[glibmm] (179 commits) Created branch glibmm-2-20-mm-common

The branch 'glibmm-2-20-mm-common' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  b68a7ef... update gio_methods.defs and gio_docs.xml (*)
  9431f94... add Gio::Cancellable::connect() and disconnect() (*)
  8935f5e... Fix build breakage due to comments in documentation (*)
  d9fdab3... wrap Gio::IOStream (*)
  5947dd5... wrap Gio::FileIOStream (*)
  772c50b... update .gitignore (*)
  a3ce7d0... Fix --module option in enum.pl to work (*)
  589d3d2... Corrected stray semicolons to fix the build with exceptions (*)
  5834a1c... Made gmmproc work on Windows (*)
  e3aaf47... Build static libraries correctly under Windows/MinGW (*)
  5d4a58d... Modify extra defs generation utility to accept a custom is_ (*)
  4c1807c... Gio::File::load_contents() override to allow ignoring the e (*)
  7896cdd... wrap Gio::InetAddress (*)
  f365326... initial wrapping of Resolver, SrvTarget (*)
  a820964... Add initial wrappers for SocketConnectable, SocketAddress (*)
  7db84ad... Require glib 2.21, because g_cancellable_connect/disconnect (*)
  64af295... Add Typetraits for SrvTarget so we can return a list of the (*)
  25c8839... re-generate .defs for giomm, fix a coupel methods (*)
  805d93d... add overloads without a 'cancellable' argument for SocketAd (*)
  048e9c4... Add debug output to hint that you *_docs.xmls needs a defin (*)
  7fdfd4e... bump version and min glib requirement (*)
  e09d094... Correction to previous commit (*)
  3a5c0b8... Merge initial gnio wrappers (*)
  64e2d8d... add Glib::file_set_contents() (*)
  95f91e4... split SocketAddressEnumerator into its own file (*)
  16f8af8... add InetSocketAddress class (*)
  8916597... clean up the list of .hg fragments in giomm (*)
  a7ae73d... add Resolver to the extra defs generator (*)
  67a26c5... Add NetworkAddress (*)
  5aa5926... update giomm.h main header (*)
  4862ae7... add NetworkService class (*)
  ea4e560... Add start of Initable (*)
  e963653... add start of Socket class (*)
  5bd4921... Check for invalid date in Glib::Date copy constructor. (*)
  2065c9c... Add Glib::ValueArray with usage test. (*)
  e248cff... ChangeLog of last commit (forgot). (*)
  0356821... Typo corrections in Glib::ValueArray sources. (*)
  ecc83e2... * tools/pm/WrapParser.pm (on_defs): Make sure we trim the m (*)
  c6f48fa... Use a const instead of a #define in the value array example (*)
  ebe9876... Omit unused parameter names to avoid warning (*)
  72476ea... Update and simplify .gitignore (*)
  c507c6a... Duplicate log entry into legacy ChangeLog file (*)
  bd6a81c... Shorten my mail address in the DOAP file (*)
  984f55e... Increased version (*)
  ac7e2df... add some namespaced conversions for use by gdk (*)
  f2802cf... Add OptionGroup::add_entry(.., double&) (*)
  782472f... Use references to store casts in glibmm_valuearray test. (*)
  8a7805c... Treat empty Glib::spawn*() working dir as unset (*)
  2be6461... Fix build with glib from master (*)
  59d2b6b... wrap a couple added GDrive methods (*)
  42e0376... Wrap g_drive_eject_with_operation() and related functions (*)
  5c12b94... implement GDrive::stop-button signal (*)
  c6350e7... implement Gio::InetAddress::get_native_size() (*)
  12c751c... Implement Gio::Mount::mount/eject_with_operation() (*)
  5b120b5... implement Gio::Volume::eject_with_operation() (*)
  4893291... fix accidental bug in Gio::Drive::eject() that the compiler (*)
  3bd0990... implement Gio::VolumeMonitor::drive-stop-button (*)
  51d92af... Remove stray semicolons (*)
  c93b028... Remove dead --enable-fulldocs option (*)
  f7b207c... Bumped version / NEWS for release 2.21.2 (*)
  0222c48... fix release targets in makefile for git transition (*)
  0a439a0... fix release target to use correct tagging scheme (*)
  e6a28c0... Repair Glib::KeyFile docs with regard to exceptions. Bug# 5 (*)
  7a885c1... Bug 587173 - Fails to install when bootstrapped with Automa (*)
  141f40b... add _IGNORE() for a eject_with_operation() which is hand-wr (*)
  d2f1529... add get_start_stop_type() and Gio::DriveStartStopType enum (*)
  1a8a3ff... add overloads for resolver methods without a cancellable ob (*)
  8b70ef3... add async versions of Resolver methods (*)
  e018121... Added a simple example showing how to resolve an internet a (*)
  cb5aa9e... Corrected the ChangeLog to mention changes that I accidenta (*)
  4a7e276... Only compile the properties example if properties are enabl (*)
  ea7aab4... Wrapped several ISO 8601 related functions. (*)
  6e16f93... Fix MemoryInputStream::addData (Bug #589683) (*)
  a49cdce... Fix a build error in MemoryInputStream (*)
  fe5a4a8... Add Glib::ObjectBase::freeze_notify()/thaw_notify.  Fixes B (*)
  c92976f... update for release of 2.21.3 (*)
  be416f1... Correct the if condition in Gio::MemoryInputStream::add_dat (*)
  7a5a8e6... Begin transition to new build infrastructure (*)
  6279a09... Remove glib/Makefile.am and gio/Makefile.am (*)
  38e6908... Convert tools/ directory to new build system (*)
  bb6ee6c... Do not recurse into scripts/ subdirectory (*)
  3a21463... Convert glib/ sub-tree to new build system (*)
  11aada2... Convert gio/ sub-tree to new build system (*)
  4bbffbd... Delete now unused build_shared/ subdirectory (*)
  4333dd2... Convert tests/ sub-tree to non-recursive build (*)
  1eab10e... Convert examples/ sub-tree to non-recursive build (*)
  36a0cec... Add .dirstamp and others to .gitignore file (*)
  2ec75e0... Begin move to new documentation infrastructure (*)
  975e681... Bring back the giomm reference documentation (*)
  90feeb3... Get rid of all Makefile.am in the MSVC dirs (*)
  464e1e4... Work around Automake cleverness failure (*)
  ba84a26... Get make distcheck to pass cleanly (*)
  76b8fda... Provide documentation location via pkg-config (*)
  c5a252d... Use versioned directory for documentation tools (*)
  b24bf29... Update list of files to ignore (*)
  0f7ba74... Distribute README.SUN and autogen.sh (*)
  103cd7b... Delete ancient api_status.txt file (*)
  89f1573... Have mm-common-prepare install the doc utils (*)
  1f8a106... List removed files in .gitignore (*)
  1515828... Clean up configure check for Windows host (*)
  567ef8f... Get rid of some old Autoconf macro cruft (*)
  4cf2efe... Add missing datadir substitution to .pc file (*)
  e83869e... Micro pedantry: sort file list alphabetically (*)
  f7c30bd... Provide g{lib,io}mm-2.4-uninstalled.pc files (*)
  4734a46... Stop distributing README files manually (*)
  27ab120... Update .gitignore files (*)
  74da263... Use hammer method to avoid admitting to be wrong (*)
  27a0008... Move M4 files from scripts/ over to build/ (*)
  f2a96e7... Remove now optional macro arguments (*)
  164df29... Clean up C++ compiler test Autoconf macros (*)
  4f880f5... Get rid of all uses of GLIBMM_USING_STD() (*)
  2fce1bc... Set GTHREAD_LIBS to the full --libs value again (*)
  faff91b... Remove superfluous entry from .gitignore (*)
  f76d428... Clean up g{lib,io}mmconfig.h.in templates (*)
  2600038... Correct nesting mistakes in Autoconf macros (*)
  198643c... Slightly clean up List_Iterator helper classes (*)
  6540dd8... Define GLIBMM_BUILD and GIOMM_BUILD (*)
  879059f... Define GLIBMM_USING_STD() as dummy no-op (*)
  cf1100b... Unbreak List_Iterator::operator->() (*)
  29c8650... Reenable JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF mode of Doxygen (*)
  6e3c0a1... Exclude non-glibmm symbols from the documentation (*)
  7ba4245... Append slash to overridden $(htmlrefpub) (*)
  3a7b671... Implement parametric Doxygen alias @since{m,n} (*)
  2147905... Prepend tools/pm/ to Perl include path (*)
  afc324c... Predefine GLIBMM_API for Doxygen (*)
  03c19bc... Do not hard-code API version in resource files (*)
  4c537aa... Substitute API version in filenames dynamically (*)
  6eedc8a... Predefine GIOMM_API for Doxygen (*)
  69c24c7... Rename @since back to @newin (*)
  210c3cb... Insist on working Perl in maintainer mode (*)
  ba85103... Use mm-common macro for --disable-deprecated-api (*)
  d328306... Add SECTION_CC_PRE_INCLUDES section to gmmproc (*)
  e2519d9... Move #undef G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED out of header (*)
  28a59be... Deprecate wrapper methods of deprecated functions (*)
  57ef819... Strip directory from filenames in enum.pl output (*)
  3a2e7d1... Change documentation host to library.gnome.org (*)
  e635ff1... release 2.21.4 (*)
  78df113... Reenable hierarchy graphs for each class (*)
  4ee564e... Remove header and footer HTML fragments (*)
  0d07f92... Use shared mm-common Doxygen style sheet (*)
  17cc57b... Ignore docs/doxygen.css file (*)
  adf781c... Increment version to glibmm (*)
  5b9bd92... Always build tools/ subdirectory (bgo #593518) (*)
  85f5b52... Update Doxygen configuration for Doxygen 1.6.1 (*)
  3f86388... Increment version to glibmm (*)
  24683d7... Remove sigc from the Doxygen excluded symbols (*)
  5b99595... Sanitize the Glib::Cond usage example (*)
  5f38c1b... Merge commit '772c50bc09648c134d9c05dc89d0250b05b6bb6f' int
  37c8df6... Merge commit '5d4a58d34f53dc027985095044ea5bf2a3199737' int
  ceb55db... Merge commit 'e963653133436d04cc4b45a312200cc795aa824f' int
  78e942b... Merge commit '5bd4921c2020737e0399712630e23fd85039ef62' int
  740e350... Merge commit '0356821ab90377418c9d827a1df475201a03838f' int
  5e32a4e... Merge commit 'ecc83e2f87c52b5222933cd1040b1573847ab992' int
  c80fe91... Merge commit 'c6f48fa2a57916f06a0f8a6626d973fc96f99e0c' int
  67fc229... Merge commit 'ebe9876bbfbd6abbd1fd1f901aa224b5ca2a8ab2' int
  5a63f54... Omit unused parameter names to avoid warning
  dc37d39... Merge commit 'bd6a81cc903e7a788bac703354f04df512afdfac' int
  0469289... Merge commit '984f55ebfc37dc0f989c5e5005f6242930ebe0ac' int
  c2b8880... Merge commit 'ac7e2dff1513c01970648ee5f27e5346e0bf9b34' int
  3c0cd49... Merge commit '782472fd4f208ed59b0a6b353a63eb5ebd3e7e7f' int
  d17e812... Merge commit '8a7805cbbe6d268e975669349beb4e82d971537d' int
  4c5fca8... Merge commit '3bd0990be87051743d8f999c0d585867d9506360' int
  1cd0d0c... Merge commit 'c93b028dcdf8d51357ac22607bea08ae72619fd0' int
  deeaaac... Merge commit 'f7b207c790cbfca4a34b8353313ea0a1e9d862e3' int
  132e2b1... Merge commit '7a885c150739214110e85748bcf340de34fca610' int
  fa2ae6f... Merge commit 'cb5aa9e4f9a9cee679e4dd94bc6902e0c7e82554' int
  b89b250... Merge commit '4a7e27629523826d36565bff459c323573b87668' int
  74d60b3... Merge commit 'be416f1881aa4a3d0d8be89413c7a5eeb2c83db2' int
  aa24e33... Merge commit 'e2519d9c4dfcc121ece8deea466e2f108ec38e89' int
  f4bfd27... Merge commit '28a59be69b37e2de2e6edf9e09d6ed6287911a14' int
  6014f03... Merge commit '3a2e7d1767b486e977e4b1891c696566adac54a5' int
  bb965fa... Merge commit 'e635ff1ba2d5009c1ce9bd542b52f81474de74fd' int
  da61d33... Merge commit '17cc57b01f1645443d511a140d7821515833ba4b' int
  9fc2d96... Merge commit 'adf781ceae0a6e9161dd5d0a32356d77960e8d5c' int
  d092484... Merge commit '85f5b52c5f5af794199e05fc60c83e69852c88bb' int
  e9da0bb... Merge commit '3f8638839cd2dcc064ce4d2830ccbf7e71731de3' int
  69f6d15... Merge branch 'master' into glibmm-2-20-mm-common
  4de0418... Adjust list of files to stable 2.20 branch
  b1edd01... Do not hide deprecated GLib functions

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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