[seed] cairo: Implement more of cairo context

commit fc8594290b523771315bd00f4f30ec7844671843
Author: Robert Carr <racarr svn gnome org>
Date:   Thu May 14 06:08:29 2009 -0400

    cairo: Implement more of cairo context
 modules/cairo/seed-cairo-enums.c |    9 ++-
 modules/cairo/seed-cairo.c       |  151 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/cairo/seed-cairo-enums.c b/modules/cairo/seed-cairo-enums.c
index 614fbe8..e002c8c 100644
--- a/modules/cairo/seed-cairo-enums.c
+++ b/modules/cairo/seed-cairo-enums.c
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ void
 seed_define_cairo_enums (SeedContext ctx,
 			 SeedObject namespace_ref)
-  SeedObject content_holder, format_holder;
+  SeedObject content_holder, format_holder, antialias_holder;
   content_holder = seed_make_object (ctx, NULL, NULL);
   seed_object_set_property (ctx, namespace_ref, "Content", content_holder);
@@ -22,4 +22,11 @@ seed_define_cairo_enums (SeedContext ctx,
   ENUM_MEMBER(format_holder, "RGB23", CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24);
   ENUM_MEMBER(format_holder, "A8", CAIRO_FORMAT_A8);
   ENUM_MEMBER(format_holder, "A1", CAIRO_FORMAT_A1);
+  antialias_holder = seed_make_object (ctx, NULL, NULL);
+  seed_object_set_property (ctx, namespace_ref, "Antialias", antialias_holder);
diff --git a/modules/cairo/seed-cairo.c b/modules/cairo/seed-cairo.c
index c1292b5..b31a23e 100644
--- a/modules/cairo/seed-cairo.c
+++ b/modules/cairo/seed-cairo.c
@@ -200,7 +200,129 @@ seed_cairo_get_group_target (SeedContext ctx,
   return seed_object_from_cairo_surface (ctx, cairo_get_group_target (cr));
+static SeedValue
+seed_cairo_set_source_rgb(SeedContext ctx,
+			  SeedObject function,
+			  SeedObject this_object,
+			  gsize argument_count,
+			  const SeedValue arguments[],
+			  SeedException *exception)
+  gdouble r,g,b;
+  cairo_t *cr;
+  cr = seed_object_get_private (this_object);
+  if (argument_count != 3)
+    {
+      EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("set_source_rgb", "3 arguments");
+    }
+  r = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[0], exception);
+  g = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[1], exception);
+  b = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[2], exception);
+  cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, r, g, b);
+  return seed_make_undefined (ctx);  
+static SeedValue
+seed_cairo_set_source_rgba(SeedContext ctx,
+			   SeedObject function,
+			   SeedObject this_object,
+			   gsize argument_count,
+			   const SeedValue arguments[],
+			   SeedException *exception)
+  gdouble r,g,b,a;
+  cairo_t *cr;
+  cr = seed_object_get_private (this_object);
+  if (argument_count != 4)
+    {
+      EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("set_source_rgba", "4 arguments");
+    }
+  r = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[0], exception);
+  g = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[1], exception);
+  b = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[2], exception);
+  a = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[3], exception);
+  cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, r, g, b, a);
+  return seed_make_undefined (ctx);  
+static SeedValue
+seed_cairo_set_source_surface (SeedContext ctx,
+			       SeedObject function,
+			       SeedObject this_object,
+			       gsize argument_count,
+			       const SeedValue arguments[],
+			       SeedException *exception)
+  gdouble x,y;
+  cairo_surface_t *surface;
+  cairo_t *cr;
+  if (argument_count != 3)
+    {
+      EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("set_source_surface", "3 arguments");
+    }
+  cr = seed_object_get_private (this_object);
+  surface = seed_object_to_cairo_surface (ctx, arguments[0], exception);
+  if (!surface)
+    return seed_make_undefined (ctx);
+  x = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[1], exception);
+  y = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[2], exception);
+  cairo_set_source_surface (cr, surface, x, y);
+  return seed_make_undefined (ctx);
+static SeedValue
+seed_cairo_set_antialias (SeedContext ctx,
+			  SeedObject function,
+			  SeedObject this_object,
+			  gsize argument_count,
+			  const SeedValue arguments[],
+			  SeedException *exception)
+  cairo_t *cr;
+  cairo_antialias_t antialias;
+  if (argument_count != 1)
+    {
+      EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("set_antialias", "1 argument");
+    }
+  cr = seed_object_get_private (this_object);
+  antialias = seed_value_to_long (ctx, arguments[0], exception);
+  cairo_set_antialias (cr, antialias);
+  return seed_make_undefined (ctx);
+static SeedValue
+seed_cairo_get_antialias (SeedContext ctx,
+			  SeedObject function,
+			  SeedObject this_object,
+			  gsize argument_count,
+			  const SeedValue arguments[],
+			  SeedException *exception)
+  cairo_antialias_t antialias;
+  cairo_t *cr;
+  cr = seed_object_get_private (this_object);
+  antialias = cairo_get_antialias (cr);
+  return seed_value_from_long (ctx, antialias, exception);
 seed_static_function cairo_funcs[] = {
   {"save", seed_cairo_save, 0},
   {"restore", seed_cairo_restore, 0},
@@ -210,16 +332,21 @@ seed_static_function cairo_funcs[] = {
   //  {"pop_group", seed_cairo_pop_group, 0},
   {"pop_group_to_source", seed_cairo_pop_group_to_source, 0},
   {"get_group_target", seed_cairo_get_group_target, 0},
+  {"set_source_rgb", seed_cairo_set_source_rgb, 0},
+  {"set_source_rgba", seed_cairo_set_source_rgba, 0},
+  //  {"set_source", seed_cairo_set_source, 0},
+  {"set_source_surface", seed_cairo_set_source_surface, 0},
+//  {"get_source", seed_cairo_get_source, 0},
+  {"set_antialias", seed_cairo_set_antialias, 0},
+  {"get_antialias", seed_cairo_get_antialias, 0},
   {0, 0, 0}
 seed_module_init(SeedEngine * local_eng)
-  SeedClass context_constructor_class;
-  //SeedObject context_constructor_ref;
+  SeedObject context_constructor_ref;
   SeedObject namespace_ref;
-  seed_class_definition context_constructor_class_def = seed_empty_class;
   seed_class_definition cairo_def = seed_empty_class;
   eng = local_eng;
   namespace_ref = seed_make_object (eng->context, NULL, NULL);
@@ -232,19 +359,13 @@ seed_module_init(SeedEngine * local_eng)
   cairo_def.class_name = "CairoContext";
   cairo_def.finalize = seed_cairo_context_finalize;
   seed_cairo_context_class = seed_create_class (&cairo_def);
+// Hack around WebKit GC bug.
+  context_constructor_ref = seed_make_constructor (eng->context,
+						   NULL,
+//				   seed_cairo_context_class,
+						   seed_cairo_construct_context);
-// Hack around WebKit GC bug.m
-//  context_constructor_ref = seed_make_constructor (eng->context,
-//						   seed_cairo_context_class,
-//						   seed_cairo_construct_context);
-  context_constructor_class_def.class_name = "CairoContextConstructor";
-  context_constructor_class_def.call_as_constructor = seed_cairo_construct_context;
-  context_constructor_class = seed_create_class(&context_constructor_class_def);
-  seed_object_set_property (eng->context, namespace_ref, "Context", seed_make_object (eng->context, context_constructor_class, NULL));
-  //  seed_object_set_property (eng->context, namespace_ref, "Context", context_constructor_ref);
+  seed_object_set_property (eng->context, namespace_ref, "Context", context_constructor_ref);
   return namespace_ref;

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