[lasem] [SVG] Add missing namespace in some sample files.

commit fe52ce564aed7ed106d9017e0698c42e19a3f420
Author: Emmanuel Pacaud <emmanuel pacaud lapp in2p3 fr>
Date:   Fri May 8 18:05:01 2009 +0200

    [SVG] Add missing namespace in some sample files.
 test/svg/misc/artwork.svg   |    2 +-
 test/svg/misc/butterfly.svg |    2 --
 test/svg/misc/lion.svg      |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/svg/misc/artwork.svg b/test/svg/misc/artwork.svg
index 9063378..47114b3 100644
--- a/test/svg/misc/artwork.svg
+++ b/test/svg/misc/artwork.svg
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
 <!DOCTYPE svg SYSTEM "svg-19990812.dtd">
 <!-- Generator: Mayura Draw 3.6 -->
-<svg xml:space="preserve" width="728" height="490"
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; xml:space="preserve" width="728" height="490"
diff --git a/test/svg/misc/butterfly.svg b/test/svg/misc/butterfly.svg
index 8a49615..ef6cca7 100644
--- a/test/svg/misc/butterfly.svg
+++ b/test/svg/misc/butterfly.svg
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!-- This is a slightly modified version of a sample that shipped with
-     JASC's WebDraw (www.jasc.com) -->
 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
 	<path style="stroke-width:1;fill:rgb(246,127,0);stroke:none"
 		d="M204.33 139.83 C196.33 133.33 206.68 132.82 206.58 132.58 C192.33 97.08 169.35 81.41 167.58 80.58 C162.12 78.02 159.48 78.26 160.45 76.97 C161.41 75.68 167.72 79.72 168.58 80.33 C193.83 98.33 207.58 132.33 207.58 132.33 C207.58 132.33 209.33 133.33 209.58 132.58 C219.58 103.08 239.58 87.58 246.33 81.33 C253.08 75.08 256.63 74.47 247.33 81.58 C218.58 103.58 210.34 132.23 210.83 132.33 C222.33 134.83 211.33 140.33 211.83 139.83 C214.85 136.81 214.83 145.83 214.83 145.83 C214.83 145.83 231.83 110.83 298.33 66.33 C302.43 63.59 445.83 -14.67 395.83 80.83 C393.24 85.79 375.83 105.83 375.83 105.83 C375.83 105.83 377.33 114.33 371.33 121.33 C370.3 122.53 367.83 134.33 361.83 140.83 C360.14 142.67 361.81 139.25 361.83 140.83 C362.33 170.83 337.76 170.17 339.33 170.33 C348.83 171.33 350.19 183.66 350.33 183.83 C355.83 190.33 353.83 191.83 355.83 194.83 C366.63 211.02 355.24 210.05 356.83 212.83 C360.83 219.83 355.99 222.72 357.33 224.83 C360.83 230.33 354.75 233.84 354.83 235.33 
 C355.33 243.83 349.67 240.73 349.83 244.33 C350.33 255.33 346.33 250.83 343.83 254.83 C336.33 266.83 333.46 262.38 332.83 263.83 C329.83 270.83 325.81 269.15 324.33 270.83 C320.83 274.83 317.33 274.83 315.83 276.33 C308.83 283.33 304.86 278.39 303.83 278.83 C287.83 285.83 280.33 280.17 277.83 280.33 C270.33 280.83 271.48 279.67 269.33 277.83 C237.83 250.83 219.33 211.83 215.83 206.83 C214.4 204.79 211.35 193.12 212.33 195.83 C214.33 201.33 213.33 250.33 207.83 250.33 C202.33 250.33 201.83 204.33 205.33 195.83 C206.43 193.16 204.4 203.72 201.79 206.83 C196.33 213.33 179.5 250.83 147.59 277.83 C145.42 279.67 146.58 280.83 138.98 280.33 C136.46 280.17 128.85 285.83 112.65 278.83 C111.61 278.39 107.58 283.33 100.49 276.33 C98.97 274.83 95.43 274.83 91.88 270.83 C90.39 269.15 86.31 270.83 83.27 263.83 C82.64 262.38 79.73 266.83 72.13 254.83 C69.6 250.83 65.54 255.33 66.05 244.33 C66.22 240.73 60.48 243.83 60.99 235.33 C61.08 233.84 54.91 230.33 58.45 224.83 C59.81 222.72 54.91 21
 9.83 58.96 212.83 C60.57 210.05 49.04 211.02 59.97 194.83 C62 191.83 59.97 190.33 65.54 183.83 C65.69 183.66 67.06 171.33 76.69 170.33 C78.28 170.17 53.39 170.83 53.9 140.83 C53.92 139.25 55.61 142.67 53.9 140.83 C47.82 134.33 45.32 122.53 44.27 121.33 C38.19 114.33 39.71 105.83 39.71 105.83 C39.71 105.83 22.08 85.79 19.46 80.83 C-31.19 -14.67 114.07 63.59 118.22 66.33 C185.58 110.83 202 145.83 202 145.83 C202 145.83 202.36 143.28 203 141.83 C203.64 140.39 204.56 140.02 204.33 139.83 z"/>
diff --git a/test/svg/misc/lion.svg b/test/svg/misc/lion.svg
index cb61180..4bf2a64 100644
--- a/test/svg/misc/lion.svg
+++ b/test/svg/misc/lion.svg
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version = "1.0" standalone = "no"?>
 <!DOCTYPE svg SYSTEM "svg-19990812.dtd">
-<svg width = "242px" height="383px" viewBox="0 0 242 383">
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; width = "242px" height="383px" viewBox="0 0 242 383">
 <title>A cute lion
 <g style = "fill: #f2cc99" > 

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