[nautilus/gnome-2-32: 14/283] UI and HIG fixes
- From: Cosimo Cecchi <cosimoc src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [nautilus/gnome-2-32: 14/283] UI and HIG fixes
- Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 11:05:12 +0000 (UTC)
commit 5a5bbb382f5676cd12172841fcc56b81ac626ab6
Author: Cosimo Cecchi <cosimoc gnome org>
Date: Wed Apr 2 20:05:23 2008 +0200
UI and HIG fixes
Use the correct markup strings in the dialog, and take care of
some layouting issues.
.../nautilus-file-conflict-dialog.c | 97 ++++++++++++-------
1 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-conflict-dialog.c b/libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-conflict-dialog.c
index 2c67b97..a508bc4 100644
--- a/libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-conflict-dialog.c
+++ b/libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-conflict-dialog.c
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ build_dialog_appearance (NautilusFileConflictDialog *fcd)
gboolean source_is_dir;
gboolean dest_is_dir;
NautilusFileConflictDialogDetails *details;
- char *primary_text, *secondary_text;
+ char *primary_text, *secondary_text, *primary_markup;
char *src_name, *dest_name, *dest_dir_name;
char *label_text;
char *size, *date;
@@ -143,7 +143,10 @@ build_dialog_appearance (NautilusFileConflictDialog *fcd)
- label = gtk_label_new (primary_text);
+ label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
+ primary_markup = g_strconcat ("<b>", primary_text, "</b>", NULL);
+ gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), primary_markup);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (details->titles_vbox),
label, FALSE, 0, 0);
gtk_widget_show (label);
@@ -152,6 +155,7 @@ build_dialog_appearance (NautilusFileConflictDialog *fcd)
label, FALSE, 0, 0);
gtk_widget_show (label);
g_free (primary_text);
+ g_free (primary_markup);
g_free (secondary_text);
#if 0
/* Set up file icons */
@@ -299,8 +303,8 @@ checkbox_toggled_cb (GtkToggleButton *t,
static void
nautilus_file_conflict_dialog_init (NautilusFileConflictDialog *fcd)
- GtkWidget *titles_vbox, *first_hbox, *second_hbox;
- GtkWidget *expander, *entry, *checkbox;
+ GtkWidget *hbox, *vbox;
+ GtkWidget *widget;
NautilusFileConflictDialogDetails *details;
GtkDialog *dialog;
@@ -312,47 +316,68 @@ nautilus_file_conflict_dialog_init (NautilusFileConflictDialog *fcd)
gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox), 6);
gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE);
gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (dialog, FALSE);
- /* Setup the vbox containing the dialog messages */
- titles_vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6);
+ /* Setup the main hbox */
+ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6);
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (dialog->vbox),
- titles_vbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (titles_vbox);
- details->titles_vbox = titles_vbox;
+ hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (hbox);
+ /* Setup the dialog image */
+ widget = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING,
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox),
+ widget, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (widget), 0.5, 0.0);
+ gtk_widget_show (widget);
+ /* Setup the vbox containing the dialog */
+ vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox),
+ vbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (vbox);
+ /* Setup the vbox for the dialog labels */
+ widget = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox),
+ widget, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (widget);
+ details->titles_vbox = widget;
/* Setup the hboxes to pack file infos into */
- first_hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (dialog->vbox),
- first_hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (first_hbox);
- second_hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (dialog->vbox),
- second_hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (second_hbox);
- details->first_hbox = first_hbox;
- details->second_hbox = second_hbox;
+ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox),
+ hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (hbox);
+ details->first_hbox = hbox;
+ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox),
+ hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (hbox);
+ details->second_hbox = hbox;
/* Setup the checkbox to apply the action to all files */
- checkbox = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("Apply this action to all files"));
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (dialog->vbox),
- checkbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (checkbox);
- g_signal_connect (checkbox, "toggled",
+ widget = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("Apply this action to all files"));
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox),
+ widget, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (widget);
+ g_signal_connect (widget, "toggled",
G_CALLBACK (checkbox_toggled_cb),
/* Setup the expander for the rename action */
- expander = gtk_expander_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Select a new name for the destination"));
- entry = gtk_entry_new ();
- gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (expander),
- entry);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (dialog->vbox),
- expander, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (expander);
- gtk_widget_show (entry);
- details->expander = expander;
- details->entry = entry;
- g_signal_connect_object (entry, "notify::text",
+ widget = gtk_expander_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Select a new name for the destination"));
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox),
+ widget, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (widget);
+ details->expander = widget;
+ widget = gtk_entry_new ();
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (details->expander),
+ widget);
+ gtk_widget_show (widget);
+ details->entry = widget;
+ g_signal_connect_object (widget, "notify::text",
G_CALLBACK (entry_text_notify_cb),
dialog, 0);
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