[f-spot] Pull some types in FSpot.Database apart.

commit f444ff4d6c162b6cbc5e50006f265f227f0c8ca7
Author: Ruben Vermeersch <ruben savanne be>
Date:   Mon Aug 9 21:50:43 2010 +0200

    Pull some types in FSpot.Database apart.

 src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/Db.cs          |  422 +++++++--------------
 src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/DbException.cs |   11 +
 src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/DbStore.cs     |  121 ++++++
 src/Clients/MainApp/MainApp.csproj                |    2 +
 src/Clients/MainApp/Makefile.am                   |    2 +
 5 files changed, 280 insertions(+), 278 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/Db.cs b/src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/Db.cs
index c7b28c0..e223561 100644
--- a/src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/Db.cs
+++ b/src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/Db.cs
@@ -1,288 +1,154 @@
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.IO;
 using System;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using FSpot;
-using FSpot.Core;
 using Hyena;
 // A Store maps to a SQL table.  We have separate stores (i.e. SQL tables) for tags, photos and imports.
-namespace FSpot.Database {
-public class DbException : ApplicationException {
-	public DbException(string msg) : base(msg)
-	{
-	}
-public abstract class DbStore<T> where T : DbItem {
-	// DbItem cache.
-	public event EventHandler<DbItemEventArgs<T>> ItemsAdded;
-	public event EventHandler<DbItemEventArgs<T>> ItemsRemoved;
-	public event EventHandler<DbItemEventArgs<T>> ItemsChanged;
-	protected Dictionary<uint, object> item_cache;
-	bool cache_is_immortal;
-	protected void AddToCache (T item)
-	{
-		if (item_cache.ContainsKey (item.Id))
-			item_cache.Remove (item.Id);
-		if (cache_is_immortal)
-			item_cache.Add (item.Id, item);
-		else
-			item_cache.Add (item.Id, new WeakReference (item));
-	}
-	protected T LookupInCache (uint id)
-	{
-		if (!item_cache.ContainsKey(id))
-			return null;
-		if (cache_is_immortal)
-			return item_cache [id] as T;
-		WeakReference weakref = item_cache [id] as WeakReference;
-		return (T) weakref.Target;
-	}
-	protected void RemoveFromCache (T item)
-	{
-		item_cache.Remove (item.Id);
-	}
-	protected void EmitAdded (T item)
-	{
-		EmitAdded (new T [] { item });
-	}
-	protected void EmitAdded (T [] items)
-	{
-		EmitEvent (ItemsAdded, new DbItemEventArgs<T> (items));
-	}
-	protected void EmitChanged (T item)
-	{
-		EmitChanged (new T [] { item });
-	}
-	protected void EmitChanged (T [] items)
-	{
-		EmitChanged (items, new DbItemEventArgs<T> (items));
-	}
-	protected void EmitChanged (T [] items, DbItemEventArgs<T> args)
-	{
-		EmitEvent (ItemsChanged, args);
-	}
-	protected void EmitRemoved (T item)
-	{
-		EmitRemoved (new T [] { item });
-	}
-	protected void EmitRemoved (T [] items)
-	{
-		EmitEvent (ItemsRemoved, new DbItemEventArgs<T> (items));
-	}
-	private void EmitEvent (EventHandler<DbItemEventArgs<T>> evnt, DbItemEventArgs<T> args)
-	{
-		if (evnt == null) // No subscribers.
-			return;
-		ThreadAssist.ProxyToMain (() => {
-			evnt (this, args);
-		});
-	}
-	public bool CacheEmpty {
-		get {
-			return item_cache.Count == 0;
-		}
-	}
-	FSpotDatabaseConnection database;
-	protected FSpotDatabaseConnection Database {
-		get {
-			return database;
-		}
-	}
-	// Constructor.
-	public DbStore (FSpotDatabaseConnection database,
-			bool cache_is_immortal)
-	{
-		this.database = database;
-		this.cache_is_immortal = cache_is_immortal;
-		item_cache = new Dictionary<uint, object> ();
-	}
-	// Abstract methods.
-	public abstract T Get (uint id);
-	public abstract void Remove (T item);
-	// If you have made changes to "obj", you have to invoke Commit() to have the changes
-	// saved into the database.
-	public abstract void Commit (T item);
+namespace FSpot.Database
 // The Database puts the stores together.
-public class Db : IDisposable {
-	TagStore tag_store;
-	PhotoStore photo_store;
-	RollStore roll_store;
-	ExportStore export_store;
-	JobStore job_store;
-	MetaStore meta_store;
-	bool empty;
-	string path;
-	public TagStore Tags {
-		get { return tag_store; }
-	}
-	public RollStore Rolls {
-		get { return roll_store; }
-	}
-	public ExportStore Exports {
-		get { return export_store; }
-	}
-	public JobStore Jobs {
-		get { return job_store; }
-	}
-	public PhotoStore Photos {
-		get { return photo_store; }
-	}
-	public MetaStore Meta {
-		get { return meta_store; }
-	}
-	// This affects how often the database writes data back to disk, and
-	// therefore how likely corruption is in the event of power loss.
-	public bool Sync {
-		set {
-			string query = "PRAGMA synchronous = " + (value ? "ON" : "OFF");
-			Database.Execute(query);
-		}
-	}
-	FSpotDatabaseConnection database;
-	public FSpotDatabaseConnection Database {
-		get { return database; }
-	}
-	public string Repair ()
-	{
-		string backup_path = path;
-		int i = 0;
-		while (File.Exists (backup_path)) {
-			backup_path = String.Format ("{0}-{1}-{2}{3}",
-						     Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (path),
-						     System.DateTime.Now.ToString ("yyyyMMdd"),
-						     i++,
-						     Path.GetExtension (path));
-		}
-		File.Move (path, backup_path);
-		Init (path, true);
-		return backup_path;
-	}
-	public void Init (string path, bool create_if_missing)
-	{
-		uint timer = Log.DebugTimerStart ();
-		bool new_db = ! File.Exists (path);
-		this.path = path;
-		if (new_db && ! create_if_missing)
-			throw new Exception (path + ": File not found");
-		database = new FSpotDatabaseConnection (path);
-		// Load or create the meta table
-		meta_store = new MetaStore (Database, new_db);
-		// Update the database schema if necessary
-		FSpot.Database.Updater.Run (Database);
-		Database.BeginTransaction ();
-		tag_store = new TagStore (Database, new_db);
-		roll_store = new RollStore (Database, new_db);
-		export_store = new ExportStore (Database, new_db);
-		job_store = new JobStore (Database, new_db);
-		photo_store = new PhotoStore (Database, new_db);
-		Database.CommitTransaction ();
-		empty = new_db;
-		Log.DebugTimerPrint (timer, "Db Initialization took {0}");
-	}
-	public bool Empty {
-		get {
-			return empty;
-		}
-	}
-	public void Dispose ()
-	{
-		Dispose (true);
-		GC.SuppressFinalize (this);
-	}
-	bool already_disposed = false;
-	protected virtual void Dispose (bool is_disposing)
-	{
-		if (already_disposed)
-			return;
-		if (is_disposing) {//Free managed resources
-			Database.Dispose ();
-		}
-		//Free eunmanaged resources
-		already_disposed = true;
-	}
-	~Db ()
-	{
-		Log.DebugFormat ("Finalizer called on {0}. Should be Disposed", GetType ());
-		Dispose (false);
-	}
-	public void BeginTransaction()
-	{
-		Database.BeginTransaction ();
-	}
-	public void CommitTransaction()
-	{
-		Database.CommitTransaction ();
-	}
-	public void RollbackTransaction()
-	{
-		Database.RollbackTransaction ();
-	}
+    public class Db : IDisposable
+    {
+        TagStore tag_store;
+        PhotoStore photo_store;
+        RollStore roll_store;
+        ExportStore export_store;
+        JobStore job_store;
+        MetaStore meta_store;
+        bool empty;
+        string path;
+        public TagStore Tags {
+            get { return tag_store; }
+        }
+        public RollStore Rolls {
+            get { return roll_store; }
+        }
+        public ExportStore Exports {
+            get { return export_store; }
+        }
+        public JobStore Jobs {
+            get { return job_store; }
+        }
+        public PhotoStore Photos {
+            get { return photo_store; }
+        }
+        public MetaStore Meta {
+            get { return meta_store; }
+        }
+        // This affects how often the database writes data back to disk, and
+        // therefore how likely corruption is in the event of power loss.
+        public bool Sync {
+            set {
+                string query = "PRAGMA synchronous = " + (value ? "ON" : "OFF");
+                Database.Execute (query);
+            }
+        }
+        FSpotDatabaseConnection database;
+        public FSpotDatabaseConnection Database {
+            get { return database; }
+        }
+        public string Repair ()
+        {
+            string backup_path = path;
+            int i = 0;
+            while (File.Exists (backup_path)) {
+                backup_path = String.Format ("{0}-{1}-{2}{3}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (path), System.DateTime.Now.ToString ("yyyyMMdd"), i++, Path.GetExtension (path));
+            }
+            File.Move (path, backup_path);
+            Init (path, true);
+            return backup_path;
+        }
+        public void Init (string path, bool create_if_missing)
+        {
+            uint timer = Log.DebugTimerStart ();
+            bool new_db = !File.Exists (path);
+            this.path = path;
+            if (new_db && !create_if_missing)
+                throw new Exception (path + ": File not found");
+            database = new FSpotDatabaseConnection (path);
+            // Load or create the meta table
+            meta_store = new MetaStore (Database, new_db);
+            // Update the database schema if necessary
+            FSpot.Database.Updater.Run (Database);
+            Database.BeginTransaction ();
+            tag_store = new TagStore (Database, new_db);
+            roll_store = new RollStore (Database, new_db);
+            export_store = new ExportStore (Database, new_db);
+            job_store = new JobStore (Database, new_db);
+            photo_store = new PhotoStore (Database, new_db);
+            Database.CommitTransaction ();
+            empty = new_db;
+            Log.DebugTimerPrint (timer, "Db Initialization took {0}");
+        }
+        public bool Empty {
+            get { return empty; }
+        }
+        public void Dispose ()
+        {
+            Dispose (true);
+            GC.SuppressFinalize (this);
+        }
+        bool already_disposed = false;
+        protected virtual void Dispose (bool is_disposing)
+        {
+            if (already_disposed)
+                return;
+            if (is_disposing) {
+                //Free managed resources
+                Database.Dispose ();
+            }
+            //Free unmanaged resources
+            already_disposed = true;
+        }
+        ~Db ()
+        {
+            Log.DebugFormat ("Finalizer called on {0}. Should be Disposed", GetType ());
+            Dispose (false);
+        }
+        public void BeginTransaction ()
+        {
+            Database.BeginTransaction ();
+        }
+        public void CommitTransaction ()
+        {
+            Database.CommitTransaction ();
+        }
+        public void RollbackTransaction ()
+        {
+            Database.RollbackTransaction ();
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/DbException.cs b/src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/DbException.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d828cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/DbException.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+using System;
+namespace FSpot.Database
+    public class DbException : ApplicationException
+    {
+        public DbException (string msg) : base(msg)
+        {
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/DbStore.cs b/src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/DbStore.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0ed52c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Clients/MainApp/FSpot.Database/DbStore.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Hyena;
+using FSpot.Core;
+namespace FSpot.Database
+    public abstract class DbStore<T> where T : DbItem
+    {
+        // DbItem cache.
+        public event EventHandler<DbItemEventArgs<T>> ItemsAdded;
+        public event EventHandler<DbItemEventArgs<T>> ItemsRemoved;
+        public event EventHandler<DbItemEventArgs<T>> ItemsChanged;
+        protected Dictionary<uint, object> item_cache;
+        bool cache_is_immortal;
+        protected void AddToCache (T item)
+        {
+            if (item_cache.ContainsKey (item.Id))
+                item_cache.Remove (item.Id);
+            if (cache_is_immortal)
+                item_cache.Add (item.Id, item);
+            else
+                item_cache.Add (item.Id, new WeakReference (item));
+        }
+        protected T LookupInCache (uint id)
+        {
+            if (!item_cache.ContainsKey (id))
+                return null;
+            if (cache_is_immortal)
+                return item_cache[id] as T;
+            WeakReference weakref = item_cache[id] as WeakReference;
+            return (T)weakref.Target;
+        }
+        protected void RemoveFromCache (T item)
+        {
+            item_cache.Remove (item.Id);
+        }
+        protected void EmitAdded (T item)
+        {
+            EmitAdded (new T[] { item });
+        }
+        protected void EmitAdded (T[] items)
+        {
+            EmitEvent (ItemsAdded, new DbItemEventArgs<T> (items));
+        }
+        protected void EmitChanged (T item)
+        {
+            EmitChanged (new T[] { item });
+        }
+        protected void EmitChanged (T[] items)
+        {
+            EmitChanged (items, new DbItemEventArgs<T> (items));
+        }
+        protected void EmitChanged (T[] items, DbItemEventArgs<T> args)
+        {
+            EmitEvent (ItemsChanged, args);
+        }
+        protected void EmitRemoved (T item)
+        {
+            EmitRemoved (new T[] { item });
+        }
+        protected void EmitRemoved (T[] items)
+        {
+            EmitEvent (ItemsRemoved, new DbItemEventArgs<T> (items));
+        }
+        private void EmitEvent (EventHandler<DbItemEventArgs<T>> evnt, DbItemEventArgs<T> args)
+        {
+            if (evnt == null)
+                // No subscribers.
+                return;
+            ThreadAssist.ProxyToMain (() => { evnt (this, args); });
+        }
+        public bool CacheEmpty {
+            get { return item_cache.Count == 0; }
+        }
+        FSpotDatabaseConnection database;
+        protected FSpotDatabaseConnection Database {
+            get { return database; }
+        }
+        // Constructor.
+        public DbStore (FSpotDatabaseConnection database, bool cache_is_immortal)
+        {
+            this.database = database;
+            this.cache_is_immortal = cache_is_immortal;
+            item_cache = new Dictionary<uint, object> ();
+        }
+        // Abstract methods.
+        public abstract T Get (uint id);
+        public abstract void Remove (T item);
+        // If you have made changes to "obj", you have to invoke Commit() to have the changes
+        // saved into the database.
+        public abstract void Commit (T item);
+    }
diff --git a/src/Clients/MainApp/MainApp.csproj b/src/Clients/MainApp/MainApp.csproj
index 0a8f5db..b5a54be 100644
--- a/src/Clients/MainApp/MainApp.csproj
+++ b/src/Clients/MainApp/MainApp.csproj
@@ -210,6 +210,8 @@
     <Compile Include="FSpot\PhotoStore.cs" />
     <Compile Include="FSpot\RollStore.cs" />
     <Compile Include="FSpot\TagStore.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="FSpot.Database\DbException.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="FSpot.Database\DbStore.cs" />
     <EmbeddedResource Include="..\..\..\COPYING">
diff --git a/src/Clients/MainApp/Makefile.am b/src/Clients/MainApp/Makefile.am
index ea2d054..58cdd54 100644
--- a/src/Clients/MainApp/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Clients/MainApp/Makefile.am
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ SOURCES =  \
 	FSpot.ColorAdjustment/FullColorAdjustment.cs \
 	FSpot.ColorAdjustment/SepiaTone.cs \
 	FSpot.Database/Db.cs \
+	FSpot.Database/DbException.cs \
+	FSpot.Database/DbStore.cs \
 	FSpot.Database/FSpotDatabaseConnection.cs \
 	FSpot.Database/Tests/UpdaterTests.cs \
 	FSpot.Database/Updater.cs \

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