[dia] Added files to build App and dmg on Mac OS X.
- From: Steffen Macke <sdteffen src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [dia] Added files to build App and dmg on Mac OS X.
- Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 17:13:25 +0000 (UTC)
commit f883d2c7279ebbb51aa70fc95b260e4d9ca4eba4
Author: sdteffen <sdteffen external site>
Date: Sun Apr 11 19:12:22 2010 +0200
Added files to build App and dmg on Mac OS X.
configure.in | 1 +
installer/Makefile.am | 2 +-
installer/macosx/Makefile.am | 4 +
installer/macosx/osx-app.sh | 405 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
installer/macosx/osx-build.sh | 331 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
installer/macosx/osx-dmg.sh | 179 ++++++++++++++++++
6 files changed, 921 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
index 6936d2c..57c80de 100644
--- a/configure.in
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -665,6 +665,7 @@ doc/eu/Makefile
diff --git a/installer/Makefile.am b/installer/Makefile.am
index a783431..75a60dd 100644
--- a/installer/Makefile.am
+++ b/installer/Makefile.am
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-SUBDIRS = win32
+SUBDIRS = macosx win32
diff --git a/installer/macosx/Makefile.am b/installer/macosx/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbbf27a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installer/macosx/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
+EXTRA_DIST = osx-app.sh osx-build.sh osx-dmg.sh
diff --git a/installer/macosx/osx-app.sh b/installer/macosx/osx-app.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c648021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installer/macosx/osx-app.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+# osx-app [-s] [-l /path/to/libraries] -py /path/to/python/modules [-l /path/to/libraries] -b /path/to/bin/dia -p /path/to/Info.plist
+# This script attempts to build an Dia.app package for OS X, resolving
+# dynamic libraries, etc.
+# If the '-s' option is given, then the libraries and executable are stripped.
+# The Info.plist file can be found in the base dia directory once
+# configure has been run.
+# Steffen Macke <sdteffen sdteffen de>
+# Kees Cook <kees outflux net>
+# Michael Wybrow <mjwybrow users sourceforge net>
+# Jean-Olivier Irisson <jo irisson gmail com>
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Kees Cook
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michael Wybrow
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jean-Olivier Irisson
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Steffen Macke
+# Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
+# Thanks to GNUnet's "build_app" script for help with library dep resolution.
+# https://gnunet.org/svn/GNUnet/contrib/OSX/build_app
+# NB:
+# When packaging Dia for OS X, configure should be run with the
+# "--enable-osxapp" option which sets the correct paths for support
+# files inside the app bundle.
+# Defaults
+# If LIBPREFIX is not already set (by osx-build.sh for example) set it to blank (one should use the command line argument to set it correctly)
+if [ -z $LIBPREFIX ]; then
+# Help message
+echo -e "
+Create an app bundle for OS X
+ $0 [-s] [-l /path/to/libraries] -py /path/to/python/modules -b /path/to/bin/dia -p /path/to/Info.plist
+ \033[1m-h,--help\033[0m
+ display this help message
+ \033[1m-s\033[0m
+ strip the libraries and executables from debugging symbols
+ \033[1m-py,--with-python\033[0m
+ add python modules (numpy, lxml) from given directory
+ inside the app bundle
+ \033[1m-l,--libraries\033[0m
+ specify the path to the librairies Dia depends on
+ (typically /sw or /opt/local)
+ \033[1m-b--binary\033[0m
+ specify the path to Dia's binary. By default it is in
+ Build/bin/ at the base of the source code directory
+ \033[1m-p,--plist\033[0m
+ specify the path to Info.plist. Info.plist can be found
+ in the base directory of the source code once configure
+ has been run
+ $0 -s -py ~/python-modules -l /opt/local -b ../../Build/bin/dia -p ../../Info.plist
+# Parse command line arguments
+while [ "$1" != "" ]
+ case $1 in
+ -py|--with-python)
+ add_python=true
+ python_dir="$2"
+ shift 1 ;;
+ -s)
+ strip=true ;;
+ -l|--libraries)
+ shift 1 ;;
+ -b|--binary)
+ binary="$2"
+ shift 1 ;;
+ -p|--plist)
+ plist="$2"
+ shift 1 ;;
+ -h|--help)
+ help
+ exit 0 ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid command line option: $1"
+ exit 2 ;;
+ esac
+ shift 1
+echo -e "\n\033[1mCREATE INKSCAPE APP BUNDLE\033[0m\n"
+# Safety tests
+if [ "x$binary" == "x" ]; then
+ echo "Dia binary path not specified." >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -x "$binary" ]; then
+ echo "Dia executable not not found at $binary." >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ "x$plist" == "x" ]; then
+ echo "Info.plist file not specified." >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -f "$plist" ]; then
+ echo "Info.plist file not found at $plist." >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -e "$LIBPREFIX" ]; then
+ echo "Cannot find the directory containing the libraires: $LIBPREFIX" >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -e "$LIBPREFIX/share/themes/Clearlooks-Quicksilver" ]; then
+ echo "Missing Clearlooks -- please install gtk2-clearlooks and try again." >&2
+ exit 1
+# Handle some version specific details.
+VERSION=`/usr/bin/sw_vers | grep ProductVersion | cut -f2 -d'.'`
+if [ "$VERSION" -ge "4" ]; then
+ # We're on Tiger (10.4) or later.
+ # XCode behaves a little differently in Tiger and later.
+ XCODEFLAGS="-configuration Deployment"
+ SCRIPTEXECDIR="ScriptExec/build/Deployment/ScriptExec.app/Contents/MacOS"
+ # Panther (10.3) or earlier.
+ XCODEFLAGS="-buildstyle Deployment"
+ SCRIPTEXECDIR="ScriptExec/build/ScriptExec.app/Contents/MacOS"
+# Package always has the same name. Version information is stored in
+# the Info.plist file which is filled in by the configure script.
+# Remove a previously existing package if necessary
+if [ -d $package ]; then
+ echo "Removing previous Dia.app"
+ rm -Rf $package
+# Set the 'macosx' directory, usually the current directory.
+# Prepare Package
+mkdir -p "$pkgexec"
+mkdir -p "$pkgbin"
+mkdir -p "$pkglib"
+mkdir -p "$pkglocale"
+mkdir -p "$pkgpython"
+mkdir -p "$pkgresources/Dutch.lprj"
+mkdir -p "$pkgresources/English.lprj"
+mkdir -p "$pkgresources/French.lprj"
+mkdir -p "$pkgresources/German.lprj"
+mkdir -p "$pkgresources/Italian.lprj"
+mkdir -p "$pkgresources/Spanish.lprj"
+mkdir -p "$pkgresources/fi.lprj"
+mkdir -p "$pkgresources/no.lprj"
+mkdir -p "$pkgresources/sv.lprj"
+# Build and add the launcher
+ # Build fails if CC happens to be set (to anything other than CompileC)
+ unset CC
+ cd "$resdir/ScriptExec"
+ echo -e "\033[1mBuilding launcher...\033[0m\n"
+ xcodebuild $XCODEFLAGS clean build
+cp "$resdir/$SCRIPTEXECDIR/ScriptExec" "$pkgexec/Dia"
+# Copy all files into the bundle
+echo -e "\n\033[1mFilling app bundle...\033[0m\n"
+binary_name=`basename "$binary"`
+binary_dir=`dirname "$binary"`
+# Dia's binary
+cp -v "$binary" "$binpath"
+# TODO Add a "$verbose" variable and command line switch, which sets wether these commands are verbose or not
+# Share files
+rsync -av "$binary_dir/../share/$binary_name"/* "$pkgresources/"
+cp "$plist" "$package/Contents/Info.plist"
+rsync -av "$binary_dir/../share/locale"/* "$pkgresources/locale"
+# Copy GTK shared mime information
+mkdir -p "$pkgresources/share"
+cp -rp "$LIBPREFIX/share/mime" "$pkgresources/share/"
+# Icons and the rest of the script framework
+rsync -av --exclude ".svn" "$resdir"/Resources/* "$pkgresources/"
+# Update the ImageMagick path in startup script.
+# PkgInfo must match bundle type and creator code from Info.plist
+echo "APPLInks" > $package/Contents/PkgInfo
+# Pull in extra requirements for Pango and GTK
+mkdir -p $pkgetc/pango
+cp $LIBPREFIX/etc/pango/pangox.aliases $pkgetc/pango/
+# Need to adjust path and quote in case of spaces in path.
+sed -e "s,$LIBPREFIX,\"\${CWD},g" -e 's,\.so ,.so" ,g' $LIBPREFIX/etc/pango/pango.modules > $pkgetc/pango/pango.modules
+cat > $pkgetc/pango/pangorc <<END_PANGO
+# We use a modified fonts.conf file so only need the dtd
+mkdir -p $pkgetc/fonts
+cp $LIBPREFIX/etc/fonts/fonts.dtd $pkgetc/fonts/
+cp -r $LIBPREFIX/etc/fonts/conf.avail $pkgetc/fonts/
+cp -r $LIBPREFIX/etc/fonts/conf.d $pkgetc/fonts/
+mkdir -p $pkgetc/gtk-2.0
+sed -e "s,$LIBPREFIX,\${CWD},g" $LIBPREFIX/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders > $pkgetc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
+sed -e "s,$LIBPREFIX,\${CWD},g" $LIBPREFIX/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules > $pkgetc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules
+pango_version=`pkg-config --variable=pango_module_version pango`
+mkdir -p $pkglib/pango/$pango_version/modules
+cp $LIBPREFIX/lib/pango/$pango_version/modules/*.so $pkglib/pango/$pango_version/modules/
+gtk_version=`pkg-config --variable=gtk_binary_version gtk+-2.0`
+mkdir -p $pkglib/gtk-2.0/$gtk_version/{engines,immodules,loaders,printbackends}
+cp -r $LIBPREFIX/lib/gtk-2.0/$gtk_version/* $pkglib/gtk-2.0/$gtk_version/
+# Find out libs we need from fink, darwinports, or from a custom install
+# (i.e. $LIBPREFIX), then loop until no changes.
+while $endl; do
+ echo -e "\033[1mLooking for dependencies.\033[0m Round" $a
+ libs="`otool -L $pkglib/gtk-2.0/$gtk_version/{engines,immodules,loaders,printbackends}/*.{dylib,so} $pkglib/pango/$pango_version/modules/* $pkglib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/* $package/Contents/Resources/lib/* $pkglib/ImageMagick-$IMAGEMAGICKVER/modules-Q16/{filters,coders}/*.so $binary 2>/dev/null | fgrep compatibility | cut -d\( -f1 | grep $LIBPREFIX | sort | uniq`"
+ cp -f $libs $package/Contents/Resources/lib
+ let "a+=1"
+ nnfiles=`ls $package/Contents/Resources/lib | wc -l`
+ if [ $nnfiles = $nfiles ]; then
+ endl=false
+ else
+ nfiles=$nnfiles
+ fi
+# Add extra libraries of necessary
+for libfile in $EXTRALIBS
+ cp -f $libfile $package/Contents/Resources/lib
+# Strip libraries and executables if requested
+if [ "$strip" = "true" ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\033[1mStripping debugging symbols...\033[0m\n"
+ chmod +w "$pkglib"/*.dylib
+ strip -x "$pkglib"/*.dylib
+ strip -ur "$binpath"
+# NOTE: This works for all the dylibs but causes GTK to crash at startup.
+# Instead we leave them with their original install_names and set
+# DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH within the app bundle before running Dia.
+fixlib () {
+ libPath="`echo $2 | sed 's/.*Resources//'`"
+ pkgPath="`echo $2 | sed 's/Resources\/.*/Resources/'`"
+ # Fix a given executable or library to be relocatable
+ if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
+ libs="`otool -L $1 | fgrep compatibility | cut -d\( -f1`"
+ for lib in $libs; do
+ echo " $lib"
+ base=`echo $lib | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'`
+ first=`echo $lib | cut -d/ -f1-3`
+ relative=`echo $lib | cut -d/ -f4-`
+ to= executable_path/../$relative
+ if [ $first != /usr/lib -a $first != /usr/X11 -a $first != /System/Library ]; then
+ /usr/bin/install_name_tool -change $lib $to $1
+ if [ "`echo $lib | fgrep libcrypto`" = "" ]; then
+ /usr/bin/install_name_tool -id $to $1
+ for ll in $libs; do
+ base=`echo $ll | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'`
+ first=`echo $ll | cut -d/ -f1-3`
+ relative=`echo $ll | cut -d/ -f4-`
+ to= executable_path/../$relative
+ if [ $first != /usr/lib -a $first != /usr/X11 -a $first != /System/Library -a "`echo $ll | fgrep libcrypto`" = "" ]; then
+ /usr/bin/install_name_tool -change $ll $to $pkgPath/$relative
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+rewritelibpaths () {
+ #
+ # Fix package deps
+ (cd "$package/Contents/Resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders"
+ for file in *.so; do
+ echo "Rewriting dylib paths for $file..."
+ fixlib "$file" "`pwd`"
+ done
+ )
+ (cd "$package/Contents/Resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines"
+ for file in *.so; do
+ echo "Rewriting dylib paths for $file..."
+ fixlib "$file" "`pwd`"
+ done
+ )
+ (cd "$package/Contents/Resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules"
+ for file in *.so; do
+ echo "Rewriting dylib paths for $file..."
+ fixlib "$file" "`pwd`"
+ done
+ )
+ (cd "$package/Contents/Resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/printbackends"
+ for file in *.so; do
+ echo "Rewriting dylib paths for $file..."
+ fixlib "$file" "`pwd`"
+ done
+ )
+ (cd "$package/Contents/Resources/lib/pango/1.6.0/modules"
+ for file in *.so; do
+ echo "Rewriting dylib paths for $file..."
+ fixlib "$file" "`pwd`"
+ done
+ )
+ (cd "$package/Contents/Resources/bin"
+ for file in *; do
+ echo "Rewriting dylib paths for $file..."
+ fixlib "$file" "`pwd`"
+ done
+ cd ../lib
+ for file in *.dylib; do
+ echo "Rewriting dylib paths for $file..."
+ fixlib "$file" "`pwd`"
+ done
+ )
+if [ "$PATHLENGTH" -ge "50" ]; then
+ # If the LIBPREFIX path is long enough to allow
+ # path rewriting, then do this.
+ rewritelibpaths
+ echo "Could not rewrite dylb paths for bundled libraries. This requires" >&2
+ echo "Macports to be installed in a PREFIX of at least 50 characters in length." >&2
+ echo "" >&2
+ echo "The package will still work if the following line is uncommented in" >&2
+ echo "Dia.app/Contents/Resources/bin/dia:" >&2
+ echo ' export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$TOP/lib"' >&2
+ exit 1
+exit 0
diff --git a/installer/macosx/osx-build.sh b/installer/macosx/osx-build.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b3f19a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installer/macosx/osx-build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+# Dia compilation and packaging script for Mac OS X
+# Please see
+# http://dia-installer.de/compiling.html
+# for more complete information
+# Author:
+# Steffen Macke <sdteffen sdteffen de>
+# with information from
+# Jean-Olivier Irisson <jo irisson gmail com>
+# Kees Cook
+# Michael Wybrow
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2010
+# Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
+# User modifiable parameters
+# Configure flags
+# Libraries prefix (Warning: NO trailing slash)
+# User name on Modevia
+# Help message
+echo -e "
+Compilation script for Dia on Mac OS X.
+ $0 [options] action[s]
+\033[1mACTIONS & OPTIONS\033[0m
+ \033[1mh,help\033[0m
+ display this help message
+ \033[1mu,up,update\033[0m
+ update an existing checkout from svn (run svn up)
+ \033[1ma,auto,autogen\033[0m
+ prepare configure script (run autogen.sh). This is only necessary
+ for a fresh svn checkout or after make distclean.
+ \033[1mc,conf,configure\033[0m
+ configure the build (run configure). Edit your configuration
+ options in $0
+ \033[1m-p,--prefix\033[0m specify install prefix (configure step only)
+ \033[1mb,build\033[0m
+ build Dia (run make)
+ \033[1mi,install\033[0m
+ install the build products locally, inside the source
+ directory (run make install)
+ \033[1mp,pack,package\033[0m
+ package Dia in a double clickable .app bundle
+ \033[1m-s,--strip\033[0m remove debugging information in Dia package
+ \033[1m-py,--with-python\033[0m specify python modules path for inclusion into the app bundle
+ \033[1md,dist,distrib\033[0m
+ store Dia.app in a disk image (dmg) for distribution
+ \033[1mput,upload\033[0m
+ upload the dmg and the associate info file on Modevia server
+ \033[1mall\033[0m
+ do everything (update, configure, build, install, package, distribute)
+ \033[1m$0 conf build install\033[0m
+ configure, build and install a dowloaded version of Dia in the default
+ directory, keeping debugging information.
+ \033[1m$0 u a c b -p ~ i -s -py ~/site-packages/ p d\033[0m
+ update an svn checkout, prepare configure script, configure,
+ build and install Dia in the user home directory (~).
+ Then package Dia without debugging information,
+ with python packages from ~/site-packages/ and prepare
+ a dmg for distribution."
+# Parameters
+# Paths
+SRCROOT=$HERE/../.. # we are currently in packaging/macosx
+# Defaults
+if [ "$INSTALLPREFIX" = "" ]
+# Parse command line options
+while [ "$1" != "" ]
+ case $1 in
+ h|help)
+ help
+ exit 1 ;;
+ all)
+ BUILD="t"
+ DISTRIB="t" ;;
+ u|up|update)
+ SVNUPDATE="t" ;;
+ a|auto|autogen)
+ AUTOGEN="t" ;;
+ c|conf|configure)
+ CONFIGURE="t" ;;
+ b|build)
+ BUILD="t" ;;
+ i|install)
+ INSTALL="t" ;;
+ p|pack|package)
+ PACKAGE="t" ;;
+ d|dist|distrib)
+ DISTRIB="t" ;;
+ put|upload)
+ UPLOAD="t" ;;
+ -p|--prefix)
+ shift 1 ;;
+ -s|--strip)
+ STRIP="-s" ;;
+ -py|--with-python)
+ shift 1 ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid command line option: $1"
+ exit 2 ;;
+ esac
+ shift 1
+# Set environment variables
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+# Specific environment variables
+# automake seach path
+export CPATH="$LIBPREFIX/include"
+# configure search path
+export CPPFLAGS="-I$LIBPREFIX/include"
+# export CPPFLAGS="-I$LIBPREFIX/include -I /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Headers"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$LIBPREFIX/lib"
+# compiler arguments
+export CFLAGS="-O3 -Wall"
+# Actions
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+if [[ "$SVNUPDATE" == "t" ]]
+ svn up
+ status=$?
+ if [[ $status -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo -e "\nSVN update failed"
+ exit $status
+ fi
+ cd $HERE
+if [[ "$AUTOGEN" == "t" ]]
+ ./autogen.sh
+ status=$?
+ if [[ $status -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo -e "\nautogen failed"
+ exit $status
+ fi
+ cd $HERE
+if [[ "$CONFIGURE" == "t" ]]
+ if [ ! -f configure ]
+ then
+ echo "Configure script not found in $SRCROOT. Run '$0 autogen' first"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ./configure $ALLCONFFLAGS
+ status=$?
+ if [[ $status -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo -e "\nConfigure failed"
+ exit $status
+ fi
+ cd $HERE
+if [[ "$BUILD" == "t" ]]
+ make
+ status=$?
+ if [[ $status -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo -e "\nBuild failed"
+ exit $status
+ fi
+ cd $HERE
+if [[ "$INSTALL" == "t" ]]
+ make install
+ status=$?
+ if [[ $status -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo -e "\nInstall failed"
+ exit $status
+ fi
+ cd $HERE
+if [[ "$PACKAGE" == "t" ]]
+ # Test the existence of required files
+ if [ ! -e $INSTALLPREFIX/bin/dia ]
+ then
+ echo "The dia executable \"$INSTALLPREFIX/bin/dia\" cound not be found."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $SRCROOT/Info.plist ]
+ then
+ echo "The file \"$SRCROOT/Info.plist\" could not be found, please re-run configure."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Set python command line option (if PYTHON_MODULES location is not empty, then add the python call to the command line, otherwise, stay empty)
+ if [[ "$PYTHON_MODULES" != "" ]]; then
+ # TODO: fix this: it does not allow for spaces in the PATH under this form and cannot be quoted
+ fi
+ # Create app bundle
+ ./osx-app.sh $STRIP -b $INSTALLPREFIX/bin/dia -p $SRCROOT/Info.plist $PYTHON_MODULES
+ status=$?
+ if [[ $status -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo -e "\nApplication bundle creation failed"
+ exit $status
+ fi
+# Fetch some information
+REVISION=`head -n 4 ../../.svn/entries | tail -n 1`
+ARCH=`arch | tr [p,c] [P,C]`
+MINORVERSION=`/usr/bin/sw_vers | grep ProductVersion | cut -f2 -d \.`
+if [[ "$DISTRIB" == "t" ]]
+ # Create dmg bundle
+ ./osx-dmg.sh -p "Dia.app"
+ status=$?
+ if [[ $status -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo -e "\nDisk image creation failed"
+ exit $status
+ fi
+ mv Dia.dmg $DMGFILE
+ # Prepare information file
+ echo "Version information on $DATE for `whoami`:
+ OS X `/usr/bin/sw_vers | grep ProductVersion | cut -f2 -d \:`
+ Architecture $ARCH
+ DarwinPorts `port version | cut -f2 -d \ `
+ GCC `gcc --version | grep GCC`
+ GTK `pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0`
+ GTKmm `pkg-config --modversion gtkmm-2.4`
+ Cairo `pkg-config --modversion cairo`
+ Cairomm `pkg-config --modversion cairomm-1.0`
+ CairoPDF `pkg-config --modversion cairo-pdf`
+ Pango `pkg-config --modversion pango`
+Configure options:
+ if [[ "$STRIP" == "t" ]]; then
+ echo "Debug info
+ no" >> $INFOFILE
+ else
+ echo "Debug info
+ yes" >> $INFOFILE
+ fi
+if [[ "$UPLOAD" == "t" ]]
+ # Provide default for user name on modevia
+ if [[ "$MODEVIA_NAME" == "" ]]; then
+ fi
+ # Uploasd file
+ scp $DMGFILE $INFOFILE "$MODEVIA_NAME"@dia.modevia.com:dia/docs/macosx-snap/
+ status=$?
+ if [[ $status -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo -e "\nUpload failed"
+ exit $status
+ fi
+if [[ "$PACKAGE" == "t" || "$DISTRIB" == "t" ]]; then
+ # open a Finder window here to admire what we just produced
+ open .
+exit 0
diff --git a/installer/macosx/osx-dmg.sh b/installer/macosx/osx-dmg.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1bf5fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installer/macosx/osx-dmg.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# osx-dmg [-s] -p /path/to/Dia.app
+# The script creates a read-write disk image,
+# copies Dia in it, customizes its appearance using a
+# previously created .DS_Store file (dia.ds_store),
+# and then compresses the disk image for distribution.
+# Jean-Olivier Irisson <jo irisson gmail com>
+# Michael Wybrow <mjwybrow users sourceforge net>
+# Steffen Macke <sdteffen sdteffen de>
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2010
+# Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
+# How to update the disk image layout:
+# ------------------------------------
+# Modify the 'dmg_background.svg' file and generate a new
+# 'dmg_background.png' file.
+# Update the AppleScript file 'dmg_set_style.scpt'.
+# Run this script with the '-s' option. It will apply the
+# 'dmg_set_style.scpt' AppleScript file, and then prompt the
+# user to check the window size and position before writing
+# a new 'dia.ds_store' file to work around a bug in Finder
+# and AppleScript. The updated 'dia.ds_store' will need
+# to be commited to the repository when this is done.
+# Defaults
+# Help message
+echo "
+Create a custom dmg file to distribute Dia
+ $0 [-s] -p /path/to/Dia.app
+ \033[1m-h,--help\033[0m
+ display this help message
+ \033[1m-s\033[0m
+ set a new apperance (do not actually creates a bundle)
+ \033[1m-p,--package\033[0m
+ set the path to the Dia.app that should be copie
+ in the dmg
+# Parse command line arguments
+while [ "$1" != "" ]
+ case $1 in
+ -h|--help)
+ help
+ exit 0 ;;
+ -s)
+ set_ds_store=true ;;
+ -p|--package)
+ package="$2"
+ shift 1 ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid command line option"
+ exit 2 ;;
+ esac
+ shift 1
+# Safety checks
+if [ ! -e "$package" ]; then
+ echo "Cannot find package: $package"
+ exit 1
+echo "\n\033[1mCREATE DIA DISK IMAGE\033[0m\n"
+# Create temp directory with desired contents of the release volume.
+rm -rf "$tmp_dir"
+mkdir "$tmp_dir"
+echo "\033[1mCopying files to temp directory\033[0m"
+# Dia itself
+# copy Dia.app
+cp -rf "$package" "$tmp_dir"/
+# link to Applications in order to drag and drop dia onto it
+ln -sf /Applications "$tmp_dir"/
+# Copy a background image inside a hidden directory so the image file itself won't be shown.
+mkdir "$tmp_dir/.background"
+cp dmg_background.png "$tmp_dir/.background/background.png"
+# If the appearance settings are not to be modified we just copy them
+if [ ${set_ds_store} = "false" ]; then
+ # Copy the .DS_Store file which contains information about
+ # window size, appearance, etc. Most of this can be set
+ # with Apple script but involves user intervention so we
+ # just keep a copy of the correct settings and use that instead.
+ cp $ds_store_file "$tmp_dir/.DS_Store"
+ auto_open_opt=-noautoopen
+# Create a new RW image from the temp directory.
+echo "\033[1mCreating a temporary disk image\033[0m"
+rm -f "$rw_name"
+/usr/bin/hdiutil create -srcfolder "$tmp_dir" -volname "$volume_name" -fs HFS+ -fsargs "-c c=64,a=16,e=16" -format UDRW "$rw_name"
+# We're finished with the temp directory, remove it.
+rm -rf "$tmp_dir"
+# Mount the created image.
+DEV_NAME=`/usr/bin/hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify $auto_open_opt "$rw_name" | egrep '^/dev/' | sed 1q | awk '{print $1}'`
+# Have the disk image window open automatically when mounted.
+bless -openfolder /Volumes/$volume_name
+# In case the apperance has to be modified, mount the image and apply the base settings to it via Applescript
+if [ ${set_ds_store} = "true" ]; then
+ /usr/bin/osascript dmg_set_style.scpt
+ open "/Volumes/$volume_name"
+ # BUG: one needs to move and close the window manually for the
+ # changes in appearance to be retained...
+ echo "
+ **************************************
+ * Please move the disk image window *
+ * to the center of the screen *
+ * then close it and press enter *
+ **************************************
+ "
+ read -e DUMB
+ # .DS_Store files aren't written till the disk is unmounted, or finder is restarted.
+ hdiutil detach "$DEV_NAME"
+ auto_open_opt=-noautoopen
+ DEV_NAME=`/usr/bin/hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify $auto_open_opt "$rw_name" | egrep '^/dev/' | sed 1q | awk '{print $1}'`
+ echo
+ echo "New $ds_store_file file written. Re-run $0 without the -s option to use it"
+ cp /Volumes/$volume_name/.DS_Store ./$ds_store_file
+ SetFile -a v ./$ds_store_file
+ # Unmount the disk image.
+ hdiutil detach "$DEV_NAME"
+ rm -f "$rw_name"
+ exit 0
+# Unmount the disk image.
+hdiutil detach "$DEV_NAME"
+# Create the offical release image by compressing the RW one.
+echo "\033[1mCompressing the final disk image\033[0m"
+# TODO make this a command line option
+if [ -e "$img_name" ]; then
+ echo "$img_name already exists."
+ rm -i "$img_name"
+/usr/bin/hdiutil convert "$rw_name" -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o "$img_name"
+rm -f "$rw_name"
+exit 0
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