[tracker] Diversify the content creation times in data generators.

commit 818b901cc616138bf3e9fc3b9ef802c73b4c70a4
Author: Mikael Ottela <mikael ottela ixonos com>
Date:   Wed Dec 1 18:30:37 2010 +0200

    Diversify the content creation times in data generators.

 utils/data-generators/cc/nmm.py |    2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/utils/data-generators/cc/nmm.py b/utils/data-generators/cc/nmm.py
index ca4247d..505d6a1 100644
--- a/utils/data-generators/cc/nmm.py
+++ b/utils/data-generators/cc/nmm.py
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def generatePhoto(index):
   photo_exposure     = '0.%d' % index
   photo_fnumber      = '%d.0' % (1 + (index % 20))
   photo_focal_length = '%d.0' % (1 + (index % 500))
-  photo_date         = '%d-%02d-%02dT01:01:01Z' % (2000 + (index % 10), (index % 12) + 1, (index % 25) + 1)
+  photo_date         = '%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:01:01Z' % (1100 + (index % 997), (index % 12) + 1, (index % 31) + 1, (index %24))
   photo_tag          = ('TEST', 'nomatch') [index %2]
   tools.addItem( me, photo_uri, nmm_Photo % locals() )

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