[damned-lies] Fix figure URLs and add test (Bug #584237)

commit 58023fcfb633cc7501c9d1e7d934821f9383a193
Author: Claude Paroz <claude 2xlibre net>
Date:   Sat May 30 00:02:45 2009 +0200

    Fix figure URLs and add test (Bug #584237)
 stats/models.py              |   17 ++++++++++++++++-
 stats/tests/__init__.py      |    8 ++++++++
 stats/utils.py               |    3 ++-
 templates/module_images.html |   18 +++++++-----------
 4 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/stats/models.py b/stats/models.py
index c6f7c51..a898e11 100644
--- a/stats/models.py
+++ b/stats/models.py
@@ -184,6 +184,14 @@ class Branch(models.Model):
             return -cmp(self.name, other.name)
+    @property
+    def img_url_prefix(self):
+        return self.module.vcs_type == 'git' and "plain" or ""
+    @property
+    def img_url_suffix(self):
+        return self.module.vcs_type == 'git' and "?h=%s" % self.name or ""
     def is_head(self):
         return self.name in BRANCH_HEAD_NAMES
@@ -727,7 +735,7 @@ class Release(models.Model):
             if row[LOCALE] not in stats:
                 stats[row[LOCALE]] = [0] * len(releases)
                 stats[row[LOCALE]].insert(0, _(row[NAME])) # translated language name
-            if row[LOCALE] == None: # POT stats
+            if row[LOCALE] is None: # POT stats
                 totals[rel_ids.index(str(row[REL_ID]))] = row[UNTRANS]
                 stats[row[LOCALE]][rel_ids.index(str(row[REL_ID]))+1] = row[TRANS]
@@ -1037,9 +1045,16 @@ class Statistics(models.Model):
         return text
     def get_figures(self):
+        """ self.figures is a list of dicts:
+            [{'path':, 'hash':, 'fuzzy':, 'translated':, 'translated_file':}, ...] """
         if self.figures is None and self.domain.dtype == 'doc':
             self.figures = utils.get_fig_stats(self.po_path())
+            # something like: "http://git.gnome.org/cgit/vinagre / plain / help / %s / %s ?h=master"
+            url_model = utils.url_join(self.branch.get_vcs_web_url(), self.branch.img_url_prefix,
+                                       self.domain.directory, '%s', '%s') + self.branch.img_url_suffix
             for fig in self.figures:
+                fig['orig_remote_url'] = url_model % ('C', fig['path'])
+                fig['trans_remote_url'] = url_model % (self.language.locale, fig['path'])
                 fig['translated_file'] = False
                 if self.language:
                     # Check if a translated figure really exists or if the English one is used
diff --git a/stats/tests/__init__.py b/stats/tests/__init__.py
index 636cd7f..273e72d 100644
--- a/stats/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/stats/tests/__init__.py
@@ -126,6 +126,14 @@ class ModuleTestCase(TestCase):
         self.assertEquals(ui_stat.pot_url(), u"/POT/gnome-hello.master/gnome-hello.master.pot");
         self.assertEquals(doc_stat.po_url(), u"/POT/gnome-hello.master/docs/gnome-hello-help.master.fr.po");
+    def testFigureURLs(self):
+        """ Test if figure urls are properly constructed """
+        self.b.update_stats(force=True)
+        stat = Statistics.objects.get(branch=self.b, domain__dtype='doc', language__locale='fr')
+        figs = stat.get_figures()
+        self.assertEquals(figs[0]['orig_remote_url'], 'http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gnome-hello/plain/help/C/figures/gnome-hello.png?h=master')
+        self.assertEquals(figs[0]['trans_remote_url'], 'http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gnome-hello/plain/help/fr/figures/gnome-hello.png?h=master')
     def testCreateUnexistingBranch(self):
         """ Try to create a non-existing branch """
         Branch.checkout_on_creation = True
diff --git a/stats/utils.py b/stats/utils.py
index 879b9c5..dc2e0e0 100644
--- a/stats/utils.py
+++ b/stats/utils.py
@@ -323,7 +323,8 @@ def check_lang_support(module_path, po_path, lang):
     return errors
 def get_fig_stats(pofile):
-    """ Extract image strings from pofile and return a list of figures dict {'path':, 'fuzzy':, 'translated':} """
+    """ Extract image strings from pofile and return a list of figures dict:
+        [{'path':, 'hash':, 'fuzzy':, 'translated':}, ...] """
     # Extract image strings: beforeline/msgid/msgstr/grep auto output a fourth line
     command = "msgcat --no-wrap %(pofile)s| grep -A 1 -B 1 '^msgid \"@@image:'" % locals()
     (status, output, errs) = run_shell_command(command)
diff --git a/templates/module_images.html b/templates/module_images.html
index 50da5ac..c9ce494 100644
--- a/templates/module_images.html
+++ b/templates/module_images.html
@@ -17,17 +17,15 @@
 <thead><tr><th width="50%">{% trans "Original" %}</th><th width="50%">{% trans stat.language.name %}</th></tr></thead>
 {% for fig in stat.get_figures %}
   {% with stat.language.locale as locale %}
-  {% with stat.vcs_web_path as vcs_web_path %}
-  {% with stat.vcs_path as vcs_path %}
   <tr><td valign="top">
-    <a href="{{ vcs_web_path }}/C/{{ fig.path }}"><span class="path">C/{{ fig.path }}</span><br/></a>
-    <a href="{{ vcs_path }}/C/{{ fig.path }}"><img class="screenshot" src="{{ vcs_path }}/C/{{ fig.path }}"/></a>
+    <a href="{{ fig.orig_remote_url }}"><span class="path">C/{{ fig.path }}</span><br/></a>
+    <a href="{{ fig.orig_remote_url }}"><img class="screenshot" src="{{ fig.orig_remote_url }}"/></a>
     <td valign="top" class="{{ fig.fuzzy|yesno:"fuzzy," }}">
     {% if fig.translated %}
       {% if fig.translated_file %}
-      <a href="{{ vcs_web_path }}/{{ locale }}/{{ fig.path }}"><span class="path">{{ locale }}/{{ fig.path }}</span></a><br/>
-      <a href="{{ vcs_path }}/{{ locale }}/{{ fig.path }}"><img class="screenshot" src="{{ vcs_path }}/{{ locale }}/{{ fig.path }}"/></a>
+      <a href="{{ fig.trans_remote_url }}"><span class="path">{{ locale }}/{{ fig.path }}</span></a><br/>
+      <a href="{{ fig.trans_remote_url }}"><img class="screenshot" src="{{ fig.trans_remote_url }}"/></a>
       {% else %}
       <p><em>{% trans "Translated, but uses original one (maybe the figure doesn't contain any string to translate)" %}</em></p>
       {% endif %}
@@ -35,21 +33,19 @@
       {% if fig.fuzzy %}
         <em>{% trans "Fuzzy" %}</em><br/>
         {% if fig.translated_file %}
-      <a href="{{ vcs_web_path }}/{{ locale }}/{{ fig.path }}"><span class="path">{{ locale }}/{{ fig.path }}</span></a><br/>
-      <a href="{{ vcs_path }}/{{ locale }}/{{ fig.path }}"><img class="screenshot" src="{{ vcs_path }}/{{ locale }}/{{ fig.path }}"/></a>
+      <a href="{{ fig.trans_remote_url }}"><span class="path">{{ locale }}/{{ fig.path }}</span></a><br/>
+      <a href="{{ fig.trans_remote_url }}"><img class="screenshot" src="{{ fig.trans_remote_url }}"/></a>
         {% else %}
       <p><em><small>{% trans "No existing file (&quot;Technical&quot; fuzzy)" %}</small></em></p>
         {% endif %}
       {% else %}
         <em>{% trans "Not translated" %}</em><br/>
-        <img src="/media/img/emptyimg.png">
+        <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}img/emptyimg.png">
       {% endif %}
     {% endif %}
   {% endwith %}
-  {% endwith %}
-  {% endwith %}
 {% endfor %}

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