dia r4347 - in trunk: . plug-ins/python
- From: hans svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: dia r4347 - in trunk: . plug-ins/python
- Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 11:23:45 +0000 (UTC)
Author: hans
Date: Fri Mar 27 11:23:45 2009
New Revision: 4347
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/dia?rev=4347&view=rev
2009-03-27 Hans Breuer <hans breuer org>
* plug-ins/python/dot2dia.py plug-ins/python/Makefile.am : initial
version of dot (http://www.graphviz.org) import for Dia
trunk/plug-ins/python/dot2dia.py (contents, props changed)
Modified: trunk/plug-ins/python/Makefile.am
--- trunk/plug-ins/python/Makefile.am (original)
+++ trunk/plug-ins/python/Makefile.am Fri Mar 27 11:23:45 2009
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
bbox.py \
diastddia.py \
debug_objects.py \
+ dot2dia.py \
export-object.py \
export-render.py \
Added: trunk/plug-ins/python/dot2dia.py
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plug-ins/python/dot2dia.py Fri Mar 27 11:23:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# PyDia DOT Import
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Hans Breuer <hans breuer org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# translate dot ( http://www.graphviz.org/ ) to Dia format
+import re, string, sys
+# FIXME: keywords are case indepentend
+keywords = ['node', 'edge', 'graph', 'digraph', 'strict']
+# starts with either a keyword or a node name in quotes.
+# BEWARE: (?<-> ) - negative lookbehind to not find nodes a second time in connection definition (and misinterpret the params)
+rDecl = re.compile(r'\s*(?<!-> )(?P<cmd>(?:' + string.join(keywords, ')|(?:') + ')|(?:"[^"]+"))\s+\[(?P<dict>[^\]]+)\];', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
+# for the moment it is assumed that all node names are in quotes
+rEdge = re.compile(r'\s*"(?P<n1>[^"]+)"\s*->\s*"(?P<n2>[^"]+)"\s+\[(?P<dict>[^\]]+)\];*', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
+# a list of key=value
+rParam = re.compile(r'(?P<key>\w+)\s*=(?P<val>(\w+)|("[^"]+")),?\s*', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
+# units in dot are either points or inch
+cmInch = 2.54
+cmPoints = cmInch/72.0
+# dot y up, dia y down
+def StripQuotes(s) :
+ "strip quotes if any"
+ if s[0] == '"' :
+ s = s[1:-1]
+ return s
+def DictFromString (s) :
+ #print "KVs", s
+ d = {}
+ for m in rParam.finditer (s) :
+ if m :
+ d[m.group ("key")] = StripQuotes(m.group ("val"))
+ return d
+class Object :
+ """ will end as a Dia Object """
+ def __init__ (self, typename, parms) :
+ self.typename = typename
+ self.parms = parms
+ def FontSize (self) :
+ try :
+ return float(self.parms['fontsize']) * cmPoints
+ except :
+ return 0.6
+class Node(Object) :
+ def __init__ (self, name, parms) :
+ Object.__init__(self, "Standard - Ellipse", parms)
+ self.name = name
+ def Pos(self) :
+ 'deliver scaled X,Y coordinate'
+ x, y = 0.0, 0.0
+ try :
+ xy = string.split(self.parms['pos'], ',')
+ x = float(xy[0]) * cmPoints
+ y = float(xy[1]) * cmPoints
+ except :
+ print "No position on '%s'" % (self.name,)
+ return x,-y
+ def Size(self) :
+ 'deliver scaled W,H coordinate'
+ w, h = 0.5, 0.5
+ try :
+ w = float(self.parms['width']) * cmInch #? maybe this is relative to the font size?
+ h = float(self.parms['height']) * cmInch
+ except :
+ print "No size on '%s'" % (self.name,)
+ return w,h
+class Edge(Object) :
+ def __init__ (self, src, dest, parms) :
+ Object.__init__(self, "Standard - BezierLine", parms)
+ self.src = src
+ self.dest = dest
+ def LabelPos (self) :
+ x, y = 0.0, 0.0
+ try :
+ xy = string.split(self.parms['lp'], ',')
+ x = float(xy[0]) * cmPoints
+ y = float(xy[1]) * cmPoints
+ except :
+ if self.parms.has_key('label') :
+ # should be optional otherwise
+ print "No label pos on %s" % (self.src + '->' + self.dest,)
+ return x, -y
+ def Pos (self) :
+ # no need to do something smart, it get adjusted anyway
+ return 0.0, 0.0
+ def SetPoints (self, diaobj) :
+ 'the property to set must match the type'
+ pts = []
+ if self.parms.has_key('pos') :
+ s = self.parms['pos']
+ if s[:2] == 'e,' :
+ sp = string.split(s[2:], " ")
+ # apparently the first point is the end? just put it there!
+ sp.append(sp[-1])
+ del sp[0]
+ bp = []
+ for i in range(0, len(sp)) :
+ xy = string.split(sp[i], ",")
+ try :
+ x = float(xy[0]) * cmPoints
+ y = float(xy[1]) * (-cmPoints)
+ except ValueError :
+ print xy
+ continue
+ bp.append((x,y))
+ # must convert to _one_ tuple
+ if i == 0 : # first must be move to
+ pts.append ((0, bp[0][0], bp[0][1]))
+ bp = [] # reset to new point
+ elif len(bp) == 3 : # rest is curveto ==2
+ pts.append ((2, bp[0][0], bp[0][1], bp[1][0], bp[1][1], bp[2][0], bp[2][1]))
+ bp = [] # reset
+ if len(bp) > 0 :
+ print len(bp), "bezier points left!"
+ if len(pts) > 1 :
+ diaobj.properties['bez_points'] = pts
+ else :
+ print "BezPoints", pts
+def MergeParms (d, extra) :
+ for k in extra.keys() :
+ if not d.has_key(k) :
+ d[k] = extra[k]
+def Parse(sFile) :
+ f = open(sFile, 'r')
+ s = f.read()
+ extra = {}
+ nodes = {}
+ edges = []
+ if 0 : # debug regex
+ dbg = rDecl.findall(s)
+ for db in dbg :
+ print db
+ for m in rDecl.finditer(s) :
+ if m :
+ name = StripQuotes(m.group("cmd"))
+ if name in keywords :
+ if extra.has_key(name) :
+ MergeParms(extra[name], DictFromString(m.group("dict")))
+ else :
+ extra[name] = DictFromString(m.group("dict"))
+ else : # must be a node
+ n = Node(name, DictFromString(m.group("dict")))
+ if extra.has_key('node') :
+ MergeParms(n.parms, extra['node'])
+ nodes[name] = n
+ for m in rEdge.finditer(s) :
+ if m :
+ # the names given are not necessarily registered as nodes already
+ defparams = {}
+ if extra.has_key('node') :
+ defparams = extra['node']
+ for k in ["n1", "n2"] :
+ name = StripQuotes(m.group(k))
+ if nodes.has_key(name) :
+ pass # defparms should be set above
+ else :
+ nodes[name] = Node(name, defparams)
+ # remember connection
+ edges.append(Edge(StripQuotes(m.group("n1")), StripQuotes(m.group("n2")), DictFromString(m.group("dict"))))
+ return [nodes, edges]
+def AddLabel (layer, pos, label, fontsize, center=0) :
+ """ create a Text object an put it into the layer """
+ textType = dia.get_object_type("Standard - Text")
+ obj, h1, h2 = textType.create(pos[0], pos[1])
+ #TODO: transfer font-size
+ obj.properties["text"] = label
+ obj.properties["text_height"] = fontsize
+ if center :
+ obj.properties["text_alignment"] = 1
+ obj.properties["text_vert_alignment"] = 2
+ layer.add_object(obj)
+def ImportFile (sFile, diagramData) :
+ """ read the dot file and create diagram objects """
+ nodes, edges = Parse(sFile)
+ layer = diagramData.active_layer # can do better, e.g. layer per graph
+ for key in nodes.keys() :
+ n = nodes[key]
+ nodeType = dia.get_object_type(n.typename) # could be optimized out of loop
+ x, y = n.Pos()
+ w, h = n.Size()
+ obj, h1, h2 = nodeType.create(x-w/2, y-h/2) # Dot pos is center, Dia (usually) uses top/left
+ obj.move_handle(h2, (x+w/2, y+h/2), 0, 0) # resize the object
+ if n.parms.has_key('fillcolor') :
+ obj.properties['fill_colour'] = n.parms['fillcolor'] # same color syntax
+ layer.add_object(obj)
+ AddLabel (layer, (x,y), n.name, n.FontSize(), 1)
+ obj.properties['meta'] = n.parms # copy all (remaining) parameters
+ # after creation replace the node with the object (needed to connect them)
+ nodes[key] = obj
+ for e in edges :
+ edgeType = dia.get_object_type(e.typename) # could be optimized out of loop
+ x, y = e.Pos() # just to have a start
+ con, h1, h2 = edgeType.create(x,y)
+ e.SetPoints(con)
+ if e.parms.has_key('style') : # set line style
+ con.properties['line_style'] = (4, 0.5) #FIXME: hard-coded dotted
+ if e.parms.has_key('weight') :
+ con.properties['line_width'] = float(e.parms['weight']) / 10.0 # arbitray anyway
+ layer.add_object(con)
+ if nodes.has_key(e.src) :
+ h = con.handles[0]
+ obj = nodes[e.src]
+ # by moving to the cp position first, the connection's points get recalculated
+ pos = obj.connections[8].pos
+ con.move_handle(h, pos, 0, 0)
+ h.connect(obj.connections[8]) # connect to mid-point
+ if nodes.has_key(e.dest) :
+ h = con.handles[-1]
+ obj = nodes[e.dest]
+ pos = obj.connections[8].pos
+ con.move_handle(h, pos, 0, 0)
+ h.connect (obj.connections[8]) # connect to mid-point
+ if e.parms.has_key('label') :
+ AddLabel (layer, e.LabelPos(), e.parms['label'], e.FontSize())
+ diagram = None # FIXME: get it
+ if diagram :
+ for n, o in nodes.iteritems() :
+ diagram.update_connections(o)
+ diagram.update_extents()
+ return diagramData
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # just testing at the moment
+ nodes, edges = Parse(sys.argv[1])
+ for k, n in nodes.iteritems() :
+ print "Name:", n.name, "Pos:", n.Pos(), "WxH:", n.Size()
+ for e in edges :
+ print e.src, "->", e.dest, e.LabelPos(), e.parms
+else :
+ # run as a Dia plug-in
+ import dia
+ dia.register_import ("Graphviz Dot", "dot", ImportFile)
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