[longomatch] Created tag LONGOMATCH_0_15_2

The signed tag 'LONGOMATCH_0_15_2' was created.

Tagger: Andoni Morales Alastruey <ylatuya gmail com>
Date: Mon Sep 21 23:31:49 2009 +0200

    Tag version 0.15.2


Andoni Morales Alastruey (102):
      Delete Patent infringing files for gnome git
      Add DOAP file
      Repository clean-up
      Use gconfvideo sink to let the user choose the ouput method
      Images for LongoMatch must be stored in share/images/longomatch
      Updates news, install and readme files
      Bump 0.15 pre-release info
      Added debian packaging files
      revert partially fef7b8a
      Use the eventbox provided by the GstPlayer
      Use the new GNonlin editor also in win32
      Change audio and video bitrate properties limits where audio is in bps and video in kbps
      Added info icon and improved dialog information of the workspace selector
      Updated translations
      Use an Uri to set the location of the GnlFileSource.
      Update CSharpProject
      Update CSharp Project files
      Update CSharp project files
      Revert "Use an Uri to set the location of the GnlFileSource."
      Use default video editor in all platforms
      Path to icon .rc file has changed
      Use Win32 GStreamer Uri has a workaround for the gnonlin bug where using c:/somepath returns a wrong uri
      Update win32 GStreamer stuff to 0.10.24
      Disable OGG and DVD in win32
      Remove old win32 GStreamer binaries
      LongoMatch 0.15.0 Win32 binary
      Delete mkverge binaries (We don't use it anymore)
      Draw cute rounded rectangles in the timeline!
      update translations
      Update projects file
      Players can be untagged using the 'delete' menu
      Remove old editor files
      Unable updates notifier
      Minor changes
      Version 0.15.0 Unix
      Minor changes
      Update images path in win32
      Update InnoSetup installer script
      Fix win32 Gtk theme settings
      Use dafults folder for config files.Vista requieres extra permissions
      Don't delete newly converted template
      Force overwrite old backup file, if exists
      Update GStreamer requirements and add git and bugzilla links to README
      Fix fonts .conf files deployment in win32.
      Closes  Bug 592931
      Closes http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=592934
      Change dialog title to "Projects Manager"
      Enable Calendar in Win32 using a dialog instead of a popup Window
      Missing in previous commit. Adds Win32 Calendar
      Disable audio in video edition by default and set it as an experimental feature as the tests have shown errors with some audio codecs
      Use a standard name for sections.
      Update transaltions
      Fixed several issues with database migraition tool
      Add Win32CalendarDialog to csharpdevelop project
      Closes bug#592934 with commit b64122c
      Update changelog, new, and release notes
      Add missing win32 volume and calendar icons
      Update win32 translations files
      Added hicolor theme index for win32 extra icons
      Bump version 0.15.1
      Fix license headers and copyright info
      Use csc, which links to the default C# compiler instead of gmscs
      Closes  Bug 594161 -  Can't edit categories name in the treeview
      Allow edition of players name using the treeview
      Fix copyright headers
      Update debian/* files
      Improve C-sharp compiler and Mono 2.0 assemblies checks
      Fix C-sharp check
      Enable compatibility with GStreamer 0.10.22
      Removed prints
      Delete autotools template to have a cleaner repo
      Don't go into play or pause if no file is loaded
      Clean-up autotools files. Only keep *ac and *am files and let autogen.sh do the rest
      Move debian folder to root folder
      Fix  Bug 594329 -  Cannot change the file associated to a project in the Projects Mamager
      New Tranparent Drawing Tool For Live Drawings
      Fixes initial flash creating the Window and focus loose on shown
      Clean-up and Warnings removal
      Embed longomatch.png as resource and don't deploy debian folder
      Add c# objects to the win32 Makefile
      Return "Not Defined" if hotkey is not defined
      Improved  Templates GUI
      Fix editor bug with files that doesn't have an audio stream
      Fix memory leak with unmanaged Pixbuf
      Fix frame stepping bug when getting a wrong accurate value
      Add new Gui elements to the makefiles
      Gui refactoring
      Add missing changes to the previous commit
      Make buttons unsensitive after each update, when no category is selected
      More Gui fixes (windows titles, dialog transient,...)
      Fix menu string
      Update Translations
      Disable Drawing tool on Windows
      Add 'VGA' and 'Portable' size formats to video editor
      Update Info files
      Fix debian path folder
      Use autotools to set the package version in AssemblyInfo.cs
      Fix debian/control line space and add missing CDBS dependencyZ
      Fix debian postinstall script. Needs to call 'ldconfig /usr/lib/longomatch'
      Bump Version 0.15.2

longomatch (574):
      Importación inicial del módulo UnixLongoMatch
      Importación inicial del módulo UnixLongoMatch
      Added Handlers files
      Added ChangeLog
      Changed license details for the CesarPlayer proyect
      Edited license details for LongoMatch
      Added Handlers
      Corrected compilation problems on CsharpDevelop
      Signals utils dllimport error corrected
      Added EXPORT macro Gtk-timescale
      Importación inicial del módulo libtimescale
      Importación inicial del módulo libtimescale
      Exported missing methods
      Importación inicial del módulo libcesarplayer
      Importación inicial del módulo LongoMatch
      Importación inicial del módulo LongoMatch
      Changing dirs
      adding makefile support
      Adding mke support
      Delting icons
      Removed libtimescale
      Corrected URI detection on Windows
      Corrected bug reading templates
      Added license files
      Corrected error saving DB
      Corrected color timeline
      Deleting unused folder
      Added IComparable to Time
      added Makefiles
      añadido PCF
      Ã?ltimos cambios para el final
      Corrected focus error on dialogs
      Creating branches
      Added Spanish translation
      Deleted translation files
      Deleting translation files
      Renamed folder GUI
      Deleted GstCesarPlayer
      Changing makefiles
      Added debian rules
      added logo.png
      moved logos
      Corrected editor bug
      Fixed error when closing video edition
      Merging Capturer branch to trunk
      Comiting merge changes
      Deleting files
      Solving merge issues
      adding debian rules
      Changed Makefile
      Updated project's docs
      Copiando trunk a nueva dirección
      borrando directorio duplicado
      solucionado problema con distclean en el directorio Translations
      Cambiando nombre de arvhivo al nombre de la clase
      Cambios en gstcameracapturer
      Cambiando configure.ac para gmcs que en sid es gmcs2
      Cambios en el capturador
      Adding program icon
      adding logo
      adding logo
      añadiendo el logo a los dialogos y a la ventana principal
      dding Update Manager
      Setting scrolling zoom
      Seeking inside a play, cursor fix
      Actualizados makefiles
      Added csv export feature
      Actualización versión 0.14
      Fixes bug 309
      Ficheros que se autoactualizan
      Setting Zoom scale discontinous
      Fixes bug 310
      Updating tranaslations and fixing Makefiles to compile when gncs is not
      Fixing updater when no internet conexion
      Delete unused folder
      Refactoring code (Adding #region directives)
      Añadido comentario para cuando falla la descarga
      Añadida propiedad HotKey para las secciones
      Changing autovideosink with xvimagesink and directdrawsink
      Adding comments
      Setting pause when seeking to next frame
      Setting default video sink for each platform
      Updating binaries
      Changes for MonoDevelop 2.0
      * LongoMatch/app.desktop: Changed application Icon path
      * LongoMatch/Gui/MainWindow.cs: Using Assembly info to get the version number
      * bacon-video-widget-gst-0.10.c: Cambiando modo espera de cambio de estado al hacer busqueda en fichero nuevo
      Removing Warning for virtual callbacks
      Deleting unused files
      Using reflection to set the version number in "about" dialog
      Updating Sharp Develop project
      Changin name of resource 'lgmlogo' to longomatch_logo.png
      * gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.OpenProjectDialog.cs: The projects list doesn't fill the whole widget
      We have to notify the cesarplayer that the windows is moving to redraw outself on pause state
      * TimeScale.cs: Added DrawTimeNodesNames(), to write the Play's name in the timeline
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic: Using "Centered" instead of "Always Centered" for the Main Window
      * TimeScale.cs: Wrapping arround Char instead of wrapping arround WordChar when drwaing the play's name
      * Gui/TimeScale.cs: Prevent to set a negative value to the layout widht
      * MainWindow.cs: Removed revision number from the About dialog
      * Makefile.am: Changing name of the logo to longomatch_logo.png
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic: TimeAdjustWidget GUI modification
      Adding mkvmerge
      * liblongomatch.mdp: Fixed dependencies for jaunty packages
      * HotKey.cs: New Class that represent a HotKey
      New widget for HotKey selection
      Adding the HotKey property to a Category
      * TimeNodeProperties.cs: The Color button needs to be updated
      * SectionsWriter.cs: Setting "-1" for not defined hotkeys
      * HotKey.cs: Setting -1 value for hotkeys not defined
      * HotKey.cs: the "modifier" attribute is now an int. Using Modifier property to get a ModifierType
      * TimeNodeProperties.cs: Using the Defined porperty to know if the hotkey is defined
      Deleting maintainer files in libcesarplayer
      * src/gst-video-capturer.c: Provisional work
      Initial hotkeys support
      * liblongomatch.mdp:
      * src/gst-video-capturer.c: work in progress
      * libcesarplayer/src/gst-video-capturer.c: Work in progress
      * TEST2:
      * TEST2/Main.c:
      * gst-video-capturer.h: Work in progress
      * src/gst-video-capturer.h: New method add_segment()
      * src/gst-video-capturer.c: Work in progress
      * src/gst-video-capturer.h: Must be usable now
      * gst-video-capturer.c: Added "output_file" property
      * GstPlayer.cs: Removing unused signals
      Merged the GNonlin Video Editor bindings in libcesarplayer
      * LongoMatch.mdp:
      * CesarPlayer.mdp:
      * src/gst-video-capturer.h: The output file is now passed as a Property
      * GstVideoCapturer.cs: The output file is now passed through a property
      * PlayListWidget.cs: Using the Factory to get the Video Editor
      * PlayerMaker.cs: Added the Video Editor to the factory
      * gst-video-capturer.h: New method to cancel the encoding
      * GstVideoCapturer.cs: 'Cancel()' method binded
      * GstVideoCapturer.cs: Added GPL header
      * Handlers.cs: Using the Progress Handler in LongoMatch.Video.Handlers
      * PlayListWidget.cs: Updated copyright info
      * SectionsTemplates.cs: Removed unused property
      * TimeScale.cs: Removed unused method
      * HotKey.cs: Override 'GetHashCode()' and added operator '!=' and '=='
      * TimeNodeProperties.cs: Cannot compare with 'null'
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic: Fixed label 'New Project'
      * HotKeysManager.cs: Check if the key is already in the dic before inserting it
      * Editor/GstVideoCapturer.cs: Fixed bug setting the output file property
      * src/gst-video-capturer.c: Fixed bug setting the ouput file property
      * LongoMatch.mds: Removed test projects
      * gst-video-capturer.c: The percent_completed signal was using the 'error' signal structure
      * gst-video-capturer.h: adding 'percent_completed' signal to the class
      * Handlers/EventsManager.cs: Some refactoring
      * src/gst-video-capturer.c: Need to send a percent signal on start, stop and abort
      * CesarPlayer.mdp:
      * LongoMatch/Gui/PlayListWidget.cs: Needs to create a new instance of the video editor each time we use it
      * LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      * src/gst-video-capturer.c: use gst_bin_remove instead of trying to unref the GnlFilesource
      * EventsManager.cs: Removed unused trace
      * gst-video-capturer.c: 'last_stop' needs to be setted to 0 when we clear the sources list
      * gst-video-capturer.c: Text Overlay Proof Of Concept
      * PlayerBin.cs: Solved seeking for playllist elements and refactoring
      * Gui/MainWindow.cs:Adding support toset rate in playlists
      * MainWindow.cs: Refactoring
      * EventsManager.cs: Setting rate after a setting a play list element
      * PlayerBin.cs: Fixed rate support for play list elements
      * CesarPlayer/gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      * PlayListWidget.cs: missing 'this' statement
      * PlayerBin.cs: Missing 'this' statement
      * CesarPlayer/PlayerMaker.cs:
      * EditorState.cs: Video Edition States
      * gst-video-splitter.c: Start time query after setting to pause
      * EventsManager.cs: Handling video encoding errors
      * EditorState.cs: Added FINISHED state
      * CesarPlayer/CesarPlayer.mdp:
      * CesarPlayer/Editor/GnlMkvEditor.cs: Adding missing casting
      * CesarPlayer/Editor/GnlMkvEditor.cs: Adding merge funtion
      * CesarPlayer/Editor/GnlMkvEditor.cs:  Adding merge funtion
      * GnlMkvEditor.cs: Fixing height property with local values
      * GnlMkvEditor.cs: Adding merge support
      * PlayListWidget.cs: Highlight active play
      * src/gst-video-splitter.c: Scaling support
      * src/gst-video-splitter.c: Changing textoverlay properties
      * GnlMkvEditor.csFixed error muxing one file
      * VideoFormat.cs: Added new enum for video formats
      * IVideoEditor.cs: Using the VideoFormat Enum
      * gst-video-splitter.c: Solved problem setting caps
      * gst-video-splitter.c: Removing unused comments
      * PlayListWidget.cs: Extending edition options
      * Time.cs: Overriding GetHashCode()
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic: Extending Video edition Options
      * CesarPlayer/CesarPlayer.mdp:
      * GnlMkvEditor.cs: Check if the thread exist before aborting it's execution
      * Gui/MainWindow.cs: Fordward the NewMarkEvent
      * LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      * GnlMkvEditor.cs: Delete temp files on Cancel()
      * LongoMatch.mds:
      * TimeNodesTreeView.cs: Edition is done with the right clik menu
      * LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      * CesarPlayer/CesarPlayer.mdp:
      Iniciando migración hacia categoría variables
      Finalizando soporte para sections variables
      * LongoMatch.mds:
      * LongoMatch/DB/Project.cs:
      We can delete sections!!!!
      * LongoMatch/DB/Project.cs:
      * LongoMatch/Time/HotKey.cs: User friendly string representation
      * LongoMatch/DB/Project.cs: Adding 'season' and 'competition' properties
      Changing to directdrawsink.
      * LongoMatch.mds:
      * CesarPlayer/gtk-gui/gui.stetic: Changed Video capturer stop button size
      * LongoMatch.mds:
      * LongoMatch.mds:
      * LongoMatch.mds:
      * PlayerMaker.cs:
      * Editor/IMerger.cs: Added prperty to specify the muxer used in the files to merge
      * VideoEditionProperties.cs: Using the matroska merger to merge ogg files
      * src/gst-video-splitter.c: Adding ogg mux support
      * LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      * Translations/es.po: Actulizada traducción al español
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      * gtk-gui/objects.xml:
      * DB/Project.cs: Adding Exception catch deleting a section
      * Translations/es.po: Updated Spanish translations
      Deleting old GStreamer plugins
      Win32 Fixes
      Fixes path with spaces issue on Windows
      * LongoMatch/Gui/SectionsTemplates.cs: Updates the selected template when creating a new template
      Plays thumbnail are now stored in the DB serializing Pixbuf to buffer[]
      * DB/Project.cs:Support for future teams template
      * DB/Project.cs:
      * CesarPlayer/CesarPlayer.mdp:
      * TeamTemplate.cs: Added serialization support
      * PlayerBin.cs: improveed timescale precision
      * LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      * LongoMatch/Main.cs:
      * LongoMatch/Main.cs: Create default team template
      * LongoMatch/LongoMatch.mdp:
      Added temp dir property
      Setting encoding temp dir
      Handle null Pixbuf
      Support for Win32
      Removed unsused method
      Update Win32 binaries
      * LongoMatch/LongoMatch.mdp:
      * LongoMatch/Time/HotKey.cs: Changes Hotkey mofiders (Alt AltGr and Shift)
      * LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      Update Win32 binaries
      Add freetype
      * LongoMatch/LongoMatch.mdp:
      * LongoMatch.mds:
      * LongoMatch/DB/Project.cs:
      * DataBase.cs: Add to the cascade optione the new types
      * MediaTimeNode.cs: Multitagging-> a play can be associated to a player
      * PlayersTreeView.cs: Tree widget for plays
      Fixed clock stop after last segment. Also fixed stop time check of a segment
      * EventsManager.cs:  The playlist must handle the clock itself
      * PixbufTimeNode.cs: Handle null Pixbuf
      * Project.cs: Projects have now playlist for players
      * bacon-video-widget-gst-0.10.c: Must wait until PLAYING state to perform the seek
      * bacon-video-widget-gst-0.10.c: Waiting to PAUSED state is also working and should be faster
      * GstPlayer.cs: The seek oafter loading a new file must be handled by the backend
      * PlayerBin.cs: Don't call PLAY() after a seek, it creates a new segment 0-*
      * LongoMatch/LongoMatch.mdp:
      * bacon-video-widget-gst-0.10.c: Remove unused traces
      * EventsManager.cs: The selected TimeNode must be setted after loading the time node in the player, because it raises the CloseActualSegment event which sets the TimeNode to null
      Using stock item instead of resource for the logo
      * LongoMatch.mds:
      * LongoMatch/Main.cs: Remove unused Thumbnails dir
      * Main.cs: Using config file on Win32 to set the Home Dir, thi way we can avoid paths with special caracters
      * Main.cs: Some fixes to the Win32 config
      * TemplatesEditor.cs: Avoid deletion of the default template
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      * MainWindow.cs: Prevent frame stepping with a key modifier
      * Main.cs: Use '.longomatch' for config files on Unix
      * PlayerBin.cs: Update the Rate scale after loading a play
      * LongoMatch/LongoMatch.mdp:
      * PlayerProperties.cs: Fixes Win32 files path encoding issue with special caracters
      fixed workspace selection
      update SharpDevelop project
      update SharpDevelop project
      * PlayerBin.cs: Fixes InSegment() calculation.   A play is not loaded when  start time ans stop time are equal to 0
      * PlayerBin.cs: The Stetic editor messes up the adjustement values, We need to set them manually
      * PlayerBin.cs: Update time label seeking in segment
      * PlayerBin.cs: Removed commented statements
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic: Fixed longomatch.png icon path
      * Handlers.cs: Added new delegate for multimark purpose
      * LongoMatch.mdp:
      * PlayersSelectionDialog.cs: Added Property to set a get selected players
      * MediaTimeNode.cs: Added setters for the players list
      * MediaTimeNode.cs: Updated Copyright info
      * MediaTimeNode.cs: Change description
      * Gui/TreeWidget.cs: Propagate PlayersTagged event
      * Project.cs: Players List Model changed
      * MediaTimeNode.cs: Fixed setter for Visitor Players
      * Gui/MainWindow.cs:Add the players list
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      * PlayerProperties.cs: Check also images's max height
      * Gui/PlayersTreeView.cs: Update the selected time when right clicking
      * LongoMatch/Gui/TimeScale.cs: Add sepration to display tha play name
      * Time.cs: Removed commented line
      * TimeAdjustWidget.cs: Send event after time change
      * Main.cs: Code clean-up
      * CesarPlayer/gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      Add icon for win32
      Update Win32 binaries
      * Video: Move to CesarPlayer
      * gst-video-splitter.h: set errors if plugin doesn't  exists
      * PlayerBin.cs: Remove comments
      * Makefile.am:
      * Main.cs:
      * Gui/PlayerBin.cs:
      * src/gst-video-splitter.h: Enable edition of multiple segments
      * Editor/GnonlinEditor.cs: Changes for new IVideoSplitter
      * Project.cs: Fix get models
      * MainWindow.cs: Do  not load the project if there is an Exception
      * Main.cs: Plays list are stored in the home dir
      * MediaFile.cs: Add void public constructor to allow serialization
      * DataBase.cs: Add version info to the db for backward compatibility
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic: change logo path
      * FramesCapturer.cs: Remove unused variables
      * GnonlinEditor.cs: Remove unused variables
      * gst-smart-video-scaler.c: Smart Videoscaler for the Video Editor
      * Build: New dir for distributions build files
      Delete unused Test dir. Move the debian packaging folder to Build
      * MediaFile.cs: If the file doesn't exists we return o MediaFile with all the properties resetted
      * MediaFile.cs: (Revert revision 908)
      DataBase migrator and compat files for v0.0
      * DataBase.cs: Add versioning support
      * Main.cs: Init the db after checking folders
      * LongoMatch.mds: Main solution updated
      * gst-video-splitter.c: Add ffmpeg colorspace converter
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      * FramesCapturer.cs: Create its own instance of IFramesCapturer to avoid threading issues
      * src/gst-video-splitter.c: Code Clean-Up, Use Smart Video Scaler
      * es.po:Update spanish translation
      * LongoMatch.mdp:
      * Compat/DatabaseMigrator.cs:
      * Compat/0.0/PlayListMigrator.cs: Added Play List Migrator
      * PlayList.cs: Fix compilation issue
      * gst-video-splitter.c: Use of videobox to avoid renegotiation before the encoder
      * LongoMatch/LongoMatch.mdp: Moved migrator to v00
      * LongoMatch/Makefile.am:use $(GMCS) from autoconf
      * gst-video-splitter.c: Use bin for the  encoding tail for better handling
      Rename gst-video-splitter to gst-video-editor.
      Need to know if segment contains audio
      * Gui/PlayListWidget.cs: The video editor needs now to know if a segment contains audio or not
      * gst-video-editor.h:Add audio support
      * liblongomatch.mdp:
      * LongoMatch.mds: Update main solution
      * LongoMatch.mdp: Added deployment of logo 48x48
      * gst-video-editor.c: Remove warnings
      * libcesarplayer/liblongomatch.mdp:
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic: Change logo path
      * Handlers/EventsManager.cs: Delete plays also from the players tree
      * gst-video-editor.c: Enable-Audio property working.
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic:Change format descriptions adding audio info
      Updated totem-like backend to use playbin2
      * GstPlayer.cs: Change type to Gtk.Widget
      * Gui/FileDescriptionWidget.cs:
      Migrating backend to Playbin2 and refactor GstPlayer
      * bacon-video-widget-gst-0.10.c: Draw logo wihout scaling compositing borders
      * LongoMatch.mdp: Add tag.cs and TagsTemplate.cs
      * AvidemuxMerger.cs:Remove unused prints
      * MultimediaFactory.cs: The thumbnailer must be GstUseType.Capture
      * DB/TagsTemplate.cs: Implement AddTag() and RemoveTag()
      * Tag.cs: Fix GetHashCode()
      * Gui/NewProjectDialog.cs: Use Clear to set-up properly the date
      * Gui/FileDescriptionWidget.cs: Use the Date property to set the
      * gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.ProjectListWidget.cs: Enable
      * Gui/TimeAdjustWidget.cs: Remove unused prints
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic:
      * Gui/TimeAdjustWidget.cs: Remove unused sentence
      * PlayList.cs: Refactoring.
      * Main.cs: Catch GLib Exceptions to generate crash reports
      * Main.cs: Add bug report link
      Adds support to draw the last frame captured
      * bacon-video-widget-gst-0.10.c: Port to Win32 Where XID is HWND
      ibcesarplayer\src\bacon-video-widget.h: define GNU_C_CONST for get_type()
      Update SharpDevelop project
      Win32 doesn't accept : in file path
      force export symbols for win32 systems using the EXPORT define
      Update CesarPlayer project
      Update Win32 build scripts
      Remove the link. Must try to fix the markup for the pango layout
      * LongoMatch/Main.cs: Close missing parentesis
      * Translations/es.po: Update Spanish translation
      * messages.po: Update messages
      * Time/HotKey.cs: Do not use AltGr
      * gtk-gui/gui.stetic: Update label
      * LongoMatch.mds:
      Change namespace to LongoMatch.DB.Compat.v00.**
      * DatabaseMigrator.cs: Successfully migrates to new database
      * DataBase.cs: Fixes projects queries
      * LongoMatch/Main.cs:Launches DataBase migration tool. Add more info in crash reports
      Change app.desktop to longomatch.desktop
      Move all DB compatibility stuff to LongoMatch.Compat
      * DB/Project.cs: Restore old fileds needed for database compatibility
      * bacon-video-widget-gst-0.10.c: New pipeline already prerolls on open().Set play after seeking
      Fixes Migration tools. Add PreviewMediaFile, has Pixbuf cannot be serialized and PlayListTimeNode needs to use a MediaFile without references to a Pixbuf
      * PlayListMigrator.cs: Fix stupid mistake
      Update autotools
      * Compat/0.0/DatabaseMigrator.cs: Backup converted DB and delete old
      * CesarPlayer/Gui/PlayerBin.cs: Force play after setting a segment
      * LongoMatch/Time/PlayListTimeNode.cs: Force conversion to
      Update translations
      * LongoMatch/Gui/MainWindow.cs: Added url hoock. Changed weblink
      * src/gst-video-editor.c:
      * configure:
      * Translations/es.po: Update Spanish Translations
      * LongoMatch/Compat/0.0/IO:
      * LongoMatch/Compat/0.0/IO:
      * LongoMatch/Compat/0.0/IO:
      * LongoMatch/longomatch.desktop: Update desktop file to be freedesktop
      Update Copyright info
      * 0.0/DatabaseMigrator.cs:
      * LongoMatch/Gui/PlayerProperties.cs: Update copyright
      * Translations/fr.po:
      * README: Update README
      * LongoMatch/Gui/TemplatesEditor.cs: After deleting a tempalet
      * LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic: Expnad the VBox in the TimeNode
      * LongoMatch/Gui/TreeWidget.cs:
      * LongoMatch/Gui/TemplatesEditor.cs: Only set the deafult template
      * LongoMatch/Gui/PlayListWidget.cs: Add note for 0.16
      * libcesarplayer/src/gst-video-editor.c: Use lame for DVD audio. Set
      * CesarPlayer/Gui/PlayerBin.cs:
      * LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic: Skip pager and taskbar

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