[sawfish] (67 commits) ...Merge branch 'edge-actions'

Summary of changes:

  1109734... bump to 2.90.0 (Excelsior) (*)
  d569e27... ChangeLog & News (*)
  a124314... remove desktop check from rename-window-func (*)
  3bf386a... NEWS (*)
  7c43d9c... flippers.c: add edge-flip-enabled as global-symbol, here ad (*)
  172a17c... add edge-flip-enabled here, too (*)
  c8aa07f... add edge-flip-enabled as gaoled symbol (*)
  ca661d0... edge-flip: open sawfish.wm.util.flippers (therefore no need (*)
  148c44b... ChangeLog (*)
  20c07f2... added sawfish.wm.edge.util (*)
  8d1a154... moved infinite-desktop.jl renamed two options improved infi (*)
  4b5b1ac... moved edge-flip.jl updated for other changes (*)
  ac0f0ef... move sawfish.wm.util.flippers to sawfish.wm.edge.flippers (*)
  3453df6... Makefile/libexec update (*)
  9a7b9c7... OPTIONS / NEWS (*)
  fb17b61... updated README.IMPORTANT (*)
  833ae75... display a red warning from configure on this branch (*)
  967ffee... ChangeLog (*)
  6eb38ad... add add-hook calls to edge-flip-enabled (edge.flip) (*)
  1a38167... edge.util: added get-active-corner added get-active-edge pu (*)
  2ee4fa7... infinite-desktop: ported to get-active-edge func drop openi (*)
  3d88304... added hot-spots 2.0.0 (*)
  b0c8d80... removed a defcustom from edge.util ChangeLog (*)
  db424bc... reverted some stuff: edge-flip-enabled as global/goalled sy (*)
  c1295f1... updated hot-spots to 2.1.0 (*)
  ab8628d... ChangeLog (*)
  6e2c4b5... added iconify-on-leave window-matcher (*)
  69b65a3... jump-or-exec: syntax-change (read introduction in the file) (*)
  ae3cded... infinite-desktop: export hook function don't auto-enable it (*)
  523d57b... edge-flip & hot-spots: export hook function (*)
  e051dd4... ChangeLog (*)
  4e1f96c... improved previous commit on jump-or-exec (*)
  8eb8134... added toggle-or-exec wrapper func to jump-or-exec (*)
  1fd8610... make infinite-desktop work while moving a window (*)
  da55e15... NEWS (*)
  45def8d... some typos (*)
  5f71f5c... version down to 1.8.0 README.IMPORTANT (*)
  1ef7599... huge preparative commit in edge-flip, hot-spots and infinit (*)
  f5498ef... added edge-actions final preparative tasks in hot-spots, in (*)
  1377c0a... forgot the timer for edge-actions (*)
  7bb2dd3... remove tabs.util (check new tabs-ng branch) (*)
  4bffe3d... renamed infinite-desktop to viewport-drag (*)
  3156334... edge-actions updated (*)
  19b61f8... ChangeLog updated two copyright headers (*)
  af63f54... split ChangeLog (*)
  b0f58f3... revert man/news.texi (*)
  6860d06... rename sawfish.wm.edge.flippers to sawfish.wm.edge.subrs (*)
  7e3b91e... customizable edge-actions for while-moving-hook (*)
  bbad196... improved previous commit (*)
  cfeb01f... when performing edge-action while moving, make sure the edg (*)
  001a270... simplified edge-action-init (*)
  4b22853... ChangeLog (*)
  35ad14a... ChangeLog.EA now only contains EA changes (*)
  c551051... revert non-needed REAME.IMPORTANT (*)
  6b3b9da... simplified hot-spots (now only takes funcs) (*)
  12647d8... fixed a bug in edge-actions-enabled's after-set property (*)
  84b33a3... load sawfish.wm.edge.actions into sawfish.wm (*)
  a6db6c3... temporarly remove the timer from edge-actions (*)
  74b4b3c... activate edges automatically (removed defcustom) (*)
  e642c0d... add back the timer to edge-actions: - no delay for viewport (*)
  1e0c239... string-change in edge-actions (*)
  6a3879a... fix automatic screen-edges initialization (*)
  756a254... simplify edge-actions (*)
  4774877... improved fallback values for hot-spots (not erroring when c (*)
  d5a27fd... also delay hot-spots for corners (*)
  a2dc71f... ChangeLog for EA (*)
  6d162c8... Merge branch 'edge-actions'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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