertion, row->path(), this ) );
+    }
+    while ( treestore()->iter_next(treemodel(), &child) );
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                Check if empty
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  What we do here :
+//  - Find all subdirs
+//  - If at least one, add a dummy child so GtkTreeview will show a little
+//	  arrow allowing expansion.
+//  - If no subdir, remove dummy child
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Check if empty : async callback
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	AsyncCore *  _ac)
+	AsyncEnumerateChildren				*	aec					= NULL;
+	AsyncCallerData						*	cd			        = NULL;
+	Model				                *	THIS				= NULL;
+    IterInfo                                info;
+	//.........................................................................
+	Lock();																		// _GDK_LOCK_
+	aec				= (AsyncEnumerateChildren*)_ac;
+	cd		        = aec->caller_data();
+	THIS			= cd->model();
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #1 : Try to retrieve the iter & row for parent
+	//
+    //  If error, that means that the path doesnt guide to an iter, so the iter
+    //  has been deleted from model. So just abort.
+    //
+    if ( ! info.gather(THIS, cd->path(), IterInfo::eNothing) )
+    {
+        CHECK_WNG("Model::Iter_check_if_empty_callback():Gather Failed");
+        Error_Msg_Failure();    goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #2 : Check async error code
+    //
+    if ( aec->error() )
+    {
+		CHECK_WNG("Model::Iter_expanded_from_ui_callback():Async op failed [%s]", aec->error_str());
+        THIS->control()->message_fifo_push( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(MsgAsyncMismatchICIEC, info.path()) );
+        Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #3 : If something to add, send message
+	//
+	if ( THIS->iter_files_add_at_least_one(aec->list()) )
+        THIS->control()->message_fifo_push( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(MsgAddDummyChild, cd->path()) );
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Exit
+	//
+	// delete user data
+	delete cd;
+	Unlock();																	// _GDK_LOCK_
+	return;
+ }
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Check if empty : public call
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter *   _iter)
+	AsyncCallerData			*	acd			= NULL;
+	Row						*   row			= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// treerow
+	row = iter_get_treerow(_iter);
+	g_return_if_fail( row );
+	// create a struct for knowing what to do with async answers
+	acd = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(AsyncCallerData, this, Iter_check_if_empty_callback, row->path()->dup());
+	_USE_GIO_   ?	a_GIO.iter_check_if_empty(acd, row->uri_utf8())         :
+                    a_GnomeVFS.iter_check_if_empty(acd, row->uri_utf8())    ;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                Expand
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  - Remove the [DUMMY] item if present ( no dummy doesnt imply no subdirs ;
+//	  things can change between two users clicks... )
+//  - Add the subdirs
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Expand : async callback
+//  ===========================================================================
+	AsyncCore   *   _ac)
+	AsyncEnumerateChildren				*	aec				= NULL;
+	AsyncCallerData						*	cd				= NULL;
+	Model               				*	THIS			= NULL;
+    IterInfo                                info;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Path		*	path_parent		= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter								iter_parent		= GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Iter_zero;
+	GtkTreeIter								iter_child		= GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Iter_zero;
+    GList                               *   list            = NULL;
+    File                                *   file            = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	Lock();																		// _GDK_LOCK_
+	aec				= (AsyncEnumerateChildren*)_ac;
+	cd				= aec->caller_data();
+	THIS			= cd->model();
+	path_parent		= cd->path();
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #1 : Test iter -> must be dummy-childed ( PLV )
+    //
+    if ( ! info.gather(THIS, path_parent, IterInfo::eFCID) )
+    {
+        EXPAND_WNG("Model::Iter_expanded_from_ui_callback():Gather Failed");
+        Error_Msg_Failure();    goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+    if ( ! info.first_child_is_dummy() )
+    {
+		EXPAND_WNG("Model::Iter_expanded_from_ui_callback():Test failed");
+        THIS->control()->message_fifo_push( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(MsgAsyncMismatchIEFUC, path_parent) );
+        Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #2 : Check async error code
+    //
+    if ( aec->error() )
+    {
+		EXPAND_WNG("Model::Iter_expanded_from_ui_callback():Async op failed [%s]", aec->error_str());
+        THIS->control()->message_fifo_push( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(MsgAsyncMismatchIEFUC, path_parent) );
+        Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #3 : add files
+	//
+	list	= g_list_first(aec->list());
+	do
+	{
+		file	= (File*)list->data;
+		//EXPAND_INF("Model::iec():pushing [%s]", file->name_utf8());
+        THIS->control()->message_fifo_push( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(MsgAddChild, path_parent, file) );
+		list	= g_list_next(list);
+	}
+    while ( list );
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #4 : Check if directories added are empty / not empty
+    //            -> will be done in message_add_child()
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Exit
+	//
+	// delete user data
+	delete cd;
+	Unlock();																	// _GDK_LOCK_
+	return;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Expand : public call
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter	 *  _iter,
+	gboolean		_replace_dummy)
+	gint							n		= 0;
+	AsyncCallerData				*	acd		= NULL;
+	Row							*   row		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// Ensure that there is only one subitem ( the "...not empty..." one )
+	n = iter_n_children(_iter);
+	if ( n != 1 )
+	{
+		EXPAND_ERR("ccie   :control_iter_expand:parent has %i children", n);
+		return;
+	}
+	// treerow
+	row = iter_get_treerow(_iter);
+	g_return_if_fail( row );
+	// create a struct for knowing what to do with async answers
+	acd = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(AsyncCallerData, this, Iter_expanded_from_ui_callback, row->path()->dup());
+	_USE_GIO_   ?   a_GIO.iter_enumerate_children(acd, row->uri_utf8())     :
+                    a_GnomeVFS.iter_enumerate_children(acd, row->uri_utf8());
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                Enumerate children
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  Enumerate children on iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_enumerate_children()
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter	            *   _iter,
+    AsyncCallerCallback         _callback)
+	AsyncCallerData				*	acd		= NULL;
+	Row							*   row		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// treerow
+	row = iter_get_treerow(_iter);
+	g_return_if_fail( row );
+	// create a struct for knowing what to do with async answers
+	acd = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(AsyncCallerData, this, _callback, row->path()->dup());
+	_USE_GIO_   ?   a_GIO.iter_enumerate_children(acd, row->uri_utf8())     :
+                    a_GnomeVFS.iter_enumerate_children(acd, row->uri_utf8());
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                Collapse
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  Item collapsed
+//  - Remove all subdirs
+//  - Add [DUMMY] ( we have been callapsed, so there were subdirs in there )
+//  This is useful, because when re-expanding, directory will be re-scanned
+//  and thus we'll be more accurate.
+//  With monitoring, it is now unuseful. But It save memory. So I keep It.
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Collapse : public call
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter * _iter)
+	Row				*   row_parent		= NULL;
+	gint				removed			= 0;
+	GtkTreeIter			child			= Iter_zero;
+	//.........................................................................
+	row_parent = iter_get_treerow(_iter);
+	g_return_if_fail( row_parent );
+	removed = iter_collapsed_remove_children(_iter);
+	//GCMD_INF("control::iter_collapsed:removed %03i children", removed);
+	// we have been collapsed, so we had children ; so re-add dummy child
+	iter_dummy_child_add(_iter, &child);
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                first tree
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  This method is called only once, at the creation of the
+//  GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview object.
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//  Add_first_tree_callback()
+//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	AsyncCore   *   _ac)
+	AsyncGetFileInfo	*	gfi				= NULL;
+	AsyncCallerData		*	cd				= NULL;
+	Model               *	THIS			= NULL;
+    IterInfo                info;
+	TreestorePath		*	path		    = NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter				iter		    = GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::Iter_zero;
+    File                *   file            = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	Lock();																		// _GDK_LOCK_
+	gfi				= (AsyncGetFileInfo*)_ac;
+	cd				= gfi->caller_data();
+	THIS			= cd->model();
+    path            = cd->path();
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #1 : Check async error code
+    //
+    if ( gfi->error() )
+    {
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::Add_first_tree_callback():Async op failed [%s]", gfi->error_str());
+        THIS->control()->message_fifo_push( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(MsgAsyncMismatchAFT, path) );
+        Error_Msg_Abort();      goto lab_exit_false;
+    }
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #2 : Set good infos on the iter ( build a file )
+    //
+    if ( gfi->is_symlink() )
+        file = new FoldviewLink(gfi->name(), gfi->uri_symlink_target(), gfi->access());
+    // it is a directory
+    else
+        file = new FoldviewDir(gfi->name(), gfi->access());
+    THIS->control()->message_fifo_push( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(MsgAddFirstTree, path, file) );
+    delete file;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Exit
+	//
+	// delete user data
+	delete cd;
+	Unlock();																	// _GDK_LOCK_
+	return;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  add_first_tree()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Although we add an iter to the model, we dont lock it ; indeed, the model
+//  is empty at this moment :)
+	const   Uri         _uri,
+    const   gchar   *   _alias)
+    Row                         *   row         = NULL;
+    GtkTreeIter                     iter_child  = Iter_zero;
+	AsyncCallerData				*	acd		    = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+    // create the first iter
+    row = new Row(eRowRoot, _uri, _alias, NULL,
+        eAccessRW, FALSE,
+        control()->is_samba(), control()->is_local(), control()->host_redmond());
+    iter_add_child(NULL, &iter_child, row);
+  	// create a struct for knowing what to do with async answer
+	acd = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(AsyncCallerData, this, Add_first_tree_callback, treestore()->ext_path_from_iter(&iter_child));
+	_USE_GIO_   ?   a_GIO.iter_get_file_info(acd, _uri)         :
+                    a_GnomeVFS.iter_get_file_info(acd, _uri)    ;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                Monitoring
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Monitoring : start monitoring an iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter * _iter)
+	Row				*   rw			= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail( _iter, FALSE );
+    if ( ! _ALLOW_MONITORING_ )
+        return TRUE;
+	// row
+	rw = iter_get_treerow(_iter);
+	g_return_val_if_fail( rw, FALSE );
+	// verify that iter is not a dummy
+	if ( rw->is_dummy() )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_monitor_start():[%s] is dummy", rw->utf8_name_display());
+	}
+	// verify that iter is not still monitored
+	if ( rw->monitoring_started() )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_monitor_start():[%s] already monitored", rw->utf8_name_display());
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if ( rw->monitoring_start(this, rw) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_INF("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_monitor_start():Success [%s]" ,rw->utf8_name_display());
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	MONITOR_ERR("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_monitor_start():Failure [%s], calling stop", rw->utf8_name_display());
+	return iter_monitor_stop(_iter);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Monitoring : stop monitoring an iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter * _iter)
+	Row						*   rw			= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail( _iter, FALSE );
+    if ( ! _ALLOW_MONITORING_ )
+        return TRUE;
+	// row
+	rw = iter_get_treerow(_iter);
+	g_return_val_if_fail( rw, FALSE );
+	// verify that iter is monitored
+	if ( ! rw->monitoring_started() )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_monitor_stop():[%s] not monitored", rw->utf8_name_display());
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	// stop monitoring
+	if ( rw->monitoring_stop() )
+	{
+		MONITOR_INF("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_monitor_stop():[%s] stopped", rw->utf8_name_display());
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	// error
+	MONITOR_ERR("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model::iter_monitor_stop():[%s] monitor was not stopped correctly", rw->utf8_name_display());
+	return FALSE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Iter_monitor_callback_del()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Monitoring callback : self deleted
+//  We cant have the type of the file, since it is deleted. So just search
+//  with the collate key.
+	MonitorData		*	_md)
+    Model               			*   THIS			= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore		*   treestore		= NULL;
+	GtkTreeModel					*   treemodel		= NULL;
+	Row								*   row				= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter							iter			= Iter_zero;
+	//.........................................................................
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_del()");
+	THIS		= _md->a_model;
+	row			= _md->a_row;
+	treestore   = THIS->treestore();
+	treemodel   = THIS->treemodel();
+	Lock();																		// _GDK_LOCK_
+	if ( ! treestore->ext_iter_from_path(row->path(), &iter) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_del():could not retrieve iter from Path [%s]", row->uri_utf8());
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	// remove the iter
+	THIS->iter_remove(&iter);                                                   // _GWR_SEND_MSG_
+	Unlock();																	// _GDK_LOCK_
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Iter_monitor_callback_child_del()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Monitoring callback : child deleted
+//  If a child iter is deleted, we have 2 cases :
+//  - The child is displayed ( represented by an iter ) : so it will be
+//	  self-callbacked for delete, we do nothing.
+//  - The child is not displayed ( no iter representing it ) :
+//	  The parent iter is thus collapsed, and have a dummy ( c.f. program's logic )
+//	  With must test if the deleted child was the last in the directory represented
+//	  by the parent iter. In this case, the little expandarrow must disappear from
+//	  the GtkTreeView. We do that by initiating a new check_if_empty async call.
+	MonitorData			*	_md,
+	const gchar			*   _name_debug)
+	Model				                *   THIS			= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore			*   treestore		= NULL;
+	GtkTreeModel						*   treemodel		= NULL;
+	Row									*   row				= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter								iter_parent		= Iter_zero;
+	Row									*   row_parent		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_del()");
+	THIS		= _md->a_model;
+	row			= _md->a_row;
+	treestore   = THIS->treestore();
+	treemodel   = THIS->treemodel();
+	Lock();																		// _GDK_LOCK_
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #1 : Get parent iter & data
+	//
+	if ( ! treestore->ext_iter_from_path(row->path(), &iter_parent) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_del():could not retrieve parent iter from Path [??? / %s]", _name_debug);
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	if ( ! treestore->ext_get_data(&iter_parent, (GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::DataInterface**)&row_parent) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_del():could not retrieve parent iter's TreeRow [??? / %s]", _name_debug);
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #2 : parent is expanded : abort
+	//
+	if ( THIS->iter_is_expanded(&iter_parent) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_del():parent is expanded, skipping [%s / %s]", row_parent->utf8_name_display(), _name_debug);
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #3 : parent is collapsed : verify that it has only a dummy ( logic verif )
+	//
+	if ( ! THIS->iter_dummy_child_check(&iter_parent) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_del():parent has no dummy [%s / %s]", row_parent->utf8_name_display(), _name_debug);
+		goto abort;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #4 : launch a check_if_empty async call on our collapsed,
+	//	dummychilded parent iter
+	//
+	THIS->iter_check_if_empty(&iter_parent);
+	Unlock();																	// _GDK_LOCK_
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Iter_monitor_callback_child_new()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Monitoring callback : child created
+	MonitorData		*   _md,
+	File			*   _file)
+	Model				                *   THIS			= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore			*   treestore		= NULL;
+	Row									*   row				= NULL;
+	Row									*   row_parent		= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter								iter_parent		= Iter_zero;
+	GtkTreePath							*   gtk_path_parent = NULL;
+	gboolean								b_parent_exp	= FALSE;
+	gboolean								b_parent_emp	= FALSE;
+	Row									*   row_child		= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter								iter_child		= Iter_zero;
+	//.........................................................................
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_new()");
+	THIS		= _md->a_model;
+	row			= _md->a_row;
+	treestore   = THIS->treestore();
+	Lock();																		// _GDK_LOCK_
+	if ( ! treestore->ext_iter_from_path(row->path(), &iter_parent) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_new():could not retrieve parent iter [ %s / %s]", row->uri_utf8(), _file->name_utf8());
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	if ( ! THIS->iter_get_treerow(&iter_parent, &row_parent) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_new():parent treerow is NULL [ %s / %s]", row->uri_utf8(), _file->name_utf8());
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	// parent status
+	gtk_path_parent = treestore->get_path(THIS->treemodel(), &iter_parent);
+	b_parent_exp	= (THIS->control()->row_state(gtk_path_parent) == eRowStateExpanded);
+	gtk_tree_path_free(gtk_path_parent);
+	b_parent_emp	= ( THIS->iter_n_children(&iter_parent) == 0 );
+	// parent expanded : add new child
+	if ( b_parent_exp )
+	{
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_new():parent EXP_xxx : adding new child [ %s / %s]", row_parent->utf8_name_display(), _file->name_utf8());
+		row_child = new Row(eRowStd, row_parent, _file);
+		if ( ! THIS->iter_add_child(&iter_parent, &iter_child, row_child) )
+			MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_new():could not add child iter [ %s / %s]", row_parent->utf8_name_display(), _file->name_utf8());
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	// parent not expanded, and empty : add dummy child
+	if ( b_parent_emp )
+	{
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_new():parent NEXP_EMPTY : adding dummy child [ %s / %s]", row_parent->utf8_name_display(), _file->name_utf8());
+		if ( ! THIS->iter_dummy_child_add(&iter_parent, &iter_child) )
+			MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_new():could not add dummy child iter [ %s / %s]", row_parent->utf8_name_display(), _file->name_utf8());
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	// parent not expanded, and not empty : skip
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_new():parent NEX_NEMPTY : skipping [ %s / %s]", row_parent->utf8_name_display(), _file->name_utf8());
+	Unlock();																	// _GDK_LOCK_
+	return;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Monitoring callback : child directory access changed
+	MonitorData		*	_md,
+	eFileAccess			_access,
+	const gchar		*   _child_name)
+	Model				                *   THIS			= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore			*   treestore		= NULL;
+	GtkTreeModel						*   treemodel		= NULL;
+	Row									*   row_parent		= NULL;
+	Row									*   row_child		= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter								iter_parent		= Iter_zero;
+	GtkTreeIter								iter_child		= Iter_zero;
+	const gchar							*   ck_child		= NULL;
+	gboolean								was_readable	= FALSE;
+	gboolean								is_readable		= FALSE;
+	//.........................................................................
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc()");
+	THIS		= _md->a_model;
+	row_parent	= _md->a_row;
+	treestore   = THIS->treestore();
+	treemodel   = THIS->treemodel();
+	Lock();																		// _GDK_LOCK_
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #1.1 : Get the parent iter
+	//
+	if ( ! treestore->ext_iter_from_path(row_parent->path(), &iter_parent) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc():could not retrieve parent iter [%s]", row_parent->utf8_name_display());
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #1.2 : Verifications on parent
+	//
+	if ( ! THIS->iter_is_expanded(&iter_parent) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc():parent is not expanded, skipping [%s]", row_parent->utf8_name_display());
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #2.1 : Get the child iter + data
+	//
+	// get the child
+	ck_child = g_utf8_collate_key_for_filename(_child_name, -1);
+	if ( ! treestore->ext_match_child_str(&iter_parent, &iter_child, ck_child ) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc():could not retrieve child iter [%s] of parent iter [%s]", _child_name, row_parent->utf8_name_display());
+		g_free((void*)ck_child);
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	g_free((void*)ck_child);
+	// get the child's data
+	if ( ! treestore->ext_get_data(&iter_child, (GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::DataInterface**)&row_child) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc():could not retrieve child iter's TreeRow [%s]", _child_name);
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #2.2 : verification that child file access has changed
+	//
+	if ( row_child->access() == _access )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc():child access didnt change [%s]", row_child->utf8_name_display());
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #3 : Action !
+	//  convenience booleans
+	was_readable = row_child->readable();
+	is_readable	 = Access_readable(_access);
+	//  #4.1 readable -> NOT readable
+	if ( was_readable && ( !is_readable ) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc():readable -> NOT readable [%s]", row_child->utf8_name_display());
+		//THIS->iter_readable_unset(&iter_child);
+		THIS->control()->message_fifo_push( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(MsgSetNotReadable, row_child->path()) );
+	}
+	//  #4.2 NOT readable -> readable
+	if ( ( !was_readable ) && is_readable )
+	{
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc():NOT readable -> readable [%s]", row_child->utf8_name_display());
+		//THIS->iter_readable_set(&iter_child);
+		THIS->control()->message_fifo_push( GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(MsgSetReadable, row_child->path()) );
+	}
+	//  #4.3 other changes, dont mind & exit
+	Unlock();																	// _GDK_LOCK_
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			                    Lock
+//  ###########################################################################
+GStaticMutex Mutex = G_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Lock()
+//  ===========================================================================
+	//pid_t tid = syscall(SYS_gettid);
+	//GCMD_INF("Model:: +++ Lock() +++");
+	gdk_threads_enter();
+	//g_static_mutex_lock(&Mutex);
+	return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Unlock()
+//  ===========================================================================
+	//pid_t tid = syscall(SYS_gettid);
+	//GCMD_INF("Model:: --- Unlock() ---");
+	//g_static_mutex_unlock(&Mutex);
+	gdk_threads_leave();
+	return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.snippet.h b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.snippet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e869823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.snippet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+    ###########################################################################
+    gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.snippet.h
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyright (C) 2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Struct  : Model
+    Parent  : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeView
+    This file is directly inluded in gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h
+    ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//								#define
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  ###########################################################################
+//                  GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Model
+//  ###########################################################################
+struct Model
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Enums, ...    							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    private: enum eCollateKeys
+    {
+        eCollateKeyRaw					= 0x00,
+        eCollateKeyCaseInsensitive		= 0x01,
+        eCollateKeyCard					= 0x02
+    };
+    public: enum eRowType
+    {
+        eRowStd						= 0x00  ,
+        eRowRoot					= 0x01  ,
+        eRowDummy					= 0x02
+    };
+    public: enum eRowStatus
+    {
+        eStatusOK       = 0x00  ,
+        eStatusPB1      = 0x01  ,
+        eStatusPB2      = 0x02
+    };
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Structs     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  All structs declarations, in the good order, for crossed references
+    //  in this header ( see UML clas diagram for infos )
+    //  =======================================================================
+    private:
+    // Template class to add GnomeVFS common fields to a struct
+    template<typename T> struct GnomeVFSAsyncTpl;
+    private:
+    struct  SortModule;
+    struct  SortModuleInsertion;
+    public:
+    struct  IterInfo;
+    public:
+    struct  File;
+    struct	    Directory;
+    struct	    Symlink;
+    private:
+    struct  Refresh;
+    struct  RefreshList;
+    private:
+    struct                                              AsyncCallerData;
+    struct                                                  AsyncCore;
+    struct	                                                    AsyncGetFileInfo;
+    struct			                                                GioAsyncGetFileInfo;
+    typedef GnomeVFSAsyncTpl<AsyncGetFileInfo>                      GnomeVFSAsyncGetFileInfo;
+    struct		                                                AsyncEnumerateChildren;
+    struct			                                                GioAsyncEnumerateChildren;
+    typedef GnomeVFSAsyncTpl<AsyncEnumerateChildren>                GnomeVFSAsyncEnumerateChildren;
+    typedef void (*AsyncCallerCallback)(AsyncCore*);
+    private:
+    struct  TreeRowInterface;
+    struct	  TreeRowStd;
+    struct	  TreeRowRoot;
+    struct	  TreeRowDummy;
+    private:
+    struct  MonitorData;
+    struct  MonitorInterface;
+    struct		Monitor;
+    struct			GioMonitor;
+    struct			GnomeVFSMonitor;
+    struct	GioMonitorHelper;
+    public: // cos of View::Treeview
+    struct  Row;
+    private:
+    struct  GnomeVFS;
+    struct  GIO;
+    private:
+    typedef GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Path				TreestorePath;
+    typedef GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::DataInterface	TreestoreData;
+    typedef File		FoldviewFile;
+    typedef Directory   FoldviewDir;
+    typedef Symlink		FoldviewLink;
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  All structs definitions are in this file
+    //                      |
+    //                      v
+    //  =======================================================================
+    #include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model-struct.snippet.h"
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Members     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  static
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    static          GtkTreeIter Iter_zero;
+    static const    gchar*      Msg_names[];
+    static const    gchar*      Msg_name(eMsgType);
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  divers
+    //  =======================================================================
+    private:
+    gchar			*   collate_key_new_from_utf8(const gchar* utf8_str);
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  core members
+    //  =======================================================================
+    private:
+    Control                         *   a_control;
+    GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore		*   d_treestore;
+    struct GIO                          a_GIO;
+    struct GnomeVFS                     a_GnomeVFS;
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  divers
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Methods     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  new, ...
+    //  =======================================================================
+    private:
+    void    *   operator new    (size_t);
+    void        operator delete (void*);
+    void        raz_pointers();
+    void        init_instance(Control*);
+    public:
+     Model(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control*);
+    ~Model();
+    void        dispose();
+    void        finalize();
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  accessors
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    inline  Control                     *   control()       { return a_control;                     }
+    inline  GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore	*   treestore()		{ return d_treestore;					}
+    inline  GtkTreeModel				*   treemodel()		{ return GTK_TREE_MODEL(d_treestore);	}
+    inline  GtkTreeSortable				*   treesortable()	{ return GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(d_treestore);}
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  NO LOCK : GtkTreeModelIface impl
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    gboolean		        get_iter		        (GtkTreePath *path /*in*/, GtkTreeIter *iter /*out*/);
+    void			        get_value		        (GtkTreeIter *in, gint column, GValue *value);
+    gint			        iter_n_children         (GtkTreeIter *parent);
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  NO LOCK : GtkTreeModelIface extensions
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    Row					*	iter_get_treerow		(GtkTreeIter*);
+    gboolean				iter_get_treerow		(GtkTreeIter*, Row**);
+    gboolean				iter_set_treerow		(GtkTreeIter*, Row*);
+    gboolean				iter_is_expanded		(GtkTreeIter*);
+    gboolean				iter_is_collapsed		(GtkTreeIter*);
+    gboolean				iter_collapse			(GtkTreeIter*);
+    const gchar			*	iter_get_display_string (GtkTreeIter*);
+    const Uri   			iter_get_uri			(GtkTreeIter *iter);
+    gboolean				iter_get_root			(GtkTreeIter* in_any,   GtkTreeIter *out_root);
+    gchar				*	iter_get_path_str_new	(GtkTreeIter* in);
+    gboolean				iter_has_uid			(GtkTreeIter* in,		gint uid);
+    gboolean				iter_same				(GtkTreeIter*,			GtkTreeIter*);
+    gboolean				iter_is_root			(GtkTreeIter*);
+    gint					iter_depth				(GtkTreeIter*);
+    gboolean				iter_add_tree           (GtkTreeIter *iter_in		,GtkTreeIter *iter_tree_out);
+    gboolean                iter_add_tree           (   Uri _utf8_uri, const gchar* _utf8_display_name, Uri _utf8_symlink_target_uri,
+                                                        eFileAccess _access, gboolean _is_symlink,
+                                                        gboolean _is_samba, gboolean _is_local, gboolean _host_redmond,
+                                                        GtkTreeIter* _iter_tree_out);
+    gboolean				iter_add_child	        (GtkTreeIter *parent /*in*/, GtkTreeIter *child /*out*/, Row*);
+    //  The dummy child of an iter :
+    //	  - indicates that there are subdirectories under the iter
+    //	  - let GtkTreeView show a little arrow on collapsed iters,
+    //		allowing expanding by user-click
+    //	  - preserve from keeping in memory iters that are not
+    //		displayed. ( Ex : /usr/lib )
+    gboolean				iter_dummy_child_add	(GtkTreeIter *parent /*in*/, GtkTreeIter *child /*out*/);
+    gboolean				iter_dummy_child_remove (GtkTreeIter *parent);
+    void					iter_dummy_child_replace(GtkTreeIter *_iter_parent /*in*/, GtkTreeIter *_iter_child /*out*/, Row* _rw_child_new);
+    gboolean				iter_dummy_child_check  (GtkTreeIter *_iter_parent);
+    gboolean				iter_remove(GtkTreeIter*);
+    gint					iter_collapsed_remove_children(GtkTreeIter *parent);
+    void					iter_remove_all();
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  NO LOCK : Model methods using files
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    //gboolean		iter_files_file_already_present		(GtkTreeIter *iter, File *file);
+    gboolean		iter_files_file_filter				(File * _file);
+    gboolean		iter_files_add_at_least_one			(GList*);
+    gboolean	    iter_files_add_file(
+                        GtkTreeIter		*   iter_parent,    /// in
+                        GtkTreeIter     *   iter_child,     /// out
+                        File			*   file,
+                        gboolean			check_for_doubloon,
+                        gboolean			replace_first_child);
+    gboolean	    iter_files_replace(
+                        GtkTreeIter		*   iter,    /// in
+                        File			*   file);
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  Refresh
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    //  NO LOCK : Refresh main call
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    public:
+                void		iter_refresh            (GtkTreeIter*);
+    //			void		iter_refresh_children   (GtkTreeIter*);
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    //  LOCKER  : Refresh callbacks
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    private:
+    //			GList	*	iter_refresh_store_R            (GList*, GtkTreeIter *iter);
+                void        iter_refresh_action             (GtkTreeIter*, TreestorePath*, gboolean, gboolean, gboolean);
+    static		void		Iter_refresh_callback           (AsyncCore*);
+    static		void		Iter_refresh_children_callback  (AsyncCore*);
+    //static	gboolean	Iter_refresh_launch_async_ops   (gpointer);
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  Sort
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    //  NO LOCK : Sort main call
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    public:
+                void		iter_sort               (GtkTreeIter*);
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Check if empty
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    //  NO LOCK : check if empty main call
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    public:
+                void		iter_check_if_empty             (GtkTreeIter*);
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    //  LOCKER  : check if empty callback
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    private:
+    static		void		Iter_check_if_empty_callback    (AsyncCore*);
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Expanded from ui
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    //  NO LOCK : expanded from ui main call
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    public:
+            void		    iter_expanded_from_ui           (GtkTreeIter *iter, gboolean _replace_dummy);
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    //  LOCKER  : expanded from ui callback
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    private:
+    static  void		    Iter_expanded_from_ui_callback  (AsyncCore*);
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Enumerate children
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    //  NO LOCK : enumerate children main call
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	private:
+            void            iter_enumerate_children(GtkTreeIter* , AsyncCallerCallback);
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Collapsed from ui
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    //  NO LOCK : collapsed from ui main call
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    public:
+            void		    iter_collapsed_from_ui(GtkTreeIter *iter);
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  iter_new_tree
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    //  NO LOCK : iter_new_tree
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    public:
+            void		    add_first_tree(const Uri, const gchar*);
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    //  LOCKER : iter_new_tree
+    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    private:
+    static  void            Add_first_tree_callback(AsyncCore*);
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Monitoring
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+            gboolean		iter_monitor_start		(GtkTreeIter* _iter);
+            gboolean		iter_monitor_stop		(GtkTreeIter* _iter);
+    private:
+    static  void			Iter_monitor_callback_del	   (MonitorData*);
+    static  void			Iter_monitor_callback_child_del(MonitorData*, const gchar* _name_debug);
+    static  void			Iter_monitor_callback_child_new(MonitorData*, File*);
+    //static  void			Iter_monitor_callback_acc	   (MonitorData*, eFileAccess, const gchar *_name_debug);
+    static  void			Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc(MonitorData*, eFileAccess, const gchar *_name_debug);
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Lock
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+	static  gboolean	Lock();
+	static  gboolean	Unlock();
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.cc b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8669e18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+    ###########################################################################
+    gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.cc
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyright (C) 2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Struct  : View
+    Parent  : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview
+    ###########################################################################
+#include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h"
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View::HeadBand
+//  ###########################################################################
+    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View    *   _view)
+    raz_pointers();
+    init_instance(_view);
+    a_view                              = NULL;
+    d_hbox_main                         = NULL;
+        d_button_connection_image       = NULL;
+        d_entry_path                    = NULL;
+        d_alignement_padder             = NULL;
+        d_button_refresh                = NULL;
+        d_button_sort                   = NULL;
+        d_button_show_hide              = NULL;
+        d_button_close                  = NULL;
+    View         *   _view)
+    g_return_if_fail( _view );
+    a_view = _view;
+    d_hbox_main                     = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+        d_button_connection_image   = gtk_button_new();
+        d_entry_path                = gtk_entry_new();
+        d_alignement_padder         = gtk_alignment_new(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+        d_button_refresh            = gtk_button_new();
+        d_button_sort               = gtk_button_new();
+        d_button_show_hide          = gtk_button_new();
+        d_button_close              = gtk_button_new();
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    // Path entry setup
+    //
+    gtk_entry_set_has_frame(GTK_ENTRY(d_entry_path), TRUE);
+    gtk_entry_set_alignment(GTK_ENTRY(d_entry_path), 0.0f);
+    gtk_entry_set_editable(GTK_ENTRY(d_entry_path), FALSE);
+    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(d_entry_path), view()->control()->connection()->alias);
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    // Buttons setup
+    //
+    gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(d_button_connection_image), gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(gnome_cmd_con_get_open_pixmap(view()->control()->connection())->pixbuf));
+    gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(d_button_refresh),          gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconGtkRefresh]));
+    gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(d_button_sort),             gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconGtkSortDescending]));
+    gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(d_button_show_hide),        gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconFolderOpened]));
+    gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(d_button_close),            gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconGtkClose]));
+	g_signal_connect(d_button_refresh,  "clicked",    G_CALLBACK(Control::Signal_button_refresh_clicked),  (gpointer)this);
+	g_signal_connect(d_button_sort,     "clicked",    G_CALLBACK(Control::Signal_button_sort_clicked),     (gpointer)this);
+	g_signal_connect(d_button_show_hide,"clicked",    G_CALLBACK(Control::Signal_button_show_hide_clicked),(gpointer)this);
+	g_signal_connect(d_button_close,    "clicked",    G_CALLBACK(Control::Signal_button_close_clicked),    (gpointer)this);
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    // Packing
+    //
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_hbox_main), d_button_connection_image, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_hbox_main), d_entry_path,              TRUE , TRUE , 0);
+    //gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_hbox_main), d_alignement_padder,       TRUE , TRUE, 0);
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_hbox_main), d_button_refresh,          FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_hbox_main), d_button_sort,             FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_hbox_main), d_button_show_hide,        FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_hbox_main), d_button_close,            FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+    gtk_widget_show_all(d_hbox_main);
+    gtk_widget_hide_all(d_hbox_main);
+    gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(d_button_show_hide),        gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconFolderClosed]));
+    gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(d_button_show_hide),        gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconFolderOpened]));
+//  ###########################################################################
+//                  GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View::Treeview
+//  ###########################################################################
+    View            *   _view,
+    GtkTreeModel    *   _treemodel)
+    raz_pointers();
+    init_instance(_view, _treemodel);
+    a_view              = NULL;
+    d_scrolled_window   = NULL;
+    d_treeview          = NULL;
+    View            *   _view,
+    GtkTreeModel    *   _treemodel)
+	GtkTreeViewColumn		*col0		= NULL;
+	GtkTreeViewColumn		*col1		= NULL;
+	GtkCellRenderer			*renderer   = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    g_return_if_fail( _view );
+    g_return_if_fail( _treemodel );
+    a_view              = _view;
+    a_treemodel         = _treemodel;
+	d_scrolled_window   = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
+	d_treeview          = gtk_tree_view_new();
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    // Scrolled window setup
+    //
+	gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy
+    (   GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (d_scrolled_window),
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    // GtkTreeView setup
+    //
+    if ( TRUE )
+    {
+    //
+    // treeview
+    //
+	// Drag & Drop
+	//  void gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_source(
+	//			GtkTreeView				*tree_view,
+	//			GdkModifierType			start_button_mask,
+	//			const GtkTargetEntry	*targets,
+	//			gint					n_targets,
+	//			GdkDragAction			actions);
+	//
+	//	typedef struct
+	//	{
+	//	  gchar *target;
+	//	  guint  flags;
+	//	  guint  info;
+	//	}
+	//  GtkTargetEntry;
+	//
+	//  typedef enum
+	//  {
+	//	  GTK_TARGET_SAME_APP = 1 << 0,    //< nick=same-app >
+	//	  GTK_TARGET_SAME_WIDGET = 1 << 1  //< nick=same-widget >
+	//  }
+	//  GtkTargetFlags;
+	//GtkTargetEntry  drag_source_entry[2]	=
+	//	{
+	//		{   (gchar*)"text/plain", 0, 0X30 },
+	//		{   (gchar*)"text/plain", 0, 0X31 }
+	//	};
+	//gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_source(
+	//	treeview(),
+ 	//	drag_source_entry,
+	//	2,
+    //g_signal_connect(m_treeview, "drag-begin", G_CALLBACK (signal_drag_begin), (gpointer)this);
+	// create columns
+	col0 = gtk_tree_view_column_new();
+	gtk_tree_view_column_set_title(col0, _("Folders"));
+	gtk_tree_view_column_set_visible(col0,TRUE);
+	col1 = gtk_tree_view_column_new();
+	gtk_tree_view_column_set_title(col1, _("Access Rights"));
+	gtk_tree_view_column_set_visible(col1,FALSE);
+	// column 0  : create pixbuf renderer
+	renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new();
+	gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start(col0, renderer, FALSE);
+	g_object_set(renderer, "xalign", 0.0, NULL);
+	gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func(col0, renderer, CellRendererPixbuf, (gpointer)this, NULL);
+	// column 0  : create text renderer
+	renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
+	gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start(col0, renderer, FALSE);
+	g_object_set(renderer, "xalign", 0.0, NULL);
+	gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func(col0, renderer, CellRendererTxt, (gpointer)this, NULL);
+	gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(d_treeview), col0);
+	// connect signals
+	g_signal_connect(d_treeview, "test_expand_row",		G_CALLBACK(signal_test_expand_row), (gpointer)this);
+	g_signal_connect(d_treeview, "row_expanded",		G_CALLBACK(signal_row_expanded), (gpointer)this);
+	g_signal_connect(d_treeview, "row_collapsed",		G_CALLBACK(signal_row_collapsed), (gpointer)this);
+	g_signal_connect(d_treeview, "button-press-event",  G_CALLBACK(signal_button_press_event), (gpointer)this);
+	g_signal_connect(d_treeview, "cursor-changed",      G_CALLBACK(signal_cursor_changed), (gpointer)this);
+	// some settings
+	gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible(GTK_TREE_VIEW(d_treeview), FALSE);
+	gtk_tree_view_set_show_expanders(GTK_TREE_VIEW(d_treeview), TRUE);
+	gtk_tree_view_set_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(d_treeview), treemodel());
+	// contextual menu
+        // since we do a dynamic menu, and there is no menu_shell_remove()
+        // function in gtk, we must create it on the fly, during the
+        // callback for single-right-click
+    }
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    // Packing
+    //
+	gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(d_scrolled_window), d_treeview);
+    gtk_widget_show_all(d_scrolled_window);
+    gtk_widget_hide_all(d_scrolled_window);
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  cells renderers
+//  ***************************************************************************
+	GtkTreeViewColumn *     _col,
+	GtkCellRenderer   *     _renderer,
+	GtkTreeModel      *     _model,
+	GtkTreeIter       *     _iter,
+	gpointer                _udata)
+	gint					            icon;
+	Treeview		                *   tv	    = NULL;
+    Model::Row                      *   row     = NULL;
+	GValue					            v		= {0};
+    //.........................................................................
+	tv = (GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View::Treeview*)_udata;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_value(_model, _iter, 0, &v);
+	row = (Model::Row*)g_value_get_pointer(&v);
+	icon = row->icon();
+	g_object_set(_renderer, "pixbuf", GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::s_gdk_pixbuf[(eIcon)icon], NULL);
+	GtkTreeViewColumn               *   _col,
+	GtkCellRenderer                 *   _renderer,
+	GtkTreeModel                    *   _model,
+	GtkTreeIter                     *   _iter,
+	gpointer                            _udata)
+    Model::Row                      *   row     = NULL;
+	GValue v = {0};
+	//.........................................................................
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_value(_model, _iter, 0, &v);
+	row = (Model::Row*)g_value_get_pointer(&v);
+	g_object_set(_renderer, "text", row->utf8_name_display() , NULL);
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  row state / actions
+//  ***************************************************************************
+	GtkTreePath *   _path)
+	return ( gtk_tree_view_row_expanded(treeview(), _path)  ?
+				eRowStateExpanded							:
+				eRowStateCollapsed  );
+	GtkTreePath *   _path)
+	return gtk_tree_view_collapse_row(treeview(), _path);
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  gtk+ callbacks
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  row selection
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeView		*tree_view,
+	gpointer 	   user_data)
+	GtkTreeSelection	*tree_sel		= NULL;
+	gint				tree_sel_card   = 0;
+	GtkTreeIter			iter_selected   = Model::Iter_zero;
+	//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+	//GCMD_INF("signal_cursor_changed");
+	//  get path to currently selected iter
+	tree_sel = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view));
+	if ( ! tree_sel )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("View::signal_cursor_changed:gtk_tree_view_get_selection failed");
+	}
+	// Note: gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows() does not
+	//   exist in gtk+-2.0, only in gtk+ >= v2.2 !
+	tree_sel_card = gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows(tree_sel);
+	if ( tree_sel_card == 1 )
+	{
+		if ( gtk_tree_selection_get_selected( tree_sel, NULL, &iter_selected) )
+		{
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			GCMD_WNG("View::signal_cursor_changed:gtk_tree_selection_get_selected failed");
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("View::signal_cursor_changed");
+	}
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  row expand / collapse
+//  ===========================================================================
+// row about to be expanded : FALSE = allow , TRUE = deny
+	GtkTreeView		*   _tree_view,
+	GtkTreeIter		*   _iter,
+	GtkTreePath		*   _path,
+	gpointer 		    _udata)
+	Treeview		*   tv = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//GCMD_INF("view:signal [test_expand_row]");
+	tv = (Treeview*)_udata;
+	tv->view()->control()->iter_expanded_from_ui(_iter, TRUE);
+	// Allow expansion
+	return FALSE;
+	GtkTreeView		*   _tree_view,
+	GtkTreeIter		*   _iter,
+	GtkTreePath		*   _path,
+	gpointer 		    _udata)
+	//GCMD_INF("view:signal [row_expanded]");
+	GtkTreeView		*   _tree_view,
+	GtkTreeIter		*   _iter,
+	GtkTreePath		*   _path,
+	gpointer 		    _udata)
+	Treeview		*   tv = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//GCMD_INF("view:signal [row_collapsed]");
+	tv = (Treeview*)_udata;
+	tv->view()->control()->iter_collapsed_from_ui(_iter);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Drag n Drop
+//  ===========================================================================
+//	GtkWidget	   *widget,
+//	GdkDragContext *drag_context,
+//	gpointer		user_data)
+//	GCMD_INF("View:signal_drag_begin");
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Buttons clicks
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkWidget	   *tree_view,
+	GdkEventButton *event,
+	gpointer		_udata)
+	//  signal handled		: return TRUE
+	//  signal not handled  : return FALSE
+	//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+    Treeview                *   THIS            = NULL;
+	GtkTreePath				*   path_clicked    = NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter					iter_selected   = Model::Iter_zero;
+	GtkTreePath				*   path_selected   = NULL;
+	GtkTreeSelection		*   tree_sel		= NULL;
+	gint						tree_sel_card   = 0;
+	View::ctx_menu_data	    *   ctxdata		    = NULL;
+	//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+    THIS = (Treeview*)_udata;
+	// get path to iter over which the user clicked, and the iter too
+	gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos(
+		GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view),
+		(gint) event->x,
+		(gint) event->y,
+		&path_clicked, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+	//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+	//  get path to currently selected iter
+	tree_sel = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view));
+	if ( ! tree_sel )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("View::signal_button_press_event:gtk_tree_view_get_selection failed");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	// Note: gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows() does not
+	//   exist in gtk+-2.0, only in gtk+ >= v2.2 !
+	tree_sel_card = gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows(tree_sel);
+	if ( tree_sel_card == 1 )
+	{
+		if ( gtk_tree_selection_get_selected( tree_sel, NULL, &iter_selected) )
+		{
+			path_selected = GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_path(
+				gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view)),
+				&iter_selected);
+			if ( !path_selected )
+			{
+				GCMD_WNG("View::signal_button_press_event:gtk_tree_model_get_path failed");
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			GCMD_WNG("View::signal_button_press_event:gtk_tree_selection_get_selected failed");
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// single left click
+	if ( ( event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS )  &&  ( event->button == 1 ) )
+	{
+		// The GtkTreeSelection will be updated only
+		// in the next loop of gtk_main(), and when calling sync(),
+		// the path_selected is still the old selected item, not the
+		// clicked one.
+		// So in the sync() function, we use path_clicked instead of
+		// path_selected
+		// And this doesnt work - next gtk_main loop too
+		//gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all(tree_sel);
+		//gtk_tree_selection_select_path(tree_sel, path_clicked);
+		ctxdata				= new ctx_menu_data();
+		ctxdata->a_treeview = THIS;
+		ctxdata->a_time		= event->time;
+		ctxdata->a_event_x	= event->x;
+		ctxdata->a_event_y	= event->y;
+		ctxdata->a_button	= event->button;
+		ctxdata->d_path_selected = path_selected;
+		ctxdata->d_path_clicked	 = path_clicked;
+		return THIS->click_left_single(ctxdata);
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// single right click : ctx menu
+	if ( ( event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS )  &&  ( event->button == 3 ) )
+	{
+		ctxdata				= new ctx_menu_data();
+		ctxdata->a_treeview = THIS;
+		ctxdata->a_time		= event->time;
+		ctxdata->a_event_x	= event->x;
+		ctxdata->a_event_y	= event->y;
+		ctxdata->a_button	= event->button;
+		ctxdata->d_path_selected = path_selected;
+		ctxdata->d_path_clicked	 = path_clicked;
+		return THIS->context_menu_pop(ctxdata);
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// double left click
+	if ( ( event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS )  &&  ( event->button == 1 ) )
+	{
+		ctxdata				= new ctx_menu_data();
+		ctxdata->a_treeview = THIS;
+		ctxdata->a_time		= event->time;
+		ctxdata->a_event_x	= event->x;
+		ctxdata->a_event_y	= event->y;
+		ctxdata->a_button	= event->button;
+		ctxdata->d_path_selected = path_selected;
+		ctxdata->d_path_clicked	 = path_clicked;
+		return THIS->click_left_double(ctxdata);
+	}
+    if ( path_clicked )
+        gtk_tree_path_free(path_clicked);
+	// signal was not handled
+	return FALSE;
+gboolean GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View::Treeview::click_left_single(ctx_menu_data *ctxdata)
+	//GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control_sync_update(NULL, ctxdata);           // _GWR_STANDBY_
+    delete ctxdata;
+	// tell gtk to continue signal treatment, else treeview wont
+	// expand / collapse anymore if that was the arrow that was clicked
+	return FALSE;
+gboolean GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View::Treeview::click_left_double(ctx_menu_data *ctxdata)
+	Control::Set_active_tab(NULL, ctxdata);
+	return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//							Contextual menu
+//  ===========================================================================
+gboolean GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View::Treeview::context_menu_pop(ctx_menu_data *ctxdata)
+	ctxdata->a_treeview->view()->control()->context_menu_pop(ctxdata);
+	return TRUE;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//                  GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Constructor, ...
+//  ***************************************************************************
+    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control     *   _control,
+    GtkTreeModel                            *   _treemodel)
+    raz_pointers();
+    init_instance(_control, _treemodel);
+    delete d_headband;
+    delete d_treeview;
+    a_control   = NULL;
+    d_vbox_main = NULL;
+    d_headband  = NULL;
+    d_treeview  = NULL;
+    a_treeview_showed = TRUE;
+    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control     *   _control,
+    GtkTreeModel                            *   _treemodel)
+    g_return_if_fail( _control      );
+    //g_return_if_fail( _treemodel    );
+    a_control   = _control;
+    d_vbox_main = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+    d_headband  = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(HeadBand, this);
+    d_treeview  = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(Treeview, this, _treemodel);
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    // Packing
+    //
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_vbox_main), d_headband->widget(), FALSE, TRUE , 0);
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_vbox_main), d_treeview->widget(), TRUE , TRUE , 0);
+    gtk_widget_show_all(d_vbox_main);
+    gtk_widget_hide_all(d_vbox_main);
+    if ( treeview_showed() )
+    {
+        GCMD_ERR("View::hide_treeview():already shown");
+        return;
+    }
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_vbox_main), d_treeview->widget(), TRUE , TRUE , 0);
+    g_object_unref(d_treeview->widget());
+    headband()->set_image_opened();
+    a_treeview_showed = TRUE;
+    if ( ! treeview_showed() )
+    {
+        GCMD_ERR("View::hide_treeview():already hidden");
+        return;
+    }
+    g_object_ref(d_treeview->widget());
+    gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(d_vbox_main), d_treeview->widget());
+    headband()->set_image_closed();
+    a_treeview_showed = FALSE;
+	eFileType		type,
+	eFileAccess	access)
+	if ( type == eTypeDirectory )
+	{
+		if ( Access_readable(access) )
+			return GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::eIconDirReadWrite;
+		else
+			return GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::eIconDirReadOnly;
+		//switch ( access )
+		//{
+		//	case	eAccessRW   : return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconDirReadWrite; break;
+		//	case	eAccessRO   : return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconDirReadOnly;  break;
+		//	case	eAccessFB   : return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconDirForbidden; break;
+		//	default				: return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconUnknown;	   break;
+		//}
+	}
+	if ( type == eTypeSymlink )
+	{
+		if ( Access_readable(access) )
+			return GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::eIconSymlinkToDirReadWrite;
+		else
+			return GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::eIconSymlinkToDirReadOnly;
+		//switch ( access )
+		//{
+		//	case	eAccessRW		:   return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconSymlinkToDirReadWrite;	 break;
+		//	case	eAccessRO		:   return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconSymlinkToDirReadOnly;	 break;
+		//	case	eAccessFB		:   return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconSymlinkToDirForbidden;	 break;
+		//	default					:   return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconUnknown;						break;
+		//}
+	}
+	return eIconUnknown;
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.snippet.h b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.snippet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bd3fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.snippet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+    ###########################################################################
+    gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.snippet.h
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyright (C) 2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Struct  : View
+    Parent  : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeView
+    This file is directly inluded in gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h
+    ###########################################################################
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//								#define
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  ###########################################################################
+//                  GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View
+//  ###########################################################################
+struct View
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Enums, ...    							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Structs     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    public:
+    struct HeadBand;
+    struct Treeview;
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  Context menu
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    struct  ctx_menu_data
+    {
+        Treeview		*   a_treeview;
+        GtkTreePath		*   d_path_clicked;
+        GtkTreePath		*   d_path_selected;
+        guint32				a_time;
+        gint				a_event_x;
+        gint				a_event_y;
+        guint				a_button;
+                            ~ctx_menu_data()
+                            {
+                                if ( d_path_selected )
+                                {
+                                    gtk_tree_path_free(d_path_selected);
+                                }
+                                if ( d_path_clicked )
+                                {
+                                    gtk_tree_path_free(d_path_clicked);
+                                }
+                            }
+        void	*operator   new(size_t size)	{  return g_new0(ctx_menu_data, 1);  }
+        void	operator	delete(void *p)		{  g_free(p);  }
+    };
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  HeadBand
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    struct HeadBand
+    {
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        private:
+        View        *       a_view;
+        GtkWidget   *   d_hbox_main;
+        GtkWidget   *       d_button_connection_image;
+        GtkWidget   *       d_entry_path;
+        GtkWidget   *       d_alignement_padder;
+        GtkWidget   *       d_button_refresh;
+        GtkWidget   *       d_button_sort;
+        GtkWidget   *       d_button_show_hide;
+        GtkWidget   *       d_button_close;
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        public:
+        inline View         *   view()      { return a_view; }
+        inline GtkWidget    *   widget()    { return d_hbox_main; }
+        void            show();
+        void            hide();
+        void            update_style();
+        void            set_image_closed();
+        void            set_image_opened();
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        private:
+        void    *   operator new    (size_t);
+        void        operator delete (void*);
+        void        raz_pointers();
+        void        init_instance(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View*);
+        public:
+         HeadBand(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View*);
+        ~HeadBand();
+        void        dispose();
+        void        finalize();
+    };
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  Treeview
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    struct Treeview
+    {
+        friend class View;
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        private:
+        View            *   a_view;
+        GtkTreeModel    *   a_treemodel;
+        GtkWidget       *   d_scrolled_window;
+        GtkWidget       *   d_treeview;
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        public:
+        inline View         *   view()      { return a_view;                    }
+        private:
+        inline GtkTreeView  *   treeview()  { return GTK_TREE_VIEW(d_treeview); }
+        inline GtkTreeModel *   treemodel() { return a_treemodel;               }
+        //.....................................................................
+        public:
+        inline GtkWidget    *   widget()    { return d_scrolled_window; }
+        void            show();
+        void            hide();
+        void            update_style();
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        private:
+        void    *   operator new    (size_t);
+        void        operator delete (void*);
+        void        raz_pointers();
+        void        init_instance(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View*, GtkTreeModel*);
+        public:
+                    Treeview(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::View*, GtkTreeModel*);
+                   ~Treeview();
+        void        dispose();
+        void        finalize();
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+		private:
+		static  void	CellRendererPixbuf(
+							GtkTreeViewColumn *col,
+							GtkCellRenderer   *renderer,
+							GtkTreeModel      *model,
+							GtkTreeIter       *iter,
+							gpointer           user_data);
+		static void		CellRendererTxt(
+							GtkTreeViewColumn *col,
+							GtkCellRenderer   *renderer,
+							GtkTreeModel      *model,
+							GtkTreeIter       *iter,
+							gpointer           user_data);
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        private:
+        eRowState           row_state(GtkTreePath* _path);
+        gboolean	        row_collapse(GtkTreePath* _path);
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+		static  void		signal_cursor_changed   (GtkTreeView* tree_view, gpointer);
+		static  gboolean	signal_test_expand_row  (GtkTreeView*, GtkTreeIter*, GtkTreePath*, gpointer);
+		static  void		signal_row_expanded     (GtkTreeView*, GtkTreeIter*, GtkTreePath*, gpointer);
+		static 	void		signal_row_collapsed    (GtkTreeView*, GtkTreeIter*, GtkTreePath*, gpointer);
+        //.....................................................................
+		static  gboolean	signal_button_press_event(GtkWidget*, GdkEventButton*, gpointer);
+        static  gboolean    click_left_single(ctx_menu_data*);
+        static  gboolean    click_left_double(ctx_menu_data*);
+        //.....................................................................
+        static  gboolean    context_menu_pop(ctx_menu_data*);
+        private:
+        GtkTreeSelection	*   selection()
+                                {
+                                    return gtk_tree_view_get_selection(treeview());
+                                }
+        gint				    selection_count()
+                                {
+                                    // Note: gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows() does not
+                                    //   exist in gtk+-2.0, only in gtk+ >= v2.2 !
+                                    return 	gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows(selection());
+                                }
+    };
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Members     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    private:
+    Control                 *   a_control;
+    GtkWidget               *   d_vbox_main;
+    GcmdStruct<HeadBand>    *   d_headband;
+    GcmdStruct<Treeview>    *   d_treeview;
+    gboolean                a_treeview_showed;
+    //  =======================================================================
+	// divers
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Methods     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  accessors, ...
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    inline  Control     *       control()           { return a_control;         }
+    inline  HeadBand    *       headband()          { return d_headband;        }
+    inline  Treeview    *       treeview()          { return d_treeview;        }
+    inline  GtkWidget   *       widget()            { return d_vbox_main;       }
+    inline  gboolean            treeview_showed()   { return a_treeview_showed; }
+    void            show();
+    void            hide();
+    void            update_style();
+    void            show_treeview();
+    void            hide_treeview();
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  new, ...
+    //  =======================================================================
+    private:
+    void    *   operator new    (size_t);
+    void        operator delete (void*);
+    void        raz_pointers();
+    void        init_instance(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control*, GtkTreeModel*);
+    public:
+                View(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Control*, GtkTreeModel*);
+               ~View();
+    void        dispose();
+    void        finalize();
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  wrappers
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    inline  GtkTreeSelection    *   selection()                         { return treeview()->selection();           }
+    inline  gint				    selection_count()                   { return treeview()->selection_count();     }
+    inline  eRowState               row_state(GtkTreePath* _path)       { return treeview()->row_state(_path);      }
+    inline  gboolean	            row_collapse(GtkTreePath* _path)    { return treeview()->row_collapse(_path);   }
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  dives
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    static eIcon	Icon_from_type_access(eFileType, eFileAccess);
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // For menu editing simplicity
+    private:
+    gboolean		context_menu_pop(ctx_menu_data*);
+    gboolean		click_left_single(ctx_menu_data *ctxdata);
+    gboolean		click_left_double(ctx_menu_data *ctxdata);
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.cc b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a253c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+    ###########################################################################
+    gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.cc
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyright (C) 2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Struct  : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview
+    ###########################################################################
+#include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h"
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  			    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview
+//  ###########################################################################
+GdkPixbuf   *   GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::s_gdk_pixbuf[GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::eIconCard];
+gboolean        GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::s_gdk_pixbuf_loaded = FALSE;
+gchar *   GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Collate_key_dot		= NULL;
+gchar *   GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Collate_key_dotdot	= NULL;
+gchar *   GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Collate_key_uri_01	= NULL;
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Constructor, ...
+//  ***************************************************************************
+    GcmdGtkFoldview *   _foldview,
+    GnomeCmdCon     *   _con)
+    // UPS rocks :)
+    GnomeVFSURI     * u     = NULL;
+    GnomeCmdPath    * p     = NULL;
+    gchar           * s     = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    g_return_if_fail( _foldview );
+    g_return_if_fail( _con );
+    Pixbuf_load_all();
+    // static collate keys : static vars are not correctly initialized
+    // in this form :
+    // gchar *   GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Collate_key_dot = g_utf8_collate_key(_("."),   -1);
+    if ( ! Collate_key_dot )
+    {
+        Collate_key_dot     = g_utf8_collate_key(_("."),   -1);
+        Collate_key_dotdot  = g_utf8_collate_key(_(".."),  -1);
+        Collate_key_uri_01  = g_utf8_collate_key(_("file:///"),  -1);
+    }
+    a_foldview      = _foldview;
+    a_connection    = _con;
+    // create the control
+    d_control   = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(Control, this);
+    // create the model
+    d_model     = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(Model, d_control);
+    // create the view
+    d_view      = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(View, d_control, model()->treemodel());
+    // go !
+    if ( gnome_cmd_con_is_local(a_connection) )
+    {
+        p = gnome_cmd_con_create_path(a_connection, "");
+        u = gnome_cmd_con_create_uri(a_connection, p);
+        s = gnome_vfs_uri_to_string(u, GNOME_VFS_URI_HIDE_NONE);
+        model()->add_first_tree(s, gnome_cmd_con_get_alias(a_connection));
+        GCMD_INF("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview()::first tree uri [%s]", s);
+        g_object_ref_sink(p);
+        g_object_unref(p);
+        gnome_vfs_uri_unref(u);
+        g_free(s);
+    }
+    delete d_model;
+    delete d_view;
+    delete d_control;
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Icons
+//  ***************************************************************************
+    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::eIcon       _icon,
+    const gchar                         *   _filename)
+	GError  *   g_error		= NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+	s_gdk_pixbuf[_icon] = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(_filename, &g_error);
+    if ( g_error )
+    {
+        GCMD_ERR("GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::Pixbuf_load():%s", g_error->message );
+        g_error_free(g_error);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+    if ( s_gdk_pixbuf_loaded )
+        return TRUE;
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconUnknown,                 "../pixmaps/file-type-icons/file_type_unknown.xpm");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconDirReadWrite,            "../pixmaps/file-type-icons/file_type_dir.xpm");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconDirReadOnly,             "../pixmaps/file-type-icons/file_type_dir_orange.xpm");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconDirForbidden,            "../pixmaps/file-type-icons/file_type_dir_red.xpm");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconSymlinkToDirReadWrite,   "../pixmaps/file-type-icons/file_type_symlink_to_dir_green.xpm");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconSymlinkToDirReadOnly,    "../pixmaps/file-type-icons/file_type_symlink_to_dir_orange.xpm");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconSymlinkToDirForbidden,   "../pixmaps/file-type-icons/file_type_symlink_to_dir_red.xpm");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconDummy,                   "../pixmaps/file-type-icons/file_type_unknown.xpm");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconWarning,                 "../pixmaps/gtk-dialog-warning.png");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconGtkRefresh,              "../pixmaps/gtk-refresh.png");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconGtkSortAscending,        "../pixmaps/gtk-sort-ascending.png");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconGtkSortDescending,       "../pixmaps/gtk-sort-descending.png");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconFolderOpened,            "../pixmaps/folder-opened.png");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconFolderClosed,            "../pixmaps/folder-closed.png");
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconGtkClose,                "../pixmaps/gtk-close.png");
+    s_gdk_pixbuf_loaded = TRUE;
+    return TRUE;
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconUnknown]		);
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconDirReadWrite]  );
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconDirReadOnly]   );
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconDirForbidden]  );
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconSymlinkToDirReadWrite] );
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconSymlinkToDirReadOnly]  );
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconSymlinkToDirForbidden] );
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconDummy]			);
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconWarning]		);
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconGtkRefresh] );
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconGtkSortAscending] );
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconGtkSortDescending] );
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconFolderOpened] );
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconFolderClosed] );
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconGtkClose] );
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Connection infos
+//  ***************************************************************************
+    return ( a_connection->method == CON_SMB );
+    return ( a_connection->method == CON_LOCAL );
+    return FALSE;                                                               // _GWR_TODO_
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Actions
+//  ***************************************************************************
+GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::set_packing_expansion(gboolean b)
+    foldview()->treeview_set_packing_expansion(this, b);
+    foldview()->treeview_del(this);
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Divers
+//  ***************************************************************************
+	eFilePerm   _p1,
+	eFilePerm   _p2)
+	return  (eFileAccess)( (guint32)_p1 + (guint32)_p2 );
+	gboolean	_read,
+	gboolean	_write)
+	eFilePerm   p1 = ( _read	?   ePermRead   : ePermNone );
+	eFilePerm   p2 = ( _write   ?   ePermWrite  : ePermNone );
+	return  Access_from_permissions(p1,p2);
+	eFileAccess _access)
+	return ( ((guint32)_access & (guint32)ePermRead) != 0 );
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0bf754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+    ###########################################################################
+    gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyright (C) 2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Struct  : GnomeCmdConnectionTreeView
+    ###########################################################################
+#include	<config.h>
+#include    <unistd.h>
+#include    <sys/syscall.h>
+#include    <sys/types.h>
+//  ...........................................................................
+#include	<glib.h>
+#include	<glib-object.h>
+#include	<gio/gio.h>
+#include	<gtk/gtkvbox.h>
+#include	<gtk/gtklabel.h>
+//  ...........................................................................
+#include	"gnome-cmd-includes.h"
+#include	"gnome-cmd-con.h"
+//  ...........................................................................
+#include    "gnome-cmd-foldview-utils.h"
+#include    "gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.h"
+#include    "gnome-cmd-foldview-quickstack.h"
+#include    "gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.h"
+#include    "gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h"
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//								#define
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//	#define : Foldview config
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  ###########################################################################
+//                          GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview
+//  ###########################################################################
+struct GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Enums, ...    							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    public  : enum eFilePerm
+	{
+		// these permissions are user-relatives ( the user that launched gcmd )
+		ePermNone		=   0   ,
+		ePermRead		=   1   ,
+		ePermWrite		=   2   ,
+	};
+    public:
+	enum eFileAccess
+	{
+		eAccessFB		=   0   ,
+		eAccessRO		=   1	,
+		eAccessWO		=   2	,
+		eAccessRW		=   3   ,
+		eAccessUN		=   4
+	};
+    public  : enum eFileType
+	{
+		eTypeUnknown		=   0   ,
+		eTypeDirectory		=   1   ,
+		eTypeSymlink		=   2
+	};
+    public  : enum eFileError
+    {
+        eErrorNone                  = 0,
+        // inspired from GnomeVFS
+        eErrorFileNotFound          = 1,
+        eErrorAccessDenied          = 2,
+        eErrorCancelled             = 3,
+        eErrorTimeout               = 4,
+        // added from GIO
+        eErrorOther                 = 1024
+    };
+    public  : enum eRowState
+    {
+        eRowStateUnknown			= 0,
+        eRowStateCollapsed			= 1,
+        eRowStateExpanded			= 2
+    };
+	typedef gchar *Uri;
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  Icons
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    enum eIcon
+    {
+        eIconUnknown					=  0,
+        eIconDirReadWrite				=  1,
+        eIconDirReadOnly				=  2,
+        eIconDirForbidden				=  3,
+        eIconSymlinkToDirReadWrite		=  4,
+        eIconSymlinkToDirReadOnly		=  5,
+        eIconSymlinkToDirForbidden		=  6,
+        eIconDummy						=  7,
+        eIconWarning					=  8,
+        eIconGtkRefresh					=  9,
+        eIconGtkSortAscending			= 10,
+        eIconGtkSortDescending			= 11,
+        eIconFolderOpened               = 12,
+        eIconFolderClosed               = 13,
+        eIconGtkClose					= 14,
+        eIconCard                       = 15
+    };
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Structs     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    struct  Model;
+    struct  View;
+    struct  Control;
+    #include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-model.snippet.h"
+    #include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-view.snippet.h"
+    #include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview-control.snippet.h"
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Members     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    public:
+    static  gchar   *   Collate_key_dot;			// ck of "."
+    static  gchar   *   Collate_key_dotdot;			// ck of ".."
+    static  gchar   *   Collate_key_uri_01;			// ck of "file:///"
+    private:
+    static  GdkPixbuf       *   s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconCard];
+    static  gboolean            s_gdk_pixbuf_loaded;
+    GnomeCmdCon             *   a_connection;
+    GcmdGtkFoldview         *   a_foldview;
+    GcmdStruct<Model>       *   d_model;
+    GcmdStruct<View>        *   d_view;
+    GcmdStruct<Control>     *   d_control;
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Methods     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  new, ...
+    //  =======================================================================
+    private:
+    void    *   operator new    (size_t);
+    void        operator delete (void*);
+    public:
+     GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview(GcmdGtkFoldview*, GnomeCmdCon*);
+    ~GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview();
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  accessors
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    inline  GcmdGtkFoldview *   foldview()      { return a_foldview;    }
+    inline  GnomeCmdCon     *   connection()    { return a_connection;  }
+    inline  Model           *   model()         { return d_model;       }
+    inline  View            *   view()          { return d_view;        }
+    inline  Control         *   control()       { return d_control;     }
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  wrappers
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    inline  GtkWidget   *   widget()        { return d_view->widget();  }
+    inline  void            show()          { d_view->show();           }
+    inline  void            hide()          { d_view->hide();           }
+    inline  void            update_style()  { d_view->update_style();   }
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  icons
+    //  =======================================================================
+    private:
+    static  gboolean    Pixbuf_load(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview::eIcon, const gchar*);
+    static  gboolean    Pixbuf_load_all();
+    static  void        Pixbuf_unload_all();
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  connection infos
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    gboolean		is_samba();
+    gboolean		is_local();
+    gboolean		host_redmond();
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  some stuff
+    //  =======================================================================
+    void            set_packing_expansion(gboolean);
+    void            close();
+    //  =======================================================================
+	// divers
+    //  =======================================================================
+	static  eFileAccess		Access_from_permissions					(eFilePerm _p1, eFilePerm _p2);
+	static  eFileAccess		Access_from_read_write					(gboolean _read, gboolean _write);
+	static  gboolean		Access_readable							(eFileAccess);
+    static  inline  void    Error_Msg_Abort()
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("  * Async mismatch *");
+    }
+    static  inline  void    Error_Msg_Failure()
+    {
+        MSG_WNG("  * Failure * ( Please note that failure may be normal async change, ");
+        MSG_WNG("                error handling has to be improved in foldview code )");
+    }
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-docs.h b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-docs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..163969b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-docs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,944 @@
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyleft      2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+								TODO GWR
+		GcmdFileSelector resize automatically resize the main vertical pane
+		( FILL / EXPAND gtk settings somewhere ) ?
+		Trivial bug as no item is selectionned on foldview 'open in active tab'
+        Check all g_list_append / prepend, doc says it works with NULL pointers
+        ReEnable double-click
+        Separators between multiples trees
+        Effective sorting in GtkTreeView
+        Test with GIO
+        Show broken symlinks
+		..................... facultative  / later ............................
+		sync file_list when it is not active ( in a hidden tab )
+		Bookmarks
+		Foldview metadata ( ex : foldview visibility )
+        Improve GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node access by introducing
+        depth info in uids ? seems impossible with actual code...
+		.......................................................................
+DONE    _GWR_BUG_#01_
+DONE    Notification from filesystem, GIO based ( half coded )
+			- GIO bug : no self EVENT_DELETE after async op has been
+			  done on a monitored GFile
+            - There is another similar bug too
+        -> Monitorig development freezed, I want foldview to be lenny-compatible
+DONE    AsyncCore errors : detail & display in async callbacks
+        -> made with log enhance
+DONE    Log enhance
+DONE    AsyncCore errors : use eIconWarning
+DONE    - corrected stupid & critical bug in GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_next
+        - refresh seems to be OK
+        - monitoring develeoppement stopped ( although quite complete )
+DONE    Refresh is implemented, monitoring is on stand-by till a decision
+        is taken relatively to GnomeVFS / GIO bugs in Debian Lenny
+		.......................................................................
+COMMIT  2a1a27202012327d1da9d20e7deb9892a9e9028d
+DONE	foldview as a static lib, libfoldview.a - its the only way I found to
+		put foldview sources in a separate directory
+		.......................................................................
+COMMIT  a406809dfa5cbcc1b9928cb45695bb1928df1578
+DONE	Notification from filesystem, GnomeVFS based - * it works *
+DONE	Focus on read permission, deleted write permission display in foldview
+DONE	A little bit of conception for data stored in the treestore
+DONE	Split model filesystem access in 2 modules : GIO & GnomeVFS
+DONE	model : replaced 'struct Refresh'  by 'struct AsyncCBData'
+		( -> removing GcmdFoldview() calls )
+DONE	moved paths into GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore
+DONE	moved uids into GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore
+DONE	all pre-requisite code for refresh
+DONE	reduce number of gnome_vfs_uri_new() calls
+DONE	removed struct UserLoadSubdir
+DONE	moved control code in model for expand, collapse, check if empty
+DONE	'match' : coded match uid for childs
+		.......................................................................
+COMMIT  e6eb3e8ab1ed1ea37cdece1e4e835a4a583927e1
+DONE	'match' : nearly coded, missing match code in GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore
+DONE	'refresh' : coded until async_ops
+DONE	'delete root node' : Finished
+		.......................................................................
+COMMIT  db15c04d3067ec023bcbe6eee0c86690f4becc86
+done	coded 'delete root node', popup menu only
+DONE	eIconUnknown on first add_tree, when creating the foldview
+DONE	removed GLib warning from gvalue.c, missing a g_value_unset
+DONE	code cleanup
+		.......................................................................
+COMMIT  9ae7289de1ee43f50ef45cdda5d08a2b6ab9f876
+DONE	changed copyright to copyleft for me, and verified GPL headers for
+		foldview modules
+DONE	implemented multiple root nodes ( just like nautilus ), which will
+		lead to opening bookmarks in foldview
+DONE	removed #define __GTS__ , bye bye GtkTreeStore
+		.......................................................................
+COMMIT  c3e79b41c22091e3e6452130cff1a04948f428d8
+DONE	init / destroy cleanup : g_object_ref on hided widgets
+DONE	memory leaks hunt
+DONE	memory leak : gnome-cmd-foldview-control.cc::814 forgot g_free(str)
+DONE	memory leak : root node
+DONE	memory leak : GcmdGtkFldview::Model::destroy implemented
+DONE	memory leak : gvfs quickstack
+DONE	correct ESC[30m for terminal after each gwr_print
+		.......................................................................
+COMMIT  05bb32e2cfd8eb56bf64e93bc1785ce52f6a100d
+DONE	symlinks icons show little white pixel when selected its ugly
+		but gcmd's too
+DONE	foldview correct position on show / hide ( cmdline, buttonbar, ... )
+DONE	(Finally) gcmd crashes when opening access-denied folder from treeview
+		in tab, after showing an alert
+DONE	Going crazy with correct theming of treeview with selectionned items,
+		focus between widgets,...
+DONE	combo connections at startup
+DONE	gtk_widget_set_sensitive on non-full-functional items of context menu
+DONE	Check index_ff on qstack_push()
+DONE	? mutex on handles : no, gvfs_async calls are queued
+		and since I use gdk_threads_enter/leave, there is no more
+		concurrency between gtk & gvfs
+DONE	why GVFS_qstack_ff / GVFS_qstack_size  is always n-2 / n ??? should be n / n
+		-> because t' affiches ff _avant_ update et qsize au lieu de qsize - 1,
+		stupid, ça fait un décalage de 2
+DONE	Comments cleanup
+DONE	Private logging for gvfs ops
+DONE	Cancel all async ops
+DONE	Big Bug in checking type of GnomeVFSFileInfo : GNOME_VFS_FILE_TYPE_...
+		are distinct values - it is not a bitfield, triple fuck, spended time
+		on that
+								TODO EPIOTR
+DONE	in src/gnome-cmd-foldview.h:
+        extern		gboolean			gnome_cmd_foldview_set_root_1(gchar *text);
+		...
+        extern		GtkWidget		*GcmdWidget();
+        'extern' is superfluous here, please remove it
+DONE	epiotr.10.07.16.gcmd-foldview
+DONE	ua
+		epiotr.10.07.22.kill-warnings
+DONE	epiotr.10.07.22.gtk_object_ref,unref
+DONE	epiotr. struct-gvfs_async_caller_data
+DONE	epiotr. struct-gvfs-async
+DONE	epiotr. struct-gvfs-async-load-subdirs
+DONE	epiotr. struct-gvfs-async-load-subdirs-subdirs
+DONE	* I've moved view_treeview() to gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc. I'm
+		sending you a patch for that.
+DONE	* after opening foldview, cmdline is moved from bottom to top -
+		that requires fixing
+DONE	* move foldview code to src/foldview
+DONE	* changing your surname from WARDAVOIR -> Wardavoir (this is GNOME
+        standard) ;o)
+DONE	* remove singleton
+		* foldview should respect global settings for case sensitive
+		sorting (gnome_cmd_data.case_sens_sort) and showing hidden dirs
+		(gnome_cmd_data.filter_settings.hidden)
+		* when folview is opened for the first time, it should initially
+		expand to the current dir of active pane:
+		main_win->fs(ACTIVE)->get_directory()
+		* making your 'earlgrey' repo based on current 'treeview' branch
+DONE	* please do not fix bugs in 'core' gcmd in 'earlgrey' repo, they
+        may go unnoticed... Please send them directly to me or to
+        gcmd-devel list, they will go into into master and then will get
+        merged into treeview
+					WIDGET HIERARCHY FOR GcmdGtkFoldview
+	Sample for "horizontal view" ( all widgets are under main_win->priv->... )
+	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	|																		|
+	|	main_win->priv->vbox												|
+	|																		|
+	|	+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+	|
+	|	|								|								|   |
+	|	|	foldview_paned				|	foldview_paned				|   |
+	|	|	( pane #1 )					|	( pane #2 )					|   |
+	|	|								|								|   |
+	|	|	+-----------------------+	|	+-----------------------+	|   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|						|   |   |
+	|	|	|	foldview			|	|	|	paned ( pane #1 )	|   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|						|   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|	+---------------+	|   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|	|				|   |   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|	| GnomeCmdList  |   |   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|	|				|   |   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|	+---------------+   |   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|						|   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	+-----------------------+   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|						|   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|	paned ( pane #2 )	|   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|						|   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|	+---------------+	|   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|	|				|   |   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|	| GnomeCmdList  |   |   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|	|				|   |   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|	+---------------+   |   |   |
+	|	|	|						|	|	|						|   |   |
+	|	|	+-----------------------+	|	+-----------------------+	|   |
+	|	|								|								|   |
+	|	|								|								|   |
+	|	+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+	|
+	|																		|
+	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+		"drag-begin"									SRC
+		"drag-motion"												DST
+			|
+			|
+			+-----------------------+
+			|						|
+			|						|
+		"drag-drop"				"drag-leave"						DST
+			|
+			|
+		"drag-data-get"									SRC
+			|
+			|
+		"drag-data-received"										DST
+			|
+			|
+		"drag-end"										SRC
+	+   "drag-failed"									SRC
+		"drag-data-delete"								SRC
+                            TEMPORARY TRASH-CODE
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_collapse()
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter *   _iter)
+	gint					n			= 0;
+	View::eRowState			state		= View::eRowStateUnknown;
+	GtkTreePath			*   gtk_path	= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter				iter_dummy  = Iter_zero;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//GCMD_INF("iter_remove");
+	// get the # of children
+	n = iter_n_children(_iter);
+	// get the GtkTreePath
+	gtk_path = GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_path(treemodel(), _iter);
+	if ( ! gtk_path )
+		return FALSE;
+	// get the view state of the parent
+	state = view()->row_state(gtk_path);
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is sterile : exit
+	if (  n == 0 )
+		goto exit_success;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is fertile, and is expanded
+	if ( state == View::eRowStateExpanded )
+	{
+		// It is a hack ! Let GtkTreeView update its cache by collapsing !
+		// We dont have to manually delete each row and signals on them !
+		if ( ! view()->row_collapse(gtk_path) )									// __GWR__HACK__
+		{
+			GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_collapse():iter could not be collapsed");
+			goto exit_failure;
+		}
+		// We dont return here, since the iter is in the following state !
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is fertile, and is collapsed. Silently remove all children.
+	iter_collapsed_remove_children(_iter);
+	iter_dummy_child_add(_iter, &iter_dummy);
+	gtk_tree_path_free(gtk_path);
+	return TRUE;
+	gtk_tree_path_free(gtk_path);
+	return FALSE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Add a File as a child of an iter, if the file match
+//  criterias
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter		*   _iter_parent,
+	FoldviewFile	*   _file,
+	gboolean			_check_for_doubloon,
+	gboolean			_replace_first_child)
+	gchar				*		utf8_collate_key_file   = NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter					iter_child				= Iter_zero;
+	Row					*		row_parent				= NULL;
+	Row					*		row_child				= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail( _iter_parent,		FALSE );
+	g_return_val_if_fail( _file,			FALSE );
+	// filter
+	if ( ! iter_files_file_filter(_file) )
+		return FALSE;
+	// doubloons
+	if ( _check_for_doubloon )
+	{
+		utf8_collate_key_file = collate_key_new_from_utf8(_file->name_utf8());
+		if ( treestore()->ext_match_child_collate_key(_iter_parent, &iter_child, eCollateKeyRaw, utf8_collate_key_file) )
+		{
+			g_free(utf8_collate_key_file);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		g_free(utf8_collate_key_file);
+	}
+	row_parent = iter_get_treerow(_iter_parent);
+	if ( ! row_parent )
+		return NULL;
+	// build the TreeRow
+	row_child = new Row(eRowStd, row_parent, _file);
+	// add it !
+	if ( _replace_first_child && ( GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_n_children(treemodel(), _iter_parent) == 1 ) )
+		iter_dummy_child_replace(_iter_parent, &iter_child, row_child);
+	else
+		iter_add_child(_iter_parent, &iter_child, row_child);
+	return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Add files from a GList of Files as childs of iter
+//  ===========================================================================
+	GtkTreeIter				*   _iter_parent,
+	GList					*   _list,
+	gboolean					_check_for_doubloon,
+	gboolean					_replace_dummy)
+	GList					*		list			= NULL;
+	FoldviewFile			*		file			= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter						iter_child		= GcmdGtkFoldview::Model::Iter_zero;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// add first children
+	list	= g_list_first(_list);
+	g_return_if_fail(list);
+	file	= (File*)list->data;
+	FILES_INF("Model::ifafs:%s", file->name_utf8());
+	iter_files_add_file(_iter_parent, file, _check_for_doubloon, _replace_dummy);
+	list	= g_list_next(list);
+	// add other children
+	while ( list )
+	{
+		file	= (File*)list->data;
+		FILES_INF("Model::ifafs:%s", file->name_utf8());
+		iter_files_add_file(_iter_parent, file, _check_for_doubloon, FALSE);
+		list	= g_list_next(list);
+	}
+		//  ===================================================================
+		//  Refresh
+		//  ===================================================================
+		private:
+		struct Refresh
+        {
+            private:
+            TreestorePath   *   d_path;
+            Uri                 d_uri;
+			public:
+			void*		operator new	(size_t size);
+			void		operator delete (void *p);
+                         Refresh(TreestorePath*, const gchar* = NULL);
+                        ~Refresh();
+            public:
+            const Uri           uri()   { return d_uri;     }
+            TreestorePath   *   path()  { return d_path;    }
+        };
+		//.....................................................................
+        struct RefreshList
+        {
+            private:
+            Model   *   a_model;
+            GList   *   d_list;
+            GList   *   a_current;
+			public:
+			void*		operator new	(size_t size);
+			void		operator delete (void *p);
+                         RefreshList(Model*, GList*);
+                        ~RefreshList();
+            public:
+            Model       *   model();
+            void            add(Refresh*);
+            void            reset();
+            Refresh     *   getplusplus();
+        };
+//  Model::iter_refresh_store_R()
+//  Recursive call for getting all subiters of an iter in the form
+//  of a GList of Model::Refresh
+    GList       *   _list,
+    GtkTreeIter *   _iter_parent)
+    TreestorePath   *   path        = NULL;
+	Refresh			*   refresh	    = NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter		    iter_child	= Iter_zero;
+	GList			*   l			= NULL;
+    Row             *   row         = NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+    g_return_val_if_fail( _iter_parent, NULL );
+	l = _list;
+    //
+	//  add a new Refresh to the list
+    //
+    path    = treestore()->ext_path_from_iter(_iter_parent);
+    // treerow
+    row = iter_get_treerow(_iter_parent);
+    if ( ! row )
+    {
+        REFRESH_ERR("Model::iter_refresh_store_R():Could not get treerow for iter");
+        delete path;
+        return l;
+    }
+    if ( ! row->is_dummy() )
+    {
+        refresh = new Refresh(path, row->uri_utf8());
+        l       = g_list_append(l, (gpointer)refresh);
+        //
+        //  children
+        //
+        // no children, return
+        if ( ! GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_children(treemodel(), &iter_child, _iter_parent) )
+            return l;
+        do
+        {
+            l = iter_refresh_store_R(l, &iter_child);
+        }
+        while ( GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_next(treemodel(), &iter_child));
+    }
+	return l;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Iter_refresh_launch_async_ops()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Launch the async ops at regular interval, until all async ops have been
+//  launched.
+//  The RefreshList has to be reseted before the first call, by the caller.
+    gpointer    _data)
+    RefreshList     *       rlist   = NULL;
+    Model           *       THIS    = NULL;
+    Refresh			*       refresh	= NULL;
+    AsyncCallerData *       acd     = NULL;
+    gint					j		= 0;
+	//.........................................................................
+    rlist   = (RefreshList*)_data;
+    THIS    = rlist->model();
+    // continue from we stopped
+    refresh = rlist->getplusplus();
+	// end of list reached, aborting g_timeout by returning FALSE
+	if ( ! refresh )
+	{
+		// delete the list, mallocated datas are destroyed in callbacks
+		delete rlist;
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	REFRESH_INF("Model::Iter_refresh_launch_async_ops():Launching async ops on %s", refresh->uri());
+    acd = new AsyncCallerData(rlist->model(), Iter_refresh_children_callback, refresh->path()->dup());
+	_USE_GIO_                                                               ?
+		THIS->a_GIO.iter_enumerate_children     (acd, refresh->uri())       :
+		THIS->a_GnomeVFS.iter_enumerate_children(acd, refresh->uri())       ;
+    // refresh is not useful anymore
+    delete refresh;
+	// cycle limit reached, return
+		return TRUE;
+	goto loop;
+	GtkTreeIter *   _iter)
+	GList		*	list	=   NULL;
+	GList		*	temp	=   NULL;
+    RefreshList *   rlist   =   NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// get all iters in a list
+	//
+	list = iter_refresh_store_R(list, _iter);
+	// tree is empty !
+	if ( !list )
+	{
+		REFRESH_INF("Model::iter_refresh():called on an empty tree");
+		return;
+	}
+	list = g_list_first(list);
+	// dump !
+	REFRESH_INF("Model::iter_refresh():dumping items");
+	temp = list;
+	do
+	{
+		REFRESH_INF("  |  %s", ((Refresh*)temp->data)->uri() );
+		temp = g_list_next(temp);
+	}
+	while ( temp != NULL );
+	//.........................................................................
+	// launch async ops - we use a timer, thus gcmd can 'digest' the list
+	//
+    // RefreshList
+    rlist = new RefreshList(this, list);
+    rlist->reset();
+	//  guint   g_timeout_add(
+	//			guint			interval,
+	//			GSourceFunc		function,
+	//			gpointer		data);
+	//
+	//  interval	:	the time between calls to the function, in milliseconds (1/1000ths of a second)
+	//  function	:	function to call
+	//  data		:	data to pass to function
+	//  Returns		:	the ID (greater than 0) of the event source.
+	//
+	//  gboolean (*GSourceFunc) (gpointer data);
+	// launch the timer
+	g_timeout_add(
+        Iter_refresh_launch_async_ops,
+        (gpointer)rlist);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Iter_monitor_callback_acc()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Monitoring callback : directory access changed
+	MonitorData		*	_md,
+	eFileAccess			_access,
+	const gchar		*   _name_debug)
+	GcmdGtkFoldview::Model				*   THIS			= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore			*   treestore		= NULL;
+	GtkTreeModel						*   treemodel		= NULL;
+	Row									*   row				= NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter								iter			= Iter_zero;
+	gboolean								was_readable	= FALSE;
+	gboolean								is_readable		= FALSE;
+	//.........................................................................
+	MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_acc()");
+	THIS		= _md->a_model;
+	row			= _md->a_row;
+	treestore   = THIS->treestore();
+	treemodel   = THIS->treemodel();
+	gdk_threads_enter();														// _GDK_LOCK_
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #1 : Get iter + data
+	//
+	if ( ! treestore->ext_iter_from_path(row->path(), &iter) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_acc():could not retrieve iter from Path [%s]", _name_debug);
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	if ( ! treestore->ext_get_data(&iter, (GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::DataInterface**)&row) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc():could not retrieve parent iter's TreeRow [%s]", _name_debug);
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #2 : verification that file access has changed
+	//
+	if ( row->access() == _access )
+	{
+		MONITOR_ERR("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc():access didnt change [%s]", row->utf8_name_display());
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #3 : convenience booleans
+	//
+	was_readable = row->readable();
+	is_readable	 = Access_readable(_access);
+	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	//  Step #4 : stuff
+	//
+	//  4.1 readable -> NOT readable
+	if ( was_readable && ( !is_readable ) )
+	{
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc():readable -> NOT readable [%s]", row->utf8_name_display());
+	}
+	//  4.2 NOT readable -> readable
+	if ( ( !was_readable ) && is_readable )
+	{
+		MONITOR_INF("Model::Iter_monitor_callback_child_acc():NOT readable -> readable [%s]", row->utf8_name_display());
+	}
+	//  4.3 other changes, exit
+	gdk_threads_leave();														// _GDK_LOCK_
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_readable_set()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Set an iter readable
+//  ( do logic verifications & launch check_if_empty )
+	GtkTreeIter * _iter)
+    IterInfo                info;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//GCMD_INF("iter_readable_set");
+	g_return_val_if_fail( _iter, FALSE );
+	//.........................................................................
+	// Logic verifications
+    //
+    info.gather(this, _iter, IterInfo::eExp | IterInfo::eChildren);
+    // iter must be collapsed, and have no child
+    if ( ! info.collapsed() || info.children() )
+    {
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_readable_set():Test failed");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	// iter already readable : return
+	if ( info.row()->readable() )
+	{
+		GCMD_WNG("Model::iter_readable_set():already readable [%s]", info.row()->utf8_name_display());
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// All is ok
+	// change data
+	info.row()->readable(TRUE);
+	// inform treview that row has changed
+	treestore()->ext_data_changed(_iter);
+	// launch check if empty
+	iter_check_if_empty(_iter);
+	return TRUE;
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  iter_readable_unset()
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Set an iter not-readable
+//  ( do logic verifications & launch check_if_empty )
+	GtkTreeIter * _iter)
+	Row					*   row			= NULL;
+	gint					n			= 0;
+	GtkTreePath			*   gtk_path	= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	//GCMD_INF("iter_readable_unset");
+	g_return_val_if_fail( _iter, FALSE );
+	//.........................................................................
+	// Logic verifications
+    // Cant use iter_test, because we need the GtkTreePath
+    //
+	// Row
+	if ( ! iter_get_treerow(_iter, &row) )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_readable_unset():could not get Row");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	// Already not-readable
+	if ( ! row->readable() )
+	{
+		GCMD_WNG("Model::iter_readable_unset():already not-readable [%s]", row->utf8_name_display());
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	// get the # of children
+	n = iter_n_children(_iter);
+	// get the GtkTreePath
+	gtk_path = GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_path(treemodel(), _iter);
+	if ( ! gtk_path )
+	{
+		GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_readable_unset():could not get GtkTreePath [%s]", row->utf8_name_display());
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// if no children, unset directly
+	if ( n == 0 )
+		goto iter_sterile;
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is fertile, and expanded : collapse it
+	if ( iter_is_expanded(_iter) )
+	{
+		// It is a hack ! Let GtkTreeView update its cache by collapsing !
+		// We dont have to manually delete each row and signals on them !
+		if ( ! view()->row_collapse(gtk_path) )									// __GWR__HACK__
+		{
+			GCMD_ERR("Model::iter_readable_unset():iter could not be collapsed");
+			goto exit_failure;
+		}
+		// We dont return here, since the iter is in the following state !
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// iter is fertile, and collapsed : silently remove children
+	iter_collapsed_remove_children(_iter);
+	//.........................................................................
+	// Unset the sterile iter
+	// change data
+	row->readable(FALSE);
+	// inform treview that row has changed
+	treestore()->ext_data_changed(_iter);
+	gtk_tree_path_free(gtk_path);
+	return TRUE;
+	gtk_tree_path_free(gtk_path);
+	return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.cc b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf669fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyleft      2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include	"gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.h"
+#include	<stdio.h>
+//  ****************************************************************************
+//                              Static
+//  ****************************************************************************
+Logger::LogFunction     Logger::Log_function[6] =
+                        {
+                            &Logger::Inf,
+                            &Logger::Wng,
+                            &Logger::Err,
+                            &Logger::Tki,
+                            &Logger::Tkw,
+                            &Logger::Tke
+                        };
+static char			s1  [1024];
+static char			s2  [1024];
+	Prompt color format : <ESC>[{attr};{fg};{bg}m
+    {attr} needs to be one of the following :
+	0 Reset All Attributes (return to normal mode)
+	1 Bright (usually turns on BOLD)
+	2 Dim
+	3 Underline
+	5 Blink
+	7 Reverse
+	8 Hidden
+    {fg} needs to be one of the following :
+      30 Black
+      31 Red
+      32 Green
+      33 Yellow
+      34 Blue
+      35 Magenta
+      36 Cyan
+      37 White
+    {bg} needs to be one of the following:
+      40 Black
+      41 Red
+      42 Green
+      43 Yellow
+      44 Blue
+      45 Magenta
+      46 Cyan
+      47 White
+void Logger::Inf(const char* _header, const char* _format, ...)
+            va_list     val;
+    //.........................................................................
+    va_start(val, _format); vsprintf(s1, _format, val); va_end(val);
+    sprintf(s2, "\033[0;32mINF:\033[0m%s:%s", _header, s1);
+    printf("%s\n", s2);
+void Logger::Wng(const char* _header, const char* _format, ...)
+            va_list     val;
+    //.........................................................................
+    va_start(val, _format); vsprintf(s1, _format, val); va_end(val);
+    sprintf(s2, "\033[0;35mWNG:\033[0m%s:%s", _header, s1);
+    printf("%s\n", s2);
+void Logger::Err(const char* _header, const char* _format, ...)
+    va_list     val;
+    //.........................................................................
+    va_start(val, _format); vsprintf(s1, _format, val); va_end(val);
+    sprintf(s2, "\033[0;31mERR:\033[0m%s:%s", _header, s1);
+    printf("%s\n", s2);
+void Logger::Tki(const char* _header, const char* _format, ...)
+    va_list     val;
+    //.........................................................................
+    va_start(val, _format); vsprintf(s1, _format, val); va_end(val);
+    sprintf(s2, "\033[0;33mTKI:\033[0m%s:%s", _header, s1);
+    printf("%s\n", s2);
+void Logger::Tkw(const char* _header, const char* _format, ...)
+    va_list     val;
+    //.........................................................................
+    va_start(val, _format); vsprintf(s1, _format, val); va_end(val);
+    sprintf(s2, "\033[1;33mTKW:\033[0m%s:%s", _header, s1);
+    printf("%s\n", s2);
+void Logger::Tke(const char* _header, const char* _format, ...)
+    va_list     val;
+    //.........................................................................
+    va_start(val, _format); vsprintf(s1, _format, val); va_end(val);
+    sprintf(s2, "\033[7;33mTKE:\033[0m%s:%s", _header, s1);
+    printf("%s\n", s2);
+//  ****************************************************************************
+//                              All the rest
+//  ****************************************************************************
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.h b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56df380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.h
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyleft      2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include    "gnome-cmd-foldview-utils.h"
+#include    <glib.h>
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//								Logging
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//	Logger
+//  ===========================================================================
+struct Logger
+    //=========================================================================
+    //	Types
+    //=========================================================================
+    public:
+    typedef void (*LogFunction)(const char* _header, const char* _format, ...);
+    //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    public:
+    enum eLogFlavour
+    {
+        eLogInf         = 0,
+        eLogWng         = 1,
+        eLogErr         = 2,
+        eLogTki         = 3,
+        eLogTkw         = 4,
+        eLogTke         = 5
+    };
+    //=========================================================================
+    //	Structs
+    //=========================================================================
+    private:
+    struct Channel
+    {
+        private:
+        gint            a_index;
+        LogFunction     a_log_function[6];
+        gchar   *       d_header;
+        public:
+        Channel()
+        {
+            a_index                 = -1;
+            a_log_function[eLogInf] = &NoLog;
+            a_log_function[eLogWng] = &NoLog;
+            a_log_function[eLogErr] = &NoLog;
+            a_log_function[eLogTki] = &NoLog;
+            a_log_function[eLogTkw] = &NoLog;
+            a_log_function[eLogTke] = &NoLog;
+            d_header                = NULL;
+        }
+        ~Channel()
+        {
+            if ( d_header )
+                g_free(d_header);
+        }
+        inline  void            set_header(const gchar* _header)
+                                {
+                                    d_header = g_strdup(_header);
+                                }
+        inline  const gchar*    get_header()
+                                {
+                                    return d_header;
+                                }
+        inline  LogFunction     log_function(eLogFlavour _flavour)
+                                {
+                                    return a_log_function[_flavour];
+                                }
+        inline  void            unmute(eLogFlavour _flavour)
+                                {
+                                    a_log_function[_flavour] = Log_function[_flavour];
+                                }
+        inline  void            mute(eLogFlavour _flavour)
+                                {
+                                    a_log_function[_flavour] = &NoLog;
+                                }
+    };
+    //=========================================================================
+    //	New, ...
+    //=========================================================================
+    public:
+    Logger(gint _channel_card)
+    {
+        a_channel_card  = _channel_card;
+        d_channel       = (Channel**)g_try_malloc0( sizeof(Channel*) * _channel_card );
+    }
+    ~Logger()
+    {
+        gint i = 0;
+        //.....................................................................
+        for( i = 0 ; i != channel_card() ; i++ )
+            if ( channel(i) )
+                delete (GcmdStruct<Channel>*)channel(i);
+        g_free(d_channel);
+    }
+    //=========================================================================
+    //	Members
+    //=========================================================================
+    private:
+    static  LogFunction     Log_function[6];
+            gint            a_channel_card;
+            Channel     **  d_channel;
+    //=========================================================================
+    //	Methods
+    //=========================================================================
+    private:
+    static          void Inf    (const char* _header, const char* _format, ...);
+    static          void Wng    (const char* _header, const char* _format, ...);
+    static          void Err    (const char* _header, const char* _format, ...);
+    static          void Tki    (const char* _header, const char* _format, ...);
+    static          void Tkw    (const char* _header, const char* _format, ...);
+    static          void Tke    (const char* _header, const char* _format, ...);
+    static  inline  void NoLog  (const char* _header, const char* _format, ...)   {}
+    //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    public:
+    inline  LogFunction     log_function(gint _channel, eLogFlavour _flavour)
+    {
+        return channel(_channel)->log_function(_flavour);
+    }
+    inline  gint            channel_card()
+    {
+        return a_channel_card;
+    }
+    inline  Channel *       channel(gint _channel)
+    {
+        return d_channel[_channel];
+    }
+    inline  const gchar *   header(gint _channel)
+    {
+        return channel(_channel)->get_header();
+    }
+    inline  void            channel_mute    (gint _channel, eLogFlavour _flavour)   { channel(_channel)->mute(_flavour);   }
+    inline  void            channel_unmute  (gint _channel, eLogFlavour _flavour)   { channel(_channel)->unmute(_flavour); }
+    inline  gboolean        channel_create(gint _channel, const gchar* _header, guint8 _b8)
+    {
+        g_return_val_if_fail( _channel >=  0,               FALSE );
+        g_return_val_if_fail( _channel <= channel_card(),   FALSE );
+        g_return_val_if_fail( ! channel(_channel),          FALSE );
+        d_channel[_channel] = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(Channel);
+        d_channel[_channel]->set_header(_header);
+        if ( _b8 & 0x20 )   d_channel[_channel]->unmute(eLogInf);
+        if ( _b8 & 0x10 )   d_channel[_channel]->unmute(eLogWng);
+        if ( _b8 & 0x08 )   d_channel[_channel]->unmute(eLogErr);
+        if ( _b8 & 0x04 )   d_channel[_channel]->unmute(eLogTki);
+        if ( _b8 & 0x02 )   d_channel[_channel]->unmute(eLogTkw);
+        if ( _b8 & 0x01 )   d_channel[_channel]->unmute(eLogTke);
+        return TRUE;
+    }
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h
index 0297745..bffbf9d 100644
--- a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
+    ###########################################################################
+    gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
     Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
     Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
@@ -17,882 +23,229 @@
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-	C++
-	Contain variadic macros
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-		GcmdFileSelector resize automatically resize the main vertical pane
-		( FILL / EXPAND gtk settings somewhere ) ?
-		Trivial bug as no item is selectionned on foldview showing
-		..................... facultative  / later ............................
-		sync file_list when it is not active ( in a hidden tab )
-		Bookmarks
-		Notification from filesystem ( very hard to do, we're really going
-		multithread ) -> gdk_threads_enter will be enough I think
-DONE	init / destroy cleanup : g_object_ref on hided widgets
-DONE	memory leaks hunt
-DONE	memory leak : gnome-cmd-foldview-control.cc::814 forgot g_free(str)
-DONE	memory leak : root node
-DONE	memory leak : GcmdGtkFldview::Model::destroy implemented
-DONE	memory leak : gvfs quickstack
-DONE	correct ESC[30m for terminal after each gwr_print
-		.......................................................................
-COMMIT  05bb32e2cfd8eb56bf64e93bc1785ce52f6a100d
-DONE	symlinks icons show little white pixel when selected its ugly
-		but gcmd's too
-DONE	foldview correct position on show / hide ( cmdline, buttonbar, ... )
-DONE	(Finally) gcmd crashes when opening access-denied folder from treeview
-		in tab, after showing an alert
-DONE	Going crazy with correct theming of treeview with selectionned items,
-		focus between widgets,...
-DONE	combo connections at startup
-DONE	gtk_widget_set_sensitive on non-full-functional items of context menu
-DONE	Check index_ff on qstack_push()
-DONE	? mutex on handles : no, gvfs_async calls are queued
-		and since I use gdk_threads_enter/leave, there is no more
-		concurrency between gtk & gvfs
-DONE	why GVFS_qstack_ff / GVFS_qstack_size  is always n-2 / n ??? should be n / n
-		-> because t' affiches ff _avant_ update et qsize au lieu de qsize - 1,
-		stupid, ça fait un décalage de 2
-DONE	Comments cleanup
-DONE	Private logging for gvfs ops
-DONE	Cancel all async ops
-DONE	Big Bug in checking type of GnomeVFSFileInfo : GNOME_VFS_FILE_TYPE_...
-		are distinct values - it is not a bitfield, triple fuck, spended time
-		on that
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-DONE	in src/gnome-cmd-foldview.h:
-        extern		gboolean			gnome_cmd_foldview_set_root_1(gchar *text);
-		...
-        extern		GtkWidget		*GcmdWidget();
-        'extern' is superfluous here, please remove it
-DONE	epiotr.10.07.16.gcmd-foldview
-DONE	ua
-		epiotr.10.07.22.kill-warnings
-DONE	epiotr.10.07.22.gtk_object_ref,unref
-DONE	epiotr. struct-gvfs_async_caller_data
-DONE	epiotr. struct-gvfs-async
-DONE	epiotr. struct-gvfs-async-load-subdirs
-DONE	epiotr. struct-gvfs-async-load-subdirs-subdirs
-DONE	* I've moved view_treeview() to gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc. I'm
-		sending you a patch for that.
-DONE	* after opening foldview, cmdline is moved from bottom to top -
-		that requires fixing
-		* foldview should respect global settings for case sensitive
-		sorting (gnome_cmd_data.case_sens_sort) and showing hidden dirs
-		(gnome_cmd_data.filter_settings.hidden)
-		* when folview is opened for the first time, it should initially
-		expand to the current dir of active pane:
-		main_win->fs(ACTIVE)->get_directory()
-						===============
-* gnome-cmd-file.h
-gint gnome_cmd_file_get_ref_count(GnomeCmdFile* file);
-void gnome_cmd_file_log(gchar *str, GnomeCmdFile *File);
-gint gnome_cmd_file_get_ref_count(GnomeCmdFile* file)
-	return file->priv->ref_cnt;
-* gnome-cmd-file.cc
-void gnome_cmd_file_log(gchar *str, GnomeCmdFile *file)
-	gchar   temp[1024];
-	sprintf(temp, "fil:[0x%08x %3s][%03i-%03i] [h:xxxxxxxx] [mu:xxx] [%s] [%s]\n",
-		file,
-		g_object_is_floating(file) ? "FLO" : "REF",
-		((GInitiallyUnowned*)file)->ref_count,
-		gnome_cmd_file_get_ref_count(file),
-		GNOME_CMD_FILE_INFO(file)->uri != NULL ? GNOME_CMD_FILE_INFO(file)->uri->text : "no uri",
-		str);
-	printf(temp);
-* gnome-cmd-dir.h
-void gnome_cmd_dir_log(const gchar *str, GnomeCmdDir *dir);
-* gnome-cmd-dir.cc
-void gnome_cmd_dir_log(const gchar *str, GnomeCmdDir *dir)
-	gchar   temp[1024];
-	if ( ! dir )
-	{
-		sprintf(temp, "dir:NULL [%s]\n", str);
-		return;
-	}
-	sprintf(temp, "dir:[0x%08x %3s][%03i-%03i] [h:0x%08x] [mu:xxx] [%s] [%s]\n",
-		dir,
-		g_object_is_floating(dir) ? "FLO" : "REF",
-		((GInitiallyUnowned*)dir)->ref_count,
-		gnome_cmd_file_get_ref_count(GNOME_CMD_FILE(dir)),
-		gnome_cmd_dir_get_handle(dir),
-		//dir->priv->monitor_users,
-		GNOME_CMD_FILE_INFO(dir)->uri != NULL ? GNOME_CMD_FILE_INFO(dir)->uri->text : "no uri",
-		str);
-	printf(temp);
-* gnome-cmd-file-list.cc
-static void on_dir_list_failed (GnomeCmdDir *dir, GnomeVFSResult result, GnomeCmdFileList *fl)
-	gnome_cmd_dir_log("on_dir_list_failed 00", dir);
-    DEBUG('l', "on_dir_list_failed\n");
-    if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK)
-        gnome_cmd_show_message (NULL, _("Directory listing failed."), gnome_vfs_result_to_string (result));
-	gnome_cmd_dir_log("on_dir_list_failed 01", dir);
-    g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (fl->cwd, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, fl);
-	gnome_cmd_dir_log("on_dir_list_failed 01-1", dir);
-    fl->connected_dir = NULL;
-	gnome_cmd_dir_log("on_dir_list_failed 01-2", dir);
-    gnome_cmd_dir_unref (fl->cwd);
-	gnome_cmd_dir_log("on_dir_list_failed 01-3", dir);
-    set_cursor_default_for_widget (*fl);
-	gnome_cmd_dir_log("on_dir_list_failed 01-4", dir);
-    gtk_widget_set_sensitive (*fl, TRUE);
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	gnome_cmd_dir_log("on_dir_list_failed 02", dir);
+    Main header for GcmdGtkFoldview GObject
-    if (fl->lwd && fl->con == gnome_cmd_dir_get_connection (fl->lwd))
-    {
-        fl->cwd = fl->lwd;
-        g_signal_connect (fl->cwd, "list-ok", G_CALLBACK (on_dir_list_ok), fl);
-        g_signal_connect (fl->cwd, "list-failed", G_CALLBACK (on_dir_list_failed), fl);
-        fl->lwd = NULL;
-    }
-    else
-        g_timeout_add (1, (GSourceFunc) set_home_connection, fl);
-void GnomeCmdFileList::set_connection (GnomeCmdCon *new_con, GnomeCmdDir *start_dir)
-    g_return_if_fail (GNOME_CMD_IS_CON (new_con));
-    if (con==new_con)
-    {
-		//if (!gnome_cmd_con_should_remember_dir (new_con)) //original code buggy // __GWR__MARK__
-		if ( gnome_cmd_con_should_remember_dir (new_con))
-            set_directory (gnome_cmd_con_get_default_dir (new_con));
-        else
-            if (start_dir)
-                set_directory (start_dir);
-        return;
-    }
-	...
-void GnomeCmdFileList::set_directory(GnomeCmdDir *dir)
-    g_return_if_fail (GNOME_CMD_IS_DIR (dir));
-	gnome_cmd_dir_log("GnomeCmdFileList::set_directory 00", dir);
-    if (cwd==dir)
-        return;
-    if (realized && dir->state!=DIR_STATE_LISTED)
-    {
-        gtk_widget_set_sensitive (*this, FALSE);
-        set_cursor_busy_for_widget (*this);
-    }
-    gnome_cmd_dir_ref (dir);
-    if (lwd && lwd!=dir)
-        gnome_cmd_dir_unref (lwd);
-    if (cwd)
-    {
-        gnome_cmd_dir_cancel_monitoring (cwd);
-        lwd = cwd;
-        g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (lwd, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, this);
-        cwd->voffset = gnome_cmd_clist_get_voffset (*this);
-    }
-    cwd = dir;
+    ###########################################################################
-    switch (dir->state)
-    {
-        case DIR_STATE_EMPTY:
-            g_signal_connect (dir, "list-ok", G_CALLBACK (on_dir_list_ok), this);
-            g_signal_connect (dir, "list-failed", G_CALLBACK (on_dir_list_failed), this);
-			gnome_cmd_dir_log("GnomeCmdFileList::set_directory 01", dir);
-            gnome_cmd_dir_list_files (dir, gnome_cmd_con_needs_list_visprog (con));
-			gnome_cmd_dir_log("GnomeCmdFileList::set_directory 02", dir);
-            break;
-        case DIR_STATE_LISTING:
-        case DIR_STATE_CANCELING:
-            g_signal_connect (dir, "list-ok", G_CALLBACK (on_dir_list_ok), this);
-            g_signal_connect (dir, "list-failed", G_CALLBACK (on_dir_list_failed), this);
-            break;
-        case DIR_STATE_LISTED:
-            on_dir_list_ok (dir, NULL, this);
-		    gnome_cmd_dir_start_monitoring (dir);
-            break;
-    }
-	gnome_cmd_dir_log("GnomeCmdFileList::set_directory 03", dir);
-	// in the previous 'case', dir->state may have been modified. So include
-	// this line in the 'case'
-    //gnome_cmd_dir_start_monitoring (dir);
-					=================================
-		vbox
-		|
-		con_hbox
-		|	|
-		|	+-----------GtkWidget *con_combo ---------- GtkWidget *vol_label;
-		|
-		|
-		dir_indicator
-		|
-		scrolled window-------- treeview
-		|
-		GtkWidget *info_label;
-				============================================
-		vbox
-		|
-	GnomeCmdFileSelector
-		|
-		|
-		+--------------------- GnomeCmdFileList
-						=========================
-		"drag-begin"									SRC
-		"drag-motion"												DST
-			|
-			|
-			+-----------------------+
-			|						|
-			|						|
-		"drag-drop"				"drag-leave"						DST
-			|
-			|
-		"drag-data-get"									SRC
-			|
-			|
-		"drag-data-received"										DST
-			|
-			|
-		"drag-end"										SRC
-	+   "drag-failed"									SRC
-		"drag-data-delete"								SRC
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>
-#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
-//								Defines
-// undef this if you want foldview to use a GtkTreestore instead
-// of a GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore
-	#include "gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.h"
-//								Logging
-//#define DEBUG_SHOW_INF
-void gwr_print(const char* str);
-void gwr_inf(const char* fmt, ...);
-void gwr_wng(const char* fmt, ...);
-void gwr_err(const char* fmt, ...);
-void gwr_inf_vfs(const char* fmt, ...);
-void gwr_err_vfs(const char* fmt, ...);
-//  Facilities logging
-#define ERR_RET(value,...)													\
-{																			\
-	gwr_err(__VA_ARGS__);													\
-	return value;															\
-#define ERR_FAIL(...)														\
-{																			\
-	gwr_err(__VA_ARGS__);													\
-	exit(1);																\
-#define ERR_VFS_RET(value,...)												\
-{																			\
-	if ( sVFSResult != GNOME_VFS_OK )										\
-	{																		\
-		gwr_err_vfs(__VA_ARGS__);											\
-		return value;														\
-	}																		\
-#define ERR_VFS_FAIL(value,...)												\
-{																			\
-	if ( sVFSResult != GNOME_VFS_OK )										\
-	{																		\
-		gwr_err_vfs(__VA_ARGS__);											\
-		exit(1);															\
-	}																		\
-//							GcmdGtkFoldview
+#include	<config.h>
+#include    <unistd.h>
+#include    <sys/syscall.h>
+#include    <sys/types.h>
+//  ...........................................................................
+#include	<glib.h>
+#include	<glib-object.h>
+#include	<gio/gio.h>
+#include	<gtk/gtkvbox.h>
+#include	<gtk/gtklabel.h>
+//  ...........................................................................
+#include	"gnome-cmd-includes.h"
+#include	"gnome-cmd-con.h"
+//  ...........................................................................
+#include    "gnome-cmd-foldview-utils.h"
+#include    "gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.h"
+#include    "gnome-cmd-foldview-quickstack.h"
+#include    "gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.h"
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//								#define
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  ===========================================================================
+//							#define : GObject
+//  ===========================================================================
 #define GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW_TYPE			(gcmdgtkfoldview_get_type ())
+//  ===========================================================================
+//							#define : Foldview config
+//  ===========================================================================
-	#define __GTS__
-struct gvfs_async;
-struct gvfs_file;
-struct GcmdGtkFoldview
-	//=========================================================================
-	//  Widgets and gtk inheritance
-	//=========================================================================
-	GtkVBox		vbox;
-	//=========================================================================
-	//  Common data, enum, typedefs
-	//=========================================================================
-	public:
-	enum eFileAccess
-	{
-		// these permissions are user-relatives ( the user that launched gcmd )
-		eAccessReadOnly		=   0   ,
-		eAccessReadWrite	=   1   ,
-		eAccessForbidden	=   2   ,
-		eAccessInit			=   0xFE,
-		eAccessUnknown		=   0xFF
-	};
-	public:
-	static  eFileAccess Access_from_permissions		(GnomeVFSFilePermissions permissions);
-	//=========================================================================
-	//  View
-	//=========================================================================
-	struct View
-	{
-		// For fixing the moving gutter of the pane
-		gulong		a_size_request_handle;
-		gint		a_size_request_width;
-		// We have a m_parent member because of callbacks, for calling
-		// the controller
-		private:
-		GtkWidget   *a_this;
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		// other widgets ( we are a composite widget )
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		private:
-		GtkWidget *m_con_hbox;
-		GtkWidget *m_con_combo;
-		GtkWidget *m_vol_label;
-		// __GWR__ Unable to reuse the gnome-cmd-dir-indicator since it is
-		// crossed with gnome-cmd-file-selector
-		GtkWidget   m_dir_indicator;
-		GtkWidget   *m_scrolledwindow;
-		GtkWidget   *m_info_label;
-		public:
-		GcmdGtkFoldview *foldview()				{ return (GcmdGtkFoldview*)a_this;  }
-		GtkWidget		*connection_combo()		{ return (m_con_combo);				}
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		// icons
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		private:
-		GdkPixbuf		*m_pixbuf[50];
-		public:
-		enum eIcon
-		{
-			eIconUnknown					,
-			eIconDirReadWrite				,
-			eIconDirReadOnly				,
-			eIconDirForbidden				,
-			eIconSymlinkToDirReadWrite		,
-			eIconSymlinkToDirReadOnly		,
-			eIconSymlinkToDirForbidden
-		};
-		private:
-		gboolean		icons_load();
-		void			icons_unload();
-		public:
-		GdkPixbuf	   *pixbuf(eIcon icon)		{   return m_pixbuf[icon];	}
-		static  eIcon Icon_from_type_permissions	(GnomeVFSFileType type, GnomeVFSFilePermissions permissions);
-		static  eIcon Icon_from_type_access			(GnomeVFSFileType type, GcmdGtkFoldview::eFileAccess access);
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		// connection combo
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		public:
-		void connection_combo_add_connection(GnomeCmdCon *con);
-		void connection_combo_reset();
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		// gtk treeview ( main view )
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		private:
-		GtkWidget		*m_treeview;
-		GtkTreeModel	*m_treemodel;
-		GtkTreeView		*treeview() { return GTK_TREE_VIEW (m_treeview); }
-		public:
-		void			init_instance(GtkWidget *_this, GtkTreeModel *_treemodel);
-		private:
-		void			raz_pointers();
-		gboolean		create(GtkWidget *_this, GtkTreeModel *_treemodel);
-		void			destroy();
-		private:
-		GtkTreeSelection	*selection()		{ return gtk_tree_view_get_selection(treeview()); }
-		gint				selection_count()
-							{
-								// Note: gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows() does not
-								//   exist in gtk+-2.0, only in gtk+ >= v2.2 !
- 								return 	gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows(selection());
-							}
-		//.....................................................................
-		static gboolean		signal_test_expand_row(GtkTreeView *tree_view,
-			GtkTreeIter		*iter, GtkTreePath *path, gpointer user_data);
-		static  void		signal_row_expanded(GtkTreeView *tree_view,
-			GtkTreeIter		*iter, GtkTreePath *path, gpointer user_data);
-		static 	void		signal_row_collapsed(GtkTreeView *tree_view,
-			GtkTreeIter		*iter, GtkTreePath *path,gpointer user_data);
-		static  gboolean	signal_button_press_event(GtkWidget *tree_view,
-							GdkEventButton *event, gpointer user_data);
-		static 	void		signal_drag_begin(GtkWidget *widget,
-							GdkDragContext *drag_context, gpointer user_data);
-		static  void		signal_size_request(GtkWidget *widget,
-							GtkRequisition  *requisition,gpointer data);
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		// contextual menu
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		public:
-		struct  ctx_menu_data
-		{
-			GcmdGtkFoldview		*a_foldview;
-			GtkTreePath			*d_path_clicked;
-			GtkTreePath			*d_path_selected;
-			guint32				a_time;
-			gint				a_event_x;
-			gint				a_event_y;
-			guint				a_button;
-								~ctx_menu_data()
-								{
-									if ( d_path_selected )
-									{
-										gtk_tree_path_free(d_path_selected);
-									}
-									if ( d_path_clicked )
-									{
-										gtk_tree_path_free(d_path_clicked);
-									}
-								}
-			void	*operator   new(size_t size)	{  return g_new0(ctx_menu_data, 1);  }
-			void	operator	delete(void *p)		{  g_free(p);  }
-		};
-		public:
-		struct  ctx_menu_desc
-		{
-			gboolean	a_connect;
-			gchar		*a_text;
-			GCallback   a_callback;
-		};
-		struct  ctx_menu_entry
-		{
-			ctx_menu_desc   a_desc;
-			GtkWidget	   *a_widget;
-			gulong			a_handle;
-		};
-		struct  ctx_menu_section
-		{
-			gchar			*a_title;
-			gint			a_card;
-			ctx_menu_entry  a_entry[5];
-		};
-		struct  ctx_menu
-		{
-			GtkWidget			*a_widget;
-			gint				a_card;
-			ctx_menu_section	a_section[5];
-		};
-		private:
-		gboolean		context_menu_pop(ctx_menu_data*);
-		gboolean		click_left_single(ctx_menu_data *ctxdata);
-		gboolean		click_left_double(ctx_menu_data *ctxdata);
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		// Theming
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		public:
-		void	update_style();
-	} view;
-	//=========================================================================
-	//  Model
-	//=========================================================================
-	struct Model
-	{
-		public:
-		void			init_instance();
-		void			release_objects();
-		private:
-		void			raz_pointers();
-		gboolean		create();
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		// divers
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		public:
-		static GtkTreeIter Iter_zero;
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		// treestore
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef __GTS__							// With GtkTreeStore
-		private:
-		GtkTreeStore	*m_treestore;
-		public:
-		GtkTreeStore	*treestore()	{ return m_treestore;					}
-		GtkTreeModel	*treemodel()	{ return GTK_TREE_MODEL(m_treestore);	}
-		GtkTreeSortable	*treesortable()	{ return GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(m_treestore);}
-#else								   // With GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore
-		private:
-		GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore	   *m_treestore;
-		public:
-		GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore		*treestore()	{ return m_treestore;	}
-		GtkTreeModel	*treemodel()	{ return GTK_TREE_MODEL(m_treestore);	}
-		GtkTreeSortable	*treesortable()	{ return GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(m_treestore);}
-		//
-		//  Instead of storing boring G_TYPES vars in the store, we can store
-		//  anything that inherits from GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data
-		//  when using GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore :)
-		//
-		public:
-		struct Rowlike : GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data
-		{
-			private:
-			gchar   *d_utf8_name;
-			gchar   *d_utf8_collate_key;
-			gint	a_icon;
-			//.................................................................
-			public:
-			Rowlike(gchar *_utf8_name, gint _icon);
-			~Rowlike();
-			//.................................................................
-			public:
-			const   gchar*  utf8_collate_key();
-			const   gchar*	utf8_name();
-					gint	icon();
-		};
-		// Treemodel methods. These methods use either
-		// GtkTreestore or CnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore, depending on the
-		// #define __GTS__ above.
-		//
-		// Methods from GtkTreeModelIface
-		//
-		gboolean		get_iter(GtkTreePath *path /*in*/, GtkTreeIter *iter /*out*/);
-		gint			iter_n_children (GtkTreeIter *parent);
-		//
-		// Custom methods
-		//
-		private:
-		static  gint			Compare(GtkTreeModel*, GtkTreeIter*, GtkTreeIter* , gpointer);
-		public:
-		static  GtkTreeIter*	Iter_new(GtkTreeIter*);
-		static  void			Iter_del(GtkTreeIter*);
-		GnomeVFSURI*	iter_get_uri_new	(GtkTreeIter *iter);
-		gchar*			iter_get_string_new (GtkTreeIter *iter);
-		void			set_value(GtkTreeIter*, gchar*, gint icon);
-		void			iter_replace_first_child(GtkTreeIter *parent, GtkTreeIter *child, gchar *name, gint icon);
-		void			iter_replace_dummy_child(GtkTreeIter *parent, GtkTreeIter *child, gchar *name, gint icon);
-		gboolean		iter_add_child  (GtkTreeIter* parent /*in*/, GtkTreeIter *child /*out*/, const gchar *name, gint icon);
-		//gboolean		iter_remove(GtkTreeIter *iter);
-		void			iter_remove_all();
-		gint			iter_remove_children(GtkTreeIter *parent);
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		// store custom data in gtktreestore !
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		// root element ( because of samba possibility )
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		public:
-		struct Root
-		{
-			GtkTreeIter			m_iter;
-			GnomeVFSURI			*m_uri;
-			GnomeVFSFileInfo	*m_info;   // __GWR_TODO__ gnome_vfs_dup segfault ???
-			gboolean			set(GnomeVFSURI *uri);
-			void				unset();
-		} root;
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		// gnome-cmd-connection
-		//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-		private:
-		GnomeCmdCon		*m_con;
-		public:
-		void			connection(GnomeCmdCon *con)	{ m_con = con;		}
-		GnomeCmdCon*	connection()					{ return m_con;		}
-	} model;
-	//=========================================================================
-	//  Controller
-	//=========================================================================
-	public:
-	void		control_init_instance();
-	private:
-	void		control_raz_pointers();
-	gboolean	control_create();
-	void		control_finalize();
-	void		control_dispose();
-	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// GObject stuff
-	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	public:
-	static GObjectClass *Control_parent_class;
-	public:
-	static  void	Control_gtk_object_destroy	(GtkObject*);
-	static  void	Control_g_object_dispose	(GObject*);
-	static  void	Control_g_object_finalize   (GObject*);
-	static  void	Control_g_object_init		(GcmdGtkFoldview *foldview);
-			gint	control_ref_count()
-					{
-						return ((GInitiallyUnowned*)this)->ref_count;
-					}
-	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// divers
-	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	private:
-	gboolean	control_root_uri_set(GnomeVFSURI *uri);
-	void		control_gcmd_file_list_set_connection(GnomeCmdFileList*, GnomeVFSURI*);
+//  ===========================================================================
+//							some vars
+//  ===========================================================================
-	void		control_connection_combo_update();
-	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// expand  / collapse
-	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	public:
-			void		control_iter_collapsed(GtkTreeIter *parent);
-	private:
-	static  void		control_check_if_empty_callback_1(gvfs_async*);
-			void		control_check_if_empty_p(GnomeVFSURI *parent_uri, gchar *parent_path);
-	public:
-			void		control_check_if_empty(GtkTreeIter *parent);
+struct GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview;
-	private:
-	static  void		control_iter_expand_callback_1(gvfs_async*);
-	static  void		control_iter_expand_callback_2(gvfs_async*);
-			void		control_iter_expand_p(GnomeVFSURI *parent_uri, gchar *parent_path);
-	public:
-			void		control_iter_expand(GtkTreeIter *parent);
-	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// context menu actions
-	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	private:
-			void		control_set_active_tab	(GtkTreePath *path);
-			void		control_open_new_tab	(GtkTreePath *path);
-			void		control_set_new_root	(GcmdGtkFoldview::View::ctx_menu_data*);
-	public:
-	static  void		Control_set_active_tab	(GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
-	static  void		Control_open_new_tab	(GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
-	static  void		Control_set_new_root	(GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
+//  ###########################################################################
+//                          GcmdGtkFoldview
+//  ###########################################################################
+struct GcmdGtkFoldview
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							GObject stuff							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    public:
+	GtkVBox	vbox;
+	static  GObjectClass *  Parent_class;
+    //  ======================================================================
+	static  void	        G_object_init		(GcmdGtkFoldview *foldview);
+	static  void	        Gtk_object_destroy	(GtkObject*);
+	static  void	        G_object_dispose	(GObject*);
+	static  void	        G_object_finalize   (GObject*);
+	inline	gint	        ref_count()
+                            {
+                                return ((GInitiallyUnowned*)this)->ref_count;
+                            }
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Enums, ...    							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    enum eIcon
+    {
+        eIconGtkAdd =   0,
+        eIconCard   =   1
+    };
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Structs     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    //  =======================================================================
+    //  HeadBand
+    //  =======================================================================
+    private:
+    struct  HeadBand
+    {
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        private:
+        GtkWidget   *   d_hbox_main;
+        GtkWidget   *       d_button_add;
+        GtkWidget   *       d_con_combo;
+        GtkWidget   *       d_alignement_padder;
+        GtkWidget   *       d_button_up;
+        GtkWidget   *           d_arrow_up;
+        GtkWidget   *       d_button_down;
+        GtkWidget   *           d_arrow_down;
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        private:
+        void                add_connection(GnomeCmdCon *con);
+        //.................................................................
+        public:
+        inline GtkWidget *      widget()        { return d_hbox_main;       }
+        void            show();
+        void            hide();
+        void            update_style();
+        gboolean            can_add_that_connection(GnomeCmdCon*);
+        void                update_connections();
+        void                reset_connections();
+        GnomeCmdCon     *   get_selected_connection();
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        private:
+        void    *   operator new    (size_t);
+        void        operator delete (void*);
+        public:
+         HeadBand(GcmdGtkFoldview*);
+        ~HeadBand();
+    };
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Members     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    private:
+    static  GdkPixbuf               *   s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconCard];
+    static  gboolean                    s_gdk_pixbuf_loaded;
+            GtkWidget               *   d_scrolled_window;
+            GtkWidget               *   d_vbox_sw;
+            GcmdStruct<HeadBand>    *   d_headband;
+            GList                   *   d_list_widget;
+            guint                       a_list_widget_card;
+    //  =======================================================================
+	// divers
+    //  =======================================================================
+            void		control_gcmd_file_list_set_connection(GnomeCmdFileList*, GnomeVFSURI*);
+            void		control_connection_combo_update();
-	private:
-	enum eSyncState
-	{
-	};
-	eSyncState	control_sync_check		();
-	private:
-			void		control_sync_treeview   (GcmdGtkFoldview::View::ctx_menu_data*);
-			void		control_unsync_treeview ();
-			void		control_sync_update		(GcmdGtkFoldview::View::ctx_menu_data*);
-	public:
-	static  void		Control_sync_treeview   (GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
-	static  void		Control_unsync_treeview (GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
-	static  void		Control_sync_update		(GtkMenuItem*, View::ctx_menu_data*);
-	private:
-	GnomeCmdFileList		*a_synced_list;
-	gboolean				a_synced;
+    //  ***********************************************************************
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  *							Methods     							  *
+	//  *																	  *
+	//  ***********************************************************************
+    //  =======================================================================
+	// Instance init / destroy
+    //  =======================================================================
-	static  View::ctx_menu		s_context_menu;
-	public:
-	void		control_context_menu_populate_add_separator(GtkWidget *widget);
-	void		control_context_menu_populate_add_section(GtkWidget *widget, gint i, View::ctx_menu_data *ctxdata);
-	//=========================================================================
-	//  Interface
-	//=========================================================================
-	public:
-	gboolean	root_uri_set_1(gchar			*text);
-	gboolean	root_uri_set_2(GnomeVFSURI		*uri);
+	void		init_instance();
+    void		raz_pointers();
+	void		dispose();
+	void		finalize();
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Accessors
+    //  =======================================================================
+    private:
+    inline  HeadBand    *   headband()  { return d_headband; }
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Icons
+    //  =======================================================================
+    private:
+    static  gboolean    Pixbuf_load(GcmdGtkFoldview::eIcon, const gchar*);
+    static  gboolean    Pixbuf_load_all();
+    static  void        Pixbuf_unload_all();
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Widgets signals
+    //  =======================================================================
+    public:
+    static  void    Signal_button_add_clicked   (GtkButton*, gpointer);
+    static  void    Signal_button_up_clicked    (GtkButton*, gpointer);
+    static  void    Signal_button_down_clicked  (GtkButton*, gpointer);
+    //  =======================================================================
+	//  Treeviews
+    //  =======================================================================
+    void            treeview_add(GnomeCmdCon*);
+    void            treeview_del(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview*);
+    void            treeview_set_packing_expansion(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview*, gboolean);
 GType          gcmdgtkfoldview_get_type ();
 GtkWidget*     gcmdgtkfoldview_new		();
-void	       gcmdgtkfoldview_clear	(GcmdGtkFoldview *foldview);
+//void	       gcmdgtkfoldview_clear	(GcmdGtkFoldview *foldview);
-//  GcmdGtkFoldviewClass
+//  ###########################################################################
+//                          GcmdGtkFoldviewClass
+//  ###########################################################################
 struct GcmdGtkFoldviewClass
   GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
@@ -900,8 +253,5 @@ struct GcmdGtkFoldviewClass
   void (* gcmdgtkfoldview) (GcmdGtkFoldview* fv);
-extern		GcmdGtkFoldview		*GcmdFoldview();
-extern		GtkWidget			*GcmdWidget();
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-quickstack.h b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-quickstack.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6af9fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-quickstack.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyleft      2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <glib.h>
+template <typename ElementType>
+struct GnomeCmdQuickStack
+	private:
+	guint32					a_el_core_size;	//= sizeof(ElementType);
+	guint32					a_ix_core_size;	//= sizeof(IndexType);
+	guint32					a_step;// increment	= 10;
+	guint32					a_size;//
+	ElementType*			d_el;//		= NULL;
+	guint32*				d_ix;//		= NULL;
+	guint32					a_ff;//		= 0;
+	private:
+	gboolean				realloc();
+	guint32					index_pop();
+	void					index_push(guint32 index);
+	public:
+							GnomeCmdQuickStack<ElementType>(gint increment);
+							~GnomeCmdQuickStack();
+	static guint32			s_invalid_index;	// = 0xFFFFFFFF
+	guint32					push(ElementType);
+	void					pop (guint32);
+	ElementType				get		(guint32 index);
+	ElementType		*		get_ptr (guint32 index);
+	guint32					stat_size()			{   return a_size;					}
+	guint32					stat_first_free()	{   return a_ff;					}
+	guint32					stat_used()			{   return a_size - ( a_ff + 1 );	}
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  						Ctor, Dtor
+//  ***************************************************************************
+template <typename ElementType> guint32 GnomeCmdQuickStack<ElementType>::s_invalid_index = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+template <typename ElementType>
+GnomeCmdQuickStack<ElementType>::GnomeCmdQuickStack(gint increment)
+	guint32 i = 0;
+	//.........................................................................
+	a_el_core_size  = sizeof(ElementType);
+	a_ix_core_size  = sizeof(guint32);
+	a_step  = increment;
+	a_size  = 0;
+	d_el	= NULL;
+	d_ix	= NULL;
+	a_ff	= 0;
+	// alloc for pointers
+	d_el = (ElementType*)(g_malloc0(a_el_core_size * a_step));
+	if ( !d_el )
+	{
+		g_printerr("GVFS_qstack_init:g_malloc0 failed for d_el");
+		return;
+	}
+	// alloc for indexes
+	d_ix = (guint32*)(g_malloc0(a_ix_core_size * a_step));
+	if ( !d_ix )
+	{
+		g_printerr("GVFS_qstack_init:g_malloc0 failed for d_ix");
+		return;
+	}
+	// init indexes stack
+	for ( i = 0 ; i != a_step ; i++ )
+	{
+		d_ix[i] = a_step - i - 1;
+	}
+	a_ff = a_step - 1;
+	// size
+	a_size = a_step;
+template <typename ElementType>
+	//GCMD_INF("gstack_destroy");
+	g_free(d_el);
+	g_free(d_ix);
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  						private
+//  ***************************************************************************
+template <typename ElementType>
+	gpointer temp = NULL;
+	guint32	 i	  = 0;
+	//GCMD_WNG("GVFS_qstack_realloc at size:%04i", a_size);
+	//.........................................................................
+	// free indexes stack ; since there is no more index free,
+	// we could just realloc - but there is no g_realloc0 in Glib
+    //
+    // We should use g_memdup for emulate g_realloc0                            // _GWR_TODO_
+	// free the old indexes stack
+	g_free(d_ix);
+	// alloc a new indexes stack
+	d_ix = (guint32*)(g_malloc0(a_ix_core_size * ( a_size + a_step ) ));
+	if ( !d_ix )
+	{
+		g_printerr("GVFS_qstack_realloc:g_malloc0 failed for d_ix");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	// store new free indexes
+	for ( i = 0 ; i != a_step ; i++ )
+	{
+		d_ix[i] = a_size + a_step - i - 1;
+	}
+	//.........................................................................
+	// realloc pointers array
+	temp	= (gpointer)d_el;
+	d_el	= (ElementType*)(g_malloc0(a_el_core_size * ( a_size + a_step ) ));
+	if ( !d_el )
+	{
+		g_printerr("GVFS_qstack_realloc:g_malloc0 failed for d_el");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	// copy used pointers
+	memcpy( d_el, temp, a_el_core_size * a_size);
+	// free temp
+	g_free(temp);
+	// update stack size
+	a_size += a_step;
+	// update first free index
+	a_ff = a_step - 1;
+	return TRUE;
+template <typename ElementType>
+	if ( a_ff == 0 )
+	{
+		//guint32 temp = a_ff;
+		// index on indexes is zero ; we are missing storage places
+		// -> realloc
+		guint32 index = d_ix[0];
+		realloc();
+		//GCMD_INF("GVFS_qstack_pop (realloc):index:%04i ff:%04i->%04i of %04i", index, temp, a_ff, a_size-1);
+		return index;
+	}
+	//GCMD_INF("GVFS_qstack_pop:ff:%04i->%04i of %04i", a_ff, a_ff-1, a_size-1);
+	return d_ix[a_ff--];
+template <typename ElementType>
+GnomeCmdQuickStack<ElementType>::index_push(guint32 index)
+	if ( a_ff >= a_size )
+	{
+		g_printerr("GnomeCmdQuickStack::push:a_ff too high");
+		return;
+	}
+	//GCMD_INF("GVFS_qstack_push:index:%04i ff:%04i->%04i of %04i", index, a_ff, a_ff+1, a_size-1);
+	d_ix[++a_ff] = index;
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  						public
+//  ***************************************************************************
+template <typename ElementType>
+GnomeCmdQuickStack<ElementType>::push(ElementType element)
+	guint32 index = index_pop();
+	d_el[index] = element;
+	return index;
+template <typename ElementType>
+GnomeCmdQuickStack<ElementType>::pop(guint32 index)
+	index_push(index);
+template <typename ElementType>
+GnomeCmdQuickStack<ElementType>::get(guint32 _index)
+	return d_el[_index];
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.cc b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.cc
index 9ebf215..b1fe20c 100644
--- a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.cc
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.cc
@@ -1,119 +1,138 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include "gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.h"
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyleft      2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+							Tim-Philipp Müller
+	***************************************************************************
+	Tim-Philipp Müller wrote the excellent "GTK+ 2.0 Tree View Tutorial" whose
+	section 11 'writing custom models' is the base of the
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore code.
+	***************************************************************************
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include	<glib.h>
+#include	<glib/gprintf.h>
+#include	<string.h>
+#include	"gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.h"
+#include	"gnome-cmd-foldview-utils.h"
 //  ###########################################################################
 //  ###																		###
 //  ##																		 ##
-//  #								LOGGER									  #
+//  #								DATA									  #
 //  ##																		 ##
 //  ###																		###
 //  ###########################################################################
-void gwr_inf(const char* fmt, ...);
-void gwr_wng(const char* fmt, ...);
-void gwr_err(const char* fmt, ...);
-//#define DEBUG_STORE
-//#define DEBUG_NODES
-//#define DEBUG_BLOCKS
-// Logging for GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #								PATH									  #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Path::operator new(size_t t)
+	Path * path = g_try_new0(Path, 1);
-	#define STORE_INF(...)													\
-	{																		\
-		gwr_inf(__VA_ARGS__);												\
-	}
-	#define STORE_WNG(...)													\
-	{																		\
-		gwr_wng(__VA_ARGS__);												\
-	}
-	#define STORE_ERR(...)													\
-	{																		\
-		gwr_err( __VA_ARGS__);												\
-	}
+	if ( ! path )
+		GCMD_ERR("GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Path::operator new:g_try_new0 failed");
+	return path;
+GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Path::operator delete(void *p)
+	g_free(p);
-	#define STORE_INF(...)
-	#define STORE_WNG(...)
-	#define STORE_ERR(...)
+GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Path::Path(gint card)
+	d_ascii_dump	= (gchar*)g_try_malloc0(64);
+	a_card			= card;
+	d_uid			= (guint32*) g_try_malloc0(a_card * sizeof(guint32) );
+	g_free(d_ascii_dump);
+	g_free(d_uid);
+	return a_card;
-// Logging for nodes
+GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Path::uid_get(gint _pos)
+	return d_uid[_pos];
-	#define NODE_INF(...)													\
-	{																		\
-		gwr_inf(__VA_ARGS__);												\
-	}
-	#define NODE_WNG(...)													\
-	{																		\
-		gwr_wng(__VA_ARGS__);												\
-	}
-	#define NODE_ERR(...)													\
-	{																		\
-		gwr_err( __VA_ARGS__);												\
-	}
+GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Path::uid_set(gint _pos, guint32 _uid)
+	d_uid[_pos] = _uid;
+	Path	*   dup = NULL;
+	gint		i   = 0;
+	//.........................................................................
-	#define NODE_INF(...)
-	#define NODE_WNG(...)
-	#define NODE_ERR(...)
+	dup = new Path(card());
+	for ( i = 0 ; i != card() ; i++ )
+		dup->uid_set(i, uid_get(i));
-// Logging for blocks
+	return dup;
-	#define BLOCK_INF(...)													\
-	{																		\
-		gwr_inf(__VA_ARGS__);												\
-	}
-	#define BLOCK_WNG(...)													\
-	{																		\
-		gwr_wng(__VA_ARGS__);												\
-	}
-	#define BLOCK_ERR(...)													\
-	{																		\
-		gwr_err( __VA_ARGS__);												\
+const gchar*
+	gchar   temp[128];
+	gint	i ;
+	//.........................................................................
+	if ( a_card == 0 )
+	{
+		sprintf(d_ascii_dump, "~ Empty ~");
+		return (const gchar*)d_ascii_dump;
-	#define BLOCK_INF(...)
-	#define BLOCK_WNG(...)
-	#define BLOCK_ERR(...)
+	sprintf(d_ascii_dump, "%03i", uid_get(0));
-//  ###########################################################################
-//  ###																		###
-//  ##																		 ##
-//  #								DATA									  #
-//  ##																		 ##
-//  ###																		###
-//  ###########################################################################
-gint GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data::Count = 0;
+	for ( i = 1 ; i < a_card ; i++ )
+	{
+		sprintf(temp, " %03i ", uid_get(i));
+		strcat(d_ascii_dump, temp);
+	}
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data::Count++;
-	//STORE_INF("DAT(+ %04i)", Count);
+	return (const gchar*)d_ascii_dump;
-	Count--;
-	//STORE_INF("DAT(- %04i)", Count);
 //  ###########################################################################
 //  ###																		###
 //  ##																		 ##
@@ -122,10 +141,10 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data::~Data()
 //  ###																		###
 //  ###########################################################################
-gint GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node::Count = 0;
+gint GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node::Count = 0;
 #define NODE_FROM_ITER(_node, _iter)										\
-	_node = (GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*)_iter->user_data
+	_node = (GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*)_iter->user_data
 #define ITER_FROM_NODE(_treestore, _iter, _node)							\
 	(_iter)->stamp		= _treestore->stamp();								\
@@ -142,7 +161,38 @@ gint GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node::Count = 0;
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node::new:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node::new()
+	*
+	**/
+void*	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node::operator new(
+	size_t  size)
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node	*n = g_try_new0(GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node, 1);
+	return n;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node::delete()
+	*
+	**/
+GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node::operator delete(
+void *p)
+	g_free(p);
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node::node()
 	*   @_depth  : Depth of the node ( = same as depth in GtkTreePath )
 	*   @_pos    : Pos ( starting from 0 ) of the node in the block
@@ -153,96 +203,122 @@ gint GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node::Count = 0;
-void*	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node::operator new(
-	size_t								size,
-	gint								_depth, // only for the new node_block
-	gint								_pos,
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node		*_parent,
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data*	_data)
+	guint32					_uid,
+	gint					_depth, // only for the new node_block
+	gint					_pos,
+	Node				*   _parent,
+	DataInterface		*   _data)
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node	*n = g_try_new0(GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node, 1);
+	a_bits			=   0;
+	a_bits			+=  ( (guint32)( _uid                           << e_UID_SHIFT)      ) & e_UID_BITS;
+	a_pos			=   _pos;
+	a_parent	    =   _parent;
+	a_next			=   NULL;
-	if ( !n )
-		return n;
+	a_children		=   new NodeBlock(_depth + 1, this);
-	n->a_pos			= _pos;
-	n->a_parent			= _parent;
-	n->a_next			= NULL;
-	n->a_children		= new (_depth + 1, n) node_block;
-	n->d_data			= _data;
+	d_data			=   _data;
-	NODE_INF("NOD(+%04i nodes) d:%03i p:%03i p:0x%08x,%03i", Count, _depth, _pos, _parent, _parent ? _parent->pos() : 0);
-	return n;
+	//NODE_INF("NOD+(%04i):[%s]",Count, log());
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node::delete:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node::~node()
-	*   This function does _NOT_ free the GArray containing the children.
-	*   For recursive delete, use purge()
+	*   Here we only delete the memory allowed for the struct itself.
+    *   We do _NOT_ free the node_block containing the children.
+	*   For recursive delete, use remove()
-GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node::operator delete(
-void *p)
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node	*n = (GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*)p;
-	#ifdef DEBUG_NODES
-	NODE_INF("NOD(-%04i nodes) p:%03i p:0x%08x,%03i", Count - 1, n->pos(), n->parent(), n->parent() ? n->parent()->pos() : 0);
-	#endif
-	delete n->data();
+	//NODE_INF("NOD-(%04i):[%s]", (Count - 1), log());
-	g_free(p);
+    delete data();
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node::purge:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node:remove_children()
-	*   @node : the node of this block to remove
+	*   __RECURSIVE__ remove the descendance of the node.
-	*   _RECURSIVELY_ remove the node and all its descendance. The GArray
-	*   containing the children of the node is deleted.
+	**/
+    return children()->remove_nodes();
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node:remove_child()
+	*   __RECURSIVE__ remove a child and all its descendance.
+    *
+    gint    _pos)
 	gint									count   = 0;
-	count += children()->purge();
-	delete children();
+    // remove children nodes
+	count += children()->remove_node(_pos);
 	return count;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node::row
+	*
+	*   __RECURSIVE__
+	*   Get a node's row index in the tree
+	*
+	**/
+	if ( depth() != 1 )
+	{
+		return ( pos() + 1 ) + parent()->row();
+	}
+	return pos();
 //  node : Logging
-const gchar* GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node::log()
+const gchar* GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node::log()
 	static gchar Node_str_01[1024];
-	//node : pos parent next children data
-	sprintf(Node_str_01, "dep:%03i pos:%03i nxt:%s chd:%03i dat:%s",
+	//node : ref_count pos parent next children data
+	sprintf(Node_str_01, "this:%08x dep:%03i pos:%03i nxt:%s chd:%03i dat:%s",
+        this,
 		a_parent ? a_parent->children()->depth() : 1,
 		a_next ? "Y" : "N",
@@ -251,12 +327,80 @@ const gchar* GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node::log()
 	return Node_str_01;
-const gchar* GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node::log()
+void GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node::dump_tree(
+    gint    _level)
-	return "XXX";
+    GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock * block   = NULL;
+    GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node *       child   = NULL;
+    gint                                    card    = 0;
+    gint                                    depth   = 0;
+    gint                                i       = 0;
+    gchar                               sp      [256];
+    gchar                               s1      [256];
+    gchar                               s2      [256];
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    //  0123456789
+    //  [xxxxxxxx]                      0   8
+    //      |                           4   1
+    //      +-----[xxxxxxxx]            4   10
+    //                |
+    //                +-----[xxxxxxxx]
+    //
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    //  some vars
+    //
+    block   = children();
+    card    = block->card();
+    depth   = block->depth();
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    //  this
+    //
+    if ( _level  == 0 )
+    {
+        strcpy(s1, "     ");
+        strcpy(s2, "     ");
+    }
+    if ( _level  == 1 )
+    {
+        strcpy(s1, "         |");
+        strcpy(s2, "         +-----");
+    }
+    if ( _level >= 2 )
+    {
+        strcpy(sp, "     ");
+        for ( i = 2 ; i <= _level ; i++ )
+        {
+            //          0123456789
+            strcat(sp, "          ");
+        }
+        strcpy(s1, sp);
+        strcpy(s2, sp);
+        strcat(s1, "    |");
+        strcat(s2, "    +-----");
+    }
+    NODE_TKI("%s", s1);
+    NODE_TKI("%s[%08x]", s2, this);
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    //  children
+    //
+    for ( i = 0 ; i != card ; i++ )
+    {
+        child = g_array_index(block->array(), GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*, i);
+        child->dump_tree(1 + _level);
+    }
 //  ###########################################################################
 //  ###																		###
@@ -265,87 +409,129 @@ const gchar* GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node::log()
 //  ##																		 ##
 //  ###																		###
 //  ###########################################################################
-gint GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block::Count   = 0;
+gint GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock::Count   = 0;
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block::new:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock::new:
-	*   @_depth  : The depth of the block ( = same as depth in GtkTreePath )
-	*   @_parent : The parent node
+	**/
+void*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock::operator new(
+	size_t								size)
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock	*nb = g_try_new0(GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock, 1);
+	return nb;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock::delete:
-void*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block::operator new(
-	size_t								size,
-	guint								_depth,
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node		*_parent)
+void	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock::operator delete (void *p)
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block	*nb = g_try_new0(GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block, 1);
+	g_free(p);
-	if ( !nb )
-		return nb;
-	nb->a_card		= 0;
-	nb->a_depth		= _depth;
-	nb->a_parent	= _parent;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock::NodeBlock()
+	*
+	*   @_depth  : The depth of the block ( = same as depth in GtkTreePath )
+	*   @_parent : The parent node
+	*
+	**/
+	guint									_depth,
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node		*   _parent)
+	a_card		= 0;
+	a_depth		= _depth;
+	a_parent	= _parent;
-	nb->d_nodes		= g_array_sized_new(
+	d_nodes		= g_array_sized_new(
 		FALSE,					// zero_terminated element appended at the end
 		TRUE,					// all bits set to zero
-		sizeof(node*),			// element_size,
+		sizeof(Node*),			// element_size,
 		10);					//reserved_size);
 	// Fuck, Fuck, Fuck !!!
 	// Spended hours on this, g_array_sized_new( ...set bits to 0 )
 	// doesnt fucking work !!!
-	// printf("GArray 0x%08x d:%03i p:0x%08x [0]=0x%08x\n", nb->d_nodes, nb->a_depth, nb->a_parent, g_array_index(nb->d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*, 0));
+	// printf("GArray 0x%08x d:%03i p:0x%08x [0]=0x%08x\n", nb->d_nodes, nb->a_depth, nb->a_parent, g_array_index(nb->d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*, 0));
-	BLOCK_INF("BLK(+%04i blocks) d:%03i", Count, nb->a_depth);
-	return nb;
+	//BLOCK_INF("BLK+(%04i):d %03i", Count, a_depth);
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block::delete:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock::~node_block()
+	*
+	*   Here we only delete the array of children ; it does _NOT_ affect the
+	*   children objects.
+	*   For recursive delete, use purge()
-void	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block::operator delete (void *p)
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block *b = (GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block*)p;
-	BLOCK_INF("BLK(-%04i blocks) d:%03i c:%03i", Count - 1, b->a_depth, b->a_card);
-	#endif
+	//BLOCK_INF("BLK-(%04i):d %03i c:%03i", Count - 1, a_depth, a_card);
-	g_array_free( b->d_nodes, TRUE );
-	g_free(p);
+	g_array_free( d_nodes, TRUE );
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block::node_get:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock::reset()
+	*
+	*   Set the number of children to zero, redim the GArray
+	*
+	**/
+    if ( ! a_card )
+        return;
+	g_array_remove_range(d_nodes, 0, a_card);
+	a_card = 0;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock::node_get:
 	*   @pos : Position ( starting from zero ) of the node to get.
 	gint pos)
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node			*node   = NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node			*node   = NULL;
 	if ( a_card == 0 )
@@ -366,7 +552,7 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block::node_get(
 			return NULL;
-	node = g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*, pos);
+	node = g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*, pos);
 	//BLOCK_INF("BLK(%-20s) d:%03i p:%03i c:%03i [%s]", "node_get", a_depth, pos, a_card, node->log());
 	return node;
@@ -374,116 +560,111 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block::node_get(
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block::node_append:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock::node_append:
 	*   @data : user's data
 	*   Insert a node in the block. This method respect the ordering settings
 	*   of the store.
-	**/
+    **/
-GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data *data)
+	guint32				_uid,
+	eSortType			_sort_type,
+	gint				_collate_key_to_use,
+	DataInterface	*   _data)
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node *node   = NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node *temp   = NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node *node   = NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node *temp   = NULL;
 	gint							i		= 0;
 	// create a new node with pos = 0 :
 	// we cant set the position now, because we dont know at which position
 	// we will be stored
-	node = new (a_depth, 0, a_parent, data) GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node;
+	node = new GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node(_uid, a_depth, 0, a_parent, _data);
-	if ( !GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Render_sort() )
+	if ( ! _sort_type  ) // eSortNone is 0x00
 		goto generic_append;
-	else
+	if ( _sort_type == GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::eSortDescending )
-		if ( GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Render_sort_ascending() )
-		{
-			// ascending - case NO
-			if ( !GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Render_sort_case_sensitive() )
-			{
-				g_assert(FALSE);
-			}
-			//.................................................................
-			// ascending - case YES
-			else
-			{
-				temp = g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*, 0);
+		temp = g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*, 0);
-				// Fuck, Fuck, Fuck !!!
-				// Spended hours on this, g_array_sized_new( ...set bits to 0 )
-				// doesnt fucking work !!!
-				//if ( !temp )
-				if ( i >= a_card )
-					goto generic_append;
-				g_assert( node->parent() == temp->parent() );
+		// Fuck, Fuck, Fuck !!!
+		// Spended hours on this, g_array_sized_new( ...set bits to 0 )
+		// doesnt fucking work ( in glib 2.16.6 ) !!!
+		if ( i >= a_card )
+			goto generic_append;
+        //  Previous method, with direct access to collate keys
+        //  from DataInterface
+        //
+        //		if ( strcmp (
+        //				node->data()->utf8_collate_key(_collate_key_to_use),
+        //				temp->data()->utf8_collate_key(_collate_key_to_use)
+        //					) >= 0 )
+        //
+        if ( node->data()->compare(temp->data()) >= 0 )
+            goto generic_insert;
-				if ( strcmp( node->data()->utf8_collate_key(), temp->data()->utf8_collate_key() ) >= 0 )
-					goto generic_insert;
+		temp = temp->next();
+		i++;
+		goto loop_acy;
+	}
-				temp = temp->next(); i++;
-				goto loop_acy;
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// descending - case NO
-			if ( !GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Render_sort_case_sensitive() )
-			{
-				g_assert(FALSE);
-			}
-			//.................................................................
-			// descending - case YES
-			else
-			{
-				temp = g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*, 0);
+	if ( _sort_type == GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::eSortAscending )
+	{
+		temp = g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*, 0);
-				// Fuck, Fuck, Fuck !!!
-				// Spended hours on this, g_array_sized_new( ...set bits to 0 )
-				// doesnt fucking work !!!
-				//if ( !temp )
-				if ( i >= a_card )
-					goto generic_append;
-				g_assert( node->parent() == temp->parent() );
-				if ( strcmp( node->data()->utf8_collate_key(), temp->data()->utf8_collate_key() ) <= 0 )
-					goto generic_insert;
-				temp = temp->next(); i++;
-				goto loop_dcy;
-			}
-		}
+		// Fuck, Fuck, Fuck !!!
+		// Spended hours on this, g_array_sized_new( ...set bits to 0 )
+		// doesnt fucking work ( in glib 2.16.6 ) !!!
+		if ( i >= a_card )
+			goto generic_append;
+        //  Previous method, with direct access to collate keys
+        //  from DataInterface
+        //
+		//if ( strcmp (
+		//		node->data()->utf8_collate_key(_collate_key_to_use),
+		//		temp->data()->utf8_collate_key(_collate_key_to_use)
+		//			) <= 0 )
+        //
+        if ( node->data()->compare(temp->data()) <= 0 )
+			goto generic_insert;
+		temp = temp->next(); i++;
+		goto loop_dcy;
+	// Bad sort type
+	g_assert(FALSE);
-	// Generic back-end : We have to append 'node' at the end of the array
+	// 'Append' back-end : We have to append 'node' at the end of the array
 	// append to the end of the array
-	// Now we know our pos, it is a_card - 1 + 1 = a_card
-	node->a_pos = a_card;
+	// Now we know the node's pos, it is a_card - 1 + 1 = a_card
+	node->set_pos(a_card);
 	// Note : I have never seen d_nodes change in append case
+	// but I still reaffect the GArray, cf GLib documentation
 	d_nodes = g_array_append_val(d_nodes, node);
 	// modify the previous node so its ->next field points to the newly
 	// created node ; do that only if we didnt create the first node.
 	if ( a_card != 0 )
-		temp = g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*, a_card - 1);
-		g_assert( node->parent() == temp->parent() );
-		temp->a_next = node;
+		temp = g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*, a_card - 1);
+		temp->set_next(node);
@@ -491,31 +672,31 @@ generic_append:
-	// Generic back-end : We have to insert 'node' at pos i, instead of 'temp'
+	// 'Insert' back-end : We have to insert 'node' at pos i, instead of 'temp'
 	// Now we know our pos, it is i
-	node->a_pos = i;
+	node->set_pos(i);
-	// insert
+	// I reaffect the GArray, cf GLib documentation, but I didnt dig this case
 	d_nodes = g_array_insert_val(d_nodes, i, node);
 	// modify the previous node so its ->next field points to 'node' ( at pos i )
 	// do that only if we didnt create the first node.
 	if ( i != 0 )
-		g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*, i - 1)->a_next = node;
+		g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*, i - 1)->set_next(node);
 	// modify 'node' so its ->next field points to the node at pos i + 1
 	// here we have collated, so we are sure that we have taken the place
 	// of a node, that is now just after us
-	node->a_next = g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*, i + 1);
+	node->set_next( g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*, i + 1) );
 	// increase by 1 all ->pos fields of nodes following 'node'
 	temp = node->next();
 	while ( temp )
-		temp->a_pos++;
+		temp->inc_pos();
 		temp = temp->next();
@@ -523,136 +704,295 @@ generic_insert:
 	return node;
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block::node_cut:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock::remove_node()
-	*   @node : the node to cut
+	*   @param node : the node to remove
-	*   Cut the node, i.e. simply remove its pointer from the node_block
-	*   it belongs to, and delete it;
+	*   __RECURSIVE__
+	*   Remove the node and all its children. Update block info.
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*	node)
+	gint pos)
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*		follow  = NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*		node	= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*		follow	= NULL;
 	gint									i		= 0;
-	gint									pos		= 0;
+    gint                                    count   = 0;
+	node = node_get(pos);
+	g_return_val_if_fail( node, 0 );
-	pos = node->pos();
+    //BLOCK_INF("remove_node():[%s]", node->log());
 	// remove the node from the array
 	g_array_remove_index(d_nodes, pos);
-	// now update all node->a_pos, starting from node->pos() since it just
-	// has been replaced by GArray call
+	// modify eventually the previous node's "next" field
+	// ( dont call node_get, we do inline-verifications
+    //  - pos = 0 => no previous node to modify
+    //  - pos !== a_card <=> we remove the last node ; in this case next = NULL
+	if ( pos != 0 )
+			g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*, pos - 1)->set_next
+            (
+				( pos != a_card														?
+					g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*, pos)   :
+					NULL )
+            );
+	// update all nodes "pos" field, starting from node->pos() since it just
+	// has been replaced by the g_array_index call
+	// ( dont call node_get, we dont need verifications )
 	for ( i = pos ; i < a_card ; i ++ )
-		follow = g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*, i);
-		follow->a_pos -= 1;
+		follow = g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*, i);
+		follow->dec_pos();
-	// delete the node, it will automatically call delete on the Data* member
-	delete node;
+    //
+    // delete the node and all its children
+    //
-	// modify the previous->a_next field
-	if ( pos != 0 )
-		g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*, pos - 1)->a_next = NULL;
+    // remove children nodes
+	count += node->remove_children();
+    // delete the NodeBlock struct
+	delete node->children();
+    // delete the Node struct
+    delete node;
+    // return count
+	return ( 1 + count);
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block::purge:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock::remove_nodes()
-	*   @node : the node of this block to remove
-	*
-	*   _RECURSIVELY_ remove all the nodes of the block.
-	*   After this call, the block cannot be used, its info is invalid
+	*   __RECURSIVE__
+	*   Remove all the nodes and all their children. Update block info.
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*		node	= NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*		next	= NULL;
-	gint									count   = 0;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*		node	= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*		next	= NULL;
+    gint                                    count   = 0;
-	node = node_get(0);
+    //BLOCK_INF("remove_nodes():[%03i]", a_card);
-	while ( node )
-	{
-		next = node->next();
-		count += node->purge();
+    node = node_get(0);
-		delete node;
-		count++;
+    while ( node )
+    {
+        next    =   node->next();
+        count   +=  remove_node(node->pos());
+        node    =   next;
+    }
+	//for ( i = 0 ; i < a_card ; i ++ )
+	//{
+	//	node = g_array_index(d_nodes, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node*, i);
+	//	count += remove_node(i);
+	//}
-		node = next;
-	}
+    reset();
-	// no update block, the "purge" process for node_blocks is separated
-	// in two methods - this is the quick part
-	return count;
+    return count;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #							    BRANCH     								  #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Branch::operator new()
+	*
+	**/
+void*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Branch::operator new(size_t size)
+	return (void*)g_try_new0(GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Branch, 1);
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Branch::operator delete()
+	*
+	**/
+void	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Branch::operator delete(void *p)
+	g_free(p);
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Branch::Branch()
+	*
+	**/
+	Node    *   _node)
+    Node    *   _parent;
+    //.........................................................................
+    Branch();
+    g_return_if_fail( _node );
+    _parent = _node->parent();
+    g_return_if_fail( _parent );
+    a_root          =   _node;
+    a_root_parent   =   _parent;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Branch::Branch()
+	*
+	**/
+    a_root          =   NULL;
+    a_root_parent   =   NULL;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Branch::~Branch()
+	*
+	**/
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Branch::dup()
+	*
+	**/
+    return NULL;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Branch::cut()
+	*
+    *   Delete a branch.
+    *
+	**/
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*		node	= NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node*		next	= NULL;
-	gint									count   = 0;
-	//.........................................................................
+    gint            count               = 0;
+    NodeBlock   *   block_parent        = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
-	node = node_get(0);
+    // tell the parent to remove a_root child
+    block_parent = a_root_parent->children();
+    g_return_val_if_fail( block_parent, -1 );
-	while ( node )
-	{
-		next = node->next();
-		count += node->purge();
+    count = block_parent->remove_node( a_root->pos() );
-		delete node;
-		count++;
+    a_root = NULL;
-		node = next;
-	}
+    return count;
-	// update block, the "purge" process for node_blocks is separated
-	// in two methods - this is the first call
-	g_array_remove_range(d_nodes, 0, a_card);
-	a_card = 0;
-	return count;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Branch::cut_but_keep_root()
+	*
+	**/
+	return a_root->remove_children();
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Branch::sort()
+	*
+	**/
+    return FALSE;
 //  ###########################################################################
 //  ###																		###
 //  ##																		 ##
-//  #					TREESTORE  - CUSTOM METHODS							  #
+//  #							NODE ROOT									  #
 //  ##																		 ##
 //  ###																		###
 //  ###########################################################################
+	//g_return_if_fail( ! a_node_root_created );
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Render_flags =
-		(GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::eRenderFlags)
-			(   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::eSortDescending			|
-				GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::eSortCaseSensitive
-			);
+	d_node_root = new GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node( 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL) ;
+	a_node_root_created = TRUE;
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #					TREESTORE  - CUSTOM METHODS							  #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
@@ -698,13 +1038,14 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_is_valid_but_may_be_null(
 	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::emit_row_inserted:
-	*   @iter : the iter to check
+	*   @iter : the iter inserted
-void GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::emit_row_inserted(
-GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node* node)
+GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node* node)
 	GtkTreePath					*path = NULL;
 	GtkTreeIter					iter;
@@ -728,13 +1069,14 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node* node)
 	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::emit_row_changed:
-	*   @iter : the iter to check
+	*   @iter : the iter changed
-void GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::emit_row_changed(
-GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node* node)
+GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node* node)
 	GtkTreePath					*path = NULL;
 	GtkTreeIter					iter;
@@ -753,11 +1095,134 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node* node)
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::emit_row_deleted:
+	*
+	*   @iter : the iter deleted
+	*
+	**/
+GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node* node)
+	GtkTreePath					*path = NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter					iter;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_assert( node );
+	ITER_FROM_NODE(this, &iter, node);
+	path = get_path(GTK_TREE_MODEL(this), &iter);
+	gtk_tree_model_row_deleted(
+		GTK_TREE_MODEL(this),
+		path);
+	gtk_tree_path_free(path);
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::add_child:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::emit_row_has_child_toggled:
+	*
+	*   @iter : the iter that has
+	*			- its first child
+	*			  or
+	*			- no more children
+	*
+	**/
+GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node* node)
+	GtkTreePath					*path = NULL;
+	GtkTreeIter					iter;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_assert( node );
+	ITER_FROM_NODE(this, &iter, node);
+	path = get_path(GTK_TREE_MODEL(this), &iter);
+	gtk_tree_model_row_has_child_toggled(
+		GTK_TREE_MODEL(this),
+		path,
+		&iter);
+	gtk_tree_path_free(path);
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_get_uid:
+	*
+	*   @iter : the iter to get the uid from
+	*
+	**/
+	GtkTreeIter *_in_iter)
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node	= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail( iter_is_valid(_in_iter), 0 );
+	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, _in_iter);
+	return node->uid();
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_dump
+	*
+	*   Dump the treestore, for debugging purpose
+	*
+	**/
+    GtkTreeIter *   _iter)
+    GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node *   node    = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    if ( ! _iter )
+    {
+        node = node_root();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        NODE_FROM_ITER(node, _iter);
+    }
+    NODE_TKI("  +-------------------------------------------+");
+    //                                   [12345678]
+    NODE_TKI("  | Dumping Tree from node [%08x]         |", node);
+    NODE_TKI("  +-------------------------------------------+");
+    node->dump_tree();
+    NODE_TKI("   ");
+    //NODE_INF("  +-------------------------------------------+");
+    NODE_TKI("  Dumped !");
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_add_child:
 	*	@in_parent  : the iter that will have a new child
 	*	@out_child  : the child that will be created
@@ -771,71 +1236,76 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node* node)
-	GtkTreeIter							*in_parent,
-	GtkTreeIter							*out_child,
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data		*data)
+	GtkTreeIter									*   _in_parent,
+	GtkTreeIter									*   _out_child,
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::DataInterface	*   _data_child)
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*n_parent	= NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*n_child	= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*n_parent	= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*n_child	= NULL;
-	g_return_if_fail( iter_is_valid_but_may_be_null(in_parent) );
+	g_return_if_fail( iter_is_valid_but_may_be_null( _in_parent ) );
 	// try to set node_root
-	if ( ! in_parent )
+	if ( ! _in_parent )
-		g_return_if_fail( ! node_root() );
+		g_return_if_fail( node_root() );
-		d_node_root = new ( 1, 0, NULL, data) GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node;
-		n_child = d_node_root;
+		n_parent = node_root();
-		NODE_FROM_ITER(n_parent, in_parent );
+		NODE_FROM_ITER(n_parent, _in_parent );
 		g_return_if_fail( n_parent );
-		n_child = n_parent->children()->node_append(data);
-	ITER_FROM_NODE(this, out_child, n_child);
+	n_child = n_parent->children()->node_add(uid_new(), a_sort_type, a_sort_collate_key_to_use, _data_child);
+	ITER_FROM_NODE(this, _out_child, n_child);
+	_data_child->set_path_from_treestore(ext_path_from_iter(_out_child));
 	emit_row_inserted( n_child );
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::set_value:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_set_data:
-	*   @iter : the iter to check
+	*   @iter : set Data for an iter.
-void GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::set_value(
-	GtkTreeIter *in,
-	gint		column,
-	GValue		*value)
+	GtkTreeIter		*   _iter_in,
+	DataInterface	*   _data)
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*node		= NULL;
+	Node				*   node		= NULL;
+	DataInterface		*	data_old	= NULL;
+	DataInterface		*   data_new	= NULL;
-	g_return_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(in) );
-	g_return_if_fail ( value );
+	g_return_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(_iter_in) );
-	g_return_if_fail( G_IS_VALUE(value) );
-	g_return_if_fail( G_VALUE_TYPE(value) == G_TYPE_POINTER );
+	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, _iter_in);
+	g_assert(node);
-	// specific to foldview
-	g_return_if_fail( G_VALUE_HOLDS(value, G_TYPE_POINTER) );
+	data_old = node->data();
+	g_return_if_fail( data_old );
-	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, in);
-	g_assert(node);
+	data_new = _data;
+	g_return_if_fail( data_new );
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data* data = node->data();
+	// We set the Path for the new Data with a copy of the old Data's Path
+	data_new->set_path_from_treestore( data_old->path()->dup() );
-	if ( data )
-		delete data;
+	// Then we delete the old Data, that will delete old Path too
+	delete data_old;
-	node->data() = (GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data*)g_value_get_pointer(value);
+	// Then we set the new Data as iter Data
+	node->data() = data_new;
 	emit_row_changed( node );
@@ -843,32 +1313,68 @@ void GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::set_value(
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::remove_children:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_data_changed:
-	*   @iter : the iter to check
+	*   @iter : set Data for an iter.
+	*
+	*   Tell the treestore that an iter's data has changed. So emit the
+	*   row_changed signal.
-gint GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::remove_children(
-	GtkTreeIter *in)
+	GtkTreeIter		*   _iter_in)
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*node		= NULL;
+	Node				*   node		= NULL;
-	g_return_val_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(in), 0 );
+	g_return_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(_iter_in) );
-	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, in);
-	g_return_val_if_fail( node, 0 );
+	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, _iter_in);
+	g_assert(node);
-	gint count = node->children()->purge_and_update();
+	emit_row_changed( node );
-	return count;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_get_data:
+	*
+	*   @iter : get Data for an iter.
+	*
+	**/
+	GtkTreeIter		*		_iter_in,
+	DataInterface	**		_data_out)
+	Node				*   node		= NULL;
+	DataInterface		*	data_old	= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail ( _data_out != NULL, FALSE );
+	*_data_out = NULL;
+	g_return_val_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(_iter_in), FALSE );
+	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, _iter_in);
+	g_assert(node);
+	data_old = node->data();
+	g_return_val_if_fail( data_old, FALSE );
+	*_data_out = data_old;
+	return ( data_old != NULL );
-	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::clear:
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_clear:
 	*   Clear * everything *
@@ -876,32 +1382,551 @@ gint GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::remove_children(
 	gint count = 0;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail( d_node_root, 0 );
-	// store is empty !
-	if ( !d_node_root )
-		return 0;
-	// Quickly purge all beyond node_root
-	count = d_node_root->children()->purge();
+	// We should code a quicker mehod                                           // _GWR_TODO_
+	count = d_node_root->remove_children();
 	// delete node_root
 	delete d_node_root->children();
 	delete d_node_root;
-	count++;
 	// Set pointer to NULL
 	d_node_root = NULL;
-	gwr_inf("GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::clear:%03i nodes deleted", count);
+	LEAKS_INF("GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_clear()");
+	LEAKS_INF("  remaining nodes  : %04i %s", Node::Remaining(),		Node::Remaining() ?         "- not empty -" : "EMPTY !");
+	LEAKS_INF("  remaining blocks : %04i %s", NodeBlock::Remaining(),   NodeBlock::Remaining() ?    "- not empty -" : "EMPTY !");
 	return count;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_get_root:
+	*
+	*   Retrives the root node of a given node
+	*
+	**/
+	GtkTreeIter *in,
+	GtkTreeIter *out_root)
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(in), FALSE );
+	g_return_val_if_fail ( out_root, FALSE );
+	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, in);
+	g_return_val_if_fail( node, FALSE );
+	// All this code for this simple loop :)
+	while ( node->parent() != node_root() )
+		node = node->parent();
+	ITER_FROM_NODE(this, out_root, node);
+	return TRUE;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_is_root:
+	*
+	*   Tell wether the iter is a root iter
+	*
+	**/
+	GtkTreeIter *in)
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(in), FALSE );
+	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, in);
+	g_return_val_if_fail( node, FALSE );
+	return ( node->parent() == node_root() ? TRUE : FALSE );
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_iter_depth:
+	*
+	*   Return the depth of an iter
+	*
+	**/
+	GtkTreeIter *in)
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(in), FALSE );
+	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, in);
+	g_return_val_if_fail( node, FALSE );
+	return node->depth();
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_get_gtk_path_str_new:
+	*
+	*   @in : a GtkTreeIter
+	*
+	*   Return the string path for an iter ( GtkTreePath style )
+	*
+	**/
+	GtkTreeIter *in)
+	gint										i			= 0;
+	GArray										*a			= NULL;
+	gint										pos			= 0;
+	gchar										 ascii_tmp1 [8];
+	gchar										 ascii_tmp2 [1024];
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(in), NULL );
+	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, in);
+	g_return_val_if_fail( node, NULL );
+	a = g_array_sized_new(FALSE, TRUE, sizeof(gint), 10);
+	do
+	{
+		pos = node->pos();
+		g_array_append_vals(a, &pos, 1);
+		node = node->parent();
+		i++;
+	}
+	while ( node != node_root() );
+	ascii_tmp2[0] = 0;
+	STORE_INF("get_path_str_new:depth %02i", i);
+	if ( i > 1 )
+		g_sprintf( ascii_tmp2, "%i:", g_array_index(a, gint, --i) );
+	while ( i > 1 )
+	{
+		g_sprintf( ascii_tmp1, "%i:", g_array_index(a, gint, --i) );
+		g_strlcat(ascii_tmp2, ascii_tmp1, 1024);
+	}
+	g_sprintf( ascii_tmp1, "%i", g_array_index(a, gint, 0) );
+	g_strlcat(ascii_tmp2, ascii_tmp1, 1024);
+	g_array_free(a, TRUE);
+	//STORE_INF("get_path_str_new:%s", ascii_tmp2);
+	return g_strdup(ascii_tmp2);
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_iter_get_row:
+	*
+	*   @in : a GtkTreeIter
+	*
+	*   Get the row of an iter
+	*
+	**/
+gint GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_iter_get_row(
+	GtkTreeIter *in)
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(in), 0 );
+	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, in);
+	g_return_val_if_fail( node, 0 );
+	return node->row();
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_iter_remove_children_no_signal_row_deleted:
+	*
+	*   @in : a GtkTreeIter
+	*
+	*   Remove all children of iter, but dont send any row_deleted signal.
+	*   Only send row_toggled if parent
+	*   Call only this method if an iter is collapsed !
+	*
+	**/
+	GtkTreeIter *in)
+    gint            count       = 0;
+	Node		*   node		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+    g_return_val_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(in), 0 );
+    NODE_FROM_ITER(node, in);
+    g_return_val_if_fail( node, 0 );
+    // Create branch from the node
+    Branch branch(node);
+    g_return_val_if_fail( branch.is_valid(), -1 );
+    count = branch.cut_but_keep_root();
+	// if a_root is now sterile, send child_toggled signal ( if parent != root )
+	if ( branch.root()->is_sterile() )
+		if ( branch.root() != node_root() )
+			emit_row_has_child_toggled(branch.root());
+    return count;
+    //   Previous method, without the Branch concept
+    //
+    //	g_return_val_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(in), 0 );
+    //
+    //	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, in);
+    //	g_return_val_if_fail( node, 0 );
+    //
+    //	gint count = node->remove_children();
+    //
+    //	// if parent is now sterile, send child_toggled signal ( if parent != root )
+    //	if ( ! node->children()->card() )
+    //		if ( node->parent() != node_root() )
+    //			emit_row_has_child_toggled(node);
+    //
+    //	return count;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_iter_sterile_remove:
+	*
+	*   @in : a GtkTreeIter with no children
+	*
+	*   Remove the iter & send a row_deleted signal
+	*
+	**/
+	GtkTreeIter *in)
+    gint            count       = 0;
+    Node		*   node		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail ( iter_is_valid(in), FALSE );
+	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, in);
+	g_return_val_if_fail( node, FALSE );
+	g_return_val_if_fail( node->is_sterile(), FALSE );
+    // Create branch from the node
+    Branch branch(node);
+    g_return_val_if_fail( branch.is_valid(), FALSE );
+    // *IMPORTANT* send signal before removing, according to GtkTreeModel doc
+	emit_row_deleted(node);
+    // cut the branch
+    count = branch.cut();
+	// if parent is now sterile, send child_toggled signal ( if parent != root )
+	if ( branch.parent()->is_sterile() )
+		if ( branch.parent() != node_root() )
+			emit_row_has_child_toggled(branch.parent());
+    return count;
+    //   Previous method, without the Branch concept
+    //
+    //	// children block where node resides
+    //	block = node->parent()->children();
+    //
+    //	// *IMPORTANT* send signal before removing, according to GtkTreeModel doc
+    //	emit_row_deleted(node);
+    //
+    //	// remove the node
+    //	block->remove_node( node->pos() );
+    //
+    //	// if parent is now sterile, send child_toggled signal ( if parent != root )
+    //	if ( ! block->card() )
+    //		if ( block->parent() != node_root() )
+    //			emit_row_has_child_toggled(block->parent());
+    //
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_iter_from_path
+	*
+	*   @_path		: a GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Path
+	*   @_iter_out  : a GtkTreeIter
+	*
+	*   Retrieves an iter from a Path.
+	*
+	**/
+	const   Path			*   _path,
+			GtkTreeIter		*   _iter_out)
+	return ext_iter_from_path((Path*)_path, _iter_out);
+	Path			*   _path,
+	GtkTreeIter		*   _iter_out)
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
+	gint										depth		= 0;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail( _path, FALSE );
+	depth	= 1;
+	node	= node_root();
+	node = node->children()->node_get(0);
+	while ( node )
+	{
+		if ( node->uid() == _path->uid_get(depth-1) )
+		{
+			if ( ++depth > _path->card() )
+				goto found;
+			else
+				goto loop;
+		}
+		node = node->next();
+	}
+	return FALSE;
+	//REFRESH_INF("Model::iter_find_from_base_path:Retrieved iter %s", path->dump());
+	ITER_FROM_NODE(this, _iter_out, node);
+	return TRUE;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_path_from_iter
+	*
+	*   @_path		: a GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Path
+	*   @_iter_out  : a GtkTreeIter
+	*
+	*   Return a mallocated Path from an iter
+	*
+	**/
+	GtkTreeIter		*   _iter_in)
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node			*   node		= NULL;
+	gint										depth		= 0;
+	gint										i			= 1;
+	Path									*   path		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail( _iter_in,					FALSE );
+	g_return_val_if_fail( iter_is_valid(_iter_in),  FALSE );
+	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, _iter_in);
+	g_return_val_if_fail( node,	FALSE );
+	// build & fill a reverse path
+	depth		= node->depth();
+	path		= new Path(depth);
+	do
+	{
+		if ( node == node_root() )
+		{
+			NODE_ERR("GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_path_from_iter():node root reached !");
+			delete path;
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		path->uid_set( depth - i, node->uid() );
+		node = node->parent();
+	}
+	while ( (i++) != depth );
+	return path;
+//*																			  *
+//*							Match functions									  *
+//*																			  *
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_match_child_gint:
+	*
+	*   in_parent								: a GtkTreeIter
+	*   out_child								: a GtkTreeIter
+	*   gboolean(*match_function)(Data*, gint)  : matching function
+	*   the_gint								: a gint
+	*
+	*   For all childs of in_parent, call match_function(child->data, the_gint).
+	*
+	*   If parent is NULL, test root nodes
+	*
+	*   If it returns TRUE for a child, the function fills in out_child with
+	*   this child and return TRUE.
+	*
+	*   If matching_function return FALSE for all childs, return FALSE.
+	*
+	**/
+	GtkTreeIter								*   in_parent   ,
+	GtkTreeIter								*   out_child   ,
+	gboolean(*match_function)(DataInterface*, gint)					,
+	gint										the_gint)
+	gint				i			= 0;
+	Node			*   node		= NULL;
+	NodeBlock		*   block		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail ( iter_is_valid_but_may_be_null(in_parent), FALSE );
+	if ( !in_parent )
+		node = node_root();
+	else
+		NODE_FROM_ITER(node, in_parent);
+	g_return_val_if_fail( node, FALSE );
+	block   = node->children();
+	g_return_val_if_fail( block->card() != 0, FALSE );
+	while ( i < block->card() )
+	{
+		node = block->node_get(i++);
+		if ( match_function(node->data(), the_gint ) )
+		{
+			ITER_FROM_NODE(this, out_child, node);
+			return TRUE;
+		}
+	}
+	return FALSE;
+  /**
+	*   GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::ext_match_child_collate_key:
+	*
+	*   in_parent								: a GtkTreeIter
+	*   out_child								: a GtkTreeIter
+	*   collate_key_id							: a gint identifying
+	*											  the collate key to use
+	*											  for the childs
+	*   utf8_collate_key						: a collate key
+	*
+	*   For all childs of in_parent, compare child->collatekey &
+	*   collate_key_to_use.
+	*
+	*   If parent is NULL, test root nodes
+	*
+	*   If it collate for a child, the function fills in out_child with
+	*   this child and return TRUE.
+	*
+	*   If no collate for all childs, return FALSE.
+	*
+	**/
+	GtkTreeIter								*   in_parent   ,
+	GtkTreeIter								*   out_child   ,
+	const gchar								*   _str)
+	gint										i			= 0;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock		*block		= NULL;
+	//.........................................................................
+	g_return_val_if_fail ( iter_is_valid_but_may_be_null(in_parent), FALSE );
+	if ( !in_parent )
+		node = node_root();
+	else
+		NODE_FROM_ITER(node, in_parent);
+	g_return_val_if_fail( node, FALSE );
+	block   = node->children();
+	g_return_val_if_fail( block->card() != 0, FALSE );
+	while ( i < block->card() )
+	{
+		node = block->node_get(i++);
+        //  Previous method, with direct access to collate keys
+        //  from DataInterface
+        //
+		//if (	strcmp
+        //        (
+		//			node->data()->utf8_collate_key(collate_key_id),
+		//			utf8_collate_key
+        //       ) == 0 )
+        if ( node->data()->compare_str(_str) == 0 )
+		{
+			ITER_FROM_NODE(this, out_child, node);
+			return TRUE;
+		}
+	}
+	return FALSE;
 //  ###########################################################################
 //  ###																		###
@@ -986,48 +2011,43 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_iter(
 	GtkTreePath  *path)
 	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore					*treestore  = NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*node		= NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block		*block		= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock		*block		= NULL;
 	gint          *indices = NULL, pos = 0, depth =0;
 	gint		i = 0;
 	g_assert( IS_GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel) );
-	g_assert( path!=NULL );
 	treestore = GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel);
+	g_assert( path );
 	indices = gtk_tree_path_get_indices(path);
 	depth   = gtk_tree_path_get_depth(path);
-	g_assert( indices );
-	g_assert( depth > 0 );
-	// foldview specific : we have only one toplevel node
+	// get the position
 	pos		= indices[i++];
-	g_assert( pos == 0 );
-	// ok, get root node
-	node	=   treestore->node_root();
+	// ok, get first root node ( first child of the ~root~ node )
+	node	=   treestore->node_root()->children()->node_get(pos);
-	// treestore is empty !
-	if ( ! node )
-		return FALSE;
-	// loop
-	while ( i < depth )
+	while ( node )
-		g_assert(node);
+		// path is done ?
+		if ( i == depth )
+		{
+			ITER_FROM_NODE(treestore, iter, node);
+			return TRUE;
+		}
-		// go further
+		// node = node->children()->get_pos( indices[i++] );
 		block   = node->children();
 		pos		= indices[i++];
 		node	= block->node_get(pos);
-	g_assert(node);
+	if ( treestore->node_root()->children()->card() != 0 )
+		GCMD_ERR("GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_iter::failed to get iter from path");
-	ITER_FROM_NODE(treestore, iter, node);
-	return TRUE;
+	return FALSE;
@@ -1048,7 +2068,7 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_path(
 	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore					*treestore  = NULL;
 	GtkTreePath									*path		= NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*node		= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
 	g_return_val_if_fail ( IS_GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel), NULL );
 	treestore = GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel);
@@ -1059,13 +2079,14 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_path(
 	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, iter);
 	g_return_val_if_fail( node, NULL );
-	while ( node )
+	do
 		gtk_tree_path_prepend_index(path, node->pos());
 		node = node->parent();
+	while ( node != treestore->node_root() );
-	STORE_INF("get_path:%s", gtk_tree_path_to_string(path));
+	//STORE_INF("get_path:%s", gtk_tree_path_to_string(path));
 	return path;
@@ -1089,19 +2110,24 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::get_value(
 	GValue       *value)
 	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore					*treestore  = NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*node		= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
-	g_return_if_fail ( IS_GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel) );
+	if ( ! IS_GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel) )		goto fail;
 	treestore = GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel);
-	g_return_if_fail ( treestore->iter_is_valid(iter) );
-	g_return_if_fail ( column == 0 );
-	g_return_if_fail ( value );
+	if ( ! treestore->iter_is_valid(iter) )					goto fail;
+	//if ( column != 0 )									goto fail;
+	//if ( !value )											goto fail;
 	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, iter);
-	g_assert(node);
+	if ( ! node )											goto fail;
 	g_value_init(value, G_TYPE_POINTER);
 	g_value_set_pointer(value, node->data());
+	return;
+	g_value_init(value, G_TYPE_POINTER);
+	g_value_set_pointer(value, NULL);
@@ -1121,10 +2147,11 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_next(
 	GtkTreeIter   *iter)
 	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore					*treestore  = NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*node		= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
 	g_return_val_if_fail ( IS_GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel), FALSE );
 	treestore = GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel);
 	g_return_val_if_fail ( treestore->iter_is_valid(iter), FALSE );
 	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, iter);
@@ -1161,10 +2188,11 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_children(
 	GtkTreeIter  *iter_parent)
 	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore					*treestore  = NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*node		= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
 	g_return_val_if_fail ( IS_GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel), FALSE );
 	treestore = GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel);
 	g_return_val_if_fail ( treestore->iter_is_valid_but_may_be_null(iter_parent), FALSE );
 	if ( ! iter_parent )
@@ -1172,14 +2200,17 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_children(
 		node = treestore->node_root();
 			g_return_val_if_fail( node, FALSE );
-		ITER_FROM_NODE(treestore, iter_child, node);
+        if ( node->is_sterile() )
+            return FALSE;
+		ITER_FROM_NODE(treestore, iter_child, node->children()->node_get(0));
 		return TRUE;
 	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, iter_parent);
-	if ( node->children()->card() )
+	if ( ! node->is_sterile() )
 		ITER_FROM_NODE(treestore, iter_child, node->children()->node_get(0));
 		return TRUE;
@@ -1205,7 +2236,7 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_has_child(
 	GtkTreeIter  *iter)
 	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore					*treestore  = NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*node		= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
 	g_return_val_if_fail ( IS_GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel), FALSE );
 	treestore = GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel);
@@ -1236,17 +2267,17 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_n_children(
 	GtkTreeIter  *iter)
 	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore					*treestore  = NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*node		= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
 	g_return_val_if_fail ( IS_GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel), 0 );
 	treestore = GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel);
 	g_return_val_if_fail ( treestore->iter_is_valid_but_may_be_null(iter), 0 );
-	// We have only one node_root for instant
 	if ( ! iter )
-		return 1;
+		node = treestore->node_root();
+	else
+		NODE_FROM_ITER(node, iter);
-	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, iter);
 	return node->children()->card();
@@ -1275,26 +2306,26 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_nth_child(
 	gint          n)
 	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore					*treestore  = NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*node		= NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node_block		*block		= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::NodeBlock		*block		= NULL;
 	g_return_val_if_fail ( IS_GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel), FALSE );
 	treestore = GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel);
 	g_return_val_if_fail ( treestore->iter_is_valid_but_may_be_null(iter_parent), FALSE );
 	if ( ! iter_parent )
+		node = treestore->node_root();
+	else
-		ITER_FROM_NODE(treestore, iter_child, treestore->node_root());
-		return TRUE;
+		NODE_FROM_ITER(node, iter_parent);
+		g_assert( node );
-	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, iter_parent);
-	g_assert( node );
 	block = node->children();
-	if ( n >= block->card() )
-		return FALSE;
+	g_assert( n < block->card() );
+	//if ( n >= block->card() )
+	//return FALSE;
 	ITER_FROM_NODE(treestore, iter_child, block->node_get(n));
 	return TRUE;
@@ -1317,7 +2348,7 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_parent(
 	GtkTreeIter  *iter_child)
 	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore					*treestore  = NULL;
-	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node				*node		= NULL;
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Node				*node		= NULL;
 	g_return_val_if_fail ( IS_GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel), FALSE );
 	treestore = GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(treemodel);
@@ -1325,10 +2356,11 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::iter_parent(
 	NODE_FROM_ITER(node, iter_child);
 	g_assert( node );
-	g_assert( node != treestore->node_root() );
+	g_assert( node->parent() );
 	node = node->parent();
 	g_assert( node );
+	//g_assert( node != treestore->node_root() );
 	ITER_FROM_NODE(treestore, iter_parent, node);
 	return TRUE;
@@ -1367,8 +2399,17 @@ static void
 GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore *treestore)
+	// default sort settings
+	treestore->set_sort_type(GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::eSortAscending);
+	treestore->set_sort_collate_key_to_use(0);
+    //treestore->d_node_root          = NULL;
+    //treestore->a_node_root_created  = FALSE;
+	// others
+	treestore->uid_init();
@@ -1442,10 +2483,10 @@ gnome_cmd_foldview_treestore_finalize(GObject *object)
 	g_return_if_fail ( IS_GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(object) );
 	treestore = GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE(object);
-	gwr_inf("GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::finalize()");
+	GCMD_INF("GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::finalize()");
 	// free all records and free all memory used by the list
-	treestore->clear();
+	treestore->ext_clear();
 	// must chain up - finalize parent
 	(* parent_class->finalize) (object);
@@ -1521,3 +2562,8 @@ gnome_cmd_foldview_treestore_new(void)
   return t;
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.h b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.h
index 43ea462..ab1f9e5 100644
--- a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.h
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-treestore.h
@@ -1,30 +1,37 @@
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-//  Docs
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyleft      2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+							Tim-Philipp Müller
+	***************************************************************************
+	Tim-Philipp Müller wrote the excellent "GTK+ 2.0 Tree View Tutorial" whose
+	section 11 'writing custom models' is the base of the
+	GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore code.
+	***************************************************************************
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-	GtkTreeIter usage:
-	{
-		gint		stamp		: ginu
-		gpointer	user_data   : treestore data : pointer on node ( GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::node* )
-		gpointer	user_data2  : NULL ( for instant : this is the place for the collate key )
-		gpointer	user_data3  : treestore's user data
-	}
-	So for each valid GtkTreeIter, we have iter->node->data() == iter->user_data3 ;
-	and a treestore's user can just do : get_iter(path), then (user's_type*)iter->user_data3
-	instead of treestore->get_value(g_value_stuff...)
-	Note that treestore code does that as well...
+#include	<gtk/gtk.h>
+#include	"gnome-cmd-foldview-utils.h"
+#include	"gnome-cmd-foldview-logger.h"
@@ -32,189 +39,369 @@
 #define GNOME_CMD_FOLDVIEW_TREESTORE_TYPE            (gnome_cmd_foldview_treestore_get_type())
+extern Logger sLogger;
 struct GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore
+	//  Some common things
+	//=========================================================================
+	public:
+	enum eSortType
+	{
+		eSortNone			= 0x00,
+		eSortAscending		= 0x01,
+		eSortDescending		= 0x02,
+	};
+	//=========================================================================
+	//  Al structs, for crossed refs in this header
+	//=========================================================================
+	public:
+	struct  Path;
+	struct  DataInterface;
+	private:
+    struct  Node;
+    struct  Branch;
+    struct  NodeBlock;
+	//=========================================================================
 	//								Data
-	//  This structure is for :
+	//  Instead of storing boring G_TYPES vars in the store, we can store
+	//  any struct that inherits from GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data
+	//  when using GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore :)
+	//
+	//  It allows :
+	//
+	//  - calling delete on this store will directly call g_free on the
+	//    users's data, that inherits from this struct.
-	//  - calling delete from the store, so indirectly calling destructor
-	//    of user's subclass automaically
-	//  - ensure we have a collate key
-	//  - debugging purpose
+    //  - convention :
+    //
+    //      DataInterface_A.compare_xxx(DataInterface_B)
+    //
+    //      = 0 if DataInterface_A & DataInterface_B cant be ordered
+    //
+    //      < 0 if A is before B
+    //
+    //      > 0 if A is after B
-	struct Data
+	public:
+	struct DataInterface
-		private:
-		static  gint	Count;
-		//.................................................................
-		virtual const gchar* utf8_collate_key() = 0;
-		//.................................................................
+		inline virtual ~DataInterface() {}
-		Data();
-		virtual ~Data() = 0;	// forbid instantiation
+        virtual gint            compare                     (DataInterface*)            = 0;
+        virtual gint            compare_str                 (const gchar*)              = 0;
+		public:
+		virtual	void			set_path_from_treestore		(Path*)						= 0;
+		virtual Path		*	path						()							= 0;
-	//								Nodes
+	//							    Node
-	struct node_block;
-	struct node
+	private:
+	struct Node
-		friend struct node_block;
+        friend struct GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore;
+        friend struct NodeBlock;
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+		private:
+		enum
+		{
+			e_UID_SHIFT			= 0												,
+			e_UID_BITS			= GCMD_B32(00000000,00001111,11111111,11111111) ,
+			e_UID_MASK			= ~e_UID_BITS									,
+			e_VISIBLE_SHIFT		= 20											,
+			e_VISIBLE_BITS		= GCMD_B32(00000000,00010000,00000000,00000000) ,
+		};
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 		static  gint Count;
+		public:
+		static  gint Remaining()	{ return Count; }
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+		guint32								a_bits;
 		gint								a_pos;
-		node							*   a_parent;
-		node							*   a_next;
-		node_block						*   a_children;
-		GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data *	d_data;
-		//.................................................................
-		public:
-		void*		operator new	(size_t size, gint _depth, gint _pos, node *_parent, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data* _data);
+		Node							*   a_parent;
+		Node							*   a_next;
+		NodeBlock						*   a_children;
+		DataInterface					*	d_data;
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+		void*		operator new	(size_t size);
 		void		operator delete (void *p);
-		//.................................................................
-		public:
-		const gchar*		log();
-		//.................................................................
-		public:
-		gint				pos()		{ return a_pos;			}
-		node			*   parent()	{ return a_parent;		}
-		node			*   next()		{ return a_next;		}
-		node_block		*   children()	{ return a_children;	}
-		Data*&				data()		{ return d_data;		}				// only this can be modified by all
-		private:
-		gint		purge();
+		 Node(guint32 _uid, gint _depth, gint _pos, Node *_parent, DataInterface* _data);
+		~Node();
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        private:
+                gint				remove_child(gint _pos);
+				gint				remove_children();
+        //.....................................................................
+		public:
+		const gchar*				log         ();
+        void                        dump_tree   (gint _level = 0);
+		inline  guint32				uid()		        { return ( a_bits & e_UID_BITS		) >> e_UID_SHIFT;					}
+		inline  gboolean			visible()	        { return ( a_bits & e_VISIBLE_BITS  ) != (guint32)0 ? TRUE  : FALSE;	}
+		inline  gboolean			hidden()	        { return ( a_bits & e_VISIBLE_BITS  ) == (guint32)0 ? FALSE : TRUE;		}
+		inline  gint				pos()		        { return a_pos;			                                                }
+		inline  void				inc_pos()		    { a_pos += 1;    		                                                }
+		inline  void				dec_pos()		    { a_pos -= 1;    		                                                }
+		inline  void				set_pos(gint _p)    { a_pos = _p;			                                                }
+		inline  gint				depth()             { return parent() ? parent()->children()->depth() : 0;                  }
+		inline  Node			*   parent()	        { return a_parent;		                                                }
+		inline	Node			*   next()		        { return a_next;		                                                }
+		inline	void		        set_next(Node *_n)	{ a_next = _n;  		                                                }
+		inline	NodeBlock		*   children()	        { return a_children;	                                                }
+		inline	gboolean		    is_sterile()	    { return a_children->empty();	                                        }
+		inline	DataInterface   *&	data()		        { return d_data;		                                                }
+                gint				row();
-	//							Node blocks
+	//							    NodeBlock
-	struct node_block
+	struct  NodeBlock
+        friend struct GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore;
+        friend struct Branch;
+        friend struct Node;
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 		static  gint Count;
+		public:
+		static  gint	Remaining()	{ return Count; }
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 		gint				a_card;
 		guint				a_depth;
-		node			*   a_parent;
+		Node			*   a_parent;
 		// d_nodes will be a GArray of node* ; we dont store entire node structs
-		// for speeding the sort ; the counterpart is that we will be forced
-		// to malloc each node
+		// for speeding the sort : we dont move struct, but only pointers. The
+		// counterpart is that we are forced to malloc each node
+        // We should use something lighter than a GArray                        // _GWR_TODO_
 		GArray			*   d_nodes;
-		//.................................................................
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-		void*		operator new	(size_t size, guint _depth, node *_parent);
+		void*		operator new	(size_t size);
 		void		operator delete (void *p);
-		//.................................................................
-		public:
-		gint				card()		{ return a_card;	}
-		guint				depth()		{ return a_depth;   }
-		GArray*				array()		{ return d_nodes;   }
-		//.................................................................
-		private:
-		// useless for instant
-		//void		node_cut			(node		*node);
+		 NodeBlock  (guint _depth, Node *_parent);
+		~NodeBlock  ();
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        private:
+		gint		remove_node			(gint	pos);
+		gint		remove_nodes		();
+        //.....................................................................
-		node	*   node_get			(gint		index);
-		node	*	node_append			(Data		*data);
-		gint		purge();
-		gint		purge_and_update();
+		inline		gint				card()		{ return a_card;	}
+		inline		gint				empty()		{ return ! a_card; 	}
+		inline		guint				depth()		{ return a_depth;   }
+		inline		GArray*				array()		{ return d_nodes;   }
+		void        reset();
+		Node	*   parent()			{ return a_parent; }
+		Node	*   node_get			(gint	pos);
+		Node	*	node_add			(guint32 _uid, eSortType, gint _collate_key_to_use, DataInterface*);
-	//						Object
+	//						        Branch
+    private:
+    struct Branch
+    {
+		public:
+		void*		operator new	(size_t size);
+		void		operator delete (void *p);
+         Branch();
+         Branch(Node*);
+        ~Branch();
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        private:
+        Node    *   a_root;
+        Node    *   a_root_parent;
+        //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        public:
+        inline  gboolean            is_valid()          { return (a_root && a_root_parent);     }
+        inline  Node        *       root()              { return a_root;                        }
+        inline  Node        *       parent()            { return a_root_parent;                 }
+                Branch      *       dup();
+                gint                cut();
+                gint                cut_but_keep_root();
+                gboolean            sort();
+    };
+	//=========================================================================
-	//  GObject inheritance
+	//							    Path
+	//=========================================================================
-	GObject				parent;
+	struct Path
+	{
+		private:
+		gchar   *   d_ascii_dump;
+		gint		a_card;
+		guint32	*   d_uid;
+		public:
+		void	*   operator new	(size_t size);
+		void		operator delete (void *p);
+					Path			(gint card);
+					~Path			();
+		public:
+		gint				card			();
+		guint32				uid_get			(gint _pos);
+		void				uid_set			(gint _pos, guint32 _uid);
+		Path*				dup				();
+		const gchar		*	dump			();
+	};
-	//.........................................................................
-	//  root node
-	//.........................................................................
+	//=========================================================================
+	//
+	//					    GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore
+	//
+	//=========================================================================
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	//  GObject inheritance
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    public:
+    GObject         parent;
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	//  This one is THE root node, hidden, and father
+	//  of all nodes
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-	node				*d_node_root;
+	gboolean			a_node_root_created;
+	Node			*   d_node_root;
-	node*				node_root()			{ return d_node_root;   }
-	void				node_root_init()	{ d_node_root = NULL;   }
-	//.........................................................................
+	inline  Node    *	node_root()			{ return d_node_root; }
+			void		node_root_init();
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	//  uids
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	private:
+	guint32				a_uid;
+	public:
+	void				uid_init()	{ a_uid = 0; }
+	guint32				uid_new()   { return ++a_uid; }
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 	//  stamp
-	//.........................................................................
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 	gint        		a_stamp;
-	public:
-	inline  gint		stamp()			{ return a_stamp;			}
-	void				stamp_init()	{ a_stamp = 0x00;		}
-	//.........................................................................
-	//  rendering
-	//.........................................................................
-	enum eRenderFlags
-	{
-		eSortAscending		= 0x01,
-		eSortDescending		= 0x02,
-		eSortCaseSensitive	= 0x04
-	};
-	static  eRenderFlags	Render_flags;
+	inline  gint		stamp()			{ return a_stamp;			}
+	void				stamp_init()	{ a_stamp = 0x00;			}
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	//  sorting
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	eSortType	a_sort_type;
+	gint		a_sort_collate_key_to_use;
-	static  gboolean	Render_sort()					{ return Render_flags != 0;						}
-	static  gboolean	Render_sort_case_sensitive()	{ return Render_flags & eSortCaseSensitive;		}
-	static  gboolean	Render_sort_ascending()			{ return Render_flags & eSortAscending;			}
-	static  gboolean	Render_sort_descending()		{ return Render_flags & eSortDescending;		}
+	gboolean	must_sort_ascending()		{ return a_sort_type == eSortAscending;		}
+	gboolean	must_sort_descending()		{ return a_sort_type == eSortDescending;	}
-	gboolean	set_render_flags(eRenderFlags flags)
+	void		set_sort_type(eSortType sort_type)
+                {
+                    a_sort_type	= sort_type;
+                }
+	void		set_sort_collate_key_to_use(gint sort_collate_key_to_use)
-					eRenderFlags old = Render_flags;
-					Render_flags = flags;
-					if ( Render_sort_case_sensitive() )
-					{
-						if ( !Render_sort_ascending() && !Render_sort_descending() )
-						{
-							Render_flags = old;
-							return FALSE;
-						}
-					}
-					return TRUE;
+					a_sort_collate_key_to_use	= sort_collate_key_to_use;
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	// some helpers
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-	public:
-	gint		refcount()
-				{
-					return ((GInitiallyUnowned*)this)->ref_count;
-				}
+	//
+	// iter validation
+	//
+	private:
+	gboolean    iter_is_valid(GtkTreeIter*);
+	gboolean    iter_is_valid_but_may_be_null(GtkTreeIter*);
-	//.........................................................................
-	// GtkTreeModel interface
-	//.........................................................................
+	//
+	// private helpers for sending signals
+	//
+	private:
+	void		emit_row_inserted			(Node*);
+	void		emit_row_changed			(Node*);
+	void		emit_row_deleted			(Node*);
+	void		emit_row_has_child_toggled	(Node*);
+	//
+	// private
+	//
+	private:
+	guint32		iter_get_uid						(GtkTreeIter*);
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	// public extensions : useful for foldview
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	public:
+    void        ext_dump_tree                       (GtkTreeIter *);
+	void		ext_add_child						(GtkTreeIter *_in_parent,	GtkTreeIter *_out_child, DataInterface*);
+	void		ext_set_data						(GtkTreeIter *in,			DataInterface*);
+	void		ext_data_changed					(GtkTreeIter *in);
+	gboolean	ext_get_data						(GtkTreeIter *in,			DataInterface**);
+	gint		ext_clear();
+	gboolean	ext_get_root						(GtkTreeIter *in,			GtkTreeIter *out_root);
+	gboolean	ext_is_root							(GtkTreeIter *in);
+	gint		ext_iter_depth						(GtkTreeIter *in);
+	gchar*		ext_get_gtk_path_str_new			(GtkTreeIter *in);
+	gint		ext_iter_get_row					(GtkTreeIter *in);
+	gint		ext_iter_remove_children_no_signal_row_deleted  (GtkTreeIter *in);
+	gint	    ext_iter_sterile_remove				(GtkTreeIter *in);
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	// public extension : paths of uids
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	public:
+	gboolean	ext_iter_from_path(			Path *path, GtkTreeIter *_iter_out);
+	gboolean	ext_iter_from_path(const	Path *path, GtkTreeIter *_iter_out);
+	Path*	    ext_path_from_iter(GtkTreeIter *_iter_in);
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	// public extension : perform action when matching
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	public:
+	gboolean	ext_match_child_gint		(GtkTreeIter *in_parent, GtkTreeIter *out_child, gboolean(*)(DataInterface*, gint),  gint the_gint);
+	gboolean	ext_match_child_str         (GtkTreeIter *in_parent, GtkTreeIter *out_child,							 const gchar * the_str);
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	// GtkTreeModelIface implementation
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 	static  GtkTreeModelFlags   get_flags		(GtkTreeModel*);
 	static  gint				get_n_columns   (GtkTreeModel*);
@@ -229,30 +416,19 @@ struct GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore
 	static  gint				iter_n_children (GtkTreeModel*,	GtkTreeIter *in_parent);
 	static  gboolean			iter_nth_child  (GtkTreeModel*,	GtkTreeIter *out_child,	GtkTreeIter *in_parent,	gint n);
 	static  gboolean			iter_parent		(GtkTreeModel*,	GtkTreeIter *out_parent, GtkTreeIter  *in_child);
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	// Divers
+	//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+	void	    resort();
-	//.........................................................................
-	// our treestore methods
-	//.........................................................................
-	public:
-	// iter validation
-	inline gboolean iter_is_valid(GtkTreeIter*);
-	inline gboolean	iter_is_valid_but_may_be_null(GtkTreeIter*);
-	// private helpers for sending signals
-	private:
-	void	emit_row_inserted   (node*);
-	void	emit_row_changed	(node*);
-	// useful for foldview
-	void	add_child			(GtkTreeIter *in_parent,	GtkTreeIter *out_child, GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore::Data*);
-	void	set_value			(GtkTreeIter *in,			gint column, GValue *value);
-	gint	remove_children		(GtkTreeIter *in);
-	gint	clear();
+	gint		refcount() { return ((GInitiallyUnowned*)this)->ref_count; }
 GType         					gnome_cmd_foldview_treestore_get_type   (void);
 GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore*		gnome_cmd_foldview_treestore_new		(void);
 //					Class Definition
@@ -262,11 +438,13 @@ GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestore*		gnome_cmd_foldview_treestore_new		(void);
-typedef struct _GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestoreClass  GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestoreClass;
 struct _GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestoreClass
   GObjectClass parent_class;
+typedef struct _GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestoreClass  GnomeCmdFoldviewTreestoreClass;
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-utils.h b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac7c7eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview-utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+    GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
+    Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
+    Copyleft      2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include    <glib.h>
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Some macros
+//  ***************************************************************************
+#define GCMD_STRINGIZE(a)   #a
+#define GCMD_LABEL          __attribute__ ((unused)) asm("nop");
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Macros for inserting binary numbers in source code ( up to 32 bits )
+//  endianness : b1 is lsb :
+//	  MB32(b4,b3,b2,b1) = b1 + 2^8 * b2 + ... + 2^24 * b4
+//  I know there are too many parenthesis, but gcc complains
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  helper macros
+//  GCMD_HEX_(token)
+//  Convert a 8-binary-token to a 32 bits integer
+//  b8_max													=
+//	  11111111												->
+//	  0x11111111LU											->
+//	  binary 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001
+//	So b8_max fits in 32 bits
+#define GCMD_HEX_(token)													\
+	(guint32)(0x##token##LU)
+// 8-bit conversion macro, takes a the result of GCMD_HEX_() as input
+#define GCMD_B8_(x)															\
+(																			\
+	  ( (x & 0x00000001)   ? 0x01	: 0	)									\
+	+ ( (x & 0x00000010)   ? 0x02	: 0	)									\
+	+ ( (x & 0x00000100)   ? 0x04	: 0	)									\
+	+ ( (x & 0x00001000)   ? 0x08	: 0	)									\
+	+ ( (x & 0x00010000)   ? 0x10	: 0	)									\
+	+ ( (x & 0x00100000)   ? 0x20	: 0	)									\
+	+ ( (x & 0x01000000)   ? 0x40	: 0	)									\
+	+ ( (x & 0x10000000)   ? 0x80	: 0	)									\
+// The two above macros in one
+#define GCMD_B8(b)															\
+	( GCMD_B8_( GCMD_HEX_(b) ) )
+//  32 bits
+#define GCMD_B32(b4,b3,b2,b1)												\
+(																			\
+	(guint32)																\
+		(																	\
+				( ((guint32)GCMD_B8(b1))			)						\
+			+   ( ((guint32)GCMD_B8(b2)) << 8		)						\
+			+   ( ((guint32)GCMD_B8(b3)) << 16		)						\
+			+   ( ((guint32)GCMD_B8(b4)) << 24		)						\
+		)																	\
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//							GStruct
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  I like & trust glib memory management.
+//  This template is for avoiding overloading new / delete in all structs.
+//  There are many GStruct<> template-constructors, for handling
+//  the number of constructor parameters of any "T" ( I tried va_args but
+//  didnt succeed ).
+//  Exercice : add a template parameter N, representing the number of arguments
+//  of T constructor, and autogenerate the GStruct<T,N> constructors
+//  with recursive templates.
+template <typename T> struct GcmdStruct : public T
+    public:
+   void*		operator new(size_t size)
+                {
+                    GcmdStruct<T>* g = g_try_new0(GcmdStruct<T>, 1);
+                    if ( !g )
+                        g_critical("GStruct<%s>::new():g_try_new0 failed", GCMD_STRINGIZE(T));
+                    return g;
+                }
+    void		operator delete (void *p)
+                {
+                    g_free(p);
+                }
+    GcmdStruct() : T() {}
+    template <typename U1> GcmdStruct(U1 u1) : T(u1) {}
+    template <typename U1, typename U2> GcmdStruct(U1 u1, U2 u2) : T(u1, u2) {}
+    template <typename U1, typename U2, typename U3> GcmdStruct(U1 u1, U2 u2, U3 u3) : T(u1, u2, u3) {}
+    template <typename U1, typename U2, typename U3, typename U4> GcmdStruct(U1 u1, U2 u2, U3 u3, U4 u4) : T(u1, u2, u3, u4) {}
+    template <typename U1, typename U2, typename U3, typename U4, typename U5> GcmdStruct(U1 u1, U2 u2, U3 u3, U4 u4, U5 u5) : T(u1, u2, u3, u4, u5) {}
+    virtual     ~GcmdStruct<T>() {}
+//  The GStruct<> struct comes with a convenience macro for
+//  creating new instances of GStruct<> - and its free of charge.
+#define GCMD_STRUCT_NEW_CAST( type, ... )   (type*) ( new GcmdStruct<type>(__VA_ARGS__) )
+#define GCMD_STRUCT_NEW( type, ... )                ( new GcmdStruct<type>(__VA_ARGS__) )
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//								Logging
+//  ***************************************************************************
+enum eLogChannel
+    // common
+    eLogGcmd        =  0,
+    eLogLeaks       =  1,
+    // control
+    eLogFifo        =  5,
+    eLogMsg         =  6,
+    // model
+    eLogFiles       = 10,
+    eLogRefresh     = 11,
+    eLogSort        = 12,
+    eLogEnumerate   = 13,
+    eLogCheck       = 14,
+    eLogExpand      = 15,
+    eLogMonitor     = 16,
+    eLogTreeNode    = 20,
+    eLogTreeBlock   = 21,
+    eLogTreeStore   = 22
+#define GCMD_LOG_HELPER(_c, _f, ...) (sLogger.log_function(_c, _f))(sLogger.header(_c), __VA_ARGS__);
+#define GCMD_INF(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogGcmd,       Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define GCMD_WNG(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogGcmd,       Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define GCMD_ERR(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogGcmd,       Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define LEAKS_INF(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogLeaks,      Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define FIFO_INF(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogFifo,       Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define FIFO_WNG(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogFifo,       Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define FIFO_ERR(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogFifo,       Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define MSG_INF(...)        GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogMsg,        Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define MSG_WNG(...)        GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogMsg,        Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define MSG_ERR(...)        GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogMsg,        Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define FILES_INF(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogFiles,      Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define FILES_WNG(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogFiles,      Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define FILES_ERR(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogFiles,      Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define REFRESH_INF(...)    GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogRefresh,    Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define REFRESH_WNG(...)    GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogRefresh,    Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define REFRESH_ERR(...)    GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogRefresh,    Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define REFRESH_TKI(...)    GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogRefresh,    Logger::eLogTki,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define REFRESH_TKW(...)    GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogRefresh,    Logger::eLogTkw,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define REFRESH_TKE(...)    GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogRefresh,    Logger::eLogTke,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define SORT_INF(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogSort,       Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define SORT_WNG(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogSort,       Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define SORT_ERR(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogSort,       Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define SORT_TKI(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogSort,       Logger::eLogTki,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define SORT_TKW(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogSort,       Logger::eLogTkw,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define SORT_TKE(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogSort,       Logger::eLogTke,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define ENUMERATE_INF(...)  GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogEnumerate,  Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ENUMERATE_WNG(...)  GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogEnumerate,  Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ENUMERATE_ERR(...)  GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogEnumerate,  Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define CHECK_INF(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogCheck,      Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define CHECK_WNG(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogCheck,      Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define CHECK_ERR(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogCheck,      Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define EXPAND_INF(...)     GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogExpand,     Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define EXPAND_WNG(...)     GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogExpand,     Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define EXPAND_ERR(...)     GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogExpand,     Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define MONITOR_INF(...)    GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogMonitor,    Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define MONITOR_WNG(...)    GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogMonitor,    Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define MONITOR_ERR(...)    GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogMonitor,    Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define NODE_INF(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogTreeNode,   Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define NODE_WNG(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogTreeNode,   Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define NODE_ERR(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogTreeNode,   Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define NODE_TKI(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogTreeNode,   Logger::eLogTki,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define NODE_TKW(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogTreeNode,   Logger::eLogTkw,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define NODE_TKE(...)       GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogTreeNode,   Logger::eLogTke,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define BLOCK_INF(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogTreeBlock,  Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define BLOCK_WNG(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogTreeBlock,  Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define BLOCK_ERR(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogTreeBlock,  Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define STORE_INF(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogTreeStore,  Logger::eLogInf,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define STORE_WNG(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogTreeStore,  Logger::eLogWng,  __VA_ARGS__)
+#define STORE_ERR(...)      GCMD_LOG_HELPER(eLogTreeStore,  Logger::eLogErr,  __VA_ARGS__)
+//	  GtkTreeIter macros
+#define GCMD_ITER_COPY(dest, src)											\
+	(dest)->stamp			= (src)->stamp;									\
+	(dest)->user_data		= (src)->user_data;								\
+	(dest)->user_data2		= (src)->user_data2;							\
+	(dest)->user_data3		= (src)->user_data3;
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview.cc b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview.cc
index d30fbc5..3a3c985 100644
--- a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview.cc
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview.cc
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
+    ###########################################################################
+    gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
     Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
     Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
     Copyright (C) 2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	C++
-	Contain variadic macros
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
@@ -25,289 +23,242 @@
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    - Public methods
+    - GcmdGtkFoldview GObject
+    ###########################################################################
 #include	<config.h>
 #include	<stdlib.h>
+//  ...........................................................................
 #include	<gtk/gtksignal.h>
 #include	<gtk/gtkvbox.h>
 #include	<libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs.h>
 #include	<libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-utils.h>
-#include	"gnome-cmd-includes.h"
+//  ...........................................................................
+#include	"gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h"
+//#include	"gnome-cmd-includes.h"
 #include	"gnome-cmd-combo.h"
 #include	"gnome-cmd-main-win.h"
 #include	"gnome-cmd-style.h"
 #include	"gnome-cmd-data.h"
-#include	"gnome-cmd-foldview-private.h"
-#include	"gnome-cmd-foldview-gvfs.h"
-//  ***************************************************************************
-//  *																		  *
-//  *								Defines								      *
-//  *																		  *
-//  ***************************************************************************
-#define GVFS_MAX_ASYNC_OPS					10000
-//  ***************************************************************************
-//  *																		  *
-//  *								Helpers								      *
-//  *																		  *
-//  ***************************************************************************
-//  Common vars
-static  GnomeVFSResult  sVFSResult		= GNOME_VFS_OK;	 // for sync operations
+#include    "gnome-cmd-con-list.h"
+#include    "gnome-cmd-con-smb.h"
+//  ...........................................................................
+#include    "gnome-cmd-connection-treeview.h"
 extern  GnomeCmdMainWin *main_win;
+Logger  sLogger(30);
 //  ###########################################################################
 //  ###																		###
 //  ##																		 ##
-//  #								Logging									  #
+//  #						Public methods									  #
 //  ##																		 ##
 //  ###																		###
 //  ###########################################################################
+gnome_cmd_foldview_update_style(GtkWidget *widget)
+	//g_return_if_fail( widget != NULL );
+	//(GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW(widget))->view.update_style();
-//  Logger
-	<ESC>[{attr};{fg};{bg}m
-{attr} needs to be one of the following:
-	0 Reset All Attributes (return to normal mode)
-	1 Bright (usually turns on BOLD)
-	2 Dim
-	3 Underline
-	5 Blink
-	7 Reverse
-	8 Hidden
-{fg} needs to be one of the following:
-      30 Black
-      31 Red
-      32 Green
-      33 Yellow
-      34 Blue
-      35 Magenta
-      36 Cyan
-      37 White
-{bg} needs to be one of the following:
-      40 Black
-      41 Red
-      42 Green
-      43 Yellow
-      44 Blue
-      45 Magenta
-      46 Cyan
-      47 White
-//  Core logging
-static  char			sLogStr		[1024];
-static  char			sLogStrFinal[1024];
+	return gcmdgtkfoldview_new();
-void gwr_print(const char* str)
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  ###																		###
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  #				        GcmdGtkFoldview::HeadBand                         #
+//  ##																		 ##
+//  ###																		###
+//  ###########################################################################
+GcmdGtkFoldview *   _foldview)
-	sprintf(sLogStrFinal,"%s%s", str,sLogStr);
-	printf("%s\n",sLogStrFinal);
+    d_hbox_main             = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+        d_button_add        = gtk_button_new();
+        d_con_combo         = (GtkWidget*)( new GnomeCmdCombo(2, 1, NULL) );
+        d_alignement_padder = gtk_alignment_new(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+        d_button_up         = gtk_button_new();
+            d_arrow_up      = gtk_arrow_new(GTK_ARROW_UP,   GTK_SHADOW_NONE);
+        d_button_down       = gtk_button_new();
+            d_arrow_down    = gtk_arrow_new(GTK_ARROW_DOWN, GTK_SHADOW_NONE);
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    // Setup
+    //
+    // connection combo
+    //gtk_object_set_data_full (GTK_OBJECT (_foldview), "con_combo", m_con_combo, (GtkDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);
+	gtk_widget_set_size_request (d_con_combo, 150, -1);
+	gtk_clist_set_row_height    (GTK_CLIST (GNOME_CMD_COMBO (d_con_combo)->list), 20);
+	gtk_entry_set_editable      (GTK_ENTRY (GNOME_CMD_COMBO (d_con_combo)->entry), FALSE);
+	gtk_clist_set_column_width  (GTK_CLIST (GNOME_CMD_COMBO (d_con_combo)->list), 0, 20);
+	gtk_clist_set_column_width  (GTK_CLIST (GNOME_CMD_COMBO (d_con_combo)->list), 1, 60);
+    // buttons
+    gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(d_button_add),  gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(GcmdGtkFoldview::s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconGtkAdd]));
+    gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(d_button_up),   d_arrow_up);
+    gtk_button_set_image(GTK_BUTTON(d_button_down), d_arrow_down);
+	g_signal_connect(d_button_add,  "clicked",    G_CALLBACK(Signal_button_add_clicked),    (gpointer)_foldview);
+	g_signal_connect(d_button_up,   "clicked",    G_CALLBACK(Signal_button_up_clicked),     (gpointer)_foldview);
+	g_signal_connect(d_button_down, "clicked",    G_CALLBACK(Signal_button_down_clicked),   (gpointer)_foldview);
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    // Packing
+    //
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_hbox_main), d_button_add,          FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_hbox_main), d_con_combo,           FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_hbox_main), d_alignement_padder,   TRUE , TRUE, 0);
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_hbox_main), d_button_up,           FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_hbox_main), d_button_down,         FALSE, TRUE, 0);
-void gwr_inf(const char* fmt, ...)
-	#ifndef DEBUG_SHOW_INF
-		return;
-	#endif
-	va_list val; va_start(val, fmt); vsprintf(sLogStr, fmt, val); va_end(val);
-	gwr_print("\033[0;32mINF:\033[0m");
-void gwr_wng(const char* fmt, ...)
-	#ifndef DEBUG_SHOW_WNG
-		return;
-	#endif
-	va_list val; va_start(val, fmt); vsprintf(sLogStr, fmt, val); va_end(val);
-	gwr_print("\033[0;35mWNG:\033[0m");
+    gtk_widget_show_all(d_hbox_main);
+    GNOME_CMD_COMBO(d_con_combo)->select_data((gpointer)gnome_cmd_con_list_get_home(gnome_cmd_con_list_get()));
-void gwr_err(const char* fmt, ...)
-	#ifndef DEBUG_SHOW_ERR
-		return;
-	#endif
-	va_list val; va_start(val, fmt); vsprintf(sLogStr, fmt, val); va_end(val);
-	gwr_print("\033[0;31mERR:\033[0m");
+    gtk_widget_hide_all(d_hbox_main);
-void gwr_inf_vfs(const char* fmt, ...)
-	#ifndef DEBUG_SHOW_VFS
-		return;
-	#endif
-	va_list val; va_start(val, fmt); vsprintf(sLogStr, fmt, val); va_end(val);
-	strcat(sLogStr, " [VFS-INF:");
-	strcat(sLogStr,   gnome_vfs_result_to_string(sVFSResult));
-	strcat(sLogStr, "]");
-	gwr_print("\033[0;31mERR:\033[0m");
+	((GnomeCmdCombo*)d_con_combo)->update_style();
-void gwr_err_vfs(const char* fmt, ...)
+//  ===========================================================================
+//  Connection combo specific
+//  ===========================================================================
-	#ifndef DEBUG_SHOW_VFS
-		return;
-	#endif
-	va_list val; va_start(val, fmt); vsprintf(sLogStr, fmt, val); va_end(val);
-	strcat(sLogStr, " [VFS-ERR:");
-	strcat(sLogStr,   gnome_vfs_result_to_string(sVFSResult));
-	strcat(sLogStr, "]");
-	gwr_print("\033[0;31mERR:\033[0m");
+	GnomeCmdCombo   *   combo = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+	combo = GNOME_CMD_COMBO(d_con_combo);
+    combo->clear();
+    combo->highest_pixmap   = 20;
+    combo->widest_pixmap	= 20;
+    gtk_clist_set_row_height    (GTK_CLIST (combo->list), 20);
+    gtk_clist_set_column_width  (GTK_CLIST (combo->list), 0, 20);
+    GnomeCmdCon *   _con)
+	GnomeCmdCombo   *   combo   = NULL;
+    gchar			*   text    [3];
+    gint                row     = 0;
+    //.........................................................................
+	combo			= GNOME_CMD_COMBO(d_con_combo);
+    text[0] = NULL;
+    text[1] = (gchar *)gnome_cmd_con_get_alias(_con);
+    text[2] = NULL;
+    GnomeCmdPixmap *pixmap = gnome_cmd_con_get_go_pixmap(_con);
+    if (pixmap)
+    {
+        row = combo->append(text, _con);
+        combo->set_pixmap(row, 0, pixmap);
+    }
-//  ###########################################################################
-//  ###																		###
-//  ##																		 ##
-//  #								Divers									  #
-//  ##																		 ##
-//  ###																		###
-//  ###########################################################################
-GcmdGtkFoldview::eFileAccess GcmdGtkFoldview::Access_from_permissions(
-	GnomeVFSFilePermissions permissions)
-	eFileAccess		access  = eAccessUnknown;
-	gboolean		b_read	= FALSE;
-	gboolean		b_write	= FALSE;
-	if ( ( permissions & GNOME_VFS_PERM_ACCESS_READABLE ) != 0 )	b_read  = TRUE;
-	if ( ( permissions & GNOME_VFS_PERM_ACCESS_WRITABLE ) != 0 )	b_write = TRUE;
-	if ( b_read )
-	{
-		access = ( b_write ? eAccessReadWrite : eAccessReadOnly );
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		access = ( b_write ? eAccessUnknown : eAccessForbidden );
-	}
-	return access;
+    GnomeCmdCon *   _con)
+    // dont add connection if
+    // it is closed AND it is not a device AND it is not smb
+    if  (
+            !gnome_cmd_con_is_open (_con)		&&
+            !GNOME_CMD_IS_CON_DEVICE (_con)		&&
+            !GNOME_CMD_IS_CON_SMB (_con)
+        )  return FALSE;
+    return TRUE;
-GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIcon GcmdGtkFoldview::View::Icon_from_type_permissions(
-	GnomeVFSFileType		type,
-	GnomeVFSFilePermissions permissions)
-	eFileAccess	access  = eAccessUnknown;
+    GnomeCmdCombo   *   combo			= NULL;
+    GList           *   l               = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
-	access = Access_from_permissions(permissions);
+    combo			= GNOME_CMD_COMBO(d_con_combo);
-	return Icon_from_type_access(type, access);
+    reset_connections();
-GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIcon GcmdGtkFoldview::View::Icon_from_type_access(
-	GnomeVFSFileType				type,
-	GcmdGtkFoldview::eFileAccess	access)
-	{
-		switch ( access )
-		{
-			case	eAccessReadWrite: return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconDirReadWrite; break;
-			case	eAccessReadOnly : return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconDirReadOnly;  break;
-			case	eAccessForbidden: return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconDirForbidden; break;
-			default					: return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconUnknown;	   break;
-		}
-	}
+    for ( l = gnome_cmd_con_list_get_all(gnome_cmd_con_list_get ()); l ; l = l->next )
+    {
+        GnomeCmdCon *con = (GnomeCmdCon *)l->data;
-	{
-		switch ( access )
-		{
-			case	eAccessReadWrite: return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconSymlinkToDirReadWrite;	 break;
-			case	eAccessReadOnly : return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconSymlinkToDirReadOnly;	 break;
-			case	eAccessForbidden: return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconSymlinkToDirForbidden;	 break;
-			default					: return GcmdGtkFoldview::View::eIconUnknown;				 break;
-		}
-	}
+        if ( ! can_add_that_connection(con) )
+            continue;
-	return View::eIconUnknown;
+        // else add it
+        add_connection(con);
+    }
+    return GNOME_CMD_CON(GNOME_CMD_COMBO(d_con_combo)->sel_data);
 //  ###########################################################################
 //  ###																		###
 //  ##																		 ##
-//  #						GcmdGtkFoldview									  #
+//  #					        GcmdGtkFoldview          					  #
 //  ##																		 ##
 //  ###																		###
 //  ###########################################################################
-//  ***************************************************************************
-//  *																		  *
-//  *							Singleton impl							      *
-//  *																		  *
-//  ***************************************************************************
-// ~ The ~  singleton
-static  GtkWidget*	GcmdGtkFoldviewSingleton = NULL;
+//  ###########################################################################
-// Singleton accessors
+//  GcmdGtkFoldview : GObject
-GtkWidget* GcmdWidget()
-	if ( GcmdGtkFoldviewSingleton != NULL )
-		return GcmdGtkFoldviewSingleton;
-	GcmdGtkFoldviewSingleton = gcmdgtkfoldview_new();
-	// assume ownership:
-	// ensure foldview will not be destroyed when showing / hiding
-	g_object_ref_sink(GcmdGtkFoldviewSingleton);
-	return GcmdGtkFoldviewSingleton;
-GcmdGtkFoldview* GcmdFoldview()
-	return (GcmdGtkFoldview*)( GcmdWidget() );
-//  ***************************************************************************
-//  *																		  *
-//  *							GObject impl								  *
-//  *																		  *
-//  ***************************************************************************
-static  void	gcmdgtkfoldview_class_init(GcmdGtkFoldviewClass   *klass);
+//  ###########################################################################
-static guint gcmdgtkfoldview_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
+static  void	            gcmdgtkfoldview_class_init(GcmdGtkFoldviewClass   *klass);
+static  guint               gcmdgtkfoldview_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
-//							Pure GObject stuff
+        GObjectClass    *   GcmdGtkFoldview::Parent_class = NULL;
-//	GcmdGtkFoldview GType implementation
+//  ===========================================================================
 gcmdgtkfoldview_get_type (void)
@@ -325,7 +276,7 @@ gcmdgtkfoldview_get_type (void)
 			NULL, /* class_data */
 			sizeof (GcmdGtkFoldview),
-			(GInstanceInitFunc)GcmdGtkFoldview::Control_g_object_init,
+			(GInstanceInitFunc)GcmdGtkFoldview::G_object_init,
 	fv_type = g_type_register_static(GTK_TYPE_VBOX, "gtkGcmdFoldview", &fv_info, (GTypeFlags)0);
@@ -333,10 +284,6 @@ gcmdgtkfoldview_get_type (void)
 	return fv_type;
-//	GcmdGtkFoldview class initialization
 static void
 gcmdgtkfoldview_class_init (GcmdGtkFoldviewClass *klass)
@@ -356,73 +303,399 @@ gcmdgtkfoldview_class_init (GcmdGtkFoldviewClass *klass)
 	GObjectClass	*g_object_class		= G_OBJECT_CLASS	(klass);
-	GcmdGtkFoldview::Control_parent_class	= (GObjectClass*) g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
+	GcmdGtkFoldview::Parent_class	= (GObjectClass*) g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
 	// override dispose & finalize
-	gtk_object_class->destroy   = GcmdGtkFoldview::Control_gtk_object_destroy;
-	g_object_class->dispose		= GcmdGtkFoldview::Control_g_object_dispose;
-	g_object_class->finalize	= GcmdGtkFoldview::Control_g_object_finalize;
+	gtk_object_class->destroy   = GcmdGtkFoldview::Gtk_object_destroy;
+	g_object_class->dispose		= GcmdGtkFoldview::G_object_dispose;
+	g_object_class->finalize	= GcmdGtkFoldview::G_object_finalize;
 gcmdgtkfoldview_new ()
-    return GTK_WIDGET (g_object_new (GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW_TYPE, NULL));
+    return GTK_WIDGET(g_object_new (GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW_TYPE, NULL));
-//  ###########################################################################
-//  ###																		###
-//  ##																		 ##
-//  #						Public methods									  #
-//  ##																		 ##
-//  ###																		###
-//  ###########################################################################
+//  ===========================================================================
-gnome_cmd_foldview_update_style(GtkWidget *widget)
+GcmdGtkFoldview::G_object_init (GcmdGtkFoldview *foldview)
+	foldview->init_instance();
+void GcmdGtkFoldview::Gtk_object_destroy(GtkObject* object)
+	//g_return_if_fail( IS_GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW(object) );
+	//GCMD_INF("Control_gtk_object_destroy:%03i", GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW(object)->control_ref_count());
+	GCMD_INF("GcmdGtkFoldview::Control_gtk_object_destroy");
+	GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW(object)->dispose();
+	(* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (Parent_class)->destroy)(object);
+void GcmdGtkFoldview::G_object_dispose(GObject* object)
-	g_return_if_fail( widget != NULL );
+	//g_return_if_fail( IS_GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW(object) );
+	//GCMD_INF("Control_g_object_dispose:%03i", GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW(object)->control_ref_count());
+	GCMD_INF("GcmdGtkFoldview::Control_g_object_dispose");
-	(GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW(widget))->view.update_style();
+	(*Parent_class->dispose)(object);
+void GcmdGtkFoldview::G_object_finalize(GObject* object)
+	g_return_if_fail( IS_GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW(object) );
+	//GCMD_INF("Control_g_object_finalize:%03i", GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW(object)->control_ref_count());
+	GCMD_INF("GcmdGtkFoldview::Control_g_object_finalize");
+	GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW(object)->finalize();
+	(*Parent_class->finalize)(object);
+//  ###########################################################################
+//  GcmdGtkFoldview : the rest
+//  ###########################################################################
+GdkPixbuf   *   GcmdGtkFoldview::s_gdk_pixbuf[GcmdGtkFoldview::eIconCard];
+gboolean        GcmdGtkFoldview::s_gdk_pixbuf_loaded    = FALSE;
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  init_instance, ...
+//  ***************************************************************************
+void GcmdGtkFoldview::init_instance()
-	return GcmdWidget();
+    raz_pointers();
+    //.........................................................................
+    // Init logger
+    //
+    //
+    //                           Tki
+    //                            |
+    //                         Wng| Tke
+    //                          | | |
+    // Logger format : GCMD_B8(xxxxxx)
+    //                         | | |
+    //                        Inf| Tkw
+    //                           |
+    //                          Err
+    //
+    //
+    // common
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogGcmd,      "GCMD     ", GCMD_B8(111000));
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogLeaks,     "LEAKS    ", GCMD_B8(111111));
+    // control
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogFifo,      "FIFO     ", GCMD_B8(000000));
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogMsg,       "MESSAGES ", GCMD_B8(111011));
+    // model
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogFiles,     "FILES    ", GCMD_B8(000000));
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogRefresh,   "REFRESH  ", GCMD_B8(011011));
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogSort,      "SORT     ", GCMD_B8(111111));
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogEnumerate, "ENUMERATE", GCMD_B8(111000));
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogCheck,     "CHECK    ", GCMD_B8(111000));
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogExpand,    "EXPAND   ", GCMD_B8(111000));
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogMonitor,   "MONITOR  ", GCMD_B8(000000));
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogTreeNode,  "TREENODE ", GCMD_B8(111011));
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogTreeBlock, "TREEBLOCK", GCMD_B8(111100));
+    sLogger.channel_create(eLogTreeStore, "TREESTORE", GCMD_B8(111100));
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    //  Images
+    //
+    Pixbuf_load_all();
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    //  Members
+    //
+    d_headband          = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(HeadBand, this);
+    d_scrolled_window   = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL,NULL);
+    d_vbox_sw           = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    //  Setup
+    //
+    gtk_container_set_reallocate_redraws(GTK_CONTAINER(this), TRUE);
+	gtk_box_set_homogeneous(GTK_BOX(this), FALSE);
+    d_headband->update_connections();
+    gtk_scrolled_window_set_placement(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(d_scrolled_window), GTK_CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT);
+	gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy
+    (   GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(d_scrolled_window),
+	gtk_box_set_homogeneous(GTK_BOX(d_vbox_sw), FALSE);
+    //.........................................................................
+    //
+    //  Packing
+    //
+	gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(this), d_headband->widget(), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+    gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(d_scrolled_window), d_vbox_sw);
+	gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(this), d_scrolled_window, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// show, except the pane container
+    d_headband->show();
+	gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET(this));
+    //=========================================================================
+    //  Control
+    //=========================================================================
+void GcmdGtkFoldview::raz_pointers()
+    d_headband          = NULL;
+    d_scrolled_window   = NULL;
+    d_vbox_sw           = NULL;
-void gnome_cmd_foldview_destroy()
+    d_list_widget       = NULL;
+    a_list_widget_card  = 0;
+void GcmdGtkFoldview::dispose()
-	gint rc = 0;
+    GList                                   *   l   = NULL;
+    GcmdStruct<GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview>  *   ctv = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    l = g_list_first( d_list_widget );
+    while ( l )
+    {
+        if ( ! GTK_IS_HSEPARATOR((GtkSeparator*)l->data) )
+        {
+            ctv = (GcmdStruct<GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview>*)(l->data);
-	if ( ! GcmdGtkFoldviewSingleton )
-		return;
+            gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(d_vbox_sw), ctv->widget());
-	rc = (GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW(GcmdGtkFoldviewSingleton))->control_ref_count();
+            delete ctv;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(d_vbox_sw), GTK_WIDGET(l->data));
+        }
-	// release our ref
-	gwr_inf("gnome_cmd_foldview_destroy:refcount is %03i, releasing one", rc);
-	g_object_unref( GcmdGtkFoldviewSingleton );
+        l = g_list_next(l);
+    }
-	// last ref !
-	//gwr_inf("removing last ref...");
-	//g_object_unref( GcmdGtkFoldviewSingleton );
-	//gtk_widget_destroy( GcmdWidget() );
+    gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(this), headband()->widget());
+    delete d_headband;
+    g_list_free(d_list_widget);
+void GcmdGtkFoldview::finalize()
+    Pixbuf_unload_all();
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Icons
+//  ***************************************************************************
+    GcmdGtkFoldview::eIcon      _icon,
+    const gchar             *   _filename)
+	GError  *   g_error		= NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+	s_gdk_pixbuf[_icon] = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(_filename, &g_error);
+    if ( g_error )
+    {
+        GCMD_ERR("GcmdGtkFoldview::Pixbuf_load():%s", g_error->message );
+        g_error_free(g_error);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+    if ( s_gdk_pixbuf_loaded )
+        return TRUE;
+	Pixbuf_load(eIconGtkAdd, "../pixmaps/gtk-add.png");
-//  Root element
-gboolean GcmdGtkFoldview::root_uri_set_1(gchar * text)
+    return TRUE;
-	GnomeVFSURI *uri	= GVFS_uri_new(text);
-	control_root_uri_set(uri);
-	gnome_vfs_uri_unref(uri);
-	return TRUE;
+	g_object_unref(s_gdk_pixbuf[eIconGtkAdd]);
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Widget signals
+//  ***************************************************************************
+    GtkButton    *  _button,
+    gpointer        _udata)
+    GcmdGtkFoldview     *   gfv     = NULL;
+    GnomeCmdCon         *   con     = NULL;
+    GList               *   l       = NULL;
+    gboolean                b       = FALSE;
+    //.........................................................................
+    g_return_if_fail( _udata );
+    gfv = GCMDGTKFOLDVIEW(_udata);
+    // get selected connection
+    con = gfv->headband()->get_selected_connection();
+    if ( ! con )
+    {
+        GCMD_ERR("GcmdGtkFoldview::Signal_button_add_clicked():No connection selected");
+        return;
+    }
+    // if connection no more available, abort
+    for ( l = gnome_cmd_con_list_get_all(gnome_cmd_con_list_get ()); l ; l = l->next )
+    {
+        if ( con == (GnomeCmdCon *)l->data )
+        {
+            b = TRUE;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( ! b )
+    {
+        GCMD_ERR("GcmdGtkFoldview::Signal_button_add_clicked():Connection no more available");
+        gfv->headband()->update_connections();
+        return;
+    }
+    if ( ! gfv->headband()->can_add_that_connection(con) )
+    {
+        GCMD_ERR("GcmdGtkFoldview::Signal_button_add_clicked():Cant add that connection");
+        return;
+    }
+    // add a new treeview
+    gfv->treeview_add(con);
+    GtkButton    *  _button,
+    gpointer        _udata)
+    GtkButton    *  _button,
+    gpointer        _udata)
+//  ***************************************************************************
+//  Treeviews
+//  ***************************************************************************
+    GnomeCmdCon     *   _con)
+    GcmdStruct<GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview>  *   ctv = NULL;
+    GtkWidget                               *   sep = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    g_return_if_fail( _con );
+    // the separator
+    if ( a_list_widget_card != 0 )
+    {
+        sep = gtk_hseparator_new();
+        gtk_widget_set_size_request(sep, -1, 10);
+        gtk_widget_show(sep);
+        d_list_widget = g_list_append(d_list_widget, sep);
+        a_list_widget_card++;
+    }
+    // the gct
+    ctv = GCMD_STRUCT_NEW(GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview, this, _con);
+    ctv->show();
+    d_list_widget = g_list_append(d_list_widget, ctv);
+    a_list_widget_card++;
+    // pack
+    if ( sep )
+        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_vbox_sw), sep, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(d_vbox_sw), ctv->widget(), TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview   *   _ctv)
+    GList                                   *   l   = NULL;
+    GList                                   *   l1  = NULL;
+    GList                                   *   l2  = NULL;
+    GcmdStruct<GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview>  *   ctv = NULL;
+    GtkWidget                               *   sep = NULL;
+    //.........................................................................
+    g_return_if_fail( _ctv );
+    l = g_list_first(d_list_widget);
+    while ( l )
+    {
+        if ( ! GTK_IS_HSEPARATOR((GtkSeparator*)l->data) )
+        {
+            ctv = (GcmdStruct<GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview>*)(l->data);
+            if ( ((GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview*)ctv) == _ctv )
+            {
+                l1 = l;
+                l  = g_list_next(l);
+                if ( l )
+                {
+                    l2  = l;
+                    sep = GTK_WIDGET(l->data);
+                }
+                gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(d_vbox_sw), ctv->widget());
+                delete ctv;
+                d_list_widget = g_list_delete_link(d_list_widget, l1);
+                a_list_widget_card--;
+                if ( sep )
+                {
+                    gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(d_vbox_sw), sep);
+                    d_list_widget = g_list_delete_link(d_list_widget, l2);
+                    a_list_widget_card--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        l = g_list_next(l);
+    }
-gboolean GcmdGtkFoldview::root_uri_set_2(GnomeVFSURI *uri)
+    GnomeCmdConnectionTreeview  *   _ctv,
+    gboolean                        _expand)
-	return control_root_uri_set(uri);
+    gtk_box_set_child_packing(GTK_BOX(d_vbox_sw), _ctv->widget(), _expand, TRUE, 0, GTK_PACK_START);
diff --git a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview.h b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview.h
index e20327c..8cfa2bd 100644
--- a/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview.h
+++ b/src/foldview/gnome-cmd-foldview.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
     GNOME Commander - A GNOME based file manager
     Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman
     Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Piotr Eljasiak
-    Copyright (C) 2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
+    Copyleft      2010-2010 Guillaume Wardavoir
     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -33,9 +33,15 @@
 #include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>
 #include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
+struct  IGnomeCmdFoldview
 // This function because of the creation process of GtkWidgets. Annoying.
-GtkWidget*			gnome_cmd_foldview_get_instance();
-GtkWidget*			gnome_cmd_foldview_destroy();
-void				gnome_cmd_foldview_update_style (GtkWidget *widget);
+GtkWidget*			gnome_cmd_foldview_new();
+void				gnome_cmd_foldview_update_style(GtkWidget *widget);

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