[hamster-applet] will be using Robert Penner's functions instead of housebrewn wonders

commit 05fdf066c1f23e9cbe6c29124ded65ac9cdedf8e
Author: Toms Bauģis <toms baugis gmail com>
Date:   Sat Nov 14 19:41:44 2009 +0000

    will be using Robert Penner's functions instead of housebrewn wonders

 hamster/pytweener.py |  436 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 436 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/hamster/pytweener.py b/hamster/pytweener.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b5b49a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hamster/pytweener.py
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+# pyTweener
+# Tweening functions for python
+# Heavily based on caurina Tweener: http://code.google.com/p/tweener/
+# Released under M.I.T License - see above url
+# Python version by Ben Harling 2009 
+import math
+class Easing:
+    class Back:
+        @staticmethod
+        def easeIn(t, b, c, d, s = 1.70158):
+            t= t/d
+            return c * (t) * t * ((s+1) * t - s) + b
+        @staticmethod
+        def easeOut (t, b, c, d, s = 1.70158):
+            t = t/d-1
+            return c*((t)*t*((s+1)*t + s) + 1) + b;
+        @staticmethod
+        def easeInOut (t, b, c, d, s = 1.70158):
+            t = t / d*0.5
+            s = s * 1.525
+            if ((t) < 1):
+                return c*0.5*(t*t*(((s)+1)*t - s)) + b
+            t = t - 2
+            return c / 2 * ((t) * t * (((s)+1) * t + s) + 2) + b
+    class Bounce:
+        @staticmethod
+        def easeOut (t, b, c, d):
+            t = t / d
+            if t < 1 / 2.75:
+                return c * (7.5625 * t * t) + b
+            elif t < 2 / 2.75:
+                t = t - 1.5 / 2.75
+                return c * (7.5625 * (t)*t + 0.75) + b
+            elif t < 2.5 / 2.75:
+                t = t - 2.25/2.75
+                return c * (7.5625 * (t)*t + .9375) + b
+            else:
+                t = t - 2.625 / 2.75
+                return c*(7.5625*(t)*t + 0.984375) + b
+        @staticmethod
+        def easeIn (t, b, c, d):
+            return c - Easing.Bounce.easeOut(d-t, 0, c, d) + b
+        @staticmethod
+        def easeInOut (t, b, c, d):
+            if t < d * 0.5:
+                return Easing.Bounce.easeIn (t*2, 0, c, d) * .5 + b
+            else:
+                return Easing.Bounce.easeOut (t*2-d, 0, c, d) * .5 + c*.5 + b
+def OUT_EXPO(t, b, c, d ):
+    return b+c if (t==d) else c * (-2**(-10 * t/d) + 1) + b;
+def LINEAR(t, b, c, d):
+    return c*t/d + b
+def IN_QUAD(t, b, c, d):
+    t/=d
+    return c*(t)*t + b
+def OUT_QUAD(t, b, c, d):
+    t/=d
+    return -c *(t)*(t-2) + b
+def IN_OUT_QUAD(t, b, c, d ):
+    t/=d/2
+    if ((t) < 1): return c/2*t*t + b
+    t-=1
+    return -c/2 * ((t)*(t-2) - 1) + b
+def OUT_IN_QUAD(t, b, c, d ):
+    if (t < d/2): 
+        return self.OUT_QUAD (t*2, b, c/2, d)
+    return self.IN_QUAD((t*2)-d, b+c/2, c/2)
+def IN_CUBIC(t, b, c, d):
+    t/=d
+    return c*(t)*t*t + b
+def OUT_CUBIC(t, b, c, d):
+    t=t/d-1
+    return c*((t)*t*t + 1) + b
+def IN_OUT_CUBIC(t, b, c, d):
+    t/=d/2
+    if ((t) < 1):
+         return c/2*t*t*t + b
+    t-=2
+    return c/2*((t)*t*t + 2) + b
+def OUT_IN_CUBIC(t, b, c, d ):
+    if (t < d/2): return self.OUT_CUBIC (t*2, b, c/2, d)
+    return self.IN_CUBIC((t*2)-d, b+c/2, c/2, d)
+def IN_QUART(t, b, c, d):
+    t/=d
+    return c*(t)*t*t*t + b
+def OUT_QUART(t, b, c, d):
+    t=t/d-1
+    return -c * ((t)*t*t*t - 1) + b
+def IN_OUT_QUART(t, b, c, d):
+    t/=d/2
+    if (t < 1): 
+        return c/2*t*t*t*t + b
+    t-=2
+    return -c/2 * ((t)*t*t*t - 2) + b
+def OUT_ELASTIC(t, b, c, d): # Not working :(
+    if (t==0): 
+        return b
+    t/=d
+    if t==1:
+        return b+c
+    p = period = d*.3
+    a = amplitude = 1.0
+    if a < abs(c):
+        a = c
+        s = p/4
+    else:
+        s = p/(2*math.pi) * math.asin (c/a)
+    return (a*math.pow(2,-10*t) * math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*math.PI)/p ) + c + b)
+class Tweener:
+    def __init__(self, duration = None, tween = None):
+        """Tweener
+        This class manages all active tweens, and provides a factory for
+        creating and spawning tween motions."""
+        self.currentTweens = []
+        self.defaultTweenType = tween or IN_OUT_QUAD
+        self.defaultDuration = duration or 1.0
+    def hasTweens(self):
+        return len(self.currentTweens) > 0
+    def addTween(self, obj, **kwargs):
+        """ addTween( object, **kwargs) -> tweenObject or False
+            Example:
+            tweener.addTween( myRocket, throttle=50, setThrust=400, tweenTime=5.0, tweenType=tweener.OUT_QUAD )
+            You must first specify an object, and at least one property or function with a corresponding
+            change value. The tween will throw an error if you specify an attribute the object does
+            not possess. Also the data types of the change and the initial value of the tweened item
+            must match. If you specify a 'set' -type function, the tweener will attempt to get the
+            starting value by call the corresponding 'get' function on the object. If you specify a 
+            property, the tweener will read the current state as the starting value. You add both 
+            functions and property changes to the same tween.
+            in addition to any properties you specify on the object, these keywords do additional
+            setup of the tween.
+            tweenTime = the duration of the motion
+            tweenType = one of the predefined tweening equations or your own function
+            onCompleteFunction = specify a function to call on completion of the tween
+            onUpdateFunction = specify a function to call every time the tween updates
+            tweenDelay = specify a delay before starting.
+            """
+        if "tweenTime" in kwargs:
+            t_time = kwargs.pop("tweenTime")
+        else: t_time = self.defaultDuration
+        if "tweenType" in kwargs:
+            t_type = kwargs.pop("tweenType")
+        else: t_type = self.defaultTweenType
+        if "onCompleteFunction" in kwargs:
+            t_completeFunc = kwargs.pop("onCompleteFunction")
+        else: t_completeFunc = None
+        if "onUpdateFunction" in kwargs:
+            t_updateFunc = kwargs.pop("onUpdateFunction")
+        else: t_updateFunc = None
+        if "tweenDelay" in kwargs:
+            t_delay = kwargs.pop("tweenDelay")
+        else: t_delay = 0
+        tw = Tween( obj, t_time, t_type, t_completeFunc, t_updateFunc, t_delay, **kwargs )
+        if tw:    
+            self.currentTweens.append( tw )
+        return tw
+    def removeTween( tweenObj ):
+        if self.currentTweens.contains( tweenObj ):
+            tweenObj.complete = True
+            #self.currentTweens.remove( tweenObj )
+    def getTweensAffectingObject( self, obj ):
+        """Get a list of all tweens acting on the specified object
+        Useful for manipulating tweens on the fly"""
+        tweens = []
+        for t in self.currentTweens:
+            if t.target is obj:
+                tweens.append(t)
+        return tweens
+    def removeTweeningFrom( self, obj ):
+        """Stop tweening an object, without completing the motion
+        or firing the completeFunction"""
+        for t in self.currentTweens:
+            if t.target is obj:
+                t.complete = True
+    def update(self, timeSinceLastFrame):
+        for t in self.currentTweens:
+            if not t.complete:
+                t.update( timeSinceLastFrame )
+            else:
+                self.currentTweens.remove(t)
+class Tween(object):
+    def __init__(self, obj, tduration, tweenType, completeFunction, updateFunction, delay, **kwargs):
+        """Tween object:
+            Can be created directly, but much more easily using Tweener.addTween( ... )
+            """
+        #print obj, tduration, kwargs
+        self.duration = tduration
+        self.delay = delay
+        self.target = obj
+        self.tween = tweenType
+        self.tweenables = kwargs
+        self.delta = 0
+        self.completeFunction = completeFunction
+        self.updateFunction = updateFunction
+        self.complete = False
+        self.tProps = []
+        self.tFuncs = []
+        self.paused = self.delay > 0
+        self.decodeArguments()
+    def decodeArguments(self):
+        """Internal setup procedure to create tweenables and work out
+           how to deal with each"""
+        if len(self.tweenables) == 0:
+            # nothing to do 
+            print "TWEEN ERROR: No Tweenable properties or functions defined"
+            self.complete = True
+            return
+        for k, v in self.tweenables.items():
+        # check that its compatible
+            if not hasattr( self.target, k):
+                print "TWEEN ERROR: " + str(self.target) + " has no function " + k
+                self.complete = True
+                break
+            prop = func = False
+            startVal = 0
+            newVal = v
+            try:
+                startVal = self.target.__dict__[k]
+                prop = k
+                propName = k
+            except:
+                func = getattr( self.target, k)
+                funcName = k
+            if func:
+                try:
+                    getFunc = getattr(self.target, funcName.replace("set", "get") )
+                    startVal = getFunc()
+                except:
+                    # no start value, assume its 0
+                    # but make sure the start and change
+                    # dataTypes match :)
+                    startVal = newVal * 0
+                tweenable = Tweenable( startVal, newVal - startVal)    
+                newFunc = [ k, func, tweenable]
+                #setattr(self, funcName, newFunc[2])
+                self.tFuncs.append( newFunc )
+            if prop:
+                tweenable = Tweenable( startVal, newVal - startVal)    
+                newProp = [ k, prop, tweenable]
+                self.tProps.append( newProp )  
+        #print dir(self)
+    def pause( self, numSeconds=-1 ):
+        """Pause this tween
+            do tween.pause( 2 ) to pause for a specific time
+            or tween.pause() which pauses indefinitely."""
+        self.paused = True
+        self.delay = numSeconds
+    def resume( self ):
+        """Resume from pause"""
+        if self.paused:
+            self.paused=False
+    def update(self, ptime):
+        """Update this tween with the time since the last frame
+            if there is an update function, it is always called
+            whether the tween is running or paused"""
+        if self.paused:
+            if self.delay > 0:
+                self.delay = max( 0, self.delay - ptime )
+                if self.delay == 0:
+                    self.paused = False
+                    self.delay = -1
+                if self.updateFunction:
+                    self.updateFunction()
+            return
+        self.delta = min(self.delta + ptime, self.duration)
+        if not self.complete:
+            for propName, prop, tweenable in self.tProps:
+                self.target.__dict__[prop] = self.tween( self.delta, tweenable.startValue, tweenable.change, self.duration )
+            for funcName, func, tweenable in self.tFuncs:
+                func( self.tween( self.delta, tweenable.startValue, tweenable.change, self.duration ) )
+        if self.delta == self.duration:
+            self.complete = True
+            if self.completeFunction:
+                self.completeFunction()
+        if self.updateFunction:
+            self.updateFunction()
+    def getTweenable(self, name):
+        """Return the tweenable values corresponding to the name of the original
+        tweening function or property. 
+        Allows the parameters of tweens to be changed at runtime. The parameters
+        can even be tweened themselves!
+        eg:
+        # the rocket needs to escape!! - we're already moving, but must go faster!
+        twn = tweener.getTweensAffectingObject( myRocket )[0]
+        tweenable = twn.getTweenable( "thrusterPower" )
+        tweener.addTween( tweenable, change=1000.0, tweenTime=0.4, tweenType=tweener.IN_QUAD )
+        """
+        ret = None
+        for n, f, t in self.tFuncs:
+            if n == name:
+                ret = t
+                return ret
+        for n, p, t in self.tProps:
+            if n == name:
+                ret = t
+                return ret
+        return ret
+    def Remove(self):
+        """Disables and removes this tween
+            without calling the complete function"""
+        self.complete = True
+class Tweenable:
+    def __init__(self, start, change):
+        """Tweenable:
+            Holds values for anything that can be tweened
+            these are normally only created by Tweens"""
+        self.startValue = start
+        self.change = change
+class TweenTestObject:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.pos = 20
+        self.rot = 50
+    def update(self):
+        print self.pos, self.rot
+    def setRotation(self, rot):
+        self.rot = rot
+    def getRotation(self):
+        return self.rot
+    def complete(self):
+        print "I'm done tweening now mommy!"
+if __name__=="__main__":
+    import time
+    T = Tweener()
+    tst = TweenTestObject()
+    mt = T.addTween( tst, setRotation=500.0, tweenTime=2.5, tweenType=T.OUT_EXPO, 
+                      pos=-200, tweenDelay=0.4, onCompleteFunction=tst.complete, 
+                      onUpdateFunction=tst.update )
+    s = time.clock()
+    changed = False
+    while T.hasTweens():
+        tm = time.clock()
+        d = tm - s
+        s = tm
+        T.update( d )
+        if mt.delta > 1.0 and not changed:
+            tweenable = mt.getTweenable( "setRotation" )
+            T.addTween( tweenable, change=-1000, tweenTime=0.7 )
+            T.addTween( mt, duration=-0.2, tweenTime=0.2 )
+            changed = True
+        #print mt.duration,
+        print tst.getRotation(), tst.pos
+        time.sleep(0.06)
+    print tst.getRotation(), tst.pos
\ No newline at end of file

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