[hamster-applet] rounding area coordinates and dimensions, when doing fillArea in canvas

commit 129f2cd2fde32e14b8dbed19de50fb33cb2d5b85
Author: Toms Bauģis <toms baugis gmail com>
Date:   Mon Nov 16 23:35:42 2009 +0000

    rounding area coordinates and dimensions, when doing fillArea in canvas

 hamster/charting.py      |   15 ++++++++-------
 hamster/edit_activity.py |    7 +++++--
 hamster/stats.py         |    8 +++++---
 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/hamster/charting.py b/hamster/charting.py
index 2b9f8ea..fa61399 100644
--- a/hamster/charting.py
+++ b/hamster/charting.py
@@ -313,27 +313,28 @@ class BarChart(Chart):
             bar_start = 0
             base_color = self.bar_base_color or (220, 220, 220)
-            bar_x = self.graph_x + bar_width * i + gap
+            bar_x = round(self.graph_x + bar_width * i + gap)
             if self.stack_keys:
                 for j, bar in enumerate(self.bars[i]):
                     if bar.size > 0:
-                        bar_size = max_bar_size * bar.size
+                        bar_size = round(max_bar_size * bar.size)
                         bar_start += bar_size
                                       self.graph_height - bar_start,
-                                      bar_width - (gap * 2),
+                                      round(bar_width - (gap * 2)),
-                bar_size = max_bar_size * self.bars[i].size
+                bar_size = round(max_bar_size * self.bars[i].size)
                 bar_start = bar_size
                               self.graph_y + self.graph_height - bar_size,
-                              bar_width - (gap * 2),
-                              bar_size, base_color)
+                              round(bar_width - (gap * 2)),
+                              bar_size,
+                              base_color)
         #fill with white background (necessary for those dragging cases)
         if self.background:
@@ -510,7 +511,7 @@ class HorizontalBarChart(Chart):
                 bar_size = round(max_bar_size * self.bars[i].size)
                 bar_start = bar_size
-                bar_height = bar_width - (gap * 2)
+                bar_height = round(bar_width - (gap * 2))
                 self.draw_bar(self.graph_x, bar_y, bar_size, bar_height,
diff --git a/hamster/edit_activity.py b/hamster/edit_activity.py
index 6ec860b..14383b9 100644
--- a/hamster/edit_activity.py
+++ b/hamster/edit_activity.py
@@ -268,8 +268,11 @@ class Dayline(graphics.Area):
             if self.get_pixel(end_minutes) > 0 and \
                 self.get_pixel(start_minutes) < self.width:
                     context.set_source_rgba(0.86, 0.86, 0.86, 0.5)
-                    context.rectangle(self.get_pixel(start_minutes), graph_y,
-                                      self.get_pixel(end_minutes) - self.get_pixel(start_minutes), graph_height - 1)
+                    context.rectangle(round(self.get_pixel(start_minutes)),
+                                      graph_y,
+                                      round(self.get_pixel(end_minutes) - self.get_pixel(start_minutes)),
+                                      graph_height - 1)
diff --git a/hamster/stats.py b/hamster/stats.py
index 375b081..e70efaf 100644
--- a/hamster/stats.py
+++ b/hamster/stats.py
@@ -286,9 +286,11 @@ class TimeLine(graphics.Area):
                             total_length += fact["delta"]
                         total_length = total_length.seconds / 60 / 60.0 + total_length.days * 24
                         total_length = total_length / float(self.max_hours) * self.height - 16
-                        self.fill_area(ticker_pos * self.x_factor,
-                                       self.height - total_length,
-                                       self.x_factor, total_length,
+                        self.fill_area(round(ticker_pos * self.x_factor),
+                                       round(self.height - total_length),
+                                       round(self.x_factor),
+                                       round(total_length),

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