[lasem] Created tag LASEM_0_1_0

The signed tag 'LASEM_0_1_0' was created.

Tagger: Emmanuel Pacaud <emmanuel pacaud lapp in2p3 fr>
Date: Sun May 3 23:24:50 2009 +0200

    Lasem 0.1.0 release


Emmanuel Pacaud (417):
      Initial import.
      Missing ChangeLog file.
      Rename main file to gmathml-test.
      A bunch of new classes.
      Add implementation of get_node_name and get_node_type for GDomDocument.
      GMathmlView, GMathmlMathElement, GMathmlDocument.
      Add some sample files.
      New module for miscellaneous utilities.
      New class for fraction element.
      Rendering has started.
      Improved renderering, fraction starts to work.
      First pass at mathml implementing attributes.
      Add a tool for entity dictionary code.
      Entity and operator dictionaries.
      Add a simple SAX based loader.
      Use the SAX based loader.
      New samples.
      Implement create_element method.
      Avoid crash on NULL pointers.
      Build SAX loader.
      Add missing libxml requirement.
      Return valid data when operator or entity is not found.
      Unref childs.
      Free data.
      Rearrange code.
      Script element class.
      Color and int attributes. Finalization function.
      Add a bunch of new attributes.
      Radical element class.
      Simple msup sample.
      Add post_new_child and pre_remove_child virtuals. Implement has_child_nodes.
      Add new double and unit attributes.
      Add new elements to creat_element implementation.
      Fix get_node_name signature.
      Add new style attributes.
      New enums for attribute implementation..
      Add length related functions.
      Fix dictionary.
      Implement mn, mi and mtext here.
      Implement msub, msup and msubsup here.
      Initialize style attributes.
      Fix add_to_right.
      Fix get_node_name and get_node_value signature.
      Fix build.
      Remove unused files.
      Some more attributes.
      Partial rework of the attribute code, for futur proper support of CSS.
      More work on attributes. Doesnt' run.
      Add missing const.
      Fix inifinite loop in attribute update and don't try to update
      gmathmlattributes cleanup. Work on length and variant attribute.
      Put style attributes in mstyle.
      Rework attributes one more time. Make update similar to mesure/layout/render.
      A simple msubsup example.
      Use CSS definition for em length, and the librsvg one for ex.
      gmathml_view_get_font_size function.
      Did I understand attribute inheritance, finally ? And the script_level magic ?
      Make the code for script level change a function.
      Provide a default row implementation in GMathmlElement.
      Samples from the mozilla mathml torture test page.
      Fix script_level for mfrac. Implement math element mode attribute.
      Some more attribute work.
      Simple mathsize attribute sample.
      Fix text bounding box calculation.
      Use operator dictionary. Add space attribute and fix named space inheritance.
      These files should not stay blank.
      Fix fraction position, sub/superscript position.
      Rename gmathml-test to gmathmlsvg.
      More samples.
      Add an option to gmathmlsvg for bbox debugging. Compute bbox before creating the SVG surface.
      More unimplemented elements.
      Implement form attribute parsing. Fix length and space parsing.
      Use ink extent for bounding boxes.
      Ugly radical rendering.
      Build shared libraries.
      Add gmathmltest, which renders recursively all the xml presents in a directory.
      Add missing file.
      Readd deleted sample files.
      Reorder sample files.
      Display inline mathml in the generated html. Rename sample files to *.mml.
      Fix rendering of mathml testsuite samples.
      Add samples from the testsuite.
      More samples from the mathml test suite.
      Add deprecated color attribute. Begin to handle font style.
      Fix subscript default position.
      Some work to improve spacing when rendered on a non vector surface.
      Implement correctly (?) the fraction line offset calculation.
      Add some spacing.
      Add missing xmlns attribute.
      Useless font options setting.
      Some incomplete work on the root order.
      New sample files extracted from the mathml test suite.
      [GMathmlTest] Show a title for each subdirectory.
      Some math variant fixes.
      Store token attribute values in GMathmlElement.
      Don't try to store the deprecated attribute values.
      Fix in text measurements. Work on space element. Fractions are broken.
      Remove commented code.
      Don't use view in update method.
      Completely get rid of view parameter in update methods.
      Implement under_over behaviour.
      Minor sample file fix.
      Add table samples.
      Work on table has begun.
      Some more work on table element.
      Honor align attributes.
      Fix center row align.
      Table lines, spacing.
      Add TODO file.
      Add missing xmlns attribute.
      Try to be consistent in the naming of measuremetn functions.
      Fix table frame/lines position and blurriness.
      Add a get_embellished_core method to GMathmlElement.
      Move operator spacing to GMathmlElement.
      Add a bbox argument to the measure method of GMathmlElement.
      New gmathml_element_get_bbox for use in layout methods.
      First stretchy operators...
      Set log domain.
      Add some space around fraction.
      TODO update.
      TODO update.
      Add a is_defined flag to Bboxes.
      Give some informations about gmathmltest and gmathmlsvg applications.
      More files from the mathml testsuite.
      Make mlabeledtr display something. Accept any element as table row child.
      Don't try to use a destroyed object.
      Update copyright date.
      Improve rendering of debug mode.
      README file update.
      Remove extra debugging bbox.
      Add dummy padded element.
      Add dummy error element.
      New sample files from the mathml test suite.
      Add more sample file from the mathml test suite.
      Add mathml xmls attribute to sample mml files.
      Begin a compound glyph table.
      Compactify the glyph table.
      Lame attempt to implement an operator glyph selection table.
      Stretch operator not in the table.
      I guess I should rethink gmathml_view_measure_operator.
      Change some operator properties in the dictionary.
      Another operator measurement implementation iteration.
      Add a more complex sample of stretchy embellished operator.
      Add two new reference images for sum and stretched root.
      New reference images for complex samples.
      configure.ac cleanup.
      Add additional entries for missing operators in mathml specification.
      Correctly declare large_op and accent properties for the operator element.
      Add a large version in the glyph table.
      Remove uneeded semicolon in constant declaration.
      Add a define for the radical utf8 code.
      New generic gmathmlconvert utility.
      Remove gmathmlsvg in bin_PROGRAMS
      Add simple root element sample.
      Use glyphs for the radical symbol rendering.
      Fix minor glitch on radical symbol rendering.
      Fix layout of sqrt in case of inferred row.
      Change d, i, j operator appearance.
      Add dummy fenced element.
      More samples from the mozilla torture tests.
      Two new samples from the gnumerator website.
      Another sample from the gnumerator website.
      Install header files and gmathml.pc
      Make make dist pass.
      Make debugging runtime selectable.
      Improve a bit the rendering of integral symbols.
      README file fix.
      Add the itex2mml 1.3.5 converter sources.
      Add a small COPYING file with the bare minimum.
      Actually build itex2mml.
      Remove useless file.
      Use the libitex2mml library.
      Use itex2mml in gathmlconvert.
      Avoid a cairo error that stops the rendering.
      Typo fix.
      README fix.
      Rename gmathmlconvert to gmathmlrender.
      gmathmlconvert is gmathmlrender now.
      Fix GOptionContext leak.
      Remove commented code.
      Handle path and uri for the input filename.
      Init display_style in the default style.
      Fix fraction line thickness for vector output.
      Fix detection of vector cairo surfaces.
      Add a way to set the pixel per inch resolution.
      Add png to the output formats, with an additional ppi setting.
      Do measurement in vector mode.
      Simplification of top radical bar placement.
      Remove unused code.
      Remove Push/pop element API.
      Group element style in one structure.
      Use GMathmlElementStyle structure in GMathmlView API.
      Add mathfamily attribute support.
      Use defines for the font families.
      Add support for big/small/normal font size.
      Init the font_description object in view init function.
      Don't use a cairo surface for the measurements.
      Remove duplicated code.
      Print the number of processed files and the elapsed time in gmathmltest.
      [itex2mml] Avoid a unused warning.
      Add a fonction that returns current font metrics.
      Add a update_child virtual function to gmathml_element.
      [gmathmltest] Don't stop processing on a file to ignore.
      [gmathmltest] Accept tex file as input.
      [gmathmltest] Add sample tex files.
      [gmathmltest] Add another tex sample file.
      Add display attribute support for <math>
      [gmathmltest] Some tweaks to the script tex test files.
      Another implementation of gmathml_view_get_font_metrics.
      <script> Fix subscript and superscript position.
      [tests] Tex sample tweaks.
      [fraction] No need to store v_space and h_space.
      [script] No need to store h_space and v_space.
      Fix GMATHML_SPACE defines.
      [fraction] Try to keep divisor and dividend aligned.
      [fraction] Make fraction more compact in inline mode.
      [tests] Tex sample tweaks.
      [fraction] Make fraction more compact. Force inline mode for childs.
      [script] Compact layout for inline mode.
      [tests] Tex sample tweaks.
      [inferred row] Add some spacings.
      [underover] Fix display mode for base node and accent computation.
      [underover] Fix debugging output.
      [tests] Tex integral samples.
      [view] Try to handle the update/measure/layout flags correctly.
      [inferred_row] Fix length measurement.
      Add [ and ] glyphs.
      [operator_dictionary] Uninteresting naming fixes.
      [tests] Tex integral sample tweak.
      [operator] Add a dumb way to handle integral symbol slant.
      [script] Move the measure/layout code in a separate file.
      [script] Remove dead code.
      [underover] Handle movable_limits property of embellished operator base.
      [tests] Add an inline version of complex.tex.
      [inferred_row] Fix embellished core finding function.
      [layout] Tweak subscript/superscript position when base is an operator.
      [tests] Some more tex samples.
      [radical] Increase spacing between core and radical sign.
      [underover] Remember display style.
      [tests] Keep mathml files created from tex.
      [fraction] Minor coding style fix.
      [underover] Layout fixes.
      [tests] More tex samples.
      [glyphs] Some more glyphs.
      [glyphs] Add stretchy right arrow.
      Unconstify get_embellished_core return value.
      Install missing header files.
      [document] Rename document_from functions.
      [operator] Incomplete slanted operator implementation.
      [view] Add gmathml_view_set_document.
      [build] Include itex2mml in gmathml library.
      [build] Don't forget gmathml itself in gmathml.pc.
      [view] Require the rendering coordinates.
      Don't crash on empty documents.
      [math_document] Implement gmathml_document_get_math_element.
      Take care to use itex2MML_free_string.
      Doh! Typo fix.
      [tests] Add interresting files from the GtkMathView project.
      [tests] Another tex sample file.
      [glyphs] Add more stretchy glyphs.
      [tests] Fix pt unit in gtkmathview samples.
      [tests] Add reference images.
      [itex2MML] Don't print message to the console.
      [DOM] Track node/element changes.
      [math_element] add gmathml_math_element_set_default_style.
      [mathml_element] Use changed and child_changed virtuals.
      [tests] A color tex sample.
      [view] Fix parameter check.
      [debug] Allow debug messages using GMATHML_DEBUG environment variable.
      [view] Debug message improvments.
      [mathml_element] Fix debugging message.
      [mathml_style] Add accessor to style fields.
      [attributes] Fix the parsing of string attributes.
      [fenced] Add support for open and close.
      [tests] Add mfenced, mphantom, mpadded and menclose sample files.
      Add support for ms element.
      [tests] ms sample files from the mathml test suite.
      [operator] Add missing call to parent update method.
      Add dummy maction element support.
      [view] Don't use pango_font_map_create_context, it's too recent.
      [po] Remove gmathmlconvert.c in POTFILES.
      [itex2mml] Ignore y.tab.c for now.
      [build] Add a version requirement for pango.
      [view] Handle deprecation of pango_cairo_font_map_create_context.
      [build] Add missing header in src/Makefile.am.
      [tests] More sample files from the mathml test suite.
      [tests] ignore some sample files.
      Add empty implementation of malignmark and maligngroup.
      [attributes] Add unsigned int attribute type.
      [table_cell] Handle row_span and column_span attributes.
      [table] Call parent update method.
      [style_element] Handle deprecated fontstyle and fontweight attributes.
      [table] GmathmlElement doesn't define an update method.
      [presentation_token] Handle fontwieght and fontsize attributes.
      [style_element] Handle fontfamily and mathfamily attributes.
      [TODO] update.
      [view] remove the ppi setting.
      [view] Inherit all font options except hint_metrics.
      [view] Fix horizontally stretchable operators.
      [view] Weed CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_NONE for the measurement layout.
      [view] Really fix horizontally stretchable operators measurement.
      [mathml_element] Decreases inferred row item spacing.
      <math> Set font min size to 8 pt instead of 6 pt.
      <mo> Add maxisze and minsize to the attribute list.
      [attributes] Handle infinity for space like attributes.
      <msqrt> Fix script level change and display value for the index child.
      [view] Remove useless gmathml_view_measure_length.
      [gmathmltest] Add a bit of padding around the equation.
      [view] Make background edge sharp.
      [view] Remove useless cairo_move_to.
      Don't handle bearings in inferred rows.
      <table> Fix table line length.
      [view] Kludge for nicer latex like rendering.
      [view] Factorisation of rectangle/line snap to pixel.
      Post release version bump.
      [table] Stretch (embellished) operators in table cell.
      <svg> First elements.
      Move the base attribute code to gdomattributes.[ch]
      Uninterresting format commit.
      [dom_attribute] Rename GDomAttributeValue to
      [dom_attributes] Some more renamings.
      [dom_attribute] Embed finalize function in a GDomAttributeClass
      [dom_attribute] Prepare for attribute stored in a bag.
      [dom_attributes] more attribute bag work.
      Use gdom_attribute_map_duplicate.
      Base class for svg graphic elements.
      Some more SVG classes.
      [svg_attributes] Implement parsing of animated length.
      Uninterresting renaming commit.
      Make GMathmlView a subclass of GDomView. Also make the parser more
      Move the mathml sample files in a mathml directory.
      Rename "samples" directory to "test".
      [SVG] First sample file.
      [SVG] Be able to load a SVG document.
      Backup commit.
      Copyright fix.
      One more step toward path rendering.
      [GSvgView] Begin  to handle the fill and stroke attributes.
      First sample files rendered almost correctly.
      Import SVG 1.1 testsuite SVG files.
      Try to use shave.
      Revert "Try to use shave."
      Autotools fixes.
      [GSvgView] Request an update before measure.
      [GMathmlTest] Use the <object> element instead of inline SVG.
      [SVG] Split test file directory.
      [SVG] Begin to handle viewBox and stroke-width.
      [SVG] Handle transform attribute.
      [SVG] More shape support.
      [GSvgView] Code reorganisation and copyright notices.
      [GSvgView] Add A,a,H,h,V,v support for the d attribute.
      [GSvgView] Bogus support for Q,q,S,s commands.
      [GSvgView] Working smooth_quadratic ?
      [GSvgView] Ll is implied after Mm commands.
      [GSvgAttributes] Fix rgb and #xxx color parsing.
      <rect> Don't render rectangle with null width or height.
      <svg> Default stroke to none.
      [GSvgView] Comment.
      [SVG] Add support for line, polyline and polygon elements.
      <text> Start of text element support.
      <text> Some support for text properties.
      [SVG] More sample files.
      [GSvgGraphic] Fix parsing of inline style properties.
      [SVG] Imconplete element id registry.
      [SVG] Start of <defs> and <use> support.
      Add one more sample file.
      <symbol> New.
      <use> Read the x, y, width and height properties.
      [GDomParser] Fix the mess on append child error.
      <use> Start to display something.
      [SVG] New preliminary code for gradient support.
      [SVG] Move the pservers sample files in their own directory.
      [SVG] 2 more sample files.
      [SVG] Gradient work in progress.
      [SVG] Linear gradient with ObjectBoundingBox.
      <svg:gradient> gradientUnits support.
      <svg:gradient> spreadMethod and gradientTransform support.
      <stop> Convert stop-color and stop-opacity to properties.
      <pattern> Beginning of pattern support.
      Rename GMathml to Lasem.
      Fix compilation after rename. Rename LsmDomDebug to LsmDebug.
      Fix naming in lasemtest.
      [SVG] Add rotation center support for the rotate property.
      <pattern> At least render something.
      [SVG] Add some reference images.
      [SVG] currentColor support. Stop opacity inherit support. Stop ordering.
      [SVG] Some more reference images.
      [SVG] stroke-linejoin, stroke-linecap, stroke-miterlimit, fill-rule support.
      <svg:text> Fix text content.
      Quick hack for SVG rendering using lasemrender
      Fix renaming in lasem.pc.in
      Fix LSM_FOO_IS and LSM_FOO_TYPE.
      Uninterresting format commit.
      [DOM] Fix a warning message in the parser.
      [Mathml] Make sure new_from_itex return a valid mathml document.
      README update.
      Add doap file.
      Add MAINTAINERS file.
      Fix the homepage in the doap file.
      [DomParser] Allow nested SVG document.
      [Tests] Another test file.
      [SVG] One more sample file.
      Fix email url in the doap file.
      [SVG] Support of the group opacity property.
      [DOM] Memory leak fix.
      [SVG] stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset support.
      [SVG] Remove debugging output.

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