[ekiga/gnome-2-26] [windows] Small fix and cosmetic changes during building

commit 45a917aa87cfa86e1bf0ee02a099de6903b7cd23
Author: Eugen Dedu <Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr>
Date:   Sun Apr 18 21:15:43 2010 +0200

    [windows] Small fix and cosmetic changes during building

 win32/Makefile |   16 ++++++++--------
 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/win32/Makefile b/win32/Makefile
index e598e6d..9033523 100644
--- a/win32/Makefile
+++ b/win32/Makefile
@@ -274,14 +274,14 @@ update: update-sources
 	@echo Checking prerequisites...
 	hash $(REALCC) $(REALCXX) $(LD) $(NM) $(AR) $(RANLIB) $(DLLTOOL) $(DLLWRAP) $(OBJDUMP) $(RC) $(AS)||(echo You need to install mingw32;exit 1)
-	hash tar unzip zip wget aclocal autoheader libtoolize automake autoconf pkg-config gnome-autogen.sh bison gdk-pixbuf-csource||(echo we need more binaries ;exit 1)
-	[ -f /usr/share/gnome-doc-utils/gnome-doc-utils.make ]||(echo gnome-doc-tools not installed;exit 1)
-	[ -f /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gconf-2.0.pc ]||(echo libgconf2-dev not installed;exit 1)
-	[ -f /usr/lib/pkgconfig/avahi-glib.pc ]||(echo libavahi-glib-dev not installed;exit 1)
-	[ -f /usr/lib/pkgconfig/avahi-client.pc ]||(echo libavahi-client-dev not installed;exit 1)
-	hash makensis||(echo nsis not installed;exit1)
-	hash xmlto||(echo xmlto not installed;exit1)
-#       [ $(BUILDROOT) = $(CURDIR) ]||(echo You are supposed to run this as Makefile in $(BUILDROOT);exit 1)
+	hash tar unzip zip wget aclocal autoheader libtoolize automake autoconf pkg-config gnome-autogen.sh bison gdk-pixbuf-csource || (echo we need more binaries ; exit 1)
+	[ -f /usr/share/gnome-doc-utils/gnome-doc-utils.make ] || (echo gnome-doc-tools not installed; exit 1)
+	[ -f /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gconf-2.0.pc ] || (echo libgconf2-dev not installed; exit 1)
+	[ -f /usr/lib/pkgconfig/avahi-glib.pc ] || (echo libavahi-glib-dev not installed; exit 1)
+	[ -f /usr/lib/pkgconfig/avahi-client.pc ] || (echo libavahi-client-dev not installed; exit 1)
+	hash makensis || (echo nsis not installed; exit 1)
+	hash xmlto || (echo xmlto not installed; exit 1)
+#       [ $(BUILDROOT) = $(CURDIR) ] || (echo You are supposed to run this as Makefile in $(BUILDROOT); exit 1)
 	mkdir -p $(INCLUDEDIR) $(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig $(SRCDIR) $(BINDIR)
 	$(RM) -f $(BINDIR)/cygpath
 	ln -s /bin/true $(BINDIR)/cygpath

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