[postr] Throw an error if a image disappears in the upload process (#537554)

commit ec1f54c2224bdb3a55b8c41c73868ad7ef865ec8
Author: Francisco Rojas <frojas alumnos utalca cl>
Date:   Sun Sep 12 20:20:54 2010 -0400

    Throw an error if a image disappears in the upload process (#537554)
    Save a list of all the image that it couldn't upload. Once the upload
    process is done, the missing images are left in the TreeView and
    adds an emblem over the pictures. Also throw a error message.
    Signed-off-by: Germán Póo-Caamaño <gpoo gnome org>

 src/ErrorDialog.py |   23 +++++++++++
 src/postr.py       |  107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/ErrorDialog.py b/src/ErrorDialog.py
index b929970..32891f5 100644
--- a/src/ErrorDialog.py
+++ b/src/ErrorDialog.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class ErrorDialog(gtk.MessageDialog):
                                    message_format=_("An error occurred"))
         self.connect("response", lambda dialog, response: dialog.destroy())
+        self.expander = None
     def set_from_failure (self, failure):
         print failure
@@ -39,3 +40,25 @@ class ErrorDialog(gtk.MessageDialog):
     def set_from_string(self, message):
         # TODO: format nicer
         self.format_secondary_text (message)
+    def add_details(self, message):
+        # TODO: format nicer
+        if not self.expander:
+            self.expander = gtk.Expander(_('Details'))
+            self.view = gtk.TextView();
+            self.buffer = self.view.get_buffer()
+            sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+            sw.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN)
+            sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+            sw.add(self.view)
+            self.expander.add(sw)
+            self.expander.show_all()
+            self.vbox.pack_start(self.expander)
+        iter = self.buffer.get_end_iter()
+        self.buffer.insert(iter, message+'\n')
diff --git a/src/postr.py b/src/postr.py
index dc88a23..ff54f1a 100644
--- a/src/postr.py
+++ b/src/postr.py
@@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ class Postr(UniqueApp):
         self.upload_count = self.model.iter_n_children(None)
         self.upload_index = 0
+        self.list_failed_it = []
     def on_about_activate(self, menuitem):
@@ -985,6 +986,17 @@ class Postr(UniqueApp):
         self.current_upload_it = None
+        # Add a emblem to each image that couldn't complete the upload process
+        for iter in self.list_failed_it:
+            self._add_emblem_in_failed_image(iter)
+        # if at least one image have fail, raise a error dialog
+        if len(self.list_failed_it) > 0:
+            d = ErrorDialog(self.window)
+            d.set_from_string(_('Some Files does not exist or are currently inaccessible.'))
+            for it in self.list_failed_it:
+                title = self.model.get(it, ImageStore.COL_TITLE)[0]
+                d.add_details(title)
+            d.show_all()
     def upload_error(self, failure):
@@ -999,7 +1011,11 @@ class Postr(UniqueApp):
             self.current_upload_it = None
-        it = self.model.get_iter_first()
+        if len(self.list_failed_it):
+            it = self.model.iter_next(self.list_failed_it[-1])
+        else:
+            it = self.model.get_iter_first()
         if self.cancel_upload or it is None:
@@ -1056,23 +1072,30 @@ class Postr(UniqueApp):
         self.upload_index += 1
         self.current_upload_it = it
-        if uri:
-            d = self.flickr.upload(uri=uri,
-                                   title=title, desc=desc,
-                                   tags=tags, search_hidden=not visible, safety=safety,
-                                   is_public=is_public, is_family=is_family, is_friend=is_friend,
-                                   content_type=content_type, progress_tracker=self.upload_progress_tracker)
-        elif pixbuf:
-            # This isn't very nice, but might be the best way
-            data = []
-            pixbuf.save_to_callback(lambda d: data.append(d), "png", {})
-            d = self.flickr.upload(imageData=''.join(data),
-                                   title=title, desc=desc, tags=tags,
-                                   search_hidden=not visible, safety=safety,
-                                   is_public=is_public, is_family=is_family, is_friend=is_friend,
-                                   content_type=content_type, progress_tracker=self.upload_progress_tracker)
-        else:
-            print "No filename or pixbuf stored"
+        try:
+            if uri:
+                d = self.flickr.upload(uri=uri,
+                                       title=title, desc=desc,
+                                       tags=tags, search_hidden=not visible, safety=safety,
+                                       is_public=is_public, is_family=is_family, is_friend=is_friend,
+                                       content_type=content_type)
+            elif pixbuf:
+                # This isn't very nice, but might be the best way
+                data = []
+                pixbuf.save_to_callback(lambda d: data.append(d), "png", {})
+                d = self.flickr.upload(imageData=''.join(data),
+                                       title=title, desc=desc, tags=tags,
+                                       search_hidden=not visible, safety=safety,
+                                       is_public=is_public, is_family=is_family, is_friend=is_friend,
+                                       content_type=content_type)
+            else:
+                print "No filename or pixbuf stored"
+        except gio.Error, (error):
+            # save the iterator and continue uploading process
+            self.list_failed_it.append(it)
+            self.current_upload_it = None
+            self.upload()
+            return
         if set_id:
             d.addCallback(self.add_to_set, set_id)
@@ -1108,6 +1131,54 @@ class Postr(UniqueApp):
         return create_rsp
+    def _add_emblem_in_failed_image(self, iter):
+        """ Add a Error emblem in the thumbnail"""
+        HALF_SIZE = 0.5
+        thumbnail = self.model.get_value(iter, ImageStore.COL_THUMBNAIL)
+        #Use a pixmap to create a new image
+        drawable = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(self.window.window, # gtk.gdk.Drawable
+                                    thumbnail.get_width(),
+                                    thumbnail.get_height())
+        # The thumbnail image is draw
+        drawable.draw_pixbuf(self.window.get_style().white_gc, #graphics context
+                                thumbnail, #the pixbuf
+                                0, 0, #Source X, Y coordinate
+                                0, 0) #Destination X, Y coordinate
+        error_icon = self.window.render_icon(
+                                stock_id=gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR,
+                                size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG)
+        # It chose a size for the error icon proportional to the thumbnail image
+        size = min(int(thumbnail.get_width() * HALF_SIZE),
+                    int(thumbnail.get_height() * HALF_SIZE))
+        error_icon = error_icon.scale_simple(size, size,
+                                    gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
+        # The error icon is drawed in the bottom right edge of the image
+        drawable.draw_pixbuf(self.window.get_style().white_gc, #graphics context
+                            error_icon, #the pixbuf
+                            0, 0, #Source X,Y coordinate
+                            thumbnail.get_width()-size, #Destination X coordinate
+                            thumbnail.get_height()-size) #Destination Y coordinate
+        new_thumbnail = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, #color mode
+                                True, #has alpha
+                                8, #bits
+                                thumbnail.get_width(), #width
+                                thumbnail.get_height()) #height
+        new_thumbnail.get_from_drawable(drawable, #the new image
+                                        drawable.get_colormap(),
+                                        0, 0, #Source X, Y coordinate
+                                        0, 0, #Destination X, Y coordinate
+                                        -1, -1) #The full width, height
+        self.model.set_value(iter, ImageStore.COL_THUMBNAIL, new_thumbnail)
     def on_row_activated(self, treeview, iter, path, entry):
         """This callback is used to focus the entry title after
             one row is activated."""

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