[dia/dia-0-97] Inconsistent line endings

commit 3ba26d4ba2da552997fdcb7f42e2c3f0734e8d74
Author: Hans Breuer <hans breuer org>
Date:   Sat Nov 7 21:39:03 2009 +0100

    Inconsistent line endings

 bindings/dia.swig                       |  738 +++++++++++++++---------------
 objects/custom_lines/custom_linetypes.c |  546 ++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 642 insertions(+), 642 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bindings/dia.swig b/bindings/dia.swig
index f7a6501..42450f1 100644
--- a/bindings/dia.swig
+++ b/bindings/dia.swig
@@ -1,372 +1,372 @@
-%module dia
-#include "object.h"
-#include "diarenderer.h"
-#include "diagramdata.h"
-#include "filter.h"
-#include "plug-ins.h"
-#include "properties.h"
-// helper functions
-#include "dia-python-extra.h"
-#include "dia-extra.h"
-// the wrapper headers
-#include "dia-properties.h"
-#include "dia-object.h"
-#include "dia-renderer.h"
-#include "dia-diagramdata.h"
-#define G_GNUC_CONST
-#define G_BEGIN_DECLS
-#define G_END_DECLS
-#define G_INLINE_FUNC
-// for SWIG these are the same types
-typedef char gchar;
-%ignore TYPES_H;
-%include "diatypes.h"
-// the renaming needs to be done before SWIG sees the declarations
-%rename(Rectangle) _Rectangle;
-// this should be merged with rectangle somehow
-%rename(IntRectangle) _IntRectangle;
-%rename(Point) _Point;
-%rename(BezPoint) _BezPoint;
-%ignore GEOMETRY_H;
-// and a bunch of other stuff not yet needed
-%ignore point_add;
-%ignore point_sub;
-%ignore point_dot;
-%ignore point_len;
-%ignore point_scale;
-%ignore point_rotate;
-%ignore point_normalize;
-%ignore point_get_perp;
-%ignore point_copy;
-%ignore point_add_scaled;
-%ignore point_convex;
-%ignore point_get_normed;
-%ignore point_copy_add_scaled;
-%ignore point_in_rectangle;
-%ignore rectangle_in_rectangle;
-%ignore rectangle_union;
-%ignore int_rectangle_union;
-%ignore rectangle_intersection;
-%ignore rectangle_intersects;
-%ignore rectangle_add_point;
-%ignore rectangle_equals;
-%ignore closest_to;
-%ignore distance_bez_seg_point;
-%ignore distance_point_point;
-%ignore distance_point_point_manhattan;
-%ignore distance_rectangle_point;
-%ignore distance_line_point;
-%ignore distance_polygon_point;
-%ignore distance_bez_line_point;
-%ignore distance_bez_shape_point;
-%ignore distance_ellipse_point;
-%ignore identity_matrix;
-%ignore mult_matrix;
-%ignore translate_matrix;
-%ignore rotate_matrix;
-%ignore transform_point;
-%ignore scale_matrix;
-%ignore xshear_matrix;
-%ignore yshear_matrix;
-%ignore dot2;
-%ignore line_coef;
-%ignore line_to_point;
-%ignore point_perp;
-%ignore fillet;
-%ignore point_cross;
-%ignore calculate_object_edge;
-%include "geometry.h"
-// again using the original header
-%nodefaultctor;        // Don't create default constructors
-%rename(ImportFilter) _DiaImportFilter;
-%rename(ExportFilter) _DiaExportFilter;
-%rename(CallbackFilter) _DiaCallbackFilter;
-%immutable; // the following are all read-only
-%include "filter.h"
-%clearnodefaultctor;   // Re-enable default constructors
-%rename(Color) _Color;
-// redefinition - the original header 'color.h' is too ugly to parse
-struct _Color
-   float red;
-   float green;
-   float blue;
-#if 0 /* works for vc7.1, but not with vc6 and *not* for const char* ? 
-       * All the partial specialization needs to be avoided with vc6, no compiler support!
-       */
-%include "std_vector.i"
-using namespace std;
-namespace std {
-    %template(vectorString) vector<char*>;
-#  ifdef SWIGPYTHON
-// after hours of trying starting with 'const std::vector<const char*>&' this one seems to work ...
-%typemap (out) std::vector<char*> {
-    int size = $1.size();
-    $result = PyList_New(size);
-    for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
-        PyList_SetItem($result,i,PyString_FromString ($1[i]));
-#  endif
-// hide the internal helper of all our wrapper clsses
-%ignore *::Self;
-%ignore dia::Property;
-%rename(Property) dia::IProperty;
-%include attribute.i
-%attribute(dia::IProperty, char*, type, get_type);
-%attribute(dia::IProperty, char*, name, get_name);
-%nodefaultctor;        // Don't create default constructors
-%include "dia-properties.h"
-%clearnodefaultctor;   // Re-enable default constructors
-// in general we can't handle any of our objects being NULL
-%include "constraints.i"
-%apply Pointer NONNULL { dia::IProperty * };
-%apply Pointer NONNULL { dia::Object * };
-%apply Pointer NONNULL { dia::Layer * };
-%apply Pointer NONNULL { dia::DiagramData * };
-// this is needed to make iteration via __getitem__ work, i.e. not returning None objects.
-// It tells SWIG to check every such pointer return and set/do the appropriate error/return.
-%typemap(ret) dia::Object*, dia::Handle*, dia::ConnectionPoint*, dia::Layer* {
-  if ($1 == NULL) {
-    PyErr_SetString (PyExc_IndexError, "not in list");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-%typemap(ret) dia::IProperty*, dia::ObjectType* {
-  if ($1 == NULL) {
-    PyErr_SetString (PyExc_KeyError, "none such");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-%extend dia::IProperty {
-   %immutable; 
-   PyObject* value;
-   %mutable;
-%inline %{
-PyObject* dia_IProperty_value_get (dia::IProperty* self) {
-     int vi;
-     if (self->get (&vi)) return PyInt_FromLong(vi);
-     double vd;
-     if (self->get (&vd)) return PyFloat_FromDouble(vd);
-     const char* vcs;
-     if (self->get (&vcs)) return PyString_FromString(vcs);
-     char* vs; // not sure if this duplication const char* vs. char* is really needed
-     if (self->get (&vs)) return PyString_FromString(vs);
-     ::_Point vp;
-     if (self->get (&vp)) return SWIG_NewPointerObj(&vp, SWIGTYPE_p__Point, 0);
-     ::_Rectangle vr;
-     if (self->get (&vr)) return SWIG_NewPointerObj(&vr, SWIGTYPE_p__Rectangle, 0);
-     ::_Color vc;
-     if (self->get (&vc)) return SWIG_NewPointerObj(&vc, SWIGTYPE_p__Color, 0);
-     const std::vector<dia::IProperty*>* vecProp;
-     if (self->get (&vecProp)) {
-       const size_t n = vecProp->size();
-       PyObject* ret = PyTuple_New(n);
-       for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-         PyTuple_SetItem(ret, i, SWIG_NewPointerObj((*vecProp)[i], SWIGTYPE_p_dia__IProperty, 0));
-       return ret;
-     }
-     // generic fallback - not of much use if one is interested in value
-     return SWIG_NewPointerObj(self, SWIGTYPE_p_dia__IProperty, 0);
-// must do this 'by hand' cause all the std::map stuff doesn't work with msvc6
-%extend dia::Properties {
-  dia::IProperty* __getitem__(const char* s) { return self->getitem(s); }
-  void __setitem__(const char* s, int v) { self->setitem(s, v); }
-  void __setitem__(const char* s, double v) { self->setitem(s, v); }
-  void __setitem__(const char* s, const char* v) { self->setitem(s, v); }
-  void __setitem__(const char* s, PyObject* v) {
-    std::vector<double> vecDouble;
-    std::vector<dia::IProperty*> vecProp;
-    if (DiaPythonExtra_ToVector (v, vecDouble))
-	self->setitem (s, vecDouble);
-    else if (DiaPythonExtra_ToVector (v, vecProp))
-	self->setitem (s, vecProp);
-    else {
-        PyObject* vs = PyObject_Str (v);
-        printf ("NOT assigning '%s' = %s\n", s, PyString_AsString (vs));
-    }
-  }
-%nodefaultctor;        // Don't create default constructors
-%include "dia-connections.h"
-%clearnodefaultctor;   // Re-enable default constructors
-// again by hand: provide a Python compatible sequence interface
-%extend dia::Connections {
-  int __len__ () { return self->len(); }
-  dia::ConnectionPoint* __getitem__ (int n) { return self->getitem(n); }
-%extend dia::Handles {
-  int __len__ () { return self->len(); }
-  dia::Handle* __getitem__ (int n) { return self->getitem(n); }
-%attribute(dia::Handle, dia::ConnectionPoint*, connected_to, get_connected_to);
-%attribute(dia::ConnectionPoint, dia::Object*, object, get_object);
-%extend dia::Objects {
-  int __len__ () { return self->len(); }
-  dia::Object* __getitem__ (int n) { return self->getitem(n); }
-%nodefaultctor;        // Don't create default constructors
-%ignore dia::Object::bbox;
-%include "dia-object.h"
-%clearnodefaultctor;   // Re-enable default constructors
-// there may be a target language independent way to do this but not w/o understanding typemaps ;)
-%extend dia::ObjectType {
-  // not only creates the object but also two handles to be returned
-  PyObject* create (double x, double y) {
-    PyObject* ret = PyTuple_New(3);
-    dia::Handle *h1, *h2;
-    dia::Object *o = self->create (x,y, &h1, &h2);
-    PyTuple_SetItem(ret,0,SWIG_NewPointerObj(o, SWIGTYPE_p_dia__Object, 0));
-    PyTuple_SetItem(ret,1,SWIG_NewPointerObj(h1, SWIGTYPE_p_dia__Handle, 0));
-    PyTuple_SetItem(ret,2,SWIG_NewPointerObj(h2, SWIGTYPE_p_dia__Handle, 0));
-    return ret;
-  }
-%include attribute.i
-%attribute(dia::Object, _Rectangle, bounding_box, bbox);
-%extend dia::Object {
-  // convenience/compatibility taking the position as tuple
-  PyObject* move_handle (dia::Handle* h, PyObject* pos, int reason, int modifiers)
-  {
-    double x = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem (pos, 0));
-    double y = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem (pos, 1));
-    self->move_handle (h, x, y, (HandleMoveReason)reason, (ModifierKeys)modifiers);
-    Py_INCREF(Py_None);
-    return Py_None;
-  }
-%nodefaultctor;        // Don't create default constructors
-%include "dia-diagramdata.h"
-%clearnodefaultctor;   // Re-enable default constructors
-#if 0 // again no partial templates with msvc6
-%include "std_vector.i"
-%template(Layers) std::vector<const dia::Layer*>;
-%extend dia::Layers {
-  int __len__ () { return self->len(); }
-  dia::Layer* __getitem__ (int n) { return self->getitem(n); }
-%nodefaultctor;        // Don't create default constructors
-%include "dia-renderer.h"
-%clearnodefaultctor;   // Re-enable default constructors
-// afaik SWIG does not support cross language callbacks; so let's build one
-// NOTE: although renamed above we need to use the old name here
-%extend _DiaExportFilter {
-  // don't use 'export' as this produces nothing w/o warning
+%module dia
+#include "object.h"
+#include "diarenderer.h"
+#include "diagramdata.h"
+#include "filter.h"
+#include "plug-ins.h"
+#include "properties.h"
+// helper functions
+#include "dia-python-extra.h"
+#include "dia-extra.h"
+// the wrapper headers
+#include "dia-properties.h"
+#include "dia-object.h"
+#include "dia-renderer.h"
+#include "dia-diagramdata.h"
+#define G_GNUC_CONST
+#define G_BEGIN_DECLS
+#define G_END_DECLS
+#define G_INLINE_FUNC
+// for SWIG these are the same types
+typedef char gchar;
+%ignore TYPES_H;
+%include "diatypes.h"
+// the renaming needs to be done before SWIG sees the declarations
+%rename(Rectangle) _Rectangle;
+// this should be merged with rectangle somehow
+%rename(IntRectangle) _IntRectangle;
+%rename(Point) _Point;
+%rename(BezPoint) _BezPoint;
+%ignore GEOMETRY_H;
+// and a bunch of other stuff not yet needed
+%ignore point_add;
+%ignore point_sub;
+%ignore point_dot;
+%ignore point_len;
+%ignore point_scale;
+%ignore point_rotate;
+%ignore point_normalize;
+%ignore point_get_perp;
+%ignore point_copy;
+%ignore point_add_scaled;
+%ignore point_convex;
+%ignore point_get_normed;
+%ignore point_copy_add_scaled;
+%ignore point_in_rectangle;
+%ignore rectangle_in_rectangle;
+%ignore rectangle_union;
+%ignore int_rectangle_union;
+%ignore rectangle_intersection;
+%ignore rectangle_intersects;
+%ignore rectangle_add_point;
+%ignore rectangle_equals;
+%ignore closest_to;
+%ignore distance_bez_seg_point;
+%ignore distance_point_point;
+%ignore distance_point_point_manhattan;
+%ignore distance_rectangle_point;
+%ignore distance_line_point;
+%ignore distance_polygon_point;
+%ignore distance_bez_line_point;
+%ignore distance_bez_shape_point;
+%ignore distance_ellipse_point;
+%ignore identity_matrix;
+%ignore mult_matrix;
+%ignore translate_matrix;
+%ignore rotate_matrix;
+%ignore transform_point;
+%ignore scale_matrix;
+%ignore xshear_matrix;
+%ignore yshear_matrix;
+%ignore dot2;
+%ignore line_coef;
+%ignore line_to_point;
+%ignore point_perp;
+%ignore fillet;
+%ignore point_cross;
+%ignore calculate_object_edge;
+%include "geometry.h"
+// again using the original header
+%nodefaultctor;        // Don't create default constructors
+%rename(ImportFilter) _DiaImportFilter;
+%rename(ExportFilter) _DiaExportFilter;
+%rename(CallbackFilter) _DiaCallbackFilter;
+%immutable; // the following are all read-only
+%include "filter.h"
+%clearnodefaultctor;   // Re-enable default constructors
+%rename(Color) _Color;
+// redefinition - the original header 'color.h' is too ugly to parse
+struct _Color
+   float red;
+   float green;
+   float blue;
+#if 0 /* works for vc7.1, but not with vc6 and *not* for const char* ? 
+       * All the partial specialization needs to be avoided with vc6, no compiler support!
+       */
+%include "std_vector.i"
+using namespace std;
+namespace std {
+    %template(vectorString) vector<char*>;
+#  ifdef SWIGPYTHON
+// after hours of trying starting with 'const std::vector<const char*>&' this one seems to work ...
+%typemap (out) std::vector<char*> {
+    int size = $1.size();
+    $result = PyList_New(size);
+    for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
+        PyList_SetItem($result,i,PyString_FromString ($1[i]));
+#  endif
+// hide the internal helper of all our wrapper clsses
+%ignore *::Self;
+%ignore dia::Property;
+%rename(Property) dia::IProperty;
+%include attribute.i
+%attribute(dia::IProperty, char*, type, get_type);
+%attribute(dia::IProperty, char*, name, get_name);
+%nodefaultctor;        // Don't create default constructors
+%include "dia-properties.h"
+%clearnodefaultctor;   // Re-enable default constructors
+// in general we can't handle any of our objects being NULL
+%include "constraints.i"
+%apply Pointer NONNULL { dia::IProperty * };
+%apply Pointer NONNULL { dia::Object * };
+%apply Pointer NONNULL { dia::Layer * };
+%apply Pointer NONNULL { dia::DiagramData * };
+// this is needed to make iteration via __getitem__ work, i.e. not returning None objects.
+// It tells SWIG to check every such pointer return and set/do the appropriate error/return.
+%typemap(ret) dia::Object*, dia::Handle*, dia::ConnectionPoint*, dia::Layer* {
+  if ($1 == NULL) {
+    PyErr_SetString (PyExc_IndexError, "not in list");
+    return NULL;
+  }
+%typemap(ret) dia::IProperty*, dia::ObjectType* {
+  if ($1 == NULL) {
+    PyErr_SetString (PyExc_KeyError, "none such");
+    return NULL;
+  }
+%extend dia::IProperty {
+   %immutable; 
+   PyObject* value;
+   %mutable;
+%inline %{
+PyObject* dia_IProperty_value_get (dia::IProperty* self) {
+     int vi;
+     if (self->get (&vi)) return PyInt_FromLong(vi);
+     double vd;
+     if (self->get (&vd)) return PyFloat_FromDouble(vd);
+     const char* vcs;
+     if (self->get (&vcs)) return PyString_FromString(vcs);
+     char* vs; // not sure if this duplication const char* vs. char* is really needed
+     if (self->get (&vs)) return PyString_FromString(vs);
+     ::_Point vp;
+     if (self->get (&vp)) return SWIG_NewPointerObj(&vp, SWIGTYPE_p__Point, 0);
+     ::_Rectangle vr;
+     if (self->get (&vr)) return SWIG_NewPointerObj(&vr, SWIGTYPE_p__Rectangle, 0);
+     ::_Color vc;
+     if (self->get (&vc)) return SWIG_NewPointerObj(&vc, SWIGTYPE_p__Color, 0);
+     const std::vector<dia::IProperty*>* vecProp;
+     if (self->get (&vecProp)) {
+       const size_t n = vecProp->size();
+       PyObject* ret = PyTuple_New(n);
+       for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+         PyTuple_SetItem(ret, i, SWIG_NewPointerObj((*vecProp)[i], SWIGTYPE_p_dia__IProperty, 0));
+       return ret;
+     }
+     // generic fallback - not of much use if one is interested in value
+     return SWIG_NewPointerObj(self, SWIGTYPE_p_dia__IProperty, 0);
+// must do this 'by hand' cause all the std::map stuff doesn't work with msvc6
+%extend dia::Properties {
+  dia::IProperty* __getitem__(const char* s) { return self->getitem(s); }
+  void __setitem__(const char* s, int v) { self->setitem(s, v); }
+  void __setitem__(const char* s, double v) { self->setitem(s, v); }
+  void __setitem__(const char* s, const char* v) { self->setitem(s, v); }
+  void __setitem__(const char* s, PyObject* v) {
+    std::vector<double> vecDouble;
+    std::vector<dia::IProperty*> vecProp;
+    if (DiaPythonExtra_ToVector (v, vecDouble))
+	self->setitem (s, vecDouble);
+    else if (DiaPythonExtra_ToVector (v, vecProp))
+	self->setitem (s, vecProp);
+    else {
+        PyObject* vs = PyObject_Str (v);
+        printf ("NOT assigning '%s' = %s\n", s, PyString_AsString (vs));
+    }
+  }
+%nodefaultctor;        // Don't create default constructors
+%include "dia-connections.h"
+%clearnodefaultctor;   // Re-enable default constructors
+// again by hand: provide a Python compatible sequence interface
+%extend dia::Connections {
+  int __len__ () { return self->len(); }
+  dia::ConnectionPoint* __getitem__ (int n) { return self->getitem(n); }
+%extend dia::Handles {
+  int __len__ () { return self->len(); }
+  dia::Handle* __getitem__ (int n) { return self->getitem(n); }
+%attribute(dia::Handle, dia::ConnectionPoint*, connected_to, get_connected_to);
+%attribute(dia::ConnectionPoint, dia::Object*, object, get_object);
+%extend dia::Objects {
+  int __len__ () { return self->len(); }
+  dia::Object* __getitem__ (int n) { return self->getitem(n); }
+%nodefaultctor;        // Don't create default constructors
+%ignore dia::Object::bbox;
+%include "dia-object.h"
+%clearnodefaultctor;   // Re-enable default constructors
+// there may be a target language independent way to do this but not w/o understanding typemaps ;)
+%extend dia::ObjectType {
+  // not only creates the object but also two handles to be returned
+  PyObject* create (double x, double y) {
+    PyObject* ret = PyTuple_New(3);
+    dia::Handle *h1, *h2;
+    dia::Object *o = self->create (x,y, &h1, &h2);
+    PyTuple_SetItem(ret,0,SWIG_NewPointerObj(o, SWIGTYPE_p_dia__Object, 0));
+    PyTuple_SetItem(ret,1,SWIG_NewPointerObj(h1, SWIGTYPE_p_dia__Handle, 0));
+    PyTuple_SetItem(ret,2,SWIG_NewPointerObj(h2, SWIGTYPE_p_dia__Handle, 0));
+    return ret;
+  }
+%include attribute.i
+%attribute(dia::Object, _Rectangle, bounding_box, bbox);
+%extend dia::Object {
+  // convenience/compatibility taking the position as tuple
+  PyObject* move_handle (dia::Handle* h, PyObject* pos, int reason, int modifiers)
+  {
+    double x = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem (pos, 0));
+    double y = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem (pos, 1));
+    self->move_handle (h, x, y, (HandleMoveReason)reason, (ModifierKeys)modifiers);
+    Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+    return Py_None;
+  }
+%nodefaultctor;        // Don't create default constructors
+%include "dia-diagramdata.h"
+%clearnodefaultctor;   // Re-enable default constructors
+#if 0 // again no partial templates with msvc6
+%include "std_vector.i"
+%template(Layers) std::vector<const dia::Layer*>;
+%extend dia::Layers {
+  int __len__ () { return self->len(); }
+  dia::Layer* __getitem__ (int n) { return self->getitem(n); }
+%nodefaultctor;        // Don't create default constructors
+%include "dia-renderer.h"
+%clearnodefaultctor;   // Re-enable default constructors
+// afaik SWIG does not support cross language callbacks; so let's build one
+// NOTE: although renamed above we need to use the old name here
+%extend _DiaExportFilter {
+  // don't use 'export' as this produces nothing w/o warning
   void do_export (dia::DiagramData *dia, const gchar *filename) {
-    if (dia)
+    if (dia)
       self->export_func (dia->Self(), filename, filename, self->user_data);
-      g_warning ( "%s no data", G_STRFUNC);
-  }
-%include "dia-extra.h"
-%ignore _ot_item;
-%inline %{
-// compatibility functions, just to leave the original plug-ins unchanged
-void register_import (const char* name, const char* ext, PyObject* user)
-    printf ("dia.register_import ('%s', '%s', ...) faked.\n", name, ext);
-void register_callback (const char* desc, const char* menu, PyObject* user)
-    printf ("dia.register_import ('%s', '%s', ...) faked.\n", desc, menu);
-void register_action (const char* desc, const char* action, const char* menu, PyObject* user)
-    printf ("dia.register_action ('%s', <%s>'%s', ...) faked.\n", desc, action, menu);
-//! callback to be applied on every object in the map
-static void
-_ot_item (gpointer key,
-          gpointer value,
-          gpointer user_data)
-    gchar *name = (gchar *)key;
-    DiaObjectType *type = (DiaObjectType *)value;
-    PyObject *dict = (PyObject *)user_data;
-    PyObject *k, *v;
-    k = PyString_FromString(name);
-    v = SWIG_NewPointerObj(type, SWIGTYPE_p_dia__ObjectType, 0);
-    if (k && v)
-        PyDict_SetItem(dict, k, v);
-    Py_XDECREF(k);
-    Py_XDECREF(v);
-PyObject* registered_types () 
-    PyObject *dict = PyDict_New();
-    object_registry_foreach(_ot_item, dict);
-    return dict;
-// as long as we are not dependending on app/* - which we dont want! - we need to 
-// fake Display to some extent to make old pydia plug-ins work
-%pythoncode %{
-class Display :
-    def add_update_all (self) :
-        pass
-class Diagram :
-    def __init__ (self) :
-        self.data = DiagramData ()
-    def display (self) :
-	return Display ()
-    def update_extents (self) :
-        self.data.update_extents ()
-    def flush (self) :
-        pass
-def new (s) :
-    return Diagram()
-def active_display () :
-    return None
+      g_warning ( "%s no data", G_STRFUNC);
+  }
+%include "dia-extra.h"
+%ignore _ot_item;
+%inline %{
+// compatibility functions, just to leave the original plug-ins unchanged
+void register_import (const char* name, const char* ext, PyObject* user)
+    printf ("dia.register_import ('%s', '%s', ...) faked.\n", name, ext);
+void register_callback (const char* desc, const char* menu, PyObject* user)
+    printf ("dia.register_import ('%s', '%s', ...) faked.\n", desc, menu);
+void register_action (const char* desc, const char* action, const char* menu, PyObject* user)
+    printf ("dia.register_action ('%s', <%s>'%s', ...) faked.\n", desc, action, menu);
+//! callback to be applied on every object in the map
+static void
+_ot_item (gpointer key,
+          gpointer value,
+          gpointer user_data)
+    gchar *name = (gchar *)key;
+    DiaObjectType *type = (DiaObjectType *)value;
+    PyObject *dict = (PyObject *)user_data;
+    PyObject *k, *v;
+    k = PyString_FromString(name);
+    v = SWIG_NewPointerObj(type, SWIGTYPE_p_dia__ObjectType, 0);
+    if (k && v)
+        PyDict_SetItem(dict, k, v);
+    Py_XDECREF(k);
+    Py_XDECREF(v);
+PyObject* registered_types () 
+    PyObject *dict = PyDict_New();
+    object_registry_foreach(_ot_item, dict);
+    return dict;
+// as long as we are not dependending on app/* - which we dont want! - we need to 
+// fake Display to some extent to make old pydia plug-ins work
+%pythoncode %{
+class Display :
+    def add_update_all (self) :
+        pass
+class Diagram :
+    def __init__ (self) :
+        self.data = DiagramData ()
+    def display (self) :
+	return Display ()
+    def update_extents (self) :
+        self.data.update_extents ()
+    def flush (self) :
+        pass
+def new (s) :
+    return Diagram()
+def active_display () :
+    return None
diff --git a/objects/custom_lines/custom_linetypes.c b/objects/custom_lines/custom_linetypes.c
index 39dda04..68b6758 100644
--- a/objects/custom_lines/custom_linetypes.c
+++ b/objects/custom_lines/custom_linetypes.c
@@ -1,273 +1,273 @@
-/* Dia -- an diagram creation/manipulation program
- * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Alexander Larsson
- *
- * Custom Lines -- line shapes defined in XML rather than C.
- * Based on the original Custom Objects plugin.
- * Copyright (C) 1999 James Henstridge.
- *
- * Adapted for Custom Lines plugin by Marcel Toele.
- * Modifications (C) 2007 Kern Automatiseringsdiensten BV.
- *
- * Rewrite to use only public API (C) 2008 Hans Breuer
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <gmodule.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include "object.h"
-#include "line_info.h"
-#include "custom_linetypes.h"
-#include "properties.h"
-#include "propinternals.h"
-#include "pixmaps/default.xpm"
-static void customline_apply_properties( DiaObject* line, LineInfo* info );
-static DiaObject* customline_create(Point *startpoint,
-                                    void *user_data,
-                                    Handle **handle1,
-                                    Handle **handle2);
-static DiaObject *custom_zigzagline_load (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename);
-static DiaObject *custom_polyline_load   (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename);
-static DiaObject *custom_bezierline_load (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename);
-static void customline_save (DiaObject *object, ObjectNode obj_node, const char *filename);
-static ObjectTypeOps 
-custom_zigzagline_type_ops = {
-  (CreateFunc)customline_create,   /* create */
-  (LoadFunc)  custom_zigzagline_load,     /* load */
-  (SaveFunc)  customline_save,     /* save */
-  (GetDefaultsFunc)   NULL /* get_defaults*/,
-  (ApplyDefaultsFunc) NULL /* apply_defaults*/
-static ObjectTypeOps 
-custom_polyline_type_ops = {
-  (CreateFunc)customline_create,   /* create */
-  (LoadFunc)  custom_polyline_load,     /* load */
-  (SaveFunc)  customline_save,     /* save */
-  (GetDefaultsFunc)   NULL /* get_defaults*/,
-  (ApplyDefaultsFunc) NULL /* apply_defaults*/
-static ObjectTypeOps 
-custom_bezierline_type_ops = {
-  (CreateFunc)customline_create,   /* create */
-  (LoadFunc)  custom_bezierline_load, /* load */
-  (SaveFunc)  customline_save,     /* save */
-  (GetDefaultsFunc)   NULL /* get_defaults*/,
-  (ApplyDefaultsFunc) NULL /* apply_defaults*/
-/* our delegates types, intialized on demand */
-static DiaObjectType *polyline_ot = NULL;
-static DiaObjectType *bezier_ot = NULL;
-static DiaObjectType *zigzag_ot = NULL;
-static gboolean
-ensure_standard_types (void)
-  if (!zigzag_ot)
-    zigzag_ot = object_get_type ("Standard - ZigZagLine");
-  if (!polyline_ot)
-    polyline_ot = object_get_type ("Standard - PolyLine");
-  if (!bezier_ot)
-    bezier_ot = object_get_type ("Standard - BezierLine");
-  return (polyline_ot && bezier_ot && zigzag_ot);
-static DiaObject *
-custom_zigzagline_load (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename)
-  ensure_standard_types ();
-  if (!zigzag_ot) {
-    g_warning ("Can't delegate to 'Standard - ZigZagLine'");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return zigzag_ot->ops->load (obj_node, version, filename);
-static DiaObject *
-custom_polyline_load (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename)
-  ensure_standard_types ();
-  if (!polyline_ot) {
-    g_warning ("Can't delegate to 'Standard - PolyLine'");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return polyline_ot->ops->load (obj_node, version, filename);
-static DiaObject *
-custom_bezierline_load (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename)
-  ensure_standard_types ();
-  if (!bezier_ot) {
-    g_warning ("Can't delegate to 'Standard - BezierLine'");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return bezier_ot->ops->load (obj_node, version, filename);
-static void 
-customline_save (DiaObject *object, ObjectNode obj_node, const char *filename)
-  g_assert (object->type &&  object->type->ops && object->type->ops->save);
-  if (!ensure_standard_types()) {
-    g_warning ("Can't create standard types");
-    return;
-  }
-  if (object->type->ops == &custom_zigzagline_type_ops)
-    zigzag_ot->ops->save (object, obj_node, filename);
-  else if (object->type->ops == &custom_polyline_type_ops)
-    polyline_ot->ops->save (object, obj_node, filename);
-  else if (object->type->ops == &custom_bezierline_type_ops)
-    bezier_ot->ops->save (object, obj_node, filename);
-  else 
-    g_warning ("customline_save() no delegate");
-/* the order here must match the one in customline_apply_properties */
-static PropDescription
-_customline_prop_descs[] = {
-  { "line_colour", PROP_TYPE_COLOUR },
-  { "line_style", PROP_TYPE_LINESTYLE },
-  { "corner_radius", PROP_TYPE_REAL },
-  { "start_arrow", PROP_TYPE_ARROW },
-  { "end_arrow", PROP_TYPE_ARROW },
-customline_apply_properties( DiaObject* line, LineInfo* info )
-  GPtrArray *props;
-  LinestyleProperty *lsprop;
-  ColorProperty     *cprop;
-  RealProperty      *rprop;
-  ArrowProperty     *aprop;
-  props = prop_list_from_descs( _customline_prop_descs, pdtpp_true );
-  g_assert( props->len == 6 );
-  /* order/index/type must match _customline_prop_descs */
-  cprop = g_ptr_array_index( props, 0 );
-  cprop->color_data = info->line_color;
-  lsprop = g_ptr_array_index( props, 1 );
-  lsprop->style = info->line_style;
-  lsprop->dash = info->dashlength;
-  rprop = g_ptr_array_index( props, 2 );
-  rprop->real_data = info->line_width;
-  rprop = g_ptr_array_index( props, 3 );
-  rprop->real_data = info->corner_radius;
-  aprop = g_ptr_array_index( props, 4 );
-  aprop->arrow_data = info->start_arrow;
-  aprop = g_ptr_array_index( props, 5 );
-  aprop->arrow_data = info->end_arrow;
-  line->ops->set_props( line, props );
-  prop_list_free(props);
-DiaObject *
-customline_create(Point *startpoint,
-                  void *user_data,
-                  Handle **handle1,
-                  Handle **handle2)
-  DiaObject* res = NULL;
-  LineInfo* line_info = (LineInfo*)user_data;
-  if (!ensure_standard_types()) {
-    g_warning ("Can't create standar types.");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (line_info->type == CUSTOM_LINETYPE_ZIGZAGLINE)
-    res = zigzag_ot->ops->create( startpoint, user_data, handle1, handle2 );
-  else if (line_info->type == CUSTOM_LINETYPE_POLYLINE)
-    res = polyline_ot->ops->create( startpoint, NULL, handle1, handle2 );
-  else if (line_info->type == CUSTOM_LINETYPE_BEZIERLINE)
-    res = bezier_ot->ops->create( startpoint, NULL, handle1, handle2 );
-  else 
-    g_warning(_("INTERNAL: CustomLines: Illegal line type in LineInfo object."));
-  if (res) {
-    customline_apply_properties (res, line_info);
-    res->type = line_info->object_type;
-  }
-  return( res );
-custom_linetype_new(LineInfo *info, DiaObjectType **otype)
-  DiaObjectType *obj = g_new0(DiaObjectType, 1);
-  obj->version = 1;
-  obj->pixmap = default_xpm;
-  if (info->type == CUSTOM_LINETYPE_ZIGZAGLINE)
-    obj->ops = &custom_zigzagline_type_ops;
-  else if (info->type == CUSTOM_LINETYPE_POLYLINE)
-    obj->ops = &custom_polyline_type_ops;
-  else if (info->type == CUSTOM_LINETYPE_BEZIERLINE)
-    obj->ops = &custom_bezierline_type_ops;
-  else
-    g_warning(_("INTERNAL: CustomLines: Illegal line type in LineInfo object %s."),
-              obj->name);
-  obj->name = info->name;
-  obj->default_user_data = info;
-  if (info->icon_filename) {
-    struct stat buf;
-    if (0==stat(info->icon_filename,&buf)) {
-      obj->pixmap = NULL;
-      obj->pixmap_file = info->icon_filename;
-    } else {
-      g_warning(_("Cannot open icon file %s for object type '%s'."),
-                info->icon_filename, obj->name);
-    }
-  }
-  info->object_type = obj; /* <-- Reciproce type linking */
-  obj->default_user_data = (void*)info;
-  *otype = obj;
+/* Dia -- an diagram creation/manipulation program
+ * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Alexander Larsson
+ *
+ * Custom Lines -- line shapes defined in XML rather than C.
+ * Based on the original Custom Objects plugin.
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 James Henstridge.
+ *
+ * Adapted for Custom Lines plugin by Marcel Toele.
+ * Modifications (C) 2007 Kern Automatiseringsdiensten BV.
+ *
+ * Rewrite to use only public API (C) 2008 Hans Breuer
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <gmodule.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "object.h"
+#include "line_info.h"
+#include "custom_linetypes.h"
+#include "properties.h"
+#include "propinternals.h"
+#include "pixmaps/default.xpm"
+static void customline_apply_properties( DiaObject* line, LineInfo* info );
+static DiaObject* customline_create(Point *startpoint,
+                                    void *user_data,
+                                    Handle **handle1,
+                                    Handle **handle2);
+static DiaObject *custom_zigzagline_load (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename);
+static DiaObject *custom_polyline_load   (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename);
+static DiaObject *custom_bezierline_load (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename);
+static void customline_save (DiaObject *object, ObjectNode obj_node, const char *filename);
+static ObjectTypeOps 
+custom_zigzagline_type_ops = {
+  (CreateFunc)customline_create,   /* create */
+  (LoadFunc)  custom_zigzagline_load,     /* load */
+  (SaveFunc)  customline_save,     /* save */
+  (GetDefaultsFunc)   NULL /* get_defaults*/,
+  (ApplyDefaultsFunc) NULL /* apply_defaults*/
+static ObjectTypeOps 
+custom_polyline_type_ops = {
+  (CreateFunc)customline_create,   /* create */
+  (LoadFunc)  custom_polyline_load,     /* load */
+  (SaveFunc)  customline_save,     /* save */
+  (GetDefaultsFunc)   NULL /* get_defaults*/,
+  (ApplyDefaultsFunc) NULL /* apply_defaults*/
+static ObjectTypeOps 
+custom_bezierline_type_ops = {
+  (CreateFunc)customline_create,   /* create */
+  (LoadFunc)  custom_bezierline_load, /* load */
+  (SaveFunc)  customline_save,     /* save */
+  (GetDefaultsFunc)   NULL /* get_defaults*/,
+  (ApplyDefaultsFunc) NULL /* apply_defaults*/
+/* our delegates types, intialized on demand */
+static DiaObjectType *polyline_ot = NULL;
+static DiaObjectType *bezier_ot = NULL;
+static DiaObjectType *zigzag_ot = NULL;
+static gboolean
+ensure_standard_types (void)
+  if (!zigzag_ot)
+    zigzag_ot = object_get_type ("Standard - ZigZagLine");
+  if (!polyline_ot)
+    polyline_ot = object_get_type ("Standard - PolyLine");
+  if (!bezier_ot)
+    bezier_ot = object_get_type ("Standard - BezierLine");
+  return (polyline_ot && bezier_ot && zigzag_ot);
+static DiaObject *
+custom_zigzagline_load (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename)
+  ensure_standard_types ();
+  if (!zigzag_ot) {
+    g_warning ("Can't delegate to 'Standard - ZigZagLine'");
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  return zigzag_ot->ops->load (obj_node, version, filename);
+static DiaObject *
+custom_polyline_load (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename)
+  ensure_standard_types ();
+  if (!polyline_ot) {
+    g_warning ("Can't delegate to 'Standard - PolyLine'");
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  return polyline_ot->ops->load (obj_node, version, filename);
+static DiaObject *
+custom_bezierline_load (ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename)
+  ensure_standard_types ();
+  if (!bezier_ot) {
+    g_warning ("Can't delegate to 'Standard - BezierLine'");
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  return bezier_ot->ops->load (obj_node, version, filename);
+static void 
+customline_save (DiaObject *object, ObjectNode obj_node, const char *filename)
+  g_assert (object->type &&  object->type->ops && object->type->ops->save);
+  if (!ensure_standard_types()) {
+    g_warning ("Can't create standard types");
+    return;
+  }
+  if (object->type->ops == &custom_zigzagline_type_ops)
+    zigzag_ot->ops->save (object, obj_node, filename);
+  else if (object->type->ops == &custom_polyline_type_ops)
+    polyline_ot->ops->save (object, obj_node, filename);
+  else if (object->type->ops == &custom_bezierline_type_ops)
+    bezier_ot->ops->save (object, obj_node, filename);
+  else 
+    g_warning ("customline_save() no delegate");
+/* the order here must match the one in customline_apply_properties */
+static PropDescription
+_customline_prop_descs[] = {
+  { "line_colour", PROP_TYPE_COLOUR },
+  { "line_style", PROP_TYPE_LINESTYLE },
+  { "corner_radius", PROP_TYPE_REAL },
+  { "start_arrow", PROP_TYPE_ARROW },
+  { "end_arrow", PROP_TYPE_ARROW },
+customline_apply_properties( DiaObject* line, LineInfo* info )
+  GPtrArray *props;
+  LinestyleProperty *lsprop;
+  ColorProperty     *cprop;
+  RealProperty      *rprop;
+  ArrowProperty     *aprop;
+  props = prop_list_from_descs( _customline_prop_descs, pdtpp_true );
+  g_assert( props->len == 6 );
+  /* order/index/type must match _customline_prop_descs */
+  cprop = g_ptr_array_index( props, 0 );
+  cprop->color_data = info->line_color;
+  lsprop = g_ptr_array_index( props, 1 );
+  lsprop->style = info->line_style;
+  lsprop->dash = info->dashlength;
+  rprop = g_ptr_array_index( props, 2 );
+  rprop->real_data = info->line_width;
+  rprop = g_ptr_array_index( props, 3 );
+  rprop->real_data = info->corner_radius;
+  aprop = g_ptr_array_index( props, 4 );
+  aprop->arrow_data = info->start_arrow;
+  aprop = g_ptr_array_index( props, 5 );
+  aprop->arrow_data = info->end_arrow;
+  line->ops->set_props( line, props );
+  prop_list_free(props);
+DiaObject *
+customline_create(Point *startpoint,
+                  void *user_data,
+                  Handle **handle1,
+                  Handle **handle2)
+  DiaObject* res = NULL;
+  LineInfo* line_info = (LineInfo*)user_data;
+  if (!ensure_standard_types()) {
+    g_warning ("Can't create standar types.");
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  if (line_info->type == CUSTOM_LINETYPE_ZIGZAGLINE)
+    res = zigzag_ot->ops->create( startpoint, user_data, handle1, handle2 );
+  else if (line_info->type == CUSTOM_LINETYPE_POLYLINE)
+    res = polyline_ot->ops->create( startpoint, NULL, handle1, handle2 );
+  else if (line_info->type == CUSTOM_LINETYPE_BEZIERLINE)
+    res = bezier_ot->ops->create( startpoint, NULL, handle1, handle2 );
+  else 
+    g_warning(_("INTERNAL: CustomLines: Illegal line type in LineInfo object."));
+  if (res) {
+    customline_apply_properties (res, line_info);
+    res->type = line_info->object_type;
+  }
+  return( res );
+custom_linetype_new(LineInfo *info, DiaObjectType **otype)
+  DiaObjectType *obj = g_new0(DiaObjectType, 1);
+  obj->version = 1;
+  obj->pixmap = default_xpm;
+  if (info->type == CUSTOM_LINETYPE_ZIGZAGLINE)
+    obj->ops = &custom_zigzagline_type_ops;
+  else if (info->type == CUSTOM_LINETYPE_POLYLINE)
+    obj->ops = &custom_polyline_type_ops;
+  else if (info->type == CUSTOM_LINETYPE_BEZIERLINE)
+    obj->ops = &custom_bezierline_type_ops;
+  else
+    g_warning(_("INTERNAL: CustomLines: Illegal line type in LineInfo object %s."),
+              obj->name);
+  obj->name = info->name;
+  obj->default_user_data = info;
+  if (info->icon_filename) {
+    struct stat buf;
+    if (0==stat(info->icon_filename,&buf)) {
+      obj->pixmap = NULL;
+      obj->pixmap_file = info->icon_filename;
+    } else {
+      g_warning(_("Cannot open icon file %s for object type '%s'."),
+                info->icon_filename, obj->name);
+    }
+  }
+  info->object_type = obj; /* <-- Reciproce type linking */
+  obj->default_user_data = (void*)info;
+  *otype = obj;

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