[pango/harfbuzz-ng] [HB] Split Layout-common tables into new files
- From: Behdad Esfahbod <behdad src gnome org>
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: [pango/harfbuzz-ng] [HB] Split Layout-common tables into new files
- Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 05:48:37 -0400 (EDT)
commit fe01531dc12be28aaef610a0cd94c21dc476e9a6
Author: Behdad Esfahbod <behdad behdad org>
Date: Sun May 17 20:28:01 2009 -0400
[HB] Split Layout-common tables into new files
pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-common-private.h | 429 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gdef-private.h | 3 +-
pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gsub-private.h | 1 +
pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gsubgpos-private.h | 2 +
pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-open-private.h | 408 ----------------------
5 files changed, 434 insertions(+), 409 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-common-private.h b/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-common-private.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3e9e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-common-private.h
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2007,2008,2009 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * This is part of HarfBuzz, an OpenType Layout engine library.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
+ * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the
+ * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in
+ * all copies of this software.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Red Hat Author(s): Behdad Esfahbod
+ */
+#include "hb-ot-layout-open-private.h"
+ *
+ * OpenType Layout Common Table Formats
+ *
+ */
+ * Script, ScriptList, LangSys, Feature, FeatureList, Lookup, LookupList
+ */
+template <typename Type>
+struct Record {
+ Tag tag; /* 4-byte Tag identifier */
+ OffsetTo<Type>
+ offset; /* Offset from beginning of object holding
+ * the Record */
+template <typename Type>
+struct RecordListOf : ArrayOf<Record<Type> > {
+ inline const Type& operator [] (unsigned int i) const {
+ if (HB_UNLIKELY (i >= this->len)) return Null(Type);
+ return this+this->array[i].offset;
+ }
+ inline const Tag& get_tag (unsigned int i) const {
+ if (HB_UNLIKELY (i >= this->len)) return Null(Tag);
+ return this->array[i].tag;
+ }
+struct Script;
+typedef Record<Script> ScriptRecord;
+ASSERT_SIZE (ScriptRecord, 6);
+struct LangSys;
+typedef Record<LangSys> LangSysRecord;
+ASSERT_SIZE (LangSysRecord, 6);
+struct Feature;
+typedef Record<Feature> FeatureRecord;
+ASSERT_SIZE (FeatureRecord, 6);
+struct LangSys {
+ inline const unsigned int get_feature_index (unsigned int i) const {
+ return featureIndex[i];
+ }
+ inline unsigned int get_feature_count (void) const {
+ return featureIndex.len;
+ }
+ inline const bool has_required_feature (void) const {
+ return reqFeatureIndex != 0xffff;
+ }
+ /* Returns NO_INDEX if none */
+ inline int get_required_feature_index (void) const {
+ if (reqFeatureIndex == 0xffff)
+ return NO_INDEX;
+ return reqFeatureIndex;;
+ }
+ Offset lookupOrder; /* = Null (reserved for an offset to a
+ * reordering table) */
+ USHORT reqFeatureIndex;/* Index of a feature required for this
+ * language system--if no required features
+ * = 0xFFFF */
+ ArrayOf<USHORT>
+ featureIndex; /* Array of indices into the FeatureList */
+ASSERT_SIZE_DATA (LangSys, 6, "\0\0\xFF\xFF");
+struct Script {
+ inline const LangSys& get_lang_sys (unsigned int i) const {
+ if (i == NO_INDEX) return get_default_lang_sys ();
+ return this+langSys[i].offset;
+ }
+ inline unsigned int get_lang_sys_count (void) const {
+ return langSys.len;
+ }
+ inline const Tag& get_lang_sys_tag (unsigned int i) const {
+ return langSys[i].tag;
+ }
+ // LONGTERMTODO bsearch
+ DEFINE_TAG_FIND_INTERFACE (LangSys, lang_sys); /* find_lang_sys_index (), get_lang_sys_by_tag (tag) */
+ inline const bool has_default_lang_sys (void) const {
+ return defaultLangSys != 0;
+ }
+ inline const LangSys& get_default_lang_sys (void) const {
+ return this+defaultLangSys;
+ }
+ private:
+ OffsetTo<LangSys>
+ defaultLangSys; /* Offset to DefaultLangSys table--from
+ * beginning of Script table--may be Null */
+ ArrayOf<LangSysRecord>
+ langSys; /* Array of LangSysRecords--listed
+ * alphabetically by LangSysTag */
+ASSERT_SIZE (Script, 4);
+typedef RecordListOf<Script> ScriptList;
+ASSERT_SIZE (ScriptList, 2);
+struct Feature {
+ inline const unsigned int get_lookup_index (unsigned int i) const {
+ return lookupIndex[i];
+ }
+ inline unsigned int get_lookup_count (void) const {
+ return lookupIndex.len;
+ }
+ /* TODO: implement get_feature_parameters() */
+ /* TODO: implement FeatureSize and other special features? */
+ Offset featureParams; /* Offset to Feature Parameters table (if one
+ * has been defined for the feature), relative
+ * to the beginning of the Feature Table; = Null
+ * if not required */
+ ArrayOf<USHORT>
+ lookupIndex; /* Array of LookupList indices */
+ASSERT_SIZE (Feature, 4);
+typedef RecordListOf<Feature> FeatureList;
+ASSERT_SIZE (FeatureList, 2);
+struct LookupFlag : USHORT {
+ static const unsigned int RightToLeft = 0x0001u;
+ static const unsigned int IgnoreBaseGlyphs = 0x0002u;
+ static const unsigned int IgnoreLigatures = 0x0004u;
+ static const unsigned int IgnoreMarks = 0x0008u;
+ static const unsigned int Reserved = 0x00F0u;
+ static const unsigned int MarkAttachmentType = 0xFF00u;
+ASSERT_SIZE (LookupFlag, 2);
+struct LookupSubTable {
+ private:
+ USHORT format; /* Subtable format. Different for GSUB and GPOS */
+ASSERT_SIZE (LookupSubTable, 2);
+struct Lookup {
+ inline const LookupSubTable& get_subtable (unsigned int i) const {
+ return this+subTable[i];
+ }
+ inline unsigned int get_subtable_count (void) const {
+ return subTable.len;
+ }
+ inline bool is_right_to_left (void) const { return lookupFlag & LookupFlag::RightToLeft; }
+ inline bool ignore_base_glyphs(void) const { return lookupFlag & LookupFlag::IgnoreBaseGlyphs; }
+ inline bool ignore_ligatures (void) const { return lookupFlag & LookupFlag::IgnoreLigatures; }
+ inline bool ignore_marks (void) const { return lookupFlag & LookupFlag::IgnoreMarks; }
+ inline unsigned int get_mark_attachment_type (void) const { return lookupFlag & LookupFlag::MarkAttachmentType; }
+ inline unsigned int get_type (void) const { return lookupType; }
+ inline unsigned int get_flag (void) const { return lookupFlag; }
+ USHORT lookupType; /* Different enumerations for GSUB and GPOS */
+ USHORT lookupFlag; /* Lookup qualifiers */
+ OffsetArrayOf<LookupSubTable>
+ subTable; /* Array of SubTables */
+ASSERT_SIZE (Lookup, 6);
+template <typename Type>
+struct OffsetListOf : OffsetArrayOf<Type> {
+ inline const Type& operator [] (unsigned int i) const {
+ if (HB_UNLIKELY (i >= this->len)) return Null(Type);
+ return this+this->array[i];
+ }
+typedef OffsetListOf<Lookup> LookupList;
+ASSERT_SIZE (LookupList, 2);
+ * Coverage Table
+ */
+struct CoverageFormat1 {
+ friend struct Coverage;
+ private:
+ inline unsigned int get_coverage (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
+ GlyphID gid;
+ if (HB_UNLIKELY (glyph_id > 65535))
+ return NOT_COVERED;
+ gid = glyph_id;
+ // TODO: bsearch
+ unsigned int num_glyphs = glyphArray.len;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_glyphs; i++)
+ if (gid == glyphArray[i])
+ return i;
+ return NOT_COVERED;
+ }
+ USHORT coverageFormat; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
+ ArrayOf<GlyphID>
+ glyphArray; /* Array of GlyphIDs--in numerical order */
+ASSERT_SIZE (CoverageFormat1, 4);
+struct CoverageRangeRecord {
+ friend struct CoverageFormat2;
+ private:
+ inline unsigned int get_coverage (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
+ if (glyph_id >= start && glyph_id <= end)
+ return startCoverageIndex + (glyph_id - start);
+ return NOT_COVERED;
+ }
+ private:
+ GlyphID start; /* First GlyphID in the range */
+ GlyphID end; /* Last GlyphID in the range */
+ USHORT startCoverageIndex; /* Coverage Index of first GlyphID in
+ * range */
+ASSERT_SIZE_DATA (CoverageRangeRecord, 6, "\000\001");
+struct CoverageFormat2 {
+ friend struct Coverage;
+ private:
+ inline unsigned int get_coverage (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
+ // TODO: bsearch
+ unsigned int count = rangeRecord.len;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ int coverage = rangeRecord[i].get_coverage (glyph_id);
+ if (coverage >= 0)
+ return coverage;
+ }
+ return NOT_COVERED;
+ }
+ USHORT coverageFormat; /* Format identifier--format = 2 */
+ ArrayOf<CoverageRangeRecord>
+ rangeRecord; /* Array of glyph ranges--ordered by
+ * Start GlyphID. rangeCount entries
+ * long */
+ASSERT_SIZE (CoverageFormat2, 4);
+struct Coverage {
+ unsigned int get_coverage (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1->get_coverage(glyph_id);
+ case 2: return u.format2->get_coverage(glyph_id);
+ default:return NOT_COVERED;
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned int operator() (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
+ return get_coverage (glyph_id);
+ }
+ private:
+ union {
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier */
+ CoverageFormat1 format1[];
+ CoverageFormat2 format2[];
+ } u;
+ASSERT_SIZE (Coverage, 2);
+ * Class Definition Table
+ */
+struct ClassDefFormat1 {
+ friend struct ClassDef;
+ private:
+ inline hb_ot_layout_class_t get_class (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
+ if ((unsigned int) (glyph_id - startGlyph) < classValue.len)
+ return classValue[glyph_id - startGlyph];
+ return 0;
+ }
+ USHORT classFormat; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
+ GlyphID startGlyph; /* First GlyphID of the classValueArray */
+ ArrayOf<USHORT>
+ classValue; /* Array of Class Values--one per GlyphID */
+ASSERT_SIZE (ClassDefFormat1, 6);
+struct ClassRangeRecord {
+ friend struct ClassDefFormat2;
+ private:
+ inline hb_ot_layout_class_t get_class (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
+ if (glyph_id >= start && glyph_id <= end)
+ return classValue;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private:
+ GlyphID start; /* First GlyphID in the range */
+ GlyphID end; /* Last GlyphID in the range */
+ USHORT classValue; /* Applied to all glyphs in the range */
+ASSERT_SIZE_DATA (ClassRangeRecord, 6, "\000\001");
+struct ClassDefFormat2 {
+ friend struct ClassDef;
+ private:
+ inline hb_ot_layout_class_t get_class (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
+ // TODO: bsearch
+ unsigned int count = rangeRecord.len;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ int classValue = rangeRecord[i].get_class (glyph_id);
+ if (classValue > 0)
+ return classValue;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ USHORT classFormat; /* Format identifier--format = 2 */
+ ArrayOf<ClassRangeRecord>
+ rangeRecord; /* Array of glyph ranges--ordered by
+ * Start GlyphID */
+ASSERT_SIZE (ClassDefFormat2, 4);
+struct ClassDef {
+ hb_ot_layout_class_t get_class (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1->get_class(glyph_id);
+ case 2: return u.format2->get_class(glyph_id);
+ default:return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ union {
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier */
+ ClassDefFormat1 format1[];
+ ClassDefFormat2 format2[];
+ } u;
+ASSERT_SIZE (ClassDef, 2);
+ * Device Tables
+ */
+struct Device {
+ int get_delta (int ppem_size) const {
+ if (ppem_size >= startSize && ppem_size <= endSize &&
+ deltaFormat >= 1 && deltaFormat <= 3) {
+ int s = ppem_size - startSize;
+ int f = deltaFormat;
+ uint16_t byte = deltaValue[s >> (4 - f)];
+ uint16_t bits = byte >> (16 - (((s & ((1 << (4 - f)) - 1)) + 1) << f));
+ uint16_t mask = 0xFFFF >> (16 - (1 << f));
+ int delta = bits & mask;
+ if (delta >= ((mask + 1) >> 1))
+ delta -= mask + 1;
+ return delta;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT startSize; /* Smallest size to correct--in ppem */
+ USHORT endSize; /* Largest size to correct--in ppem */
+ USHORT deltaFormat; /* Format of DeltaValue array data: 1, 2, or 3 */
+ USHORT deltaValue[]; /* Array of compressed data */
+ASSERT_SIZE (Device, 6);
diff --git a/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gdef-private.h b/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gdef-private.h
index b0e54c3..8565a48 100644
--- a/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gdef-private.h
+++ b/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gdef-private.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-#include "hb-ot-layout-open-private.h"
+#include "hb-ot-layout-common-private.h"
#define DEFINE_INDIRECT_GLYPH_ARRAY_LOOKUP(Type, array, name) \
@@ -227,4 +227,5 @@ struct GDEF {
diff --git a/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gsub-private.h b/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gsub-private.h
index d09fd76..adb6f2c 100644
--- a/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gsub-private.h
+++ b/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gsub-private.h
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ _hb_buffer_add_output_glyph_ids( HB_Buffer buffer,
HB_UShort component,
HB_UShort ligID );
struct SingleSubstFormat1 {
friend struct SingleSubst;
diff --git a/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gsubgpos-private.h b/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gsubgpos-private.h
index 3741484..befb3ac 100644
--- a/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gsubgpos-private.h
+++ b/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-gsubgpos-private.h
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "hb-ot-layout-gdef-private.h"
#include "harfbuzz-buffer-private.h" /* XXX */
hb_ot_layout_t *layout, \
hb_buffer_t *buffer, \
@@ -363,4 +364,5 @@ struct GSUBGPOS {
diff --git a/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-open-private.h b/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-open-private.h
index c653075..252a45e 100644
--- a/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-open-private.h
+++ b/pango/opentype/hb-ot-layout-open-private.h
@@ -73,23 +73,6 @@
return *(const Type *)((const char*)this + array[i]); \
-/* A record array type is like an array type, but it contains a table
- * of records to the objects. Each record has a tag, and an offset
- * relative to the beginning of the current object. */
-#define DEFINE_RECORD_ARRAY_TYPE(Type, array, num) \
- DEFINE_RECORD_ACCESSOR(Type, array, num) \
- DEFINE_LEN(Record, array, num)
-#define DEFINE_RECORD_ACCESSOR(Type, array, num) \
- inline const Type& operator[] (unsigned int i) const { \
- if (HB_UNLIKELY (i >= num)) return Null(Type); \
- if (HB_UNLIKELY (!array[i].offset)) return Null(Type); \
- return *(const Type *)((const char*)this + array[i].offset); \
- } \
- inline const Tag& get_tag (unsigned int i) const { \
- if (HB_UNLIKELY (i >= num)) return Null(Tag); \
- return array[i].tag; \
- }
#define DEFINE_ARRAY_INTERFACE(Type, name) \
inline const Type& get_##name (unsigned int i) const { \
@@ -208,7 +191,6 @@ struct Null <Type> { \
* Data Types
@@ -518,394 +500,4 @@ struct OpenTypeFontFile {
ASSERT_SIZE (OpenTypeFontFile, 4);
- *
- * OpenType Layout Common Table Formats
- *
- */
- * Script, ScriptList, LangSys, Feature, FeatureList, Lookup, LookupList
- */
-template <typename Type>
-struct Record {
- Tag tag; /* 4-byte Tag identifier */
- OffsetTo<Type>
- offset; /* Offset from beginning of object holding
- * the Record */
-template <typename Type>
-struct RecordListOf : ArrayOf<Record<Type> > {
- inline const Type& operator [] (unsigned int i) const {
- if (HB_UNLIKELY (i >= this->len)) return Null(Type);
- return this+this->array[i].offset;
- }
- inline const Tag& get_tag (unsigned int i) const {
- if (HB_UNLIKELY (i >= this->len)) return Null(Tag);
- return this->array[i].tag;
- }
-struct Script;
-typedef Record<Script> ScriptRecord;
-ASSERT_SIZE (ScriptRecord, 6);
-struct LangSys;
-typedef Record<LangSys> LangSysRecord;
-ASSERT_SIZE (LangSysRecord, 6);
-struct Feature;
-typedef Record<Feature> FeatureRecord;
-ASSERT_SIZE (FeatureRecord, 6);
-struct LangSys {
- inline const unsigned int get_feature_index (unsigned int i) const {
- return featureIndex[i];
- }
- inline unsigned int get_feature_count (void) const {
- return featureIndex.len;
- }
- inline const bool has_required_feature (void) const {
- return reqFeatureIndex != 0xffff;
- }
- /* Returns NO_INDEX if none */
- inline int get_required_feature_index (void) const {
- if (reqFeatureIndex == 0xffff)
- return NO_INDEX;
- return reqFeatureIndex;;
- }
- Offset lookupOrder; /* = Null (reserved for an offset to a
- * reordering table) */
- USHORT reqFeatureIndex;/* Index of a feature required for this
- * language system--if no required features
- * = 0xFFFF */
- ArrayOf<USHORT>
- featureIndex; /* Array of indices into the FeatureList */
-ASSERT_SIZE_DATA (LangSys, 6, "\0\0\xFF\xFF");
-struct Script {
- inline const LangSys& get_lang_sys (unsigned int i) const {
- if (i == NO_INDEX) return get_default_lang_sys ();
- return this+langSys[i].offset;
- }
- inline unsigned int get_lang_sys_count (void) const {
- return langSys.len;
- }
- inline const Tag& get_lang_sys_tag (unsigned int i) const {
- return langSys[i].tag;
- }
- // LONGTERMTODO bsearch
- DEFINE_TAG_FIND_INTERFACE (LangSys, lang_sys); /* find_lang_sys_index (), get_lang_sys_by_tag (tag) */
- inline const bool has_default_lang_sys (void) const {
- return defaultLangSys != 0;
- }
- inline const LangSys& get_default_lang_sys (void) const {
- return this+defaultLangSys;
- }
- private:
- OffsetTo<LangSys>
- defaultLangSys; /* Offset to DefaultLangSys table--from
- * beginning of Script table--may be Null */
- ArrayOf<LangSysRecord>
- langSys; /* Array of LangSysRecords--listed
- * alphabetically by LangSysTag */
-ASSERT_SIZE (Script, 4);
-typedef RecordListOf<Script> ScriptList;
-ASSERT_SIZE (ScriptList, 2);
-struct Feature {
- inline const unsigned int get_lookup_index (unsigned int i) const {
- return lookupIndex[i];
- }
- inline unsigned int get_lookup_count (void) const {
- return lookupIndex.len;
- }
- /* TODO: implement get_feature_parameters() */
- /* TODO: implement FeatureSize and other special features? */
- Offset featureParams; /* Offset to Feature Parameters table (if one
- * has been defined for the feature), relative
- * to the beginning of the Feature Table; = Null
- * if not required */
- ArrayOf<USHORT>
- lookupIndex; /* Array of LookupList indices */
-ASSERT_SIZE (Feature, 4);
-typedef RecordListOf<Feature> FeatureList;
-ASSERT_SIZE (FeatureList, 2);
-struct LookupFlag : USHORT {
- static const unsigned int RightToLeft = 0x0001u;
- static const unsigned int IgnoreBaseGlyphs = 0x0002u;
- static const unsigned int IgnoreLigatures = 0x0004u;
- static const unsigned int IgnoreMarks = 0x0008u;
- static const unsigned int Reserved = 0x00F0u;
- static const unsigned int MarkAttachmentType = 0xFF00u;
-ASSERT_SIZE (LookupFlag, 2);
-struct LookupSubTable {
- private:
- USHORT format; /* Subtable format. Different for GSUB and GPOS */
-ASSERT_SIZE (LookupSubTable, 2);
-struct Lookup {
- inline const LookupSubTable& get_subtable (unsigned int i) const {
- return this+subTable[i];
- }
- inline unsigned int get_subtable_count (void) const {
- return subTable.len;
- }
- inline bool is_right_to_left (void) const { return lookupFlag & LookupFlag::RightToLeft; }
- inline bool ignore_base_glyphs(void) const { return lookupFlag & LookupFlag::IgnoreBaseGlyphs; }
- inline bool ignore_ligatures (void) const { return lookupFlag & LookupFlag::IgnoreLigatures; }
- inline bool ignore_marks (void) const { return lookupFlag & LookupFlag::IgnoreMarks; }
- inline unsigned int get_mark_attachment_type (void) const { return lookupFlag & LookupFlag::MarkAttachmentType; }
- inline unsigned int get_type (void) const { return lookupType; }
- inline unsigned int get_flag (void) const { return lookupFlag; }
- USHORT lookupType; /* Different enumerations for GSUB and GPOS */
- USHORT lookupFlag; /* Lookup qualifiers */
- OffsetArrayOf<LookupSubTable>
- subTable; /* Array of SubTables */
-ASSERT_SIZE (Lookup, 6);
-template <typename Type>
-struct OffsetListOf : OffsetArrayOf<Type> {
- inline const Type& operator [] (unsigned int i) const {
- if (HB_UNLIKELY (i >= this->len)) return Null(Type);
- return this+this->array[i];
- }
-typedef OffsetListOf<Lookup> LookupList;
-ASSERT_SIZE (LookupList, 2);
- * Coverage Table
- */
-struct CoverageFormat1 {
- friend struct Coverage;
- private:
- inline unsigned int get_coverage (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
- GlyphID gid;
- if (HB_UNLIKELY (glyph_id > 65535))
- return NOT_COVERED;
- gid = glyph_id;
- // TODO: bsearch
- unsigned int num_glyphs = glyphArray.len;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_glyphs; i++)
- if (gid == glyphArray[i])
- return i;
- return NOT_COVERED;
- }
- USHORT coverageFormat; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
- ArrayOf<GlyphID>
- glyphArray; /* Array of GlyphIDs--in numerical order */
-ASSERT_SIZE (CoverageFormat1, 4);
-struct CoverageRangeRecord {
- friend struct CoverageFormat2;
- private:
- inline unsigned int get_coverage (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
- if (glyph_id >= start && glyph_id <= end)
- return startCoverageIndex + (glyph_id - start);
- return NOT_COVERED;
- }
- private:
- GlyphID start; /* First GlyphID in the range */
- GlyphID end; /* Last GlyphID in the range */
- USHORT startCoverageIndex; /* Coverage Index of first GlyphID in
- * range */
-ASSERT_SIZE_DATA (CoverageRangeRecord, 6, "\000\001");
-struct CoverageFormat2 {
- friend struct Coverage;
- private:
- inline unsigned int get_coverage (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
- // TODO: bsearch
- unsigned int count = rangeRecord.len;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- int coverage = rangeRecord[i].get_coverage (glyph_id);
- if (coverage >= 0)
- return coverage;
- }
- return NOT_COVERED;
- }
- USHORT coverageFormat; /* Format identifier--format = 2 */
- ArrayOf<CoverageRangeRecord>
- rangeRecord; /* Array of glyph ranges--ordered by
- * Start GlyphID. rangeCount entries
- * long */
-ASSERT_SIZE (CoverageFormat2, 4);
-struct Coverage {
- unsigned int get_coverage (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
- switch (u.format) {
- case 1: return u.format1->get_coverage(glyph_id);
- case 2: return u.format2->get_coverage(glyph_id);
- default:return NOT_COVERED;
- }
- }
- unsigned int operator() (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
- return get_coverage (glyph_id);
- }
- private:
- union {
- USHORT format; /* Format identifier */
- CoverageFormat1 format1[];
- CoverageFormat2 format2[];
- } u;
-ASSERT_SIZE (Coverage, 2);
- * Class Definition Table
- */
-struct ClassDefFormat1 {
- friend struct ClassDef;
- private:
- inline hb_ot_layout_class_t get_class (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
- if ((unsigned int) (glyph_id - startGlyph) < classValue.len)
- return classValue[glyph_id - startGlyph];
- return 0;
- }
- USHORT classFormat; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
- GlyphID startGlyph; /* First GlyphID of the classValueArray */
- ArrayOf<USHORT>
- classValue; /* Array of Class Values--one per GlyphID */
-ASSERT_SIZE (ClassDefFormat1, 6);
-struct ClassRangeRecord {
- friend struct ClassDefFormat2;
- private:
- inline hb_ot_layout_class_t get_class (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
- if (glyph_id >= start && glyph_id <= end)
- return classValue;
- return 0;
- }
- private:
- GlyphID start; /* First GlyphID in the range */
- GlyphID end; /* Last GlyphID in the range */
- USHORT classValue; /* Applied to all glyphs in the range */
-ASSERT_SIZE_DATA (ClassRangeRecord, 6, "\000\001");
-struct ClassDefFormat2 {
- friend struct ClassDef;
- private:
- inline hb_ot_layout_class_t get_class (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
- // TODO: bsearch
- unsigned int count = rangeRecord.len;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- int classValue = rangeRecord[i].get_class (glyph_id);
- if (classValue > 0)
- return classValue;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- USHORT classFormat; /* Format identifier--format = 2 */
- ArrayOf<ClassRangeRecord>
- rangeRecord; /* Array of glyph ranges--ordered by
- * Start GlyphID */
-ASSERT_SIZE (ClassDefFormat2, 4);
-struct ClassDef {
- hb_ot_layout_class_t get_class (hb_codepoint_t glyph_id) const {
- switch (u.format) {
- case 1: return u.format1->get_class(glyph_id);
- case 2: return u.format2->get_class(glyph_id);
- default:return 0;
- }
- }
- private:
- union {
- USHORT format; /* Format identifier */
- ClassDefFormat1 format1[];
- ClassDefFormat2 format2[];
- } u;
-ASSERT_SIZE (ClassDef, 2);
- * Device Tables
- */
-struct Device {
- int get_delta (int ppem_size) const {
- if (ppem_size >= startSize && ppem_size <= endSize &&
- deltaFormat >= 1 && deltaFormat <= 3) {
- int s = ppem_size - startSize;
- int f = deltaFormat;
- uint16_t byte = deltaValue[s >> (4 - f)];
- uint16_t bits = byte >> (16 - (((s & ((1 << (4 - f)) - 1)) + 1) << f));
- uint16_t mask = 0xFFFF >> (16 - (1 << f));
- int delta = bits & mask;
- if (delta >= ((mask + 1) >> 1))
- delta -= mask + 1;
- return delta;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- private:
- USHORT startSize; /* Smallest size to correct--in ppem */
- USHORT endSize; /* Largest size to correct--in ppem */
- USHORT deltaFormat; /* Format of DeltaValue array data: 1, 2, or 3 */
- USHORT deltaValue[]; /* Array of compressed data */
-ASSERT_SIZE (Device, 6);
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