[sawfish: 6/6] apps-menu: User can prepend their own apps-menu to the auto generated one. Cleanups, mostly in varia

commit 9555c0d87ff343d803eefe787993cbd3d49e66f2
Author: Teika kazura <teika lavabit com>
Date:   Fri Oct 16 21:05:00 2009 +0900

    apps-menu: User can prepend their own apps-menu to the auto generated one. Cleanups, mostly in variables.
    New variable `user-apps-menu' is created. User can set their own
    version of apps-menu here, and the auto generated apps menu is
    appended to this.
    Function `update-saw-menu' is split into `generate-apps-menu',
    `init-apps-menu', and `update-apps-menu'.
    Variables cleanup. Distinguishes local and global options. Most of
    global options are given better names. Docstring.
    Deleted unnecessary batch-mode check.

 ChangeLog                        |    3 +
 lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl |  657 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 lisp/sawfish/wm/user.jl          |    4 +-
 3 files changed, 346 insertions(+), 318 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index fcb210f..6bea48b 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 2009-10-16  Teika kazura <teika lavabit com>
+	* lisp/sawfish/wm/user.jl
+	* lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl: User can prepend their own apps-menu to the auto generated one. Cleanups, mostly in variables.
 	* man/news.texi: News rewritement.
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl
index 7346043..0f647b5 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-;; (fdo-menu.jl (v1.0.1) sawfish-wm-menu-generation librep)
+;; apps-menu.jl -- generate applications menu from *.desktop files
 ;; (c) 2009 Matthew Love
@@ -21,336 +20,362 @@
 ;;; Description:
-;; Create a sawfish wm menu from .desktop files
-;; in your /usr/share/applications folder.
+;; Generate applications menu from .desktop files in the directory
+;; /usr/share/applications .
+;; "Desktop entry specification", *.desktop files spec, is defined in:
+;; http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/
+;; 'fdo' in some names stands for "freedesktop.org".
 ;;; Code:
 (define-structure sawfish.wm.ext.apps-menu
-    (export update-saw-menu)
+    (export generate-apps-menu
+	    init-apps-menu
+	    update-apps-menu)
     (open rep
-          rep.regexp
+	  rep.regexp
+	  sawfish.wm.menus
   (define-structure-alias apps-menu sawfish.wm.ext.apps-menu)
-  (unless batch-mode
-    (defvar this-line nil)
-    (defvar *fdo-local-menu*)
-    (defvar fdo-name-string "Name[")
-    (make-variable-special 'apps-menu)
-    ;; fdo-desktop-file-parsing
-    (define (desktop-file-p directory-file)
-      (let ((this-file (open-file directory-file 'read)))
-	(string= (read-line this-file) "[Desktop Entry]\n")))
-    (define (desktop-group-p instring)
-      (string= (substring instring 0 1) "["))
-    (define (desktop-skip-line-p instring)
-      (or (not instring)
-	  (string= (substring instring 0 1) "#")
-	  (string= (substring instring 0 1) "\n")))
-    (define (get-key-break instring key)
-      (if instring
-	  (let ((mlength (length instring)))
-	    (do ((mcount 0 (1+ mcount)))
-		((or (string= (substring instring mcount (+ mcount 1)) "\n")
-		     (string= (substring instring mcount (+ mcount 1)) key)
-		     (= mcount (- mlength 2))
-		     (= mcount 398)) mcount)))))
-    (define (get-desktop-key instring)
-      (if (> (length instring) 3)
-	  (let ((break-number (get-key-break instring "=")))
-	    (if (< break-number 20)
-		(substring instring 0 break-number)))))
-    (define (get-desktop-value instring)
-      (if (> (length instring) 3)
-	  (let ((break-number (get-key-break instring "=")))
-	    (if (< break-number 20)
-		(substring instring (+ 1 break-number))))))
-    (define (get-desktop-group instring)
-      (substring instring 1 (- (length instring) 2)))
-    (define (parse-desktop-file-line infile)
-      (if (setq this-line (read-line infile))
-	  (if (not (desktop-skip-line-p this-line))
-	      (cons
-	       (if (desktop-group-p this-line)
-		   (get-desktop-group this-line)
-		 (if (not (desktop-group-p this-line))
-		     (cons (get-desktop-key this-line)
-                           (get-desktop-value this-line))))
-	       (parse-desktop-file-line infile))
-	    (parse-desktop-file-line infile))))
-    (define (parse-desktop-file infile)
-      (let ((d-file (open-file infile 'read)))
-	(parse-desktop-file-line d-file)))
-    ;; generic functions
-    (define (map-desk-files in-desk-files in-directory)
-      (if in-desk-files
-	  (cons (expand-file-name (car in-desk-files) in-directory)
-		(map-desk-files (cdr in-desk-files) in-directory))))
-    (define (map-dir-files directories)
-      (if directories
-	  (if (file-directory-p (car directories))
-	      (let ((desk0 (directory-files (car directories))))
-		(cons (map-desk-files desk0 (car directories))
-		      (map-dir-files (cdr directories))))
-	    (map-dir-files (cdr directories)))))
-    (define (flatten input)
-      (cond ((null input) nil)
-	    ((atom input) (list input))
-	    (t (append (flatten (car input))
-		       (flatten (cdr input))))))
-    (define (trim-end string)
-      (cond
-       ((string= (aref string (- (length string) 3)) 37)
-	(substring string 0 (- (length string) 4)))
-       (string
-	(substring string 0 (- (length string) 1)))))
-    ;; This is wrong.  Read the desktop entry spec to see how it should
-    ;; be done.  It's complicated.
-    (define (find-lang-string)
-      (define (simplify mlang)
-        ;; N.B.: returns nil if mlang is "C" or "POSIX",
-        ;; "fi" if it is "finnish", "sw" if it is "swedish"
-        ;; Swedes can set locale to "sv_SE" or start learning Swahili.
-        (and (string-looking-at "([a-z][a-z])(_..)?" mlang)
-             (expand-last-match "\\0")))
-      (or
-       (let loop ((lang-vars '("LC_ALL" "LC_MESSAGES" "LANG")))
-            (and lang-vars
-                 (let ((mlang (getenv (car lang-vars))))
-                   (if mlang (simplify mlang)
-                     (loop (cdr lang-vars))))))
-       ;; Kluge to keep braindead code from breaking.
-       "xx"))
-    ;; Variables that can be set in .sawfish[/]rc    
-    ;; Docstrings would be nice.
-    (defvar my-lang-string (find-lang-string))
-    (defvar desktop-directory '("/usr/share/applications"))
-    (defvar ignore-no-display '())
-    (defvar want-alphabetize 't)
-    (defvar my-term-string "xterm -e ")
-    (defvar use-fdo-menu 't)
-    ;; The Master Category List
-    (defvar menu-cat-alist
-      '(("Desktop" . ("X-Desktop" "X-DesktopApplets" "X-DesktopCountry"
-                      "DesktopSettings" "GNOME" "KDE"
-                      "X-GNOME-PersonalSettings" "X-Xfce-Toplevel"))
-	("Personal" . ("X-Personal" "X-PersonalUtility" "Calendar"
-                       "ContactManagement"))
-	("Office" . ("Office" "WordProcessor" "Presentation" "X-Document"
-		     "TextEditor" "SpreadSheet" "Calculator" "X-Calculate"
-		     "Chart" "FlowChart" "Finance"))
-	("Internet" . ("Telephony" "Network" "Dialup" "VideoConference"
-		       "RemoteAccess" "News" "HamRadio" "FileTransfer"
-		       "X-Internet" "P2P" "Email" "WebBrowser" "IRCClient"
-                       "Chat" "InstantMessaging" "Chat" "WebDevelopment"))
-	("Games" . ("Game" "ActionGame" "AdventureGame" "ArcadeGame"
-                    "BoardGame" "Emulator" "BlocksGame" "CardGame" "KidsGame"
-                    "LogicGame" "RolePlaying" "Simulation"))
-	("Graphics" . ("RasterGraphics" "VectorGraphics" "X-GraphicUtility"
-		       "2DGraphics" "3dGraphics" "3DGraphics" "Scanning"
-                       "OCR" "Photography" "Viewer" "Publishing" "Art"
-                       "ImageProcessing"))
-	("Media" . ("AudioVideo" "Audio", "Video" "Midi" "Mixer" "Sequencer"
-                    "Tuner" "TV" "AudioVideoEditing" "Player" "Recorder"
-                    "DiscBurning" "Music"))
-	("Science" . ("Science" "Astrology" "ArtificialIntelligence"
-                      "Astronomy" "Biology" "Chemistry" "ComputerScience"
-                      "DataVisualization" "Electricity" "Robotics" "Physics"
-                      "Math" "Education" "Geography"))
-	("Development" . ("GUIDesigner" "IDE" "Profiling" "RevisionControl"
-			  "ProjectManagement" "Translation" "GTK"
-                          "Development" "Qt" "Development" "Documentation"))
-	("Utility" . ("X-SystemMemory" "Security" "Utility" "X-SetupEntry"
-                      "X-SetupUtility" "X-SystemMemory" "TextTools"
-                      "TelephonyTools" "Accessibility" "Clock" "ConsoleOnly"))
-	("Filesystem" . ("X-FileSystemFind" "X-FileSystemUtility" "Archiving"
-                         "FileManager" "X-FileSystemMount" "Compression"))
-	("System" . ("X-SystemSchedule" "System" "X-SystemMemory"
-                     "TerminalEmulator" "Dictionary" "Puppy" "Printing"
-                     "Monitor" "Security"))
-	("Settings" . ("Settings" "HardwareSettings" "PackageManager"))
-	("Exiles" . ("Exile"))))
-    ;; Get the correct Name entry based on language settings
-    ;; This is wrong.  Read the desktop entry spec to see how it should
-    ;; be done.  It's complicated.
-    (define (find-lang-in-desktop-file fdo-list)
-      (or (and my-lang-string
-               (or (assoc (concat fdo-name-string my-lang-string "]")
-                          fdo-list)
-                   (and (> (length my-lang-string) 2)
-                        (assoc (concat fdo-name-string
-                                       (substring my-lang-string 0 2)
-                                       "]")
-                               fdo-list))))
-          (assoc "Name" fdo-list)))
-    ;; Functions for categories
-    (define (fix-sub-cats cat-list loc-list)
-      (if cat-list
-	  (let ((cat-val (car cat-list)))
-	    (if (assoc cat-val loc-list)
-		(cons (cdr (assoc cat-val loc-list))
-		      (fix-sub-cats cat-list (remove (assoc cat-val loc-list)
-                                                     loc-list)))
-	      (fix-sub-cats (cdr cat-list) loc-list)))))
-    ;; Associate values from the Master Category list with sub-categories
-    ;; from file
-    (define (fix-cats cat-list)
-      (if cat-list
-	  (let ((cat-val (car (car cat-list)))
-		(c-list (fix-sub-cats (car cat-list) *fdo-local-menu*)))
-	    (if (car c-list)
-		(cons (cons cat-val c-list) (fix-cats (cdr cat-list)))
-	      (fix-cats (cdr cat-list))))))
-    ;; Convert a Categories key value from ; delineated records to a
-    ;; list
-    (define (build-cat-list line)
-      (if (> (length line) 1)
-	  (let ((this-cat (prin1-to-string (read-from-string line))))
-	    (cons this-cat
-		  (if (< (length this-cat) (length line))
-		      (build-cat-list
-                       (substring line (+ 1 (length this-cat)))))))))
-    ;; Helper for (parse-desk-line)
-    ;; Determine best category to use... :|
-    (define (parse-cat-list cat-list)
-      (if (cdr cat-list)
-	  (let ((this-cat (car cat-list)))
-	    (if (or
-		 (string= this-cat "GNOME")
-		 (string= this-cat "GTK")
-		 (string= this-cat "KDE")
-		 (string= this-cat "Qt")
-		 (string= this-cat "X-XFCE")
-		 (string= this-cat "Application"))
-		(parse-cat-list (cdr cat-list))
-	      this-cat))
-	(car cat-list)))
-    ;; Alphabetize the entries in the category menus
-    (define (alphabetize-entries saw-menu)
-      (if saw-menu
-	  (cons (cons (car (car saw-menu))
-		      (sort (cdr (car saw-menu)) string<))
-		(alphabetize-entries (cdr saw-menu)))))
-    (define (fdo-exile fdo-list)
-      "Exile `fdo-list' -- i.e., mark it as an invalid or garbled
+  ;; User Options
+  ;; Docstrings would be nice.
+  (defvar user-apps-menu '()
+    "Your own `apps-menu' entries. It is followed by auto generated
+applications menu.")
+  (defvar desktop-directory '("/usr/share/applications"))
+  (defvar apps-menu-ignore-no-display nil
+    "Some entries are hidden from the menu, especially GNOME Apps like
+eog, nautilus or evince. If you want to have them added to your menu,
+set this to non-nil.")
+  (defvar apps-menu-alphabetize t
+    "Sort the apps menu alphabetically.")
+  (defvar my-term-string "xterm -e")
+  (defvar apps-menu-autogen t
+    "If non-nil, `apps-menu' is automatically generated from *.desktop files.")
+  (defvar apps-menu-lang nil
+    "Language for applications menu, in string. Default is set from locale.")
+  (define this-line nil)
+  (define local-menu)
+  (define name-string "Name[")
+  ;; fdo-desktop-file-parsing
+  (define (desktop-file-p directory-file)
+    (let ((this-file (open-file directory-file 'read)))
+      (string= (read-line this-file) "[Desktop Entry]\n")))
+  (define (desktop-group-p instring)
+    (string= (substring instring 0 1) "["))
+  (define (desktop-skip-line-p instring)
+    (or (not instring)
+	(string= (substring instring 0 1) "#")
+	(string= (substring instring 0 1) "\n")))
+  (define (get-key-break instring key)
+    (if instring
+	(let ((mlength (length instring)))
+	  (do ((mcount 0 (1+ mcount)))
+	      ((or (string= (substring instring mcount (+ mcount 1)) "\n")
+		   (string= (substring instring mcount (+ mcount 1)) key)
+		   (= mcount (- mlength 2))
+		   (= mcount 398)) mcount)))))
+  (define (get-desktop-key instring)
+    (if (> (length instring) 3)
+	(let ((break-number (get-key-break instring "=")))
+	  (if (< break-number 20)
+	      (substring instring 0 break-number)))))
+  (define (get-desktop-value instring)
+    (if (> (length instring) 3)
+	(let ((break-number (get-key-break instring "=")))
+	  (if (< break-number 20)
+	      (substring instring (+ 1 break-number))))))
+  (define (get-desktop-group instring)
+    (substring instring 1 (- (length instring) 2)))
+  (define (parse-desktop-file-line infile)
+    (if (setq this-line (read-line infile))
+	(if (not (desktop-skip-line-p this-line))
+	    (cons
+	     (if (desktop-group-p this-line)
+		 (get-desktop-group this-line)
+	       (if (not (desktop-group-p this-line))
+		   (cons (get-desktop-key this-line)
+			 (get-desktop-value this-line))))
+	     (parse-desktop-file-line infile))
+	  (parse-desktop-file-line infile))))
+  (define (parse-desktop-file infile)
+    (let ((d-file (open-file infile 'read)))
+      (parse-desktop-file-line d-file)))
+  ;; generic functions
+  (define (map-desk-files in-desk-files in-directory)
+    (if in-desk-files
+	(cons (expand-file-name (car in-desk-files) in-directory)
+	      (map-desk-files (cdr in-desk-files) in-directory))))
+  (define (map-dir-files directories)
+    (if directories
+	(if (file-directory-p (car directories))
+	    (let ((desk0 (directory-files (car directories))))
+	      (cons (map-desk-files desk0 (car directories))
+		    (map-dir-files (cdr directories))))
+	  (map-dir-files (cdr directories)))))
+  (define (flatten input)
+    (cond ((null input) nil)
+	  ((atom input) (list input))
+	  (t (append (flatten (car input))
+		     (flatten (cdr input))))))
+  (define (trim-end string)
+    (cond
+     ((string= (aref string (- (length string) 3)) 37)
+      (substring string 0 (- (length string) 4)))
+     (string
+      (substring string 0 (- (length string) 1)))))
+  ;; This is wrong.  Read the desktop entry spec to see how it should
+  ;; be done.  It's complicated.
+  (define (find-lang-string)
+    (define (simplify mlang)
+      ;; N.B.: returns nil if mlang is "C" or "POSIX",
+      ;; "fi" if it is "finnish", "sw" if it is "swedish"
+      ;; Swedes can set locale to "sv_SE" or start learning Swahili.
+      (and (string-looking-at "([a-z][a-z])(_..)?" mlang)
+	   (expand-last-match "\\0")))
+    (or
+     (let loop ((lang-vars '("LC_ALL" "LC_MESSAGES" "LANG")))
+	  (and lang-vars
+	       (let ((mlang (getenv (car lang-vars))))
+		 (if mlang (simplify mlang)
+		   (loop (cdr lang-vars))))))
+     ;; Kluge to keep braindead code from breaking.
+     "xx"))
+  ;; The Master Category List
+  (defvar menu-cat-alist
+    '(("Desktop" . ("X-Desktop" "X-DesktopApplets" "X-DesktopCountry"
+		    "DesktopSettings" "GNOME" "KDE"
+		    "X-GNOME-PersonalSettings" "X-Xfce-Toplevel"))
+      ("Personal" . ("X-Personal" "X-PersonalUtility" "Calendar"
+		     "ContactManagement"))
+      ("Office" . ("Office" "WordProcessor" "Presentation" "X-Document"
+		   "TextEditor" "SpreadSheet" "Calculator" "X-Calculate"
+		   "Chart" "FlowChart" "Finance"))
+      ("Internet" . ("Telephony" "Network" "Dialup" "VideoConference"
+		     "RemoteAccess" "News" "HamRadio" "FileTransfer"
+		     "X-Internet" "P2P" "Email" "WebBrowser" "IRCClient"
+		     "Chat" "InstantMessaging" "Chat" "WebDevelopment"))
+      ("Games" . ("Game" "ActionGame" "AdventureGame" "ArcadeGame"
+		  "BoardGame" "Emulator" "BlocksGame" "CardGame" "KidsGame"
+		  "LogicGame" "RolePlaying" "Simulation"))
+      ("Graphics" . ("RasterGraphics" "VectorGraphics" "X-GraphicUtility"
+		     "2DGraphics" "3dGraphics" "3DGraphics" "Scanning"
+		     "OCR" "Photography" "Viewer" "Publishing" "Art"
+		     "ImageProcessing"))
+      ("Media" . ("AudioVideo" "Audio", "Video" "Midi" "Mixer" "Sequencer"
+		  "Tuner" "TV" "AudioVideoEditing" "Player" "Recorder"
+		  "DiscBurning" "Music"))
+      ("Science" . ("Science" "Astrology" "ArtificialIntelligence"
+		    "Astronomy" "Biology" "Chemistry" "ComputerScience"
+		    "DataVisualization" "Electricity" "Robotics" "Physics"
+		    "Math" "Education" "Geography"))
+      ("Development" . ("GUIDesigner" "IDE" "Profiling" "RevisionControl"
+			"ProjectManagement" "Translation" "GTK"
+			"Development" "Qt" "Development" "Documentation"))
+      ("Utility" . ("X-SystemMemory" "Security" "Utility" "X-SetupEntry"
+		    "X-SetupUtility" "X-SystemMemory" "TextTools"
+		    "TelephonyTools" "Accessibility" "Clock" "ConsoleOnly"))
+      ("Filesystem" . ("X-FileSystemFind" "X-FileSystemUtility" "Archiving"
+		       "FileManager" "X-FileSystemMount" "Compression"))
+      ("System" . ("X-SystemSchedule" "System" "X-SystemMemory"
+		   "TerminalEmulator" "Dictionary" "Puppy" "Printing"
+		   "Monitor" "Security"))
+      ("Settings" . ("Settings" "HardwareSettings" "PackageManager"))
+      ("Exiles" . ("Exile"))))
+  ;; Get the correct Name entry based on language settings
+  ;; This is wrong.  Read the desktop entry spec to see how it should
+  ;; be done.  It's complicated.
+  (define (find-lang-in-desktop-file fdo-list)
+    (or (and apps-menu-lang
+	     (or (assoc (concat name-string apps-menu-lang "]")
+			fdo-list)
+		 (and (> (length apps-menu-lang) 2)
+		      (assoc (concat name-string
+				     (substring apps-menu-lang 0 2)
+				     "]")
+			     fdo-list))))
+	(assoc "Name" fdo-list)))
+  ;; Functions for categories
+  (define (fix-sub-cats cat-list loc-list)
+    (if cat-list
+	(let ((cat-val (car cat-list)))
+	  (if (assoc cat-val loc-list)
+	      (cons (cdr (assoc cat-val loc-list))
+		    (fix-sub-cats cat-list (remove (assoc cat-val loc-list)
+						   loc-list)))
+	    (fix-sub-cats (cdr cat-list) loc-list)))))
+  ;; Associate values from the Master Category list with sub-categories
+  ;; from file
+  (define (fix-cats cat-list)
+    (if cat-list
+	(let ((cat-val (car (car cat-list)))
+	      (c-list (fix-sub-cats (car cat-list) local-menu)))
+	  (if (car c-list)
+	      (cons (cons cat-val c-list) (fix-cats (cdr cat-list)))
+	    (fix-cats (cdr cat-list))))))
+  ;; Convert a Categories key value from ; delineated records to a
+  ;; list
+  (define (build-cat-list line)
+    (if (> (length line) 1)
+	(let ((this-cat (prin1-to-string (read-from-string line))))
+	  (cons this-cat
+		(if (< (length this-cat) (length line))
+		    (build-cat-list
+		     (substring line (+ 1 (length this-cat)))))))))
+  ;; Helper for (parse-desk-line)
+  ;; Determine best category to use... :|
+  (define (parse-cat-list cat-list)
+    (if (cdr cat-list)
+	(let ((this-cat (car cat-list)))
+	  (if (or
+	       (string= this-cat "GNOME")
+	       (string= this-cat "GTK")
+	       (string= this-cat "KDE")
+	       (string= this-cat "Qt")
+	       (string= this-cat "X-XFCE")
+	       (string= this-cat "Application"))
+	      (parse-cat-list (cdr cat-list))
+	    this-cat))
+      (car cat-list)))
+  ;; Alphabetize the entries in the category menus
+  (define (alphabetize-entries saw-menu)
+    (if saw-menu
+	(cons (cons (car (car saw-menu))
+		    (sort (cdr (car saw-menu)) string<))
+	      (alphabetize-entries (cdr saw-menu)))))
+  (define (fdo-exile fdo-list)
+    "Exile `fdo-list' -- i.e., mark it as an invalid or garbled
 .desktop file."
-      (let ((exile-comment
-             (cons "fdo-Comment" "This .desktop file was exiled, use \
+    (let ((exile-comment
+	   (cons "fdo-Comment" "This .desktop file was exiled, use \
 with caution, file may be corrupt.\n"))
-            (exile-cmd
-             (cons "Exec" "sawfish-client -c 'display-errors'\n")))
-        (setq fdo-list
-              (append fdo-list (list exile-comment)))
-        (if (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list)
-            (rplacd (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list) "true\n")
-          (setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "NoDisplay"
-                                                      "true\n")))))
-        (when (not (assoc "Exec" fdo-list))
-          (setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (list exile-cmd))))
-        (when (and (not (assoc "Name" fdo-list))
-                   (not (assoc (concat fdo-name-string my-lang-string "]")
-                               fdo-list)))
-          (setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "Name"
-                                                      "Unknown\n")))))
-        (if (assoc "Categories" fdo-list)
-            (rplacd (assoc "Categories" fdo-list) "Exile\n")
-          (setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "Categories"
-                                                      "Exile\n")))))
-        fdo-list))
-    (define (fdo-check-exile fdo-list)
-      "If `fdo-list' doesn't have a Categories, Exec, or Name field
+	  (exile-cmd
+	   (cons "Exec" "sawfish-client -c 'display-errors'\n")))
+      (setq fdo-list
+	    (append fdo-list (list exile-comment)))
+      (if (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list)
+	  (rplacd (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list) "true\n")
+	(setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "NoDisplay"
+						    "true\n")))))
+      (when (not (assoc "Exec" fdo-list))
+	(setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (list exile-cmd))))
+      (when (and (not (assoc "Name" fdo-list))
+		 (not (assoc (concat name-string apps-menu-lang "]")
+			     fdo-list)))
+	(setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "Name"
+						    "Unknown\n")))))
+      (if (assoc "Categories" fdo-list)
+	  (rplacd (assoc "Categories" fdo-list) "Exile\n")
+	(setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "Categories"
+						    "Exile\n")))))
+      fdo-list))
+  (define (fdo-check-exile fdo-list)
+    "If `fdo-list' doesn't have a Categories, Exec, or Name field
 exile it."
-      (when fdo-list
-        (if (or (not (assoc "Categories" fdo-list))
-                (not (assoc "Exec" fdo-list))
-                (and (not (assoc "Name" fdo-list))
-                     (not (assoc (concat fdo-name-string
-                                         my-lang-string "]")
-                                 fdo-list))))
-            (fdo-exile fdo-list)
-          fdo-list)))
-    ;; generate a saw-fish menu entry from a .desktop file
-    (define (generate-menu-entry desk-file)
-      "Generate a menu entry to run the program specified in the the
+    (when fdo-list
+      (if (or (not (assoc "Categories" fdo-list))
+	      (not (assoc "Exec" fdo-list))
+	      (and (not (assoc "Name" fdo-list))
+		   (not (assoc (concat name-string
+				       apps-menu-lang "]")
+			       fdo-list))))
+	  (fdo-exile fdo-list)
+	fdo-list)))
+  ;; generate a sawfish menu entry from a .desktop file
+  (define (generate-menu-entry desk-file)
+    "Generate a menu entry to run the program specified in the the
 .desktop file `desk-file'."
-      (if (and (not (file-directory-p desk-file))
-	       (desktop-file-p desk-file))
-	  (let ((fdo-list (fdo-check-exile (parse-desktop-file desk-file))))
-	    (if ignore-no-display
-		(let ((a (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list)))
-                  (if a (rplacd a "false\n")
-                    (setq fdo-list (cons (cons "NoDisplay" "false\n")
-                                         fdo-list)))))
-       	    (if (not (string= (cdr (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list)) "true\n"))
-		(list
-                 (parse-cat-list (build-cat-list
-                                  (trim-end (cdr (assoc "Categories"
-                                                        fdo-list)))))
-                 (trim-end (cdr (find-lang-in-desktop-file fdo-list)))
-                 (if (string= (cdr (assoc "Terminal" fdo-list))
-                              "true\n")
-                     (list 'system
-                           (concat my-term-string
-                                   (trim-end (cdr (assoc "Exec" fdo-list)))
-                                   " &"))
-                   (list 'system
-                         (concat (trim-end (cdr (assoc "Exec" fdo-list)))
-                                 " &"))))))))
-    ;; Update the menu
-    (define (update-saw-menu)
-      (unless (not use-fdo-menu)
-	(setq *fdo-local-menu* nil)
-	(if (< (length my-lang-string) 2)
-	    (setq my-lang-string "xx"))
-	(let ((desk-files (flatten (map-dir-files desktop-directory))))
-	  (mapc (lambda (x)
-		  (setq *fdo-local-menu*
-                        (append *fdo-local-menu*
-                                (list (generate-menu-entry x))))) desk-files)
-	  (if want-alphabetize
-	      (setq apps-menu (alphabetize-entries (fix-cats menu-cat-alist)))
-	    (setq apps-menu (fix-cats menu-cat-alist))))))
-    (define-command 'update-saw-menu update-saw-menu)
-    ))
+    (if (and (not (file-directory-p desk-file))
+	     (desktop-file-p desk-file))
+	(let ((fdo-list (fdo-check-exile (parse-desktop-file desk-file))))
+	  (if apps-menu-ignore-no-display
+	      (let ((a (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list)))
+		(if a (rplacd a "false\n")
+		  (setq fdo-list (cons (cons "NoDisplay" "false\n")
+				       fdo-list)))))
+	  (if (not (string= (cdr (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list)) "true\n"))
+	      (list
+	       (parse-cat-list (build-cat-list
+				(trim-end (cdr (assoc "Categories"
+						      fdo-list)))))
+	       (trim-end (cdr (find-lang-in-desktop-file fdo-list)))
+	       (if (string= (cdr (assoc "Terminal" fdo-list))
+			    "true\n")
+		   (list 'system
+			 (concat my-term-string " "
+				 (trim-end (cdr (assoc "Exec" fdo-list)))
+				 " &"))
+		 (list 'system
+		       (concat (trim-end (cdr (assoc "Exec" fdo-list)))
+			       " &"))))))))
+  (define (generate-apps-menu)
+    "Returns the list of applications menu which can be used for `apps-menu'."
+    (unless apps-menu-lang
+      (setq apps-menu-lang (find-lang-string)))
+    (setq local-menu nil)
+    (if (< (length apps-menu-lang) 2)
+	(setq apps-menu-lang "xx"))
+    (let ((desk-files (flatten (map-dir-files desktop-directory))))
+      (mapc (lambda (x)
+	      (setq local-menu
+		    (append local-menu
+			    (list (generate-menu-entry x))))) desk-files)
+      (if apps-menu-alphabetize
+	  (alphabetize-entries (fix-cats menu-cat-alist))
+	(fix-cats menu-cat-alist))))
+  (define (init-apps-menu)
+    "If `apps-menu' is nil, then call `update-apps-menu'."
+    (unless apps-menu
+      (update-apps-menu)))
+  (define (update-apps-menu)
+    "Set `apps-menu' to `user-apps-menu', and if `apps-menu-autogen' is non-nil,
+append the auto generated one."
+    (if apps-menu-autogen
+	(setq apps-menu
+	      (append user-apps-menu (generate-apps-menu)))
+      (setq apps-menu user-apps-menu)))
+  (define-command 'update-apps-menu update-apps-menu)
+  )
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/user.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/user.jl
index 54f4eb8..f838bc9 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/user.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/user.jl
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@
        (format (stderr-file) "error in local config--> %S\n" error-data))))
   ;; use a default menu if none is given
-  (unless (or batch-mode apps-menu)
-    (update-saw-menu))
+  (unless batch-mode
+    (init-apps-menu))
   ;; apply customized font-colors
   (require 'sawfish.wm.extras)

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