[orca/570658] Work on Gecko braille generator for links and images

commit bac7c4a51165f05daffc33a3fc6ecd96c8faaea6
Author: Willie Walker <william walker sun com>
Date:   Tue Jun 30 13:53:23 2009 -0400

    Work on Gecko braille generator for links and images
    All the bug_*.py tests run well with this latest set of changes.

 .../scripts/toolkits/Gecko/braille_generator.py    |   88 +++++---------------
 src/orca/scripts/toolkits/Gecko/formatting.py      |   19 ++++-
 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/orca/scripts/toolkits/Gecko/braille_generator.py b/src/orca/scripts/toolkits/Gecko/braille_generator.py
index e777f20..23efcaa 100644
--- a/src/orca/scripts/toolkits/Gecko/braille_generator.py
+++ b/src/orca/scripts/toolkits/Gecko/braille_generator.py
@@ -50,73 +50,26 @@ class BrailleGenerator(braille_generator.BrailleGenerator):
     def __init__(self, script):
         braille_generator.BrailleGenerator.__init__(self, script)
+    def _generateImageLink(self, obj, **args):
+        """Returns the link (if any) for this image.
+        """
+        imageLink = None
+        role = args.get('role', obj.getRole())
+        if role == pyatspi.ROLE_IMAGE:
+            imageLink = self._script.getAncestor(obj,
+                                                 [pyatspi.ROLE_LINK],
+                                                 [pyatspi.ROLE_DOCUMENT_FRAME])
+        return imageLink
     def _generateRoleName(self, obj, **args):
         """Prevents some roles from being spoken."""
         result = []
         role = args.get('role', obj.getRole())
-        force = args.get('force', False)
-        # Saying "menu item" for a combo box can confuse users. Therefore,
-        # speak the combo box role instead.  Also, only do it if the menu
-        # item is not focused (if the menu item is focused, it means we're
-        # navigating in the combo box)
-        #
-        if not obj.getState().contains(pyatspi.STATE_FOCUSED):
-            comboBox = self._script.getAncestor(obj,
-                                                [pyatspi.ROLE_COMBO_BOX],
-                                                [pyatspi.ROLE_DOCUMENT_FRAME])
-            if comboBox:
-                return self._generateRoleName(comboBox, **args)
-        if not force:
-            doNotSpeak = [pyatspi.ROLE_FORM,
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_LABEL,
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_MENU_ITEM,
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_SECTION,
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_UNKNOWN]
-        else:
-            # We never ever want to speak 'unknown'
-            #
-            doNotSpeak = [pyatspi.ROLE_UNKNOWN]
-        if not force and self._script.inDocumentContent(obj):
-            doNotSpeak.append(pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE_CELL)
-            if not self._script.isAriaWidget(obj) \
-               and args.get('formatType', 'unfocused') != 'basicWhereAmI':
-                doNotSpeak.append(pyatspi.ROLE_LIST_ITEM)
-                doNotSpeak.append(pyatspi.ROLE_LIST)
-        if not (role in doNotSpeak):
-            if role == pyatspi.ROLE_IMAGE:
-                link = self._script.getAncestor(obj,
-                                                [pyatspi.ROLE_LINK],
-                                                [pyatspi.ROLE_DOCUMENT_FRAME])
-                if link:
-                    result.append(rolenames.getBrailleForRoleName(link))
-            if role == pyatspi.ROLE_HEADING:
-                level = self._script.getHeadingLevel(obj)
-                if level:
-                    # Translators: the %(level)d is in reference to a heading
-                    # level in HTML (e.g., For <h3>, the level is 3)
-                    # and the %(role)s is in reference to a previously
-                    # translated rolename for the heading.
-                    #
-                    result.append(_("%(role)s level %(level)d") % {
-                        'role': rolenames.getBrailleForRoleName(obj, role),
-                        'level': level})
-                else:
-                    result.append(rolenames.getBrailleForRoleName(obj, role))
-            else:
-                result.append(rolenames.getBrailleForRoleName(obj, role))
-            if role == pyatspi.ROLE_LINK \
-               and obj.childCount and obj[0].getRole() == pyatspi.ROLE_IMAGE:
-                # If this is a link with a child which is an image, we
-                # want to indicate that.
-                #
-                result.append(rolenames.getBrailleForRoleName(obj[0]))
+        if not obj.getRole() in [pyatspi.ROLE_SECTION,
+                                 pyatspi.ROLE_FORM,
+                                 pyatspi.ROLE_UNKNOWN]:
+            result.extend(braille_generator.BrailleGenerator._generateRoleName(
+                self, obj, **args))
         return result
@@ -165,9 +118,7 @@ class BrailleGenerator(braille_generator.BrailleGenerator):
         if role == pyatspi.ROLE_LINK:
             link = obj
         elif role == pyatspi.ROLE_IMAGE and not result:
-            link = self._script.getAncestor(obj,
-                                            [pyatspi.ROLE_LINK],
-                                            [pyatspi.ROLE_DOCUMENT_FRAME])
+            link = self._generateImageLink(obj, **args)
         if link and (not result or len(result[0].strip()) == 0):
             # If there's no text for the link, expose part of the
             # URI to the user.
@@ -481,6 +432,11 @@ class BrailleGenerator(braille_generator.BrailleGenerator):
 #        return [regions, textRegion]
+# WDW - I *tried* to do up to here.
 #    def _getBrailleRegionsForComboBox(self, obj):
 #        """Get the braille for a combo box.  If the combo box already has
 #        focus, then only the selection is displayed.
diff --git a/src/orca/scripts/toolkits/Gecko/formatting.py b/src/orca/scripts/toolkits/Gecko/formatting.py
index 9d3c15b..b57466f 100644
--- a/src/orca/scripts/toolkits/Gecko/formatting.py
+++ b/src/orca/scripts/toolkits/Gecko/formatting.py
@@ -33,6 +33,13 @@ import orca.formatting
 # pylint: disable-msg=C0301
+#                                                                      #
+# Formatting for things that are not ARIA widgets.  For things that    #
+# are ARIA widgets, we use the default formatting (see the             #
+# getFormat method).                                                   #
+#                                                                      #
 formatting = {
     'speech': {
         'suffix': {
@@ -88,12 +95,20 @@ formatting = {
             'focused':   '[Component(obj, asString(roleName))]',
             'unfocused': '[Component(obj, asString(roleName))]'
+        pyatspi.ROLE_IMAGE: {
+            'focused':   '(imageLink\
+                           and [Link(obj, asString(((label + displayedText) or name) + value + roleName))]\
+                           or [Component(obj, asString(((label + displayedText) or name) + value + roleName))])',
+            'unfocused': '(imageLink\
+                           and [Link(obj, asString(((label + displayedText) or name) + value + roleName))]\
+                           or [Component(obj, asString(((label + displayedText) or name) + value + roleName))])'
+        },
         # [[[TODO: WDW - yikes!  We need more parameters to send to
         # the Link constructor.]]]
         pyatspi.ROLE_LINK: {
-            'focused':   '[Link(obj, asString(displayedText))]',
-            'unfocused': '[Link(obj, asString(displayedText))]'
+            'focused':   '[Link(obj, asString(currentLineText))]',
+            'unfocused': '[Link(obj, asString(currentLineText))]'

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