[ekiga] Updated Oriya Translation
- From: Manoj Kumar Giri <mgiri src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [ekiga] Updated Oriya Translation
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 08:58:54 +0000 (UTC)
commit 91a626777707586754c2e7a0f8bd286be097526c
Author: Manoj Kumar Giri <mgiri mgiri csb>
Date: Wed Apr 28 14:28:35 2010 +0530
Updated Oriya Translation
po/or.po | 2665 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
1 files changed, 1443 insertions(+), 1222 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/or.po b/po/or.po
index 0debd5f..5e44135 100644
--- a/po/or.po
+++ b/po/or.po
@@ -1,33 +1,36 @@
-# translation of or.po to Oriya
-# Manoj Kumar Giri <mgiri redhat com>, 2009.
+# translation of ekiga.master.or.po to Oriya
+# Manoj Kumar Giri <mgiri redhat com>, 2009, 2010.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: or\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: ekiga.master.or\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=ekiga&component=general\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-28 16:43+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-04-29 18:27+0530\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-26 08:04+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-28 14:21+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: Manoj Kumar Giri <mgiri redhat com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Oriya <oriya-it googlegroups com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Oriya <Translation-team-or lists sourceforge net>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
-#: ../ekiga.desktop.in.in.h:1
+#. Application name
+#: ../ekiga.desktop.in.in.h:1 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:4382
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:4384
msgid "Ekiga Softphone"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା ସଫà?à¬?ଫà?ନ"
+msgstr "Ekiga ସଫà?à¬?ଫà?ନ"
#: ../ekiga.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "IP Telephony, VoIP and Video Conferencing"
msgstr "IP à¬?à?ଲିଫà?ନà?, VoIP à¬?ବà¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ନଫରà?ନà?ସିà¬?à?à¬?"
#: ../ekiga.desktop.in.in.h:3
-#| msgid "Talk to people over the Internet"
msgid "Talk to and see people over the Internet"
msgstr "à¬?ଣà?à¬?ରନà?à¬?ରà? ଲà?à¬?à¬?à?à¬? ସହିତ à¬?ଥାବାରà?ତà?ତା ହà?à¬?ନà?ତà? à¬?ବà¬? ଦà?à¬?ନà?ତà?"
@@ -41,13 +44,13 @@ msgid ""
"hardware support is not available. If this is set to false, Ekiga will not "
"try to open the PIP if hardware support is not available."
msgstr ""
-"Ekiga à¬?à? ସଫà?à¬?à±à?ର ମାପà¬?ରà? à¬?ବି-ରà?-à¬?ବିà¬?à? ପଡ଼ିଥାà¬? ଯଦି ହାରà?ଡà±à?ର ସମରà?ଥନ à¬?ପଲବà?ଧ ହà?à¬?ନଥାà¬?। "
-"ଯଦି à¬?ହାà¬?à? false ସà?à¬? à¬?ରାଯାà¬?, ତà?ବà? Ekiga PIPà¬?à? à¬?à?ଲିବାà¬?à? à¬?à?ଷà?à¬?ାà¬?ରିଥାà¬? ଯଦି ହାରà?ଡà±à?ର "
-"ସମରà?ଥନ à¬?ପଲବà?ଧ ହà?à¬?ନଥାà¬?।"
+"Ekiga à¬?à? à¬?ବି ପରà? à¬?ବି ସଫà?à¬?à±à?ର ମାପିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ପà¬?ାà¬?ବାà¬?à? à¬?ନà?ମତି ଦà?à¬?ଥାà¬? ଯଦି ହାରà?ଡà±à?ର ସମରà?ଥନ "
+"à¬?ପଲବà?ଧ ହà?à¬?ନଥାà¬?। ଯଦି à¬?ହାà¬?à? false ସà?à¬? à¬?ରାଯାà¬?, ଯଦି ହାରà?ଡà±à?ର ସମରà?ଥନ à¬?ପଲବà?ଧ ହà?à¬?ନଥାà¬? "
+"Ekiga PIP à¬?à? à¬?à?ଲିବାà¬?à? à¬?à?ଷà?à¬?ାà¬?ରିନଥାà¬?।"
#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:3
msgid "Allow picture-in-picture software scaling"
-msgstr "à¬?ବି-ରà?-à¬?ବି ସଫà?à¬?à±à?ର ମାପà¬?à? à¬?ନà?ମତି ଦà?à¬?ଥାà¬?"
+msgstr "picture-in-picture ସଫà?à¬?à±à?ର ମାପà¬?à? à¬?ନà?ମତି ଦିà¬?ନà?ତà?"
#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:4
msgid "Alternative audio output device"
@@ -65,7 +68,11 @@ msgstr "à¬?ଡିà¬? à¬?ନପà?à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ"
msgid "Audio output device"
msgstr "à¬?ଡିà¬? à¬?à¬?à¬?ପà?à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:8 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:516
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:8
+msgid "Automatic answer"
+msgstr "ସà?à±à?à¬?à¬?ାଳିତ à¬?ତà?ତର"
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:9 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:526
msgid ""
"Automatically reject or forward incoming calls if no answer is given after "
"the specified amount of time (in seconds)"
@@ -73,120 +80,120 @@ msgstr ""
"à?ଦି à¬?à?ଣସି à¬?ତà?ତର à¬?à¬? ନିରà?ଦà?ଦିଷà?à¬? ସମà? ପର ପରà?à?à?ଯନà?ତ ମିଳି ନଥାà¬? (ସà?à¬?à?ଣà?ଡରà?) ତà?ବà? à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? "
"ସà?ବଯà¬?à¬?ାଳିତ à¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬°à? à¬?ସà?ବà?à¬?à?ତ à¬?ିମà?ବା à¬?à¬?à?ରସରà¬?ର "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:9
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:10
msgid "Calls history"
msgstr "à¬?ଲà? ପà?ରà?ଣା ତଥà?à?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:10
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:11
msgid "Change the main window panel section"
msgstr "ମà?à¬?à?ଯ à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର ଫଲà¬? ବଦଲାନà?ତà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:11
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:12
msgid ""
"Connection will be established in Fast Start mode. Fast Start is a new way "
"to start calls faster that was introduced in H.323v2. It is not supported by "
"Netmeeting and using both Fast Start and H.245 Tunneling can crash some "
"versions of Netmeeting"
msgstr ""
-"ସà¬?à?à?à¬? ଦà?ରà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠମà?ଡରà? ସà?ଥାପିତ ହà?ବ ठà¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ଶà?à¬?à?ର à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଦà?ରà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠମà?ଡ à¬?à¬? ନà?à¬? "
-"à¬?ପାଯ à¬?à¬?à? à?ାହାà¬?ି H.323v2ରà? ପà?ରସà?ତାବିତ à¬?ରାà?ାà¬?à¬?ି ठà¬?ହା ନà?à¬?ମିà¬?ିà¬?à?à¬? ଦà?ବାରା ସମରà?ଥିତ ନà?ହà?à¬? à¬?ବà¬? "
-"ଦà?ରà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ବà¬? H.245 à¬?à?ଯà?ନà? à¬?ରିବା ହà?à¬?ତ ନà?à¬?ମିà¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?à?ତà?à¬? à¬à¬¾à¬·à¬¾à¬¨à?ତରà¬?à? à¬?à¬?ଳ à¬?ରିଦà?à¬?ପାରà? "
+"ସà¬?à?à?à¬? ଦà?ରà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠମà?ଡରà? ସà?ଥାପିତ ହà?ବ। à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ଶà?à¬?à?ର à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଦà?ରà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠମà?ଡ à¬?à¬? ନà?à¬? "
+"à¬?ପାଯ à¬?à¬?à? à?ାହାà¬?ି H.323v2ରà? ପà?ରସà?ତାବିତ à¬?ରାà?ାà¬?à¬?ି। à¬?ହା ନà?à¬?ମିà¬?ିà¬?à?à¬? ଦà?ବାରା ସମରà?ଥିତ ନà?ହà?à¬? à¬?ବà¬? "
+"ଦà?ରà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ବà¬? H.245 à¬?à?ଯà?ନà? à¬?ରିବା ହà?à¬?ତ ନà?à¬?ମିà¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?à?ତà?à¬? à¬à¬¾à¬·à¬¾à¬¨à?ତରà¬?à? à¬?à¬?ଳ à¬?ରିଦà?à¬?ପାରà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:12
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:13
msgid "Contact long status"
msgstr "ଲମà?ବା à¬?ବସà?ଥିତି ସମà?ପରà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:13
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:14
msgid "Contact short status"
msgstr "à¬?à?à¬? à¬?ବସà?ଥିତି ସମà?ପରà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:14
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:15
msgid "DTMF sending"
msgstr "DTMF ପଠା�ବା"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:15
-msgid "Disable STUN network detection"
-msgstr "STUN à¬?ାଲà¬? à¬?à?à¬? ନିଷà?à¬?à?ରିà? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:16 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:492
-msgid "Disable the automatic network setup resulting from the STUN test"
-msgstr "STUN ପରà?à¬?à?ଷଣରà? à¬?ସିଥିବା ସà?à±à?à¬?à¬?ାଳିତ ନà?à¬?à±à¬°à?à¬? ବିନà?à?ାସà¬?à? ନିଷà?à¬?à?ରିà? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:17
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:16
msgid "Disable video hardware acceleration"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ହାରà?ଡà±à?ର ନିଷà?à¬?à?ରିà? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:18 ../src/gui/main.cpp:3591
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:17 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3618
msgid "Display images from your camera device"
msgstr "à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?à?ଯାମà?ରା à¬?ପà¬?ରଣରà? à¬?ିତà?ର ପà?ରଦରà?ଶନ à¬?ର "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:19
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:18
msgid "Enable 'Fast Start'"
msgstr " 'ଦà?ରà?ତ à¬?ରମà?à¬' à¬?à? ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ର "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:20
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:19
msgid "Enable H.245 tunneling"
msgstr " H.245 à¬?à?ଯà?ନ à¬?ରିବା ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ର"
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:20
+msgid "Enable STUN network detection"
+msgstr "STUN ନà?à¬?à±à¬°à?à¬? ସନà?ଧାନà¬?à? ସà¬?à?ରିà? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:21
msgid "Enable early H.245"
-msgstr "ପà?ରà?ବରà? H.245 ସà¬?à?ଷମà¬?ର"
+msgstr "ପà?ରà?ବରà? H.245 à¬?à? ସà¬?à?ଷମà¬?ରନà?ତà?"
#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:22
msgid "Enable echo cancelation"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?à? ରଦà?ଦà¬?ରଣ ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ର"
+msgstr "à¬?à¬?à? ରଦà?ଦà¬?ରଣ ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:23
msgid "Enable silence detection"
msgstr "ନà?ରବତା ଧରିବା ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ର "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:24
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:24 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:502
+msgid "Enable the automatic network setup resulting from the STUN test"
+msgstr "STUN ପରà?à¬?à?ଷଣରà? ମିଳିଥିବା ସà?à±à?à¬?à¬?ାଳିତ ନà?à¬?à±à¬°à?à¬? ସà¬?ରà¬?ନାà¬?à? ସà¬?à?ରିà? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:25
msgid ""
"Enter the number of seconds after which Ekiga should try refreshing the NAT "
"binding when STUN is being used"
msgstr ""
-"ସà?à¬?à?ଣà?ଡର ସà¬?à¬?à?ଯା ପà?ରବିଷà?à¬?à¬?ର à?ାହା ପରà? à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା NAT ବାନà?ଧିବାà¬?à? ରିଫà?ରà?ସ à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? à¬?à?ଷà?à¬?ାà¬?ରିବା à¬?à¬?ିତ "
+"ସà?à¬?à?ଣà?ଡର ସà¬?à¬?à?ଯା ପà?ରବିଷà?à¬?à¬?ର à?ାହା ପରà? Ekiga NAT ବାନà?ଧିବାà¬?à? ସତà?à¬?ନ à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? à¬?à?ଷà?à¬?ାà¬?ରିବା à¬?à¬?ିତ "
"à?à?ବà? STUN à¬?ପà?à?à¬? ହà?à¬?ଥିବ "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:25 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:459
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:26 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:469
msgid "Enter your full name"
msgstr "ନିà¬?ର ପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ ନାମ ପà?ରବିଷà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:26
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:27
msgid "Forward calls to host"
msgstr "ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସରà¬?ର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:27
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:28
msgid "Forward calls to the given host if busy"
msgstr "ଯଦି ବà?ଯସà?ତ ଥାà¬? ଦତà?ତ ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର à¬?ର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:28
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:29
msgid "Forward calls to the given host if no answer"
msgstr "à?ଦି à¬?ତà?ତର ମିଳà? ନାହିà¬? ଦତà?ତ ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର à¬?ର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:29 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1018
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:30 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1022
msgid "Frame Rate"
msgstr "ଫà?ରà?ମ ଦର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:30
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:31
msgid "Full name"
msgstr "ପà?ରା ନାମ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:31 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:477
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:32 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:487
msgid ""
"If enabled, Ekiga will start hidden provided that the notification area is "
"present in the GNOME panel"
msgstr ""
-"à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା ଲà?à¬?à?à¬?ାଯà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରିବ ସରà?ତà?ତ à?à? ବିà¬?à?à¬?ାପିତ à¬?à¬?à¬?ଳ GNOME ପà?ଯାନà?ଲରà? à¬?ପସà?ଥିତ "
+"à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, Ekiga ଲà?à¬?à?à¬?ାଯà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରିବ ସରà?ତà?ତ à?à? ବିà¬?à?à¬?ାପିତ à¬?à¬?à¬?ଳ GNOME ପà?ଯାନà?ଲରà? à¬?ପସà?ଥିତ "
"ଥିବ "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:32
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:33
msgid ""
"If enabled, all incoming calls will be forwarded to the host that is "
"specified in the field below"
msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, ସବà? à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲ ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର ହà?ବ à?ାହାà¬?ି ତଳ à¬?à?ଷà?ତà?ରରà? ନିରà?ଦà?ଦିଷà?à¬? ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬? "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:33
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:34
msgid ""
"If enabled, all incoming calls will be forwarded to the host that is "
"specified in the field below if you already are in a call or if you are in "
@@ -195,7 +202,7 @@ msgstr ""
"à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, ସବà? à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲ ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର ହà?ବ à?ାହାà¬?ି ତଳ à¬?à?ଷà?ତà?ରରà? ନିରà?ଦà?ଦିଷà?à¬? ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬?, à?ଦି "
"à¬?ପଣ ପà?ରà?ବରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? à¬?ଲରà? ଥାà¬?ନà?ତି à¬?ିମà?ବା à?ଦି à¬?ପଣ ବିରà¬?à?ତ à¬?ର ନାହିà¬? ମà?ଡରà? ଥାà¬?ନà?ତି "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:34
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:35
msgid ""
"If enabled, all incoming calls will be forwarded to the host that is "
"specified in the field below if you do not answer the call"
@@ -203,258 +210,263 @@ msgstr ""
"à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, ସବà? à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲ ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର ହà?ବ à?ାହାà¬?ି ତଳ à¬?à?ଷà?ତà?ରରà? ନିରà?ଦà?ଦିଷà?à¬? ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬? , à?ଦି "
"à¬?ପଣ à¬?ଲର à¬?ତà?ତର ଦିà¬?ନà?ତି ନାହିà¬? "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:35 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:479
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:36 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:527
+msgid "If enabled, automatically answer incoming calls"
+msgstr "ଯଦି ସà¬?à?ରିà? à¬?à¬?ି, ତà?ବà? ସà?à±à?à¬?à¬?ାଳିତ à¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬°à? à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲà¬?à? à¬?ତà?ତର ଦିà¬?ନà?ତà?"
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:37 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:489
msgid "If enabled, offline contacts will be shown in the roster"
-msgstr "ଯଦି ସà¬?à?ରିà? à¬?à¬?ି, ତà?ବà? à¬?ଫଲାà¬?ନ ଯà?à¬?ାଯà?à¬?à¬?à? ନାମାବଳà?ରà? ଦରà?ଶାଯିବ"
+msgstr "ଯଦି ସà¬?à?ରିà? à¬?à¬?ି, à¬?ଫଲାà¬?ନ ସମà?ପରà?à¬?à¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?à? ନାମାବଳà?ରà? ଦରà?ଶାଯିବ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:36
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:38
msgid "If enabled, use echo cancelation"
msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à¬?à¬?à? ରଦà?ଦà¬?ରଣ à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:37
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:39
msgid "If enabled, use silence detection with the codecs supporting it"
msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, ନà?ରବତା ଧରିବା à¬?ହାà¬?à? ସମରà?ଥନ à¬?ରà?ଥିବା à¬?à?ଡà¬?à?ଡିà¬? ସହିତ à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:38
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:40
msgid "Kind of network selected in the druid"
msgstr "ଡà?ରà?à¬?ଡରà? ମନà?ନà?ତ ହà?à¬?ଥିବା ନà?à¬?ବାରà?à¬?ର ପà?ରà¬?ାର "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:39
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:41
msgid "LDAP servers"
msgstr "LDAP ସରà?à¬à¬°"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:40
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:42
msgid "List of configured LDAP servers"
msgstr "ବିନà?ଯାସିତ LDAP ସରà?à¬à¬° ତାଲିà¬?ା"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:41
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:43
msgid "List of folded groups in the roster"
msgstr "ସà?à¬?à?ରà? ଫà?ଲଡର ସମà?ହà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?ର ତାଲିà¬?ା"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:42
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:44
msgid "Listen port"
msgstr "ଶà?ଣିବା ପà?ରà?à¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:43
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:45
msgid "Local video window size"
-msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?ଯ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà? à¬?à¬?ାର"
+msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?à? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà? à¬?à¬?ାର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:44
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:46
msgid "Maximum RX video bitrate"
msgstr "ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? RX à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ବିà¬?à?ରà?à¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:45
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:47
msgid "Maximum TX video bitrate"
msgstr "ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? TX à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ବିà¬?à?ରà?à¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:46
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:48
msgid "Maximum jitter buffer"
msgstr "ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?ର ବଫର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:47
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:49
msgid "NAT Binding Timeout"
msgstr "NAT ବାନà?ଧିବା ସମଯ ବିତିà?ିବା"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:48
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:50
msgid "No answer timeout"
msgstr "à¬?à?ଣସି à¬?ତà?ତର ନାହିà¬? ସମଯ ବିତିà?ିବା"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:49
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:51
msgid "Outbound Proxy"
msgstr "ବାହରà¬?à? à?ାà¬?ଥିବା ପà?ରà?à¬?à?ସି"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:50 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:486
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:52 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:496
msgid "Place windows displaying video above other windows during calls"
-msgstr "à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬? ସମଯରà? à¬à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ପà?ରଦରà?ଶନ à¬?ରà?ଥିବା à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?à¬?à? à¬?ନà?ଯ à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà? à¬?ପରà? ସà?ଥାପିତ à¬?ର"
+msgstr "à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬? ସମଯରà? à¬à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ପà?ରଦରà?ଶନ à¬?ରà?ଥିବା à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?à¬?à? à¬?ନà?ଯ à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà? à¬?ପରà? ସà?ଥାପିତ à¬?ର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:51 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:371
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:53 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:372
msgid "Play busy tone"
msgstr "ବà?ଯସà?ତରହିବା ସà?ବର ବà¬?ାà¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:52 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:361
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:54 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:362
msgid "Play ring tone"
msgstr "ରିà¬?à?à¬? ହà?ବା ସà?ବର ବà¬?ାà¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:53 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:351
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:55 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:352
msgid "Play sound on incoming calls"
msgstr "à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?ରà? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:54
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:56
msgid "Play sound on new message"
msgstr "ନà?à¬? ସà¬?ଦà?ଶରà? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:55
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:57
msgid "Play sound on new voice mail"
msgstr "ନà?à¬? à¬à¬¾à¬·à¬¾à¬®à?ଲରà? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:56
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:58
msgid "Position of the local video window"
-msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?ଯ à¬à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର ସà?ଥାନ"
+msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?ଯ à¬à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:57
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:59
msgid "Position on the screen of the address book window"
-msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ପà?ସà?ତà¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
+msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ପà?ସà?ତà¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:58
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:60
msgid "Position on the screen of the audio settings window"
-msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ବିନà?à?ାସ à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
+msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ବିନà?à?ାସ à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:59
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:61
msgid "Position on the screen of the chat window"
-msgstr "à¬?ାà¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
+msgstr "à¬?ାà¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:60
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:62
msgid "Position on the screen of the druid window"
-msgstr "ଡà?ରà?à¬?ଡ à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
+msgstr "ଡà?ରà?à¬?ଡ à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:61
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:63
msgid "Position on the screen of the log window"
-msgstr "ଲà¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
+msgstr "ଲà¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:62
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:64
msgid "Position on the screen of the main window"
-msgstr "ମà?à¬?à?ଯ à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
+msgstr "ମà?à¬?à?ଯ à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:63
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:65
msgid "Position on the screen of the preferences window"
-msgstr "ପସନà?ଦ à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
+msgstr "ପସନà?ଦ à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:64
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:66
msgid "Position on the screen of the video settings window"
-msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ବିନà?ଯାସ à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
+msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ବିନà?ଯାସ à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର ସà?à¬?à?ରିନରà? ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:65
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:67
msgid "Remote video window position"
-msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà? ସà?ଥାନ"
+msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà? ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:66
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:68
msgid "Remote video window size"
-msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà? à¬?à¬?ାର"
+msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà? à¬?à¬?ାର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:67
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:69
msgid "Select an alternative audio output device to use for sound events."
msgstr "ଧà?ବନà? à¬?à¬?ଣାà¬?à?ଡିà¬? ନିମନà?ତà? à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ବà?à¬?ଳà?ପିà¬? à¬?ଡିà¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à¬?à¬?ପà?à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ମନà?ନà?ତ à¬?ର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:68 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:777
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:70 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:787
msgid "Select the audio input device to use"
msgstr "à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? à¬?ଡିà¬? à¬?ନପà?à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ମନà?ନà?ତ à¬?ର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:69 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:770
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:71 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:780
msgid "Select the audio output device to use"
msgstr "à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ଡିà¬? à¬?à¬?à¬?ପà?à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ମନà?ନà?ତ à¬?ର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:70 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:936
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:72 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:940
msgid "Select the format for video cameras (does not apply to most USB cameras)"
msgstr "à¬à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à?ଯାମà?ରାà¬?à?ଡିà¬? ପାà¬?à¬? ଫରà?ମାà¬? ମନà?ନà?ତ à¬?ର (à¬?ଧିà¬?ାà¬?ଶ USB à¬?à?ଯାମà?ରାà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ପà?ରଯà?à¬? ହà?à¬? ନଥାà¬?)"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:71
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:73
msgid ""
"Select the transmitted video size: Small (QCIF 176x144) or Large (CIF "
msgstr "ସà?ଥାନାନà?ତରିତ ହà?à¬?ଥିବା à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à¬?ାର ମନà?ନà?ତ à¬?ର: à¬?à?à¬? (QCIF 176x144) à¬?ିମà?ବା ବଡ (CIF 352x288)"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:72 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:928
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:74 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:932
msgid ""
"Select the video input device to use. If an error occurs when using this "
"device a test picture will be transmitted."
msgstr ""
-"à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ନପà?à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ମନà?ନà?ତ à¬?ର ठà¬?ହି à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ସମଯରà? à?ଦି ତà?ରà?à¬?ି "
-"à¬?à¬?à? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ପରà?à¬?à?ଷା à¬?ିତà?ର ସà?ଥାନାନà?ତରିତ ହà?ବ à¤"
+"à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ନପà?à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ମନà?ନà?ତ à¬?ର। à¬?ହି à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ସମଯରà? à?ଦି ତà?ରà?à¬?ି "
+"à¬?à¬?à? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ପରà?à¬?à?ଷା à¬?ିତà?ର ସà?ଥାନାନà?ତରିତ ହà?ବ।"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:73
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:75
msgid "Show offline contacts"
msgstr "à¬?ଫଲାà¬?ନ ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ଦà?à¬?ାà¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:74 ../src/gui/main.cpp:3220
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:76 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3247
msgid "Show the call panel"
msgstr "à¬?ଲ ଫଲà¬? ଦà?à¬?ାà¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:75
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:77
msgid "Size of the address book window"
-msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ପà?ସà?ତà¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
+msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ପà?ସà?ତà¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:76
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:78
msgid "Size of the audio settings window"
-msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ବିନà?ଯାସ à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
+msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ବିନà?ଯାସ à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:77
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:79
msgid "Size of the chat window"
-msgstr "à¬?ାà¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
+msgstr "à¬?ାà¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:78
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:80
msgid "Size of the druid window"
-msgstr "ଡà?ରà?à¬?ଡ à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
+msgstr "ଡà?ରà?à¬?ଡ à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:79
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:81
msgid "Size of the preferences window"
-msgstr "ପସନà?ଦ à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
+msgstr "ପସନà?ଦ à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:80
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:82
msgid "Size of the video settings window"
-msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ବିନà?ଯାସ à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
+msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ବିନà?ଯାସ à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:81
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:83
msgid "Specify the software scaling algorithm"
msgstr "ସଫà?à¬?à±à?ର ମାପà¬? à¬?ଲà¬?à?ରିଦମ à¬?ଲà?ଲà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:82
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:84
msgid ""
"Specify the software scaling algorithm: 0: nearest neighbor, 1: nearest "
"neighbor with box filter, 2: bilinear filtering, 3: hyperbolic filtering. "
"Does not apply on windows systems."
msgstr ""
-"ସଫà?à¬?à±à?ର ମାପà¬? à¬?ଲà¬?à?ରିଦମà¬?à? à¬?ଲà?ଲà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?: 0: ନିà¬?à¬?ତର ପଡ଼à?ଶà?, 1: ବାà¬?à?ସ à¬?ାଣà¬? ସହିତ ନିà¬?à¬?ତର "
-"ପଡà?ଶà?, 2: ଦà?à¬?ମà?ହାà¬? à¬?ାଣà¬?, 3: ହାà¬?ପରବଲିà¬? à¬?ାଣà¬?। à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà? ତନà?ତà?ରà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?ରà? ପà?ରà?à?à¬? à¬?ରà?ନାହିà¬?।"
+"ସଫà?à¬?à±à?ର ମାପିବା à¬?ଲà¬?à?ରିଦମà¬?à? à¬?ଲà?ଲà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?: 0: ପାà¬?ାପାà¬?ି ପଡ଼à?ଶà?, 1: ବାà¬?à?ସ à¬?ାଣà¬? ସହିତ ପାà¬?ାପାà¬?ି "
+"ପଡ଼à?ଶà?, 2: ଦà?à±à¬¿à¬®à?à¬?à? à¬?ାଣà¬?, 3: ହାà¬?ପରବà?ଲିà¬? à¬?ାଣà¬?। à¬?ହାà¬?à? windows ତନà?ତà?ରରà? ପà?ରà?à?à¬? "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:83
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:85
msgid "Start hidden"
msgstr "ଲà?à¬?à?à¬?ାଯà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:84
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:86
msgid "TCP port range"
msgstr "TCP ପà?ରà?à¬? ପରିସର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:85
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:87
msgid "Temporal Spatial Trade Off"
-msgstr "à¬?ସà?ଥାà?à? ସà?ଥାନà?à? à¬?ଦଳା ବଦଳà?"
+msgstr "ସାମà?ିà¬? ସà?ଥାନà?à? à¬?ାରବାର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:86
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:88
msgid "The Audio Codecs List"
msgstr "à¬?ଡିà¬? à¬?à?ଡà?à¬? ତାଲିà¬?ା"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:87 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:727
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:89 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:737
msgid "The SIP Outbound Proxy to use for outgoing calls"
msgstr "ବାହାରà¬?à? à?ାà¬?ଥିବା à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬? ନିମନà?ତà? à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? SIP ବାହାରà¬?à? à?ାà¬?ଥିବା ପà?ରà?à¬?à?ସି"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:88
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:90
msgid "The STUN Server"
msgstr " STUN ସରà¬à¬°"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:89
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:91
msgid ""
"The STUN server to use for STUN Support. STUN is a technology that permits "
"passage through some types of NAT gateway"
msgstr ""
-"STUN ସମରà?ଥନ ପାà¬?à¬? ବà?à?ବହà?ତ STUN ସରà?à¬à¬°à¥¤ STUN à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ପà?ରଯà?à¬?à?ତି ବିà¬?à?à¬?ାନ ଯାହାà¬?ି à¬?ିà¬?ି ପà?ରà¬?ାର NAT "
-"ପà?ରବà?ଶ ଦà?à±à¬¾à¬° ମଧà?ଯଦà?à¬? à¬?ତି à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ନà?ମତି ଦà?à¬?ଥାà¬?"
+"STUN ସମରà?ଥନ ପାà¬?à¬? STUN ସରà?à¬à¬° ବà?à?ବହà?ତ ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬?। STUN à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ପà?ରଯà?à¬?à?ତି ବିà¬?à?à¬?ାନ ଯାହାà¬?ି NAT ପà?ରବà?ଶ "
+"ଦà?à±à¬¾à¬° ମଧà?ଯରà? à¬?à?ଣସି ପà?ରà¬?ାର ପà?ରବà?ଶ ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ନà?ମତି ଦà?à¬?ଥାà¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:90
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:92
msgid "The Video Codecs List"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à?ଡà?à¬? ତାଲିà¬?ା"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:91
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:93
msgid "The accounts list"
msgstr "à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬? ତାଲିà¬?ା"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:92
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:94
msgid "The audio codecs list"
msgstr "ଧà?ବନି à¬?à?ଡà?à¬? ତାଲିà¬?ା"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:93
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:95
msgid "The busy tone sound"
msgstr "ବà?ଯସà?ତ ସà?ବର ଧà?ବନà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:94
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:96
msgid ""
"The chosen sound will be played at the end of calls or calling somebody who "
"is busy, if enabled"
@@ -462,213 +474,224 @@ msgstr ""
"ବà¬?ାà?ାà¬?ଥିବା ଧà?ବନà? à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?ର à¬?ନà?ତରà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ à¬?ିମà?ବା à¬?ାହାà¬?à? ଡାà¬?ିବା ବà?ଳà? à?ିà¬? ବà?ଯସà?ତ ଥାà¬?ନà?ତି, à?ଦି "
"ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬? "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:95
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:97
msgid "The chosen sound will be played on incoming calls, if enabled"
msgstr "ବà¬?ାà?ାà¬?ଥିବା ଧà?ବନà? à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲ ସମଯରà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ, à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:96
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:98
msgid ""
"The chosen sound will be played when a new instant message is received, if "
-msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ବà¬?ାà?ାà¬?ଥିବା ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ à?à?ବà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ତà?ବରିତ ସà¬?ଦà?ଶ ପà?ରାପà?ତ ହà?ବ à¤"
+msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ବà¬?ାà?ାà¬?ଥିବା ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ à?à?ବà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ତà?ବରିତ ସà¬?ଦà?ଶ ପà?ରାପà?ତ ହà?ବ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:97
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:99
msgid "The chosen sound will be played when a new voice mail is received, if enabled"
-msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ବà¬?ାà?ାà¬?ଥିବା ଧà?ବନା ବà¬?ାà?ିବ à?à?ବà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ନà?à¬? à¬à¬¾à¬·à¬¾ ମà?ଲ ପà?ରାପà?ତ ହà?ବ à¤"
+msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ବà¬?ାà?ାà¬?ଥିବା ଧà?ବନା ବà¬?ାà?ିବ à?à?ବà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ନà?à¬? à¬à¬¾à¬·à¬¾ ମà?ଲ ପà?ରାପà?ତ ହà?ବ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:98
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:100
msgid "The chosen sound will be played when calling somebody, if enabled"
msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ବà¬?ାà?ାà¬?ଥିବା ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ à?à?ବà? à¬?ାହାà¬?à? à¬?ଲ à¬?ରାହà?ବ "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:99
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:101
msgid "The default video view"
msgstr "ଡିଫଲà?à¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ଦà?ଶà?ଯ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:100
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:102
msgid ""
"The default video view (0: Local, 1: Remote, 2: Both layered, 3: Both with "
"local video in a separate window, 4: Both)"
-msgstr "ପà?ରà?ବନିରà?ଦà?ଧାରିତ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ଦà?ଶà?à? (0: ସà?ଥାନà?à?, 1: ସà?ଦà?ର, 2: à¬?à¬à? ସà?ତରà?à?, 3: à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ପà?ଥà¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ରà? ସà?ଥାନà?à? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬?, 4: à¬?à¬à?)"
+msgstr ""
+"ପà?ରà?ବନିରà?ଦà?ଧାରିତ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ଦà?ଶà?à? (0: ସà?ଥାନà?à?, 1: ସà?ଦà?ର, 2: à¬?à¬à? ସà?ତରà?à?, 3: ପà?ଥà¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ରà? à¬?à¬à? "
+"ସà?ଥାନà?à? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬?, 4: à¬?à¬à?)"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:101
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:103
msgid "The dial tone sound"
msgstr "ଡାà¬?ଲ à¬?à?ନ ଧà?ବନà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:102
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:104
msgid "The history of the 100 last calls"
msgstr "ପà?ରà?ବତନ à§à¦à¦à¬?ି à¬?ଲର à¬?ତିହାସ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:103 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:676
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:730
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:105 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:686
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:740
msgid "The host where calls should be forwarded if call forwarding is enabled"
msgstr "à?ଦି à¬?ଲ à¬?à¬?à?ରସର à¬?ରିବା ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬?, ତà?ବà? ହà?ଷà?à¬? à?à?à¬?à¬?ଠାରà? à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର ହà?ବା à¬?à¬?ିତ "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:104
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:106
msgid "The incoming call sound"
msgstr "à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲର ଧà?ବନà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:105
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:107
msgid "The list of accounts to which Ekiga should register"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?ର ତାଲିà¬?ା à?ାହା ସହିତ à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତ ହà?ବା à¬?à¬?ିତ"
+msgstr "à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?ର ତାଲିà¬?ା à?ାହା ସହିତ Ekiga ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତ ହà?ବା à¬?à¬?ିତ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:106
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:108
msgid "The long status information"
msgstr "ଲମà?ବା à¬?ବସà?ଥିତି ସà?à¬?ନା"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:107
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:109
msgid ""
"The maximum RX video bitrate in kbit/s. This value will be signaled to the "
"peer endpoint that can adjust (if it supports it) its TX bitrate if it is "
"above the signaled value"
msgstr ""
+"ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? RX à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ବିà¬?ହାର kbit/s. à¬?ହି ମà?ଲà?à?à¬?ି ସାଥà? à¬?ନà?ତବିନà?ଦà? ସହିତ ସà?à¬?à?ତ ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬? ଯାହାà¬?ି ତାହାର "
+"ସାଥà? à¬?ନà?ତବିନà?ଦà? ସହିତ ମà?ଳà¬?ାà¬?ଥାà¬? (ଯଦି à¬?ହା ସମରà?ଥନ à¬?ରିଥାà¬?) à¬?ହାର TX ବିà¬?ହାର ଯଦି à¬?ହା ସà?à¬?ନା ମà?ଲà?à? "
+"à¬?ପରà? ଥାà¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:108
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:110
msgid ""
"The maximum TX video bitrate in kbit/s. The video quality and the number of "
"transmitted frames per second (depends on selected codec) will be "
"dynamically adjusted above their minimum during calls to try to minimize the "
"bandwidth to the given value"
msgstr ""
+"ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? TX à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ବିà¬?ହାର kbit/s. à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? à¬?à?ଣବତà?ତା à¬?ବà¬? ପà?ରତି ସà?à¬?ଣà?ଡରà? ପରିବହନ ହà?à¬?ଥିବା ଫà?ରà?ମ "
+"ସà¬?à¬?à?à?ାà¬?à?(ବà¬?à?à¬?ିତ ସà¬?à?à¬?à?ତà¬? à¬?ପରà? ନିରà?à¬à¬° à¬?ରି) ତାହାର ସରà?ବନିମà?ନ ମà?ଲà?à? à¬?ପରà? ମà?ଳାà¬?ଥାà¬?।"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:109
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:111
msgid "The maximum jitter buffer size for audio reception (in ms)"
msgstr "à¬?ଡିà¬? ପà?ରାପà?ତ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?ର ବଫର à¬?à¬?ାର(msରà?)"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:110
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:112
msgid ""
"The maximum transmitted frame rate in frames/s. This rate may not be reached "
"in case a minimum quality was configure via a TSTO value smaller than 31 and "
"the bitrate selected is not sufficient to support this minimum quality"
msgstr ""
+"ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? ପରିବହନ ହà?à¬?ଥିବା ଫà?ରà?ମ ହାର ଫà?ରà?ମ/ସà?à¬?ଣà?ଡ। à¬?ହି ମà?ଲà?à?à¬?ି ସରà?ବନିମà?ନ à¬?à?ଣବତà?ତା ବିନà?à?ାସ ହà?à¬?ଥିବ "
+"ସମà?ରà? 31 ରà? à¬?ମ TSTO ମà?ଲà?à? à¬?ବà¬? ସରà?ବନିମà?ନ à¬?à?ଷମତାà¬?à? ସମରà?ଥନ à¬?ରà?ଥିବା ବିà¬?ହାର ମାଧà?ଯମରà? ପହà¬?à?à¬?ି ନଥାà¬?।"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:111
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:113
msgid "The new instant message sound"
msgstr "ନà?à¬? ତà?ବରିତ ସà¬?ଦà?ଶ ଧà?ବନà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:112
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:114
msgid "The new voice mail sound"
msgstr "ନà?à¬? à¬à¬¾à¬·à¬¾ ମà?ଲ ଧà?ବନà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:113
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:115
msgid ""
"The port to listen to for incoming connections. Ekiga needs to be restarted "
"for the new value to take effect"
msgstr ""
-"à¬?ସà?ଥିବା ସà¬?à?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬? ପାà¬?à¬? ଶà?ଣିବା ନିମନà?ତà? ପà?ରà?à¬? ठନà?à¬? ମà?ଲà?ଯ ପà?ରà¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬¶à¬¾à¬³à? ହà?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ାà¬?à? ପà?ନà¬? "
-"à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ହà?ବ à¤"
+"à¬?ସà?ଥିବା ସà¬?à?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬? ପାà¬?à¬? ଶà?ଣିବା ନିମନà?ତà? ପà?ରà?à¬?। ନà?à¬? ମà?ଲà?ଯ ପà?ରà¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬¶à¬¾à¬³à? ହà?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? Ekigaà¬?à? ପà?ନà¬? "
+"à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ହà?ବ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:114
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:116
msgid ""
"The port to listen to for incoming connections. Ekiga needs to be restarted "
"for the new value to take effect."
msgstr ""
-"à¬?ସà?ଥିବା ସà¬?à?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬? ପାà¬?à¬? ଶà?ଣିବା ନିମନà?ତà? ପà?ରà?à¬? ठନà?à¬? ମà?ଲà?ଯ ପà?ରà¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬¶à¬¾à¬³à? ହà?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ାà¬?à? ପà?ନà¬? "
-"à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ହà?à¬? à¤"
+"à¬?ସà?ଥିବା ସà¬?à?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬? ପାà¬?à¬? ଶà?ଣିବା ନିମନà?ତà? ପà?ରà?à¬? ନà?à¬? ମà?ଲà?ଯ ପà?ରà¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬¶à¬¾à¬³à? ହà?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? Ekigaà¬?à? ପà?ନà¬? à¬?ରମà?ଠ"
+"à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ହà?à¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:115
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:117
msgid "The position of the local video window"
-msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?ଯ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର ସà?ଥାନ"
+msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?ଯ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:116
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:118
msgid "The position of the remote video window"
-msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର ସà?ଥାନ"
+msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:117
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:119
msgid ""
"The range of TCP ports that Ekiga will use for the H.323 H.245 channel. This "
"port range has no effect if both participants to the conference are using "
"H.245 Tunneling."
msgstr ""
+"H.323 H.245 à¬?à?à?ାନà?ଲ ପାà¬?à¬? Ekiga ବà?à?ବହାର à¬?ରà?ଥିବା TCP ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?ିà¬?à?ର ପରିସର। à¬?ହି ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?ିà¬?à? "
+"ପରିସà?ମାର à¬?à?ଣସି ପà?ରà¬à¬¾à¬¬ ନାହିà¬? ଯଦି à¬?à¬à? à¬?à¬?ଶà¬?à?ରହଣà¬?ାରà? H.245 à¬?ନà?ଲିà¬?à?à¬? ବà?à?ବହାର à¬?ରà?ଥାନà?ତି।"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:118
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:120
msgid "The range of UDP ports that Ekiga will use."
-msgstr "UDP ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?ିà¬?à?ର ପରିସର ଯାହାà¬?à?à¬?ି Ekiga ବà?à?ବହାର à¬?ରିଥାà¬?।"
+msgstr "Ekiga ବà?à?ବହାର à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ଥିବା UDP ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?ର ପରିସର।"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:119
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:121
msgid "The short status information"
msgstr "à¬?à?à¬? à¬?ବସà?ଥିତି ସà?à¬?ନା"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:120
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:122
msgid "The size of the local video window"
-msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?ଯ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
+msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?ଯ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:121
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:123
msgid "The size of the remote video window"
-msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
+msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ର à¬?à¬?ାର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:122
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:124
msgid ""
"The sound that will be played at the end of calls or when calling somebody "
"who is busy, if enabled"
msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?ର ଶà?ଷରà? à¬?ିମà?ବା à¬?ଣà? ବà?ଯସà?ତଥିବା ବà?ଳà? ଡାà¬?ିବା ସମଯରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:123
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:125
msgid "The sound that will be played on incoming calls, if enabled"
-msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲ ସମଯରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ à¤"
+msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲ ସମଯରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:124
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:126
msgid "The sound that will be played when calling somebody, if enabled"
-msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à¬?ଣà? à¬?ାହାà¬?à? ଡà¬?ାà?ିବା ବà?ଳà? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ à¤"
+msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à¬?ଣà? à¬?ାହାà¬?à? ଡà¬?ାà?ିବା ବà?ଳà? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:125
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:127
msgid "The sound that will be played when there is a new instant message, if enabled"
-msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à?à?ବà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ତà?ବରିତ ନà?à¬? ସà¬?ଦà?ଶ à¬?ସà? ସà?ତà?ବà?ଳà? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ à¤"
+msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à?à?ବà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ତà?ବରିତ ନà?à¬? ସà¬?ଦà?ଶ à¬?ସà? ସà?ତà?ବà?ଳà? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ।"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:126
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:128
msgid "The sound that will be played when there is a new voice mail, if enabled"
-msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à?à?ବà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ନà?à¬? à¬à¬¾à¬·à¬¾ ମà?ଲ à¬?ସିବ à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ à¤"
+msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, à?à?ବà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ନà?à¬? à¬à¬¾à¬·à¬¾ ମà?ଲ à¬?ସିବ à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà?ିବ।"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:127 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:932
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:129 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:936
msgid "The video channel number to use (to select camera, tv or other sources)"
msgstr ""
"à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à?ଯାନà?ଲ ସà¬?à¬?à?ଯା (à¬?à?ଯାମà?ରା, à¬?ି.à¬à¬¿, à¬?ିମà?ବା à¬?ନà?ଯ à¬?ପାଯà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ମନà?ନà?ତ à¬?ରିବା "
"ପା�� )"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:128
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:130
msgid "The video codecs list"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à?ଡà?à¬? ତାଲିà¬?ା"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:129
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:131
msgid "The video view before having switched to fullscreen"
msgstr "ପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ ପରଦାà¬?à? ପରିବରà?ତà?ତନ à¬?ରିବା ପà?ରà?ବର à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ଦà?ଶà?ଯ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:130
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:132
msgid ""
"The video view before having switched to fullscreen (same values as "
-msgstr "ସମà?ପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ ପରଦାà¬?à? ବଦଳାà¬?ବା ପà?ରà?ବରà? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ଦà?ଶà?à? (video_view ପରି ସମାନ ମà?ଲà?à?)"
+msgstr "ସମà?ପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ ପରଦା à¬?ବସà?ଥାà¬?à? ବଦଳିବା ପà?ରà?ବର à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ଦà?ଶà?à? (video_view ପରି ସମାନ ମà?ଲà?à?)"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:131
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:133
msgid "The zoom value"
msgstr "à¬?à?ମ ମà?ଲà?ଯ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:132
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:134
msgid ""
"The zoom value in percent to apply to images displayed in the main GUI (can "
"be 50, 100, or 200)"
msgstr ""
-"ମà?à¬?à?à? GUI ରà? ଦରà?ଶାà¬?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? ପà?ରà?à?à¬? à¬?ରାଯାà¬?ଥିବା à¬?à?à¬?ବଡ଼ ମà?ଲà?à? ଶତà¬?ଡ଼ାରà? "
-"(à¬?ହା 50, 100, à¬?ିମà?ବା 200 ହà?à¬?ପାରà?)"
+"ମà?à¬?à?à? GUI (50, 100, à¬?ିମà?ବା 200 ହà?à¬?ପାରà?) ରà? ପà?ରତିà¬?ବିରà? ପà?ରà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à?à¬?ବଡ଼ ମà?ଲà?à? "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:133
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:135
msgid ""
"This allows you to set the mode for sending DTMFs. The values can be "
"\"RFC2833\" (0), \"INFO\" (1)"
msgstr ""
-"à¬?ହା DTMFsà¬?à? ପଠାà¬?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ନà?ମତି ଦà?à¬?ଥାà¬?। ମà?ଲà?à?à¬?ି "
-"\"RFC2833\" (0), \"INFO\" (1) ହà?à¬?ପାରà?"
+"à¬?ହା DTMFsà¬?à? ପଠାà¬?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଧାରା ସà?à¬?à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? à¬?ନà?ମତି ଦà?à¬?ଥାà¬?। à¬?ହି ମà?ଲà?à?à¬?ି\"RFC2833\" (0), "
+"\"INFO\" (1) ହà?à¬?ପାରà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:134
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:136
msgid ""
"This allows you to set the mode for sending DTMFs. The values can be \"String"
"\" (0), \"Tone\" (1), \"RFC2833\" (2), \"Q.931\" (3) (default is \"String"
"\"). Choosing other values than \"String\" disables the Text Chat"
msgstr ""
-"à¬?ହା DTMFsà¬?à? ପଠାà¬?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ନà?ମତି ଦà?à¬?ଥାà¬?। ମà?ଲà?à?à¬?ି \"String\" (0), \"Tone\" (1), "
-"\"RFC2833\" (2), \"Q.931\" (3) (default is \"String\") ହà?à¬?ପାରà?। "
-"\"String\" à¬?ପà?à¬?à?ଷା à¬?ନà?à?ାନà?à? ମà?ଲà?à?à¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?à? ବାà¬?ିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ପାଠà?à? ତାଲିà¬?ାà¬?à? ନିଷà?à¬?à?ରିà? à¬?ରିଥାà¬?"
+"DTMF à¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?à? ପଠାà¬?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ହା à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?à? à¬?ନà?ମତି ଦà?à¬?ଥାà¬?। ମà?ଲà?à?à¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬? \"String\" (0), \"Tone"
+"\" (1), \"RFC2833\" (2), \"Q.931\" (3) (default is \"String\") ହà?à¬?ପାରà?। "
+"\"String\" ବà?à?ତà?ତ à¬?ନà?à? ମà?ଲà?à?à¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?à? ବାà¬?ିବା ଦà?à±à¬¾à¬°à¬¾ ପାଠà?à? à¬?ାରà?à¬? ନିଷà?à¬?à?ରିà? ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:135 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:688
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:137 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:698
msgid ""
"This enables H.245 Tunneling mode. In H.245 Tunneling mode H.245 messages "
"are encapsulated into the H.225 channel (port 1720). This saves one TCP "
@@ -676,415 +699,186 @@ msgid ""
"Netmeeting does not support it. Using both Fast Start and H.245 Tunneling "
"can crash some versions of Netmeeting."
msgstr ""
+"à¬?ହା H.245 à¬?ନà?ଲିà¬?à?à¬? ଧାରାà¬?à? ସà¬?à?ରିà? à¬?ରିଥାà¬?। H.245 à¬?ନà?ଲିà¬?à?à¬? ଧାରାରà? H.245 ସନà?ଦà?ଶà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬? H.225 "
+"à¬?à?à?ାନà?ଲରà? (ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?ିà¬?à? 1720) ସà¬?à¬?à?ପà?ତ ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬?। à¬?ହା à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? TCP ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?ଲ ମାଧà?à?ମରà? ସà¬?ରà¬?à?ଷଣ "
+"à¬?ରିଥାà¬?। H.245 à¬?ନà?ଲିà¬?à?à¬? H.323v2 à¬?ବà¬? ନà?à¬? ସାà¬?à?ଷାତà¬?ାର ମାଧà?à?ମରà? ସମରà?ଥନ à¬?ରିଥାà¬?। ତà?ବà?ର à¬?ରମà?ଠ"
+"à¬?ବà¬? H.245 à¬?ନà?ଲିà¬?à?à¬? ନà?à¬? ସାà¬?à?ଷାତà¬?ାରର à¬?ିà¬?ି ସà¬?ସà?à¬?ରଣà¬?à? ନଷà?à¬?à¬?ରିପାରà?।"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:136 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:690
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:138 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:700
msgid "This enables H.245 early in the setup"
-msgstr "ସà?à¬? à¬?ପରà? H.245 ପà?ରାରମà?à¬à¬°à? ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ରà? à¤"
+msgstr "ସà?à¬? à¬?ପରà? H.245 ପà?ରାରମà?à¬à¬°à? ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ରà?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:137
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:139
msgid ""
"This key disables DirectX (on win32) and XVideo (on Linux) video hardware "
msgstr ""
+"à¬?ହି à¬?ି DirectX (win32 à¬?ପରà?) à¬?ବà¬? XVideo (Linux à¬?ପରà?) à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ହାରà?ଡà±à?ର ତà?à±à¬°à¬£à¬?à? ନିଷà?à¬?à?ରିà? "
+"�ରିଥା� "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:138
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:140
msgid "UDP port range"
msgstr "UDP ପà?ରà?à¬? ପରିସର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:139
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:141
msgid "Video channel"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à?ଯାନà?ଲ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:140
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:142
msgid "Video format"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ଫରà?ମାà¬?"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:141 ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1148
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:143 ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1143
msgid "Video input device"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ନପà?à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ "
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:142
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:144
msgid "Video preview"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ପà?ରà?ବଦà?ଶà?ଯ"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:143
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:145
msgid "Video size"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à¬?ାର"
-#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:144
+#: ../ekiga.schemas.in.in.h:146
msgid ""
"Whether to prefer to sustain the max. frame rate or lower it possibly in "
"order to keep a minimum level of (spatial) quality for all frames. 0: "
"Highest minimal quality, 31: lowest minimal quality"
msgstr ""
+"ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? ଫà?ରà?ମ ହାରà¬?à? ବà¬?ାà? ରà¬?ିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ଥବା ସରà?ବନିମà?ନ ସà?ତର ପରà?ଯà?à?ନà?ତ ନିମà?ନà¬?ାମà? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ସମସà?ତ "
+"ଫà?ରà?ମର ବିଶà?ଷତା ସà?ତର। 0: ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? ବିଶà?ଷତା, 31: ସରà?ବନିମà?ନ ବିଶà?ଷତା"
-#: ../lib/engine/addressbook/contact-core.cpp:58
+#: ../lib/engine/addressbook/contact-core.cpp:60
msgid "_Find"
msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà? (_F)"
#: ../lib/engine/components/avahi/avahi-heap.cpp:125
-#: ../lib/engine/components/avahi/avahi-heap.cpp:319
+#: ../lib/engine/components/avahi/avahi-heap.cpp:332
msgid "Neighbours"
msgstr "ପଡà?ଶà?"
#: ../lib/engine/components/call-history/history-book.cpp:137
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/call-history-view-gtk.cpp:162
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/call-history-view-gtk.cpp:170
msgid "Clear List"
msgstr "ତାଲିà¬?ାà¬?à? ସଫା à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/call-history/history-contact.cpp:155
+#: ../lib/engine/components/call-history/history-contact.cpp:165
msgid "Received"
msgstr "ପà?ରà?ରାପà?ତ ହà?ଲା"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/call-history/history-contact.cpp:158
+#: ../lib/engine/components/call-history/history-contact.cpp:168
msgid "Placed"
msgstr "ସà?ଥାପିତ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/call-history/history-contact.cpp:161
+#: ../lib/engine/components/call-history/history-contact.cpp:171
msgid "Missed"
msgstr "à¬?ନà?ପସà?ଥିତ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:76
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:897
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d user found"
-msgid_plural "%d users found"
-msgstr[0] "%d �ାଳ� ମିଳିଲା"
-msgstr[1] "%d �ାଳ� ମିଳିଲା"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/gnome-session/gnome-session-main.cpp:157
+msgid "Call in progress"
+msgstr "�ଲ �ାଲି��ି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:283
-msgid "New _Contact"
-msgstr "ନà?à¬? _ସମà?ପରà?à¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:319
#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-cluster.cpp:82
#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:117
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:339
msgid "New contact"
msgstr "ନà?à¬? ସମà?ପରà?à¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:321
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:327
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:351
-msgid "Please update the following fields:"
-msgstr "à¬?ହି à¬?à?ଷà?ତà?ର à¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? à¬?ଦà?ଯତନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:323
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:122
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:132
-msgid "_Name:"
-msgstr "ନାମ (_N):"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:324
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:338
-msgid "VoIP _URI:"
-msgstr "VoIP à?à?.à¬?ରà?.à¬?à¬?. (_U)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:325
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:339
-msgid "_Home phone:"
-msgstr "à¬?ରà?à¬? ଫà?ନ (_H):"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:326
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:340
-msgid "_Office phone:"
-msgstr "à¬?ଫିସ ଫà?ନ (_O)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:327
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:341
-msgid "_Cell phone:"
-msgstr "ସà?ଲ ଫà?ନ (_C)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:328
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:342
-msgid "_Pager:"
-msgstr "ପà?à¬?ର (_P)"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:118
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-entry.cpp:141
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:102
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:144
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:176
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:143
+msgid "Unnamed"
+msgstr "�ନାମିତ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:234
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:199
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:308
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:204
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3178
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:215
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:350
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:218
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:151
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:206
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3205
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_E)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:236
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:201
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:310
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:206
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:217
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:352
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:220
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:364
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:184
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:208
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "à¬?ପସାରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_R)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:325
-msgid "Edit contact"
-msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ସମà?ପାଦନ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:329
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:226
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:229
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:442
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:353
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:169
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:541
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:225
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "ନାମ:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:393
-msgid "Remove contact"
-msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ଲିà¬à¬¾à¬¨à?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:395
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to remove %s from the addressbook?"
-msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ବହିରà? %sà¬?à? à¬?ାଢ଼ିବà? ବà?ଲି à¬?ପଣ ନିଶà?à¬?ିତ à¬?ି?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/gstreamer/gst-audioinput.cpp:270
-msgid "Audio test"
-msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ପରà?à¬?à?ଷଣ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/gstreamer/gst-audiooutput.cpp:320
-msgid "Silent"
-msgstr "ନିଶବà?ଦ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/gstreamer/gst-videoinput.cpp:226
-msgid "Video test"
-msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ପରà?à¬?à?ଷଣ"
-#. Translators: "Screencast" means the video input device will be your screen -- the other end will see your desktop
-#: ../lib/engine/components/gstreamer/gst-videoinput.cpp:378
-#: ../lib/engine/components/gstreamer/gst-videoinput.cpp:383
-msgid "Crazy"
-msgstr "à¬?ନà?ମାଦ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/gstreamer/gst-videoinput.cpp:383
-msgid "Screencast"
-msgstr "ସà?à¬?à?ରିନ à¬?ାଷà?à¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:411
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-entry.cpp:144
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-entry-ref.cpp:132
-msgid "_Refresh"
-msgstr "ସତà?à¬?ନ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_R)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:414
-msgid "_Remove addressbook"
-msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ବହି ଲିà¬à¬¾à¬¨à?ତà? (_R)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:416
-msgid "Addressbook _properties"
-msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ବହି à¬?à?ଣଧରà?ମ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:541
-msgid "LDAP SASL Interaction"
-msgstr "LDAP SASL ପାରସà?ପରିà¬? à¬?à?ରିà?ା"
-#. Translators, Howard explained : "Challenge" is a generic term
-#. * in authentication. It's a prompt from the authentication mechanism
-#. * for some type of credential. Exactly what kind of challenge and
-#. * what kind of credential depends on the specific authentication
-#. * mechanism. Since SASL is a generic interface, and can dynamically
-#. * load arbitrary mechanisms, there's not much more specific you can
-#. * say about it. You might google for "challenge response
-#. * authentication" if you'd like more background context.
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:583
-msgid "Challenge: "
-msgstr "à¬?ହà?ବାନ:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:591
-msgid "Interact"
-msgstr "ପାରସà?ପରିà¬? à¬?à?ରିà?ା"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:660
-msgid "Refreshing"
-msgstr "ସତà?à¬?ିତ ହà?à¬?à¬?ି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:666
-msgid "Could not initialize server"
-msgstr "ସରà?à¬à¬° ପà?ରାରମà?ଠà¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:680
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:725
-msgid "LDAP Error: "
-msgstr "LDAP ତà?ରà?à¬?ି:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:734
-msgid "Contacted server"
-msgstr "ସରà?à¬à¬°à¬?à? ସମà?ପରà?à¬? à¬?ରାଯାà¬?à¬?ି"
-#. patience == 0
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:773
-msgid "Could not connect to server"
-msgstr "ସà?ବà¬? ସହିତ ସà¬?ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#. patience == 0
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:821
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:870
-msgid "Could not search"
-msgstr "à¬?à?à¬? à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:829
-msgid "Waiting for search results"
-msgstr "à¬?à?à¬? ଫଳାଫଳ ନିମନà?ତà? à¬?ପà?à¬?à?ଷା"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:919
-msgid "Please edit the following fields"
-msgstr "ନିମà?ନବତି à¬?à?ଷà?ତà?ରର ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:921
-msgid "Book _Name"
-msgstr "ବହି ନାମ (_N)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:922
-msgid "Server _URI"
-msgstr "ସରà?à¬à¬° à?à?.à¬?ରà?.à¬?à¬?. (_U)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:923
-msgid "_Base DN"
-msgstr "�ଧାର DN (_B)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:929
-msgid "Subtree"
-msgstr "à¬?ପବà?à¬?à?ଷ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:930
-msgid "Single Level"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?ମାତà?ର ସà?ତର"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:931
-msgid "_Search Scope"
-msgstr "à¬?à?à¬? ସà?ଯà?à¬? (_S)"
-#. Translators: DisplayName Attribute is the name of the LDAP
-#. * attribute whose value will be used to name an addressbook entry.
-#. * On Microsoft systems the actual attribute is literally named
-#. * "DisplayName" (i.e., "the name that will be displayed") but on
-#. * most LDAP servers it's "CommonName".
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:946
-msgid "_DisplayName Attribute"
-msgstr "ପà?ରଦରà?ଶନ ନାମ à¬?à?ଣଧରà?ମ (_D)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:947
-msgid "Call _Attributes"
-msgstr "à¬?ଲ à¬?à?ଣଧରà?ମ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:949
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:951
-msgid "_Filter Template"
-msgstr "à¬?ାଣà¬? ଢାà¬?à?à¬?ା (_F)"
-#. Translators: Bind ID - In LDAP, the operation that begins an LDAP
-#. * session and authenticates the user to the directory is called a
-#. * Bind operation. There are two types of Binds supported in the
-#. * standard protocol - Simple Bind and SASL Bind. Since both of
-#. * them are used for authentication, both of them require some type
-#. * of user ID as a parameter, and that is supplied here. (Of
-#. * course, the Bind ID can be left blank, in which case the session
-#. * is anonymous / unauthenticated.)
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:962
-msgid "Bind _ID"
-msgstr "ବା��ଡ _ID"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:963
-msgid "_Password"
-msgstr "ପà?ରବà?ଶ ସà¬?à?à¬?à?ତ (_P)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:964
-msgid "Use TLS"
-msgstr "à¬?ି.à¬?ଲ.à¬?ସà?. à¬?à? ବà?ଯବହାର à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:965
-msgid "Use SASL"
-msgstr "SASL ବà?ଯବହାର à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:979
-msgid "SASL _Mechanism"
-msgstr "SASL ବà?à?ବସà?ଥା (_M)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:989
-msgid "Edit LDAP directory"
-msgstr "LDAP Directory ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:1018
-msgid "Please provide a Book Name for this directory\n"
-msgstr "ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ହି ବିବରଣà?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?ା ପାà¬?à¬? ବହି ନାମ ପà?ରଦାନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?\n"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:1021
-msgid "Please provide a Server URI\n"
-msgstr "ଦà?ାà¬?ରି ସରà?à¬à¬° à?à?.à¬?ରà?.à¬?à¬?. ପà?ରଦାନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?\n"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:1024
-msgid "Please provide a DisplayName Attribute\n"
-msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ପà?ରଦରà?ଶନ ନାମ à¬?à?ଣଧରà?ମ ପà?ରଦାନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?\n"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:1027
-msgid "Please provide a Call Attribute\n"
-msgstr "ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ଲର à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? à¬?à?ଣ ପà?ରଦାନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?\n"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:1030
-msgid "Invalid Server URI\n"
-msgstr "à¬?ବà?ଧ ସରà?à¬à¬° à?à?.à¬?ରà?.à¬?à¬?.\n"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-source.cpp:130
-msgid "Add an LDAP Address Book"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬? LDAP ଠିà¬?ଣା ବହି ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-source.cpp:132
-msgid "Add the Ekiga.net Directory"
-msgstr "Ekiga.net ବିବରଣà?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?ା ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-source.cpp:152
-msgid "Create LDAP directory"
-msgstr "LDAP ବିବରଣà?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?ା ସà?ଷà?à¬?ି à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/ldap/ldap-source.cpp:167
-msgid "Ekiga.net Directory"
-msgstr "Ekiga.net ବିବରଣà?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?ା"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:223
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:242
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:269
msgid "Edit roster element"
msgstr "ସà?à¬?à? à¬?ପାଦାନà¬?à? ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:224
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:243
msgid ""
"Please fill in this form to change an existing element of ekiga's internal "
msgstr ""
+"ekiga ର à¬?à¬à?à?ନà?ତରà?ଣ ନାମାବଳà?ରà? ସà?ଥିତବାନ à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? à¬?ପାଦାନà¬?à? ପରିବରà?ତà?ତନ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ହି "
+"ଫରà?ମà¬?à? ପà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:245
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:235
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:427
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:395
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:314
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:267
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:272
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:169
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:526
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:227
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "ନାମ:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:227
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:238
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:240
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:170
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:542
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:226
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:246
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:244
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:246
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:170
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:527
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:228
msgid "Address:"
msgstr "ଠି�ଣା:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:229
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:543
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:228
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:247
+msgid "Is a prefered contact"
+msgstr "à¬?ହା à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? à¬?ପଯà?à¬?à?ତ ସମà?ପରà?à¬? à¬?à¬?à?"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-presentity.cpp:249
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:274
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:528
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:230
msgid "Choose groups:"
msgstr "ସମà?ହ ବାà¬?:"
#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-roster-bridge.cpp:93
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:226
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:232
msgid "Add to local roster"
msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?à? ସà?à¬?à?ରà? ଯà?à¬?à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:94
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:93
msgid "Services"
msgstr "ସà?ବା ମାନ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:95
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:94
msgid "Echo test"
msgstr "à¬?à¬?à? ପରà?à¬?à?ଷଣ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:96
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:95
msgid "Conference room"
msgstr "ସମà?ମà?ଲନ à¬?ର"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:96
+msgid "Call back test"
+msgstr "à¬?ଲ ବà?à?ାà¬? ପରà?à¬?à?ଷଣ"
#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:110
msgid "Local roster"
msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?à? ସà?à¬?à?"
@@ -1093,11 +887,11 @@ msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?à? ସà?à¬?à?"
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "ପà?ନà¬?ନାମ ଦିà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:190
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:196
msgid "Family"
msgstr "ପରିବାର"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:191
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:197
msgid "Friend"
msgstr "ବନà?ଧà?"
@@ -1105,7 +899,7 @@ msgstr "ବନà?ଧà?"
#. relationships between you and your contact; associate means
#. someone who is at the same "level" than you.
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:196
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:202
msgid "Associate"
msgstr "ସହାà?à¬?"
@@ -1113,7 +907,7 @@ msgstr "ସହାà?à¬?"
#. relationships between you and your contact; assistant means
#. someone who is at a lower "level" than you.
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:201
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:207
msgid "Assistant"
msgstr "ସହà¬?ାରà?"
@@ -1121,50 +915,53 @@ msgstr "ସହà¬?ାରà?"
#. relationships between you and your contact; supervisor means
#. someone who is at a higher "level" than you.
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:206
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:212
msgid "Supervisor"
msgstr "à¬?ଧà?à?à¬?à?ଷ"
#. Translator: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4480.txt proposes several
#. relationships between you and your contact; self means yourself.
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:210
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:216
msgid "Self"
msgstr "ସà?ବତà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:227
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:233
msgid "Please fill in this form to add a new contact to ekiga's internal roster"
msgstr ""
+"ekiga ର à¬?à¬à?à?ନà?ତରà?ଣ ନାମାବଳà?ରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ନà?ତନ ସମà?ପରà?à¬?à¬?à? ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ହି ଫରà?ମà¬?à? ପà?ରଣ "
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:244
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:250
msgid "Put contact in groups:"
msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬?ମାନà¬?à¬?à? ସମà?ହରà? ରà¬?ନà?ତà?:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:413
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:412
msgid "You supplied an unsupported address"
msgstr "à¬?ପଣ à¬?ସମରà?ଥିତ ଠିà¬?ଣା ପà?ରଦାନ à¬?ରିà¬?ନà?ତି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:415
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:414
msgid "You already have a contact with this address!"
msgstr "à¬?ହି ଠିà¬?ଣା ଥିବା à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ପà?ରà?ବରà? ରହିà¬?ି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:440
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:425
msgid "Rename group"
msgstr "ସମà?ହ ନାମବଦଳ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:441
+#: ../lib/engine/components/local-roster/local-heap.cpp:426
msgid "Please edit this group name"
msgstr "à¬?ହି ସମà?ହର ନାମ ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/h323-endpoint.cpp:131
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:221
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:225
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:230
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:234
msgid "Call"
msgstr "ଡା�ରା"
#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/h323-endpoint.cpp:134
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:222
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:226 ../src/gui/main.cpp:2952
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:231
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:235
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2979
msgid "Transfer"
msgstr "ସà?ଥାନାନà?ତରିତ à¬?ର"
@@ -1178,259 +975,292 @@ msgid "Bad username/password"
msgstr "ତà?ରà?à¬?ିପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ ବà?ଯବହାରà? ନାମ/ପà?ରବà?ଶ ସà¬?à¬?à?ତ"
#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/h323-endpoint.cpp:315
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:898
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:826
msgid "Transport error"
msgstr "ପରିବହନ ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/h323-endpoint.cpp:326
#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/h323-endpoint.cpp:331
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:905
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:833
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "ବିଫଳ ହà?à¬?à¬?ି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:300
+#. translators : the result will look like :
+#. * "registered (with 2 voicemail messages)"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:209
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (with %d voicemail message)"
+msgid_plural "%s (with %d voicemail messages)"
+msgstr[0] "%s (%d à¬?ି ଧà?à±à¬¨à? ମà?ଲ ସନà?ଦà?ଶ ସହିତ)"
+msgstr[1] "%s (%d à¬?ି ଧà?à±à¬¨à? ମà?ଲ ସନà?ଦà?ଶà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬? ସହିତ)"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:342
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:352
msgid "_Disable"
msgstr "ନିଷà?à¬?à?ରିà? (_D)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:303
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:345
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:356
msgid "_Enable"
msgstr "ସà¬?à?ରିà? (_E)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:324
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:720
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:366
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:715
msgid "Recharge the account"
msgstr "à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬?à¬?à? ରିà¬?ାରà?à¬? à¬?ର"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:329
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:732
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:371
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:727
msgid "Consult the balance history"
msgstr "ବାà¬?ି ରହିଥିବା à¬?ତିହାସ ପà¬?ାରି ବà?à¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:334
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:376
msgid "Consult the call history"
msgstr "à¬?ଲ à¬?ତିହାସ ପରାମରà?ଶ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:349
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:95
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:391
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:94
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:262
msgid "Edit account"
msgstr "à¬?ାତା ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:355
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:393
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:341
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:312
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:264
+msgid "Please update the following fields:"
+msgstr "à¬?ହି à¬?à?ଷà?ତà?ର à¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? à¬?ଦà?ଯତନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?:"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:397
msgid "Registrar:"
msgstr "ରà?à¬?ିଷà?à¬?à?ରାର:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:357
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:399
msgid "Gatekeeper:"
msgstr "ଦà?ବାରରà¬?à?ଷà¬?:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:358
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:174
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:400
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:271
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:174
msgid "User:"
msgstr "�ାଳ�:"
#. Translators:
#. * SIP knows two usernames: The name for the client ("User") and the name
#. * for the authentication procedure ("Authentication User")
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:363
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:405
msgid "Authentication User:"
msgstr "ବà?ଧିà¬?ରଣ ବà?ଯବହାରà?:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:364
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:173
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:406
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:283
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:173
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "ପà?ରବà?ଶ ସà¬?à?à¬?à?ତ:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:365
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:407
msgid "Timeout:"
msgstr "ସମà? ସମାପà?ତି:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:366
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:140
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:408
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:139
msgid "Enable Account"
msgstr "à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬? ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ର"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:401
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:181
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:434
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:173
msgid "You did not supply a name for that account."
msgstr "à¬?à¬?à?ତ à¬?ାତା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ପଣ ନାମ ପà?ରଦାନ à¬?ରିନାହାନà?ତି."
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:403
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:183
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:436
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:175
msgid "You did not supply a host to register to."
msgstr "ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?ରଣ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ପଣ à¬?ଧାର ପà?ରଦାନ à¬?ରିନଥିଲà?।"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:405
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:185
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:438
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:177
msgid "You did not supply a user name for that account."
msgstr "à¬?à¬?à?ତ à¬?ାତା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ପଣ à¬?ାଲà¬? ନାମ ପà?ରଦାନ à¬?ରିନାହାନà?ତି."
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:407
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:187
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:440
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:179
msgid "The timeout should have a bigger value."
msgstr "ସମà? ସମାପà?ତରà? ବଡ଼ ମà?ଲà?à? ଥିବା à¬?à¬?ିତ।"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:75
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:486
+msgid "Registered"
+msgstr "ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତହà?ଲା"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:498
+msgid "Unregistered"
+msgstr "à¬?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତହà?ଲା"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:508
+msgid "Could not unregister"
+msgstr "à¬?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:521
+msgid "Could not register"
+msgstr "ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-account.cpp:530
+msgid "Processing..."
+msgstr "ପà?ରà¬?à?ରିଯା à¬?ାଲିà¬?ି"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:74
msgid "_Add an Ekiga.net Account"
msgstr "à¬?à¬? Ekiga.net à¬?ାତା ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_A)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:77
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:76
msgid "_Add an Ekiga Call Out Account"
msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? Ekiga à¬?ଲà¬?à¬?à¬? à¬?ାତା ଯà?à¬?à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_A)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:79
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:78
msgid "_Add a SIP Account"
msgstr "SIP à¬?ାତା ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_A)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:81
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:80
msgid "_Add an H.323 Account"
msgstr "H.323 à¬?ାତା ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_A)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:96
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:95
msgid "Please update the following fields."
msgstr "à¬?ହି à¬?à?ଷà?ତà?ର à¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? à¬?ଦà?ଯତନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?."
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:101
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:600
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:100
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:595
msgid "Get an Ekiga.net SIP account"
msgstr "à¬?à¬? Ekiga.net SIP à¬?ାତା ପà?ରାପà?ତ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:104
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:124
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:134
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "User:"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:103
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:123
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:133
msgid "_User:"
-msgstr "�ାଳ�:"
+msgstr "�ାଳ� (_U):"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:106
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:126
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:136
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "_Password"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:105
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:125
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:135
msgid "_Password:"
-msgstr "ପà?ରବà?ଶ ସà¬?à?à¬?à?ତ (_P)"
+msgstr "ପà?ରବà?ଶ ସà¬?à?à¬?à?ତ (_P):"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:111
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:708
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:110
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:703
msgid "Get an Ekiga Call Out account"
msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? Ekiga à¬?ଲà¬?à¬?à¬? à¬?ାତା à¬?ଣନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:115
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Account ID:"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:114
msgid "_Account ID:"
-msgstr "�ାତା ID:"
+msgstr "�ାତା ID (_A):"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:117
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "PIN Code:"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:116
msgid "_PIN Code:"
-msgstr "ପିନ à¬?à?ଡ଼:"
+msgstr "PIN ସà¬?à?à¬?à?ତ (_P):"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:123
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Gatekeeper:"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:121
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:131
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:343
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "ନାମ (_N):"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:122
msgid "_Gatekeeper:"
-msgstr "ଦà?ବାରରà¬?à?ଷà¬?:"
+msgstr "ଦà?ବାରରà¬?à?ଷà¬? (_G):"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:127
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:137
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Timeout:"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:126
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:136
msgid "_Timeout:"
-msgstr "ସମà? ସମାପà?ତି:"
+msgstr "ସମà? ସମାପà?ତି (_T):"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:133
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Registrar:"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:132
msgid "_Registrar:"
-msgstr "ରà?à¬?ିଷà?à¬?à?ରାର:"
+msgstr "ରà?à¬?ିଷà?à¬?à?ରାର (_R):"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:135
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Authentication User:"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-bank.cpp:134
msgid "_Authentication User:"
-msgstr "ବà?ଧିà¬?ରଣ ବà?ଯବହାରà?:"
+msgstr "ବà?ଧିà¬?ରଣ ବà?ଯବହାରà? (_A):"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:438
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:406
msgid "Local user cleared the call"
msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?ଯ à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା à¬?ଲ ପରିଷà?à¬?ାରà¬?ଲà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:441
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:444
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:409
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:412
msgid "Local user rejected the call"
msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?ଯ à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା à¬?ଲà¬?à? à¬?ସà?ବà?à¬?ାର à¬?ଲà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:447
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:415
msgid "Remote user cleared the call"
msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା à¬?ଲà¬?à? ପରିଷà?à¬?ାର à¬?ଲà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:450
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:418
msgid "Remote user rejected the call"
msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା à¬?ଲà¬?à? à¬?ସà?ବà?à¬?ାର à¬?ଲà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:453
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:421
msgid "Remote user has stopped calling"
msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା à¬?ଲà¬?ରିବା ବନà?ଦà¬?ରିà¬?ନà?ତି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:456
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:424
msgid "Abnormal call termination"
msgstr "à¬?ସାମାନà?ଯ à¬?ଲ ନଷà?à¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:459 ../src/gui/main.cpp:1496
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:427
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1492
msgid "Could not connect to remote host"
msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ ହà?ଷà?à¬? ସହିତ ସà¬?à?à?à¬? à¬?ରିପାରିଲା ନାହିà¬? "
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:462
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:431
msgid "The Gatekeeper cleared the call"
msgstr "ଦà?ବାରରà¬?à?ଷà¬? à¬?ଲà¬?à? ପରିଷà?à¬?ାର à¬?ଲà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:465
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:434
msgid "User not found"
msgstr "à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା ମିଳିଲà? ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:468
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:437
msgid "Insufficient bandwidth"
msgstr "à¬?à?ଥà?ଷà?à¬? ବà?ଯାଣà?ଡବିଡଥ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:471
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:440
msgid "No common codec"
msgstr "à¬?à?ଣସି ସାଧାରଣ à¬?à?ଡà?à¬? ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:474
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:443
msgid "Call forwarded"
msgstr "à¬?ଲ à¬?à¬?à?ରସର ହà?ଲା"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:477
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:446
msgid "Security check failed"
msgstr "ସà?ରà¬?à?ଷା à?ାà¬?à?à¬? ବିଫଳହà?ଲା"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:480
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:449
msgid "Local user is busy"
msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?ଯ à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା ବà?ଯସà?ତ à¬?à¬?à?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:483
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:489
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:452
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:458
msgid "Congested link to remote party"
msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ ଦଳà¬?à? ଲିà¬?à?à¬? ସà¬?à¬?à?ରà?ଣà?ଣ à¬?à¬?à?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:486
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:455
msgid "Remote user is busy"
msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା ବà?ଯସà?ତ à¬?à¬?à?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:492
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:461
msgid "Remote host is offline"
msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ ହà?ଷà?à¬? à¬?ଫଲାà¬?ନ à¬?à¬?ନà?ତି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:498
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:467
msgid "User is not available"
msgstr "à¬?ାଲà¬? à¬?ପଲବà?ଧ ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:509
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call.cpp:478
msgid "Call completed"
msgstr "à¬?ଲ ସà¬?ପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣହà?ଲା"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call-manager.cpp:727
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call-manager.cpp:770
msgid ""
"Ekiga did not manage to configure your network settings automatically. You "
"can still use it, but you need to configure your network settings manually.\n"
@@ -1438,97 +1268,102 @@ msgid ""
"Please see http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Enable_port_forwarding_manually "
"for instructions"
msgstr ""
+"Ekiga à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ନà?à¬?à±à¬°à?à¬? ବିନà?à?ାସà¬?à? ସà?à±à?à¬?à¬?ାଳିତ à¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬°à? ପରିà¬?ାଳନା à¬?ରିନଥିଲା। à¬?ପଣ à¬?ହାà¬?à? à¬?ବà? ମଧà?ଯ "
+"ବà?à?ବହାର à¬?ରିପାରିବà?, à¬?ିନà?ତà? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?à? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ନà?à¬?à±à¬°à?à¬? ବିନà?à?ାସà¬?à? ହସà?ତà¬?à?ତ à¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬°à? ବିନà?à?ାସ à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ହà?ବ।\n"
+"ଦà?ାà¬?ରି ନିରà?ଦà?ଦà?ଶ ପାà¬?à¬? http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/"
+"Enable_port_forwarding_manuallyà¬?à? ଦà?à¬?ନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:246
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:248
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:255
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:257
msgid "Message"
msgstr "ସନà?ଦà?ଶ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:705
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:633
msgid "Bad request"
msgstr "ମନà?ଦ à¬?ନà?ରà?ଧ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:709
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:637
msgid "Payment required"
msgstr "ଦà?ଯ à¬?ବଶà?ଯà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:713
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:641
msgid "Unauthorized"
msgstr "à¬?ବà?ଧ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:717
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:645
msgid "Forbidden, please check that username and password are correct"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ବାରଣ ହà?à¬?à¬?ି, à¬?ାଳà¬?ନାମ à¬?ବà¬? ପà?ରବà?ଶ ସà¬?à¬?à?ତà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬? ସଠିà¬? à¬?à¬?ି ନାହିà¬? ଦà?ାà¬?ରି ଯାà¬?à?à¬?à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:721
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:649
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "ସମଯ ବିତିà?ାà¬?à¬?ି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:725
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:653
msgid "Conflict"
msgstr "ବିରà?ଧ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:729
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:657
msgid "Temporarily unavailable"
msgstr "à¬?ସà?ଥାଯà? à¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬°à? à¬?ନà?ପଲବà?ଧ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:733
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:661
msgid "Not acceptable"
msgstr "à¬?à¬?à?ରହଣà?à?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:737
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:665
msgid "Illegal status code"
msgstr "à¬?ବà?ଧ à¬?ବସà?ଥିତି ସà?à¬?ନା"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:741
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:669
msgid "Multiple choices"
msgstr "à¬?à¬?ାଧିà¬? ପସନà?ଦ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:745
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:673
msgid "Moved permanently"
msgstr "ସବà?ଦିନ ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à?à¬?à?à¬?ାଯାà¬?à¬?ି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:749
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:677
msgid "Moved temporarily"
msgstr "à¬?ସà?ଥାà?à? à¬à¬¬à¬¾à¬°à? à¬?à?à¬?à?à¬?ାଯାà¬?à¬?ି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:753
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:681
msgid "Use proxy"
msgstr "ପà?ରà?à¬?à?ସି à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ର"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:757
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:685
msgid "Alternative service"
msgstr "ବà?à¬?ଳà?ପିà¬? ସରà?à¬à¬¿à¬¸"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:761
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:689
msgid "Not found"
msgstr "ମିଳିଲା ନାହି�"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:765
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:693
msgid "Method not allowed"
msgstr "ପଦà?ଧତି à¬?ନà?ମତି ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:769
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:697
msgid "Proxy authentication required"
-msgstr "Proxy ବà?ଧିà¬?ରଣ ଦରà¬?ାର"
+msgstr "ପà?ରà?à¬?à?ସି ବà?ଧିà¬?ରଣ ଦରà¬?ାର"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:773
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:701
msgid "Length required"
msgstr "ଲମà?ବ ଦରà¬?ାର"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:777
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:705
msgid "Request entity too big"
msgstr "à¬?ନà?ରà?ଧ ବସà?ତà? à¬?ତà?à?ଧିà¬? "
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:781
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:709
msgid "Request URI too long"
msgstr "à¬?ନà?ରà?ଧ à?à?.à¬?ରà?.à¬?à¬?. à¬?ତà?à?ଧିà¬? ଲମà?ବ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:785
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:713
msgid "Unsupported media type"
msgstr "à¬?ସମରà?ଥିତ ମà?ଡିà¬? ପà?ରà¬?ାର"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:789
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:717
msgid "Unsupported URI scheme"
msgstr "à¬?ସମରà?ଥିତ URI ଯà?à¬?ନା"
@@ -1536,366 +1371,730 @@ msgstr "à¬?ସମରà?ଥିତ URI ଯà?à¬?ନା"
#. * Here extension is a specific "phone number", see
#. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extension_(telephone)
#. * for more information
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:797
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:725
msgid "Bad extension"
msgstr "à¬?ରାପ à¬?ନà?ଲà¬?à?ନ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:801
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:729
msgid "Extension required"
msgstr "à¬?ନà?ଲà¬?à?ନ à¬?ବଶà?à?à¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:805
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:733
msgid "Interval too brief"
msgstr "à¬?ତି ସାମାନà?ଯ ବିରତି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:809
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:737
msgid "Loop detected"
msgstr "ଲà?ପà¬?à? à¬?à?à¬?ାଯାà¬?à¬?ି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:813
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:741
msgid "Too many hops"
msgstr "à¬?ତà?à?ଧିà¬? ହà?ପ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:817
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:745
msgid "Address incomplete"
msgstr "à¬?ସମà?ପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ ଠିà¬?ଣା"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:821
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:749
msgid "Ambiguous"
msgstr "à¬?ସà?ପଷà?à¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:825
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:753
msgid "Busy Here"
msgstr "à¬?ଠାରà? à¬?ାରà?ଯà?à?ବà?à?ସà?ତ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:829
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:757
msgid "Request terminated"
msgstr "à¬?ନà?ରà?ଧ ସମାପà?ତି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:833
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Remote host is offline"
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:761
msgid "Remote party host is offline"
msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ ହà?ଷà?à¬? à¬?ଫଲାà¬?ନ à¬?à¬?ନà?ତି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:837
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:765
msgid "Not acceptable here"
msgstr "à¬?ଠାରà? à¬?à¬?à?ରହଣà?à?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:841
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:769
msgid "Bad event"
msgstr "ତà?ରà?à¬?ିପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ à¬?à¬?ଣା"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:845
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:773
msgid "Request pending"
msgstr "à¬?ନà?ରà?ଧ à¬?ନିଷà?ପନà?ନ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:849
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:777
msgid "Undecipherable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ବà?à¬?ିବା à¬?ଯà?à¬?à?à?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:853
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:781
msgid "Internal server error"
msgstr "à¬?à¬à?à?ନà?ତରà?ଣ ସରà?à¬à¬° ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:857
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:785
msgid "Not implemented"
msgstr "à¬?ାରà?à?à?ଯà¬?ାରà? ହà?à¬? ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:861
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:789
msgid "Bad gateway"
-msgstr "à¬?ରାପ à¬?à?à¬?à¬?à?ବà?"
+msgstr "à¬?ରାପ à¬?à?à¬?à±à?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:865
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:793
msgid "Service unavailable"
msgstr "ସà?ବା à¬?ନà?ପଲବà?ଧ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:869
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:797
msgid "Server timeout"
msgstr "ସରà?à¬à¬° ସମà? ସମାପà?ତି"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:873
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:801
msgid "SIP version not supported"
msgstr "SIP ସà¬?ସà?à¬?ରଣ ସହାà?ପà?ରାପà?ତ ନà?ହà?à¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:877
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:805
msgid "Message too large"
msgstr "ସà?à¬?ନା à¬?ତà?ଯାଧିà¬? ବà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:881
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:809
msgid "Busy everywhere"
msgstr "ସବà?ଠାରà? à¬?ାରà?à?ବà?ଯସà?ତ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:885
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:813
msgid "Decline"
msgstr "ହà?ରାସ à¬?ର"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:889
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:817
msgid "Does not exist anymore"
msgstr "à¬?à¬? à¬?ବସà?ଥିତ ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:893
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:821
msgid "Globally not acceptable"
msgstr "ସାମà¬?à?ରିà¬? à¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬°à? à¬?à?ରହଣଯà?à¬?à?à? ନà?ହà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:1030
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:981
msgid "Could not send message"
msgstr "ସନà?ଦà?ଶ ପଠାà¬?ପାରିଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:1149
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:1078
#, c-format
msgid "Incoming call from %s"
msgstr "%s ଠାରà? à¬?à¬?ତ à¬?ଲ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:1151
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:1080
#, c-format
msgid "Incoming call"
msgstr "��ତ �ଲ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:1157
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:1086
#, c-format
msgid "In a call with %s"
msgstr "%s ସହ à¬?à¬? à¬?ଲରà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:1159
+#: ../lib/engine/components/opal/sip-endpoint.cpp:1088
#, c-format
msgid "In a call"
msgstr "à¬?à¬? à¬?ଲରà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:102
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-core/form-dialog-gtk.cpp:660
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr "à¬?ନà?ନତ"
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-core/codecsbox.cpp:478
+msgid "Move selected codec priority upwards"
+msgstr "ବà¬?à?à¬?ିତ ସାà¬?à?à¬?à?ତିà¬? ପà?ରାଥମିà¬?ତାà¬?à? à¬?ରà?ଦà?ଧà¬?ାମà? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-core/codecsbox.cpp:488
+msgid "Move selected codec priority downwards"
+msgstr "ବà¬?à?à¬?ିତ ସାà¬?à?à¬?à?ତିà¬? ପà?ରାଥମିà¬?ତାà¬?à? ନିମà?ନà¬?ାମà? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/addressbook-window.cpp:670
+msgid "Address Book"
+msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ପà?ସà?ତିà¬?ା"
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/addressbook-window.cpp:686
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3154
+msgid "Address _Book"
+msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ପà?ସà?ତିà¬?ା (_B)"
+#. This will add static and dynamic actions
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/addressbook-window.cpp:695
+msgid "_Action"
+msgstr "à¬?ାରà?ଯà?ଯ (_A)"
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/addressbook-window.cpp:740
+msgid "Category"
+msgstr "ବିà¬à¬¾à¬?"
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/book-view-gtk.cpp:616
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1364
+msgid "Full Name"
+msgstr "ପà?ରା ନାମ"
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/book-view-gtk.cpp:631
+msgid "_Search Filter:"
+msgstr "ଫିଲà¬?ର à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà?:"
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/chat-area.cpp:247
+msgid "says:"
+msgstr "à¬?ହନà?ତି:"
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/chat-area.cpp:370
+msgid "Open link in browser"
+msgstr "ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?à¬?à? ବà?ରାà¬?à¬?ରରà? à¬?à?ଲନà?ତà?"
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/chat-area.cpp:376
+msgid "Copy link"
+msgstr "ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?à¬?à? ନà¬?ଲ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/chat-area.cpp:912
+msgid "_Smile..."
+msgstr "ହସ... (_S)"
+#. we can't do much here since we get the Chat as reference...
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/chat-window.cpp:432
+msgid "Chat Window"
+msgstr "à¬?ାà¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?"
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/roster-view-gtk.cpp:971
+#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/roster-view-gtk.cpp:1006
+msgid "Unsorted"
+msgstr "�ସ�ଡା"
+#: ../lib/gui/gmdialog.c:331
+msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
+msgstr "à¬?ହି ଡାà¬?ଲà¬?à¬?à? ପà?ଣି ଥରà? ଦà?à¬?ାà¬? ନାହିà¬?"
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:75
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:904
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d user found"
+msgid_plural "%d users found"
+msgstr[0] "%d �ାଳ� ମିଳିଲା"
+msgstr[1] "%d �ାଳ� ମିଳିଲା"
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:297
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-heap.cpp:138
+msgid "New _Contact"
+msgstr "ନà?à¬? ସମà?ପରà?à¬? (_C)"
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:344
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:323
+msgid "VoIP _URI:"
+msgstr "VoIP URI (_U):"
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:345
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:324
+msgid "_Home phone:"
+msgstr "à¬?ରà?à¬? ଫà?ନ (_H):"
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:346
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:325
+msgid "_Office phone:"
+msgstr "à¬?ଫିସ ଫà?ନ (_O)"
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:347
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:326
+msgid "_Cell phone:"
+msgstr "ସà?ଲ ଫà?ନ (_C)"
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-book.cpp:348
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:327
+msgid "_Pager:"
+msgstr "ପà?à¬?ର (_P)"
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:310
+msgid "Edit contact"
+msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ସମà?ପାଦନ"
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:364
+msgid "Remove contact"
+msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ଲିà¬à¬¾à¬¨à?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/evolution/evolution-contact.cpp:366
+#, c-format
+msgid "Are you sure you want to remove %s from the addressbook?"
+msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ବହିରà? %sà¬?à? à¬?ାଢ଼ିବà? ବà?ଲି à¬?ପଣ ନିଶà?à¬?ିତ à¬?ି?"
+#: ../plugins/gstreamer/gst-audioinput.cpp:277
+msgid "Audio test"
+msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ପରà?à¬?à?ଷଣ"
+#: ../plugins/gstreamer/gst-audiooutput.cpp:328
+msgid "Silent"
+msgstr "ନିଶବà?ଦ"
+#: ../plugins/gstreamer/gst-videoinput.cpp:234
+msgid "Video test"
+msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ପରà?à¬?à?ଷଣ"
+#. Translators: "Screencast" means the video input device will be your screen -- the other end will see your desktop
+#: ../plugins/gstreamer/gst-videoinput.cpp:386
+#: ../plugins/gstreamer/gst-videoinput.cpp:391
+msgid "Crazy"
+msgstr "à¬?ନà?ମାଦ"
+#: ../plugins/gstreamer/gst-videoinput.cpp:391
+msgid "Screencast"
+msgstr "ସà?à¬?à?ରିନ à¬?ାଷà?à¬?"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:414
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-entry-ref.cpp:132
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-entry.cpp:154
+msgid "_Refresh"
+msgstr "ସତà?à¬?ନ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_R)"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:417
+msgid "_Remove addressbook"
+msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ବହି ଲିà¬à¬¾à¬¨à?ତà? (_R)"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:419
+msgid "Addressbook _properties"
+msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ବହି à¬?à?ଣଧରà?ମ"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:550
+msgid "LDAP SASL Interaction"
+msgstr "LDAP SASL ପାରସà?ପରିà¬? à¬?à?ରିà?ା"
+#. Translators, Howard explained : "Challenge" is a generic term
+#. * in authentication. It's a prompt from the authentication mechanism
+#. * for some type of credential. Exactly what kind of challenge and
+#. * what kind of credential depends on the specific authentication
+#. * mechanism. Since SASL is a generic interface, and can dynamically
+#. * load arbitrary mechanisms, there's not much more specific you can
+#. * say about it. You might google for "challenge response
+#. * authentication" if you'd like more background context.
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:592
+msgid "Challenge: "
+msgstr "à¬?ହà?ବାନ:"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:600
+msgid "Interact"
+msgstr "ପାରସà?ପରିà¬? à¬?à?ରିà?ା"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:667
+msgid "Refreshing"
+msgstr "ସତà?à¬?ିତ ହà?à¬?à¬?ି"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:673
+msgid "Could not initialize server"
+msgstr "ସରà?à¬à¬° ପà?ରାରମà?ଠà¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:687 ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:732
+msgid "LDAP Error: "
+msgstr "LDAP ତà?ରà?à¬?ି:"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:741
+msgid "Contacted server"
+msgstr "ସରà?à¬à¬°à¬?à? ସମà?ପରà?à¬? à¬?ରାଯାà¬?à¬?ି"
+#. patience == 0
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:780
+msgid "Could not connect to server"
+msgstr "ସà?ବà¬? ସହିତ ସà¬?ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
+#. patience == 0
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:828 ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:877
+msgid "Could not search"
+msgstr "à¬?à?à¬? à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:836
+msgid "Waiting for search results"
+msgstr "à¬?à?à¬? ଫଳାଫଳ ନିମନà?ତà? à¬?ପà?à¬?à?ଷା"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:926
+msgid "Please edit the following fields"
+msgstr "ନିମà?ନବତି à¬?à?ଷà?ତà?ରର ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:928
+msgid "Book _Name"
+msgstr "ବହି ନାମ (_N)"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:929
+msgid "Server _URI"
+msgstr "ସରà?à¬à¬° à?à?.à¬?ରà?.à¬?à¬?. (_U)"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:930
+msgid "_Base DN"
+msgstr "�ଧାର DN (_B)"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:936
+msgid "Subtree"
+msgstr "à¬?ପବà?à¬?à?ଷ"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:937
+msgid "Single Level"
+msgstr "à¬?à¬?ମାତà?ର ସà?ତର"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:938
+msgid "_Search Scope"
+msgstr "à¬?à?à¬? ସà?ଯà?à¬? (_S)"
+#. Translators: DisplayName Attribute is the name of the LDAP
+#. * attribute whose value will be used to name an addressbook entry.
+#. * On Microsoft systems the actual attribute is literally named
+#. * "DisplayName" (i.e., "the name that will be displayed") but on
+#. * most LDAP servers it's "CommonName".
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:953
+msgid "_DisplayName Attribute"
+msgstr "ପà?ରଦରà?ଶନ ନାମ à¬?à?ଣଧରà?ମ (_D)"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:954
+msgid "Call _Attributes"
+msgstr "à¬?ଲ à¬?à?ଣଧରà?ମ"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:956 ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:958
+msgid "_Filter Template"
+msgstr "à¬?ାଣà¬? ଢାà¬?à?à¬?ା (_F)"
+#. Translators: Bind ID - In LDAP, the operation that begins an LDAP
+#. * session and authenticates the user to the directory is called a
+#. * Bind operation. There are two types of Binds supported in the
+#. * standard protocol - Simple Bind and SASL Bind. Since both of
+#. * them are used for authentication, both of them require some type
+#. * of user ID as a parameter, and that is supplied here. (Of
+#. * course, the Bind ID can be left blank, in which case the session
+#. * is anonymous / unauthenticated.)
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:969
+msgid "Bind _ID"
+msgstr "ବା��ଡ ID (_I)"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:970
+msgid "_Password"
+msgstr "ପà?ରବà?ଶ ସà¬?à?à¬?à?ତ (_P)"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:971
+msgid "Use TLS"
+msgstr "TLS à¬?à? ବà?ଯବହାର à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:972
+msgid "Use SASL"
+msgstr "SASL ବà?ଯବହାର à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:986
+msgid "SASL _Mechanism"
+msgstr "SASL ବà?à?ବସà?ଥା (_M)"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:996
+msgid "Edit LDAP directory"
+msgstr "LDAP ଡିରà?à¬?à?à¬?à?ରà?à¬?à? ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:1018
+msgid "Please provide a Book Name for this directory\n"
+msgstr "ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ହି ବିବରଣà?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?ା ପାà¬?à¬? ବହି ନାମ ପà?ରଦାନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?\n"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:1021
+msgid "Please provide a Server URI\n"
+msgstr "ଦà?ାà¬?ରି ସରà?à¬à¬° à?à?.à¬?ରà?.à¬?à¬?. ପà?ରଦାନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?\n"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:1024
+msgid "Please provide a DisplayName Attribute\n"
+msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ପà?ରଦରà?ଶନ ନାମ à¬?à?ଣଧରà?ମ ପà?ରଦାନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?\n"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:1027
+msgid "Please provide a Call Attribute\n"
+msgstr "ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ଲର à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? à¬?à?ଣ ପà?ରଦାନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?\n"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-book.cpp:1030
+msgid "Invalid Server URI\n"
+msgstr "à¬?ବà?ଧ ସରà?à¬à¬° à?à?.à¬?ରà?.à¬?à¬?.\n"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-source.cpp:129
+msgid "Add an LDAP Address Book"
+msgstr "à¬?à¬? LDAP ଠିà¬?ଣା ବହି ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-source.cpp:131
+msgid "Add the Ekiga.net Directory"
+msgstr "Ekiga.net ବିବରଣà?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?ା ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-source.cpp:151
+msgid "Create LDAP directory"
+msgstr "LDAP ବିବରଣà?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?ା ସà?ଷà?à¬?ି à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/ldap/ldap-source.cpp:159
+msgid "Ekiga.net Directory"
+msgstr "Ekiga.net ବିବରଣà?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?ା"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:78
+msgid "inactive"
+msgstr "ନିଷà?à¬?à?ରିà?"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:150
+#, c-format
+msgid "error connecting (%s)"
+msgstr "ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?à?ତ ହà?ବାରà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି (%s)"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:156
+msgid "connecting"
+msgstr "ସà¬?ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରà?à¬?à¬?ି"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:200
+msgid "authenticating"
+msgstr "ବà?ଧିà¬?ରଣ à¬?ରà?à¬?à¬?ି"
+#. FIXME: can't we report better?
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:210
+msgid "error connecting"
+msgstr "ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?à?ତ ହà?ବାରà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:222
+msgid "disconnected"
+msgstr "ସà¬?ଯà?à¬? ବିà¬?à?à¬?ିନà?ନ ହà?à¬?à¬?ି"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:239
+msgid "connected"
+msgstr "ସà¬?à?à?à¬? ହà?ଲା"
+#. FIXME: can't we report something better?
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:245
+msgid "error authenticating loudmouth account"
+msgstr "loudmouth à¬?ାତାà¬?à? ବà?ଧିà¬?ରଣ à¬?ରିବାରà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:275
+msgid "Server:"
+msgstr "ସରà?à¬à¬°:"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:279
+msgid "Resource:"
+msgstr "à¬?ତà?ସ:"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:297
+msgid "Enable account"
+msgstr "à¬?ାତାà¬?à? ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-account.cpp:362 ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:690
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-bank.cpp:118
+msgid "_Add a jabber/XMPP account"
+msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? jabber/XMPP à¬?ାତା ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_A)"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-heap.cpp:210
+msgid "Authorization to see your presence"
+msgstr "à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?ପସà?ଥିତିà¬?à? ଦà?à¬?ିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ବà?ଧିà¬?ରଣ"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-heap.cpp:214
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s asks the permission to see your presence, saying: \"%s\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-heap.cpp:218
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s asks the permission to see your presence."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-heap.cpp:225
+msgid "grant him/her the permission to see your presence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-heap.cpp:226
+msgid "refuse him/her the permission to see your presence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-heap.cpp:227
+msgid "decide later (also close or cancel this dialog)"
+msgstr "ପରà? ସିଦà?ଧାନà?ତ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (à¬?ବà¬? ମଧà?ଯ à¬?ହି ସà¬?ଳାପà¬?à? ବନà?ଦ à¬?ରିବà? à¬?ଥବା ବାତିଲ à¬?ରିବà?)"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-heap.cpp:228
+msgid "Your answer is: "
+msgstr "à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?ତà?ତରà¬?ି ହà?à¬?à¬?ି:"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-heap.cpp:315
+msgid "Add a roster element"
+msgstr "ସà?à¬?à? à¬?ପାଦାନà¬?à? ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-heap.cpp:316
+msgid "Please fill in this form to add a new element to the remote roster"
+msgstr ""
+"ekiga ର à¬?à¬à?à?ନà?ତରà?ଣ ନାମାବଳà?ରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ନà?ତନ ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ତାଲିà¬?ାà¬?à? ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ହି ଫରà?ମà¬?à? "
+"ପà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-heap.cpp:318
+msgid "Identifier:"
+msgstr "ପରିà¬?ାà?à¬?:"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-heap.cpp:318
+msgid "identifier server"
+msgstr "identifier server"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:156
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:162
+msgid "Ask him/her to see his/her status"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:160
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:172
+msgid "Forbid him/her to see my status"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:164
+msgid "Ask him/her to see his/her status (pending)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:168
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:173
+msgid "Stop getting his/her status"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:178
+msgid "Start chat"
+msgstr "à¬?ାରà?à¬? à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:181
+msgid "Continue chat"
+msgstr "à¬?ାରà?à¬? à¬?ାଲà?ରà¬?ନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/loudmouth/loudmouth-presentity.cpp:270
+msgid "Please fill in this form to change an existing element of the remote roster"
+msgstr ""
+"ekiga ର à¬?à¬à?à?ନà?ତରà?ଣ ନାମାବଳà?ରà? ସà?ଥିତବାନ à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? à¬?ପାଦାନà¬?à? ପରିବରà?ତà?ତନ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ହି "
+"ଫରà?ମà¬?à? ପà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:102
msgid "New resource list"
msgstr "ନà?à¬? ସମà?ବଳ ତାଲିà¬?ା"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:166
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:166
msgid "Add new resource-list"
msgstr "ନà?à¬? ସମà?ବଳ-ତାଲିà¬?ା ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:167
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:167
msgid "Please fill in this form to add a new contact list to ekiga's remote roster"
msgstr ""
+"ekiga ର à¬?à¬à?à?ନà?ତରà?ଣ ନାମାବଳà?ରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ନà?ତନ ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ତାଲିà¬?ାà¬?à? ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ହି ଫରà?ମà¬?à? "
+"ପà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:171
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:171
msgid "Writable:"
msgstr "ଲà?à¬?ନà?à?à¬?à?ଯ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:172
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-cluster.cpp:172
msgid "Username:"
msgstr "�ାଳ� ନାମ:"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:104
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:146
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:178
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:134
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-entry.cpp:131
-msgid "Unnamed"
-msgstr "�ନାମିତ"
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-entry-ref.cpp:53
+msgid "Click to fetch"
+msgstr "à¬?ନà?ନ ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à?ଲିà¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-entry-ref.cpp:120
+msgid "Distant contact"
+msgstr "ଦà?ର ସମà?ପରà?à¬?"
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-entry.cpp:197
+msgid "Invalid server data"
+msgstr "à¬?ବà?ଧ ସରà?à¬à¬° ତଥà?à?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:200
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:198
msgid "_Add a new contact"
msgstr "ନà?à¬? ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_A)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:202
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:200
msgid "_Refresh contact list"
msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ତାଲିà¬?ା ସତà?à¬?ନ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_R)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:204
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:202
msgid "Contact list _properties"
msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ତାଲିà¬?ା à¬?à?ଣଧରà?ମ (_p)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:464
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:462
msgid "Edit contact list properties"
msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ତାଲିà¬?ା à¬?à?ଣଧରà?ମ ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:466
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:464
msgid "Please edit the following fields (no identifier means global)"
msgstr "ଦà?ାà¬?ରି ନିମà?ନଲିà¬?ିତ à¬?à?ଷà?ତà?ରà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?à? ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (no identifier means global)"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:469
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:467
msgid "Contact list's name"
msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ତାଲିà¬?ାର ନାମ"
#. "Document" used as a name -- uri point to the root of a document tree
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:471
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:469
msgid "Document root"
msgstr "ଦଲିଲ ମà?ଳ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:472
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:470
msgid "Identifier"
msgstr "ପରିà¬?ାà?à¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:473
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:471
msgid "Writable"
msgstr "ଲà?à¬?ନà?à?à¬?à?ଯ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:474
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:472
msgid "Server username"
msgstr "ସରà?à¬à¬° à¬?ାଲà¬? ନାମ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:475
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:473
msgid "Server password"
msgstr "ସରà?à¬à¬° ପà?ରବà?ଶ ସà¬?à¬?à?ତ"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:527
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:512
msgid "Add a remote contact"
msgstr "ଦà?ର ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:528
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-heap.cpp:513
msgid "Please fill in this form to create a new contact on a remote server"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:222
-msgid "Edit remote contact"
-msgstr "ଦà?ର ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:223
-msgid "Please fill in this form to change an existing contact on a remote server"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-entry.cpp:187
-msgid "Invalid server data"
-msgstr "à¬?ବà?ଧ ସରà?à¬à¬° ତଥà?à?"
+msgstr "ସà?ଦà?ର ସରà?à¬à¬°à¬°à? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ନà?ତନ ସମà?ପରà?à¬?à¬?à? ନିରà?ମାଣ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ହି ଫରà?ମà¬?à? ପà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-entry-ref.cpp:53
-msgid "Click to fetch"
-msgstr "à¬?ନà?ନ ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à?ଲିà¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-entry-ref.cpp:120
-msgid "Distant contact"
-msgstr "ଦà?ର ସମà?ପରà?à¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-list.cpp:182
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-list.cpp:182
#, c-format
msgid "%s / List #%d"
msgstr "%s / ତାଲି�ା #%d"
-#: ../lib/engine/components/resource-list/rl-list.cpp:186
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-list.cpp:186
#, c-format
msgid "List #%d"
msgstr "ତାଲି�ା #%d"
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-core/form-dialog-gtk.cpp:660
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "à¬?ନà?ନତ"
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/addressbook-window.cpp:659
-msgid "Address Book"
-msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ପà?ସà?ତିà¬?ା"
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/addressbook-window.cpp:675
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3127
-msgid "Address _Book"
-msgstr "ଠିà¬?ଣା ପà?ସà?ତିà¬?ା (_B)"
-#. This will add static and dynamic actions
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/addressbook-window.cpp:684
-msgid "_Action"
-msgstr "à¬?ାରà?ଯà?ଯ (_A)"
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/addressbook-window.cpp:729
-msgid "Category"
-msgstr "ବିà¬à¬¾à¬?"
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/book-view-gtk.cpp:590
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1372
-msgid "Full Name"
-msgstr "ପà?ରା ନାମ"
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/book-view-gtk.cpp:601
-msgid "_Search Filter:"
-msgstr "ଫିଲà¬?ର à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà?:"
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/chat-area.cpp:247
-msgid "says:"
-msgstr "à¬?ହନà?ତି:"
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/chat-area.cpp:370
-msgid "Open link in browser"
-msgstr "ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?à¬?à? ବà?ରାà¬?à¬?ରରà? à¬?à?ଲନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/chat-area.cpp:376
-msgid "Copy link"
-msgstr "ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?à¬?à? ନà¬?ଲ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/chat-area.cpp:907
-msgid "_Smile..."
-msgstr "ହସ... (_S)"
-#. we can't do much here since we get the Chat as reference...
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/chat-window.cpp:432
-msgid "Chat Window"
-msgstr "à¬?ାà¬? à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà?"
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/roster-view-gtk.cpp:989
-#: ../lib/engine/gui/gtk-frontend/roster-view-gtk.cpp:1024
-msgid "Unsorted"
-msgstr "�ସ�ଡା"
-#: ../lib/gui/codecsbox.cpp:478
-msgid "Move selected codec priority upwards"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../lib/gui/codecsbox.cpp:488
-msgid "Move selected codec priority downwards"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../lib/gui/gmdialog.c:462
-msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
-msgstr "à¬?ହି ଡାà¬?ଲà¬?à¬?à? ପà?ଣି ଥରà? ଦà?à¬?ାà¬? ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:230
-msgid "Registered"
-msgstr "ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତହà?ଲା"
-#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:234
-msgid "Unregistered"
-msgstr "à¬?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତହà?ଲା"
-#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:238
-msgid "Could not unregister"
-msgstr "à¬?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:244
-msgid "Could not register"
-msgstr "ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:224
+msgid "Edit remote contact"
+msgstr "ଦà?ର ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:250
-msgid "Processing..."
-msgstr "ପà?ରà¬?à?ରିଯା à¬?ାଲିà¬?ି"
+#: ../plugins/resource-list/rl-presentity.cpp:225
+msgid "Please fill in this form to change an existing contact on a remote server"
+msgstr "ସà?ଦà?ର ସରà?à¬à¬°à¬°à? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ସà?ଥିତବାନ ସମà?ପରà?à¬?à¬?à? ପରିବରà?ତà?ତନ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ହି ଫରà?ମà¬?à? ପà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:636
+#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:566
msgid "Account Name"
msgstr "à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬? ନାମ"
-#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:637
-msgid "Voice Mails"
-msgstr "à¬à¬¾à¬·à¬¾ ମà?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:638
+#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:567
msgid "Status"
msgstr "à¬?ବସà?ଥିତି"
-#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:649 ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:692
+#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:577 ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:619
msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:663 ../src/gui/main.cpp:3188
+#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:591 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3215
msgid "_Accounts"
-msgstr "_à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
+msgstr "à¬?ାତାà¬?à?ଡିà¬? (_A)"
-#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:667 ../src/gui/main.cpp:3271
+#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:595 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3298
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "ସହାà?ତା (_H)"
-#. Translators:
-#. * The following string "A" means "activated" or "active". It's a column
-#. * description in the list of configured accounts, it shows if an account
-#. * is activated or not (a status the user can choose).
-#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:700 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:586
-msgid "A"
-msgstr "A"
+#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:622
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "ସà¬?à?ରିà?"
+#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:684
+msgid "Enable"
+msgstr "ସà¬?à?ରିà?"
+#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:687
+msgid "Disable"
+msgstr "ନିଷà?à¬?à?ରିà?"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:325
+#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:693
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "à¬?ପସାରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:320
msgid ""
"This is the Ekiga general configuration assistant. The following steps will "
"set up Ekiga by asking a few simple questions.\n"
@@ -1903,46 +2102,46 @@ msgid ""
"Once you have completed these steps, you can always change them later by "
"selecting Preferences in the Edit menu."
msgstr ""
-"à¬?ହା à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା ସାଧାରଣ à¬?ନଫିà¬?ରà?ସନ ସହାଯତା à¬?à¬?à? ठନିମà?ନଲିà¬?ିତ ପାଦà¬?à?ରମà¬?à?ଡିà¬? à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ାà¬?à? à¬?à?ତà?à¬? ସରଳ "
-"ପà?ରଶà?ନà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ପà¬?ାରିବା ପରà? ସà?à¬? à¬?ପ à¬?ରିବ ठ\n"
+"à¬?ହା Ekiga ସାଧାରଣ à¬?ନଫିà¬?ରà?ସନ ସହାଯତା à¬?à¬?à?। ନିମà?ନଲିà¬?ିତ ପାଦà¬?à?ରମà¬?à?ଡିà¬? Ekigaà¬?à? à¬?à?ତà?à¬? ସରଳ "
+"ପà?ରଶà?ନà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ପà¬?ାରିବା ପରà? ସà?à¬? à¬?ପ à¬?ରିବ।\n"
"ଥରà? à¬?ପଣ à¬?ହି ସà?ପାନà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ସà¬?ପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ à¬?ରିବା ପରà?, ସà¬?ପାଦନ ମà?ନà?ରà? ପସନà?ଦà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ମନà?ନà?ତ à¬?ରିବା ଦà?ବାରା "
-"à¬?ପଣ ସରà?ବଦା ସà?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ପରିବରà?ତà?ତନ à¬?ରିପାରିବà? à¤"
+"à¬?ପଣ ସରà?ବଦା ସà?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ପରିବରà?ତà?ତନ à¬?ରିପାରିବà?।"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:333
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:328
msgid "Welcome to Ekiga"
msgstr "Ekiga à¬?à? ସà?ବାà¬?ତ"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:357 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:454
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:352 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:464
msgid "Personal Information"
msgstr "ବà?ଯà¬?à?ତିà¬?ତ ସà?à¬?ନା"
#. The user fields
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:360
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:355
msgid "Please enter your first name and your surname:"
msgstr "ଦଯାà¬?ରି à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ପà?ରଥମ ନାମ à¬?ବà¬? ସାà¬?à?à¬?à?à¬? ପà?ରବିଷà?à¬?à¬?ରନà?ତà?:"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:369
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:364
msgid ""
"Your first name and surname will be used when connecting to other VoIP and "
"videoconferencing software."
msgstr ""
-"à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ପà?ରଥମ ନାମ à¬?ବà¬? ସାà¬?à?à¬?à?à¬? à¬?ନà?ଯVoIP à¬?ବà¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ନଫରà?ନà?ସିà¬?à?à¬? ସଫà?à¬?ବà?ଯାରà¬?à? ସà¬?à?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା "
-"ସମଯରà? à¬?ପà?à?à¬? ହà?ବ à¤"
+"à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ପà?ରଥମ ନାମ à¬?ବà¬? ସାà¬?à?à¬?à?à¬? à¬?ନà?ଯ VoIP à¬?ବà¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ନଫରà?ନà?ସିà¬?à?à¬? ସଫà?à¬?ବà?ଯାରà¬?à? ସà¬?à?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା "
+"ସମଯରà? à¬?ପà?à?à¬? ହà?ବ।"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:563
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:558
msgid "Ekiga.net Account"
msgstr "Ekiga.net �ାତା"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:565
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:560
msgid "Please enter your username:"
msgstr "ଦଯାà¬?ରି à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା ନାମ ପà?ରବିଷà?à¬?à¬?ରନà?ତà?:"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:573
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:568
msgid "Please enter your password:"
msgstr "ଦଯାà¬?ରି à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?à?ପà?ତଶବà?ଦ ପà?ରବିଷà?à¬?à¬?ରନà?ତà?:"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:583
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:578
msgid ""
"The username and password are used to login to your existing account at the "
"ekiga.net free SIP service. If you do not have an ekiga.net SIP address yet, "
@@ -1952,31 +2151,31 @@ msgid ""
"You may skip this step if you use an alternative SIP service, or if you "
"would prefer to specify the login details later."
msgstr ""
-" à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା.net ମାà¬?ଣା SIP ସà?ବାରà? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ବିଦà?ଯମାନ à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬?à¬?à? ଲà¬?à¬?ନ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା "
-"ନାମ à¬?ବà¬? à¬?à?ପà?ତଶବà?ଦ à¬?ପà?à?à¬? ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬?ନà?ତି ठà?ଦି à¬?à?ାà¬?à¬? à¬?ପଣ ପାà¬?ରà? à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା.net SIP ଠିà¬?ଣା ନାହିà¬?, "
-"ତà?ବà? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?à? ତଳà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬? ପà?ରଥମà? ସà?ଷà?à¬?ି à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ପଡିପାରà? ठà¬?ହା à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? SIP ଠିà¬?ଣା ପà?ରଦାନ "
-"à¬?ରିବ à?ାହାà¬?ି ଲà?à¬?à¬?à?à¬?à? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?à? à¬?ଲ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ସà?ବà?à¬?à?ତି ଦà?ବ à¤\n"
+"ekiga.net ମାà¬?ଣା SIP ସà?ବାରà? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ବିଦà?ଯମାନ à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬?à¬?à? ଲà¬?à¬?ନ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା "
+"ନାମ à¬?ବà¬? à¬?à?ପà?ତଶବà?ଦ à¬?ପà?à?à¬? ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬?ନà?ତି। à?ଦି à¬?à?ାà¬?à¬? à¬?ପଣ ପାà¬?ରà? ekiga.net SIP ଠିà¬?ଣା ନାହିà¬?, "
+"ତà?ବà? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?à? ତଳà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬? ପà?ରଥମà? ସà?ଷà?à¬?ି à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ପଡିପାରà?। à¬?ହା à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? SIP ଠିà¬?ଣା ପà?ରଦାନ "
+"à¬?ରିବ à?ାହାà¬?ି ଲà?à¬?à¬?à?à¬?à? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?à? à¬?ଲ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ସà?ବà?à¬?à?ତି ଦà?ବ।\n"
-"à¬?ପଣ à¬?ହି ସà?ପାନà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ବାଦ ଦà?à¬?ପାରନà?ତି à?ଦି à¬?ପଣ ବà?à¬?ଳà?ପିà¬? SIP ସà?ବର à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରà?ଥାà¬?ନà?ତି, à¬?ିମà?ବା à?ଦି "
-"à¬?ପଣ ପରà? ଲà¬?à¬?ନ ବିବରଣà? ନିରà?ଦà?ଦିଷà?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ପସନà?ଦ à¬?ରନà?ତି à¤"
+"à¬?ପଣ à¬?ହି ସà?ପାନà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ବାଦ ଦà?à¬?ପାରନà?ତି à?ଦି à¬?ପଣ ବà?à¬?ଳà?ପିà¬? SIP ସରà?à¬à¬¿à¬¸à¬° à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରà?ଥାà¬?ନà?ତି, à¬?ିମà?ବା à?ଦି "
+"à¬?ପଣ ପରà? ଲà¬?à¬?ନ ବିବରଣà? ନିରà?ଦà?ଦିଷà?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ପସନà?ଦ à¬?ରନà?ତି।"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:610
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:605
msgid "I do not want to sign up for the ekiga.net free service"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା.net ମାà¬?ଣା ସà?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? ମà?à¬? ସà?ବାà¬?à?ଷର à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? à¬?ାହà?à¬? ନାହିà¬?"
+msgstr "ekiga.net ମାà¬?ଣା ସà?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? ମà?à¬? ସà?ବାà¬?à?ଷର à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? à¬?ାହà?à¬? ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:673
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:668
msgid "Ekiga Call Out Account"
msgstr "Ekiga �ଲ��� �ାତା"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:675
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:670
msgid "Please enter your account ID:"
msgstr "ଦà?ାà¬?ରି ନିà¬?ର à¬?ାତା ID ପà?ରବà?ଶ à¬?ରନà?ତà?:"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:683
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:678
msgid "Please enter your PIN code:"
msgstr "ଦà?ାà¬?ରି ନିà¬?ର ପିନ à¬?à?à? ପà?ରବà?ଶ à¬?ରନà?ତà?:"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:694
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:689
msgid ""
"You can make calls to regular phones and cell numbers worldwide using "
@@ -1987,166 +2186,175 @@ msgid ""
"The service will work only if your account is created using the URL in this "
msgstr ""
+"Ekiga ସହିତ à¬?ପଣ ନିà?ମିତ ଫà?ନà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬? à¬?ବà¬? ସà?ଲ ସà¬?à¬?à?à?ା ସହିତ ବà?ତାର ବାରà?ତà?ତାଳାପ à¬?ରିପାରିବà?।\n"
+"à¬?ହାà¬?à? ସà¬?à?ରିà? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬?, à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?à? ଦà?à¬?à¬?ି à¬?ାରà?ଯà?à? à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ହà?ବ:\n"
+"- ପà?ରଥମà? ନିମà?ନରà? ଥିବା à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? URL à¬?à? à¬?ିଣନà?ତà?।\n"
+"- ତାପରà? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?ାତା ID à¬?ବà¬? PIN ସà¬?à?à¬?à?ତ à¬à¬°à¬£ à¬?ରନà?ତà?।\n"
+"ସà?ହି ସରà?à¬à¬¿à¬¸à¬?ି, à¬?à?ବଳ ଯଦି à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?ାତା à¬?ହି ସà¬?ଳାପରà? ଥିବା URL ବà?à?ବହାର à¬?ରି ନିରà?ମାଣ à¬?ରିଥାà¬?, "
+"ତà?ବà? à¬?ାରà?ଯà?à? à¬?ରିଥାà¬?।\n"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:744
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:739
msgid "Consult the calls history"
msgstr "à¬?ଲà? à¬?à?ଡିà¬?ର à¬?ତିହାସ ପà¬?ାରିବà?à¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:754
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:749
msgid "I do not want to sign up for the Ekiga Call Out service"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ekiga à¬?ଲà¬?à¬?à¬? ସରà?à¬à¬¿à¬¸ ପାà¬?à¬? ମà?à¬? ସାà¬?ନ à¬?ପ à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? à¬?ାହà?à¬?ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:820 ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1383
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:815 ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1375
msgid "Connection Type"
msgstr "ସà¬?à?à?à¬? ପà?ରà¬?ାର"
#. The connection type
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:823
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:818
msgid "Please choose your connection type:"
msgstr "ଦଯାà¬?ରି à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ସà¬?à?à?à¬? ପà?ରà¬?ାର ବାà¬?ନà?ତà?:"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:840
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:835
msgid "56k Modem"
msgstr "56k ମà?ଡà?ମ"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:845
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:840
msgid "ISDN"
msgstr "ISDN"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:850
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:845
msgid "DSL/Cable (128 kbit/s uplink)"
msgstr "DSL/Cable (128 kbit/s uplink)"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:855
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:850
msgid "DSL/Cable (512 kbit/s uplink)"
msgstr "DSL/Cable (512 kbit/s uplink)"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:860
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:855
msgid "LAN"
msgstr "LAN"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:865
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:860
msgid "Keep current settings"
msgstr "à¬?ଳିତ ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ରà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:870
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:865
msgid ""
"The connection type will permit determining the best quality settings that "
"Ekiga will use during calls. You can later change the settings individually "
"in the preferences window."
msgstr ""
-"ସà¬?à?à?à¬? ପà?ରà¬?ାର à¬?ତà?ତମ à¬?à?ଣବତà?ତାର ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ନିରà?ଧାରଣ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ନà?ମତି ଦà?ବ à?ାହାà¬?à? à¬?ି à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା "
-"à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬? ସମଯରà? à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବ à¤"
+"ସà¬?à?à?à¬? ପà?ରà¬?ାର à¬?ତà?ତମ à¬?à?ଣବତà?ତାର ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ନିରà?ଧାରଣ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ନà?ମତି ଦà?ବ à?ାହାà¬?à? à¬?ି Ekiga "
+"à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬? ସମଯରà? à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବ।"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:964 ../src/gui/main.cpp:3017
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3021 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:760
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:959 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3044
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3048 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:770
msgid "Audio Devices"
msgstr "à¬?ଡିà¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:966
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:961
msgid "Please choose the audio ringing device:"
msgstr "ଦà?ାà¬?ରି ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ ବà¬?ାà¬?ବା à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à? ବାà¬?ନà?ତà?:"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:986
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:981
msgid ""
"The audio ringing device is the device that will be used to play the ringing "
"sound on incoming calls."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ ବାà¬?ିବା à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?ି ହà?à¬?à¬?ି à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?ରà? ବà?à?ବହାର ହà?à¬?ଥିବା ରିà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬? ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿à¥¤"
#. ---
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:997
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:992
msgid "Please choose the audio output device:"
msgstr "ଦଯାà¬?ରି à¬?ଡିà¬? à¬?à¬?à¬?ପà?à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à? ବାà¬?ନà?ତà? :"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1017
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1012
msgid ""
"The audio output device is the device that will be used to play audio during "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ ନିରà?à¬?ମ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?ି ହà?à¬?à¬?ି ସà?ହି à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ଯà?à¬?à¬?ଥିରà? à¬?ଲ ସମà?ରà? ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ à¬?ାଲିଥାà¬?।"
#. ---
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1028
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1023
msgid "Please choose the audio input device:"
msgstr "ଦଯାà¬?ରି à¬?ଡିà¬? à¬?ନପà?à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ବାà¬?ନà?ତà?:"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1048
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1043
msgid ""
"The audio input device is the device that will be used to record your voice "
"during calls."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ ନିବà?ଶ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?ି ହà?à¬?à¬?ି ସà?ହି à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ଯà?à¬?à¬?ଥିରà? à¬?ଲ ସମà?ରà? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ସà?à±à¬°à¬?à? ଲନବଲିà¬?ନ à¬?ରାଯାà¬?ଥାà¬?।"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1150
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1145
msgid "Please choose your video input device:"
msgstr "ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ନିବà?ଶ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à? ବାà¬?ନà?ତà?:"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1170
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1165
msgid ""
"The video input device is the device that will be used to capture video "
"during calls."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ନିବà?ଶ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?ି ହà?à¬?à¬?ି ସà?ହି à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ଯà?à¬?à¬?ଥିରà? à¬?ଲ ସମà?ରà? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ଧାରଣ à¬?ରାଯାà¬?ଥାà¬?।"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1235 ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1259
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1283 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:805
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:830 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:854
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1229 ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1252
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1275 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:812
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:836 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:858
msgid "No device found"
msgstr "à¬?à?ଣସି à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ମିଳିଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1314
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1306
msgid "Configuration Complete"
msgstr "ବିନà?à?ାସ ସମାପà?ତ"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1316
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1308
msgid ""
"You have now finished the Ekiga configuration. All the settings can be "
"changed in the Ekiga preferences. Enjoy!"
msgstr ""
+"à¬?ପଣ ବରà?ତà?ତମାନ Ekiga ସà¬?ରà¬?ନାà¬?à? ସମାପà?ତ à¬?ରିà¬?ନà?ତି। ସମସà?ତ ବିନà?à?ାସà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?à? Ekiga ପସନà?ଦରà? ପରିବରà?ତà?ତନ "
+"à¬?ରାଯାà¬?ପାରିବ। à¬?ପà¬à?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?!"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1323
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1315
msgid "Configuration summary:"
msgstr "ବିନà?à?ାସ ବିବରଣà?"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1393
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1385
msgid "Audio Ringing Device"
msgstr "ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ ବà¬?ାà¬?ବା à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1402
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1394
msgid "Audio Output Device"
msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ନିରà?à¬?ମ ଯନà?ତà?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1411
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1403
msgid "Audio Input Device"
msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ନିବà?ଶ ଯନà?ତà?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1420
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1412
msgid "Video Input Device"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à?ିà¬? ନିବà?ଶ ଯନà?ତà?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1433
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1425
msgid "SIP URI"
-msgstr "SIP à?à?.à¬?ରà?.à¬?à¬?."
+msgstr "SIP URI"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1445
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1437
msgid "Ekiga Call Out"
msgstr "Ekiga �ଲ ���"
-#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1489
+#: ../src/gui/assistant.cpp:1481
#, c-format
msgid "Ekiga Configuration Assistant (%d of %d)"
msgstr "Ekiga ସà¬?ରà¬?ନା ସହାà?à¬? (%d ର %d)"
-#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:131
+#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:78
msgid "Contributors:"
msgstr "à¬?à¬?ଶଦାନà¬?ାରà?ମାନà?:"
-#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:143
+#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:90
msgid "Artwork:"
msgstr "à¬?ଳାà¬?ାରà?à?à?ଯ:"
-#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:151
+#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:98
msgid "See AUTHORS file for full credits"
-msgstr "ପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ ଶà?ରà?ଯà¬?à?ଡିà¬? ପାà¬?à¬? AUTHORS ଫାà¬?ଲà¬?à? ଦà?à¬?"
+msgstr "ପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ ଶà?ରà?à?à¬?à?ଡିà¬? ପାà¬?à¬? AUTHORS ଫାà¬?ଲà¬?à? ଦà?à¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:167
+#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:114
msgid ""
"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
@@ -2157,7 +2365,7 @@ msgstr ""
"à¨, à¬?ଥବା (à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬? ପସନà?ଦ à¬?ନà?ଯାà?à?) à¬?à?ଣସି ପରବରà?ତà?ତà? ସà¬?ସà?à¬?ରଣ ଦà?à±à¬¾à¬°à¬¾ ପà?ରà¬?ାଶିତ GNU ସାଧାରଣ "
"ସାରà?ବà¬?ନà?ନ ପà?ରମାଣପତà?ରର ନିà?ମାନà?ସାରà? ପà?ନରà?ବଣà?à¬?ନ à¬?ରିପାରିବà? à¬?ବà¬?/à¬?ିମà?à±à¬¾ ପରିବରà?ତà?ତନ à¬?ରିପାରିବà?।"
-#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:171
+#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:118
msgid ""
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
@@ -2173,7 +2381,7 @@ msgstr ""
"License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software "
"Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA."
-#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:178
+#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:125
msgid ""
"Ekiga is licensed under the GPL license and as a special exception, you have "
"permission to link or otherwise combine this program with the programs OPAL, "
@@ -2191,27 +2399,27 @@ msgstr ""
#. Translators: Please write translator credits here, and
#. * separate names with \n
-#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:190
+#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:137
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"ଶà?à¬à?ରାà¬?ଶà? ବà?ହà?ରା <arya_subhransu yahoo co in>\n"
-"à¬?ରà?ଣ ମହାପାତà?ର <arun codito in>"
+"à¬?ରà?ଣ ମହାପାତà?ର <arun codito in> ମନà?à¬? à¬?à?ମାର à¬?ିରି <mgiri redhat com>"
-#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:195
+#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:142
msgid ""
"Ekiga is full-featured SIP and H.323 compatible VoIP, IP-Telephony and "
"Videoconferencing application that allows you to make audio and video calls "
"to remote users with SIP and H.323 hardware or software."
msgstr ""
-"à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା à¬?à¬? ପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ-ବିଶà?ଷତା ବିଶିଷà?à¬? SIP à¬?ବà¬? H.323 à?à?à¬?à?ଯ VoIP à¬?à¬?à?, IP-à¬?à?ଲିଫà?ନà? à¬?ବà¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? "
+"Ekiga à¬?à¬? ପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ-ବିଶà?ଷତା ବିଶିଷà?à¬? SIP à¬?ବà¬? H.323 à?à?à¬?à?ଯ VoIP à¬?à¬?à?, IP-à¬?à?ଲିଫà?ନà? à¬?ବà¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? "
"à¬?ନଫରà?ନà?ସ ପà?ରଯà?à¬? à¬?à¬?à?, à?ାହାà¬?ି à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?à? ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା ସହିତ SIP à¬?ବà¬? H.323 ହାରà?ଡବà?ଯାର "
-"à¬?ବà¬? ସଫà?à¬?ବà?ଯାର ସାହାà?à?ଯରà? à¬?ଡିà¬? à¬?ବà¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬? à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ସà?ବà?à¬?à?ତି ଦିà¬? à¤"
+"à¬?ବà¬? ସଫà?à¬?ବà?ଯାର ସାହାà?à?ଯରà? à¬?ଡିà¬? à¬?ବà¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬? à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ସà?ବà?à¬?à?ତି ଦିà¬?।"
-#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:269
+#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:216
msgid "Help display is not supported by your GTK+ version"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର GTK+ ସà¬?ସà?à¬?ରଣ ଦà?à±à¬¾à¬°à¬¾ ସହାà?ତା ପà?ରଦରà?ଶନà¬?ି ସମରà?ଥିତ ନà?ହà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:277
+#: ../src/gui/callbacks.cpp:224
msgid "Unable to open help file."
msgstr "ସହାà?ତା ଫାà¬?ଲ à¬?à?ଲିବାରà? à¬?ସମରà?ଥ"
@@ -2247,553 +2455,546 @@ msgstr "tuv"
msgid "wxyz"
msgstr "wxyz"
-#. Translators: Is displayed once an account "%s" is registered.
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:521
-#, c-format
-msgid "Registered %s"
-msgstr "ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତ %s"
-#. Translators: Is displayed once an account "%s" is unregistered.
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:528
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unregistered %s"
-msgstr "à¬?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତ %s"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:533
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not unregister %s"
-msgstr "%s à¬?à? à¬?ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:537
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not register %s"
-msgstr "%s à¬?à? ପà¬?à?à¬?ିà¬?à?ତ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:607
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:610
#, c-format
msgid "A:%.1f/%.1f V:%.1f/%.1f FPS:%d/%d"
msgstr "A:%.1f/%.1f V:%.1f/%.1f FPS:%d/%d"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:653
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:654
#, c-format
msgid "Connected with %s"
msgstr " %sସହିତ ସà¬?à?à?à¬? ହà?ଲା"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:694 ../src/gui/main.cpp:3517
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:694 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3538
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "à¬?ପà?à¬?à?ଷାରà? ରହ"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:755
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:753
msgid "Call on hold"
msgstr "à¬?ଲà¬?à? à¬?ବଲମà?ବନରà? ରà¬?ାଯାà¬?à¬?ି"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:766
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:764
msgid "Call retrieved"
msgstr "à¬?ଲ ପà?ରାପà?ତ"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:782
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:779
#, c-format
msgid "Missed call from %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s ରà? à¬?à?ରହଣ à¬?ରାଯାà¬?ନଥିବା à¬?ଲ"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:919
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:916
msgid "Error"
msgstr "ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:984
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:981
msgid "Error while initializing video output"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à?ିà¬? ନିରà?à¬?ମ ପà?ରାରମà?ଠà¬?ରିବାବà?ଳà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:985
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "No video will be displayed during this call->"
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:982
msgid "No video will be displayed on your machine during this call"
-msgstr "à¬?ହି à¬?ଲ ବà?ଳà? à¬?à?ଣସି à¬à¬¿à?ିà¬? ପà?ରଦରà?ଶିତ ହà?ବନାହିà¬?->"
+msgstr "à¬?ହି à¬?ଲ ବà?ଳà? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬? ମà?ସିନରà? à¬?à?ଣସି à¬à¬¿à?ିà¬? ପà?ରଦରà?ଶିତ ହà?ବନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:995
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:992
msgid ""
"There was an error opening or initializing the video output. Please verify "
"that no other application is using the accelerated video output."
msgstr ""
+"à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ନିରà?à¬?ମà¬?à? à¬?à?ଲିବା à¬?ଥବା à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରିବାରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି ଦà?à¬?ାଦà?à¬?à¬?ି। ଦà?ାà¬?ରି ଯାà¬?à?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà? ଯà? à¬?ନà?à? "
+"à¬?à?ଣସି ପà?ରà?à?à¬? à¬?ହି ତà?à±à¬°à¬£ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ନିରà?à¬?ମà¬?à? ବà?à?ବହାର à¬?ରିନଥାà¬?।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:997
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:994
msgid ""
"There was an error opening or initializing the video output. Please verify "
"that you are using a color depth of 24 or 32 bits per pixel."
msgstr ""
+"ସà?ହି à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ନିରà?à¬?ମà¬?à? à¬?à?ଲିବା à¬?ଥବା à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରିବାରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ି। ଦà?ାà¬?ରି ଯାà¬?à?à¬?à¬?ରନà?ତà? ଯà? à¬?ପଣ "
+"ପିà¬?ସà?ଲ ପà?ରତି 24 à¬?ଥବା 32 ରà¬?à?à¬? à¬?à¬à?ରତା ବà?à?ବହାର à¬?ରà?à¬?ନà?ତି।"
#. Translators: This is a hotplug status
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1110
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1107
#, c-format
msgid "Added video input device %s"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à?ିà¬? ଯନà?ତà?ର %s ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରାà¬?ଲା"
#. Translators: This is a hotplug status
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1122
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1119
#, c-format
msgid "Removed video input device %s"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à?ିà¬? ଯନà?ତà?ର %s à¬?ାଢ଼ି ଦିà¬?à¬?ଲା"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1139
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1136
#, c-format
msgid "Error while accessing video device %s"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à? à¬?à¬à¬¿à¬?ମà?à? à¬?ରିବା ସମà?ରà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି %s"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1142
-msgid ""
-"A moving logo will be transmitted during calls. Notice that you can always "
-"transmit a given image or the moving logo by choosing \"Picture\" as video "
-"plugin and \"Moving logo\" or \"Static picture\" as device."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1139
+msgid "A moving logo will be transmitted during calls."
+msgstr "à¬?ହି à¬?ଲ ବà?ଳà? à¬?à?ଣସି à¬à¬¿à?ିà¬? ପà?ରଦରà?ଶିତ ହà?ବନାହିà¬?।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1146
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1143
msgid ""
"There was an error while opening the device. In case it is a pluggable "
"device it may be sufficient to reconnect it. If not, or if it still is not "
"accessible, please check your permissions and make sure that the appropriate "
"driver is loaded."
msgstr ""
+"ସà?ହି à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à? à¬?à?ଲିବା ସମà?ରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ି। ଯଦି à¬?ହା ପà?ଲà¬? à¬?ରିବା ଯà?à¬?à?à? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬? ତà?ବà? "
+"à¬?ହା ପà?ନà¬? ସà¬?ଯà?à¬? ହà?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଯଥà?ଷà?à¬? ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬?। ଯଦି ନà?ହà¬?, à¬?ଥବା ଯଦି à¬?ହା à¬?ପରà?ଯà?à?ନà?ତ à¬?à¬à¬¿à¬?ମà?à? ନà?ହà¬?, "
+"ତà?ବà? ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?ନà?ମତିà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?à? ଯାà¬?à?à¬?à¬?ରନà?ତà? à¬?ବà¬? ନିଶà?à¬?ିତà¬?ରନà?ତà? ଯà? ସଠିà¬? ଡà?ରାà¬?à¬à¬°à¬?ି ଧାରଣ ହà?à¬?à¬?ି।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1150
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1147
msgid "Your video driver doesn't support the requested video format."
-msgstr "à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ଡà?ରାà¬?à¬à¬° à¬?ନà?ରà?ଧିତ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ଫରà?ମାà¬?à¬?à? ସମରà?ଥନ à¬?ରà? ନାହିà¬? à¤"
+msgstr "à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ଡà?ରାà¬?à¬à¬° à¬?ନà?ରà?ଧିତ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ଫରà?ମାà¬?à¬?à? ସମରà?ଥନ à¬?ରà? ନାହିà¬?।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1154
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1151
msgid "Could not open the chosen channel."
-msgstr "ବà¬?ାà?ାà¬?ଥିବା à¬?à?ଯାନà?ଲ à¬?à?ଲି ପାରିଲା ନାହିà¬? à¤"
+msgstr "ବà¬?ାà?ାà¬?ଥିବା à¬?à?ଯାନà?ଲ à¬?à?ଲି ପାରିଲା ନାହିà¬?।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1158
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1155
msgid ""
"Your driver doesn't seem to support any of the color formats supported by "
" Please check your kernel driver documentation in order to determine which "
"Palette is supported."
msgstr ""
-"ପà?ରତà?ତ ହà?à¬? à?à?, à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା ଦà?ବାରା ସମରà?ଥିତ à¬?à?ଣସି ବି ରà¬?à?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ଡà?ରାà¬?à¬à¬° ସମରà?ଥନ à¬?ରà? ନାହିà¬? à¤\n"
+"ପà?ରତà?ତ ହà?à¬? à?à?, Ekiga ଦà?ବାରା ସମରà?ଥିତ à¬?à?ଣସି ବି ରà¬?à?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ଡà?ରାà¬?à¬à¬° ସମରà?ଥନ à¬?ରà? ନାହିà¬?।\n"
"ଦଯାà¬?ରି à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?à?ରà?ନà?ଲ ଡà?ରାà¬?à¬à¬° ଦଲିଲà¬?ରଣà¬?à? à?ାà¬?à?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà? à¬?ହା ନିରà?ଧାରଣ à¬?ରିବ à?à? à¬?à?à¬? ବରà?ଣà?ଣ ଫଳà¬? "
-"ସମରà?ଥିତ à¬?à¬?à? à¤"
+"ସମରà?ଥିତ à¬?à¬?à?।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1162
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1159
msgid "Error while setting the frame rate."
-msgstr "ଫà?ରà?ମ ଦର ସà?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ବà?ଳà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି à¤"
+msgstr "ଫà?ରà?ମ ଦର ସà?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ବà?ଳà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1166
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1163
msgid "Error while setting the frame size."
msgstr "ଫà?ରà?ମ à¬?à¬?ାର ସà?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ବà?ଳà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1171 ../src/gui/main.cpp:1273 ../src/gui/main.cpp:1388
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1168 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1272
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1389
msgid "Unknown error."
msgstr "à¬?à¬?ଣା ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
#. Translators: This is a hotplug status
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1221
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1220
#, c-format
msgid "Added audio input device %s"
msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ଯନà?ତà?ର %s ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରାà¬?ଲା"
#. Translators: This is a hotplug status
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1238
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1237
#, c-format
msgid "Removed audio input device %s"
msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ନିବà?ଶ ଯନà?ତà?ର %s à¬?ାଢ଼ି ଦିà¬?à¬?ଲା"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1255
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1254
#, c-format
msgid "Error while opening audio input device %s"
msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ନିରà?à¬?ମ ଯନà?ତà?ର %s à¬?à?ଲିବାରà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
#. Translators: This happens when there is an error with audio input:
#. * Nothing ("silence") will be transmitted
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1260
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1259
msgid "Only silence will be transmitted."
msgstr "à¬?à?ବଳ ନିରବତାà¬?à? ପରିବହନ à¬?ରାଯାà¬?ପାରିବ।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1264
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1263
msgid ""
"Unable to open the selected audio device for recording. In case it is a "
"pluggable device it may be sufficient to reconnect it. If not, or if it "
"still is not accessible, please check your audio setup, the permissions and "
"that the device is not busy."
msgstr ""
+"ବà¬?à?à¬?ିତ ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?ି ଲà?à¬?ିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à?ଲିବାରà? à¬?ସମରà?ଥ। ଯଦିà¬? à¬?ହା à¬?à¬? ପà?ଲà¬?ହà?ବାଯà?à¬?à?à? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ତà?ବà? "
+"à¬?ହା ପà?ନà¬? ସà¬?ଯà?à¬? ପାà¬?à¬? ଯଥà?ଷà?à¬? ହà?ବ। ଯଦି ନà?ହà¬?, à¬?ଥବା ଯଦି à¬?ହା à¬?à¬à¬¿à¬?ମà?à? ଯà?à¬?à?à? ନà?ହà¬?, ତà?ବà? ଦà?ାà¬?ରି "
+"à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ ସà¬?ରà¬?ନାà¬?à? ଯାà¬?à?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?, à¬?ନà?ମତି à¬?ବà¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?ି ବà?à?ସà?ତ ନà?ହà¬?।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1268
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1267
msgid ""
"The selected audio device was successfully opened but it is impossible to "
"read data from this device. In case it is a pluggable device it may be "
"sufficient to reconnect it. If not, or if it still is not accessible, please "
"check your audio setup."
msgstr ""
+"ବà¬?à?à¬?ିତ ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?ି ସଫଳତାର ସହିତ à¬?à?ଲାଯାà¬?à¬?ି à¬?ିନà?ତà? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣରà? ତଥà?à? ପଢ଼ିବା à¬?ସମà?à¬à¬¬à¥¤ ଯଦିà¬? à¬?ହା à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? "
+"ପà?ଲà¬? ହà?ବାଯà?à¬?à?à? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ତଥାପି à¬?ହାà¬?à? ପà?ନà¬? ସà¬?ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଯଥà?ଷà?à¬? à¬?à¬?à?। ଯଦି ନà?ହà¬?, à¬?ିମà?ବା ଯଦି "
+"à¬?ହା à¬?ପରà?ଯà?à?ନà?ତ à¬?à¬à¬¿à¬?ମà?à? ନà?ହà¬?, ତà?ବà? ଦà?ାà¬?ରି à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ଧà?à±à¬¿à¬¨ ସà¬?ରà¬?ନାà¬?à? ଯାà¬?à?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1335
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1336
#, c-format
msgid "Added audio output device %s"
msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ନିରà?à¬?ମ ଯନà?ତà?ର %s ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରାà¬?ଲା"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1351
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1352
#, c-format
msgid "Removed audio output device %s"
msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ନିରà?à¬?ମ ଯନà?ତà?ର %s à¬?ାଢ଼ି ଦିà¬?à¬?ଲା"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1372
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1373
#, c-format
msgid "Error while opening audio output device %s"
msgstr "ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ ନିରà?à¬?ମ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à? à¬?à?ଲିବା ସମà?ରà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି %s"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1375
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1376
msgid "No incoming sound will be played."
msgstr "à¬?à?ଣସି à¬?ସà?ଥିବା ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿à¬?à? à¬?ଲାଯିବ ନାହିà¬?।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1379
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1380
msgid ""
"Unable to open the selected audio device for playing. In case it is a "
"pluggable device it may be sufficient to reconnect it. If not, or if it "
"still is not accessible, please check your audio setup, the permissions and "
"that the device is not busy."
msgstr ""
+"à¬?ଲାà¬?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? ବà¬?à?à¬?ିତ ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à? à¬?à?ଲିବାରà? à¬?ସମରà?ଥ। ଯଦିà¬? à¬?ହା à¬?à¬? ପà?ଲà¬?ଯà?à¬?à?à? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ତଥାପି à¬?ହାà¬?à? "
+"ପà?ନà¬? ସà¬?ଯà?à¬?à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଯଥà?ଷà?à¬?। ଯଦି ନà?ହà¬?, à¬?ିମà?ବା à¬?ହାà¬?à? à¬?à¬à¬¿à¬?ମà?à? à¬?ରିବା ଯà?à¬?à?à? ନà?ହà¬?, ତଥାପି ଦà?ାà¬?ରି "
+"à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ ସà¬?ରà¬?ନା, à¬?ନà?ମତି à¬?ବà¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?ି ବà?à?ସà?ତ à¬?à¬?ି à¬?ି ନାହିà¬? ଯାà¬?à?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1383
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1384
msgid ""
"The selected audio device was successfully opened but it is impossible to "
"write data to this device. In case it is a pluggable device it may be "
"sufficient to reconnect it. If not, or if it still is not accessible, please "
"check your audio setup."
msgstr ""
+"ବà¬?à?à¬?ିତ ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à? ସଫଳତାର ସହିତ à¬?à?ଲାହà?à¬?à¬?ି। ଯଦିà¬? à¬?ହା à¬?à¬? ପà?ଲà¬? à¬?ରିବା ଯà?à¬?à?à? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ à¬?ହାà¬?à? "
+"ପà?ନà¬?ସà¬?ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଯଥà?ଷà?à¬?। ଯଦି ନà?ହà¬?, à¬?ିମà?ବା à¬?ହାà¬?à? à¬?ପରà?ଯà?à?ନà?ତ à¬?à¬à¬¿à¬?ମà?à? à¬?ରିହà?à¬?ନାହିà¬?, ତà?ବà? ଦà?ାà¬?ରି "
+"ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ ସà¬?ରà¬?ନାà¬?à? ଯାà¬?à?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1574
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1570
msgid "Video Settings"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à?ିà¬? ବିନà?à?ାସ"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1601
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1597
msgid "Adjust brightness"
msgstr "à¬?à¬?à?ବଳତା ବà?ଯବସà?ଥିତ à¬?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1622
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1618
msgid "Adjust whiteness"
msgstr "ଧବଳତା ବà?ଯବସà?ଥିତ à¬?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1643
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1639
msgid "Adjust color"
msgstr "ରà¬?à?à¬? ବà?ଯବସà?ଥିତ à¬?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1664
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1660
msgid "Adjust contrast"
msgstr "ରà¬?à?à¬? ବà?ଷମà?ଯତା ବà?ଯବସà?ଥିତ à¬?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:1710
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:1704
msgid "Audio Settings"
msgstr "ଧà?ବନି ବିନà?à?ାସ"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2321
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2345
msgid "_Retrieve Call"
-msgstr "_à¬?ଲà? ପà?ନà¬?ପà?ରାପà?ତà¬?ର"
+msgstr "à¬?ଲ ପà?ନà¬?ପà?ରାପà?ତà¬?ରନà?ତà? (_R)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2334
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2358
msgid "_Hold Call"
msgstr "à¬?ଲà¬?à? ଧରିରà¬?ନà?ତà? (_H)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2366 ../src/gui/main.cpp:3154
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2390 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3181
msgid "Suspend _Audio"
msgstr "ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿à¬?à? ସà?ଥà¬?ିତ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_A)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2368 ../src/gui/main.cpp:3159
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2392 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3186
msgid "Suspend _Video"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬?à¬?à? ସà?ଥà¬?ିତà¬?ରନà?ତà? (_V)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2370
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2394
msgid "Resume _Audio"
msgstr "à¬?ଡିà¬? ପà?ନà¬?à¬?ରମà?à¬à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_A)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2372
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2396
msgid "Resume _Video"
-msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? _ ପà?ନà¬?à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ର"
+msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ପà?ନà¬?à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରନà?ତà? (_V)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2655 ../src/gui/main.cpp:2807
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2679 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2832
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "à¬?ସà?ବà?à¬?ାର à¬?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2657 ../src/gui/main.cpp:2806
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2681 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2831
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "à¬?à?ରହଣà¬?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2663 ../src/gui/main.cpp:2794
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2687 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2819
msgid "Incoming call from"
msgstr "ଠାରà? à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2681 ../src/gui/main.cpp:2797
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2705 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2822
msgid "Remote URI:"
msgstr "ଦà?ର à?à?.à¬?ରà?.à¬?à¬?.:"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2693 ../src/gui/main.cpp:2799
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2717 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2824
msgid "Remote Application:"
msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ତ ପà?ରଯà?à¬?:"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2706 ../src/gui/main.cpp:2801
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2730 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2826
msgid "Account ID:"
msgstr "�ାତା ID:"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2714
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2738
#, c-format
msgid "Call from %s"
msgstr "%sଠାରà? à¬?ଲ"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2920
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2947
#, c-format
msgid "Call Duration: %s\n"
msgstr "�ଲ �ବଧି: %s\n"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:2951
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:2978
msgid "Transfer call to:"
msgstr "à¬?à? à¬?ଲà? ସà?ଥାନାନà?ତରିତ à¬?ର:"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3003
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3030
msgid "No"
msgstr "ନା�"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3005
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3032
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "ହ�"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3016
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3043
msgid "Detected new audio input device:"
msgstr "ନà?ତନ ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ ନିବà?ଶ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ଦà?à¬?ାଦà?à¬?à¬?ି:"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3020
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3047
msgid "Detected new audio output device:"
msgstr "ନà?ତନ ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ ନିରà?à¬?ମ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ଦà?à¬?ାଦà?à¬?à¬?ି:"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3024
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3051
msgid "Detected new video input device:"
msgstr "ନà?ତନ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ନିବà?ଶ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ଦà?à¬?ାଦà?à¬?à¬?ି:"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3025 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:921
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3052 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:926
msgid "Video Devices"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3043
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3070
msgid "Do you want to use it as default device?"
msgstr "à¬?ପଣ ପà?ରà?ବନିରà?ଦà?ଧାରିତ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à? ବà?à?ବହାର à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? à¬?ାହà?à¬?à¬?ନà?ତି à¬?ି?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3111
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3138
msgid "_Chat"
msgstr "�ଳାପ (_C)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3113
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3140
msgid "Ca_ll"
-msgstr "�_ଲ"
+msgstr "�ଲ (_l)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3113
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3140
msgid "Place a new call"
-msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ନà?à¬? à¬?ଲ ସà?ଥାପିତ à¬?ର"
+msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ନà?à¬? à¬?ଲ ସà?ଥାପିତ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3116
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3143
msgid "_Hang up"
-msgstr "_ ର�ିଦି�"
+msgstr "ରà¬?ିଦିà¬?ନà?ତà? (_H)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3117
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3144
msgid "Terminate the current call"
msgstr "à¬?ଳିତ à¬?ଲà¬?à? ଶà?ଷ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3123
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3150
msgid "A_dd Contact"
msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_d)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3123
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3150
msgid "Add a contact to the roster"
msgstr "ସà?à¬?à?ରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ଯà?à¬?à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3128
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3155
msgid "Find contacts"
msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3135
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "_Contact"
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3162
msgid "Co_ntact"
-msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? (_C)"
+msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? (_n)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3136
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3163
msgid "Act on selected contact"
msgstr "ବà¬?à?à¬?ିତ ସମà?ପରà?à¬?ରà? à¬?ାରà?ଯà?à? à¬?ରିଥାà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3142
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3169
msgid "H_old Call"
msgstr "à¬?ଲ ଧରିରà¬?ନà?ତà? (_o)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3142 ../src/gui/main.cpp:3611
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3169 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3638
msgid "Hold the current call"
-msgstr "à¬?ଳିତ à¬?ଲà? à¬?à? ଧରିରà¬?"
+msgstr "à¬?ଳିତ à¬?ଲà¬?à? ଧରିରà¬?ନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3146
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3173
msgid "_Transfer Call"
-msgstr "_ à¬?ଲà? à¬?à? ସà?ଥାନାନà?ତରିତ à¬?ର"
+msgstr "à¬?ଲà¬?à? ସà?ଥାନାନà?ତରିତ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_T)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3147
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3174
msgid "Transfer the current call"
msgstr "à¬?ଳିତ à¬?ଲà? à¬?à? ସà?ଥାନାନà?ତରିତ à¬?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3155
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3182
msgid "Suspend or resume the audio transmission"
msgstr "à¬?ଡିà¬? ପà?ରà?ରଣ à¬?ିà¬?ିସମଯ ପାà¬?à¬? ବନà?ଦ à¬?ର à¬?ିମà?ବା ପà?ନà¬?à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3160
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3187
msgid "Suspend or resume the video transmission"
-msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ପà?ରà?ରଣ à¬?ିà¬?ିସମଯ ପାà¬?à¬? ବନà?ଦ à¬?ର à¬?ିମà?ବା ପà?ନà¬?à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ର"
+msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ପà?ରà?ରଣ à¬?ିà¬?ିସମà? ପାà¬?à¬? ବନà?ଦ à¬?ର à¬?ିମà?ବା ପà?ନà¬?à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3167
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3194
msgid "Close the Ekiga window"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà? ବନà?ଦà¬?ର"
+msgstr "Ekiga à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà? ବନà?ଦà¬?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3174 ../src/gui/statusicon.cpp:413
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3201 ../src/gui/statusicon.cpp:478
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "ବିଦାà? ନିà¬?ନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3180
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3207
msgid "_Configuration Assistant"
msgstr "ସà¬?ରà¬?ନା ସହାà?à¬? (_C)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3181
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3208
msgid "Run the configuration assistant"
msgstr "ସà¬?ରà¬?ନା ସହାà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?ଲାନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3189
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3216
msgid "Edit your accounts"
msgstr "à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?à¬?ାà¬?ଣà?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ସà¬?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3195
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3222
msgid "Change your preferences"
msgstr "à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ପସନà?ଦ ପରିବରà?ତà?ତନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3200
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3227
msgid "_View"
msgstr "ଦà?ରà?ଶà?ଯ (_V)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3202
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3229
msgid "Con_tacts"
msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬?à¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬? (_t)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3202
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3229
msgid "View the contacts list"
msgstr "ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ତାଲିà¬?ା ଦà?à¬?ନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3207
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3234
msgid "_Dialpad"
-msgstr "_ ଡାà¬?ଲ ପà?ଯାଡ (_D )"
+msgstr "ଡାà¬?ଲ ପà?ଯାଡ (_D)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3207
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3234
msgid "View the dialpad"
msgstr "ଡାà¬?ଲ ପà?ଯାଡ ଦରà?ଶାà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3212
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3239
msgid "_Call History"
msgstr "�ଲ �ତିହାସ (_C)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3212
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3239
msgid "View the call history"
msgstr "à¬?ଲ à¬?ତିହାସ ଦà?à¬?ନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3220
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3247
msgid "_Show Call Panel"
msgstr "à¬?ଲ ଫଳà¬? ଦà?à¬?ାନà?ତà? (_S)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3228
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3255
msgid "_Local Video"
msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?à? à¬à¬¿à?ିà¬? (_L)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3229
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3256
msgid "Local video image"
-msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?ଯ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ିତà?ର"
+msgstr "ସà?ଥାନà?à? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ିତà?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3234
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3261
msgid "_Remote Video"
msgstr "ଦà?ର à¬à¬¿à?ିà¬? (_R)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3235
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3262
msgid "Remote video image"
msgstr "ଦà?ରସà?ଥ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ିତà?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3240
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3267
msgid "_Picture-in-Picture"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Picture-in-Picture (_P)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3241 ../src/gui/main.cpp:3247
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3268 ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3274
msgid "Both video images"
msgstr "à¬?à¬à¬¯ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ିତà?ରà¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3246
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3273
msgid "Picture-in-Picture in Separate _Window"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ପà?ଥà¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ରà? Picture-in-Picture (_W)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3254
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3281
msgid "Zoom in"
msgstr "ବଡ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3258
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3285
msgid "Zoom out"
msgstr "ସାନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3262
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3289
msgid "Normal size"
msgstr "ସାଧାରଣ ��ାର"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3266
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3293
msgid "_Fullscreen"
msgstr "ସମà?ପà?ରà?ଣ ପରଦା (_F)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3266
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3293
msgid "Switch to fullscreen"
msgstr "ପà?ରà?ଣà?ଣ ପରଦା ଧାରାà¬?à? ଯାà¬?ନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3274 ../src/gui/statusicon.cpp:401
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3301 ../src/gui/statusicon.cpp:466
msgid "Get help by reading the Ekiga manual"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା ହସà?ତପà?ସà?ତିà¬?ା ପଢି ସାହାà?à?ଯ ପà?ରାପà?ତ à¬?ରନà?ତà? "
+msgstr "Ekiga ହସà?ତପà?ସà?ତିà¬?ା ପଢି ସାହାà?à?ଯ ପà?ରାପà?ତ à¬?ରନà?ତà? "
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3279 ../src/gui/statusicon.cpp:406
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3306 ../src/gui/statusicon.cpp:471
msgid "View information about Ekiga"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା ବିଷଯରà? ସà?à¬?ନା ଦରà?ଶାà¬?"
+msgstr "Ekiga ବିଷଯରà? ସà?à¬?ନା ଦରà?ଶାà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3353
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3380
msgid "Enter a URI on the left, and click this button to place a call or to hangup"
msgstr ""
+"ବାମ ପାà¬?ରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? URIà¬?à? à¬à¬°à¬£ à¬?ରନà?ତà?, à¬?ବà¬? à¬?ଲ ସà?ଥାପନ à¬?ରିବା à¬?ଥବା à¬?ାà¬?ିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ହି ବà¬?ନà¬?à? à¬?à?ଲିà¬? "
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3404
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3426
msgid "Contacts"
msgstr "ଯà?à¬?ାଯà?à¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3427
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3449
msgid "Dialpad"
msgstr "ଡାà¬?ଲ ପà?ଯାଡ"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3446
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3467
msgid "Call history"
msgstr "�ଲ �ତିହାସ"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3549
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3575
msgid "Change the volume of your soundcard"
msgstr "à¬?ପଣହà?à¬?ର ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ à¬?ାରà?ଡର ତà?ବà?ରତାà¬?à? ପରିବରà?ତà?ତନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3569
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3596
msgid "Change the color settings of your video device"
msgstr "à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣର ସà¬?ରà¬?ନାà¬?à? ପରିବରà?ତà?ତନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:3680
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:3664
msgid "Ekiga"
-msgstr "��ି�ା"
+msgstr "Ekiga"
#. Translators: TX is a common abbreviation for "transmit". As it
#. * is shown in a tooltip, there is no space constraint
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4287
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:4269
#, c-format
msgid "TX: %dx%d "
msgstr "TX:%dx%d"
#. Translators: RX is a common abbreviation for "receive". As it
#. * is shown in a tooltip, there is no space constraint
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4292
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:4274
#, c-format
msgid "RX: %dx%d "
msgstr "RX:%dx%d"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4294
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:4276
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Lost packets: %.1f %%\n"
@@ -2806,111 +3007,113 @@ msgstr ""
"à¬?ସà¬?ଡ଼ା ପà?à?ାà¬?à?à¬?: %.1f %%\n"
"�ି�ର ବଫର: %d ms%s%s%s"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4411
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:4405
msgid "Prints debug messages in the console (level between 1 and 5)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "à¬?à?ନସà?ଲରà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ିନିବାରଣ ସନà?ଦà?ଶà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?à? ମà?ଦà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà? ( 1 à¬?ବà¬? 5 ମଧà?ଯରà? ସà?ତର)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4416
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:4410
msgid "Prints user plane debug messages in the console (level between 1 and 4)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "à¬?à?ନସà?ଲରà? à¬?ାଳà¬? ସରଳ ତà?ରà?à¬?ିନିବାରଣ ସନà?ଦà?ଶà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?à? ମà?ଦà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà? ( 1 à¬?ବà¬? 4 ମଧà?ଯରà? ସà?ତର)"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4421
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:4415
msgid "Makes Ekiga call the given URI"
msgstr "Ekigaà¬?à? ପà?ରଦତà?ତ URIà¬?à? à¬?ଲ à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ଦà?à¬?ଥାà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4533
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:4536
msgid "No usable audio plugin detected"
msgstr "à¬?à?ଣସି à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à?à?à¬?à?ଯ à¬?ଡିà¬? ପà?ଲà¬?à¬?ନ à¬?ିହà?ନà¬?ହà?à¬?ନଥିଲା"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4534
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:4537
msgid ""
"Ekiga didn't find any usable audio plugin. Make sure that your installation "
"is correct."
msgstr ""
-"à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା à¬?à?ଣସି à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à?à?à¬?à?ଯ à¬?ଡà¬? ପà?ଲà¬?à¬?ନ à¬?à?à¬?ି ପାà¬? ନଥିଲା ठନିଶà?à¬?ିତ à¬?ରନà?ତà? à?à?, à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ପà?ରତିଷà?ଠାପନ "
-"ସଠିà¬? à¬?à¬?à? à¤"
+"Ekiga à¬?à?ଣସି à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à?à?à¬?à?ଯ à¬?ଡà¬? ପà?ଲà¬?à¬?ନ à¬?à?à¬?ି ପାà¬? ନଥିଲା। ନିଶà?à¬?ିତ à¬?ରନà?ତà? ଯà?, à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ପà?ରତିଷà?ଠାପନ "
+"ସଠିà¬? à¬?à¬?à?।"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4537
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:4540
msgid "No usable audio codecs detected"
msgstr "à¬?à?ଣସି ବà?à?ବହାର à¬?ପଯà?à¬?à? ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ à¬?ଡ଼à?à¬? à¬?ିହà?ନà¬? ହà?à¬?ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4538
+#: ../src/gui/main_window.cpp:4541
msgid ""
"Ekiga didn't find any usable audio codec. Make sure that your installation "
"is correct."
msgstr ""
+"Ekiga à¬?à?ଣସି ବà?à?ବହାର à¬?ପଯà?à¬?à? ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ ସାà¬?à¬?à?ତà¬? ପାà¬?ଲା ନାହିà¬?। ନିଶà?à¬?ିତ à¬?ରନà?ତà? ଯà? à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର ସà?ଥାପନାà¬?ି "
+"ସଠି� ��ି।"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:381
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:382
msgid "Play sound for new voice mails"
msgstr "ନà?à¬? à¬à¬¾à¬·à¬¾ ମà?ଲ ପାà¬?à¬? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:391
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:392
msgid "Play sound for new instant messages"
msgstr "ନà?à¬? ତà?ବରà?ତ ସà¬?ଦà?ଶ ପାà¬?à¬? ଧà?ବନà? ବà¬?ାà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:457
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:467
msgid "_Full name:"
msgstr "ପà?ରା ନାମ (_F):"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:475
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:485
msgid "User Interface"
-msgstr "à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା à¬?ଣà?à¬?ରଫà?ସ "
+msgstr "à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ରà?ତà?ତା à¬?ନà?ତରାପà?ଷà?ଠ"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:477
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:487
msgid "Start _hidden"
-msgstr "ଲà?à¬?à?à¬?ାଯà?ତ _ à¬?ରମà?à¬à¬?ର"
+msgstr "ଲà?à¬?à?à¬?ାà?ିତà¬?à? à¬?ରମà?à¬à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_h)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:479
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:489
msgid "Show offline _contacts"
msgstr "à¬?ଫଲାà¬?ନ ସମà?ପରà?à¬? ଦà?à¬?ାà¬? (_c)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:484
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:494
msgid "Video Display"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ପà?ରଦରà?ଶନ"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:486
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:496
msgid "Place windows displaying video _above other windows"
-msgstr "à¬?ନà?ଯ à¬?à¬?ଣà?ଡà? à¬?à?ଡିà¬? à¬?ପରà? _ à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ପà?ରଦରà?ଶନ à¬?ରà?ଥିବା à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬?à¬?à? ସà?ଥାପିତ à¬?ର"
+msgstr "à¬?ନà?ଯ à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà? à¬?à?ଡିà¬? à¬?ପରà? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ପà?ରଦରà?ଶନ à¬?ରà?ଥିବା à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬?à¬?à? ସà?ଥାପିତ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_a)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:490
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:500
msgid "Network Settings"
-msgstr "ନà?à¬?à¬?à?ବାରà?à¬? ବିନà?ଯାସ"
+msgstr "ନà?à¬?à±à¬°à?à¬? ବିନà?ଯାସ"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:492
-msgid "Disable network _detection"
-msgstr "ନà?à¬?à±à¬°à?à¬? à¬?ିହà?ନà¬?à¬?à? ନିଷà?à¬?à?ରିà? à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_d)"
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:502
+msgid "Enable network _detection"
+msgstr "ନà?à¬?à±à¬°à?à¬? à¬?ିହà?ନà¬?à¬?à? ସà¬?à?ରିà? à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_d)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:503
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:513
msgid "Call Forwarding"
-msgstr "à¬?ଲà? à¬?à¬?à?ରସରà¬?ରà?à¬?ି"
+msgstr "à¬?ଲ à¬?à¬?à?ରସରà¬?ରà?à¬?ି"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:505
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:515
msgid "_Always forward calls to the given host"
-msgstr "_ଦତà?ତ ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? ସରà?ବଦା à¬?ଲà? à¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର à¬?ର"
+msgstr "ଦତà?ତ ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? ସରà?ବଦା à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_A)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:505
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:515
msgid ""
"If enabled, all incoming calls will be forwarded to the host that is "
"specified in the protocol settings"
-msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, ସବà? à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲà? à¬?à?ଡିà¬? ପà?ରà?à¬?à¬?ଲ ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?ରà? ନିରà?ଦà?ଦିଷà?à¬? ହà?à¬?ଥିବା ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬? à¤"
+msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, ସବà? à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲ à¬?à?ଡିà¬? ପà?ରà?à¬?à¬?ଲ ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?ରà? ନିରà?ଦà?ଦିଷà?à¬? ହà?à¬?ଥିବା ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:507
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:517
msgid "Forward calls to the given host if _no answer"
-msgstr "ଦତà?ତ ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?ଲà? à¬?à?ଡିà¬? à¬?à¬?à?ରସରà¬?ର à?ଦି _à¬?ତà?ତର ମିଳିନଥାà¬? "
+msgstr "ଦତà?ତ ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?ଲà? à¬?à?ଡିà¬? à¬?à¬?à?ରସରà¬?ର à?ଦି à¬?ତà?ତର ମିଳିନଥାà¬? (_n)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:507
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:517
msgid ""
"If enabled, all incoming calls will be forwarded to the host that is "
"specified in the protocol settings if you do not answer the call"
msgstr ""
"à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, ସବà? à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲà? à¬?à?ଡିà¬? ପà?ରà?à¬?à¬?ଲ ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?ରà? ନିରà?ଦà?ଦିଷà?à¬? ହà?à¬?ଥିବା ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬?, "
-"à?ଦି à¬?ପଣ à¬?ଲà? ର à¬?à?ଣସି à¬?ତà?ତର ନଦିà¬?ନà?ତି à¤"
+"à?ଦି à¬?ପଣ à¬?ଲà? ର à¬?à?ଣସି à¬?ତà?ତର ନଦିà¬?ନà?ତି "
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:509
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:519
msgid "Forward calls to the given host if _busy"
-msgstr "ଦତà?ତ ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?ଲà? à¬?à?ଡିà¬? à¬?à¬?à?ରସରà¬?ର à?ଦି _ବà?ଯସà?ତ ଥାà¬?ନà?ତି"
+msgstr "ଦତà?ତ ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?ଲà? à¬?à?ଡିà¬? à¬?à¬?à?ରସରà¬?ର à?ଦି ବà?ଯସà?ତ ଥାà¬?ନà?ତି (_b)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:509
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:519
msgid ""
"If enabled, all incoming calls will be forwarded to the host that is "
"specified in the protocol settings if you already are in a call or if you "
@@ -2919,274 +3122,292 @@ msgstr ""
"à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, ସବà? à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲà? ପà?ରà?à¬?à¬?ଲ ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?ରà? ନିରà?ଦà?ଦିଷà?à¬? ହà?à¬?ଥିବା ହà?ଷà?à¬?à¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର ହà?à¬?ଥାà¬?, à?ଦି "
"à¬?ପଣ ପà?ରà?ବରà? à¬?à¬? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? à¬?ଲà? à¬?ରà?ଥାà¬?ନà?ତି à¬?ିମà?ବା à?ଦି à¬?ପଣ ବିରà¬?à?ତ à¬?ର ନାହିà¬? ମà?ଡରà? ଥାà¬?ନà?ତି "
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:513 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1361
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:523 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1365
msgid "Call Options"
msgstr "à¬?ଲà? ବିà¬?ଳà?ପà¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
#. Add all the fields
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:516
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:526
msgid "Timeout to reject or forward unanswered incoming calls (in seconds):"
msgstr "à¬?ତà?ତର ମିଳି ନଥିବା à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲà? à¬?à?ଡିà¬? ସମଯ ବିତିà?ାà¬?, à¬?ସà?ବà?à¬?à?ତ ହà?à¬? à¬?ିମà?ବା à¬?à¬?à?ରସରହà?à¬? (ସà?à¬?à?ଣà?ଡରà?):"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:548
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:527
+msgid "_Automatically answer incoming calls"
+msgstr "à¬?ସà?ଥିବା à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?à? ସà?à±à?à¬?à¬?ାଳିତ à¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬°à? à¬?ତà?ତର ଦିà¬?ନà?ତà? (_A)"
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:558
msgid "Ekiga Sound Events"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା ଧà?ବନà? à¬?à¬?ଣାà¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
+msgstr "Ekiga ଧà?ବନà? à¬?à¬?ଣାà¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:598
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:596
+msgid "A"
+msgstr "A"
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:608
msgid "Event"
msgstr "��ଣା"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:610
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:620
msgid "Choose a sound"
msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ଧà?ବନà? ବାà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:615
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:625
msgid "Wavefiles"
msgstr "à¬?à¬?ଠଫାà¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:624 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:643
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:634 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:653
msgid "Play"
msgstr "ବ�ା�"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:664
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:674
msgid "String"
-msgstr "ସà?à¬?à?ରିà¬?à?à¬?"
+msgstr "ବାà¬?à?à?à¬?ଣà?ଡ"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:665
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:675
msgid "Tone"
msgstr "à¬?à?ନ"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:666 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:715
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:676 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:725
msgid "RFC2833"
msgstr "RFC2833"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:667
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:677
msgid "Q.931"
msgstr "Q.931"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:673 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:725
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:683 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:735
msgid "Misc Settings"
msgstr "ବିବିଧ ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:676 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:730
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:686 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:740
msgid "Forward _URI:"
msgstr "URIà¬?à? à¬?à¬?à?ରସର à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_U):"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:685
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:695
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "à¬?ନà?ନତ ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
#. The toggles
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:688
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:698
msgid "Enable H.245 _tunneling"
-msgstr " H.245 _à¬?ନଲିà¬?à?à¬? ସà¬?à?ଷମà¬?ର"
+msgstr "H.245 à¬?ନଲିà¬?à?à¬? ସà¬?à?ଷମà¬?ରନà?ତà? (_t)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:690
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:700
msgid "Enable _early H.245"
-msgstr "ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ର_ପà?ରà?ବ H.245"
+msgstr "ପà?ରà?ବ H.245 à¬?à? ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_e)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:692
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:702
msgid "Enable fast _start procedure"
-msgstr "ଦà?ରà?ତ _à¬?ରମà?ଠପଦà?ଧତି ସà¬?à?ଷମà¬?ର"
+msgstr "ଦà?ରà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠପଦà?ଧତି ସà¬?à?ଷମà¬?ରନà?ତà? (_s)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:692
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:702
msgid ""
"Connection will be established in Fast Start mode. Fast Start is a new way "
"to start calls faster that was introduced in H.323v2. It is not supported by "
"Netmeeting and using both Fast Start and H.245 Tunneling can crash some "
"versions of Netmeeting."
msgstr ""
-"ସà¬?à?à?à¬? ଦà?ରà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠମà?ଡରà? ସà?ଥାପିତ ହà?ବ ठଦà?ରà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ଲà? à¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ଶà?à¬?à?ର à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à¬? ନà?à¬? "
-"à¬?ପାଯ à¬?à¬?à? à?ାହାà¬?ି H.323v2ରà? à¬?ରମà?ଠହà?à¬?ଥିଲା ठà¬?ହା ନà?à¬?ମିà¬?ିà¬?à?à¬? ଦà?ବାରା ସମରà?ଥିତ ନà?ହà?à¬?, à¬?ବà¬? ଦà?ରà?ତ "
-"à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ବà¬? H.245 à¬?ନଲିà¬?à?à¬? à¬?à¬à¬¯à¬?à? à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା à?à?à¬?à?à¬? ନà?à¬?ମିà¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?à?ତà?à¬? à¬à¬¾à¬·à¬¾à¬¨à?ତର à¬?à¬?ଳ ହà?à¬?ପାରà? à¤"
+"ସà¬?à?à?à¬? ଦà?ରà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠମà?ଡରà? ସà?ଥାପିତ ହà?ବ। ଦà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? ଶà?à¬?à?ର à¬?ରମà?ଠà¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à¬? ନà?à¬?à¬?ପାà? "
+"à¬?à¬?à? ଯାହାà¬?ି H.323v2ରà? à¬?ରମà?ଠହà?à¬?ଥିଲା। à¬?ହା ନà?à¬?ମିà¬?ିà¬?à?à¬? ଦà?ବାରା ସମରà?ଥିତ ନà?ହà?à¬?, à¬?ବà¬? ଦà?ରà?ତ à¬?ରମà?ଠ"
+"à¬?ବà¬? H.245 à¬?ନଲିà¬?à?à¬? à¬?à¬à?à¬?à? à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ଯà?à¬?à? ନà?à¬?ମିà¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?à?ତà?à¬? à¬à¬¾à¬·à¬¾à¬¨à?ତର à¬?à¬?ଳ ହà?à¬?ପାରà?।"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:698 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:738
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:708 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:748
msgid "DTMF Mode"
msgstr "DTMF ମà?ଡ"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:700 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:740
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:710 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:750
msgid "_Send DTMF as:"
-msgstr "_ DTMF ପରି ପଠା�:"
+msgstr "DTMF ପରି ପଠାନà?ତà? (_S):"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:700 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:740
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:710 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:750
msgid "This allows you to set the mode for DTMFs sending."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DTMF à¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?à? ପଠାà¬?ବା ପାà¬?à¬? ଧାରା ସà?à¬? à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? à¬?ହା à¬?ନà?ମତି ଦà?à¬?ଥାà¬?।"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:716
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:726
msgid "INFO"
msgstr "INFO"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:727
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:737
msgid "_Outbound Proxy:"
-msgstr "_ବାହାରà¬?à? à?ାà¬?ଥିବା ପà?ରà?à¬?à?ସି:"
+msgstr "ବାହାରà¬?à? ଯାà¬?ଥିବା ପà?ରà?à¬?à?ସି (_O):"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:768
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:778
msgid "Ringing Device"
msgstr "ବାà¬?à?ଥିବା à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:768
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:778
msgid "Select the ringing audio device to use"
msgstr "ବà?à?ବହାର à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ବାà¬?à?ଥିବା ଧà?à±à¬¨à¬¿ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à? ବାà¬?ନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:770
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:780
msgid "Output device:"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?à¬?ପà?à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ:"
+msgstr "ଫଳାଫଳ �ପ�ରଣ:"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:777 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:928
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:787 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:932
msgid "Input device:"
-msgstr "à¬?ନପà?à¬? à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ:"
+msgstr "ନିବà?ଶ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ:"
#. That button will refresh the device list
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:782 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:939
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:792 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:943
msgid "_Detect devices"
-msgstr "_à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? à¬?ିହà?ନà¬?à¬?ର"
+msgstr "à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à?ଡିà¬?à? à¬?ିହà?ନà¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_D)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:782 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:939
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:792 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:943
msgid "Click here to refresh the device list."
msgstr "à¬?ପà¬?ରଣ ତାଲିà¬?ାà¬?à? ସତà?à¬?ନ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ଠାରà? à¬?à?ଲିà¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?।"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:906
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:911
msgid "PAL (Europe)"
msgstr "PAL (à¬?ଯà?ରà?ପ)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:907
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:912
msgid "NTSC (America)"
msgstr "NTSC (à¬?ମà?ରିà¬?ା)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:908
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:913
msgid "SECAM (France)"
msgstr "SECAM (ଫà?ରାନà?ସ)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:909
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:914
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "ସà?ବà?à¬?à¬?ାଳିତ"
#. Video Channel
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:932
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:936
msgid "Channel:"
msgstr "�ପପଥ:"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:934
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:938
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "��ାର:"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:934
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:938
msgid "Select the transmitted video size"
msgstr "ପଠାଯାà¬?ଥିବା à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? à¬?à¬?ାରà¬?à? ବାà¬?ନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:936
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:940
msgid "Format:"
msgstr "ଶà?ଳà?:"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:963 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1002
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1386 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1396
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:967 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1006
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1394 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1405
msgid "Codecs"
msgstr "à¬?à?ଡà?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:976 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1015
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:980 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1019
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
#. Translators: the full sentence is Automatically adjust jitter buffer
#. between X and Y ms
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:980
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:984
msgid "Enable silence _detection"
-msgstr "ନà?ରବ_à¬?ିହà?ନà¬?à¬?ରିବା ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ର"
+msgstr "ନà?ରବରà? à¬?ିହà?ନà¬?à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_d)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:980
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:984
msgid "If enabled, use silence detection with the codecs supporting it."
msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, ନà?ରବ à¬?ିହà?ନà¬? à¬?ହାà¬?à? ସମରà?ଥନà¬?ରà?ଥିବା à¬?à?ଡà?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬? ସହିତ à¬?ପà?à?à¬? à¬?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:982
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:986
msgid "Enable echo can_celation"
-msgstr "ପà?ରତିଧà?ବନା ରଦà?ଦ_ ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ର"
+msgstr "ପà?ରତିଧà?ବନà? ରଦà?ଦà¬?à? ସà¬?à?ଷମ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_c)"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:982
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:986
msgid "If enabled, use echo cancelation."
msgstr "à?ଦି ସà¬?à?ଷମ ହà?à¬?, ପà?ରତିଧà?ବନା ରଦà?ଦ à¬?ପà?à?à¬?à¬?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:984
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:988
msgid "Maximum _jitter buffer (in ms):"
msgstr "ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? à¬?ିà¬?ର ବଫର (msରà?) (_j):"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:984
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:988
msgid "The maximum jitter buffer size for audio reception (in ms)."
-msgstr "à¬?ଡିà¬? ପà?ରାପà?ତି ପାà¬?à¬? ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? à¬?ିà¬?ର ବଫର à¬?à¬?ାର (ମିନିà¬?ରà?)à¤"
+msgstr "à¬?ଡିà¬? ପà?ରାପà?ତି ପାà¬?à¬? ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? à¬?ିà¬?ର ବଫର à¬?à¬?ାର (ମିନିà¬?ରà?)"
#. Translators: the full sentence is Keep a minimum video quality of X %
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1018
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1022
msgid "Picture Quality"
msgstr "à¬?ିତà?ର à¬?à?ଣବତà?ତା"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1018
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1022
msgid ""
"Choose if you want to guarantee a minimum image quality (possibly leading to "
"dropped frames in order not to surpass the bitrate limit) or if you prefer "
"to keep the frame rate."
msgstr ""
+"ଯଦି à¬?ପଣ ସରà?ବନିମà?ନ ପà?ରତିà¬?ବି ବିଶà?ଷତା ପà?ରତି ନିରà?à¬à¬°à?à¬?à?ତି ଦà?ବାà¬?à? à¬?ାହà?à¬?à¬?ନà?ତି à¬?ି ନାହିà¬? ତାହା ବାà¬?ନà?ତà? (ସମà?à¬à¬¬à¬¤à¬? "
+"ପà¬?ାଯାà¬?ଥିବା ଫà?ରà?ମà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬? ପà?ରତି ବିà¬?ହାର ସà?ମାà¬?à? à¬?ତିà¬?à?ରମ à¬?ରି) à¬?ଥବା ଯଦି à¬?ପଣ ଫà?ରà?ମ ହାରà¬?à? ରà¬?ିବା ପାà¬?à¬? "
+"ପସନà?ଦ à¬?ରନà?ତà?।"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1020
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1024
msgid "Maximum video _bitrate (in kbits/s):"
msgstr "ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬? ବିà¬? ପରିମାଣ (à¬?ିଲà?ବିà¬?/ସà?à¬?ଣà?ଡ ରà?) (_b):"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1020
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1024
msgid ""
"The maximum video bitrate in kbits/s. The video quality and the effective "
"frame rate will be dynamically adjusted to keep the bitrate at the given "
msgstr ""
+"ସରà?ବାଧିà¬? à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ବିà¬?ହାର kbits/sରà?। à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¼à¬¿à¬? ବିଶà?ଷତା à¬?ବà¬? ପà?ରà¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬¿à¬¤ ଫà?ରà?ମ ହାର à¬?ତିଶà?ଳ à¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬°à? "
+"ବିà¬?ହାରà¬?à? ରà¬?ିଥାà¬?।"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1333
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1337
msgid "Ekiga Preferences"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?ିà¬?ା ପସନà?ଦà¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
+msgstr "Ekiga ପସନà?ଦà¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1351
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1355
msgid "General"
msgstr "ସାଧାରଣ"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1352
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1356
msgid "Personal Data"
msgstr "ବà?ଯà¬?à?ତିà¬?ତ ତଥà?ଯ"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1357
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1361
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "ସାଧାରଣ ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1366
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1370
msgid "Sound Events"
msgstr "ଧà?ବନà? à¬?à¬?ଣାà¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1370
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1374
msgid "Protocols"
msgstr "ପà?ରà?à¬?à¬?ଲà¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1372
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1376
msgid "SIP Settings"
msgstr "SIP ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1377
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1381
msgid "H.323 Settings"
msgstr "H.323 ସà?à¬?ିà¬?à?à¬?à¬?à?ଡିà¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1381
+#. The player
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1387
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "ଧà?ବନି"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1382 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1392
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1390 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1401
msgid "Devices"
msgstr "ଯନà?ତà?ର"
-#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1391
+#: ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:1399
msgid "Video"
msgstr "à¬à¬¿à¬¡à¬¿à¬?"
-#: ../src/gui/statusicon.cpp:305
+#: ../src/gui/statusicon.cpp:313
#, c-format
msgid "You have %d message"
msgid_plural "You have %d messages"
msgstr[0] "à¬?ପଣନà?à¬? ପାà¬?à¬? %d ସନà?ଦà?ଶ à¬?à¬?ି"
msgstr[1] "à¬?ପଣନà?à¬? ପାà¬?à¬? %d ସନà?ଦà?ଶ à¬?à¬?ି"
+#: ../src/gui/statusicon.cpp:418
+msgid "The following accounts are inactive:"
+msgstr "ନିମà?ନଲିà¬?ିତ à¬?ାତାà¬?à?ଡିà¬? ନିଷà?à¬?à?ରିà? à¬?à¬?à?:"
#: ../src/gui/statusmenu.cpp:87
msgid "Online"
msgstr "�ନ ଲା�ନ"
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