[gtk+] (206 commits) Created branch gtk-style-context

The branch 'gtk-style-context' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  8fb5545... Add GTK_STATE_LAST to mark the end of GtkState enum.
  c939685... Add GtkStyleSet, a store of style properties.
  f9d8428... Add GtkStyleProvider, an interface to provide style details
  663ddc9... GtkStyleSet: Implement GtkStyleProvider.
  90e1b2d... gtkstyleset.h: Add declaration for gtk_style_set_merge().
  5134f1a... Add GtkStyleContext.
  8bbadcd... GtkStyleSet: Add style property registration funcs.
  304258c... GtkStyleSet: Use property GQuark as store keys.
  b4c833b... GtkStyleSet: Add valist and varargs getters/setters.
  c6afab9... GtkStyleSet: Return default value if value is not set.
  b33e9d6... GtkStyleContext: Add methods to query composed style.
  c598fe6... GtkStyleSet: Add method to register font properties.
  2d1c909... GtkStyleSet: Add method to register border property.
  19a3c70... GtkStyleContext: Fix typo.
  aa1d0b1... GtkStateType: Add inconsistent and focused state.
  2b39758... Add GtkStateFlags.
  d5104e0... GtkWidget: Add gtk_widget_get_style_context().
  ea4b541... GtkStyleContext: Add getters and setter for state.
  79a7d75... Add GtkWidgetPath.
  957c89e... GtkWidget: Add gtk_widget_get_path().
  cfd114c... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[gs]et_path()
  e991fbd... Add GtkThemingEngine.
  28a954d... GtkThemingEngine: Add module loading capabilities.
  e043284... GtkStyleContext: Relate to a GtkThemingEngine.
  7f43a1c... GtkStyleContext: Add style classes.
  ff52bd7... GtkStyleContext: Add child style classes.
  27c815e... GtkWidget: Add widget path to style context.
  a0557e0... GtkThemingEngine: Add accessors to style classes.
  1b2c7b9... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render checkboxes.
  956c9c4... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_check().
  71f1e8a... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render radio buttons.
  1cc5ea1... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_option().
  8db2f52... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render arrows.
  21d7364... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_arrow().
  373ec82... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render backgrounds.
  1ee0de4... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_background().
  eec8d0c... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render frames.
  4d2647c... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_frame().
  89a046e... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render expanders.
  411af68... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_expander().
  f0a50c4... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render focus indicator.
  93bd155... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_focus().
  b257c07... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render layouts.
  0b8c23f... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_layout().
  337e723... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render lines.
  667b4f9... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_line().
  be40b02... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render sliders.
  e391294... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_slider().
  5071fb9... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render frames with a gap.
  9991995... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_frame_gap().
  00a60ef... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render an extension.
  dd17439... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_extension().
  a0fcef9... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render a handle area.
  143d564... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_handle().
  2c8b22a... GtkStyleContext: Fix typo.
  2d4bee3... GtkStyleContext: Fix compiler warning.
  1e87ef7... GtkStyleContext: allow late set_path() calls.
  5917174... GtkStyleSet: Make property registration take const GValues.
  087c904... GtkStyleSet: Add method to lookup property default settings
  3a7f030... Add GtkWidgetPath parameter to gtk_style_provider_get_style
  22c4a28... Added GtkCssProvider.
  c6ed4bc... GtkStyleProvider: Add defines for most common priorities.
  0a90c14... GtkWidget: Create GtkCssProvider for user modifications.
  7685251... GtkCssProvider: Add state parsing.
  c29e8d2... GtkCssProvider: Allow '*' selectors.
  ec2372d... GtkCssProvider: Allow empty selector.
  b634a44... GtkCssProvider: Fix typo freeing SelectorElements.
  6867926... GtkCssProvider: Add support for child/descendant combinator
  49f9cb0... Move GtkChildClassFlags to gtkenums.h.
  f3c2195... Refurbish GtkWidgetPath API.
  ae361dd... GtkWidgetPath: Add API for named regions.
  add9793... GtkCssProvider: Parse named regions.
  73f742e... GtkCssProvider: Add named regions to selector path.
  acc7397... GtkCssProvider: free selector path on parse_rule().
  7d6a7ac... GtkCssProvider: move to next selector element on match or c
  a2b78cd... GtkCssProvider: fix parsing of consecutive pseudo-classes.
  86d0c8d... GtkCssProvider: Compare GtkWidgetPath regions with css.
  f287461... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_list_child_classes()
  4136449... GtkStyleContext: fix typos in code.
  29c6065... Add region details in gtk_widget_get_path().
  4077173... Fix typo when creating GtkWidgetPath.
  b255589... GtkStyle: Use new render methods underneath.
  6015339... GtkStyleContext: Fix compiler warning.
  602b310... GtkStyleSet: Add gtk_style_set_set_default().
  99448b5... GtkCssProvider: Set default value if no state pseudo-class 
  ded2ac7... GtkNotebook: Set GtkChildClassFlags for tabs.
  15a374e... Fix compilation.
  02e503a... GtkStyleSet: Remove default value for registered properties
  328b3ab... GtkWidget: Generate GtkWidgetPath on set_parent.
  cbfa3fd... GtkStyleSet: Register GtkThemingEngine type.
  c8156e9... Fix compile warning.
  e0e298a... GtkCssProvider: Make additions to parse_value() less error 
  81932f5... GtkCssProvider: Parse boolean values.
  765bcd6... GtkCssProvider: Ensure each scope has its parser config.
  69201d9... GtkCssProvider: refactor out selector matching.
  f78be64... GtkStyleProvider: Add method to get widget style properties
  6201a54... GtkWidgetPath: Add methods to check topmost widget type.
  4dd6ddb... Fix 2 build warnings.
  eb3d170... GtkCssProvider: Implement GtkStyleProvider->get_style_prope
  a04a1a8... GtkStyleContext: Add methods to get style property values.
  e431664... GtkWidget: Hook up widget style property querying to style 
  9a2f900... GtkWidget: Do not reset GtkStyleContext per get_style_conte
  81c0ce7... GtkCssProvider: set scanner->input_name.
  f1cfca2... GtkCssProvider: Fix compile warning.
  4f50040... GtkCssProvider: Plug memory leak.
  9a7d09c... GtkWidgetPath: Add to gtkalias.
  04e1fb7... Add GtkSymbolicColor.
  bb011c5... GtkStyleSet: Add API to map symbolic colors.
  40137f2... GtkSymbolicColor: Add method to resolve to a GdkColor.
  19024fd... GtkStyleSet: Optionally take GtkSymbolicColors.
  c172278... GtkCssProvider: Parse color mappings.
  2ddf8e3... GtkCssProvider: Allow symbolic colors when parsing style ru
  4928180... GtkStyleProvider: Add gtk_style_provider_get_icon_factory()
  66b4216... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_lookup_icon_set().
  10b9680... Fix include.
  e46d1b6... GtkCssProvider: Add priv pointer to object struct.
  bfd1919... GtkStyleSet: Add priv pointer to object struct.
  9a2d2d3... GtkStyleContext: Add priv pointer to object struct.
  8e8fb62... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[gs]et_screen()
  03b4e71... GtkWidget: Set screen info in GtkStyleContext.
  44a3721... GtkThemingEngine: Add gtk_theming_engine_get_screen().
  c1cb241... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_save/restore().
  3817108... GtkThemingEngine: Use GdkPangoRenderer when painting layout
  4963715... GtkStyleContext: Don crash on empty class sets.
  31d16a7... GtkThemingEngine: Take checkbox rendering from GtkStyle.
  2e2b59b... GtkThemingEngine: Take option rendering from GtkStyle.
  1725120... GtkThemingEngine: Cairo-ify handle rendering from GtkStyle.
  783e1c9... GtkThemingEngine: Add cairo-ified rendering primitives.
  cb00b5d... GtkThemingEngine: Unify code to render lines.
  5a9a9d1... GtkThemingEngine: Make render_background use drawing primit
  c58961b... GtkThemingEngine: Cairo-ify extension rendering from GtkSty
  94c290d... GtkThemingEngine: Cairo-ify frame_gap rendering from GtkSty
  659df8f... GtkThemingEngine: Cairo-ify frame rendering from GtkStyle.
  c2e916c... GtkThemingEngine: Improve slider rendering.
  b3acab0... GtkCssProvider: Allow '_' in the middle of symbolic color n
  50c7411... GtkStyleContext: ensure class lookup return the correct ins
  51f56ea... GtkStyleContext: Ensure style rebuilds after adding/removin
  1f89d3e... GtkStyleContext: Add varargs functions for getting widget s
  3dbe426... GtkStyleSet: Allow setting default value when registering p
  baa86f1... GtkThemingEngine: Add methods to retrieve widget style prop
  ebe09de... GtkThemingEngine: Improve pixel alignment in arrows.
  fbd9cbf... GtkThemingEngine: Improve background rendering.
  31bcd0b... GtkThemingEngine: Render frames and spinbutton boxes proper
  13b3f6d... GtkThemingEngine: Rip out expander rendering from old code.
  ceccee8... GtkThemingEngine: Rip out focus rendering from old code.
  437f963... GtkThemingEngine: Obey active/selected when rendering text.
  63ec7c3... GtkThemingEngine: Add code to render GtkFrame frame with ga
  b11bc1a... GtkStyle: Optionally construct above a GtkStyleContext.
  549d6e7... GtkWidget: Construct style for partial widget hierarchies.
  516ebf1... GtkWidget: Create GtkStyle on top of GtkStyleContext.
  c1f85cf... GtkStyle: Move gtk_render_* calls to default vmethod implem
  f50676f... GtkCssProvider: Add gtk_css_provider_get_default().
  3969dee... GtkWidget: Add the default CSS provider to all style contex
  2c1d264... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[gs]et_direction().
  b28f46c... GtkWidget: Set style context direction.
  99ae7a8... GtkThemingEngine: Add gtk_theming_engine_get_direction().
  e17350d... GtkThemingEngine: fix typo in function declaration.
  5f9a1ad... GtkStyleSet: Register the "border" property.
  c9a31f5... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_lookup_color().
  ee23da6... Add GtkJunctionSides flags.
  d04890f... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[gs]et_junction_side
  0fcdc30... GtkThemingEngine: Add gtk_theming_engine_get_junction_sides
  3ade4f7... GtkStyle: set junction details in spinbutton buttons.
  9c4fc6a... GtkThemingEngine: Render correctly spinbutton buttons.
  4cc30bc... GtkWidgetPath: properly use const
  1c562d1... GtkCssProvider: don't ignore custom attributes
  c7ab049... GtkCssProvider: Small optimization.
  9da6347... GtkCssProvider: Immediately bail out if GType couldn't be r
  0ab6a27... GtkCssProvider: Don't jump too eagerly to the next element 
  9ba4fe4... GtkCssProvider: Parse and compare widget names.
  71969b1... GtkWidget: Set widget names when creating the path.
  fb8824f... GtkCssProvider: Set child combinators in default CSS.
  0a0dd70... Compare region names as quarks in style matching.
  28ce790... GtkWidgetPath: Make API more consistent.
  c697678... Compare widget names as GQuarks in style matching.
  7d98296... GtkCssProvider: Parse correctly widget types with a name.
  ff03b76... GtkStyleSet: Allow custom parsers on registered properties.
  86d0aa4... GtkStyleSet: Fix compiler warning.
  bdb660f... GtkThemingEngine: Add gtk_theming_engine_register_property(
  fc51565... GtkStyleContext: Rename internal struct.
  d6406ab... s/child class/region/ everywhere.
  b011b6d... GtkWidgetPath: Add methods to include class info in paths.
  4ee233f... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_list_classes().
  d9271a3... Set classes info in GtkWidgetPath.
  b5fcb6b... GtkCssProvider: Parse and match class info.
  eae79ae... GtkCssProvider: Use class for tooltips.
  c221f27... GtkStyle: set the active flag depending on shadow_type in d
  ed970fc... GtkStyleContext: Return insertion position if not found whe
  35af398... Move all theming stack to use GtkStateFlags.
  4d4de93... Add GtkTimeline as a private object.
  52c3700... Add GtkAnimationDescription as a private boxed object.
  cb344bf... GtkStyleSet: Register the "transition" property.
  6f55219... GtkCssProvider: Parse properties of type GtkAnimationDescri
  6848729... GtkStyleContext: Declare gtk_style_context_list_classes() i
  7530d00... GtkStyleContext: Add animation machinery.
  83fceee... GtkWidget: Update GtkStyleContext animation regions on allo
  2158056... GtkThemingEngine: Add progress arg to gtk_theming_engine_is
  adb20c1... GtkThemingEngine: Animate checkboxes activation.
  0cf614b... GtkButton: Notify on active state when (un)depressed
  b6e59e0... Plug a bunch of leaks.
  9ebf78b... GtkCssProvider: Add gtk_css_provider_load_from_path()
  424d928... Remove gtkalias from style context code.
  e75b392... Replace GdkRegion and GdkRectangle with their cairo counter
  007d622... Get rid of GdkPangoRenderer code in GtkThemingEngine.
  7d08f93... GtkNotebook: invert tab drawing order so region flags are s
  05ca804... GtkStyle: Allow GTK_ARROW_NONE.

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