[rhythmbox] context: minor code style fixes

commit ea788475439fea0be7ee6d3f2f2d3a284b221357
Author: Jonathan Matthew <jonathan fibula d14n org>
Date:   Sat Oct 31 20:25:34 2009 +1000

    context: minor code style fixes

 plugins/context/context/AlbumTab.py    |   96 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 plugins/context/context/ArtistTab.py   |   92 +++++++++++++++---------------
 plugins/context/context/ContextView.py |   51 +++++++++--------
 plugins/context/tmpl/album-tmpl.html   |   31 ++++++----
 plugins/context/tmpl/artist-tmpl.html  |    4 +-
 5 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/context/context/AlbumTab.py b/plugins/context/context/AlbumTab.py
index 1491a95..488fea1 100644
--- a/plugins/context/context/AlbumTab.py
+++ b/plugins/context/context/AlbumTab.py
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ import os
 from mako.template import Template
 import xml.dom.minidom as dom
-class AlbumTab (gobject.GObject) : 
+class AlbumTab (gobject.GObject):
     __gsignals__ = {
         'switch-tab' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
-    def __init__ (self, shell, buttons, ds, view) :
+    def __init__ (self, shell, buttons, ds, view):
         gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)
         self.shell      = shell
         self.sp         = shell.get_player ()
@@ -55,35 +55,36 @@ class AlbumTab (gobject.GObject) :
         self.button.set_relief( gtk.RELIEF_NONE ) 
         self.button.connect ('clicked', 
-            lambda button : self.emit ('switch-tab', 'album'))
+            lambda button: self.emit ('switch-tab', 'album'))
         buttons.pack_start (self.button, True, True)
-    def activate (self) :
+    def activate (self):
         self.active = True
         self.reload ()
-    def deactivate (self) :
+    def deactivate (self):
         self.active = False
-    def reload (self) :
+    def reload (self):
         entry = self.sp.get_playing_entry ()
-        if entry is None : return None
+        if entry is None:
+            return None
         artist = self.db.entry_get (entry, rhythmdb.PROP_ARTIST)
         album  = self.db.entry_get (entry, rhythmdb.PROP_ALBUM)
-        if self.active and artist != self.artist :
+        if self.active and artist != self.artist:
             self.ds.fetch_album_list (artist)
-        else :
+        else:
         self.artist = artist
-class AlbumView (gobject.GObject) :
+class AlbumView (gobject.GObject):
-    def __init__ (self, shell, plugin, webview, ds) :
+    def __init__ (self, shell, plugin, webview, ds):
         gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)
         self.webview = webview
         self.ds      = ds
@@ -97,13 +98,13 @@ class AlbumView (gobject.GObject) :
         self.load_tmpl ()
         self.connect_signals ()
-    def load_view (self) :
+    def load_view (self):
         self.webview.load_string(self.file, 'text/html', 'utf-8', self.basepath)
-    def connect_signals (self) :
+    def connect_signals (self):
         self.ds.connect('albums-ready', self.album_list_ready)
-    def loading (self, current_artist) :
+    def loading (self, current_artist):
         self.loading_file = self.loading_template.render (
             artist   = current_artist,
             info     = "Top Albums",
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ class AlbumView (gobject.GObject) :
             basepath = self.basepath)
         self.webview.load_string (self.loading_file, 'text/html', 'utf-8', self.basepath)
-    def load_tmpl (self) :
+    def load_tmpl (self):
         self.path = self.plugin.find_file ('tmpl/album-tmpl.html')
         self.loading_path = self.plugin.find_file ('tmpl/loading.html')
         self.album_template = Template (filename = self.path,
@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ class AlbumView (gobject.GObject) :
                                           module_directory = '/tmp/context')
         self.styles = self.basepath + '/tmpl/main.css'
-    def album_list_ready (self, ds) :
+    def album_list_ready (self, ds):
         list = ds.get_top_albums ()
         self.file = self.album_template.render (error = ds.get_error(), 
                                                 list = list, 
@@ -129,13 +130,13 @@ class AlbumView (gobject.GObject) :
         self.load_view ()
-class AlbumDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
+class AlbumDataSource (gobject.GObject):
     __gsignals__ = {
         'albums-ready' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ())
-    def __init__ (self) :
+    def __init__ (self):
         gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)
         self.api_key = '27151108bfce62e12c1f6341437e0e83'
         self.url_prefix = 'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method='
@@ -143,43 +144,43 @@ class AlbumDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
         self.error = None
         self.max_albums_fetched = 8
-    def extract (self, data, position) :
+    def extract (self, data, position):
         Safely extract the data from an xml node. Returns data
         at position or None if position does not exist
-        try :
+        try:
             return data[position].firstChild.data
-        except Exception, e :
+        except Exception, e:
             return None
-    def get_artist (self) :	
-	return self.artist
+    def get_artist (self):
+        return self.artist
-    def get_error (self) :
+    def get_error (self):
         return self.error
-    def fetch_album_list (self, artist) :
-    	self.artist = artist
+    def fetch_album_list (self, artist):
+        self.artist = artist
         self.error  = None
         url = "%sartist.gettopalbums&artist=%s&api_key=%s" % (self.url_prefix,
                                                               artist.replace(" ", "+"),
-        try :
+        try:
             ld = rb.Loader ()
             ld.get_url (url, self.fetch_album_list_cb, artist) 
-        except Exception, e :
+        except Exception, e:
             print "problem fetching %s: %s" % (artist, e)
-    def fetch_album_list_cb (self, data, artist) :
-        if data is None : 
+    def fetch_album_list_cb (self, data, artist):
+        if data is None:
             print "Nothing fetched for %s top albums" % artist
         parsed = dom.parseString (data)
         lfm = parsed.getElementsByTagName ('lfm')[0]
-        if lfm.attributes['status'].value == 'failed' :
+        if lfm.attributes['status'].value == 'failed':
             self.error = lfm.childNodes[1].firstChild.data
             self.emit ('albums-ready')
@@ -187,15 +188,16 @@ class AlbumDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
         self.albums = []
         album_nodes = parsed.getElementsByTagName ('album') 
         print "num albums: %d" % len(album_nodes)
-        if len(album_nodes) == 0 :
+        if len(album_nodes) == 0:
             self.error = "No albums found for %s" % artist
         self.album_info_fetched = min (len (album_nodes) - 1, self.max_albums_fetched)
-        for i, album in enumerate (album_nodes) : 
-            if i >= self.album_info_fetched : break
+        for i, album in enumerate (album_nodes): 
+            if i >= self.album_info_fetched:
+                break
             album_name = self.extract(album.getElementsByTagName ('name'), 0)
             imgs = album.getElementsByTagName ('image')
@@ -203,10 +205,10 @@ class AlbumDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
             self.albums.append ({'title' : album_name, 'images' : images })
             self.fetch_album_info (artist, album_name, i)
-    def get_top_albums (self) :
+    def get_top_albums (self):
         return self.albums
-    def fetch_album_info (self, artist, album, index) :
+    def fetch_album_info (self, artist, album, index):
         url = "%salbum.getinfo&artist=%s&album=%s&api_key=%s" % (self.url_prefix,
                                                                  artist.replace(" ", "+"),
                                                                  album.replace(" ", "+"),
@@ -215,15 +217,15 @@ class AlbumDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
         ld = rb.Loader()
         ld.get_url (url, self.fetch_album_tracklist, album, index)
-    def fetch_album_tracklist (self, data, album, index) :
-        if data is None :
+    def fetch_album_tracklist (self, data, album, index):
+        if data is None:
             self.assemble_info(None, None, None)
         parsed = dom.parseString (data)
-        try :
+        try:
             self.albums[index]['id'] = parsed.getElementsByTagName ('id')[0].firstChild.data
-        except Exception, e :
+        except Exception, e:
             print "Problem parsing id, exiting: %s" % e
             return None
@@ -236,28 +238,28 @@ class AlbumDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
         ld = rb.Loader()
         ld.get_url (url, self.assemble_info, album, index)
-    def assemble_info (self, data, album, index) :
-        if data is None :
+    def assemble_info (self, data, album, index):
+        if data is None:
             print "nothing fetched for %s tracklist" % album
-        else :
+        else:
             parsed = dom.parseString (data)
-            try :
+            try:
                 list = parsed.getElementsByTagName ('track')
                 tracklist = []
                 album_length = 0
-                for i, track in enumerate(list) :
+                for i, track in enumerate(list):
                     title = track.getElementsByTagName ('title')[0].firstChild.data
                     duration = int(track.getElementsByTagName ('duration')[0].firstChild.data) / 1000
                     album_length += duration
                     tracklist.append ((i, title, duration))
                 self.albums[index]['tracklist'] = tracklist
                 self.albums[index]['duration']  = album_length
-            except Exception, e :
+            except Exception, e:
                 print "Problem : %s" % e
         gtk.gdk.threads_enter ()
         self.album_info_fetched -= 1
         print "%s albums left to process" % self.album_info_fetched
         gtk.gdk.threads_leave ()
-        if self.album_info_fetched == 0 :
+        if self.album_info_fetched == 0:
diff --git a/plugins/context/context/ArtistTab.py b/plugins/context/context/ArtistTab.py
index c071842..47a1cd6 100644
--- a/plugins/context/context/ArtistTab.py
+++ b/plugins/context/context/ArtistTab.py
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ import xml.dom.minidom as dom
 import webkit
 from mako.template import Template
-class ArtistTab (gobject.GObject) : 
+class ArtistTab (gobject.GObject):
     __gsignals__ = {
         'switch-tab' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
-    def __init__ (self, shell, buttons, ds, view) :
+    def __init__ (self, shell, buttons, ds, view):
         gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)
         self.shell      = shell
         self.sp         = shell.get_player ()
@@ -59,34 +59,34 @@ class ArtistTab (gobject.GObject) :
             lambda button : self.emit('switch-tab', 'artist'))
         buttons.pack_start (self.button, True, True)
-    def activate (self) :
+    def activate (self):
         print "activating Artist Tab"
         self.active = True
         self.reload ()
-    def deactivate (self) :
+    def deactivate (self):
         print "deactivating Artist Tab"
         self.active = False
-    def reload (self) :
+    def reload (self):
         entry = self.sp.get_playing_entry ()
-        if entry is None : 
+        if entry is None:
             print "Nothing playing"
             return None
         artist = self.db.entry_get (entry, rhythmdb.PROP_ARTIST)
-        if self.active and self.artist != artist  :
+        if self.active and self.artist != artist:
             self.datasource.fetch_artist_data (artist)
             self.view.loading (artist)
-        else :
+        else:
         self.artist = artist
-class ArtistView (gobject.GObject) :
+class ArtistView (gobject.GObject):
-    def __init__ (self, shell, plugin, webview, ds) :
+    def __init__ (self, shell, plugin, webview, ds):
         gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)
         self.webview  = webview
         self.ds       = ds
@@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ class ArtistView (gobject.GObject) :
         self.load_tmpl ()
         self.connect_signals ()
-    def load_view (self) :
+    def load_view (self):
         self.webview.load_string (self.file, 'text/html', 'utf-8', self.basepath)
-    def loading (self, current_artist) :
+    def loading (self, current_artist):
         self.loading_file = self.loading_template.render (
             artist   = current_artist,
             info     = "Bio",
@@ -110,20 +110,20 @@ class ArtistView (gobject.GObject) :
             basepath = self.basepath)
         self.webview.load_string (self.loading_file, 'text/html', 'utf-8', self.basepath)
-    def load_tmpl (self) :
+    def load_tmpl (self):
         self.path = self.plugin.find_file('tmpl/artist-tmpl.html')
         self.loading_path = self.plugin.find_file ('tmpl/loading.html')
         self.template = Template (filename = self.path, module_directory = '/tmp/context/')
         self.loading_template = Template (filename = self.loading_path, module_directory = '/tmp/context')
         self.styles = self.basepath + '/tmpl/main.css'
-    def connect_signals (self) :
+    def connect_signals (self):
         self.air_id  = self.ds.connect ('artist-info-ready', self.artist_info_ready)
-    def artist_info_ready (self, ds) :
+    def artist_info_ready (self, ds):
         # Can only be called after the artist-info-ready signal has fired.
         # If called any other time, the behavior is undefined
-        try :
+        try:
             info = ds.get_artist_info ()
             small, med, big = info['images']
             summary, full_bio = info['bio'] 
@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ class ArtistView (gobject.GObject) :
                                               shortbio   = summary,
                                               stylesheet = self.styles )
             self.load_view ()
-        except Exception, e :
+        except Exception, e:
             print "Problem in info ready: %s" % e
-class ArtistDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
+class ArtistDataSource (gobject.GObject):
     __gsignals__ = {
         'artist-info-ready'       : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()),
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ class ArtistDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
         'artist-top-albums-ready' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()),
-    def __init__ (self) :
+    def __init__ (self):
         gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)
         self.api_key = '27151108bfce62e12c1f6341437e0e83'
         self.url_prefix = 'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method='
@@ -182,25 +182,25 @@ class ArtistDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
-    def extract (self, data, position) :
+    def extract (self, data, position):
         Safely extract the data from an xml node. Returns data
         at position or None if position does not exist
-        try :
+        try:
             return data[position].firstChild.data
-        except Exception, e :
+        except Exception, e:
             return None
-    def fetch_top_tracks (self, artist) :
+    def fetch_top_tracks (self, artist):
         artist = artist.replace (" ", "+")
         url = '%sartist.%s&artist=%s&api_key=%s' % (self.url_prefix,
             self.artist['top_tracks']['function'], artist, self.api_key)
         ld = rb.Loader()
         ld.get_url (url, self.fetch_artist_data_cb, self.artist['top_tracks'])
-    def fetch_artist_data (self, artist) : 
+    def fetch_artist_data (self, artist): 
         Initiate the fetching of all artist data. Fetches artist info, similar
         artists, artist top albums and top tracks. Downloads XML files from last.fm
@@ -209,27 +209,27 @@ class ArtistDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
         self.current_artist = artist
         artist = artist.replace(" ", "+")
-        for key, value in self.artist.items() :
+        for key, value in self.artist.items():
             url = '%sartist.%s&artist=%s&api_key=%s' % (self.url_prefix,
                 value['function'], artist, self.api_key)
             ld = rb.Loader()
             ld.get_url (url, self.fetch_artist_data_cb, value)
-    def fetch_artist_data_cb (self, data, category) :
-        if data is None : 
+    def fetch_artist_data_cb (self, data, category):
+        if data is None:
             print "no data fetched for artist %s" % category['function']
         category['data'] = dom.parseString (data)
         category['parsed'] = False
         self.emit (category['signal'])
-    def get_current_artist (self) :
+    def get_current_artist (self):
         return self.current_artist
-    def get_top_albums (self) :
-        if not self.artist['top_albums']['parsed'] :
+    def get_top_albums (self):
+        if not self.artist['top_albums']['parsed']:
             albums = []
-            for album in self.artist['top_albums']['data'].getElementsByTagName ('album') :
+            for album in self.artist['top_albums']['data'].getElementsByTagName ('album'):
                 album_name = self.extract(album.getElementsByTagName ('name'), 0)
                 imgs = album.getElementsByTagName ('image') 
                 images = self.extract(imgs, 0), self.extract(imgs, 1), self.extract(imgs,2)
@@ -239,17 +239,17 @@ class ArtistDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
         return self.artist['top_albums']['data']
-    def get_similar_artists (self) :
+    def get_similar_artists (self):
         Returns a list of similar artists
         data = self.artist['similar']['data']
-        if data is None :
+        if data is None:
             return None
-        if not self.artist['similar']['parsed'] :
+        if not self.artist['similar']['parsed']:
             lst = []
-            for node in data.getElementsByTagName ('artist') :
+            for node in data.getElementsByTagName ('artist'):
                 artist = self.extract(node.getElementsByTagName('name'), 0)
                 similar = self.extract(node.getElementsByTagName('match') ,0)
                 image = self.extract(node.getElementsByTagName('image'), 0)
@@ -260,37 +260,37 @@ class ArtistDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
         return data
-    def get_artist_images (self) :
+    def get_artist_images (self):
         Returns tuple of image url's for small, medium, and large images.
         data = self.artist['info']['data']
-        if data is None :
+        if data is None:
             return None
         images = data.getElementsByTagName ('image')
         return self.extract(images,0), self.extract(images,1), self.extract(images,2)
-    def get_artist_bio (self) :
+    def get_artist_bio (self):
         Returns tuple of summary and full bio
         data = self.artist['info']['data']
-        if data is None :
+        if data is None:
             return None
-        if not self.artist['info']['parsed'] :
+        if not self.artist['info']['parsed']:
             content = self.extract(data.getElementsByTagName ('content'), 0)
             summary = self.extract(data.getElementsByTagName ('summary'), 0)
             return summary, content
         return self.artist['info']['data']['bio']
-    def get_artist_info (self) :
+    def get_artist_info (self):
         Returns the dictionary { 'images', 'bio' }
-        if not self.artist['info']['parsed'] :
+        if not self.artist['info']['parsed']:
             images = self.get_artist_images()
             bio = self.get_artist_bio()
             self.artist['info']['data'] = { 'images'   : images,
@@ -299,17 +299,17 @@ class ArtistDataSource (gobject.GObject) :
         return self.artist['info']['data']
-    def get_top_tracks (self) :
+    def get_top_tracks (self):
         Returns a list of the top track titles
         data = self.artist['top_tracks']['data']
-        if data is None :
+        if data is None:
             return None
-        if not self.artist['top_tracks']['parsed'] :
+        if not self.artist['top_tracks']['parsed']:
             tracks = []
-            for track in data.getElementsByTagName ('track') :
+            for track in data.getElementsByTagName ('track'):
                 name = self.extract(track.getElementsByTagName('name'), 0)
                 tracks.append (name)
             self.artist['top_tracks']['data'] = tracks
diff --git a/plugins/context/context/ContextView.py b/plugins/context/context/ContextView.py
index dec3738..58011be 100644
--- a/plugins/context/context/ContextView.py
+++ b/plugins/context/context/ContextView.py
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ context_ui = """
-class ContextView (gobject.GObject) :
+class ContextView (gobject.GObject):
-    def __init__ (self, shell, plugin) :
+    def __init__ (self, shell, plugin):
         gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)
-	self.shell = shell
+        self.shell = shell
         self.sp = shell.get_player ()
         self.db = shell.get_property ('db')
         self.plugin = plugin
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class ContextView (gobject.GObject) :
         self.current_song = None
         self.visible = True
-	self.init_gui ()
+        self.init_gui ()
         self.connect_signals ()
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class ContextView (gobject.GObject) :
         self.ui_id = uim.add_ui_from_string(context_ui)
-    def deactivate (self, shell) :
+    def deactivate (self, shell):
         self.shell = None
         self.disconnect_signals ()
         self.player_cb_ids = None
@@ -93,41 +93,41 @@ class ContextView (gobject.GObject) :
         uim.remove_ui (self.ui_id)
         uim.remove_action_group (self.action_group)
-    def connect_signals(self) :
+    def connect_signals(self):
         self.player_cb_ids = ( self.sp.connect ('playing-changed', self.playing_changed_cb),
             self.sp.connect ('playing-song-changed', self.playing_changed_cb))
         self.ds_cb_id = self.ds['artist'].connect ('artist-top-tracks-ready', self.load_top_five)
         self.tab_cb_ids = []
         # Listen for switch-tab signal from each tab
-        for key, value in self.tab.items() :
+        for key, value in self.tab.items():
             self.tab_cb_ids.append((key, self.tab[key].connect ('switch-tab', self.change_tab)))
-    def disconnect_signals (self) :
-        for id in self.player_cb_ids :
+    def disconnect_signals (self):
+        for id in self.player_cb_ids:
             self.sp.disconnect (id)
         self.ds['artist'].disconnect (self.ds_cb_id)
-        for key, id in self.tab_cb_ids :
+        for key, id in self.tab_cb_ids:
             self.tab[key].disconnect (id)
-    def toggle_visibility (self, action) :
-        if not self.visible :
+    def toggle_visibility (self, action):
+        if not self.visible:
             self.shell.add_widget (self.vbox, rb.SHELL_UI_LOCATION_RIGHT_SIDEBAR, expand=True)
             self.visible = True
-        else :
+        else:
             self.shell.remove_widget (self.vbox, rb.SHELL_UI_LOCATION_RIGHT_SIDEBAR)
             self.visible = False
-    def change_tab (self, tab, newtab) :
+    def change_tab (self, tab, newtab):
         print "swaping tab from %s to %s" % (self.current, newtab)
-        if (self.current != newtab) :
+        if (self.current != newtab):
             self.current = newtab
-    def init_tabs (self) :
+    def init_tabs (self):
         self.tab = {}
         self.ds = {}
         self.view = {}
@@ -142,34 +142,35 @@ class ContextView (gobject.GObject) :
         self.view['lyrics'] = lt.LyricsView (self.shell, self.plugin, self.webview, self.ds['lyrics'])
         self.tab['lyrics']  = lt.LyricsTab (self.shell, self.buttons, self.ds['lyrics'], self.view['lyrics'])
-    def load_top_five (self, ds) :
+    def load_top_five (self, ds):
         top_tracks = ds.get_top_tracks ()
         ## populate liststore
-        if top_tracks is None :
+        if top_tracks is None:
             self.top_five = ['','','','','']
-            for i in range (0, 5) :
+            for i in range (0, 5):
                 self.top_five_list.append(["%d. " % (i+1), ""])
-        else :
+        else:
             num_tracks = len(top_tracks)
-            for i in range (0, 5) :
+            for i in range (0, 5):
                 if i >= num_tracks : track = ""
                 else : track = top_tracks[i]
                 self.top_five_list[(i,)] = ("%d. " % (i+1), track)
-    def playing_changed_cb (self, playing, user_data) :
+    def playing_changed_cb (self, playing, user_data):
         playing_entry = self.sp.get_playing_entry ()
-        if playing_entry is None : return
+        if playing_entry is None:
+            return
         playing_artist = self.db.entry_get (playing_entry, rhythmdb.PROP_ARTIST)
-        if self.current_artist != playing_artist :
+        if self.current_artist != playing_artist:
             self.current_artist = playing_artist.replace ('&', '&amp;')
             self.label.set_markup(_('Top songs by <i>%s</i>' % self.current_artist))
             self.ds['artist'].fetch_top_tracks (self.current_artist)
-    def init_gui(self) :
+    def init_gui(self):
         self.vbox = gtk.VBox()
         self.frame = gtk.Frame()
         self.label = gtk.Label(_('Nothing Playing'))
diff --git a/plugins/context/tmpl/album-tmpl.html b/plugins/context/tmpl/album-tmpl.html
index 05bcbc0..5e9e33f 100644
--- a/plugins/context/tmpl/album-tmpl.html
+++ b/plugins/context/tmpl/album-tmpl.html
@@ -2,15 +2,18 @@
 <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text-html; charset=utf-8">
     import re
-    def cleanup(text) :
+    def cleanup(text):
         return re.sub(r'\([^\)]*\)', '', text)
-    def sec2hms(time) :
+    def sec2hms(time):
         hr = time / 3600
-        if hr > 0 : time %= 3600
+        if hr > 0:
+            time %= 3600
         mn = time / 60
         sec = time % 60
-        if hr > 0 : return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hr,mn,sec)
-        else : return "%d:%02d" %(mn,sec)
+        if hr > 0:
+            return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hr,mn,sec)
+        else:
+            return "%d:%02d" %(mn,sec)
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="${stylesheet}" type="text/css" />
 <script language="javascript">
@@ -29,25 +32,29 @@
+%if error is None:
     num_albums = min(8, len(list))
-%if error is None :
     <h1>Top albums by <em>${artist}</em></h1>
 %for i, entry in enumerate(list) :
-    <%if 'tracklist' not in entry or len(entry['tracklist']) == 0 : continue %>
-    <%if i == num_albums : break %>
+    <%
+    if 'tracklist' not in entry or len(entry['tracklist']) == 0:
+        continue
+    if i == num_albums:
+        break
+    %>
     <div id="album${entry['id']}" class="album">
     <img width="64" src="${entry['images'][1]}" alt="${entry['images']}"/>
-    %if 'duration' in entry :
+    %if 'duration' in entry:
         album_time = sec2hms(entry['duration'])
         tracks = len(entry['tracklist'])
     <p class="duration">${album_time} (${tracks} tracks)</p>
-    %if 'tracklist' in entry :
+    %if 'tracklist' in entry:
     <% btn_name = "btn_%s" % entry['id'] %>
     <button id="btn_${entry['id']}"onclick="toggle_vis(${entry['id']})">
     Show all tracks
@@ -62,12 +69,12 @@
-    %else :
+    %else:
     <p>Tracklist not available</p>
-%else :
     <h1>Last.fm Error:</h1>
     <p class="error">${error}</p>
diff --git a/plugins/context/tmpl/artist-tmpl.html b/plugins/context/tmpl/artist-tmpl.html
index 53147cb..1249078 100644
--- a/plugins/context/tmpl/artist-tmpl.html
+++ b/plugins/context/tmpl/artist-tmpl.html
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
     import re
     remove_links = re.compile ('</?a[^>]*> ',re.VERBOSE)
-    def cleanup(text) :
-        if text is None :
+    def cleanup(text):
+        if text is None:
             return "No information available"
         text = remove_links.sub ('', text)
         text = text.replace('\n', '</p><p>')

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