[evolution-data-server] Fixes bug 184554 (bnc) - multiple groupwise open noticies

commit 491efa22e6fed4da60292edf5aaabcde857fd1e2
Author: Chenthill Palanisamy <pchenthill novell com>
Date:   Wed May 20 15:22:22 2009 +0530

    Fixes bug 184554 (bnc) - multiple groupwise open noticies
    Store the last modified time from the server to avoid false
 .../groupwise/e-cal-backend-groupwise-utils.c      |   12 ++-
 .../backends/groupwise/e-cal-backend-groupwise.c   |  161 ++++++++++++--------
 servers/groupwise/e-gw-item.c                      |   32 ++++
 servers/groupwise/e-gw-item.h                      |    2 +
 4 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/calendar/backends/groupwise/e-cal-backend-groupwise-utils.c b/calendar/backends/groupwise/e-cal-backend-groupwise-utils.c
index a993880..d1b3192 100644
--- a/calendar/backends/groupwise/e-cal-backend-groupwise-utils.c
+++ b/calendar/backends/groupwise/e-cal-backend-groupwise-utils.c
@@ -766,6 +766,7 @@ set_properties_from_cal_component (EGwItem *item, ECalComponent *comp, ECalBacke
 		value = icaltime_as_ical_string_r (itt_utc);
 		e_gw_item_set_creation_date (item, value);
 		g_free (value);
+		e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype (dt.value);
 	} else {
 		struct icaltimetype itt;
@@ -775,7 +776,6 @@ set_properties_from_cal_component (EGwItem *item, ECalComponent *comp, ECalBacke
 		g_free (value);
-	e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype (dt.value);
 	dt.value = NULL;
 	/* classification */
@@ -1127,6 +1127,16 @@ e_gw_item_to_cal_component (EGwItem *item, ECalBackendGroupwise *cbgw)
 		e_cal_component_set_created (comp, &itt_utc);
 		e_cal_component_set_dtstamp (comp, &itt_utc);
+	t = e_gw_item_get_modified_date (item);
+	if (t) {
+		itt_utc = icaltime_from_string (t);
+		icaltimezone_convert_time (&itt_utc, (icaltimezone*) icaltime_get_timezone (itt_utc), icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone ());
+		icaltime_set_timezone (&itt_utc, icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone ());
+		e_cal_component_set_last_modified (comp, &itt_utc);
+	}
 	/* categories */
 	category_ids = e_gw_item_get_categories (item);
diff --git a/calendar/backends/groupwise/e-cal-backend-groupwise.c b/calendar/backends/groupwise/e-cal-backend-groupwise.c
index 5ef5669..a5dd96b 100644
--- a/calendar/backends/groupwise/e-cal-backend-groupwise.c
+++ b/calendar/backends/groupwise/e-cal-backend-groupwise.c
@@ -420,6 +420,7 @@ get_deltas (gpointer handle)
 		EGwItem *item = NULL;
 		ECalComponent *modified_comp = NULL, *cache_comp = NULL;
 		char *cache_comp_str = NULL, *modif_comp_str, *rid = NULL;
+		icaltimetype *tt = NULL, *c_tt = NULL;
 		const char *uid;
 		int r_key;
@@ -435,20 +436,41 @@ get_deltas (gpointer handle)
 		e_cal_component_get_uid (modified_comp, &uid);
 		cache_comp = e_cal_backend_cache_get_component (cache, uid, rid);
 		e_cal_component_commit_sequence (modified_comp);
-		e_cal_component_commit_sequence (cache_comp);
-		cache_comp_str = e_cal_component_get_as_string (cache_comp);
-		modif_comp_str = e_cal_component_get_as_string (modified_comp);
-		e_cal_backend_notify_object_modified (E_CAL_BACKEND (cbgw), cache_comp_str, modif_comp_str);
-		g_free (modif_comp_str);
-		g_free (cache_comp_str);
-		g_free (rid);
-		cache_comp_str = NULL;
-		e_cal_backend_cache_put_component (cache, modified_comp);
+		e_cal_component_get_last_modified (modified_comp, &tt);
+		if (cache_comp) {
+			e_cal_component_get_last_modified (cache_comp, &c_tt);
+			e_cal_component_commit_sequence (cache_comp);
+		}
+		if (!c_tt || icaltime_compare (*tt, *c_tt) == 1)
+		{
+			modif_comp_str = e_cal_component_get_as_string (modified_comp);
+			if (cache_comp) {
+				cache_comp_str = e_cal_component_get_as_string (cache_comp);
+				e_cal_backend_notify_object_modified (E_CAL_BACKEND (cbgw), cache_comp_str, modif_comp_str);
+			} else {
+				e_cal_backend_notify_object_created (E_CAL_BACKEND (cbgw), modif_comp_str);
+			}
+			g_free (modif_comp_str);
+			g_free (cache_comp_str);
+			g_free (rid);
+			cache_comp_str = NULL;
+			e_cal_backend_cache_put_component (cache, modified_comp);
+		}
+		e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype (tt);
+		if (c_tt)
+			e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype (c_tt);
 		g_object_unref (item);
 		g_object_unref (modified_comp);
-		g_object_unref (cache_comp);
+		if (cache_comp)
+			g_object_unref (cache_comp);
 	e_file_cache_thaw_changes (E_FILE_CACHE (cache));
@@ -1936,6 +1958,65 @@ sanitize_component (ECalBackendSync *backend, ECalComponent *comp, char *server_
 	g_string_free (str, TRUE);
+static EGwConnectionStatus
+update_from_server (ECalBackendGroupwise *cbgw, GSList *uid_list, char **calobj, ECalComponent *comp)
+	EGwConnectionStatus stat;
+	ECalBackendGroupwisePrivate *priv;
+	ECalBackendSync *backend;
+	GList *list = NULL, *tmp;
+	GSList *l;
+	GPtrArray *uid_array = g_ptr_array_new ();
+	int i;
+	priv = cbgw->priv;
+	backend = E_CAL_BACKEND_SYNC (cbgw);
+	for (l = uid_list; l; l = g_slist_next (l)) {
+		g_ptr_array_add (uid_array, l->data);
+	}
+	/* convert uid_list to GPtrArray and get the items in a list */
+	stat = e_gw_connection_get_items_from_ids (priv->cnc,
+			priv->container_id,
+			"attachments recipients message recipientStatus default peek",
+			uid_array, &list);
+	if (stat != E_GW_CONNECTION_STATUS_OK || (list == NULL) || (g_list_length (list) == 0)) {
+		g_ptr_array_free (uid_array, TRUE);
+		return GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_OtherError;
+	}
+	comp = g_object_ref ( (ECalComponent *) list->data );
+	/* convert items into components and add them to the cache */
+	for (i=0, tmp = list; tmp ; tmp = g_list_next (tmp), i++) {
+		ECalComponent *e_cal_comp;
+		EGwItem *item;
+		item = (EGwItem *) tmp->data;
+		e_cal_comp = e_gw_item_to_cal_component (item, cbgw);
+		e_cal_component_commit_sequence (e_cal_comp);
+		sanitize_component (backend, e_cal_comp, g_ptr_array_index (uid_array, i));
+		e_cal_backend_cache_put_component (priv->cache, e_cal_comp);
+		if (i == 0) {
+			*calobj = e_cal_component_get_as_string (e_cal_comp);
+		}
+		if (i != 0) {
+			char *temp;
+			temp = e_cal_component_get_as_string (e_cal_comp);
+			e_cal_backend_notify_object_created (E_CAL_BACKEND (cbgw), temp);
+			g_free (temp);
+		}
+		g_object_unref (e_cal_comp);
+	}
+	g_ptr_array_free (uid_array, TRUE);
 static ECalBackendSyncStatus
 e_cal_backend_groupwise_create_object (ECalBackendSync *backend, EDataCal *cal, char **calobj, char **uid)
@@ -1944,9 +2025,7 @@ e_cal_backend_groupwise_create_object (ECalBackendSync *backend, EDataCal *cal,
 	icalcomponent *icalcomp;
 	ECalComponent *comp;
 	EGwConnectionStatus status;
-	char *server_uid = NULL;
-	GSList *uid_list = NULL, *l;
-	int i;
+	GSList *uid_list = NULL;
 	cbgw = E_CAL_BACKEND_GROUPWISE (backend);
 	priv = cbgw->priv;
@@ -1998,59 +2077,11 @@ e_cal_backend_groupwise_create_object (ECalBackendSync *backend, EDataCal *cal,
 			return GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_Success;
-		if (g_slist_length (uid_list) == 1) {
-			server_uid = (char *) uid_list->data;
-			sanitize_component (backend, comp, server_uid);
-			g_free (server_uid);
-			/* if successful, update the cache */
-			e_cal_backend_cache_put_component (priv->cache, comp);
-			*calobj = e_cal_component_get_as_string (comp);
-		} else {
-			EGwConnectionStatus stat;
-			GList *list = NULL, *tmp;
-			GPtrArray *uid_array = g_ptr_array_new ();
-			for (l = uid_list; l; l = g_slist_next (l)) {
-				g_ptr_array_add (uid_array, l->data);
-			}
-			/* convert uid_list to GPtrArray and get the items in a list */
-			stat = e_gw_connection_get_items_from_ids (priv->cnc,
-					priv->container_id,
-					"attachments recipients message recipientStatus default peek",
-					uid_array, &list);
-			if (stat != E_GW_CONNECTION_STATUS_OK || (list == NULL) || (g_list_length (list) == 0)) {
-				g_ptr_array_free (uid_array, TRUE);
-				return GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_OtherError;
-			}
-			comp = g_object_ref ( (ECalComponent *) list->data );
-			/* convert items into components and add them to the cache */
-			for (i=0, tmp = list; tmp ; tmp = g_list_next (tmp), i++) {
-				ECalComponent *e_cal_comp;
-				EGwItem *item;
-				item = (EGwItem *) tmp->data;
-				e_cal_comp = e_gw_item_to_cal_component (item, cbgw);
-				e_cal_component_commit_sequence (e_cal_comp);
-				sanitize_component (backend, e_cal_comp, g_ptr_array_index (uid_array, i));
-				e_cal_backend_cache_put_component (priv->cache, e_cal_comp);
-				if (i == 0) {
-					*calobj = e_cal_component_get_as_string (e_cal_comp);
-				}
-				if (i != 0) {
-					char *temp;
-					temp = e_cal_component_get_as_string (e_cal_comp);
-					e_cal_backend_notify_object_created (E_CAL_BACKEND (cbgw), temp);
-					g_free (temp);
-				}
+		/* Get the item back from server to update the last-modified time */
+		status = update_from_server (cbgw, uid_list, calobj, comp);
+		if (status != E_GW_CONNECTION_STATUS_OK)
+			return GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_OtherError;
-				g_object_unref (e_cal_comp);
-			}
-			g_ptr_array_free (uid_array, TRUE);
-		}
 	default :
diff --git a/servers/groupwise/e-gw-item.c b/servers/groupwise/e-gw-item.c
index 7aa3b7d..5c5517c 100644
--- a/servers/groupwise/e-gw-item.c
+++ b/servers/groupwise/e-gw-item.c
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ struct _EGwItemPrivate {
 	char *end_date;
 	char *due_date;
 	char *completed_date;
+	char *modified_date;
 	gboolean completed;
 	gboolean is_allday_event;
 	char *subject;
@@ -467,6 +468,11 @@ e_gw_item_dispose (GObject *object)
 			priv->delivered_date = NULL;
+		if (priv->modified_date) {
+			g_free (priv->modified_date);
+			priv->modified_date = NULL;
+		}
 		if (priv->start_date) {
 			g_free (priv->start_date);
 			priv->start_date = NULL;
@@ -526,6 +532,7 @@ e_gw_item_init (EGwItem *item, EGwItemClass *klass)
 	priv->item_type = E_GW_ITEM_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
 	priv->creation_date = NULL;
 	priv->delivered_date = NULL;
+	priv->modified_date = NULL;
 	priv->start_date = NULL;
 	priv->end_date = NULL;
 	priv->due_date = NULL;
@@ -1848,6 +1855,13 @@ e_gw_item_new_from_soap_parameter (const char *email, const char *container, Sou
 			g_free (value);
 			g_free (formatted_date);
+		} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (name, "modified")) {
+			char *formatted_date;
+			value = soup_soap_parameter_get_string_value (child);
+			formatted_date = e_gw_connection_format_date_string (value);
+			e_gw_item_set_modified_date (item, formatted_date);
+			g_free (value);
+			g_free (formatted_date);
 		} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (name, "distribution")) {
 			SoupSoapParameter *tp;
@@ -2207,6 +2221,24 @@ e_gw_item_set_delivered_date (EGwItem *item, const char *new_date)
 	item->priv->delivered_date = g_strdup (new_date);
+const char *
+e_gw_item_get_modified_date (EGwItem *item)
+	g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_GW_ITEM (item), NULL);
+	return item->priv->modified_date;
+e_gw_item_set_modified_date (EGwItem *item, const char *new_date)
+	g_return_if_fail (E_IS_GW_ITEM (item));
+	if (item->priv->modified_date)
+		g_free (item->priv->modified_date);
+	item->priv->modified_date = g_strdup (new_date);
 char *
 e_gw_item_get_start_date (EGwItem *item)
diff --git a/servers/groupwise/e-gw-item.h b/servers/groupwise/e-gw-item.h
index 4d14f20..f40441e 100644
--- a/servers/groupwise/e-gw-item.h
+++ b/servers/groupwise/e-gw-item.h
@@ -173,6 +173,8 @@ char       *e_gw_item_get_creation_date (EGwItem *item);
 void        e_gw_item_set_creation_date (EGwItem *item, const char *new_date);
 char       *e_gw_item_get_delivered_date (EGwItem *item);
 void        e_gw_item_set_delivered_date (EGwItem *item, const char *new_date);
+const char  *e_gw_item_get_modified_date (EGwItem *item);
+void        e_gw_item_set_modified_date (EGwItem *item, const char *new_date);
 char       *e_gw_item_get_start_date (EGwItem *item);
 void        e_gw_item_set_start_date (EGwItem *item, const char *new_date);
 char       *e_gw_item_get_completed_date (EGwItem *item);

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