[folks] Take "im-addresses" as the parameter for a new Kf.Persona

commit aafc38cfcfe923549cedeed9641d939933e03b08
Author: Philip Withnall <philip withnall collabora co uk>
Date:   Mon Aug 9 14:47:36 2010 +0100

    Take "im-addresses" as the parameter for a new Kf.Persona
    This allows construction of new key file personas which contain multiple
    IM addresses from different protocols.

 backends/key-file/kf-persona-store.vala |   24 +++++++++---------------
 backends/key-file/kf-persona.vala       |   15 ++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/backends/key-file/kf-persona-store.vala b/backends/key-file/kf-persona-store.vala
index 5b046bd..831a186 100644
--- a/backends/key-file/kf-persona-store.vala
+++ b/backends/key-file/kf-persona-store.vala
@@ -177,32 +177,26 @@ public class Folks.Backends.Kf.PersonaStore : Folks.PersonaStore
   public override async Folks.Persona? add_persona_from_details (
       HashTable<string, Value?> details) throws Folks.PersonaStoreError
-      Value val = details.lookup ("im-address");
-      unowned string im_address = val.get_string ();
-      val = details.lookup ("protocol");
-      unowned string protocol = val.get_string ();
+      unowned Value val = details.lookup ("im-addresses");
+      unowned HashTable<string, GenericArray<string>> im_addresses =
+          (HashTable<string, GenericArray<string>>) val.get_boxed ();
-      if (im_address == null || protocol == null)
+      if (im_addresses == null || im_addresses.size () == 0)
           throw new PersonaStoreError.INVALID_ARGUMENT (
               "persona store (%s, %s) requires the following details:\n" +
-              "    im-address (provided: '%s')\n",
-              "    protocol (provided: '%s')\n",
-              this.type_id, this.id, im_address, protocol);
+              "    im-addresses (provided: '%p')\n",
+              this.type_id, this.id, im_addresses);
       string persona_id = this.first_unused_id.to_string ();
-      /* Insert the new IM details into the key file and create a Persona from
-       * them */
-      string[] im_addresses = new string[1];
-      im_addresses[0] = im_address;
-      this.key_file.set_string_list (persona_id, protocol, im_addresses);
-      yield this.save_key_file ();
+      /* Create a new persona and set its im-addresses property to update the
+       * key file */
       Persona persona = new Kf.Persona (this.key_file, persona_id, this);
       this._personas.insert (persona.iid, persona);
+      persona.im_addresses = im_addresses;
       /* FIXME: Groups.ChangeReason is not the right enum to use here */
       GLib.List<Persona> personas = new GLib.List<Persona> ();
diff --git a/backends/key-file/kf-persona.vala b/backends/key-file/kf-persona.vala
index df5b935..c3133d5 100644
--- a/backends/key-file/kf-persona.vala
+++ b/backends/key-file/kf-persona.vala
@@ -65,8 +65,10 @@ public class Folks.Backends.Kf.Persona : Folks.Persona,
           this._im_addresses.foreach ((k, v) =>
               unowned string protocol = (string) k;
-              unowned string[] addresses = (string[]) v;
-              this.key_file.set_string_list (this.uid, protocol, addresses);
+              unowned PtrArray addresses = (PtrArray) v;
+              unowned string[] _addresses = (string[]) addresses.pdata;
+              _addresses.length = (int) addresses.len;
+              this.key_file.set_string_list (this.uid, protocol, _addresses);
           /* Get the PersonaStore to save the key file */
@@ -118,9 +120,12 @@ public class Folks.Backends.Kf.Persona : Folks.Persona,
       catch (KeyFileError e)
-          /* This should never be reached, as we're listing the keys then
-           * iterating through the list. */
-          GLib.assert_not_reached ();
+          /* We get a GROUP_NOT_FOUND exception if we're creating a new
+           * Persona, since it doesn't yet exist in the key file. We shouldn't
+           * get any other exceptions, since we're iterating through a list of
+           * keys we've just retrieved. */
+          if (!(e is KeyFileError.GROUP_NOT_FOUND))
+            GLib.assert_not_reached ();

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