[pitivi] Created tag RELEASE-0_13_2

The unsigned tag 'RELEASE-0_13_2' was created.

Tagger: Edward Hervey <bilboed bilboed com>
Date: Sat Sep 12 11:32:01 2009 +0200

    0.13.2 "Jailbreak (out of deadlock city)"

Changes since the last tag 'RELEASE-0_13_1':

Alessandro Decina (148):
      Add stream matching code.
      Use match_stream_groups in Timeline.addSourceFactory.
      Use match_stream_groups in SourceFactory.makeBin.
      Refactor the application launcher.
      Make Pitivi.loadProject always take an URI.
      Make project loading look async to Formatter clients.
      Remove dead code (addProject)
      Move project methods from pitivi.application to pitivi.projectmanager.
      Remove unused import
      Make registering formatters a bit more dynamic.
      Add tests for ProjectManager.loadProject and fix things in the process.
      Cosmetic changes to test_projectmanager.py
      Oops, git add some more hunks that should have gone with the previous commit.
      Add tests for ProjectManager.closeRunningProject.
      Add tests for ProjectManager.newBlankProject.
      Rename Formatter._parse to Formatter._loadProject for consistency with Formatter._saveProject.
      Reload factories when loading xptv projects.
      Fix a NameError introduced in the previous commit.
      Connect to ProjectManager signals from the main window.
      Call newBlankProject() only once the UI has been initialized.
      Make project loading suck less by calling addFactory every time we rescan a factory.
      Move the factory rediscovering bits in separate methods. Tests coming next.
      Move tests/test_formatter.py to tests/test_etree_formatter.py.
      Enough! Fix tests.test_signallable which has been broken forever.
      Really fix Signallable so that tests/test_signallable.py passes.
      Emit new-project-created in ProjectManager.newBlankProject.
      Remove unused import from pitivi.timeline.timeline
      Add simple undo/redo system.
      Remove unused import gst.
      Make PropertyChangeTracker reusable.
      Pass the name of the action group to UndoableActionLog.begin.
      git add pitivi/timeline/timeline_undo.py
      dist pitivi/timeline/timeline_undo.py
      Add object-added and object-removed signals to Timeline.
      Ignore changes while we are redoing/undoing. Add can-undo can-redo signals.
      Make PropertyChangeTracker add signals to itself for the signals it's proxying.
      Add undo action log to Application.
      Add Undo and Redo actions.
      Make moving a clip in the timeline undoable.
      Show the names of the actions that can be undone/redone.
      Add support to undo/redo deletion of clips.
      Fix undo of deleted clips.
      Add undo/redo support for trimming clips at start.
      Add undo/redo support for trimming objects at end.
      Add undo support for splitting object. Redo still broken.
      Add tests for undoing/redoing timeline actions. Fix redoing split.
      Add keyboard shortcuts for undo and redo.
      undo: remove some of the complexity by removing support for async actions.
      undo: clean the log when a project is closed.
      Add a check for doing/undoing timeline objects priority changes.
      Add a check for undo() do() undo().
      Rename the object-added signal to timeline-object-added.
      Use the disable-updates signal to reduce the number of undo/redo actions.
      ui.sourcelist. Implement do/undo for the InsertEnd action
      Make the Save button sensitive or insensitive based on context
      dist *undo*py files.
      Add checkpoint() and dirty() to UndoableActionLog.
      Move saveProject to ProjectManager, implement the project-saved signal and hook that up with the action_log.
      Fix a bug in loading xptv files i introduced in 5796420d0da050d3cb268de35346132eee1dae7a.
      Show a dialog if a project is being closed and there are unsaved changes.
      Make the unsaved changes dialog a bit prettier (make it match gedit's).
      Overwrite the project file when saving from the unsaved changes dialog.
      Remove the separator from the unsaved changes dialog.
      Make the buttons spread horizontally in the unsaved changes dialog.
      More fixes to the unsaved changes dialog.
      Fix the unsaved changes dialog to show Save As if we're closing a new project.
      Set project.uri the first time we save a new project.
      Sync sensitiveness of the render button when a project is loaded. Fixes #585794.
      Add some debugging to the ETree formatter.
      Change a bunch of __repr__ to __str__.
      Ooops looks like i missed a __repr__.
      Remove ObjectFactory.displayname. YAGNI.
      Remove bogus FileSourceFactory._releaseBin.
      Fix a bug adding clips to the timeline introduced by 4215225a2f334c69bafeb846d26db2c97fbd7eb9.
      Refactor source factories a bit.
      Refactor pitivi.sourcelist. Tweak missing-plugin handling.
      git add pitivi/sourcelist_undo.py
      Connect to the delete-event so we can stop pitivi from closing if there are
      Remove an avoidable loop plotting waveforms. Micro optimization that removes
      Replace catch-all try/except: statement, trap the expected exception.
      Remove an hopefully unneeded slice from ArraySink.
      Dist pitivi/sourcelist_undo.py
      Fix the etree formatter, settings and encoding dialog when working with raw streams.
      Fix the encoding dialog a bit more. The code needs major love though.
      Fix sensitiveness of the Render button.
      Fix removal of clips from the sourcelist.
      Always add SmartScale to the rendering pipeline.
      Make importing clips from the command line with -i -a undoable (just for the sake of it).
      Emit drag_start/drag_end only when an object is actually moved.
      Make dragging a single item select it first.
      Fix a couple of copy and paste screwups in timeline/track.py.
      Make the -i option work when -a isn't specified. Fixes #587377.
      Fix crash if $HOME/.local/share doesn't exist. Fixes #587371.
      Fix keyframe removal. Fixes #587333.
      Refactor interpolator code slightly.
      Make TrackObjects reusable once they have been removed from a Track.
      Rename newKeyFrame/removeKeyFrame to newKeyframe and removeKeyframe.
      Add track-object-added and track-object-removed signals to TimelineObject.
      Pass event args to drag_start and drag_end.
      Add undo/redo support for keyframes.
      Revert "timeline.py: fix TimelineObject.split() which was broken by commit"
      Fix splitting objects, which was broken in
      Put back bits of 12b1a30974f081ed034910e98990480c1546a26c that i accidentally reverted in 477d039fbb05f5aeb4a21582be8ce7d23d835623. Oops.
      Add a comment explaining why TimelineEdges does what it does.
      Fix trimStart to take into account the in_point.
      Add back addStartEnd and removeStartEnd to timeline edges.
      Remove 4 unnecessary loops over the same sequence in MoveContext.
      Fix tests for editing contexts.
      Fix moving multiple objects when the focus is not the earliest object.
      Remove redefinition of drag_end
      Fix an exception tracking edges of a newly dragged clip.
      Fix removal of timeline edges when updates are disabled.
      Fix a bug in timeline edges that I added in c585ee
      Make Timeline.getSourceFactoryStreamMap a private method.
      Keep TrackObjects sorted by start time inside Track.
      Keep TimelineObjects sorted by start time in the Timeline.
      Add code to represent and find gaps between timeline objects.
      Make MoveContext avoid clip overlaps.
      Use an alternate, less annoying approach to avoid clip overlaps.
      Don't allow clip start times to go < 0.
      Add Undo and Redo buttons to the toolbar. Fixes #588258.
      Fix double clicking in the source list. Fixes #589807.
      Fix clip selection and grouping. Fixes #589803.
      Use MoveContext when dragging clips from the sourcelist to the timeline. Fixes #589695.
      Make TrackControls be a Label and not an Expander.
      Set the alignment of timeline controls.
      Save windows settings when closed from a delete-event. Fixes #580680.
      Avoid collapses when trimming. Fixes #589694.
      Set pngenc in snapshot mode inside discoverer.
      Make the timeline canvas request enough space to show two single-layer tracks.
      Add the -d command line option to start a post mortem pdb on uncaught exceptions.
      Fix some overlap checks.
      Don't call caps.make_writable() in imagefreeze.
      Add a workaround for some deadlocks involving PictureFileSource and ghostpads.
      Make Stream.isCompatible check that stream classes are compatible as well.
      Bump gnonlin dependency to
      Fix a traceback dragging source list items on the source list itself.
      Bump dependencies.
      Do linking decisions based on negotiated caps when possible.
      Remove an unicode blank from a comment. Oops.
      Make the HPaned resize by default in the main window.
      Maximize the main window by default. Fixes #589784.
      Remove insanity from PictureFileSource._makeDefaultBin.
      Avoid an exception in imagefreeze if the incoming caps don't have a framerate.
      Try to expose singledecodebin pads when they get fixed caps.
      When ghosting pads with negotiaged caps, set the caps to the ghosts.
      Fix tests/test_factories_file.py
      Workaround a bug in gst.Pad.set_blocked_async that causes a segfault.

António Lima (3):
      Updated Portuguese translation
      Updated Portuguese translation
      Updated Portuguese translation

Brandon Lewis (102):
      factories: add methods to get list of interpolated properties from factories based on stream
      trackobject: base implementation of interpolators and keyframes
      trackobject: finish api, add comments, disable actual controller code
      fix typos in factories
      fix typos in interpolator / keyframe
      ui.curve: check in curve canvas item module
      interpolator: make start, end public
      ui.trackobject: add a curve for each interpolator
      interpolator: add keyframe-moved signal
      curve: complete redraw when curve changes
      ui.curve: draw keyframes as boxes
      reciever: use is to compare with None, using != throws exception in some cases
      keyframe: handle comparison with None more gracefully, interpolator: use setObjectTime on start/end keyframes
      curve: curve is now a view, with its own controller
      curve: draw keyframes directly
      curve: handle click-and-drag on keyframes
      interpolator: clamp keyframe values between lower and upper. don't do clamping in UI
      interpolator: getKeyframes yields star, end as well
      interpolator: fix removeKeyframe
      interpolator: doubleclick adds/removes keyframes, click-and drag moves keyframes, fix drawing
      curve: fix getKeyframeXY
      curve: fix time, value <-> x, y functions
      Curve: treat start of stream as left edge of clip
      Curve: add bounds to x, y coordinates before checking if they are in the path
      Curve: use constants for keyframe width / height
      Curve: make keyframes a little smaller
      Curve: make the curve easier mouse traget by increasing line width
      Curve: invert scale on the y-axis so that up is higher
      timelinecanvas: make sure razor actually splits at playhead position when razor is snapped to the playhead
      etree: add support for keyframe curves
      Interpolator: check keyword arguments against None, not falsehood
      etree: fix some typos in keyframe serialization code
      timeline.track: add Interpolator.getInteriorKeyframes(), and TrackObject.getInterpolator() methods
      AudioTestSourceFactory: return volume in list of interpolated properties
      etree: use the correct type for value when saving and loading keyframes
      checkpoint: keyframe curves are now handled in etree formatter.
      track: duplicate keyframe curves in trackobject.copy(), which in turn means that splitting clips properly preserves keyframes
      tests/test_track.py: check that keyframe curves are preserved when splitting in testSplitObject
      curve.py: take in_point into account in xyToTimeValue
      track.py: remove obsolete FIXME/TODO comments and clarify the remaining ones
      timeline_undo.py: fix a typo in _disconnectFromTrackObject
      timeline_undo.py: don't forget to connect to existing track objects in _connectToTimelineObject
      timeline.py: TimelineObject.copy() now adds timeline objects to the copy with
      timeline.py: fix TimelineObject.split() which was broken by commit
      ui.timelineedges: only allow one instance of the same time in the list of edges
      ui.timelineedges: handle case where not all track objects in a timelineobj have same start/end
      timelineedges: keep track of which track objects are associated with particular edges
      timelineedges: add methods to get lists of incident objects
      fix timelineedges unit tests
      test_timeline: add test cases for adjacency functions
      timeline.py, test_timeline.py: major refactor of EditingContext code
      timeline.py: test_timeline.py: exercise the primary methods of each context, and make sure that they at least don't raise an exception
      ui.trackobject.py: use editing context interface
      timeline.py: clamp values properly in editing context
      ui.trackobject.py: select track object on mouse down if it is not currently selected
      ui.trackobject.py: fix some rebasing mistakes
      ui.timeline.py: set object priority while dragging temporary clips
      project.py: connect to SourceList source-removed signal
      timeline.py: add removeFactory method which removes all instances of a given factory
      project.py: call removeFactory() from _sourceRemovedCb
      test_timeline.py: add test case for removeFactory()
      timeline.py: buggy first stab at roll editing
      ui.trackobject.py: activate roll mode when shift is held down during drag
      ui.controller.py: remember state of modifier keys when we receive an event
      ui.controller.py: connect to and handle key_{press,release}_event signals
      ui.controller.py: also set modifier state appropriately after keyboard events
      ui.trackobject.py: use controller modifer state to determine context mode; set context mode after keyboard events
      timeline.py: implement ripple mode for moving clips
      eliminate editFocus method of trimming contexts
      timeline.py: handle edge snapping directly in MoveContext
      timeline.py: handle edge snapping directly in roll modes of trim contexts
      test_timeline.py: test MoveContext ripple mode
      timeline.py: don't move clips on mode change if we haven't already made an edit
      timeline.py: fix calculation of span
      timeline.py: add getObjs{Before,After} time methods
      timeline.py: only ripple clips whose start > latest clip in the context
      timeline.py: fix clamping of position in MoveContext._rippleTo
      ui.trackobject: only set context mode during a key_press when context is not None
      timeline.py: fix ripple span calculation when there is nothign to ripple
      test_timeline.py: add a couple regression tests
      UI: set is_important property of Save, Import, Render, and Undo actions
      ui.timeline.py: prevent timeline controlls from claiming too much height
      ui.trackobject: fix clip backround size
      ui.sourcelist.py: add a column containing the escaped, unquoted factory base name and use this
      controller.py: don't change cursor back to arrow while dragging to avoid
      track.py: interpolator now has public lower, upper, and range properties
      curve.py: scale keyframe values using lower and range properties
      test.py, base.py: keys in interpolated property dict now represent min/max value overrides. override volume property max
      track.py: pass along interpolator property overrides when given
      curve.py: take curve line width into account when calculating the XY position
      mainwindow.py: increase size of missing file dialog.
      test_timeline.py: check in test cases for ripple trims
      timeline.py: implementation of ripple trimming of clips
      mainwindow.py: add config file entries for element settings widget
      encodingdialog.py, exportesttingswidget.py: pass application instance in
      exportsettingswidget.py: remember window size
      curve.py: set cursor to hand shape when hovering over interpolation curve
      curve.py: only move the current segment when user clicks and drags on a curve
      track.py, curve.py: when creating keyframes, calculate value so that it lies
      ui.timeline.py: add method setState() which records pipeline state
      ui.timeline.py: only set scroll position when state == gst.STATE playing
      mainwindow.py: handle state-changed signal from project pipeline

Bruce Cowan (1):
      Minor string fixes. Fixes #584056

Claude Paroz (7):
      UI: Make Preferences labels translatable. Fixes #584128
      EncodingDialog: Make strings translatable. Fixes #584123
      MainWindow: Make button labels translatable. Fixes #584086
      Formatters: Translate file filter menu. Fixes #584084
      utils: Add translator comment. Fixes #583861
      PluginManagerDialog: Use named placeholder. Fixes #583474
      Updated French translation

Daniel Nylander (2):
      Updated Swedish translation
      Updated Swedish translation

Edward Hervey (61):
      configure.ac: And back to development we go !
      timeline: Don't use time as variable name
      TimelineObject: Cleanup selected property.
      timeline: more documentation
      TimelineObject/Selection : Add documentation.
      Timeline*: more documentation.
      check.py: Fix string (Cairo=>cairo). Fixes #584415
      ui: Add comments for translators. Fixes #584416
      Merging translations
      Merging translations
      Timeline: Add new smart audio mixing.
      Makefile.am: don't forget to dist new files
      mixer/factory: Several fixes for the smart mixer element.
      factories: Fix leak introduce by one of my previous commit
      tests/common: Be more verbose when we have a leak.
      test_factories_file: Fix check due to my latest commits
      Merging translations
      Merging translations
      pitivi.ui: Dist curve.py
      utils: Add a method to get the controllable properties of a GstObject
      timeline.track: Add a comment about factories and timeline objects
      TrackObject: add logging capability
      timeline.track: Actually use the gst.Controller
      timeline.track: Fix gst.Controller usage some more.
      SourceFactoryObject: add some debugging statements
      track: whooops, actually set the proper time :)
      configure.ac: Update requirements for gnonlin/gstreamer
      URISourceFactoryMixin: Insert audioconvert before volume element.
      TrackObject: Don't set unchanged properties on gstreamer objects.
      utils: Clean up the probe event handler
      TrackObject: Fix typo
      test_track: Fix for latest change
      Discoverer: fix Picture detection. If we get a duration it's not a static picture.
      ui.sourcelist: Fix for changes in sourcelist API
      mixer: add debugging
      pipeline: Add a debugging statement to know when seeking failed
      tests/test_discoverer: Really simulate a picture source.
      mainwindow: Other fix for change in SourceList API
      Discoverer: unbreak to accept any kind of raw video
      SingleDecodeBin: Don't deactivate elements from a streaming thread.
      Merging translations
      ui: expose rage and hatred at gst.CLOCK_TIME_NONE
      Merging translations
      POTFILES: Add missing file
      Merging translations
      timeline.Track: Fill in GnlSource before putting it in a GnlComposition.
      SourceFactory: Also add an audioresample before volume.
      TimelineFactory: Guarantee a unique pad name
      SmartAdderBin: Reorganize request pad removal to avoid errors.
      SourceFactory: Synchronize the state of newly added elements with parent.
      test_gap: Fix import (else it doesn't work with make distcheck) pre-release
      Merging translations
      Merging translations
      configure.ac: We require pygtk >= 2.14. Fixes #590195
      elements: Use audio-clipping probe before adder.
      Merging translations
      configure.ac: pre-release
      AudioClipper: Forward buffers that have no timestamp.
      ProjectSettings: Manually create/add Widget. Fixes #591149
      Release 0.13.2 "Jailbreak (out of deadlock city)"

Gianvito Cavasoli (1):
      Update Italian translation

Gil Forcada (1):
      Updated Catalan translation

Jan Gerber (2):
      Fix .pls/.m3u formatters. Fixes #584899.
      tempfiles: Use a /tmp subdirectory for temporary files.

Jesse Aviles (1):
      Updated Spanish translation

Jesse Avilés (1):
      Updated Spanish translation

Mario Blättermann (5):
      Updated German translation
      Updated German translation
      Updated German translation
      Updated German translation
      Updated German translation

Per Kongstad (4):
      Added Danish translation
      Updated Danish translation
      Updated Danish translation
      Updated Danish translation

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