[libchamplain] (22 commits) ...Merge branch 'libchamplain-0-4'

Summary of changes:

  f13c43d... Also report as loading when validating the cache (*)
  215eda0... Update the POD (*)
  60fb318... Add Champlain to the ignore packages in Glib::CodeGen->writ (*)
  12e27b3... Version change to 0.10 (*)
  dbc11e9... Bindings for Gtk2-Champlain (*)
  8b04f02... Manifest files (*)
  c127dcf... Files to ignore (*)
  8fb16d8... There's no subversion here (*)
  a2c1d6e... Update the changelog for 0.10 (*)
  7fb7164... Update the changelog for 0.01 (*)
  4842480... Cleanup (*)
  9fedf5c... Improve the SYNOPSIS (*)
  d0476ea... Announce the availability of Gtk2::Champlain (*)
  ecbe10a... 0.10 Advertise Gtk2::Champlain. (*)
  a3f0550... Ignore the XS temp files in the top folder (*)
  400449f... Ignore the XS temp files in the top folder (*)
  abccb19... Makefile.am file (*)
  630440c... Ignore the tar.gz dist file (*)
  4d12b1e... Don't include a .gitingore file in the manifest (*)
  e9efc4a... Symbols to ignore when mesuring the XS code coverage (*)
  2e8fe8f... Fix Debian Bug #555082 about linking with gold (*)
  f563af2... Merge branch 'libchamplain-0-4'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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