[libchamplain] Added support to boxed types

commit 3709b5ed6623841d6ac40845f497176f90cb7ef0
Author: Victor Godoy Poluceno <victorpoluceno gmail com>
Date:   Sun Aug 16 20:42:39 2009 -0300

    Added support to boxed types

 bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain-base.defs    | 1618 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../python/champlain/pychamplain-boxed-types.defs  |   28 +
 bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain.defs         | 1573 +-------------------
 bindings/python/update-binding.sh                  |    3 +-
 4 files changed, 1650 insertions(+), 1572 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain-base.defs b/bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain-base.defs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0557a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain-base.defs
@@ -0,0 +1,1618 @@
+;; -*- scheme -*-
+; object definitions ...
+(define-object BaseMarker
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (parent "ClutterGroup")
+  (c-name "ChamplainBaseMarker")
+(define-object Cache
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (parent "GObject")
+  (c-name "ChamplainCache")
+  (gtype-id "CHAMPLAIN_TYPE_CACHE")
+(define-object Layer
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (parent "ClutterGroup")
+  (c-name "ChamplainLayer")
+  (gtype-id "CHAMPLAIN_TYPE_LAYER")
+(define-object MapSource
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (parent "GObject")
+  (c-name "ChamplainMapSource")
+(define-object MapSourceFactory
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (parent "GObject")
+  (c-name "ChamplainMapSourceFactory")
+(define-object Marker
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (parent "ChamplainBaseMarker")
+  (c-name "ChamplainMarker")
+(define-object NetworkMapSource
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (parent "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "ChamplainNetworkMapSource")
+(define-object Polygon
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (parent "GObject")
+  (c-name "ChamplainPolygon")
+(define-object Tile
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (parent "GObject")
+  (c-name "ChamplainTile")
+  (gtype-id "CHAMPLAIN_TYPE_TILE")
+(define-object View
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (parent "ClutterGroup")
+  (c-name "ChamplainView")
+  (gtype-id "CHAMPLAIN_TYPE_VIEW")
+(define-object ZoomLevel
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (parent "GObject")
+  (c-name "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+;; Enumerations and flags ...
+(define-enum ScrollMode
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (c-name "ChamplainScrollMode")
+  (values
+  )
+(define-enum State
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (c-name "ChamplainState")
+  (gtype-id "CHAMPLAIN_TYPE_STATE")
+  (values
+    '("none" "CHAMPLAIN_STATE_NONE")
+    '("init" "CHAMPLAIN_STATE_INIT")
+    '("loading" "CHAMPLAIN_STATE_LOADING")
+    '("validating-cache" "CHAMPLAIN_STATE_VALIDATING_CACHE")
+    '("done" "CHAMPLAIN_STATE_DONE")
+  )
+(define-enum MapProjection
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (c-name "ChamplainMapProjection")
+  (values
+  )
+;; From champlain.h
+;; From champlain-cache.h
+(define-function cache_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_cache_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-function cache_dup_default
+  (c-name "champlain_cache_dup_default")
+  (return-type "ChamplainCache*")
+(define-function cache_get_default
+  (c-name "champlain_cache_get_default")
+  (return-type "ChamplainCache*")
+(define-method update_tile
+  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
+  (c-name "champlain_cache_update_tile")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
+    '("guint" "filesize")
+  )
+(define-method fill_tile
+  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
+  (c-name "champlain_cache_fill_tile")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
+  )
+(define-method tile_is_expired
+  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
+  (c-name "champlain_cache_tile_is_expired")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
+  )
+(define-method set_size_limit
+  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
+  (c-name "champlain_cache_set_size_limit")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("guint" "size_limit")
+  )
+(define-method get_size_limit
+  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
+  (c-name "champlain_cache_get_size_limit")
+  (return-type "guint")
+(define-method purge
+  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
+  (c-name "champlain_cache_purge")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method purge_on_idle
+  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
+  (c-name "champlain_cache_purge_on_idle")
+  (return-type "none")
+;; From champlain-view.h
+(define-function view_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_view_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-function view_new
+  (c-name "champlain_view_new")
+  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainView")
+  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
+(define-method center_on
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_center_on")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gdouble" "latitude")
+    '("gdouble" "longitude")
+  )
+(define-method go_to
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_go_to")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gdouble" "latitude")
+    '("gdouble" "longitude")
+  )
+(define-method stop_go_to
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_stop_go_to")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method zoom_in
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_zoom_in")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method zoom_out
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_zoom_out")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method set_zoom_level
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_set_zoom_level")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "zoom_level")
+  )
+(define-method set_min_zoom_level
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_set_min_zoom_level")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "zoom_level")
+  )
+(define-method set_max_zoom_level
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_set_max_zoom_level")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "zoom_level")
+  )
+(define-method ensure_visible
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_ensure_visible")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gdouble" "lat1")
+    '("gdouble" "lon1")
+    '("gdouble" "lat2")
+    '("gdouble" "lon2")
+    '("gboolean" "animate")
+  )
+(define-method ensure_markers_visible
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_ensure_markers_visible")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainBaseMarker*[]" "markers")
+    '("gboolean" "animate")
+  )
+(define-method set_map_source
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_set_map_source")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainMapSource*" "map_source")
+  )
+(define-method set_size
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_set_size")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("guint" "width")
+    '("guint" "height")
+  )
+(define-method set_decel_rate
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_set_decel_rate")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gdouble" "rate")
+  )
+(define-method set_scroll_mode
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_set_scroll_mode")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainScrollMode" "mode")
+  )
+(define-method set_keep_center_on_resize
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_set_keep_center_on_resize")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gboolean" "value")
+  )
+(define-method set_show_license
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_set_show_license")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gboolean" "value")
+  )
+(define-method set_zoom_on_double_click
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_set_zoom_on_double_click")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gboolean" "value")
+  )
+(define-method add_layer
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_add_layer")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainLayer*" "layer")
+  )
+(define-method get_coords_from_event
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_get_coords_from_event")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+  (parameters
+    '("ClutterEvent*" "event")
+    '("gdouble*" "lat")
+    '("gdouble*" "lon")
+  )
+(define-method get_coords_at
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_get_coords_at")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+  (parameters
+    '("guint" "x")
+    '("guint" "y")
+    '("gdouble*" "lat")
+    '("gdouble*" "lon")
+  )
+(define-method get_zoom_level
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_get_zoom_level")
+  (return-type "gint")
+(define-method get_min_zoom_level
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_get_min_zoom_level")
+  (return-type "gint")
+(define-method get_max_zoom_level
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_get_max_zoom_level")
+  (return-type "gint")
+(define-method get_map_source
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_get_map_source")
+  (return-type "ChamplainMapSource*")
+(define-method get_decel_rate
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_get_decel_rate")
+  (return-type "gdouble")
+(define-method get_scroll_mode
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_get_scroll_mode")
+  (return-type "ChamplainScrollMode")
+(define-method get_keep_center_on_resize
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_get_keep_center_on_resize")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method get_show_license
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_get_show_license")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method get_zoom_on_double_click
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_get_zoom_on_double_click")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method add_polygon
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_add_polygon")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainPolygon*" "polygon")
+  )
+(define-method remove_polygon
+  (of-object "ChamplainView")
+  (c-name "champlain_view_remove_polygon")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainPolygon*" "polygon")
+  )
+;; From champlain-defines.h
+;; From champlain-polygon.h
+(define-function polygon_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-function polygon_new
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_new")
+  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (return-type "ChamplainPolygon*")
+(define-method append_point
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_append_point")
+  (return-type "ChamplainPoint*")
+  (parameters
+    '("gdouble" "lat")
+    '("gdouble" "lon")
+  )
+(define-method insert_point
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_insert_point")
+  (return-type "ChamplainPoint*")
+  (parameters
+    '("gdouble" "lat")
+    '("gdouble" "lon")
+    '("gint" "pos")
+  )
+(define-method remove_point
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_remove_point")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainPoint*" "point")
+  )
+(define-method clear_points
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_clear_points")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method get_points
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_points")
+  (return-type "GList*")
+(define-method set_fill_color
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_set_fill_color")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-ClutterColor*" "color")
+  )
+(define-method set_stroke_color
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_set_stroke_color")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-ClutterColor*" "color")
+  )
+(define-method get_fill_color
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_fill_color")
+  (return-type "ClutterColor*")
+(define-method get_stroke_color
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_stroke_color")
+  (return-type "ClutterColor*")
+(define-method get_fill
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_fill")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method set_fill
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_set_fill")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gboolean" "value")
+  )
+(define-method get_stroke
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_stroke")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method set_stroke
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_set_stroke")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gboolean" "value")
+  )
+(define-method set_stroke_width
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_set_stroke_width")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gdouble" "value")
+  )
+(define-method get_stroke_width
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_stroke_width")
+  (return-type "gdouble")
+(define-method show
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_show")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method hide
+  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
+  (c-name "champlain_polygon_hide")
+  (return-type "none")
+;; From champlain-point.h
+(define-function point_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_point_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-method copy
+  (of-object "ChamplainPoint")
+  (c-name "champlain_point_copy")
+  (return-type "ChamplainPoint*")
+(define-method free
+  (of-object "ChamplainPoint")
+  (c-name "champlain_point_free")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-function point_new
+  (c-name "champlain_point_new")
+  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainPoint")
+  (return-type "ChamplainPoint*")
+  (parameters
+    '("gdouble" "lat")
+    '("gdouble" "lon")
+  )
+;; From champlain-layer.h
+(define-function layer_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_layer_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-function layer_new
+  (c-name "champlain_layer_new")
+  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainLayer")
+  (return-type "ChamplainLayer*")
+(define-method show
+  (of-object "ChamplainLayer")
+  (c-name "champlain_layer_show")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method hide
+  (of-object "ChamplainLayer")
+  (c-name "champlain_layer_hide")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method add_marker
+  (of-object "ChamplainLayer")
+  (c-name "champlain_layer_add_marker")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainBaseMarker*" "marker")
+  )
+(define-method remove_marker
+  (of-object "ChamplainLayer")
+  (c-name "champlain_layer_remove_marker")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainBaseMarker*" "marker")
+  )
+(define-method animate_in_all_markers
+  (of-object "ChamplainLayer")
+  (c-name "champlain_layer_animate_in_all_markers")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method animate_out_all_markers
+  (of-object "ChamplainLayer")
+  (c-name "champlain_layer_animate_out_all_markers")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method show_all_markers
+  (of-object "ChamplainLayer")
+  (c-name "champlain_layer_show_all_markers")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method hide_all_markers
+  (of-object "ChamplainLayer")
+  (c-name "champlain_layer_hide_all_markers")
+  (return-type "none")
+;; From champlain-map-source.h
+(define-function map_source_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-method get_min_zoom_level
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_min_zoom_level")
+  (return-type "gint")
+(define-method get_max_zoom_level
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_max_zoom_level")
+  (return-type "gint")
+(define-method get_tile_size
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_tile_size")
+  (return-type "guint")
+(define-method get_x
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_x")
+  (return-type "guint")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "zoom_level")
+    '("gdouble" "longitude")
+  )
+(define-method get_y
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_y")
+  (return-type "guint")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "zoom_level")
+    '("gdouble" "latitude")
+  )
+(define-method get_longitude
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_longitude")
+  (return-type "gdouble")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "zoom_level")
+    '("guint" "x")
+  )
+(define-method get_latitude
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_latitude")
+  (return-type "gdouble")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "zoom_level")
+    '("guint" "y")
+  )
+(define-method get_row_count
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_row_count")
+  (return-type "guint")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "zoom_level")
+  )
+(define-method get_column_count
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_column_count")
+  (return-type "guint")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "zoom_level")
+  )
+(define-method fill_tile
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_fill_tile")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
+  )
+(define-method set_id
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_set_id")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "id")
+  )
+(define-method get_id
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_id")
+  (return-type "const-gchar*")
+(define-method set_name
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_set_name")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "name")
+  )
+(define-method get_name
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_name")
+  (return-type "const-gchar*")
+(define-method set_license
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_set_license")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "license")
+  )
+(define-method get_license
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_license")
+  (return-type "const-gchar*")
+(define-method set_license_uri
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_set_license_uri")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "license_uri")
+  )
+(define-method get_license_uri
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_license_uri")
+  (return-type "const-gchar*")
+(define-method set_projection
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_set_projection")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainMapProjection" "projection")
+  )
+(define-method get_projection
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_projection")
+  (return-type "ChamplainMapProjection")
+;; From champlain-map-source-desc.h
+(define-function map_source_desc_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_desc_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-method copy
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSourceDesc")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_desc_copy")
+  (return-type "ChamplainMapSourceDesc*")
+(define-method free
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSourceDesc")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_desc_free")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-function map_source_desc_new
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_desc_new")
+  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainMapSourceDesc")
+  (return-type "ChamplainMapSourceDesc*")
+;; From champlain-map-source-factory.h
+(define-function map_source_factory_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-function map_source_factory_dup_default
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_dup_default")
+  (return-type "ChamplainMapSourceFactory*")
+(define-function map_source_factory_get_default
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_get_default")
+  (return-type "ChamplainMapSourceFactory*")
+(define-method dup_list
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSourceFactory")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_dup_list")
+  (return-type "GSList*")
+(define-method get_list
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSourceFactory")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_get_list")
+  (return-type "GSList*")
+(define-method create
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSourceFactory")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_create")
+  (return-type "ChamplainMapSource*")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "id")
+  )
+(define-method register
+  (of-object "ChamplainMapSourceFactory")
+  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_register")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainMapSourceDesc*" "desc")
+    '("ChamplainMapSourceConstructor" "constructor")
+    '("gpointer" "user_data")
+  )
+;; From champlain-network-map-source.h
+(define-function network_map_source_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_network_map_source_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-function network_map_source_new_full
+  (c-name "champlain_network_map_source_new_full")
+  (return-type "ChamplainNetworkMapSource*")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "id")
+    '("const-gchar*" "name")
+    '("const-gchar*" "license")
+    '("const-gchar*" "license_uri")
+    '("guint" "min_zoom")
+    '("guint" "max_zoom")
+    '("guint" "tile_size")
+    '("ChamplainMapProjection" "projection")
+    '("const-gchar*" "uri_format")
+  )
+(define-method get_tile_uri
+  (of-object "ChamplainNetworkMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_network_map_source_get_tile_uri")
+  (return-type "gchar*")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "x")
+    '("gint" "y")
+    '("gint" "z")
+  )
+(define-method set_uri_format
+  (of-object "ChamplainNetworkMapSource")
+  (c-name "champlain_network_map_source_set_uri_format")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "uri_format")
+  )
+(define-function network_map_source_fill_tile
+  (c-name "champlain_network_map_source_fill_tile")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainMapSource*" "map_source")
+    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
+  )
+;; From champlain-marker.h
+(define-function marker_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-function marker_new
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_new")
+  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainMarker")
+  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
+(define-function marker_new_with_text
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_new_with_text")
+  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "text")
+    '("const-gchar*" "font")
+    '("ClutterColor*" "text_color")
+    '("ClutterColor*" "marker_color")
+  )
+(define-function marker_new_with_image
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_new_with_image")
+  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
+  (parameters
+    '("ClutterActor*" "actor")
+  )
+(define-function marker_new_from_file
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_new_from_file")
+  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "filename")
+    '("GError**" "error")
+  )
+(define-function marker_new_full
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_new_full")
+  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "text")
+    '("ClutterActor*" "actor")
+  )
+(define-method set_text
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_text")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "text")
+  )
+(define-method set_image
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_image")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ClutterActor*" "image")
+  )
+(define-method set_use_markup
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_use_markup")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gboolean" "use_markup")
+  )
+(define-method set_alignment
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_alignment")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("PangoAlignment" "alignment")
+  )
+(define-method set_color
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_color")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-ClutterColor*" "color")
+  )
+(define-method set_text_color
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_text_color")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-ClutterColor*" "color")
+  )
+(define-method set_font_name
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_font_name")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "font_name")
+  )
+(define-method set_wrap
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_wrap")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gboolean" "wrap")
+  )
+(define-method set_wrap_mode
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_wrap_mode")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("PangoWrapMode" "wrap_mode")
+  )
+(define-method set_attributes
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_attributes")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("PangoAttrList*" "list")
+  )
+(define-method set_single_line_mode
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_single_line_mode")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gboolean" "mode")
+  )
+(define-method set_ellipsize
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_ellipsize")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("PangoEllipsizeMode" "mode")
+  )
+(define-method set_draw_background
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_draw_background")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gboolean" "background")
+  )
+(define-method get_use_markup
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_use_markup")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method get_text
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_text")
+  (return-type "const-gchar*")
+(define-method get_image
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_image")
+  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
+(define-method get_alignment
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_alignment")
+  (return-type "PangoAlignment")
+(define-method get_color
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_color")
+  (return-type "ClutterColor*")
+(define-method get_text_color
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_text_color")
+  (return-type "ClutterColor*")
+(define-method get_font_name
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_font_name")
+  (return-type "const-gchar*")
+(define-method get_wrap
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_wrap")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method get_wrap_mode
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_wrap_mode")
+  (return-type "PangoWrapMode")
+(define-method get_ellipsize
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_ellipsize")
+  (return-type "PangoEllipsizeMode")
+(define-method get_single_line_mode
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_single_line_mode")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method get_draw_background
+  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_draw_background")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-function marker_set_highlight_color
+  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_highlight_color")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ClutterColor*" "color")
+  )
+;; From champlain-base-marker.h
+(define-function base_marker_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-function base_marker_new
+  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_new")
+  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainBaseMarker")
+  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
+(define-method set_position
+  (of-object "ChamplainBaseMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_set_position")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gdouble" "longitude")
+    '("gdouble" "latitude")
+  )
+(define-method set_highlighted
+  (of-object "ChamplainBaseMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_set_highlighted")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gboolean" "value")
+  )
+(define-method get_highlighted
+  (of-object "ChamplainBaseMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_get_highlighted")
+  (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method animate_in
+  (of-object "ChamplainBaseMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_animate_in")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method animate_in_with_delay
+  (of-object "ChamplainBaseMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_animate_in_with_delay")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("guint" "delay")
+  )
+(define-method animate_out
+  (of-object "ChamplainBaseMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_animate_out")
+  (return-type "none")
+(define-method animate_out_with_delay
+  (of-object "ChamplainBaseMarker")
+  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_animate_out_with_delay")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("guint" "delay")
+  )
+;; From champlain-tile.h
+(define-function tile_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-function tile_new
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_new")
+  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainTile")
+  (return-type "ChamplainTile*")
+(define-function tile_new_full
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_new_full")
+  (return-type "ChamplainTile*")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "x")
+    '("gint" "y")
+    '("guint" "size")
+    '("gint" "zoom_level")
+  )
+(define-method get_x
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_x")
+  (return-type "gint")
+(define-method get_y
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_y")
+  (return-type "gint")
+(define-method get_zoom_level
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_zoom_level")
+  (return-type "gint")
+(define-method get_size
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_size")
+  (return-type "guint")
+(define-method get_state
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_state")
+  (return-type "ChamplainState")
+(define-method get_uri
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_uri")
+  (return-type "const-gchar*")
+(define-method get_filename
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_filename")
+  (return-type "const-gchar*")
+(define-method get_actor
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_actor")
+  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
+(define-method get_content
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_content")
+  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
+(define-method get_modified_time
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_modified_time")
+  (return-type "const-GTimeVal*")
+(define-method get_modified_time_string
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_modified_time_string")
+  (return-type "gchar*")
+(define-method get_etag
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_etag")
+  (return-type "const-gchar*")
+(define-method set_x
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_x")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "x")
+  )
+(define-method set_y
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_y")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "y")
+  )
+(define-method set_zoom_level
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_zoom_level")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "zoom_level")
+  )
+(define-method set_size
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_size")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("guint" "size")
+  )
+(define-method set_state
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_state")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainState" "state")
+  )
+(define-method set_uri
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_uri")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "uri")
+  )
+(define-method set_filename
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_filename")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "filename")
+  )
+(define-method set_content
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_content")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ClutterActor*" "actor")
+    '("gboolean" "fade_in")
+  )
+(define-method set_etag
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_etag")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-gchar*" "etag")
+  )
+(define-method set_modified_time
+  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
+  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_modified_time")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("const-GTimeVal*" "time")
+  )
+;; From champlain-zoom-level.h
+(define-function zoom_level_get_type
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_get_type")
+  (return-type "GType")
+(define-function zoom_level_new
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_new")
+  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+  (return-type "ChamplainZoomLevel*")
+(define-method get_width
+  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_get_width")
+  (return-type "guint")
+(define-method get_height
+  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_get_height")
+  (return-type "guint")
+(define-method get_zoom_level
+  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_get_zoom_level")
+  (return-type "gint")
+(define-method get_actor
+  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_get_actor")
+  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
+(define-method set_width
+  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_set_width")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("guint" "width")
+  )
+(define-method set_height
+  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_set_height")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("guint" "height")
+  )
+(define-method set_zoom_level
+  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_set_zoom_level")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("gint" "zoom_level")
+  )
+(define-method add_tile
+  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_add_tile")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
+  )
+(define-method remove_tile
+  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_remove_tile")
+  (return-type "none")
+  (parameters
+    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
+  )
+(define-method tile_count
+  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_tile_count")
+  (return-type "guint")
+(define-method get_nth_tile
+  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
+  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_get_nth_tile")
+  (return-type "ChamplainTile*")
+  (parameters
+    '("guint" "index")
+  )
diff --git a/bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain-boxed-types.defs b/bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain-boxed-types.defs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4b39af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain-boxed-types.defs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+;; -*- scheme -*-
+; object definitions ...
+(define-boxed Point
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (c-name "ChamplainPoint")
+  (gtype-id "CHAMPLAIN_TYPE_POINT")
+  (fields
+    '("double" "lat")
+    '("double" "lon")
+  )   
+(define-boxed MapSourceDesc
+  (in-module "Champlain")
+  (c-name "ChamplainMapSourceDesc")
+  (fields
+    '("gchar *" "id")
+    '("gchar *" "name")
+    '("gchar *" "license")
+    '("gchar *" "license_uri")
+    '("gint" "min_zoom_level")
+    '("gint" "max_zoom_level")
+    '("ChamplainMapProjection" "projection")
+    '("gchar*" "uri_format")
+  )   
diff --git a/bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain.defs b/bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain.defs
index 3100082..ca7ab85 100644
--- a/bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain.defs
+++ b/bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain.defs
@@ -1,1574 +1,5 @@
 ;; -*- scheme -*-
 ; object definitions ...
-(define-object BaseMarker
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (parent "ClutterGroup")
-  (c-name "ChamplainBaseMarker")
-(define-object Cache
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (parent "GObject")
-  (c-name "ChamplainCache")
-  (gtype-id "CHAMPLAIN_TYPE_CACHE")
-(define-object Layer
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (parent "ClutterGroup")
-  (c-name "ChamplainLayer")
-  (gtype-id "CHAMPLAIN_TYPE_LAYER")
-(define-object MapSource
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (parent "GObject")
-  (c-name "ChamplainMapSource")
-(define-object MapSourceFactory
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (parent "GObject")
-  (c-name "ChamplainMapSourceFactory")
-(define-object Marker
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (parent "ChamplainBaseMarker")
-  (c-name "ChamplainMarker")
-(define-object NetworkMapSource
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (parent "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "ChamplainNetworkMapSource")
-(define-object Polygon
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (parent "GObject")
-  (c-name "ChamplainPolygon")
-(define-object Tile
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (parent "GObject")
-  (c-name "ChamplainTile")
-  (gtype-id "CHAMPLAIN_TYPE_TILE")
-(define-object View
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (parent "ClutterGroup")
-  (c-name "ChamplainView")
-  (gtype-id "CHAMPLAIN_TYPE_VIEW")
-(define-object ZoomLevel
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (parent "GObject")
-  (c-name "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-(define-boxed Point
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (c-name "ChamplainPoint")
-  (gtype-id "CHAMPLAIN_TYPE_POINT")
-  (fields
-    '("double" "lat")
-    '("double" "lon")
-  )   
-;; Enumerations and flags ...
-(define-enum ScrollMode
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (c-name "ChamplainScrollMode")
-  (values
-  )
-(define-enum State
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (c-name "ChamplainState")
-  (gtype-id "CHAMPLAIN_TYPE_STATE")
-  (values
-    '("none" "CHAMPLAIN_STATE_NONE")
-    '("init" "CHAMPLAIN_STATE_INIT")
-    '("loading" "CHAMPLAIN_STATE_LOADING")
-    '("validating-cache" "CHAMPLAIN_STATE_VALIDATING_CACHE")
-    '("done" "CHAMPLAIN_STATE_DONE")
-  )
-(define-enum MapProjection
-  (in-module "Champlain")
-  (c-name "ChamplainMapProjection")
-  (values
-  )
-;; From champlain.h
-;; From champlain-cache.h
-(define-function cache_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_cache_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-function cache_dup_default
-  (c-name "champlain_cache_dup_default")
-  (return-type "ChamplainCache*")
-(define-function cache_get_default
-  (c-name "champlain_cache_get_default")
-  (return-type "ChamplainCache*")
-(define-method update_tile
-  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
-  (c-name "champlain_cache_update_tile")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
-    '("guint" "filesize")
-  )
-(define-method fill_tile
-  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
-  (c-name "champlain_cache_fill_tile")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
-  )
-(define-method tile_is_expired
-  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
-  (c-name "champlain_cache_tile_is_expired")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
-  )
-(define-method set_size_limit
-  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
-  (c-name "champlain_cache_set_size_limit")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("guint" "size_limit")
-  )
-(define-method get_size_limit
-  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
-  (c-name "champlain_cache_get_size_limit")
-  (return-type "guint")
-(define-method purge
-  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
-  (c-name "champlain_cache_purge")
-  (return-type "none")
-(define-method purge_on_idle
-  (of-object "ChamplainCache")
-  (c-name "champlain_cache_purge_on_idle")
-  (return-type "none")
-;; From champlain-view.h
-(define-function view_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_view_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-function view_new
-  (c-name "champlain_view_new")
-  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainView")
-  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
-(define-method center_on
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_center_on")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gdouble" "latitude")
-    '("gdouble" "longitude")
-  )
-(define-method go_to
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_go_to")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gdouble" "latitude")
-    '("gdouble" "longitude")
-  )
-(define-method stop_go_to
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_stop_go_to")
-  (return-type "none")
-(define-method zoom_in
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_zoom_in")
-  (return-type "none")
-(define-method zoom_out
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_zoom_out")
-  (return-type "none")
-(define-method set_zoom_level
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_set_zoom_level")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "zoom_level")
-  )
-(define-method set_min_zoom_level
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_set_min_zoom_level")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "zoom_level")
-  )
-(define-method set_max_zoom_level
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_set_max_zoom_level")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "zoom_level")
-  )
-(define-method ensure_visible
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_ensure_visible")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gdouble" "lat1")
-    '("gdouble" "lon1")
-    '("gdouble" "lat2")
-    '("gdouble" "lon2")
-    '("gboolean" "animate")
-  )
-(define-method ensure_markers_visible
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_ensure_markers_visible")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainBaseMarker*[]" "markers")
-    '("gboolean" "animate")
-  )
-(define-method set_map_source
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_set_map_source")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainMapSource*" "map_source")
-  )
-(define-method set_size
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_set_size")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("guint" "width")
-    '("guint" "height")
-  )
-(define-method set_decel_rate
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_set_decel_rate")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gdouble" "rate")
-  )
-(define-method set_scroll_mode
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_set_scroll_mode")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainScrollMode" "mode")
-  )
-(define-method set_keep_center_on_resize
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_set_keep_center_on_resize")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gboolean" "value")
-  )
-(define-method set_show_license
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_set_show_license")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gboolean" "value")
-  )
-(define-method set_zoom_on_double_click
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_set_zoom_on_double_click")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gboolean" "value")
-  )
-(define-method add_layer
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_add_layer")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainLayer*" "layer")
-  )
-(define-method get_coords_from_event
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_get_coords_from_event")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-  (parameters
-    '("ClutterEvent*" "event")
-    '("gdouble*" "lat")
-    '("gdouble*" "lon")
-  )
-(define-method get_coords_at
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_get_coords_at")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-  (parameters
-    '("guint" "x")
-    '("guint" "y")
-    '("gdouble*" "lat")
-    '("gdouble*" "lon")
-  )
-(define-method get_zoom_level
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_get_zoom_level")
-  (return-type "gint")
-(define-method get_min_zoom_level
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_get_min_zoom_level")
-  (return-type "gint")
-(define-method get_max_zoom_level
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_get_max_zoom_level")
-  (return-type "gint")
-(define-method get_map_source
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_get_map_source")
-  (return-type "ChamplainMapSource*")
-(define-method get_decel_rate
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_get_decel_rate")
-  (return-type "gdouble")
-(define-method get_scroll_mode
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_get_scroll_mode")
-  (return-type "ChamplainScrollMode")
-(define-method get_keep_center_on_resize
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_get_keep_center_on_resize")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-(define-method get_show_license
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_get_show_license")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-(define-method get_zoom_on_double_click
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_get_zoom_on_double_click")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-(define-method add_polygon
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_add_polygon")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainPolygon*" "polygon")
-  )
-(define-method remove_polygon
-  (of-object "ChamplainView")
-  (c-name "champlain_view_remove_polygon")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainPolygon*" "polygon")
-  )
-;; From champlain-defines.h
-;; From champlain-polygon.h
-(define-function polygon_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-function polygon_new
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_new")
-  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (return-type "ChamplainPolygon*")
-(define-method append_point
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_append_point")
-  (return-type "ChamplainPoint*")
-  (parameters
-    '("gdouble" "lat")
-    '("gdouble" "lon")
-  )
-(define-method insert_point
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_insert_point")
-  (return-type "ChamplainPoint*")
-  (parameters
-    '("gdouble" "lat")
-    '("gdouble" "lon")
-    '("gint" "pos")
-  )
-(define-method remove_point
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_remove_point")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainPoint*" "point")
-  )
-(define-method clear_points
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_clear_points")
-  (return-type "none")
-(define-method get_points
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_points")
-  (return-type "GList*")
-(define-method set_fill_color
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_set_fill_color")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-ClutterColor*" "color")
-  )
-(define-method set_stroke_color
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_set_stroke_color")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-ClutterColor*" "color")
-  )
-(define-method get_fill_color
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_fill_color")
-  (return-type "ClutterColor*")
-(define-method get_stroke_color
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_stroke_color")
-  (return-type "ClutterColor*")
-(define-method get_fill
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_fill")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-(define-method set_fill
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_set_fill")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gboolean" "value")
-  )
-(define-method get_stroke
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_stroke")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-(define-method set_stroke
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_set_stroke")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gboolean" "value")
-  )
-(define-method set_stroke_width
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_set_stroke_width")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gdouble" "value")
-  )
-(define-method get_stroke_width
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_get_stroke_width")
-  (return-type "gdouble")
-(define-method show
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_show")
-  (return-type "none")
-(define-method hide
-  (of-object "ChamplainPolygon")
-  (c-name "champlain_polygon_hide")
-  (return-type "none")
-;; From champlain-point.h
-(define-function point_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_point_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-method copy
-  (of-object "ChamplainPoint")
-  (c-name "champlain_point_copy")
-  (return-type "ChamplainPoint*")
-(define-method free
-  (of-object "ChamplainPoint")
-  (c-name "champlain_point_free")
-  (return-type "none")
-(define-function point_new
-  (c-name "champlain_point_new")
-  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainPoint")
-  (return-type "ChamplainPoint*")
-  (parameters
-    '("gdouble" "lat")
-    '("gdouble" "lon")
-  )
-;; From champlain-layer.h
-(define-function layer_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_layer_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-function layer_new
-  (c-name "champlain_layer_new")
-  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainLayer")
-  (return-type "ChamplainLayer*")
-(define-method show
-  (of-object "ChamplainLayer")
-  (c-name "champlain_layer_show")
-  (return-type "none")
-(define-method hide
-  (of-object "ChamplainLayer")
-  (c-name "champlain_layer_hide")
-  (return-type "none")
-(define-method add_marker
-  (of-object "ChamplainLayer")
-  (c-name "champlain_layer_add_marker")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainBaseMarker*" "marker")
-  )
-(define-method remove_marker
-  (of-object "ChamplainLayer")
-  (c-name "champlain_layer_remove_marker")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainBaseMarker*" "marker")
-  )
-;; From champlain-map-source.h
-(define-function map_source_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-method get_min_zoom_level
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_min_zoom_level")
-  (return-type "gint")
-(define-method get_max_zoom_level
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_max_zoom_level")
-  (return-type "gint")
-(define-method get_tile_size
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_tile_size")
-  (return-type "guint")
-(define-method get_x
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_x")
-  (return-type "guint")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "zoom_level")
-    '("gdouble" "longitude")
-  )
-(define-method get_y
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_y")
-  (return-type "guint")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "zoom_level")
-    '("gdouble" "latitude")
-  )
-(define-method get_longitude
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_longitude")
-  (return-type "gdouble")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "zoom_level")
-    '("guint" "x")
-  )
-(define-method get_latitude
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_latitude")
-  (return-type "gdouble")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "zoom_level")
-    '("guint" "y")
-  )
-(define-method get_row_count
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_row_count")
-  (return-type "guint")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "zoom_level")
-  )
-(define-method get_column_count
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_column_count")
-  (return-type "guint")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "zoom_level")
-  )
-(define-method fill_tile
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_fill_tile")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
-  )
-(define-method set_id
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_set_id")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "id")
-  )
-(define-method get_id
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_id")
-  (return-type "const-gchar*")
-(define-method set_name
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_set_name")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "name")
-  )
-(define-method get_name
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_name")
-  (return-type "const-gchar*")
-(define-method set_license
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_set_license")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "license")
-  )
-(define-method get_license
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_license")
-  (return-type "const-gchar*")
-(define-method set_license_uri
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_set_license_uri")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "license_uri")
-  )
-(define-method get_license_uri
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_license_uri")
-  (return-type "const-gchar*")
-(define-method set_projection
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_set_projection")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainMapProjection" "projection")
-  )
-(define-method get_projection
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_get_projection")
-  (return-type "ChamplainMapProjection")
-;; From champlain-map-source-desc.h
-(define-function map_source_desc_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_desc_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-method copy
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSourceDesc")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_desc_copy")
-  (return-type "ChamplainMapSourceDesc*")
-(define-method free
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSourceDesc")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_desc_free")
-  (return-type "none")
-(define-function map_source_desc_new
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_desc_new")
-  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainMapSourceDesc")
-  (return-type "ChamplainMapSourceDesc*")
-;; From champlain-map-source-factory.h
-(define-function map_source_factory_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-function map_source_factory_dup_default
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_dup_default")
-  (return-type "ChamplainMapSourceFactory*")
-(define-function map_source_factory_get_default
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_get_default")
-  (return-type "ChamplainMapSourceFactory*")
-(define-method dup_list
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSourceFactory")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_dup_list")
-  (return-type "GSList*")
-(define-method get_list
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSourceFactory")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_get_list")
-  (return-type "GSList*")
-(define-method create
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSourceFactory")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_create")
-  (return-type "ChamplainMapSource*")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "id")
-  )
-(define-method register
-  (of-object "ChamplainMapSourceFactory")
-  (c-name "champlain_map_source_factory_register")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainMapSourceDesc*" "desc")
-    '("ChamplainMapSourceConstructor" "constructor")
-    '("gpointer" "user_data")
-  )
-;; From champlain-network-map-source.h
-(define-function network_map_source_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_network_map_source_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-function network_map_source_new_full
-  (c-name "champlain_network_map_source_new_full")
-  (return-type "ChamplainNetworkMapSource*")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "id")
-    '("const-gchar*" "name")
-    '("const-gchar*" "license")
-    '("const-gchar*" "license_uri")
-    '("guint" "min_zoom")
-    '("guint" "max_zoom")
-    '("guint" "tile_size")
-    '("ChamplainMapProjection" "projection")
-    '("const-gchar*" "uri_format")
-  )
-(define-method get_tile_uri
-  (of-object "ChamplainNetworkMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_network_map_source_get_tile_uri")
-  (return-type "gchar*")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "x")
-    '("gint" "y")
-    '("gint" "z")
-  )
-(define-method set_uri_format
-  (of-object "ChamplainNetworkMapSource")
-  (c-name "champlain_network_map_source_set_uri_format")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "uri_format")
-  )
-(define-function network_map_source_fill_tile
-  (c-name "champlain_network_map_source_fill_tile")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainMapSource*" "map_source")
-    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
-  )
-;; From champlain-marker.h
-(define-function marker_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-function marker_new
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_new")
-  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainMarker")
-  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
-(define-function marker_new_with_text
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_new_with_text")
-  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "text")
-    '("const-gchar*" "font")
-    '("ClutterColor*" "text_color")
-    '("ClutterColor*" "marker_color")
-  )
-(define-function marker_new_with_image
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_new_with_image")
-  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
-  (parameters
-    '("ClutterActor*" "actor")
-  )
-(define-function marker_new_from_file
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_new_from_file")
-  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "filename")
-    '("GError**" "error")
-  )
-(define-function marker_new_full
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_new_full")
-  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "text")
-    '("ClutterActor*" "actor")
-  )
-(define-method set_text
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_text")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "text")
-  )
-(define-method set_image
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_image")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ClutterActor*" "image")
-  )
-(define-method set_use_markup
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_use_markup")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gboolean" "use_markup")
-  )
-(define-method set_alignment
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_alignment")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("PangoAlignment" "alignment")
-  )
-(define-method set_color
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_color")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-ClutterColor*" "color")
-  )
-(define-method set_text_color
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_text_color")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-ClutterColor*" "color")
-  )
-(define-method set_font_name
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_font_name")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "font_name")
-  )
-(define-method set_wrap
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_wrap")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gboolean" "wrap")
-  )
-(define-method set_wrap_mode
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_wrap_mode")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("PangoWrapMode" "wrap_mode")
-  )
-(define-method set_attributes
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_attributes")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("PangoAttrList*" "list")
-  )
-(define-method set_single_line_mode
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_single_line_mode")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gboolean" "mode")
-  )
-(define-method set_ellipsize
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_ellipsize")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("PangoEllipsizeMode" "mode")
-  )
-(define-method set_draw_background
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_draw_background")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gboolean" "background")
-  )
-(define-method get_use_markup
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_use_markup")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-(define-method get_text
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_text")
-  (return-type "const-gchar*")
-(define-method get_image
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_image")
-  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
-(define-method get_alignment
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_alignment")
-  (return-type "PangoAlignment")
-(define-method get_color
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_color")
-  (return-type "ClutterColor*")
-(define-method get_text_color
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_text_color")
-  (return-type "ClutterColor*")
-(define-method get_font_name
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_font_name")
-  (return-type "const-gchar*")
-(define-method get_wrap
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_wrap")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-(define-method get_wrap_mode
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_wrap_mode")
-  (return-type "PangoWrapMode")
-(define-method get_ellipsize
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_ellipsize")
-  (return-type "PangoEllipsizeMode")
-(define-method get_single_line_mode
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_single_line_mode")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-(define-method get_draw_background
-  (of-object "ChamplainMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_get_draw_background")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-(define-function marker_set_highlight_color
-  (c-name "champlain_marker_set_highlight_color")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ClutterColor*" "color")
-  )
-;; From champlain-base-marker.h
-(define-function base_marker_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-function base_marker_new
-  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_new")
-  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainBaseMarker")
-  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
-(define-method set_position
-  (of-object "ChamplainBaseMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_set_position")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gdouble" "longitude")
-    '("gdouble" "latitude")
-  )
-(define-method set_highlighted
-  (of-object "ChamplainBaseMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_set_highlighted")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gboolean" "value")
-  )
-(define-method get_highlighted
-  (of-object "ChamplainBaseMarker")
-  (c-name "champlain_base_marker_get_highlighted")
-  (return-type "gboolean")
-;; From champlain-tile.h
-(define-function tile_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-function tile_new
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_new")
-  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainTile")
-  (return-type "ChamplainTile*")
-(define-function tile_new_full
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_new_full")
-  (return-type "ChamplainTile*")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "x")
-    '("gint" "y")
-    '("guint" "size")
-    '("gint" "zoom_level")
-  )
-(define-method get_x
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_x")
-  (return-type "gint")
-(define-method get_y
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_y")
-  (return-type "gint")
-(define-method get_zoom_level
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_zoom_level")
-  (return-type "gint")
-(define-method get_size
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_size")
-  (return-type "guint")
-(define-method get_state
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_state")
-  (return-type "ChamplainState")
-(define-method get_uri
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_uri")
-  (return-type "const-gchar*")
-(define-method get_filename
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_filename")
-  (return-type "const-gchar*")
-(define-method get_actor
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_actor")
-  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
-(define-method get_content
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_content")
-  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
-(define-method get_modified_time
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_modified_time")
-  (return-type "const-GTimeVal*")
-(define-method get_modified_time_string
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_modified_time_string")
-  (return-type "gchar*")
-(define-method get_etag
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_get_etag")
-  (return-type "const-gchar*")
-(define-method set_x
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_x")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "x")
-  )
-(define-method set_y
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_y")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "y")
-  )
-(define-method set_zoom_level
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_zoom_level")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "zoom_level")
-  )
-(define-method set_size
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_size")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("guint" "size")
-  )
-(define-method set_state
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_state")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainState" "state")
-  )
-(define-method set_uri
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_uri")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "uri")
-  )
-(define-method set_filename
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_filename")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "filename")
-  )
-(define-method set_content
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_content")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ClutterActor*" "actor")
-    '("gboolean" "fade_in")
-  )
-(define-method set_etag
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_etag")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-gchar*" "etag")
-  )
-(define-method set_modified_time
-  (of-object "ChamplainTile")
-  (c-name "champlain_tile_set_modified_time")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("const-GTimeVal*" "time")
-  )
-;; From champlain-zoom-level.h
-(define-function zoom_level_get_type
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_get_type")
-  (return-type "GType")
-(define-function zoom_level_new
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_new")
-  (is-constructor-of "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-  (return-type "ChamplainZoomLevel*")
-(define-method get_width
-  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_get_width")
-  (return-type "guint")
-(define-method get_height
-  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_get_height")
-  (return-type "guint")
-(define-method get_zoom_level
-  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_get_zoom_level")
-  (return-type "gint")
-(define-method get_actor
-  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_get_actor")
-  (return-type "ClutterActor*")
-(define-method set_width
-  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_set_width")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("guint" "width")
-  )
-(define-method set_height
-  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_set_height")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("guint" "height")
-  )
-(define-method set_zoom_level
-  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_set_zoom_level")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("gint" "zoom_level")
-  )
-(define-method add_tile
-  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_add_tile")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
-  )
-(define-method remove_tile
-  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_remove_tile")
-  (return-type "none")
-  (parameters
-    '("ChamplainTile*" "tile")
-  )
-(define-method tile_count
-  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_tile_count")
-  (return-type "guint")
-(define-method get_nth_tile
-  (of-object "ChamplainZoomLevel")
-  (c-name "champlain_zoom_level_get_nth_tile")
-  (return-type "ChamplainTile*")
-  (parameters
-    '("guint" "index")
-  )
+(include "pychamplain-base.defs")
+(include "pychamplain-boxed-types.defs")
diff --git a/bindings/python/update-binding.sh b/bindings/python/update-binding.sh
index ba0accd..2fcdd36 100755
--- a/bindings/python/update-binding.sh
+++ b/bindings/python/update-binding.sh
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ python /usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/h2def.py	\
 	champlain-base-marker.h			\
 	champlain-tile.h			\
 	champlain-zoom-level.h			\
- > ../bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain.defs
+> ../bindings/python/champlain/pychamplain-base.defs
 # Update the list of headers from Makefile.am
 cd ../champlain-gtk

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