[gegl] operations: mantiuk06 tone mapping operator

commit 62b3e6ac185666b66ec8616447a84ed7d144096c
Author: Danny Robson <danny blubinc net>
Date:   Wed Aug 11 20:31:29 2010 +0200

    operations: mantiuk06 tone mapping operator
    Implements the paper 'A Perceptual Framework for Contrast Processing of
    High Dynamic Range Images'. It is a global tone mapping operator, which
    constrains the set of contrasts across the full range of spatial
    The implementation is a reasonably straight forward port from pfstmo
    based code. There has been no attempt to improve/clean-up the base
    implementation in this iteration.

 operations/common/mantiuk06.c              | 1643 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/compositions/mantiuk06.xml           |   15 +
 tests/compositions/reference/mantiuk06.png |  Bin 0 -> 193823 bytes
 3 files changed, 1658 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/operations/common/mantiuk06.c b/operations/common/mantiuk06.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8d1c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/operations/common/mantiuk06.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1643 @@
+/* This file is an image processing operation for GEGL
+ *
+ * GEGL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GEGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with GEGL; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010      Danny Robson      <danny blubinc net>
+ * (pfstmo)  2007      Grzegorz Krawczyk <krawczyk mpi-sb mpg de>
+ *           2007-2008 Ed Brambley       <E J Brambley damtp cam ac uk>
+ *                     Lebed Dmytry
+ *                     Radoslaw Mantiuk  <radoslaw mantiuk gmail com>
+ *                     Rafal Mantiuk     <mantiuk gmail com>
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
+gegl_chant_double (contrast, _("Contrast"),
+                  0.0, 1.0, 0.1,
+                  _("The amount of contrast compression"))
+gegl_chant_double (saturation, _("Saturation"),
+                  0.0, 2.0, 0.8,
+                  _("Global colour saturation factor"))
+gegl_chant_double (detail, _("Detail"),
+                  1.0, 99.0, 1.0,
+                  _("Level of emphasis on image gradient details"))
+#define GEGL_CHANT_C_FILE       "mantiuk06.c"
+#include "gegl-chant.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define _OMP(x) _Pragma(#x)
+#define _OMP(x) /* OMP disabled: "#x" */
+/* Common return codes for operators */
+#define PFSTMO_OK 1             /* Successful */
+#define PFSTMO_ABORTED -1       /* User aborted (from callback) */
+#define PFSTMO_ERROR -2         /* Failed, encountered error */
+/* Return codes for the progress_callback */
+#define PFSTMO_CB_ABORT    -1
+typedef struct pyramid_s {
+  guint              rows;
+  guint              cols;
+  gfloat            *Gx;
+  gfloat            *Gy;
+  struct pyramid_s  *next;
+  struct pyramid_s  *prev;
+} pyramid_t;
+#define LOOKUP_W_TO_R 107
+typedef int (*pfstmo_progress_callback)(int progress);
+static void        mantiuk06_contrast_equalization            (pyramid_t                       *pp,
+                                                               const gfloat                     contrastFactor);
+static void        mantiuk06_transform_to_luminance           (pyramid_t                       *pp,
+                                                               gfloat                   *const  x,
+                                                               pfstmo_progress_callback         progress,
+                                                               const gboolean                   bcg,
+                                                               const int                        itmax,
+                                                               const gfloat                     tol);
+static gfloat*     mantiuk06_matrix_alloc                     (const guint                      size);
+static void        mantiuk06_matrix_free                      (gfloat                          *m);
+static void        mantiuk06_matrix_zero                      (const guint                      n,
+                                                               gfloat     *const                m);
+static void        mantiuk06_matrix_copy                      (const guint                      n,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              a,
+                                                               gfloat       *const              b);
+static void        mantiuk06_matrix_subtract                  (const guint                      n,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              a,
+                                                               gfloat *const                    b);
+static void        mantiuk06_matrix_multiply_const            (const guint                      n,
+                                                               gfloat       *const              a,
+                                                               const gfloat                     val);
+static void        mantiuk06_matrix_divide                    (const guint                      n,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              a,
+                                                               gfloat *const                    b);
+static gfloat      mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product               (const guint                      n,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              a,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              b);
+static void        mantiuk06_calculate_and_add_divergence     (const int                        rows,
+                                                               const int                        cols,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              Gx,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              Gy,
+                                                               gfloat       *const              divG);
+static void        mantiuk06_pyramid_calculate_divergence_sum (pyramid_t                       *pyramid,
+                                                               gfloat                          *divG_sum);
+static void        mantiuk06_calculate_scale_factor           (const int                        n,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              G,
+                                                               gfloat       *const              C);
+static void        mantiuk06_pyramid_calculate_scale_factor   (pyramid_t                       *pyramid,
+                                                               pyramid_t                       *pC);
+static void        mantiuk06_scale_gradient                   (const int                        n,
+                                                               gfloat       *const              G,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              C);
+static void        mantiuk06_pyramid_scale_gradient           (pyramid_t                       *pyramid,
+                                                               pyramid_t                       *pC);
+static void        mantiuk06_pyramid_free                     (pyramid_t                       *pyramid);
+static pyramid_t*  mantiuk06_pyramid_allocate                 (const int                        cols,
+                                                               const int                        rows);
+static void        mantiuk06_calculate_gradient               (const int                        cols,
+                                                               const int                        rows,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              lum,
+                                                               gfloat       *const              Gx,
+                                                               gfloat       *const              Gy);
+static void        mantiuk06_pyramid_calculate_gradient       (pyramid_t                       *pyramid,
+                                                               gfloat                          *lum);
+static void        mantiuk06_solveX                           (const gint                       n,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              b,
+                                                               gfloat       *const              x);
+static void        mantiuk06_multiplyA                        (pyramid_t                       *px,
+                                                               pyramid_t                       *pyramid,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              x,
+                                                               gfloat       *const              divG_sum);
+static void        mantiuk06_linbcg                           (pyramid_t                       *pyramid,
+                                                               pyramid_t                       *pC,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              b,
+                                                               gfloat       *const              x,
+                                                               const int                        itmax,
+                                                               const gfloat                     tol,
+                                                               pfstmo_progress_callback         progress_cb);
+static void        mantiuk06_lincg                            (pyramid_t                       *pyramid,
+                                                               pyramid_t                       *pC,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              b,
+                                                               gfloat       *const              x,
+                                                               const int                        itmax,
+                                                               const gfloat                     tol,
+                                                               pfstmo_progress_callback         progress_cb);
+static gfloat      mantiuk06_lookup_table                     (const int                        n,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              in_tab,
+                                                               const gfloat *const              out_tab,
+                                                               const gfloat                     val);
+static void        mantiuk06_transform_to_R                   (const int                        n,
+                                                               gfloat     *const                G);
+static void        mantiuk06_pyramid_transform_to_R           (pyramid_t                       *pyramid);
+static void        mantiuk06_transform_to_G                   (const gint                       n,
+                                                               gfloat     *const                R);
+static void        mantiuk06_pyramid_transform_to_G           (pyramid_t                       *pyramid);
+static void        mantiuk06_pyramid_gradient_multiply        (pyramid_t                       *pyramid,
+                                                               const gfloat                     val);
+static const gchar *OUTPUT_FORMAT = "RGBA float";
+static gfloat W_table[] =
+     0.000000,     0.010000,    0.021180,    0.031830,    0.042628,
+     0.053819,     0.065556,    0.077960,    0.091140,    0.105203,
+     0.120255,     0.136410,    0.153788,    0.172518,    0.192739,
+     0.214605,     0.238282,    0.263952,    0.291817,    0.322099,
+     0.355040,     0.390911,    0.430009,    0.472663,    0.519238,
+     0.570138,     0.625811,    0.686754,    0.753519,    0.826720,
+     0.907041,     0.995242,    1.092169,    1.198767,    1.316090,
+     1.445315,     1.587756,    1.744884,    1.918345,    2.109983,
+     2.321863,     2.556306,    2.815914,    3.103613,    3.422694,
+     3.776862,     4.170291,    4.607686,    5.094361,    5.636316,
+     6.240338,     6.914106,    7.666321,    8.506849,    9.446889,
+    10.499164,    11.678143,   13.000302,   14.484414,   16.151900,
+    18.027221,    20.138345,   22.517282,   25.200713,   28.230715,
+    31.655611,    35.530967,   39.920749,   44.898685,   50.549857,
+    56.972578,    64.280589,   72.605654,   82.100619,   92.943020,
+   105.339358,   119.530154,  135.795960,  154.464484,  175.919088,
+   200.608905,   229.060934,  261.894494,  299.838552,  343.752526,
+   394.651294,   453.735325,  522.427053,  602.414859,  695.706358,
+   804.693100,   932.229271, 1081.727632, 1257.276717, 1463.784297,
+  1707.153398,  1994.498731, 2334.413424, 2737.298517, 3215.770944,
+  3785.169959,  4464.187290, 5275.653272, 6247.520102, 7414.094945,
+  8817.590551, 10510.080619
+static gfloat R_table[] =
+  0.000000, 0.009434, 0.018868, 0.028302, 0.037736,
+  0.047170, 0.056604, 0.066038, 0.075472, 0.084906,
+  0.094340, 0.103774, 0.113208, 0.122642, 0.132075,
+  0.141509, 0.150943, 0.160377, 0.169811, 0.179245,
+  0.188679, 0.198113, 0.207547, 0.216981, 0.226415,
+  0.235849, 0.245283, 0.254717, 0.264151, 0.273585,
+  0.283019, 0.292453, 0.301887, 0.311321, 0.320755,
+  0.330189, 0.339623, 0.349057, 0.358491, 0.367925,
+  0.377358, 0.386792, 0.396226, 0.405660, 0.415094,
+  0.424528, 0.433962, 0.443396, 0.452830, 0.462264,
+  0.471698, 0.481132, 0.490566, 0.500000, 0.509434,
+  0.518868, 0.528302, 0.537736, 0.547170, 0.556604,
+  0.566038, 0.575472, 0.584906, 0.594340, 0.603774,
+  0.613208, 0.622642, 0.632075, 0.641509, 0.650943,
+  0.660377, 0.669811, 0.679245, 0.688679, 0.698113,
+  0.707547, 0.716981, 0.726415, 0.735849, 0.745283,
+  0.754717, 0.764151, 0.773585, 0.783019, 0.792453,
+  0.801887, 0.811321, 0.820755, 0.830189, 0.839623,
+  0.849057, 0.858491, 0.867925, 0.877358, 0.886792,
+  0.896226, 0.905660, 0.915094, 0.924528, 0.933962,
+  0.943396, 0.952830, 0.962264, 0.971698, 0.981132,
+  0.990566, 1.000000
+/* upsample the matrix
+ * upsampled matrix is twice bigger in each direction than data[]
+ * res should be a pointer to allocated memory for bigger matrix
+ * cols and rows are the dimmensions of the output matrix
+ */
+static void
+mantiuk06_matrix_upsample (const gint          outCols,
+                           const gint          outRows,
+                           const gfloat *const in,
+                           gfloat       *const out)
+  const int inRows = outRows/2;
+  const int inCols = outCols/2;
+  gint      x, y;
+  /* Transpose of experimental downsampling matrix (theoretically the
+   * correct thing to do)
+   */
+  const gfloat dx = (gfloat)inCols / ((gfloat)outCols);
+  const gfloat dy = (gfloat)inRows / ((gfloat)outRows);
+  const gfloat factor = 1.0f / (dx*dy); /* This gives a genuine upsampling
+                                         * matrix, not the transpose of the
+                                         * downsampling matrix
+                                         */
+  /* const gfloat factor = 1.0f; */     /* Theoretically, this should be the
+                                         * best.
+                                         */
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (y = 0; y < outRows; y++)
+    {
+      const gfloat sy  = y * dy;
+      const gint   iy1 =      (  y   * inRows) / outRows;
+      const gint   iy2 = MIN (((y+1) * inRows) / outRows, inRows-1);
+      for (x = 0; x < outCols; x++)
+        {
+          const gfloat sx  = x * dx;
+          const gint   ix1 =      (  x    * inCols) / outCols;
+          const gint   ix2 =  MIN (((x+1) * inCols) / outCols, inCols-1);
+          out[x + y*outCols] = (
+            ((ix1+1) - sx)*((iy1+1 - sy)) * in[ix1 + iy1*inCols] +
+            ((ix1+1) - sx)*(sy+dy - (iy1+1)) * in[ix1 + iy2*inCols] +
+            (sx+dx - (ix1+1))*((iy1+1 - sy)) * in[ix2 + iy1*inCols] +
+            (sx+dx - (ix1+1))*(sy+dx - (iy1+1)) * in[ix2 + iy2*inCols])*factor;
+        }
+    }
+/* downsample the matrix */
+static void
+mantiuk06_matrix_downsample (const gint          inCols,
+                             const gint          inRows,
+                             const gfloat *const data,
+                             gfloat       *const res)
+  const int outRows = inRows / 2;
+  const int outCols = inCols / 2;
+  gint      x, y, i, j;
+  const gfloat dx = (gfloat)inCols / ((gfloat)outCols);
+  const gfloat dy = (gfloat)inRows / ((gfloat)outRows);
+  /* New downsampling by Ed Brambley:
+   * Experimental downsampling that assumes pixels are square and
+   * integrates over each new pixel to find the average value of the
+   * underlying pixels.
+   *
+   * Consider the original pixels laid out, and the new (larger)
+   * pixels layed out over the top of them.  Then the new value for
+   * the larger pixels is just the integral over that pixel of what
+   * shows through; i.e., the values of the pixels underneath
+   * multiplied by how much of that pixel is showing.
+   *
+   * (ix1, iy1) is the coordinate of the top left visible pixel.
+   * (ix2, iy2) is the coordinate of the bottom right visible pixel.
+   * (fx1, fy1) is the fraction of the top left pixel showing.
+   * (fx2, fy2) is the fraction of the bottom right pixel showing.
+   */
+  const gfloat normalize = 1.0f/(dx*dy);
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (y = 0; y < outRows; y++)
+    {
+      const gint   iy1 = (  y   * inRows) / outRows;
+      const gint   iy2 = ((y+1) * inRows) / outRows;
+      const gfloat fy1 = (iy1+1) - y * dy;
+      const gfloat fy2 = (y+1) * dy - iy2;
+      for (x = 0; x < outCols; x++)
+        {
+          const gint   ix1 = (  x   * inCols) / outCols;
+          const gint   ix2 = ((x+1) * inCols) / outCols;
+          const gfloat fx1 = (ix1+1) - x * dx;
+          const gfloat fx2 = (x+1) * dx - ix2;
+          gfloat pixVal = 0.0f;
+          gfloat factorx, factory;
+          for (i = iy1; i <= iy2 && i < inRows; i++)
+            {
+              if (i == iy1)
+                {
+                  /* We're just getting the bottom edge of this pixel */
+                  factory = fy1;
+                }
+              else if (i == iy2)
+                {
+                  /* We're just gettting the top edge of this pixel */
+                  factory = fy2;
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  /* We've got the full height of this pixel */
+                  factory = 1.0f;
+                }
+              for (j = ix1; j <= ix2 && j < inCols; j++)
+                {
+                  if (j == ix1)
+                    {
+                      /* We've just got the right edge of this pixel */
+                      factorx = fx1;
+                    }
+                  else if (j == ix2)
+                    {
+                      /* We've just got the left edge of this pixel */
+                      factorx = fx2;
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                      /* We've got the full width of this pixel */
+                      factorx = 1.0f;
+                    }
+                  pixVal += data[j + i*inCols] * factorx * factory;
+                }
+            }
+          /* Normalize by the area of the new pixel */
+          res[x + y * outCols] = pixVal * normalize;
+        }
+    }
+/* return = a - b */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_matrix_subtract (const guint         n,
+                           const gfloat *const a,
+                           gfloat       *const b)
+  guint i;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    b[i] = a[i] - b[i];
+/* copy matix a to b, return = a  */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_matrix_copy (const guint         n,
+                       const gfloat *const a,
+                       gfloat       *const b)
+  memcpy (b, a, sizeof (gfloat) * n);
+/* multiply matrix a by scalar val */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_matrix_multiply_const (const guint         n,
+                                 gfloat       *const a,
+                                 const gfloat        val)
+  guint i;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    a[i] *= val;
+/* b = a[i] / b[i] */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_matrix_divide (const guint         n,
+                         const gfloat *const a,
+                         gfloat       *const b)
+  guint i;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+      b[i] = a[i] / b[i];
+static inline gfloat *
+mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (guint size)
+  return g_new (gfloat, size);
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_matrix_free (gfloat *m)
+  g_return_if_fail (m);
+  g_free (m);
+/* multiply vector by vector (each vector should have one dimension equal to 1) */
+static inline gfloat
+mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product (const guint         n,
+                              const gfloat *const a,
+                              const gfloat *const b)
+  gfloat val = 0;
+  guint j;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for reduction(+:val) schedule(static))
+  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
+    val += a[j] * b[j];
+  return val;
+/* set zeros for matrix elements */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_matrix_zero (guint   n,
+                       gfloat *m)
+  bzero (m, n * sizeof (gfloat));
+/* calculate divergence of two gradient maps (Gx and Gy)
+ * divG(x,y) = Gx(x,y) - Gx(x-1,y) + Gy(x,y) - Gy(x,y-1)
+ */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_calculate_and_add_divergence (const gint          cols,
+                                        const gint          rows,
+                                        const gfloat *const Gx,
+                                        const gfloat *const Gy,
+                                        gfloat       *const divG)
+  gint ky, kx;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (ky = 0; ky < rows; ky++)
+    {
+      for (kx = 0; kx<cols; kx++)
+        {
+          gfloat divGx, divGy;
+          const int idx = kx + ky*cols;
+          if (kx == 0)
+            divGx = Gx[idx];
+          else
+            divGx = Gx[idx] - Gx[idx-1];
+          if (ky == 0)
+            divGy = Gy[idx];
+          else
+            divGy = Gy[idx] - Gy[idx - cols];
+          divG[idx] += divGx + divGy;
+        }
+    }
+/* calculate the sum of divergences for the all pyramid level. the smaller
+ * divergence map is upsamled and added to the divergence map for the higher
+ * level of pyramid.
+ * temp is a temporary matrix of size (cols, rows), assumed to already be
+ * allocated
+ */
+static void
+mantiuk06_pyramid_calculate_divergence_sum (pyramid_t *pyramid,
+                                            gfloat    *divG_sum)
+  gfloat *temp = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (pyramid->rows*pyramid->cols);
+  /* Find the coarsest pyramid, and the number of pyramid levels */
+  int levels = 1;
+  while (pyramid->next != NULL)
+    {
+      levels++;
+      pyramid = pyramid->next;
+    }
+  /* For every level, we swap temp and divG_sum.  So, if there are an odd
+   * number of levels...
+   */
+  if (levels % 2)
+    {
+      gfloat *const dummy = divG_sum;
+      divG_sum = temp;
+      temp = dummy;
+    }
+  /* Add them all together */
+  while (pyramid != NULL)
+    {
+      gfloat *dummy;
+      /* Upsample or zero as needed */
+      if (pyramid->next != NULL)
+        {
+          mantiuk06_matrix_upsample (pyramid->cols,
+                                     pyramid->rows,
+                                     divG_sum,
+                                     temp);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          mantiuk06_matrix_zero (pyramid->rows * pyramid->cols, temp);
+        }
+      /* Add in the (freshly calculated) divergences */
+      mantiuk06_calculate_and_add_divergence (pyramid->cols,
+                                              pyramid->rows,
+                                              pyramid->Gx,
+                                              pyramid->Gy,
+                                              temp);
+      /* Rather than copying, just switch round the pointers: we know we get
+       * them the right way round at the end.
+       */
+      dummy    = divG_sum;
+      divG_sum = temp;
+      temp     = dummy;
+      pyramid  = pyramid->prev;
+    }
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (temp);
+/* calculate scale factors (Cx,Cy) for gradients (Gx,Gy)
+ * C is equal to EDGE_WEIGHT for gradients smaller than GFIXATE or
+ * 1.0 otherwise
+ */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_calculate_scale_factor (const gint          n,
+                                  const gfloat *const G,
+                                  gfloat       *const C)
+  const gfloat detectT = 0.001f;
+  const gfloat a = 0.038737;
+  const gfloat b = 0.537756;
+  gint i;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    {
+#if 1
+      const gfloat g = MAX (detectT, fabsf (G[i]));
+      C[i] = 1.0f / (a * powf (g, b));
+      const gfloat GFIXATE     = 0.10f,
+                  EDGE_WEIGHT = 0.01f;
+      if (fabsf (G[i]) < GFIXATE)
+        C[i] = 1.0f / EDGE_WEIGHT;
+      else
+        C[i] = 1.0f;
+    }
+/* calculate scale factor for the whole pyramid */
+static void
+mantiuk06_pyramid_calculate_scale_factor (pyramid_t *pyramid,
+                                          pyramid_t *pC)
+  while (pyramid != NULL)
+    {
+      const int size = pyramid->rows * pyramid->cols;
+      mantiuk06_calculate_scale_factor (size, pyramid->Gx, pC->Gx);
+      mantiuk06_calculate_scale_factor (size, pyramid->Gy, pC->Gy);
+      pyramid = pyramid->next;
+      pC = pC->next;
+    }
+/* Scale gradient (Gx and Gy) by C (Cx and Cy)
+ * G = G / C
+ */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_scale_gradient (const gint          n,
+                          gfloat       *const G,
+                          const gfloat *const C)
+  gint i;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    G[i] *= C[i];
+/* scale gradients for the whole one pyramid with the use of (Cx,Cy) from the
+ * other pyramid
+ */
+static void
+mantiuk06_pyramid_scale_gradient (pyramid_t *pyramid,
+                                  pyramid_t *pC)
+  while (pyramid != NULL)
+    {
+      const int size = pyramid->rows * pyramid->cols;
+      mantiuk06_scale_gradient (size, pyramid->Gx, pC->Gx);
+      mantiuk06_scale_gradient (size, pyramid->Gy, pC->Gy);
+      pyramid = pyramid->next;
+      pC = pC->next;
+    }
+/* free memory allocated for the pyramid */
+static void
+mantiuk06_pyramid_free (pyramid_t *pyramid)
+  while (pyramid)
+    {
+      pyramid_t *const next = pyramid->next;
+      if (pyramid->Gx != NULL)
+        {
+          g_free (pyramid->Gx);
+          pyramid->Gx = NULL;
+        }
+      if (pyramid->Gy != NULL)
+        {
+          g_free (pyramid->Gy);
+          pyramid->Gy = NULL;
+        }
+      pyramid->prev = NULL;
+      pyramid->next = NULL;
+      g_free (pyramid);
+      pyramid = next;
+    }
+/* allocate memory for the pyramid */
+static pyramid_t*
+mantiuk06_pyramid_allocate (int cols,
+                            int rows)
+  pyramid_t *level = NULL;
+  pyramid_t *pyramid = NULL;
+  pyramid_t *prev = NULL;
+  while (rows >= PYRAMID_MIN_PIXELS && cols >= PYRAMID_MIN_PIXELS)
+    {
+      guint size;
+      level = g_new (pyramid_t, 1);
+      memset (level, 0, sizeof (pyramid_t));
+      level->rows = rows;
+      level->cols = cols;
+      size        = level->rows * level->cols;
+      level->Gx   = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (size);
+      level->Gy   = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (size);
+      level->prev = prev;
+      if (prev != NULL)
+        prev->next = level;
+      prev = level;
+      if (pyramid == NULL)
+        pyramid = level;
+      rows /= 2;
+      cols /= 2;
+  }
+  return pyramid;
+/* calculate gradients */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_calculate_gradient (const gint          cols,
+                              const gint          rows,
+                              const gfloat *const lum,
+                              gfloat       *const Gx,
+                              gfloat       *const Gy)
+  gint ky, kx;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (ky = 0; ky < rows; ky++)
+    {
+      for (kx = 0; kx < cols; kx++)
+        {
+          const gint idx = kx + ky*cols;
+          if (kx == (cols - 1))
+            Gx[idx] = 0;
+          else
+            Gx[idx] = lum[idx+1] - lum[idx];
+          if (ky == (rows - 1))
+            Gy[idx] = 0;
+          else
+            Gy[idx] = lum[idx + cols] - lum[idx];
+        }
+    }
+/* calculate gradients for the pyramid
+ * lum_temp gets overwritten!
+ */
+static void
+mantiuk06_pyramid_calculate_gradient (pyramid_t *pyramid,
+                                      gfloat    *lum_temp)
+  gfloat *temp = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc ((pyramid->rows / 2) *
+                                         (pyramid->cols / 2));
+  gfloat *const temp_saved = temp;
+  mantiuk06_calculate_gradient (pyramid->cols,
+                                pyramid->rows,
+                                lum_temp,
+                                pyramid->Gx,
+                                pyramid->Gy);
+  pyramid = pyramid->next;
+  while (pyramid)
+    {
+      gfloat *dummy;
+      mantiuk06_matrix_downsample  (pyramid->prev->cols,
+                                    pyramid->prev->rows,
+                                    lum_temp,
+                                    temp);
+      mantiuk06_calculate_gradient (pyramid->cols,
+                                    pyramid->rows,
+                                    temp,
+                                    pyramid->Gx,
+                                    pyramid->Gy);
+      dummy    = lum_temp;
+      lum_temp = temp;
+      temp     = dummy;
+      pyramid = pyramid->next;
+  }
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (temp_saved);
+/* x = -0.25 * b */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_solveX (const gint          n,
+                  const gfloat *const b,
+                  gfloat       *const x)
+  gint i;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    x[i] = -0.25f * b[i];
+/* divG_sum = A * x = sum (divG (x))
+ * memory for the temporary pyramid px should be allocated
+ */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_multiplyA (pyramid_t           *px,
+                     pyramid_t           *pC,
+                     const gfloat *const  x,
+                     gfloat       *const  divG_sum)
+  /* use divG_sum as a temp variable */
+  mantiuk06_matrix_copy (pC->rows*pC->cols, x, divG_sum);
+  mantiuk06_pyramid_calculate_gradient (px, divG_sum);
+  /* scale gradients by Cx,Cy from main pyramid */
+  mantiuk06_pyramid_scale_gradient (px, pC);
+  /* calculate the sum of divergences */
+  mantiuk06_pyramid_calculate_divergence_sum (px, divG_sum);
+/* bi-conjugate linear equation solver
+ * overwrites pyramid!
+ */
+static void
+mantiuk06_linbcg (pyramid_t           *pyramid,
+                  pyramid_t           *pC,
+                  const gfloat *const  b,
+                  gfloat       *const  x,
+                  const gint           itmax,
+                  const gfloat         tol,
+                  pfstmo_progress_callback progress_cb)
+  const guint  rows = pyramid->rows,
+               cols = pyramid->cols,
+               n    = rows*cols;
+  const gfloat tol2 = tol*tol;
+  gfloat *const z      = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n),
+         *const zz     = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n),
+         *const p      = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n),
+         *const pp     = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n),
+         *const r      = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n),
+         *const rr     = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n),
+         *const x_save = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n);
+  const gfloat bnrm2 = mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product (n, b, b);
+  gfloat      err2, bkden, saved_err2, ierr2, percent_sf;
+  gint        iter  = 0, num_backwards = 0, num_backwards_ceiling = 3;
+  gboolean    reset = TRUE;
+  mantiuk06_multiplyA (pyramid, pC, x, r); /* r = A*x = divergence (x) */
+  mantiuk06_matrix_subtract (n, b, r);     /* r = b - r               */
+  err2 = mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product (n, r, r); /* err2 = r.r */
+  mantiuk06_multiplyA (pyramid, pC, r, rr); /* rr = A*r */
+  bkden = 0;
+  saved_err2 = err2;
+  mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, x, x_save);
+  ierr2 = err2;
+  percent_sf = 100.0f /logf (tol2 * bnrm2 / ierr2);
+  for (; iter < itmax; iter++)
+    {
+      guint i;
+      gfloat bknum, ak, old_err2;
+      if (progress_cb != NULL)
+        progress_cb ((int) (logf (err2 / ierr2) * percent_sf));
+      mantiuk06_solveX (n,  r,  z); /*  z = ~A (-1) *  r = -0.25 *  r */
+      mantiuk06_solveX (n, rr, zz); /* zz = ~A (-1) * rr = -0.25 * rr */
+      bknum = mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product (n, z, rr);
+      if (reset)
+        {
+          reset = FALSE;
+          mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, z, p);
+          mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, zz, pp);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          const gfloat bk = bknum / bkden; /* beta = ...  */
+          _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+          for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+            {
+              p[i]  =  z[i] + bk *  p[i];
+              pp[i] = zz[i] + bk * pp[i];
+            }
+        }
+      bkden = bknum; /* numerator becomes the dominator for the next iteration */
+      mantiuk06_multiplyA (pyramid, pC,  p,  z); /*  z = A* p = divergence (p) */
+      mantiuk06_multiplyA (pyramid, pC, pp, zz); /* zz = A*pp = divergence (pp) */
+      ak = bknum / mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product (n, z, pp); /* alfa = ...   */
+      _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+      for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )
+        {
+          r[i]  -= ak *  z[i];  /*  r =  r - alfa *  z  */
+          rr[i] -= ak * zz[i];  /* rr = rr - alfa * zz  */
+        }
+      old_err2 = err2;
+      err2 = mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product (n, r, r);
+      /* Have we gone unstable? */
+      if (err2 > old_err2)
+        {
+          /* Save where we've got to if it's the best yet */
+          if (num_backwards == 0 && old_err2 < saved_err2)
+            {
+              saved_err2 = old_err2;
+              mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, x, x_save);
+            }
+          num_backwards++;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          num_backwards = 0;
+        }
+      _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+      for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )
+        x[i] += ak * p[i];      /* x =  x + alfa * p */
+      if (num_backwards > num_backwards_ceiling)
+        {
+          /* Reset  */
+          reset = TRUE;
+          num_backwards = 0;
+          /* Recover saved value */
+          mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, x_save, x);
+          /* r = Ax */
+          mantiuk06_multiplyA (pyramid, pC, x, r);
+          /* r = b - r */
+          mantiuk06_matrix_subtract (n, b, r);
+          /* err2 = r.r  */
+          err2 = mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product (n, r, r);
+          saved_err2 = err2;
+          /* rr = A*r  */
+          mantiuk06_multiplyA (pyramid, pC, r, rr);
+        }
+      if (err2 / bnrm2 < tol2)
+        break;
+    }
+  /* Use the best version we found */
+  if (err2 > saved_err2)
+    {
+      err2 = saved_err2;
+      mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, x_save, x);
+    }
+  if (err2/bnrm2 > tol2)
+    {
+      /* Not converged */
+      if (progress_cb != NULL)
+        progress_cb ((int) (logf (err2 / ierr2) * percent_sf));
+      if (iter == itmax)
+        g_warning ("mantiuk06: Warning: "
+                   "Not converged (hit maximum iterations), "
+                   "error = %g (should be below %g).",
+                   sqrtf (err2 / bnrm2), tol);
+      else
+        g_warning ("mantiuk06: Warning: "
+                   "Not converged (going unstable), "
+                   "error = %g (should be below %g).",
+                   sqrtf (err2 / bnrm2), tol);
+    }
+  else if (progress_cb != NULL)
+    progress_cb (100);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (x_save);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (p);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (pp);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (z);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (zz);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (r);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (rr);
+/* conjugate linear equation solver
+ * overwrites pyramid!
+ */
+static void
+mantiuk06_lincg (pyramid_t           *pyramid,
+                 pyramid_t           *pC,
+                 const gfloat *const  b,
+                 gfloat       *const  x,
+                 const int            itmax,
+                 const gfloat         tol,
+                 pfstmo_progress_callback progress_cb)
+  const int rows = pyramid->rows,
+            cols = pyramid->cols,
+            n    = rows*cols;
+  int       iter = 0, num_backwards = 0, num_backwards_ceiling = 3;
+  const gfloat tol2 = tol*tol;
+  gfloat *const x_save = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n),
+         *const r      = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n),
+         *const p      = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n),
+         *const Ap     = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n);
+  /* bnrm2 = ||b|| */
+  const gfloat bnrm2 = mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product (n, b, b);
+  gfloat       rdotr, irdotr, saved_rdotr, percent_sf;
+  /* r = b - Ax */
+  mantiuk06_multiplyA (pyramid, pC, x, r);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_subtract (n, b, r);
+  rdotr = mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product (n, r, r); /* rdotr = r.r */
+  /* p = r */
+  mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, r, p);
+  /* Setup initial vector */
+  saved_rdotr = rdotr;
+  mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, x, x_save);
+  irdotr = rdotr;
+  percent_sf = 100.0f / logf (tol2 * bnrm2 / irdotr);
+  for (; iter < itmax; iter++)
+    {
+      gint  i;
+      gfloat alpha, old_rdotr;
+      if (progress_cb != NULL) {
+        gint ret = progress_cb ((gint) (logf (rdotr / irdotr) * percent_sf));
+        if (ret == PFSTMO_CB_ABORT && iter > 0 ) /* User requested abort */
+          break;
+      }
+      /* Ap = A p */
+      mantiuk06_multiplyA (pyramid, pC, p, Ap);
+      /* alpha = r.r / (p . Ap) */
+      alpha = rdotr / mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product (n, p, Ap);
+      /* r = r - alpha Ap */
+      _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+        r[i] -= alpha * Ap[i];
+      /* rdotr = r.r */
+      old_rdotr = rdotr;
+      rdotr = mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product (n, r, r);
+      /* Have we gone unstable? */
+      if (rdotr > old_rdotr)
+        {
+          /* Save where we've got to */
+          if (num_backwards == 0 && old_rdotr < saved_rdotr)
+            {
+              saved_rdotr = old_rdotr;
+              mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, x, x_save);
+            }
+          num_backwards++;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          num_backwards = 0;
+        }
+      /* x = x + alpha p */
+      _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+        x[i] += alpha * p[i];
+      /* Exit if we're done */
+      if (rdotr/bnrm2 < tol2)
+        break;
+      if (num_backwards > num_backwards_ceiling)
+        {
+          /* Reset */
+          num_backwards = 0;
+          mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, x_save, x);
+          /* r = Ax */
+          mantiuk06_multiplyA (pyramid, pC, x, r);
+          /* r = b - r */
+          mantiuk06_matrix_subtract (n, b, r);
+          /* rdotr = r.r */
+          rdotr = mantiuk06_matrix_dot_product (n, r, r);
+          saved_rdotr = rdotr;
+          /* p = r */
+          mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, r, p);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          /* p = r + beta p */
+          const gfloat beta = rdotr/old_rdotr;
+          _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+          for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+            p[i] = r[i] + beta*p[i];
+        }
+    }
+  /* Use the best version we found */
+  if (rdotr > saved_rdotr)
+    {
+      rdotr = saved_rdotr;
+      mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, x_save, x);
+    }
+  if (rdotr/bnrm2 > tol2)
+    {
+      /* Not converged */
+      if (progress_cb != NULL)
+        progress_cb ((int) (logf (rdotr / irdotr) * percent_sf));
+      if (iter == itmax)
+        g_warning ("mantiuk06: Warning: "
+                   "Not converged (hit maximum iterations), "
+                   "error = %g (should be below %g).",
+                   sqrtf (rdotr/bnrm2), tol);
+      else
+        g_warning ("mantiuk06: Warning: "
+                   "Not converged (going unstable), "
+                   "error = %g (should be below %g).",
+                   sqrtf (rdotr/bnrm2), tol);
+    }
+  else if (progress_cb != NULL)
+    progress_cb (100);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (x_save);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (p);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (Ap);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (r);
+/* in_tab and out_tab should contain inccreasing float values */
+static inline gfloat
+mantiuk06_lookup_table (const gint          n,
+                        const gfloat *const in_tab,
+                        const gfloat *const out_tab,
+                        const gfloat        val)
+  gint j;
+  if (G_UNLIKELY (val < in_tab[0]))
+    return out_tab[0];
+  for (j = 1; j < n; j++)
+    if (val < in_tab[j])
+      {
+        const gfloat dd = (val - in_tab[j-1]) / (in_tab[j] - in_tab[j-1]);
+        return out_tab[j-1] + (out_tab[j] - out_tab[j-1]) * dd;
+      }
+  return out_tab[n-1];
+/* transform gradient (Gx,Gy) to R */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_transform_to_R (const gint        n,
+                          gfloat     *const G)
+  gint j;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
+    {
+      /* G to W */
+      const gfloat absG = fabsf (G[j]);
+      int sign;
+      if (G[j] < 0)
+        sign = -1;
+      else
+        sign = 1;
+      G[j] = (powf (10, absG) - 1.0f) * sign;
+      /* W to RESP */
+      if (G[j] < 0)
+        sign = -1;
+      else
+        sign = 1;
+      G[j] = sign * mantiuk06_lookup_table (LOOKUP_W_TO_R,
+                                            W_table,
+                                            R_table,
+                                            fabsf (G[j]));
+    }
+/* transform gradient (Gx,Gy) to R for the whole pyramid */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_pyramid_transform_to_R (pyramid_t *pyramid)
+  while (pyramid != NULL)
+    {
+      const int size = pyramid->rows * pyramid->cols;
+      mantiuk06_transform_to_R (size, pyramid->Gx);
+      mantiuk06_transform_to_R (size, pyramid->Gy);
+      pyramid = pyramid->next;
+    }
+/* transform from R to G */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_transform_to_G (const gint        n,
+                          gfloat     *const R)
+  gint j;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (j = 0; j < n; j++){
+    /* RESP to W */
+    gint sign;
+    if (R[j] < 0)
+      sign = -1;
+    else
+      sign = 1;
+    R[j] = sign * mantiuk06_lookup_table (LOOKUP_W_TO_R,
+                                          R_table,
+                                          W_table,
+                                          fabsf (R[j]));
+    /* W to G */
+    if (R[j] < 0)
+      sign = -1;
+    else
+      sign = 1;
+    R[j] = log10f (fabsf (R[j]) + 1.0f) * sign;
+  }
+/* transform from R to G for the pyramid */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_pyramid_transform_to_G (pyramid_t *pyramid)
+  while (pyramid != NULL)
+    {
+      mantiuk06_transform_to_G (pyramid->rows*pyramid->cols, pyramid->Gx);
+      mantiuk06_transform_to_G (pyramid->rows*pyramid->cols, pyramid->Gy);
+      pyramid = pyramid->next;
+    }
+/* multiply gradient (Gx,Gy) values by float scalar value for the
+ * whole pyramid
+ */
+static inline void
+mantiuk06_pyramid_gradient_multiply (pyramid_t    *pyramid,
+                                     const gfloat  val)
+  while (pyramid != NULL)
+    {
+      mantiuk06_matrix_multiply_const (pyramid->rows * pyramid->cols,
+                                       pyramid->Gx, val);
+      mantiuk06_matrix_multiply_const (pyramid->rows * pyramid->cols,
+                                       pyramid->Gy, val);
+      pyramid = pyramid->next;
+    }
+static int
+mantiuk06_sort_float (const void *const v1,
+                      const void *const v2)
+  if (*((gfloat*)v1) < *((gfloat*)v2))
+    return -1;
+  if (G_LIKELY (*((gfloat*)v1) > *((gfloat*)v2)))
+    return 1;
+  return 0;
+/* transform gradients to luminance */
+static void
+mantiuk06_transform_to_luminance (pyramid_t                        *pp,
+                                  gfloat                    *const  x,
+                                  pfstmo_progress_callback         progress,
+                                  const gboolean                   bcg,
+                                  const gint                       itmax,
+                                  const gfloat                     tol)
+  gfloat     *b;
+  pyramid_t  *pC = mantiuk06_pyramid_allocate (pp->cols, pp->rows);
+  /* calculate (Cx,Cy) */
+  mantiuk06_pyramid_calculate_scale_factor (pp, pC);
+  /* scale small gradients by (Cx,Cy); */
+  mantiuk06_pyramid_scale_gradient (pp, pC);
+  b = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (pp->cols * pp->rows);
+  /* calculate the sum of divergences (equal to b) */
+  mantiuk06_pyramid_calculate_divergence_sum (pp, b);
+  /* calculate luminances from gradients */
+  if (bcg)
+    mantiuk06_linbcg (pp, pC, b, x, itmax, tol, progress);
+  else
+    mantiuk06_lincg (pp, pC, b, x, itmax, tol, progress);
+  mantiuk06_matrix_free (b);
+  mantiuk06_pyramid_free (pC);
+struct hist_data
+  gfloat size;
+  gfloat cdf;
+  gint index;
+static int
+mantiuk06_hist_data_order (const void *const v1,
+                           const void *const v2)
+  if (((struct hist_data*) v1)->size < ((struct hist_data*) v2)->size)
+    return -1;
+  if (((struct hist_data*) v1)->size > ((struct hist_data*) v2)->size)
+    return 1;
+  return 0;
+static int
+mantiuk06_hist_data_index (const void *const v1,
+                           const void *const v2)
+  return ((struct hist_data*) v1)->index - ((struct hist_data*) v2)->index;
+static void
+mantiuk06_contrast_equalization (pyramid_t   *pp,
+                                 const gfloat  contrastFactor )
+  gint              i, idx;
+  struct hist_data *hist;
+  gint              total_pixels = 0;
+  /* Count sizes */
+  pyramid_t *l = pp;
+  while (l != NULL)
+    {
+      total_pixels += l->rows * l->cols;
+      l = l->next;
+    }
+  /* Allocate memory */
+  hist = g_new (struct hist_data, total_pixels);
+  /* Build histogram info */
+  l   = pp;
+  idx = 0;
+  while (l != NULL)
+    {
+      const int pixels = l->rows*l->cols;
+      const int offset = idx;
+      gint      c;
+      _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+      for (c = 0; c < pixels; c++)
+        {
+          hist[c+offset].size = sqrtf (l->Gx[c] * l->Gx[c] +
+                                       l->Gy[c] * l->Gy[c]);
+          hist[c+offset].index = c + offset;
+        }
+      idx += pixels;
+      l = l->next;
+    }
+  /* Generate histogram */
+  qsort (hist, total_pixels, sizeof (struct hist_data),
+         mantiuk06_hist_data_order);
+  /* Calculate cdf */
+  {
+    const gfloat norm = 1.0f / (gfloat) total_pixels;
+    _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+    for (i = 0; i < total_pixels; i++)
+      hist[i].cdf = ((gfloat) i) * norm;
+  }
+  /* Recalculate in terms of indexes */
+  qsort (hist, total_pixels,
+         sizeof (struct hist_data),
+         mantiuk06_hist_data_index);
+  /*Remap gradient magnitudes */
+  l   = pp;
+  idx = 0;
+  while (l != NULL )
+    {
+      gint      c;
+      const int pixels = l->rows*l->cols;
+      const int offset = idx;
+      _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+      for (c = 0; c < pixels; c++)
+        {
+          const gfloat scale = contrastFactor      *
+                               hist[c+offset].cdf  /
+                               hist[c+offset].size;
+          l->Gx[c] *= scale;
+          l->Gy[c] *= scale;
+        }
+      idx += pixels;
+      l    = l->next;
+    }
+  g_free (hist);
+/* tone mapping */
+static int
+mantiuk06_contmap (const int                       c,
+                   const int                       r,
+                   gfloat                   *const rgb,
+                   gfloat                   *const Y,
+                   const gfloat                    contrastFactor,
+                   const gfloat                    saturationFactor,
+                   const gboolean                  bcg,
+                   const int                       itmax,
+                   const gfloat                    tol,
+                   pfstmo_progress_callback        progress)
+  const guint n = c*r;
+        guint j;
+  /* Normalize */
+  gfloat Ymax = Y[0],
+         clip_min;
+  for (j = 1; j < n; j++)
+      Ymax = MAX (Y[j], Ymax);
+  clip_min = 1e-7f * Ymax;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (j = 0; j < n * 4; j++)
+      if (G_UNLIKELY (rgb[j] < clip_min)) rgb[j] = clip_min;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
+      if (G_UNLIKELY (  Y[j] < clip_min))   Y[j] = clip_min;
+  _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
+    {
+      rgb[j * 4 + 0] /= Y[j];
+      rgb[j * 4 + 1] /= Y[j];
+      rgb[j * 4 + 2] /= Y[j];
+      Y[j]            = log10f (Y[j]);
+    }
+  {
+    /* create pyramid */
+    pyramid_t *pp = mantiuk06_pyramid_allocate (c,r);
+    gfloat    *tY = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n);
+    /* copy Y to tY */
+    mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, Y, tY);
+    /* calculate gradients for pyramid, destroys tY */
+    mantiuk06_pyramid_calculate_gradient (pp,tY);
+    mantiuk06_matrix_free (tY);
+    /* transform gradients to R */
+    mantiuk06_pyramid_transform_to_R (pp);
+    /* Contrast map */
+    if (contrastFactor > 0.0f)
+      /* Contrast mapping */
+      mantiuk06_pyramid_gradient_multiply (pp, contrastFactor);
+    else
+      /* Contrast equalization */
+      mantiuk06_contrast_equalization (pp, -contrastFactor);
+    /* transform R to gradients */
+    mantiuk06_pyramid_transform_to_G (pp);
+    /* transform gradients to luminance Y */
+    mantiuk06_transform_to_luminance (pp, Y, progress, bcg, itmax, tol);
+    mantiuk06_pyramid_free (pp);
+  }
+  /* Renormalize luminance */
+  {
+    const gfloat CUT_MARGIN = 0.1f;
+    gfloat      *temp = mantiuk06_matrix_alloc (n),
+                 trim, delta, l_min, l_max;
+    /* copy Y to temp */
+    mantiuk06_matrix_copy (n, Y, temp);
+    /* sort temp in ascending order */
+    qsort (temp, n, sizeof (gfloat), mantiuk06_sort_float);
+    /* const float median = (temp[(int)((n-1)/2)] + temp[(int)((n-1)/2+1)]) * 0.5f; */
+    /* calculate median */
+    trim  = (n - 1) * CUT_MARGIN * 0.01f;
+    delta = trim - floorf (trim);
+    l_min = temp[(int)floorf (trim)] * delta +
+            temp[(int) ceilf (trim)] * (1.0f - delta);
+    trim  = (n - 1) * (100.0f - CUT_MARGIN) * 0.01f;
+    delta = trim - floorf (trim);
+    l_max = temp[(int)floorf (trim)] * delta +
+            temp[(int) ceilf (trim)] * (1.0f - delta);
+    mantiuk06_matrix_free (temp);
+    {
+      const gfloat disp_dyn_range = 2.3f;
+      _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+      for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
+          /* x scaled */
+          Y[j] = ( Y[j] - l_min) /
+                 (l_max - l_min) *
+                 disp_dyn_range - disp_dyn_range;
+    }
+    /* Transform to linear scale RGB */
+    _OMP (omp parallel for schedule(static))
+    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
+      {
+        Y[j] = powf (10,Y[j]);
+        rgb[j * 4 + 0] = powf (rgb[j * 4 + 0], saturationFactor) * Y[j];
+        rgb[j * 4 + 1] = powf (rgb[j * 4 + 1], saturationFactor) * Y[j];
+        rgb[j * 4 + 2] = powf (rgb[j * 4 + 2], saturationFactor) * Y[j];
+      }
+  }
+  return PFSTMO_OK;
+static void
+mantiuk06_prepare (GeglOperation *operation)
+  gegl_operation_set_format (operation, "input",  babl_format (OUTPUT_FORMAT));
+  gegl_operation_set_format (operation, "output", babl_format (OUTPUT_FORMAT));
+static GeglRectangle
+mantiuk06_get_required_for_output (GeglOperation        *operation,
+                                    const gchar         *input_pad,
+                                    const GeglRectangle *roi)
+  GeglRectangle result = *gegl_operation_source_get_bounding_box (operation,
+                                                                  "input");
+  return result;
+static GeglRectangle
+mantiuk06_get_cached_region (GeglOperation        *operation,
+                              const GeglRectangle *roi)
+  return *gegl_operation_source_get_bounding_box (operation, "input");
+static gboolean
+mantiuk06_process (GeglOperation       *operation,
+                    GeglBuffer          *input,
+                    GeglBuffer          *output,
+                    const GeglRectangle *result)
+  const GeglChantO *o          = GEGL_CHANT_PROPERTIES (operation);
+  const gint        pix_stride = 4; /* RGBA */
+  gfloat           *lum,
+                   *pix;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (operation, FALSE);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (input, FALSE);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (output, FALSE);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (result, FALSE);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (babl_format_get_n_components (babl_format (OUTPUT_FORMAT)) == pix_stride, FALSE);
+  /* Obtain the pixel data */
+  lum = g_new (gfloat, result->width * result->height),
+  gegl_buffer_get (input, 1.0, result, babl_format ("Y float"),
+                   lum, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE);
+  pix = g_new (gfloat, result->width * result->height * pix_stride);
+  gegl_buffer_get (input, 1.0, result, babl_format (OUTPUT_FORMAT),
+                   pix, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE);
+  mantiuk06_contmap (result->width, result->height, pix, lum,
+                     o->contrast, o->saturation, FALSE, 200, 1e-3, NULL);
+  /* Cleanup and set the output */
+  gegl_buffer_set (output, result, babl_format (OUTPUT_FORMAT), pix,
+                   GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE);
+  g_free (pix);
+  g_free (lum);
+  return TRUE;
+ */
+static void
+gegl_chant_class_init (GeglChantClass *klass)
+  GeglOperationClass       *operation_class;
+  GeglOperationFilterClass *filter_class;
+  operation_class = GEGL_OPERATION_CLASS (klass);
+  filter_class    = GEGL_OPERATION_FILTER_CLASS (klass);
+  filter_class->process = mantiuk06_process;
+  operation_class->prepare                 = mantiuk06_prepare;
+  operation_class->get_required_for_output = mantiuk06_get_required_for_output;
+  operation_class->get_cached_region       = mantiuk06_get_cached_region;
+  operation_class->name        = "gegl:mantiuk06";
+  operation_class->categories  = "tonemapping";
+  operation_class->description =
+        _("Adapt an image, which may have a high dynamic range, for "
+          "presentation using a low dynamic range. This operator constrains "
+          "contrasts across multiple spatial frequencies, producing "
+          "luminance within the range 0.0-1.0");
diff --git a/tests/compositions/mantiuk06.xml b/tests/compositions/mantiuk06.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..114dcb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/compositions/mantiuk06.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <node operation='gegl:mantiuk06'>
+    <params>
+      <param name='contrast'>0.3</param>
+      <param name='saturation'>0.9</param>
+      <param name='detail'>2.0</param>
+    </params>
+  </node>
+  <node operation='gegl:load'>
+    <params>
+      <param name='path'>data/parliament.hdr</param>
+    </params>
+  </node>
diff --git a/tests/compositions/reference/mantiuk06.png b/tests/compositions/reference/mantiuk06.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f4061c
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/compositions/reference/mantiuk06.png differ

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