[gtk-engines/rendering-cleanup: 4/10] glide: Compile again with new GTK
- From: Benjamin Otte <otte src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gtk-engines/rendering-cleanup: 4/10] glide: Compile again with new GTK
- Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 12:11:29 +0000 (UTC)
commit d471dd5c754f2fc4193ed2e02408c7d13d902e46
Author: Benjamin Otte <otte redhat com>
Date: Mon Aug 30 13:07:34 2010 +0200
glide: Compile again with new GTK
engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_drawing.c | 575 ++++++++++++--------------------
engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_drawing.h | 48 +--
engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_engine.c | 5 +-
engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_support.c | 1 -
engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_support.h | 1 -
5 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 389 deletions(-)
diff --git a/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_drawing.c b/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_drawing.c
index 129fad9..1312c98 100644
--- a/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_drawing.c
+++ b/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_drawing.c
@@ -33,9 +33,8 @@
glide_draw_hline (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x1,
@@ -43,20 +42,14 @@ glide_draw_hline (GtkStyle * style,
gint y)
GlideStyle *glide_style = GLIDE_STYLE (style);
- cairo_t *canvas;
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
- do_glide_draw_line(canvas,
+ do_glide_draw_line(cr,
- area,
x1, x2, y,
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
@@ -66,9 +59,8 @@ glide_draw_hline (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_vline (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint y1,
@@ -76,23 +68,17 @@ glide_draw_vline (GtkStyle * style,
gint x)
GlideStyle *glide_style = GLIDE_STYLE (style);
- cairo_t *canvas;
if (ge_is_combo_box(widget, FALSE) && (!ge_is_combo_box_entry(widget)))
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
- do_glide_draw_line(canvas,
+ do_glide_draw_line(cr,
- area,
y1, y2, x,
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
@@ -102,10 +88,9 @@ glide_draw_vline (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_check (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state,
GtkShadowType shadow,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -114,11 +99,9 @@ glide_draw_check (GtkStyle * style,
gint height)
GlideStyle *glide_style = GLIDE_STYLE (style);
- cairo_t *canvas;
gboolean inconsistent;
if (GE_IS_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(widget))
@@ -136,13 +119,11 @@ glide_draw_check (GtkStyle * style,
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
+ ge_cairo_set_color(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.base[state]);
- ge_cairo_set_color(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.base[state]);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, width - 1, height - 1);
- cairo_rectangle(canvas, x, y, width - 1, height - 1);
- cairo_fill(canvas);
+ cairo_fill(cr);
inconsistent = shadow == GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN;
@@ -153,33 +134,33 @@ glide_draw_check (GtkStyle * style,
gdouble radius = (MIN(width, height)/2) - 2;
gdouble line_width = (radius/2.0);
- cairo_set_line_cap(canvas, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE);
- cairo_set_line_width (canvas, floor(line_width));
+ cairo_set_line_cap(cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE);
+ cairo_set_line_width (cr, floor(line_width));
- cairo_move_to(canvas, x + floor(width/2 - radius + line_width), y + floor(height/2.0));
- cairo_line_to(canvas, x + ceil(width/2 + radius - line_width), y + floor(height/2.0));
+ cairo_move_to(cr, x + floor(width/2 - radius + line_width), y + floor(height/2.0));
+ cairo_line_to(cr, x + ceil(width/2 + radius - line_width), y + floor(height/2.0));
- ge_cairo_set_color(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state]);
+ ge_cairo_set_color(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state]);
- ge_cairo_set_color(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.text[state]);
+ ge_cairo_set_color(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.text[state]);
- cairo_stroke (canvas);
+ cairo_stroke (cr);
- do_glide_draw_check (canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state],
+ do_glide_draw_check (cr, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state],
x + 2, y + 2, width - 4, height - 4);
- do_glide_draw_check (canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.text[state],
+ do_glide_draw_check (cr, &glide_style->color_cube.text[state],
x + 2, y + 2, width - 4, height - 4);
@@ -188,12 +169,9 @@ glide_draw_check (GtkStyle * style,
- do_glide_draw_border(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state],
+ do_glide_draw_border(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state],
x, y, width, height);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
@@ -203,10 +181,9 @@ glide_draw_check (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_option (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state,
GtkShadowType shadow,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -225,13 +202,10 @@ glide_draw_option (GtkStyle * style,
GlideBevelStyle bevel_style;
GlideBorderType border_type;
- cairo_t *canvas;
/* GTK Sanity Checks */
@@ -289,13 +263,10 @@ glide_draw_option (GtkStyle * style,
/* Draw Option */
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
- do_glide_draw_round_option(canvas, base, fill_color, check_color,
+ do_glide_draw_round_option(cr, base, fill_color, check_color,
bevel_style, border_type, check_state,
x, y, width, height);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
@@ -308,10 +279,9 @@ glide_draw_option (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_arrow (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state,
GtkShadowType shadow,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
GtkArrowType arrow_type,
@@ -326,13 +296,10 @@ glide_draw_arrow (GtkStyle * style,
GlideStyle *glide_style;
- cairo_t *canvas;
/* GTK Sanity Checks */
/* GTK Arrow Special Cases - adjust Size/Offset*/
@@ -426,19 +393,15 @@ glide_draw_arrow (GtkStyle * style,
glide_style = GLIDE_STYLE (style);
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
- do_glide_draw_arrow (canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.light[state], arrow_type, TRUE, x+1, y+1, width, height);
- do_glide_draw_arrow (canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state], arrow_type, TRUE, x, y, width, height);
+ do_glide_draw_arrow (cr, &glide_style->color_cube.light[state], arrow_type, TRUE, x+1, y+1, width, height);
+ do_glide_draw_arrow (cr, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state], arrow_type, TRUE, x, y, width, height);
- do_glide_draw_arrow (canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.fg[state], arrow_type, TRUE, x, y, width, height);
+ do_glide_draw_arrow (cr, &glide_style->color_cube.fg[state], arrow_type, TRUE, x, y, width, height);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
@@ -453,10 +416,9 @@ glide_draw_arrow (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_shadow (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -467,11 +429,9 @@ glide_draw_shadow (GtkStyle * style,
GlideBevelStyle bevel_style;
GlideBorderType border_type;
- cairo_t *canvas;
CairoColor *background;
/* GTK Special Cases - adjust Size/Type */
@@ -555,12 +515,9 @@ glide_draw_shadow (GtkStyle * style,
/* Draw Border */
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
background = &GLIDE_STYLE (style)->color_cube.bg[state_type];
- do_glide_draw_border(canvas, background, bevel_style, border_type, x, y, width, height);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
+ do_glide_draw_border(cr, background, bevel_style, border_type, x, y, width, height);
@@ -573,10 +530,9 @@ glide_draw_shadow (GtkStyle * style,
static void
glide_draw_combobox_button (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -647,8 +603,6 @@ glide_draw_combobox_button (GtkStyle * style,
if ((!(widget)) || (gtk_widget_get_direction (widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR))
- cairo_t *canvas;
if (ge_is_combo_box_entry (widget)
|| ge_is_combo_box (widget, TRUE))
@@ -665,23 +619,21 @@ glide_draw_combobox_button (GtkStyle * style,
if (parent_state != GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE)
parent_state = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
- canvas = gdk_cairo_create (window);
- gdk_cairo_set_source_color (canvas,
+ gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr,
- cairo_rectangle (canvas, x - 2, y, width + 2, height);
- cairo_fill (canvas);
- cairo_destroy (canvas);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, x - 2, y, width + 2, height);
+ cairo_fill (cr);
- glide_draw_flat_box(style, window, parent_state,
- GTK_SHADOW_NONE, area, widget, "entry_bg", x - 2,
+ glide_draw_flat_box(style, cr, parent_state,
+ GTK_SHADOW_NONE, widget, "entry_bg", x - 2,
y, width + 2, height);
if (parent_state != GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE)
parent_state = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN,
- area, widget, "combo_box_entry", x - thick*2 - focus - focus_padding, y + focus - focus_padding,
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN,
+ widget, "combo_box_entry", x - thick*2 - focus - focus_padding, y + focus - focus_padding,
width + thick*2 + focus_padding*2, height - focus*2 + focus_padding*2);
@@ -702,38 +654,32 @@ glide_draw_combobox_button (GtkStyle * style,
if (parent_state != GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE)
parent_state = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
- gtk_paint_flat_box (parent_style, window, parent_state,
- GTK_SHADOW_NONE, area, parent, "entry_bg", x - 2,
+ gtk_cairo_paint_flat_box (parent_style, cr, parent_state,
+ GTK_SHADOW_NONE, parent, "entry_bg", x - 2,
y, width + 2, height);
- gtk_paint_shadow (parent_style, window, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN,
- area, parent, "combo_box_entry", x - thick*2 - focus - focus_padding, y + focus - focus_padding,
+ gtk_cairo_paint_shadow (parent_style, cr, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN,
+ parent, "combo_box_entry", x - thick*2 - focus - focus_padding, y + focus - focus_padding,
width + thick*2 + focus_padding*2, height - focus*2 + focus_padding*2);
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x + focus, y + thick + focus,
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x + focus, y + thick + focus,
width - thick - focus*2, height - thick*2 - focus*2);
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area,
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type,
widget, detail, x + focus, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus*2, height - 2*thick - focus*2);
#if 0
glide_draw_arrow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, NULL, "comboarrow", GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE, x + focus + 6, y + thick + focus + 5, width - thick - focus*2 - 12, height - 2*thick - focus*2 - 10);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x + focus, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus*2, height - 2*thick - focus*2);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x + focus, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus*2, height - 2*thick - focus*2);
if (entry_focused)
- glide_draw_focus(style, window, state_type, area, widget, "combo_entry_button", x - 2, y, width + 2, height);
+ glide_draw_focus(style, cr, state_type, widget, "combo_entry_button", x - 2, y, width + 2, height);
- cairo_t *canvas;
focus_padding = -focus_padding;
if (ge_is_combo_box_entry (widget)
@@ -752,24 +698,22 @@ glide_draw_combobox_button (GtkStyle * style,
if (parent_state != GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE)
parent_state = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
- canvas = gdk_cairo_create (window);
- gdk_cairo_set_source_color (canvas,
+ gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr,
- cairo_rectangle (canvas,
+ cairo_rectangle (cr,
x + focus - focus_padding,
y + focus - focus_padding,
width + thick*2 - focus + focus_padding*2,
height - focus*2 + focus_padding*2);
- cairo_fill (canvas);
- cairo_destroy (canvas);
+ cairo_fill (cr);
if (parent_state != GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE)
parent_state = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
- glide_draw_flat_box (style, window, parent_state,
- GTK_SHADOW_NONE, area, widget, "entry_bg",
+ glide_draw_flat_box (style, cr, parent_state,
+ GTK_SHADOW_NONE, widget, "entry_bg",
x + focus - focus_padding, y + focus - focus_padding,
width + thick*2 - focus + focus_padding*2, height - focus*2 + focus_padding*2);
@@ -777,8 +721,8 @@ glide_draw_combobox_button (GtkStyle * style,
if (parent_state != GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE)
parent_state = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN,
- area, widget, "combo_box_entry",
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN,
+ widget, "combo_box_entry",
x + focus - focus_padding, y + focus - focus_padding,
width + thick*2 - focus + focus_padding*2, height - focus*2 + focus_padding*2);
@@ -800,33 +744,29 @@ glide_draw_combobox_button (GtkStyle * style,
if (parent_state != GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE)
parent_state = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
- gtk_paint_flat_box (parent_style, window, parent_state,
- GTK_SHADOW_NONE, area, parent, "entry_bg",
+ gtk_cairo_paint_flat_box (parent_style, cr, parent_state,
+ GTK_SHADOW_NONE, parent, "entry_bg",
x + focus - focus_padding, y + focus - focus_padding,
width + thick*2 - focus + focus_padding*2, height - focus*2 + focus_padding*2);
- gtk_paint_shadow (parent_style, window, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN,
- area, parent, "combo_box_entry",
+ gtk_cairo_paint_shadow (parent_style, cr, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN,
+ parent, "combo_box_entry",
x + focus - focus_padding, y + focus - focus_padding,
width + thick*2 - focus + focus_padding*2, height - focus*2 + focus_padding*2);
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x + thick + focus, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus*2, height - 2*thick - focus*2);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x + thick + focus, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus*2, height - 2*thick - focus*2);
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area,
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type,
widget, detail, x + thick + focus, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus*2, height - 2*thick - focus*2);
#if 0
glide_draw_arrow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, NULL, "comboarrow", GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE, x + thick + focus + 6, y + thick + focus + 5, width - thick - focus*2 - 12, height - 2*thick - focus*2 - 10);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x + thick + focus, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus*2, height - 2*thick - focus*2);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x + thick + focus, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus*2, height - 2*thick - focus*2);
if (entry_focused)
- glide_draw_focus(style, window, state_type, area, widget, "combo_entry_button", x, y, width, height);
+ glide_draw_focus(style, cr, state_type, widget, "combo_entry_button", x, y, width, height);
@@ -841,10 +781,9 @@ glide_draw_combobox_button (GtkStyle * style,
static void
glide_draw_spinbutton_stepper (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -868,7 +807,6 @@ glide_draw_spinbutton_stepper (GtkStyle * style,
gboolean entry_focused = FALSE;
gint focus_line_width = 0, focus_padding = 0, focus = 0, thick = 2;
gboolean interior_focus = TRUE;
- cairo_t *canvas;
spin_area.x = x;
spin_area.y = y;
@@ -902,26 +840,29 @@ glide_draw_spinbutton_stepper (GtkStyle * style,
GtkRequisition requisition;
if (CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "spinbutton_up"))
- glide_draw_flat_box (style, window, parent_state,
- GTK_SHADOW_NONE, &spin_area, widget,
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ gdk_cairo_rectangle (cr, &spin_area);
+ cairo_clip (cr);
+ glide_draw_flat_box (style, cr, parent_state,
+ GTK_SHADOW_NONE, widget,
x - thick, y + focus, width + thick - focus, height - focus*2);
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN, &spin_area, widget, detail,
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN, widget, detail,
x - thick, y + focus, width + thick - focus, height + thick - focus);
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
+ cairo_restore (cr);
if (!((width + thick) % 2) && !focus)
x += 1;
width -= 1;
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, widget, detail,
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, widget, detail,
x, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
if (widget)
@@ -931,33 +872,35 @@ glide_draw_spinbutton_stepper (GtkStyle * style,
if (!widget || (requisition.height / 2) != (requisition.height + 1) / 2)
- glide_draw_arrow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_UP, TRUE,
+ glide_draw_arrow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_UP, TRUE,
x + thick/2, y + thick + 1, width - thick*2, height - thick*2 + 1);
- glide_draw_arrow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_UP, TRUE,
+ glide_draw_arrow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_UP, TRUE,
x + thick/2, y + thick + 1, width - thick*2, height - thick*2);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
if (entry_focused)
- glide_draw_focus(style, window, parent_state, area, widget, detail, x - thick, y, width + thick, height + thick);
+ glide_draw_focus(style, cr, parent_state, widget, detail, x - thick, y, width + thick, height + thick);
- glide_draw_flat_box (style, window, parent_state,
- GTK_SHADOW_NONE, &spin_area, widget,
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ gdk_cairo_rectangle (cr, &spin_area);
+ cairo_clip (cr);
+ glide_draw_flat_box (style, cr, parent_state,
+ GTK_SHADOW_NONE, widget,
"entry_bg", x - thick, y, width + thick - focus, height - focus);
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN, &spin_area, widget, detail,
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN, widget, detail,
x - thick, y - thick, width + thick - focus, height + thick - focus);
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
+ cairo_restore (cr);
if (!((width + thick) % 2) && !focus)
@@ -965,28 +908,27 @@ glide_draw_spinbutton_stepper (GtkStyle * style,
width -= 1;
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x, y + thick, width - thick - focus, height - thick*2 - focus);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x, y + thick, width - thick - focus, height - thick*2 - focus);
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, widget, detail,
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, widget, detail,
x, y , width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
if (!widget || (requisition.height / 2) != (requisition.height + 1) / 2)
- glide_draw_arrow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE,
+ glide_draw_arrow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE,
x + thick/2, y + thick/2 + 1 - focus, width - thick*2, height - thick*2 - 2);
- glide_draw_arrow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE,
+ glide_draw_arrow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE,
x + thick/2, y + thick/2 - focus, width - thick*2, height - thick*2);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x, y , width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x, y , width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
if (entry_focused)
- glide_draw_focus(style, window, parent_state, area, widget, detail, x - thick, y, width + thick, height);
+ glide_draw_focus(style, cr, parent_state, widget, detail, x - thick, y, width + thick, height);
@@ -997,84 +939,89 @@ glide_draw_spinbutton_stepper (GtkStyle * style,
if (CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "spinbutton_up"))
- glide_draw_flat_box (style, window, parent_state,
- GTK_SHADOW_NONE, &spin_area, widget,
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ gdk_cairo_rectangle (cr, &spin_area);
+ cairo_clip (cr);
+ glide_draw_flat_box (style, cr, parent_state,
+ GTK_SHADOW_NONE, widget,
"entry_bg", x + focus, y + focus, width + thick*2 - focus, height - focus);
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN, &spin_area, widget, detail,
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN, widget, detail,
x + focus, y + focus, width + thick*2 - focus, height + thick - focus);
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
+ cairo_restore (cr);
if (!((width + thick) % 2) && !focus)
width -= 1;
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x + thick + focus, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x + thick + focus, y + thick + focus, width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, widget, detail,
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, widget, detail,
x + thick + focus, y + thick + focus , width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
if ((requisition.height / 2) != (requisition.height + 1) / 2)
- glide_draw_arrow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_UP, TRUE,
+ glide_draw_arrow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_UP, TRUE,
x + thick + focus, y + thick - 1 + focus, width - thick, height - thick + 1);
- glide_draw_arrow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_UP, TRUE,
+ glide_draw_arrow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_UP, TRUE,
x + thick + focus, y + thick, width - thick, height - thick);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x + thick + focus, y + thick + focus , width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x + thick + focus, y + thick + focus , width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
if (entry_focused)
- glide_draw_focus(style, window, parent_state, area, widget, detail, x, y, width + thick*2, height + thick);
+ glide_draw_focus(style, cr, parent_state, widget, detail, x, y, width + thick*2, height + thick);
- glide_draw_flat_box (style, window, parent_state,
- GTK_SHADOW_NONE, &spin_area, widget,
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ gdk_cairo_rectangle (cr, &spin_area);
+ cairo_clip (cr);
+ glide_draw_flat_box (style, cr, parent_state,
+ GTK_SHADOW_NONE, widget,
"entry_bg",x + focus, y, width + thick*2 - focus, height - focus);
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN, &spin_area, widget, detail,
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, parent_state, GTK_SHADOW_IN, widget, detail,
x + focus , y - thick, width + thick*2 - focus, height + thick - focus);
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
+ cairo_restore (cr);
if (!((width + thick) % 2) && !focus)
width -= 1;
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x + thick + focus, y, width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x + thick + focus, y, width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, widget, detail,
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, widget, detail,
x + thick + focus, y, width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
if ((requisition.height / 2) != (requisition.height + 1) / 2)
- glide_draw_arrow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE,
+ glide_draw_arrow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE,
x + thick + focus, y + 1 - focus, width - thick, height - thick - 2);
- glide_draw_arrow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE,
+ glide_draw_arrow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, NULL, "spinbutton_arrow", GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE,
x + thick + focus, y, width - thick, height - thick);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x + thick + focus, y, width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x + thick + focus, y, width - thick - focus, height - thick - focus);
if (entry_focused)
- glide_draw_focus(style, window, parent_state, area, widget, detail, x, y - thick, width + thick*2, height + thick);
+ glide_draw_focus(style, cr, parent_state, widget, detail, x, y - thick, width + thick*2, height + thick);
@@ -1095,10 +1042,9 @@ glide_draw_spinbutton_stepper (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_box (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -1108,10 +1054,8 @@ glide_draw_box (GtkStyle * style,
GlideStyle *glide_style = GLIDE_STYLE (style);
GlideBorderType border_type;
- cairo_t *canvas;
if (GE_IS_MENU_SHELL(widget))
@@ -1148,19 +1092,17 @@ glide_draw_box (GtkStyle * style,
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
if ((CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "vscrollbar")) || (CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "hscrollbar")))
gboolean vertical = CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "vscrollbar");
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[vertical][state_type]), x-1, y-1, width+1, height+1);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[vertical][state_type]), x-1, y-1, width+1, height+1);
- do_glide_draw_border(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state_type],
+ do_glide_draw_border(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state_type],
x, y, width, height);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,vertical), x, y, width, height);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,vertical), x, y, width, height);
else if (detail && g_str_has_prefix (detail, "trough")) /* accept trough side details */
@@ -1181,29 +1123,29 @@ glide_draw_box (GtkStyle * style,
hborder = MIN(8, (width - 6) / 2);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
glide_style->bg_solid[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]), x, y, width, height);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, glide_style->bg_solid[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE],
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, glide_style->bg_solid[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE],
x+hborder, y+vborder, width-hborder*2, height-vborder*2);
if (CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "trough-lower"))
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, glide_style->bg_gradient[TRUE][GTK_STATE_SELECTED],
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, glide_style->bg_gradient[TRUE][GTK_STATE_SELECTED],
x + hborder, y+vborder, width - hborder*2, height-vborder*2);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, "menuitem",FALSE),
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, "menuitem",FALSE),
x+hborder, y+vborder, width-hborder*2, height-vborder*2);
- do_glide_draw_border(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL],
+ do_glide_draw_border(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL],
x+hborder, y+vborder, width-hborder*2, height-vborder*2);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_solid[state_type]),
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_solid[state_type]),
x, y, width, height);
- do_glide_draw_border(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL],
+ do_glide_draw_border(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL],
x, y, width, height);
@@ -1290,7 +1232,7 @@ glide_draw_box (GtkStyle * style,
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_solid[state_type]), x, y, width, height);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_solid[state_type]), x, y, width, height);
/* If this is a menu embedded in the gnome-panel, we don't
* draw a border since it looks cleaner without one.
@@ -1299,28 +1241,28 @@ glide_draw_box (GtkStyle * style,
((!((CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "menubar")) &&
ge_is_panel_widget_item (widget)))))
- cairo_save(canvas);
- cairo_rectangle(canvas, x, y, width, height);
- cairo_clip(canvas);
+ cairo_save(cr);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, width, height);
+ cairo_clip(cr);
- do_glide_draw_border(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state_type],
+ do_glide_draw_border(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state_type],
x, y,
- cairo_restore(canvas);
+ cairo_restore(cr);
else if ((CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "menuitem")))
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x, y, width, height);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x, y, width, height);
- do_glide_draw_border(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state_type],
+ do_glide_draw_border(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state_type],
x, y, width, height);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x, y, width, height);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x, y, width, height);
else if ((CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "bar"))
&& (widget && GE_IS_PROGRESS_BAR (widget)))
@@ -1339,12 +1281,12 @@ gboolean vertical = TRUE;
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, GTK_STATE_SELECTED, glide_style->bg_gradient[!vertical][GTK_STATE_SELECTED]), x+1, y+1, width-2, height-2);
- do_glide_draw_border(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED],
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, GTK_STATE_SELECTED, glide_style->bg_gradient[!vertical][GTK_STATE_SELECTED]), x+1, y+1, width-2, height-2);
+ do_glide_draw_border(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED],
x+1, y+1, width-2, height-2);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,vertical), x+1, y+1, width-2, height-2);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,vertical), x+1, y+1, width-2, height-2);
else if ((CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "button")) && widget
&& ge_is_in_combo_box (widget))
@@ -1352,7 +1294,7 @@ gboolean vertical = TRUE;
/* ComboBox Buttons are an especially complex case
* so call our special function for them.
- glide_draw_combobox_button (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area,
+ glide_draw_combobox_button (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type,
widget, detail, x, y, width, height);
else if ((CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "spinbutton_up"))
@@ -1361,47 +1303,47 @@ gboolean vertical = TRUE;
/* SpinButton Steppers are an especially complex case
* so call our special function for them.
- glide_draw_spinbutton_stepper (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area,
+ glide_draw_spinbutton_stepper (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type,
widget, detail, x, y, width, height);
/* default box apearance */
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x, y, width, height);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[FALSE][state_type]), x, y, width, height);
- glide_draw_shadow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area,
+ glide_draw_shadow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type,
widget, detail, x, y, width, height);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x, y, width, height);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,FALSE), x, y, width, height);
/* Paint a triangle here instead of in "buttondefault"
which is drawn _behind_ the current button */
if ((CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "button")) && widget && GE_WIDGET_HAS_DEFAULT (widget))
- cairo_save(canvas);
+ cairo_save(cr);
- ge_cairo_set_color(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]);
- cairo_move_to(canvas, x+2.5, y+2.5);
- cairo_line_to(canvas, x+11.5, y+2.5);
- cairo_line_to(canvas, x+2.5, y+11.5);
- cairo_line_to(canvas, x+2.5, y+2.5);
- cairo_fill(canvas);
+ ge_cairo_set_color(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]);
+ cairo_move_to(cr, x+2.5, y+2.5);
+ cairo_line_to(cr, x+11.5, y+2.5);
+ cairo_line_to(cr, x+2.5, y+11.5);
+ cairo_line_to(cr, x+2.5, y+2.5);
+ cairo_fill(cr);
- cairo_set_line_width (canvas, 1);
+ cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1);
- ge_cairo_set_color(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state_type]);
- cairo_move_to(canvas, x + 2.5, y + 12);
- cairo_line_to(canvas, x + 2.5, y + 2.5);
- cairo_line_to(canvas, x + 12, y + 2.5);
- cairo_stroke(canvas);
+ ge_cairo_set_color(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state_type]);
+ cairo_move_to(cr, x + 2.5, y + 12);
+ cairo_line_to(cr, x + 2.5, y + 2.5);
+ cairo_line_to(cr, x + 12, y + 2.5);
+ cairo_stroke(cr);
- ge_cairo_set_color(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.light[state_type]);
- cairo_move_to(canvas, x+12, y+2.5);
- cairo_line_to(canvas, x+2.5, y+12);
- cairo_stroke(canvas);
+ ge_cairo_set_color(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.light[state_type]);
+ cairo_move_to(cr, x+12, y+2.5);
+ cairo_line_to(cr, x+2.5, y+12);
+ cairo_stroke(cr);
- cairo_restore(canvas);
+ cairo_restore(cr);
if (CHECK_DETAIL(detail, "optionmenu") || (CHECK_DETAIL(detail, "button") &&
@@ -1422,8 +1364,8 @@ gboolean vertical = TRUE;
vline_x = x + width - (indicator_size.width + indicator_spacing.left +
indicator_spacing.right) - style->xthickness;
- do_glide_draw_line(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state_type], &glide_style->color_cube.light[state_type],
- area, y + style->ythickness + 1, y + height - style->ythickness - 2,
+ do_glide_draw_line(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state_type], &glide_style->color_cube.light[state_type],
+ y + style->ythickness + 1, y + height - style->ythickness - 2,
vline_x, FALSE);
if ((widget) && (gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (widget)) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL))
@@ -1436,11 +1378,9 @@ gboolean vertical = TRUE;
width = indicator_size.width;
height = indicator_size.height;
- glide_draw_arrow (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, NULL, "optionmenu",
+ glide_draw_arrow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, NULL, "optionmenu",
GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE, x, y, width, height);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
/* Draw Function For Boxes Traditionally Either Without Borders,
@@ -1448,10 +1388,9 @@ gboolean vertical = TRUE;
glide_draw_flat_box (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -1463,27 +1402,21 @@ glide_draw_flat_box (GtkStyle * style,
if (CHECK_DETAIL(detail, "tooltip"))
GlideStyle *glide_style = GLIDE_STYLE (style);
- cairo_t *canvas;
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_solid[state_type]),
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_solid[state_type]),
x, y, width, height);
- do_glide_draw_border(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state_type],
+ do_glide_draw_border(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state_type],
x, y, width, height);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
GtkStyleClass *glide_parent_class;
glide_parent_class = GTK_STYLE_CLASS (g_type_class_peek_parent (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(style)));
- glide_parent_class->draw_flat_box (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area,
+ glide_parent_class->draw_flat_box (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type,
widget, detail, x, y, width, height);
@@ -1496,10 +1429,9 @@ glide_draw_flat_box (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_tab (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state,
GtkShadowType shadow,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -1516,10 +1448,9 @@ glide_draw_tab (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_slider (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -1529,42 +1460,35 @@ glide_draw_slider (GtkStyle * style,
GtkOrientation orientation)
GlideStyle *glide_style = GLIDE_STYLE (style);
- cairo_t *canvas;
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr,DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL][state_type]), x, y, width, height);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas,DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_gradient[orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL][state_type]), x, y, width, height);
- do_glide_draw_border(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state_type],
+ do_glide_draw_border(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state_type],
x, y, width, height);
if (!GE_IS_SCALE(widget))
- do_glide_draw_grip (canvas,
+ do_glide_draw_grip (cr,
x, y, width, height, orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), x, y, width, height);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), x, y, width, height);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,orientation != GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), x, y, width, height);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,orientation != GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), x, y, width, height);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
glide_draw_box_gap (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -1576,27 +1500,20 @@ glide_draw_box_gap (GtkStyle * style,
gint gap_size)
GlideStyle *glide_style = GLIDE_STYLE (style);
- cairo_t *canvas;
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_solid[state_type]), x, y, width, height);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, glide_style->bg_solid[state_type]), x, y, width, height);
- glide_draw_shadow_gap (style, window, state_type, shadow_type, area, widget, detail,
+ glide_draw_shadow_gap (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, widget, detail,
x, y, width, height, gap_side, gap_pos, gap_size);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
glide_draw_shadow_gap (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -1610,14 +1527,12 @@ glide_draw_shadow_gap (GtkStyle * style,
GlideSide side;
GlideBorderType border_type;
GlideBevelStyle bevel_style;
- cairo_t *canvas;
/* GTK Sanity Checks */
if (shadow_type == GTK_SHADOW_NONE)
@@ -1724,15 +1639,11 @@ glide_draw_shadow_gap (GtkStyle * style,
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
- do_glide_draw_border_with_gap(canvas,
+ do_glide_draw_border_with_gap(cr,
bevel_style, border_type,
x, y, width, height,
side, gap_pos, gap_size);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
@@ -1747,10 +1658,9 @@ glide_draw_shadow_gap (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_extension (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -1771,10 +1681,8 @@ glide_draw_extension (GtkStyle * style,
GlideSide side;
GlideBorderType border_type;
GlideBevelStyle bevel_style;
- cairo_t *canvas;
shadow.x = x;
shadow.y = y;
@@ -1937,21 +1845,17 @@ glide_draw_extension (GtkStyle * style,
/* Draw Border */
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, pattern), shadow.x, shadow.y, shadow.width, shadow.height);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, pattern), shadow.x, shadow.y, shadow.width, shadow.height);
- cairo_rectangle(canvas, clip.x, clip.y, clip.width, clip.height);
- cairo_clip(canvas);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, clip.x, clip.y, clip.width, clip.height);
+ cairo_clip(cr);
- do_glide_draw_border_with_gap(canvas,
+ do_glide_draw_border_with_gap(cr,
bevel_style, border_type,
x, y, width, height, side,
gap_pos, (((side==GLIDE_SIDE_TOP) || (side==GLIDE_SIDE_BOTTOM))?width:height)-gap_shrink);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
@@ -1962,10 +1866,9 @@ glide_draw_extension (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_handle (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -1975,29 +1878,9 @@ glide_draw_handle (GtkStyle * style,
GtkOrientation orientation)
GlideStyle *glide_style = GLIDE_STYLE (style);
- cairo_t *canvas;
- if (GE_IS_BONOBO_DOCK_ITEM_GRIP(widget) &&
- (gtk_widget_get_direction (widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL) &&
- {
- GtkAllocation allocation, parent_allocation;
- gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &allocation);
- gtk_widget_get_allocation (gtk_widget_get_parent (widget), &parent_allocation);
- x = parent_allocation.width - allocation.width;
- y = parent_allocation.height - allocation.height;
- width = allocation.width;
- height = allocation.height;
- area = NULL;
- }
- canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
if (GE_IS_HANDLE_BOX (widget))
/* handle box apears to be broken in that
@@ -2049,7 +1932,7 @@ glide_draw_handle (GtkStyle * style,
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, (GE_IS_PANED(widget))?glide_style->bg_solid[state_type]:
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_PATTERN(glide_style, state_type, (GE_IS_PANED(widget))?glide_style->bg_solid[state_type]:
glide_style->bg_gradient[orientation == (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)][state_type]), x, y, width, height);
if (ge_is_panel_widget_item (widget)
@@ -2060,14 +1943,14 @@ glide_draw_handle (GtkStyle * style,
/* draw the drag bar */
if (orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)
- ge_cairo_simple_border (canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.light[state_type],
+ ge_cairo_simple_border (cr, &glide_style->color_cube.light[state_type],
x + style->xthickness + 1, y + height / 2 - 1,
width - style->xthickness - 3, 3, FALSE);
- ge_cairo_simple_border (canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.light[state_type],
+ ge_cairo_simple_border (cr, &glide_style->color_cube.light[state_type],
&glide_style->color_cube.dark[state_type], x + width / 2 - 1,
y + style->ythickness + 1, 3,
height - style->ythickness - 3, FALSE);
@@ -2078,16 +1961,16 @@ glide_draw_handle (GtkStyle * style,
if (orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)
- ge_cairo_line (canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state_type], x + 1, y + 0,
+ ge_cairo_line (cr, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state_type], x + 1, y + 0,
x + width - 2, y + 0);
- ge_cairo_line (canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.light[state_type], x + 1,
+ ge_cairo_line (cr, &glide_style->color_cube.light[state_type], x + 1,
y + 1, x + width - 2, y + 1);
- ge_cairo_line (canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state_type], x + 0, y + 1,
+ ge_cairo_line (cr, &glide_style->color_cube.dark[state_type], x + 0, y + 1,
x + 0, y + height - 2);
- ge_cairo_line (canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.light[state_type], x + 1,
+ ge_cairo_line (cr, &glide_style->color_cube.light[state_type], x + 1,
y + 1, x + 1, y + height - 2);
@@ -2095,7 +1978,7 @@ glide_draw_handle (GtkStyle * style,
gboolean skip_shadow = FALSE;
- do_glide_draw_grip (canvas,
+ do_glide_draw_grip (cr,
x, y, width, height, orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
@@ -2126,21 +2009,18 @@ glide_draw_handle (GtkStyle * style,
if (!skip_shadow)
- do_glide_draw_border(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state_type],
+ do_glide_draw_border(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[state_type],
x, y, width, height);
- ge_cairo_pattern_fill(canvas, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), x, y, width, height);
+ ge_cairo_pattern_fill(cr, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_PATTERN(glide_style, detail,orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), x, y, width, height);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
glide_draw_focus(GtkStyle *style,
- GdkWindow *window,
+ cairo_t *cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
- GdkRectangle *area,
GtkWidget *widget,
const gchar *detail,
gint x,
@@ -2168,14 +2048,12 @@ glide_draw_focus(GtkStyle *style,
GtkStyleClass *glide_parent_class;
glide_parent_class = GTK_STYLE_CLASS (g_type_class_peek_parent (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(style)));
- glide_parent_class->draw_focus(style, window, state_type, area, widget, detail, x, y, width, height);
+ glide_parent_class->draw_focus(style, cr, state_type, widget, detail, x, y, width, height);
- cairo_t *canvas = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
- ge_cairo_set_color(canvas, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]);
- cairo_set_line_width(canvas, line_width);
+ ge_cairo_set_color(cr, &glide_style->color_cube.bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]);
+ cairo_set_line_width(cr, line_width);
if (CHECK_DETAIL(detail, "button") && (ge_is_in_combo_box (widget)))
@@ -2184,11 +2062,11 @@ glide_draw_focus(GtkStyle *style,
if ((!widget) || (gtk_widget_get_direction (widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR))
- ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(canvas, x - thick + line_width*2, y + thick, width - line_width*2, height - thick*2);
+ ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(cr, x - thick + line_width*2, y + thick, width - line_width*2, height - thick*2);
- ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(canvas, x + thick, y + thick, width - line_width*2, height - thick*2);
+ ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(cr, x + thick, y + thick, width - line_width*2, height - thick*2);
entry = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(ge_find_combo_box_widget_parent (widget)), "entry");
@@ -2197,11 +2075,11 @@ glide_draw_focus(GtkStyle *style,
if ((!widget) || (gtk_widget_get_direction (widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR))
- ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(canvas, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width + line_width - 1, height - 1);
+ ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(cr, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width + line_width - 1, height - 1);
- ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(canvas, x - line_width + 0.5, y + 0.5, width + line_width - 1, height - 1);
+ ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(cr, x - line_width + 0.5, y + 0.5, width + line_width - 1, height - 1);
else if (CHECK_DETAIL(detail, "entry") && (ge_is_in_combo_box (widget)))
@@ -2218,86 +2096,79 @@ glide_draw_focus(GtkStyle *style,
if ((!widget) || (gtk_widget_get_direction (widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR))
- ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(canvas, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width + line_width - 1, height - 1);
+ ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(cr, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width + line_width - 1, height - 1);
- ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(canvas, x - line_width + 0.5, y + 0.5, width + line_width - 1, height - 1);
+ ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(cr, x - line_width + 0.5, y + 0.5, width + line_width - 1, height - 1);
else if (CHECK_DETAIL(detail, "spinbutton_up"))
if ((!widget) || (gtk_widget_get_direction (widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR))
- cairo_rectangle(canvas, x + line_width, y, width - line_width, height);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, x + line_width, y, width - line_width, height);
- cairo_rectangle(canvas, x, y, width - line_width, height);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, width - line_width, height);
- cairo_clip(canvas);
- ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(canvas, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height + line_width - 1);
+ cairo_clip(cr);
+ ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(cr, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height + line_width - 1);
else if (CHECK_DETAIL(detail, "spinbutton_down"))
if ((!widget) || (gtk_widget_get_direction (widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR))
- cairo_rectangle(canvas, x + line_width, y, width - line_width, height);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, x + line_width, y, width - line_width, height);
- cairo_rectangle(canvas, x, y, width - line_width, height);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, width - line_width, height);
- cairo_clip(canvas);
- ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(canvas, x + 0.5, y - line_width + 0.5, width - 1, height + line_width - 1);
+ cairo_clip(cr);
+ ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(cr, x + 0.5, y - line_width + 0.5, width - 1, height + line_width - 1);
else if (CHECK_DETAIL(detail, "combo_entry_button"))
if ((!widget) || (gtk_widget_get_direction (widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR))
- cairo_rectangle(canvas, x + line_width, y, width - line_width, height + 1);
- cairo_clip(canvas);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, x + line_width, y, width - line_width, height + 1);
+ cairo_clip(cr);
- ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(canvas, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1);
+ ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(cr, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1);
- cairo_rectangle(canvas, x, y, width, height + 1);
- cairo_clip(canvas);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, width, height + 1);
+ cairo_clip(cr);
- ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(canvas, x+0.5, y+0.5, width + line_width - 1, height - 1);
+ ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(cr, x+0.5, y+0.5, width + line_width - 1, height - 1);
- ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(canvas, x+0.5, y+0.5, width-1, height-1);
+ ge_cairo_stroke_rectangle(cr, x+0.5, y+0.5, width-1, height-1);
- cairo_destroy(canvas);
glide_draw_layout (GtkStyle *style,
- GdkWindow *window,
+ cairo_t *cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
gboolean use_text,
- GdkRectangle *area,
GtkWidget *widget,
const char *detail,
int x,
int y,
PangoLayout *layout)
- cairo_t *cr;
use_text &= !ge_is_combo_box(widget, FALSE);
- cr = ge_gdk_drawable_to_cairo (window, area);
if (use_text)
gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->text[state_type]);
@@ -2319,6 +2190,4 @@ glide_draw_layout (GtkStyle *style,
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout);
- cairo_destroy (cr);
diff --git a/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_drawing.h b/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_drawing.h
index 6d4772e..0852488 100644
--- a/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_drawing.h
+++ b/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_drawing.h
@@ -22,10 +22,9 @@
glide_draw_shadow_gap (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -38,10 +37,9 @@ glide_draw_shadow_gap (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_box_gap (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -54,9 +52,8 @@ glide_draw_box_gap (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_hline (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x1,
@@ -65,9 +62,8 @@ glide_draw_hline (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_vline (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint y1,
@@ -76,10 +72,9 @@ glide_draw_vline (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_check (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state,
GtkShadowType shadow,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -89,10 +84,9 @@ glide_draw_check (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_option (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state,
GtkShadowType shadow,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -102,10 +96,9 @@ glide_draw_option (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_arrow (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state,
GtkShadowType shadow,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
GtkArrowType arrow_type,
@@ -117,10 +110,9 @@ glide_draw_arrow (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_shadow (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -130,10 +122,9 @@ glide_draw_shadow (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_box (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -143,10 +134,9 @@ glide_draw_box (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_flat_box (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -156,10 +146,9 @@ glide_draw_flat_box (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_tab (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state,
GtkShadowType shadow,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -169,10 +158,9 @@ glide_draw_tab (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_slider (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -183,10 +171,9 @@ glide_draw_slider (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_extension (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -197,10 +184,9 @@ glide_draw_extension (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_handle (GtkStyle * style,
- GdkWindow * window,
+ cairo_t * cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
GtkShadowType shadow_type,
- GdkRectangle * area,
GtkWidget * widget,
const gchar * detail,
gint x,
@@ -212,9 +198,8 @@ glide_draw_handle (GtkStyle * style,
glide_draw_focus(GtkStyle *style,
- GdkWindow *window,
+ cairo_t *cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
- GdkRectangle *area,
GtkWidget *widget,
const gchar *detail,
gint x,
@@ -224,10 +209,9 @@ glide_draw_focus(GtkStyle *style,
glide_draw_layout (GtkStyle *style,
- GdkWindow *window,
+ cairo_t *cr,
GtkStateType state_type,
gboolean use_text,
- GdkRectangle *area,
GtkWidget *widget,
const char *detail,
int x,
diff --git a/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_engine.c b/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_engine.c
index 7959b68..6781a6f 100644
--- a/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_engine.c
+++ b/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_engine.c
@@ -152,9 +152,10 @@ glide_style_realize (GtkStyle * style)
glide_style->bg_solid[i] = ge_cairo_color_pattern(&base);
glide_style->bg_image[i] = NULL;
- if ((style->bg_pixmap[i]) && (style->bg_pixmap[i] != (GdkPixmap*) GDK_PARENT_RELATIVE))
+ if (GTK_STYLE (style)->rc_style->bg_pixmap_name[i] &&
+ GTK_STYLE (style)->background[i] != NULL)
- glide_style->bg_image[i] = ge_cairo_pixmap_pattern(style->bg_pixmap[i]);
+ glide_style->bg_image[i] = ge_cairo_pattern_pattern(style->background[i]);
glide_style->bg_gradient[0][i] = ge_cairo_linear_shade_gradient_pattern(&base, 1.05, 0.95, FALSE);
diff --git a/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_support.c b/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_support.c
index 0a825df..4b5e3a5 100644
--- a/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_support.c
+++ b/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_support.c
@@ -933,7 +933,6 @@ void
do_glide_draw_line(cairo_t *canvas,
CairoColor * dark,
CairoColor * light,
- GdkRectangle * area,
gint start,
gint end,
gint base,
diff --git a/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_support.h b/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_support.h
index 15f8622..0f01664 100644
--- a/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_support.h
+++ b/engines/glide/src/glide_gtk2_support.h
@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ GE_INTERNAL void do_glide_draw_arrow (cairo_t *cr,
GE_INTERNAL void do_glide_draw_line(cairo_t *cr,
CairoColor * dark,
CairoColor * light,
- GdkRectangle * area,
gint start,
gint end,
gint base,
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